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While mutans streptococci have long been assumed to be the specific pathogen responsible for human dental caries, the concept of a complex dental caries-associated microbiota has received significant attention in recent years. Molecular analyses revealed the complexity of the microbiota with the predominance of Lactobacillus and Prevotella in carious dentine lesions. However, characterization of the dentin caries-associated microbiota has not been extensively explored in different ethnicities and races. In the present study, the bacterial communities in the carious dentin of Japanese subjects were analyzed comprehensively with molecular approaches using the16S rRNA gene. Carious dentin lesion samples were collected from 32 subjects aged 4–76 years, and the 16S rRNA genes, amplified from the extracted DNA with universal primers, were sequenced with a pyrosequencer. The bacterial composition was classified into clusters I, II, and III according to the relative abundance (high, middle, low) of Lactobacillus. The bacterial composition in cluster II was composed of relatively high proportions of Olsenella and Propionibacterium or subdominated by heterogeneous genera. The bacterial communities in cluster III were characterized by the predominance of Atopobium, Prevotella, or Propionibacterium with Streptococcus or Actinomyces. Some samples in clusters II and III, mainly related to Atopobium and Propionibacterium, were novel combinations of microbiota in carious dentin lesions and may be characteristic of the Japanese population. Clone library analysis revealed that Atopobium sp. HOT-416 and P. acidifaciens were specific species associated with dentinal caries among these genera in a Japanese population. We summarized the bacterial composition of dentinal carious lesions in a Japanese population using next-generation sequencing and found typical Japanese types with Atopobium or Propionibacterium predominating.  相似文献   

The human intestinal microbiota is essential to the health of the host and plays a role in nutrition, development, metabolism, pathogen resistance, and regulation of immune responses. Antibiotics may disrupt these coevolved interactions, leading to acute or chronic disease in some individuals. Our understanding of antibiotic-associated disturbance of the microbiota has been limited by the poor sensitivity, inadequate resolution, and significant cost of current research methods. The use of pyrosequencing technology to generate large numbers of 16S rDNA sequence tags circumvents these limitations and has been shown to reveal previously unexplored aspects of the “rare biosphere.” We investigated the distal gut bacterial communities of three healthy humans before and after treatment with ciprofloxacin, obtaining more than 7,000 full-length rRNA sequences and over 900,000 pyrosequencing reads from two hypervariable regions of the rRNA gene. A companion paper in PLoS Genetics (see Huse et al., doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000255) shows that the taxonomic information obtained with these methods is concordant. Pyrosequencing of the V6 and V3 variable regions identified 3,300–5,700 taxa that collectively accounted for over 99% of the variable region sequence tags that could be obtained from these samples. Ciprofloxacin treatment influenced the abundance of about a third of the bacterial taxa in the gut, decreasing the taxonomic richness, diversity, and evenness of the community. However, the magnitude of this effect varied among individuals, and some taxa showed interindividual variation in the response to ciprofloxacin. While differences of community composition between individuals were the largest source of variability between samples, we found that two unrelated individuals shared a surprising degree of community similarity. In all three individuals, the taxonomic composition of the community closely resembled its pretreatment state by 4 weeks after the end of treatment, but several taxa failed to recover within 6 months. These pervasive effects of ciprofloxacin on community composition contrast with the reports by participants of normal intestinal function and with prior assumptions of only modest effects of ciprofloxacin on the intestinal microbiota. These observations support the hypothesis of functional redundancy in the human gut microbiota. The rapid return to the pretreatment community composition is indicative of factors promoting community resilience, the nature of which deserves future investigation.  相似文献   

