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Prenatal olfactory learning has been demonstrated in a wide variety of animals, where it affects development and behaviour. Young ants learn the chemical signature of their colony. This cue-learning process allows the formation of a template used for nest-mate recognition in order to distinguish alien individuals from nest-mates, thus ensuring that cooperation is directed towards group members and aliens are kept outside the colony. To date, no study has investigated the possible effect of cue learning during early developmental stages on adult nest-mate recognition. Here, we show that odour familiarization during preimaginal life affects recognition abilities of adult Aphaenogaster senilis ants, particularly when the familiarization process occurs during the first larval stages. Ants eclosed from larvae exposed to the odour of an adoptive colony showed reduced aggression towards familiar, adoptive individuals belonging to this colony compared with alien individuals (true unfamiliar), but they remained non-aggressive towards adult individuals of their natal colony. Moreover, we found that the chemical similarity between the colony of origin and the adoptive colony does not influence the degree of aggression, meaning that the observed effect is likely to be due only to preimaginal learning experience. These results help understanding the developmental processes underlying efficient recognition systems.  相似文献   

Two models have been proposed for the transfer of genetically determined colony odour pheromones in social insects. The ‘Gestalt’ model suggests a complete transfer of pheromones amongst all nestmates whereas the ‘Individualistic’ model suggests no significant odour transfer with nestmates bearing individually distinct odours. In experiments with the ant Rhytidoponera confusa, colonies showed significantly more aggression (12% aggression) towards nestmates that had been kept in cages with non-nestmates than they did to nestmate controls (0% aggression). Colonies also showed significantly less aggression against non-nestmates that had been kept with nestmates in a separate cage (84% aggression) than they did to non-nestmate controls (100% aggression). A second experiment indicated that workers can absorb colony-specific odours from the nest materials of other colonies. However, whilst both experiments indicated a partial Gestalt component to the colony odour (ca. 28%), the Individualistic component seemed to be more important (ca. 72%).  相似文献   

Animals in social groups need to differentiate between group members and others. In very large groups, such as those formed by many ant species, it is not possible to rely on individually specific cues to identify colonymates. Instead, recognition must be based on the colony-specific cues. Individual ant colonies tend to have a specific chemical gestalt that is maintained by the continual exchange of chemicals between workers. In very large polydomous colonies, the exchange of chemicals may be limited between nests within the colony, resulting in inter-nest variation in colony odour that might hinder identification of colonymates or conspecific intruders. We used near-infrared spectroscopy to explore variation in the chemical profile between and within colonies of the weaver ant Oecophylla smaragdina. We found that differences between colonies were reflected in the position, amplitude and width of spectral peaks, while differences between nests within colonies were reflected mainly in amplitude. Furthermore, in the context of colonymate recognition, the behaviour of the ants themselves was positively correlated with colony-specific spectral characteristics, rather than with nest-specific characteristics. Thus, colony spectra have features that are not obscured by intra-colonial variation and may potentially encode the chemical characteristics used by workers to identify colonymates.  相似文献   

We investigated the relative contribution of the queen and workers to colony nestmate recognition cues and on colony insularity in the Carpenter ant Camponotus fellah. Workers were either individually isolated, preventing contact with both queen and workers (colonial deprived, CD), kept in queenless groups, allowing only worker-worker interactions (queen deprived, QD) or in queenright (QR) groups. Two weeks post-separation QD and QR workers were amicable towards each other but both rejected their CD nestmates, which suggests that the queen does not measurably influence the colony recognition cues. By contrast, aggression between QD and QR workers from the same original colony was apparent only after six months of separation. This clearly demonstrates the power of the Gestalt and indicates that the queen is not a dominant contributor to the nestmate recognition cues in this species. Aggression between nestmates was correlated with a greater hydrocarbon (HC) profile divergence for CD than for QD and QR workers, supporting the importance of worker-worker interactions in maintaining the colony Gestalt odour. While the queen does not significantly influence nestmate recognition cues, she does influence colony insularity since within 3 days QD (queenless for six months) workers from different colony origins merged to form a single queenless colony. By contrast, the corresponding QR colonies maintained their territoriality and did not merge. The originally divergent cuticular and postpharyngeal gland HC profiles became congruent following the merger. Therefore, while workers supply and blend the recognition signal, the queen affects worker-worker interaction by reducing social motivation and tolerance of alien conspecifics.  相似文献   

