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Deception and self-deception may be two related psychological capacities serving to enhance an individual's inclusive fitness. Self-deception has been defined as any psychological act in which one thought or belief is held at the expense of another. This study was designed to test the notion that we may deceive ourselves about our own intentions or the intentions of others in order to facilitate cooperation, if the cooperative behavior has the potential to improve fitness. We may also deceive ourselves in situations where we may need to compete with others, if not competing might represent a loss of fitness. The Self-Deceptio Questionnaire was administered to 80 women and 70 men to determine their levels of self-deception. A series of vignettes, conforming to the Prisoner's Dilemma game format, were administered in questionnaire material to measure participant's predispositions to cooperate or defect in three different contexts (family, mating, and neutral). Men predicted they would be less cooperative than women over all conditions, and participants anticipated cooperating more with kin than with non-kin. Moreover, participants who were high self-deceivers chose more cooperative responses in both family and mating contexts than those with low self-deception scores. Finally, the three-way interaction among sex, context, and level of self-deception suggested that the role of selfdeception in cooperation may vary according to the sex of the individual and the context.  相似文献   

One of the current theoretical challenges to the explanatory powers of Evolutionary Theory is the understanding of the observed evolutionary survival of cooperative behavior when selfish actions provide higher fitness (reproductive success). In unstructured populations natural selection drives cooperation to extinction. However, when individuals are allowed to interact only with their neighbors, specified by a graph of social contacts, cooperation-promoting mechanisms (known as lattice reciprocity) offer to cooperation the opportunity of evolutionary survival. Recent numerical works on the evolution of Prisoner's Dilemma in complex network settings have revealed that graph heterogeneity dramatically enhances the lattice reciprocity. Here we show that in highly heterogeneous populations, under the graph analog of replicator dynamics, the fixation of a strategy in the whole population is in general an impossible event, for there is an asymptotic partition of the population in three subsets, two in which fixation of cooperation or defection has been reached and a third one which experiences cycles of invasion by the competing strategies. We show how the dynamical partition correlates with connectivity classes and characterize the temporal fluctuations of the fluctuating set, unveiling the mechanisms stabilizing cooperation in macroscopic scale-free structures.  相似文献   

This paper presents, in a series of simple diagrams, concise results about the replicator dynamics of direct and indirect reciprocity. We consider repeated interactions between donors and recipients, and analyse the relationship between three basic strategies for the donor: unconditional cooperation, all-out defection, and conditional cooperation. In other words, we investigate the competition of discriminating and indiscriminating altruists with defectors. Discriminators and defectors form a bistable community, and hence a population of discriminators cannot be invaded by defectors. But unconditional altruists can invade a discriminating population and 'soften it up' for a subsequent invasion by defectors. The resulting dynamics exhibits various forms of rock-paper-scissors cycles and depends in subtle ways on noise, in the form of errors in implementation. The probability for another round (in the case of direct reciprocity), and information about the co-player (in the case of indirect reciprocity), add further elements to the ecology of reciprocation.  相似文献   

Experiments in which animals strategically interact with one another or search over some controlled domain are becoming common. While these experiments often promise to illuminate sophisticated animal behavior, the analyses brought to bear on these data are often quite coarse. For example, many papers simply tally the number of observations consistent with a behavioral theory. This analysis is simple, but ignores a potentially rich source of information by failing to take into account patterns and systematic variation among observations inconsistent with the theory. Using a new data set generated by cotton-top tamarin monkeys playing a repeated food-exchange game, we apply a maximum-likelihood estimation technique (more commonly used to study human economic behavior) which utilizes much more of the information in these data, and which uncovers unexpectedly sophisticated cooperative behavior from our subjects. Tamarin cooperation remains stable as long as both actors consistently cooperate, but requires at least two consecutive unexpected acts of cooperation to restart cooperation after it has collapsed, a strategy that resembles two-tits for a tat. We conclude by enumerating the benefits of a maximum-likelihood approach in experimental settings such as ours, and suggest other areas in which these techniques may be fruitful.  相似文献   