16S rRNA测序技术在肠道微生物中的应用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
16S rRNA测序是高通量测序依赖的肠道微生物研究方法之一,该方法可以对肠道微生物中的所有菌种进行精确定量,因此正逐渐成为研究肠道微生物菌种丰度变化的主流。肠道微生物16S rRNA测序的应用过程中有两个问题至关重要,一是如何根据需要选择测序方案;二是面对高通量测序得到的海量数据,如何进行生物信息学分析,以得到具有生物学意义的结果。从测序平台、测序片段、测序数据量的选择3个方面讨论了如何选择测序方案,并从序列聚类与注释、群落结构分析、关键分类单位的筛选与功能分析等方面对目前常用的生物信息学分析手段进行综述。  相似文献   

A total of 46 brewery and 15 ATCC Pediococcus isolates were ribotyped using a Qualicon RiboPrinter. Of these, 41 isolates were identified as Pediococcus damnosus using EcoRI digestion. Three ATCC reference strains had patterns similar to each other and matched 17 of the brewery isolates. Six other brewing isolates were similar to ATCC 25249. The other 18 P. damnosus brewery isolates had unique patterns. Of the remaining brewing isolates, one was identified as P. parvulus, two were identified as P. acidilactici, and two were identified as unique Pediococcus species. The use of alternate restriction endonucleases indicated that PstI and PvuII could further differentiate some strains having identical EcoRI profiles. An acid-resistant P. damnosus isolate could be distinguished from non-acid-resistant varieties of the same species using PstI instead of EcoRI. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis was compared to riboprinting for identifying pediococci. The complete 16S rRNA gene was PCR amplified and sequenced from seven brewery isolates and three ATCC references with distinctive riboprint patterns. The 16S rRNA gene sequences from six different brewery P. damnosus isolates were homologous with a high degree of similarity to the GenBank reference strain but were identical to each other and one ATCC strain with the exception of 1 bp in one strain. A slime-producing, beer spoilage isolate had 16S rRNA gene sequence homology to the P. acidilactici reference strain, in agreement with the riboprint data. Although 16S rRNA gene sequencing correctly identified the genus and species of the test Pediococcus isolates, riboprinting proved to be a better method for subspecies differentiation.  相似文献   

Pasteuria penetrans is an endospore-forming bacterial parasite of Meloidogyne spp. This organism is among the most promising agents for the biological control of root-knot nematodes. In order to establish the phylogenetic position of this species relative to other endospore-forming bacteria, the 16S ribosomal genes from two isolates of P. penetrans, P-20, which preferentially infects M. arenaria race 1, and P-100, which preferentially infects M. incognita and M. javanica, were PCR-amplified from a purified endospore extraction. Universal primers for the 16S rRNA gene were used to amplify DNA which was cloned, and a nucleotide sequence was obtained for 92% of the gene (1,390 base pairs) encoding the 16S rDNA from each isolate. Comparison of both isolates showed identical sequences that were compared to 16S rDNA sequences of 30 other endospore-forming bacteria obtained from GenBank. Parsimony analyses indicated that P. penetrans is a species within a clade that includes Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius, A. cycloheptanicus, Sulfobacillus sp., Bacillus tusciae, B. schlegelii, and P. ramosa. Its closest neighbor is P. ramosa, a parasite of Daphnia spp. (water fleas). This study provided a genomic basis for the relationship of species assigned to the genus Pasteuria, and for comparison of species that are parasites of different phytopathogenic nematodes.  相似文献   

The characterization of bacterial communities using DNA sequencing has revolutionized our ability to study microbes in nature and discover the ways in which microbial communities affect ecosystem functioning and human health. Here we describe Serial Illumina Sequencing (SI-Seq): a method for deep sequencing of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene using next-generation sequencing technology. SI-Seq serially sequences portions of the V5, V6 and V7 hypervariable regions from barcoded 16S rRNA amplicons using an Illumina short-read genome analyzer. SI-Seq obtains taxonomic resolution similar to 454 pyrosequencing for a fraction of the cost, and can produce hundreds of thousands of reads per sample even with very high multiplexing. We validated SI-Seq using single species and mock community controls, and via a comparison to cystic fibrosis lung microbiota sequenced using 454 FLX Titanium. Our control runs show that SI-Seq has a dynamic range of at least five orders of magnitude, can classify >96% of sequences to the genus level, and performs just as well as 454 and paired-end Illumina methods in estimation of standard microbial ecology diversity measurements. We illustrate the utility of SI-Seq in a pilot sample of central airway secretion samples from cystic fibrosis patients.  相似文献   