Parasites can induce alterations in host phenotypes in order to enhance their own survival and transmission. Parasites of social insects might not only benefit from altering their individual hosts, but also from inducing changes in uninfected group members. Temnothorax nylanderi ant workers infected with the tapeworm Anomotaenia brevis are known to be chemically distinct from nest-mates and do not contribute to colony fitness, but are tolerated in their colonies and well cared for. Here, we investigated how tapeworm- infected workers affect colony aggression by manipulating their presence in ant colonies and analysing whether their absence or presence resulted in behavioural alterations in their nest-mates. We report a parasite-induced shift in colony aggression, shown by lower aggression of uninfected nest-mates from parasitized colonies towards conspecifics, potentially explaining the tolerance towards infected ants. We also demonstrate that tapeworm-infected workers showed a reduced flight response and higher survival, while their presence caused a decrease in survival of uninfected nest-mates. This anomalous behaviour of infected ants, coupled with their increased survival, could facilitate the parasites'' transmission to its definitive hosts, woodpeckers. We conclude that parasites exploiting individuals that are part of a society not only induce phenotypic changes within their individual hosts, but in uninfected group members as well.  相似文献   

Summary Social isolation provides a useful tool to study nestmate recognition in ants. In Camponotus fellah, reintroduction of 10-day isolated (IS) workers to their colony resulted in intensive trophallaxis and grooming, while longer isolation periods generally provoked rejection of the IS ants. In the first experiment the behaviour of queenless (QL) and queenright (QR) workers towards 10-day IS workers was tested. Trophallaxis of QL or QR with IS workers was of similar magnitude, but was significantly higher than that among the QL or QR, or that between QL and QR workers. Allogrooming was mostly initiated by the resident non-isolated ants (QL or QR) possibly because they detected a slight mismatch between the IS ants odour and their own template, which represents the group odour. It appears that the presence/absence of the queen did not affect nestmate recognition cues of workers.The second experiment demonstrated that 20-day IS workers were strongly aggressed by colony guards, irrespective of whether they were QL or QR. However, if they were permitted to exchange trophallaxis and grooming with 5 young nestmates (companion ants) for 5 days before reintroduction to their colony, aggression was greatly reduced, irrespective of the origin of the companion ants (QR or QL). Chemical analysis showed a significant divergence between the hydrocarbon profiles of IS and both QL and QR groups, but a prior contact of the IS workers with companion ants resulted in re-convergence of their profile with that of the colony. These results demonstrate that nestmate recognition cues are exchanged between workers via trophallaxis and grooming and that they are not dominated by queen cues, two conditions that fulfil Gestalt nestmate recognition signals requirements.Received 26 February 2003; revised 24 July 2003; accepted 1 August 2003.  相似文献   

Intraspecific aggression is rare within introduced populations of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile, and colonies exhibit a structure known as unicoloniality, in which aggression among nests is atypical. We document a similar form of colony structure in an introduced population of Argentine ants in Victoria, Australia, in which aggression is extremely rare among nests ranging over hundreds of kilometres. However, using a highly sensitive behavioural bioassay we found that workers display subtle differences in their behaviour towards non-nestmates and nestmates. In particular, non-nestmates consistently engage in antennating behaviour with greater frequency than nestmates, perhaps providing a mechanism for homogenization of nest odour. Further, we found that non-nestmates at seaport sites (where populations may derive from multiple introductions) antennate each other with greater frequency than their counterparts from non-seaport sites. These data suggest that the Victorian population of L. humile may comprise multiple independent introductions. Received 4 July 2007; revised 15 January and 4 March 2008; accepted 4 March 2008.  相似文献   

