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近年来代谢性疾病和抑郁症的发病率逐渐上升,临床研究表明代谢紊乱疾病与抑郁症之间存在共病现象。富含高糖高脂的西方饮食通常可造成肥胖、糖尿病、代谢综合征等代谢紊乱性疾病,近期研究发现高脂饮食是情绪障碍发病的危险因素,然而具体高脂饮食对情绪紊乱的影响机制尚未明确,其可能机制包括胰岛素抵抗、瘦素抵抗、炎症、氧化应激、神经凋亡、大脑奖赏回路系统等。本文对近年来报道的高脂饮食诱发情绪障碍可能机制及药物研究进行阐述。  相似文献   

目的:研究黄芪水提取物(Astragalus radix extract,ARE)对高脂饮食(High fat diet,HFD)引起的小鼠肥胖的作用及可能机制。方法:将30只C57 BL/6小鼠随机分为正常喂养组(ND组,n=10)、高脂喂养组(HFD组,n=10)和高脂喂养+黄芪水提取物处理组(ARE组,n=10)。记录三组小鼠体重及食物摄入。在喂养16周时,对小鼠附睾白色脂肪称重,并进行HE染色观察脂肪细胞大小;对小鼠肝脏进行进行HE染色观察肝脏脂肪变性情况。应用ELISA方法检测血清瘦素及脂联素水平。应用Western Blot检测脂肪组织过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ(Peroxisome proliferator activated receptorγ,PPARγ)表达。结果:1与ND组相比,HFD组体重及热量摄入均显著增加,表明肥胖模型建立成功;ARE处理组的体重较HFD组显著下降,但其热量摄入与HFD组相当。2与ND组相比,HFD组白色脂肪组织重量增加、脂肪细胞增大、肝细胞出现显著脂肪变性;ARE处理组上述指标较HFD组明显改善。3与ND组相比,HFD组瘦素水平升高、脂联素水平下降;ARE处理组与HFD组相比,瘦素水平降低、脂联素水平升高。4与ND组相比,HFD组PPARγ表达显著增加,而ARE处理组较HFD组PPARγ表达下降。结论:黄芪水提取物可能通过抑制PPARγ减轻高质饮食引起的肥胖。  相似文献   

目的:探讨黄酮类成分木犀草素对高脂饮食诱导的肥胖小鼠模型的胰岛素抵抗的影响。方法:30只C57BL/6J小鼠分正常饮食对照组(10只),高脂膳食组(对照组,10只)和高脂膳食加2%木犀草素组(木犀草素组,10只),干预16周,观察体重、血脂水平、血糖、胰岛素敏感性及胰岛素水平的变化。结果:小鼠在给予高脂膳食16周后,体重水平、血脂水平、血糖水平、胰岛素水平显著高于木犀草素组,胰岛素敏感性显著下降,与木犀草素组比较,P<0.05或P<0.01。而木犀草素组则可显著抑制体重、血脂、血糖及胰岛素水平的升高,与胰岛素敏感性未见明显下降,与正常对照组比较,P>0.05。结论:木犀草素可预防高脂膳食诱导的胰岛素抵抗。  相似文献   

The increase consumption of fructose in diet is associated with liver inflammation. As a specific fructan substrate, fructose may modify the gut microbiota which is involved in obesity-induced liver disease. Here, we aimed to assess whether fructose-induced liver damage was associated with a specific dysbiosis, especially in mice fed a high fat diet (HFD). To this end, four groups of mice were fed with normal and HFD added or not with fructose. Body weight and glucose sensitivity, liver inflammation, dysbiosis and the phenotype of Kupffer cells were determined after 16 weeks of diet. Food intake was increased in the two groups of mice fed with the HFD. Mice fed with HFD and fructose showed a higher infiltration of lymphocytes into the liver and a lower inflammatory profile of Kupffer cells than mice fed with the HFD without fructose. The dysbiosis associated with diets showed that fructose specifically prevented the decrease of Mouse intestinal bacteria in HFD fed mice and increased Erysipelotrichi in mice fed with fructose, independently of the amount of fat. In conclusion, fructose, used as a sweetener, induced a dysbiosis which is different in presence of fat in the diet. Consequently, the activation of Kupffer cells involved in mice model of HFD-induced liver inflammation was not observed in an HFD/fructose combined diet. These data highlight that the complexity of diet composition could highly impact the development of liver lesions during obesity. Specific dysbiosis associated with the diet could explain that the progressions of liver damage are different.  相似文献   