We present a simple argument which proves a general version of the scaling phenomenon recently observed in donor-recipient games by Tanimoto [Tanimoto, J., 2009. A simple scaling of the effectiveness of supporting mutual cooperation in donor-recipient games by various reciprocity mechanisms. BioSystems 96, 29–34].  相似文献   

The prisoner's dilemma (PD) and the snowdrift (SD) games are paradigmatic tools to investigate the origin of cooperation. Whereas spatial structure (e.g. nonrandom spatial distribution of strategies) present in the spatially explicit models facilitates the emergence of cooperation in the PD game, recent investigations have suggested that spatial structure can be unfavourable for cooperation in the SD game. The frequency of cooperators in a spatially explicit SD game can be lower than it would be in an infinitely large well-mixed population. However, the source of this effect cannot be identified with certainty as spatially explicit games differ from well-mixed games in two aspects: (i) they introduce spatial correlations, (ii) and limited neighbourhood. Here we extend earlier investigations to identify the source of this effect, and thus accordingly we study a spatially explicit version of the PD and SD games with varying degrees of dispersal and neighbourhood size. It was found that dispersal favours selfish individuals in both games. We calculated the frequency of cooperators at strong dispersal limit, which in concordance with the numerical results shows that it is the short range of interactions (i.e. limited neighbourhood) and not spatial correlations that decreases the frequency of cooperators in spatially explicit models of populations. Our results demonstrate that spatial correlations are always beneficial to cooperators in both the PD and SD games. We explain the opposite effect of dispersal and neighbourhood structure, and discuss the relevance of distinguishing the two effects in general.  相似文献   

We consider evolutionary game dynamics in a finite population subdivided into two demes with both unequal deme sizes and different migration rates. Assuming viability differences in the population according to a linear game within each deme as a result of pairwise interactions, we specify conditions for weak selection favoring a mutant strategy to go to fixation, under the structured-coalescent assumptions, and their connections with evolutionary stability concepts. In the framework of the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with strategy ‘tit-for-tat’ as mutant strategy and ‘always defect’ as resident strategy, we deduce a condition under which the emergence of cooperation is favored by selection, when the game matrix is the same in both demes. We show how this condition extends the one-third law for a panmictic population and when an asymmetry in the spatial structure of a two-deme population facilitates the emergence of the cooperative tit-for-tat strategy in comparison with both its symmetric and panmictic population structure counterparts. We find that the condition is less stringent in the asymmetric scenario versus the symmetric scenario if both the fraction of the population in the deme where the mutant was initially introduced, and the expected proportion of migrant offspring in this deme among all migrant offspring after population regulation, are smaller than, or equal to, , provided they are not too small. On the other hand, the condition is less stringent than the one-third law, which holds in the panmictic case, if the latter proportion remains not too close to 1.  相似文献   

Many organisms—notably microbes—are embedded within complex communities where cooperative behaviors in the form of excreted public goods can benefit other species. Under such circumstances, intraspecific interactions are likely to be less important in driving the evolution of cooperation. We first illustrate this idea with a simple theoretical model, showing that relatedness—the extent to which individuals with the same cooperative alleles interact with each other—has a reduced impact on the evolution of cooperation when public goods are shared between species. We test this empirically using strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that vary in their production of metal‐chelating siderophores in copper contaminated compost (an interspecific public good). We show that nonsiderophore producers grow poorly relative to producers under high relatedness, but this cost can be alleviated by the presence of the isogenic producer (low relatedness) and/or the compost microbial community. Hence, relatedness can become unimportant when public goods provide interspecific benefits.  相似文献   