In this study I examined how the paper wasp, Polistes fuscatus, defends a colony when faced with a vertebrate attack. I looked for a division of labour in defensive behaviour within a colony and examined whether this behaviour changes over the colony cycle. The colonies were presented with a model of an adult red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus, and a speaker that vibrated the comb. There was a pronounced division of labour in the defence against vertebrate predators within a colony. The queen was consistently the most aggressive individual in the colony. The subordinate foundresses and workers both became more aggressive towards a vertebrate predator as they aged. Gynes and males did not participate in colony defence. The level of aggression in colony members of P. fuscatus appears to be related to the reproductive investment of the colony. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of genetic and environmental components to the colony-specific recognition odour was assessed for the ant Rhytidoponera confusa, using an aggression assay. Colonies maintained in the laboratory for 6 months were significantly less aggressive to each other than they were to colonies that had been collected from the field within the previous 48 h. Colonies tested 12–24 h after collection from the field showed significantly more aggression against laboratory ants than did the same colonies after they had been kept in the laboratory for 4–5 weeks. Both results indicate that environmental odours can contribute to the colony odour. Nestmates supplied with different diets and nest materials for 4–5 weeks were attacked more than the controls. Though slight, the increase in aggression was significant. This suggests that environmental odours, though significant when odour differences are extreme enough, may nevertheless be less important than genetic odours in nature. This and other studies suggest this pattern may be common in social insects generally.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that altruism is only evolutionarily stable if it is preferentially directed towards relatives, so that any such behaviour towards seemingly unrelated individuals requires scrutiny. Queenless army ant colonies, which have anecdotally been reported to fuse with queenright foreign colonies, are such an enigmatic case. Here we combine experimental queen removal with population genetics and cuticular chemistry analyses to show that colonies of the African army ant Dorylus molestus frequently merge with neighbouring colonies after queen loss. Merging colonies often have no direct co-ancestry, but are on average probably distantly related because of overall population viscosity. The alternative of male production by orphaned workers appears to be so inefficient that residual inclusive fitness of orphaned workers might be maximized by indiscriminately merging with neighbouring colonies to increase their reproductive success. We show that worker chemical recognition profiles remain similar after queen loss, but rapidly change into a mixed colony Gestalt odour after fusion, consistent with indiscriminate acceptance of alien workers that are no longer aggressive. We hypothesize that colony fusion after queen loss might be more widespread, especially in spatially structured populations of social insects where worker reproduction is not profitable.  相似文献   

The ability of social insects to differentiate between colony members and others is essential for the survival of the colony. It enables individuals to direct altruistic behavior towards colony mates, while protecting the colony from intruders. Colonies have a distinct chemical signature that facilitates colony-mate recognition. However, in large polydomous colonies, this signal is likely to be modified by factors unique to each nest. We demonstrate, using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), that individual weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina, can be differentiated with respect to their colony and nest of origin. 76.5% of individuals from four colonies could be correctly assigned to their colony of origin; and 79.6% of individuals could be assigned to the correct nest (of two) within their colony. Despite the differences between nests within colonies, in most cases individuals from one nest were more similar to individuals from the other nest within the colony than they were to individuals from any nest outside the colony. Therefore, a distinctive colony identity is maintained despite differences between nests within colonies. We discuss the advantages of using NIRS as a faster and less expensive alternative to the analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons following extraction and identification with gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Received 26 November 2007; revised 22 January 2008; accepted 25 January 2008.  相似文献   