Substantial progress in high-throughput metagenomic sequencing methodologies has enabled the characterisation of bacteria from various origins (for example gut and skin). However, the recently-discovered bacterial microbiota present within animal internal tissues has remained unexplored due to technical difficulties associated with these challenging samples.


We have optimized a specific 16S rDNA-targeted metagenomics sequencing (16S metabarcoding) pipeline based on the Illumina MiSeq technology for the analysis of bacterial DNA in human and animal tissues. This was successfully achieved in various mouse tissues despite the high abundance of eukaryotic DNA and PCR inhibitors in these samples. We extensively tested this pipeline on mock communities, negative controls, positive controls and tissues and demonstrated the presence of novel tissue specific bacterial DNA profiles in a variety of organs (including brain, muscle, adipose tissue, liver and heart).


The high throughput and excellent reproducibility of the method ensured exhaustive and precise coverage of the 16S rDNA bacterial variants present in mouse tissues. This optimized 16S metagenomic sequencing pipeline will allow the scientific community to catalogue the bacterial DNA profiles of different tissues and will provide a database to analyse host/bacterial interactions in relation to homeostasis and disease.  相似文献   

The novel multi-million read generating sequencing technologies are very promising for resolving the immense soil 16S rRNA gene bacterial diversity. Yet they have a limited maximum sequence length screening ability, restricting studies in screening DNA stretches of single 16S rRNA gene hypervariable (V) regions. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of properties of four consecutive V regions (V3-6) on commonly applied analytical methodologies in bacterial ecology studies. Using an in silico approach, the performance of each V region was compared with the complete 16S rRNA gene stretch. We assessed related properties of the soil derived bacterial sequence collection of the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) database and concomitantly performed simulations based on published datasets. Results indicate that overall the most prominent V region for soil bacterial diversity studies was V3, even though it was outperformed in some of the tests. Despite its high performance during most tests, V4 was less conserved along flanking sites, thus reducing its ability for bacterial diversity coverage. V5 performed well in the non-redundant RDP database based analysis. However V5 did not resemble the full-length 16S rRNA gene sequence results as well as V3 and V4 did when the natural sequence frequency and occurrence approximation was considered in the virtual experiment. Although, the highly conserved flanking sequence regions of V6 provide the ability to amplify partial 16S rRNA gene sequences from very diverse owners, it was demonstrated that V6 was the least informative compared to the rest examined V regions. Our results indicate that environment specific database exploration and theoretical assessment of the experimental approach are strongly suggested in 16S rRNA gene based bacterial diversity studies.  相似文献   

The ability of rumen microorganisms to use fibrous plant matter plays an important role in ruminant animals; however, little information about rumen colonization by microbial populations after weaning has been reported. In this study, high-throughput sequencing was used to investigate the establishment of this microbial population in 80 to 110-day-old goats. Illumina sequencing of goat rumen samples yielded 101,356,610 nucleotides that were assembled into 256,868 reads with an average read length of 394 nucleotides. Taxonomic analysis of metagenomic reads indicated that the predominant phyla were distinct at different growth stages. The phyla Firmicutes and Synergistetes were predominant in samples taken from 80 to 100-day-old goats, but Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes became the most abundant phyla in samples from 110-day-old animals. There was a remarkable variation in the microbial populations with age; Firmicutes and Synergistetes decreased after weaning, but Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria increased from 80 to 110 day of age. These findings suggested that colonization of the rumen by microorganisms is related to their function in the rumen digestive system. These results give a better understanding of the role of rumen microbes and the establishment of the microbial population, which help to maintain the host’s health and improve animal performance.  相似文献   