Decisions about parental effort have the potential to be affectedby an individual's body condition and, among species with biparentalcare, by the level of effort made by one's mate. Previous studies,primarily of short-lived species, have found that a reductionin the parental effort of one pair member typically leads toa compensatory increase by the mate. However, long-lived specieswith short-term pair bonds might be expected to retaliate, ratherthan compensate, for a reduction in a mate's effort. I studiedthe factors affecting parental effort decisions during incubationby the great frigatebird, a long-lived seabird that forms newpair bonds for each breeding attempt. During incubation, malesand females took turns incubating and foraging. Individualslost mass during an incubation shift and regained this massduring the subsequent foraging bout. If an individual was lefton the nest for a long period of time while its mate was foraging,it subsequently went on a long foraging trip after being relievedby its mate, despite the fact that longer shifts were likelyto lead to nest failure. This relationship between incubationshift length and duration of subsequent foraging excursion could be due to a need to regain body condition after a longfast, or it could reflect a retaliatory response to the mate'sprolonged absence. To test these alternatives, I conducteda food supplementation experiment. Individuals engaged in along incubation shift were assigned to a control group or toa treatment group that was fed until the end of that particularincubation shift. Overall, fed birds returned from the subsequentforaging trip sooner than control birds, demonstrating thatthe relationship between incubation shift duration and foragingtrip duration is due primarily to a need to increase body mass,rather than being a retaliatory response to a mate's low levelof parental effort. However, males and females differed in theextent of their responses to the experimental treatment, indicatingthat males may also exhibit some degree of retaliation.  相似文献   

Reciprocal altruism describes a situation in which an organism acts in a manner that temporarily reduces its fitness while increasing another organism''s fitness, but there is an ultimate fitness benefit based on an expectation that the other organism will act in a similar manner at a later time. It creates the obvious dilemma in which there is always a short-term benefit to cheating, therefore cooperating individuals must avoid being exploited by non-cooperating cheaters. This is achieved by following various decision rules, usually variants of the tit-for-tat (TFT) strategy. The strength of TFT, however, is also its weakness—mistakes in implementation or interpretation of moves, or the inability to cooperate, lead to a permanent breakdown in cooperation. We show that pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) use a TFT with an embedded ‘excuse principle’ to forgive the neighbours that were perceived as unable to cooperate during mobbing of predators. The excuse principle dramatically increases the stability of TFT-like behavioural strategies within the Prisoner''s Dilemma game.  相似文献   

We studied a two-person game regarding deforestation in human-environment relationships. Each landowner manages a single land parcel where the state of land-use is forested, agricultural, or abandoned. The landowner has two strategies available: forest conservation and deforestation. The choice of deforestation provides a high return to the landowner, but it degrades the forest ecosystem services produced on a neighboring land parcel managed by a different landowner. Given spatial interactions between the two landowners, each landowner decides which strategy to choose by comparing the expected discounted utility of each strategy. Expected discounted utility is determined by taking into account the current and future utilities to be received, according to the state transition on the two land parcels. The state transition is described by a Markov chain that incorporates a landowner's choice about whether to deforest and the dynamics of agricultural abandonment and forest regeneration. By considering a stationary distribution of the Markov chain for land-use transitions, we derive explicit conditions for Nash equilibrium. We found that a slow regeneration of forests favors mutual cooperation (forest conservation). As the forest regenerates faster, mutual cooperation transforms to double Nash equilibria (mutual cooperation and mutual defection), and finally mutual defection (deforestation) leads to a unique Nash equilibrium. Two different types of social dilemma emerge in our deforestation game. The stag-hunt dilemma is most likely to occur under an unsustainable resource supply, where forest regenerates extremely slowly but agricultural abandonment happens quite rapidly. In contrast, the prisoner's dilemma is likely under a persistent or circulating supply of resources, where forest regenerates rapidly and agricultural abandonment occurs slowly or rapidly. These results show how humans and the environment mutually shape the dilemma structure in forest management, implying that solutions to dilemmas depend on environmental properties.  相似文献   

A crucially important aspect of human cooperation is the ability to negotiate to cooperative outcomes when interests over resources conflict. Although chimpanzees and other social species may negotiate conflicting interests regarding travel direction or activity timing, very little is known about their ability to negotiate conflicting preferences over food. In the current study, we presented pairs of chimpanzees with a choice between two cooperative tasks—one with equal payoffs (e.g., 5-5) and one with unequal payoffs (higher and lower than in the equal option, e.g., 10-1). This created a conflict of interests between partners with failure to work together on the same cooperative task resulting in no payoff for either partner. The chimpanzee pairs cooperated successfully in as many as 78–94% of the trials across experiments. Even though dominant chimpanzees preferred the unequal option (as they would obtain the largest payoff), subordinate chimpanzees were able to get their way (the equal option) in 22–56% of trials across conditions. Various analyses showed that subjects were both strategic and also cognizant of the strategies used by their partners. These results demonstrate that one of our two closest primate relatives, the chimpanzee, can settle conflicts of interest over resources in mutually satisfying ways—even without the social norms of equity, planned strategies of reciprocity, and the complex communication characteristic of human negotiation.  相似文献   