Individual recognition is an essential component of interactions in many social systems, but insects are often thought incapable of the sophistication necessary to recognize individuals. If this were true, it would impose limits on the societies that insects could form. For example, queens and workers of the paper wasp Polistes fuscatus form a linear dominance hierarchy that determines how food, work and reproduction are divided within the colony. Such a stable hierarchy would be facilitated if individuals of different ranks have some degree of recognition. P. fuscatus wasps have, to our knowledge, previously undocumented variability in their yellow facial and abdominal markings that are intriguing candidates for signals of individual identity. Here, I describe these highly variable markings and experimentally test whether P. fuscatus queens and workers use these markings to identify individual nest-mates visually. I demonstrate that individuals whose yellow markings are experimentally altered with paint receive more aggression than control wasps who are painted in a way that does not alter their markings. Further, aggression declines towards wasps with experimentally altered markings as these novel markings become familiar to their nestmates. This evidence for individual recognition in P. fuscatus indicates that interactions between insects may be even more complex than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory predicts that, other things equal, individuals within social groups should direct altruistic behaviour towards their most highly related group‐mates to maximise indirect fitness benefits. In the social insects, most previous studies have shown that within‐colony kin discrimination (nepotism) is absent or weak. However, the number of studies that have investigated within‐colony kin discrimination at the level of individual behaviour remains relatively small. We tested for within‐colony kin discrimination in the facultatively multiple‐queen (polygynous) ant, Leptothorax acervorum. Specifically, we tested whether workers within polygynous colonies treated queens differently as a function of their relatedness to them. Colonies containing two egg‐laying queens were filmed to measure the rate at which individually marked workers antennated and groomed or fed each queen. Relatedness between individual queens and workers was calculated from their genotypes at four microsatellite loci. The results showed there were no differences in the rates at which workers antennated or groomed/fed their more related queen and their less related queen. Workers interacted preferentially with their potential mother queen with respect to grooming/feeding but not with respect to antennation. However, because of high queen turnover, the frequency of adult workers with their potential mother queen still present within the colony was relatively low. Overall, therefore, we found no evidence for within‐colony kin discrimination in the context of the average worker's treatment of queens in polygynous L. acervorum colonies.  相似文献   

Alarm pheromones, which have been documented in many species of ants, are thought to elicit responses related to aggressive or defensive behaviour. The volatile odour 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one is described as an alarm pheromone in several species of ants, including the Australian meat ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus. The alarm pheromone is released by displaying workers that aggregate in the characteristic collective display grounds, located mid-way between colonies or near contested food trees. Workers are typically more aggressive at the latter location, and the alarm pheromone may regulate the collective level of aggression. We investigated this possibility by exposing displaying workers to synthesised alarm pheromone 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one in a field experiment, and measuring their aggressive behaviour. We found no evidence that exposure to synthesised alarm pheromone caused changes in the aggressive level of workers. Subsequent field experiments revealed that the pheromone functions as an attractant, thereby increasing the density of displaying workers. More densely populated workers also display more aggressively, indicating that the interaction rate of displaying workers may determine the level of aggression in collective displays. This underlying mechanism can explain why displaying ants are more aggressive at the more densely populated food-tree locations than those displaying at locations midway between two neighbouring colony nest sites.  相似文献   

When helping behaviour is costly, Hamiltonian logic implies that animals need to direct helpful acts towards kin, so that indirect fitness benefits justify the costs. We revisit inferences about nepotism and aggression in Hamilton''s 1964 paper to argue that he overestimated the general significance of nepotism, but that other issues that he raised continue to suggest novel research agendas today. We now know that nepotism in eusocial insects is rare, because variation in genetic recognition cues is insufficient. A lower proportion of individuals breeding and larger clutch sizes selecting for a more uniform colony odour may explain this. Irreversible worker sterility can induce both the fiercest possible aggression and the highest likelihood of helping random distant kin, but these Hamiltonian contentions still await large-scale testing in social animals.  相似文献   

In ants, postpharyngeal glands are; the reservoir for the colonial odour which mediates the interindividual recognition. Quantitative and qualitative changes in colonial hydrocarbon profile of these glands were studied in the ant Cataglyphis iberica from emergence of workers. Isolation of callow seems to affect the maturation process. The glandular secretion of the callow workers increases in amount and becomes similar to that of mature workers around 10 d old. However, the rate of hydrocarbon accumulation in the glands of callow workers that were reared in isolation remains lower compared to mature nestmates. Early social isolation also affects the acquisition of the specific colony profile which remains very different from that of their mother colony. These results suggest a transfer of hydrocarbons from matures to callows. This transfer allows the new members of the colony to integrate the colonial odour during the few days following emergence.  相似文献   