利用PCR技术成功扩增了高体革鯻(Scortum barcoo)和厚唇弱棘喇(Hephaestus fuliginosus)的线粒体16S rRNA基因序列.通过序列测定,得到791 bp的基因片段,碱基A、T、G、C平均含量分别为31.4%、21.2%、20.5%和26.9%,序列中的A+T含量明显高于G+C的含量,这与其他鱼类的16S rRNA基因片段研究结果相一致.通过序列分析发现,高体革鯻和厚唇弱棘喇两序列共存在23处碱基变异,其中碱基转换位点20个,碱基颠换位点3个,转换与颠换比率为6.7,没有发现碱基插入与缺失.与从GenBank中查到的3种蜊科鱼类的同源序列比对,邻接法(neighbor-joining)构建亲缘关系树,结果显示,5种蜊科鱼类聚在一起,分为独立的2支,匀蜊和单色匀鯻及花身蜊聚成1支,高体革鯻和厚唇弱棘鯻聚为1支,说明高体革鯻与厚唇弱棘蜊的亲缘关系比较近,而与其他另外3种鯻科鱼类亲缘关系比较远.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus plantarum BW2013 was isolated from the fermented Chinese cabbage. This study aimed to test the effect of this strain on the gut microbiota in BALB/c mice by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. The mice were randomly allocated to the control group and three treatment groups of L. plantarum BW2013 (a low-dose group of 108 CFU/ml, a medium-dose group of 109 CFU/ml, and a high-dose group of 1010 CFU/ml). The weight of mice was recorded once a week, and the fecal samples were collected for 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing after 28 days of continuous treatment. Compared with the control group, the body weight gain in the treatment groups was not significant. The 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing analysis showed that both the Chao1 and ACE indexes increased slightly in the medium-dose group compared to the control group, but the difference was not significant. Based on PCoA results, there was no significant difference in β diversity between the treatment groups. Compared to the control group, the abundance of Bacteroidetes increased in the low-dose group. The abundance of Firmicutes increased in the medium-dose group. At the genus level, the abundance of Alloprevotella increased in the low-dose group compared to the control group. The increased abundance of Ruminococcaceae and decreased abundance of Candidatus_Saccharimonas was observed in the medium-dose group. Additionally, the abundance of Bacteroides increased, and Alistipes and Candidatus_Saccharimonas decreased in the high-dose group. These results indicated that L. plantarum BW2013 could ameliorate gut microbiota composition, but its effects vary with the dose.  相似文献   

The intestinal tract houses one of the richest and most complex microbial populations on the planet, and plays a critical role in health and a wide range of diseases. Limited studies using new sequencing technologies in horses are available. The objective of this study was to characterize the fecal microbiome of healthy horses and to compare the fecal microbiome of healthy horses to that of horses with undifferentiated colitis. A total of 195,748 sequences obtained from 6 healthy horses and 10 horses affected by undifferentiated colitis were analyzed. Firmicutes predominated (68%) among healthy horses followed by Bacteroidetes (14%) and Proteobacteria (10%). In contrast, Bacteroidetes (40%) was the most abundant phylum among horses with colitis, followed by Firmicutes (30%) and Proteobacteria (18%). Healthy horses had a significantly higher relative abundance of Actinobacteria and Spirochaetes while horses with colitis had significantly more Fusobacteria. Members of the Clostridia class were more abundant in healthy horses. Members of the Lachnospiraceae family were the most frequently shared among healthy individuals. The species richness reported here indicates the complexity of the equine intestinal microbiome. The predominance of Clostridia demonstrates the importance of this group of bacteria in healthy horses. The marked differences in the microbiome between healthy horses and horses with colitis indicate that colitis may be a disease of gut dysbiosis, rather than one that occurs simply through overgrowth of an individual pathogen.  相似文献   