We propose in this work a novel approach aiming at assessing cause and effect relationships between variables that can affect target biodiversity issues. These cause–effect relations are used to build a network whose nodes represent variables linked by directed arcs. The arcs have associated a value that represents trends of cause–effect relations. An important novelty of this approach is the use of product and addition operations between trends of cause–effect relations for assessing factors that can affect target variables. For the analysis of the network we use the concept of paths. Paths are defined as sequences of cause–effect relations from source variables to target variables. For example, the path from population increment that causes effects on the increment of transport routes, which in turn causes effects on the loss of vegetation cover. This approach was applied to the assessment of vegetation cover in the Morelos State, México during the period 2000–2010. The results show a promising practical alternative to assess the potential effects on biodiversity issues based on the analysis of the paths represented in the network.  相似文献   

Tanimoto J  Sagara H 《Bio Systems》2007,90(3):728-737
It is recognized that bilateral cooperation (C), a reward-state in other words, emergently comes up in a 2 × 2 prisoner's dilemma game, if you assume a strategy set with a memory concept. Also observed is a mixture state of cooperation (C) and defect (D), saint- and temptation-state in other words, to obtain a higher payoff than R (R reciprocity) in a hero or leader game that is a chicken-type dilemma game; this phenomenon is called alternating reciprocity (AR) or ST reciprocity. Observing a holistic 2 × 2 game world including trivial games and various dilemma games, where 2-length memory and infinite interactions are assumed, the paper reports on the specific mechanism of AR. It is observed there are three different phases relating to AR, which can be explained by the stress of the dilemma.  相似文献   

A case of disrupted embryonic development of the genital tract in a newborn Holstein calf is described. The physical examination of the calf evidenced several abnormalities, like atresia ani, rudimentary external genitalia and caudal vertebral agenesis. On necropsy, the excised genitalia consisted of bilateral streak gonads, apparently normal uterine tubes, a fluid-filled uterus, a long vagina and a very narrow clitoris-like structure covered with a discrete skin-fold. The urinary tract seemed normal and the urethra's opening was at the vestibule-vaginal junction. A cytogenetic analysis was requested. Karyotype revealed the existence of Y chromosome material in the two X chromosomes. However, the search for the sex-determining region Y (SRY) showed that this was an apparently absent gene. The histological examination of the gonads revealed the existence of ovarian dysplasia. Uterine sections evidenced the absence of the uterine epithelium, with only sporadic caruncles. Under microscopic examination, the uterine tubes and vagina structure was normal. The external genitalia sections revealed the existence of a skin-fold covering an erectile structure surrounding the urethra, a structure more similar to a penis than to a clitoris. This is an unusual situation of gonadal dysplasia combined with genital tract anomalies in cattle, probably associated to a genetic defect.  相似文献   

Evolution of polyandry in a communal breeding system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chao  Lin 《Behavioral ecology》1997,8(6):668-674
The evolution of polyandry requires an asymmetrical factor thatfavors more matings per breeding female than per breeding male,thus reversing Bateman's principle. Here a model is presentedfor the evolution of avian cooperative polyandry. The modelshows that polyandry can evolve if communal breeding is initiallyadvantageous and if increasing clutch size beyond an optimumis detrimental. The advantage of communal breeding favors theaddition of more breeders (either males or females) and thusselects against breeding as single pairs (monogamy). The optimaldutch size creates the asymmetry that favors adding male breeders(polyandry) over adding female breeders (polygyny). Adding femalesis detrimental because females must lay eggs to reproduce andcan therefore increase the clutch size of the group. On theother hand, males can reproduce by sharing paternity withoutincreasing dutch size. It is shown that cooperative polyandryevolves either because it maximizes both male and female fitnessor because polygyny and monogamy are behaviorally unstable.Data from acorn woodpeckers support the assumptions of the modeland suggest that cooperative polyandry evolved because it isbehaviorally more stable. The persistence of monogamy and polygynyin acorn woodpeckers (at a lower incidence than polyandry) isalso examined. Polygyny in these birds represents a case ofthe Prisoner's Dilemma  相似文献   