Discriminating among individuals and rejecting non-group members is essential for the evolution and stability of animal societies. Ants are good models for studying recognition mechanisms, because they are typically very efficient in discriminating ‘friends’ (nest-mates) from ‘foes’ (non-nest-mates). Recognition in ants involves multicomponent cues encoded in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles. Here, we tested whether workers of the carpenter ant Camponotus herculeanus use the presence and/or absence of cuticular hydrocarbons to discriminate between nest-mates and non-nest-mates. We supplemented the cuticular profile with synthetic hydrocarbons mixed to liquid food and then assessed behavioural responses using two different bioassays. Our results show that (i) the presence, but not the absence, of an additional hydrocarbon elicited aggression and that (ii) among the three classes of hydrocarbons tested (unbranched, mono-methylated and dimethylated alkanes; for mono-methylated alkanes, we present a new synthetic pathway), only the dimethylated alkane was effective in eliciting aggression. Our results suggest that carpenter ants use a fundamentally different mechanism for nest-mate recognition than previously thought. They do not specifically recognize nest-mates, but rather recognize and reject non-nest-mates bearing odour cues that are novel to their own colony cuticular hydrocarbon profile. This begs for a reappraisal of the mechanisms underlying recognition systems in social insects.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies are like fortresses, well protected and rich in shared stored resources. This makes them ideal targets for exploitation by predators, parasites and competitors. Colonies of Myrmica rubra ants are sometimes exploited by the parasitic butterfly Maculinea alcon. Maculinea alcon gains access to the ants' nests by mimicking their cuticular hydrocarbon recognition cues, which allows the parasites to blend in with their host ants. Myrmica rubra may be particularly susceptible to exploitation in this fashion as it has large, polydomous colonies with many queens and a very viscous population structure. We studied the mutual aggressive behaviour of My. rubra colonies based on predictions for recognition effectiveness. Three hypotheses were tested: first, that aggression increases with distance (geographical, genetic and chemical); second, that the more queens present in a colony and therefore the less-related workers within a colony, the less aggressively they will behave; and that colonies facing parasitism will be more aggressive than colonies experiencing less parasite pressure. Our results confirm all these predictions, supporting flexible aggression behaviour in Myrmica ants depending on context.  相似文献   

When ants from alien colonies encounter each other the stereotypic reaction is usually one of aggressive behavior. It has been shown that factors such as queen-derived cues or nest-odors modulate this reaction. Here we examined whether nest volatiles affect nestmate recognition by observing the reaction of nestmates towards individual workers under one of four regimes: completely isolated; isolated but receiving a constant airflow from the mother colony; as previous but with the passage of nest volatiles towards the isolated ants blocked by adsorption on a SuperQ column; or reversed airflow direction-from the isolated ants to the nest interior. Ants that had been completely isolated for three weeks were subjected to aggressive behavior, but not those that had continued to receive airflow from the mother colony. Adsorbing the nest volatiles from the airflow by SuperQ abolished this difference, with these ants now also being subjected to aggression, indicating that nest volatiles can modulate nestmate recognition. Reverse airflow also reduced the level of aggression but to a lesser extent than airflow directed from the mother colony. In queenless colonies the overall aggression was reduced under all regimes, and there was no effect of flow, suggesting that the volatiles involved are queen-borne. The SuperQ adsorbed volatiles originated from Dufour's gland secretions of both workers and queen, implicating them in the process. Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles were not affected by exposure to nest volatiles, suggesting that the latter either constitute part of the recognition cues or affect worker behavior via a different, as yet elusive mechanism.  相似文献   

In social insects, workers trade personal reproduction for indirect fitness returns from helping their mother rear collateral kin. Colony membership is generally used as a proxy for kin discrimination, but the question remains whether recognition allows workers to discriminate between kin and nonkin regardless of colony affiliation. We investigated whether workers of the ant Formica fusca can identify their mother when fostered with their mother, their sisters, a hetero‐colonial queen or hetero‐colonial workers. We found that workers always displayed less aggression towards both their mother and their foster queen, as compared to an unfamiliar hetero‐colonial queen. In support of this finding, workers maintain their colony hydrocarbon profile regardless of foster regime, yet show modifications when exposed to different environments. This indicates that recognition entails environmental and genetic components, which allow both discrimination of kin in the absence of prior contact and learning of recognition cues based on group membership.  相似文献   

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