Analysis of intragenomic variation of 16S rRNA genes is a unique approach to examining the concept of ribosomal constraints on rRNA genes; the degree of variation is an important parameter to consider for estimation of the diversity of a complex microbiome in the recently initiated Human Microbiome Project (http://nihroadmap.nih.gov/hmp). The current GenBank database has a collection of 883 prokaryotic genomes representing 568 unique species, of which 425 species contained 2 to 15 copies of 16S rRNA genes per genome (2.22 ± 0.81). Sequence diversity among the 16S rRNA genes in a genome was found in 235 species (from 0.06% to 20.38%; 0.55% ± 1.46%). Compared with the 16S rRNA-based threshold for operational definition of species (1 to 1.3% diversity), the diversity was borderline (between 1% and 1.3%) in 10 species and >1.3% in 14 species. The diversified 16S rRNA genes in Haloarcula marismortui (diversity, 5.63%) and Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (6.70%) were highly conserved at the 2° structure level, while the diversified gene in B. afzelii (20.38%) appears to be a pseudogene. The diversified genes in the remaining 21 species were also conserved, except for a truncated 16S rRNA gene in “Candidatus Protochlamydia amoebophila.” Thus, this survey of intragenomic diversity of 16S rRNA genes provides strong evidence supporting the theory of ribosomal constraint. Taxonomic classification using the 16S rRNA-based operational threshold could misclassify a number of species into more than one species, leading to an overestimation of the diversity of a complex microbiome. This phenomenon is especially seen in 7 bacterial species associated with the human microbiome or diseases.rRNA genes are widely used for estimation of evolutionary history and taxonomic assignment of individual organisms (14, 26, 50-52). The choice of rRNA genes as optimal tools for such purposes is based on both observations and assumptions of ribosomal conservation (13, 50). rRNA genes are essential components of the ribosome, which consists of >50 proteins and three classes of RNA molecules; precise spatial relationships may be essential for assembly of functional ribosomes, constraining rRNA genes from drastic change (9, 13). In bacteria, the three rRNA genes are organized into a gene cluster which is expressed as single operon, which may be present in multiple copies in the genome. In organisms with multiple rRNA gene operons, the gene sequences tend to evolve in concert. It is generally believed that copies of rRNA genes within an organism are subject to a homogenization process through homologous recombination, also known as gene conversion (18), a form of concerted evolution that maintains their fit within the ribosome. The homogenization process may involve short domains without affecting the entire sequence of each gene (8).However, significant differences between copies of rRNA genes in single organisms, albeit few, have been discovered in all three domains of life and in all three classes of rRNA genes. The amphibian Xenopus laevis and the loach Misgurnus fossilis have two types of 5S rRNA genes that are specific to either somatic or oocyte ribosomes (30, 48). The parasite Plasmodium berghei contains two types of 18S rRNA genes that differ at 3.5% of the nucleotide positions and are life cycle stage specific (17). The metazoan Dugesia mediterranea possesses two types of 18S rRNA genes with 8% dissimilarity (6). The archaeon Haloarcula marismortui contains two distinct types of 16S rRNA genes that differ by 5% (32, 33). In the domain Bacteria, the actinomycete Thermobispora bispora contains two types of 16S rRNA genes that differ by 6.4% (47). Copies of the 16S rRNA genes and 23S rRNA genes of the actinomycete Thermospora chromogena differ by approximately 6 and 10%, respectively (54). Paralogous copies of rRNA genes with different sequences may have functionally distinct roles.Divergent evolution between rRNA genes in the same genome may corrupt the record of evolutionary history and obscure the true identity of an organism. Substantial variation, if it occurs, may lead to the artificial classification of an organism into more than one species. For a cultivable organism, this problem can be resolved by cloning rRNA genes from a pure culture of the organism to identify the degree of variation. However, most environmental surveys and the recently initiated Human Microbiome Project (HMP) (http://nihroadmap.nih.gov/hmp/) (34) use cultivation-independent techniques to examine microbiomes that contain mixed species. In the case of the HMP, it is hoped that this approach may identify some idiopathic diseases that are caused by alterations in the microbiome in humans. In this type of study, it may be impossible to trace all rRNA genes observed back to their original host. For example, in the phylum TM7, multiple 16S rRNA gene sequences have been reported (21), but it is not known whether they belong to multiple species or to the same bacterium with a high degree of intragenomic variation among rRNA gene paralogs. Due to the limited number of microorganisms for which nucleotide sequences are available for all copies of the rRNA genes, intragenomic variation among 16S rRNA genes, and the likelihood of pyrosequencing errors (25, 40), the potential to overestimate the diversity of a microbiome exists.Coenye et al. analyzed 55 bacterial genomes and found the intragenomic heterogeneity between multiple 16S rRNA genes in these genomes was below the common threshold (1 to 1.3%) for distinguishing species (44) and was unlikely to have a profound effect on the classification of taxa (10). The analysis of 76 whole genomes by Acinas et al. revealed the extreme diversity (11.6%) of 16S rRNA genes in Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (2). These early analyses of intragenomic variation of 16S rRNA genes were limited to a small number of available whole genomes. With the increasing number of whole microbial genomes available from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the extent of diversity among the paralogous 16S rRNA genes within single organisms can now be more thoroughly assessed. In the present study, we (i) addressed the theory of 16S rRNA conservation by systematic evaluation of intragenomic diversity of 16S rRNA sequences in completely sequenced prokaryotic genomes to assess its effect on the accuracy of 16S rRNA-based molecular taxonomy and (ii) examined whether previously observed ribosomal constraints on conservation of 2° structures are uniformly applicable at the intragenomic level.  相似文献   