Cooperation often comes with the temptation to defect and benefit at the cost of others. This tension between cooperation and defection is best captured in social dilemmas like the Prisoner's Dilemma. Adult humans have specific strategies to maintain cooperation during Prisoner's Dilemma interactions. Yet, little is known about the ontogenetic and phylogenetic origins of human decision-making strategies in conflict scenarios. To shed light on this question, we compared the strategies used by chimpanzees and 5-year old children to overcome a social dilemma. In our task, waiting for the partner to act first produced the best results for the subject. Alternatively, they could mutually cooperate and divide the rewards. Our findings indicate that the two species differed substantially in their strategies to solve the task. Chimpanzees became more strategic across the study period by waiting longer to act in the social dilemma. Children developed a more efficient strategy of taking turns to reciprocate their rewards. Moreover, children used specific types of communication to coordinate with their partners. These results suggest that while both species behaved strategically to overcome a conflict situation, only children engaged in active cooperation to solve a social dilemma.  相似文献   

I formulate a simple model of the ultimatum game, in which a proposer and a responder can receive a reward if they agree on how to divide this reward between them. The model is easy to analyse and shows that strong tendencies to fair division are expected when evolution of strategy frequencies follow the traditional gradient dynamics assumed in evolutionary models. The mean stable offer is typically around 20-40% although this depends on the maximum payoff and if rejection thresholds can evolve independently from proposals. The stable proportion offered at evolutionary equilibrium increases with the maximum payoff, if proposal and acceptance thresholds are dictated by the same strategy and cannot evolve independently. If proposal and acceptance evolve independently, the stable proportion instead decreases with the maximum payoff. The stable outcome may also show substantial variation.  相似文献   

Intranasal oxytocin (OT) can modulate social‐emotional functioning and related brain activity in humans. Consequently, OT has been discussed as a potential treatment for psychiatric disorders involving social behavioral deficits. However, OT effects are often heterogeneous across individuals. Here we explore individual differences in OT effects on the neural response to social cooperation as a function of the rs53576 polymorphism of the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR). Previously, we conducted a double‐blind, placebo‐controlled study in which healthy men and women were randomized to treatment with intranasal OT or placebo. Afterwards, they were imaged with functional magnetic resonance imaging while playing an iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Game with same‐sex partners. Within the left ventral caudate nucleus, intranasal OT treatment increased activation to reciprocated cooperation in men, but tended to decrease activation in women. Here, we show that these sex differences in OT effects are specific to individuals with the rs53576 GG genotype, and are not found for other genotypes (rs53576 AA/AG). Thus, OT may increase the reward or salience of positive social interactions for male GG homozygotes, while decreasing those processes for female GG homozygotes. These results suggest that rs53576 genotype is an important variable to consider in future investigations of the clinical efficacy of intranasal OT treatment.  相似文献   

Dynamical modeling has proven useful for understanding how complex biological processes emerge from the many components and interactions composing genetic regulatory networks (GRNs). However, the development of models is hampered by large uncertainties in both the network structure and parameter values. To remedy this problem, the models are usually developed through an iterative process based on numerous simulations, confronting model predictions with experimental data and refining the model structure and/or parameter values to repair the inconsistencies. In this paper, we propose an alternative to this generate-and-test approach. We present a four-step method for the systematic construction and analysis of discrete models of GRNs by means of a declarative approach. Instead of instantiating the models as in classical modeling approaches, the biological knowledge on the network structure and its dynamics is formulated in the form of constraints. The compatibility of the network structure with the constraints is queried and in case of inconsistencies, some constraints are relaxed. Common properties of the consistent models are then analyzed by means of dedicated languages. Two such languages are introduced in the paper. Removing questionable constraints or adding interesting ones allows to further analyze the models. This approach allows to identify the best experiments to be carried out, in order to discriminate sets of consistent models and refine our knowledge on the system functioning. We test the feasibility of our approach, by applying it to the re-examination of a model describing the nutritional stress response in the bacterium Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

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