We aim to understand the microbial ecology of noma (cancrum oris), a devastating ancient illness which causes severe facial disfigurement in>140,000 malnourished children every year. The cause of noma is still elusive. A chaotic mix of microbial infection, oral hygiene and weakened immune system likely contribute to the development of oral lesions. These lesions are a plausible entry point for unidentified microorganisms that trigger gangrenous facial infections. To catalog bacteria present in noma lesions and identify candidate noma-triggering organisms, we performed a cross-sectional sequencing study of 16S rRNA gene amplicons from sixty samples of gingival fluid from twelve healthy children, twelve children suffering from noma (lesion and healthy sites), and twelve children suffering from Acute Necrotizing Gingivitis (ANG) (lesion and healthy sites). Relative to healthy individuals, samples taken from lesions in diseased mouths were enriched with Spirochaetes and depleted for Proteobacteria. Samples taken from healthy sites of diseased mouths had proportions of Spirochaetes and Proteobacteria that were similar to healthy control individuals. Samples from noma mouths did not have a higher abundance of Fusobacterium, casting doubt on its role as a causative agent of noma. Microbial communities sampled from noma and ANG lesions were dominated by the same Prevotella intermedia OTU, which was much less abundant in healthy sites sampled from the same mouths. Multivariate analysis confirmed that bacterial communities in healthy and lesion sites were significantly different. Several OTUs in the Orders Erysipelotrichales, Clostridiales, Bacteroidales, and Spirochaetales were identified as indicators of noma, suggesting that one or more microbes within these Orders is associated with the development of noma lesions. Future studies should include longitudinal sampling of viral and microbial components of this community, before and early in noma lesion development.  相似文献   

To determine the significance of differences between clonal libraries of environmental rRNA gene sequences, differences between homologous coverage curves, CX(D), and heterologous coverage curves, CXY(D), were calculated by a Cramér-von Mises-type statistic and compared by a Monte Carlo test procedure. This method successfully distinguished rRNA gene sequence libraries from soil and bioreactors and correctly failed to find differences between libraries of the same composition.  相似文献   

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