目的观察胆汁酸G-蛋白偶联受体(Gprotein—coupled receptor for bile acids,TGR5)激动剂齐墩果酸(oleanolic acid,OA)对肥胖小鼠体重及糖、脂代谢的影响,探讨齐墩果酸减轻肥胖小鼠体重的机制。方法建立高脂饮食诱导的肥胖小鼠动物模型,并喂食OA进行干预。动态测定体重及第17周后内脏脂肪、肝脏重量,并进行葡萄糖耐量实验(glucose tolerence test,GTT);肝脏组织石蜡切片HE染色,光镜观察病理变化;Realtime PCR检测肝脏组织糖代谢相关基因的表达及白色脂肪组织脂肪合成酶(fatty acid synthase,FAS)的表达。结果OA减轻肥胖小鼠的体重、内脏脂肪及肝脏的重量;改善肝脏脂质沉积;增强胰岛素敏感性。OA抑制肝脏内葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶(glucose-6-phosphatase,G6Pc)的表达,并下调肥胖小鼠脂肪组织FAS的mRNA水平的表达。结论TGR5激动剂OA能减少高脂诱导的肥胖小鼠的脂肪堆积,其机制可能与OA能改善肥胖小鼠胰岛素抵抗,减少脂质合成有关。  相似文献   

旨以研究杜仲绿原酸对高脂高胆固醇诱导的高血脂模型小鼠血液流变学的影响,以昆明小鼠为实验动物,随机分成5组:阴性对照组,模型对照组和低剂量(25 mg/kg BW)、中剂量(50 mg/kg BW)、高剂量(100 mg/kg BW)杜仲绿原酸组,每组10只.后4组饲以高脂饲粮,同时小鼠灌胃杜仲绿原酸4周,实验结束,分别测定各组小鼠血液流变学参数、血清和肝脏的抗氧化酶活性和脂质过氧化产物MDA含量及其总抗氧化能力和羟自由基清除率.高脂血症小鼠的全血粘度、血浆粘度、红细胞压积、血沉、纤维蛋白原、红细胞刚性指数和聚集指数显著降低(P<0.05),红细胞变形指数显著提高(P<0.05),小鼠血清和肝脏SOD、GSH-Px水平、总抗氧化能力和羟自由基清除能力均显著升高(P<0.05),MDA水平显著降低(P<0.05).在高脂膳食条件下,杜仲绿原酸能有效提高血液的抗氧化防御功能(包括抗氧化力、抗氧化酶活性)、改变血液流变学参数等,降低血液粘度、红细胞刚性和聚集,增强变形能力,使细胞膜的流动性增高,其中以中剂量效果相对较好.  相似文献   

Metabolic syndrome can induce chronic kidney disease in humans. Genetically engineered mice on a C57BL/6 background are highly used for mechanistic studies. Although it has been shown that metabolic syndrome induces cardiovascular lesions in C57BL/6 mice, in depth renal phenotyping has never been performed. Therefore in this study we characterized renal function and injury in C57BL/6 mice with long-term metabolic syndrome induced by a high fat and fructose diet (HFFD). C57BL/6 mice received an 8 months HFFD diet enriched with fat (45% energy from fat) and drinking water enriched with fructose (30%). Body weight, food/water consumption, energy intake, fat/lean mass ratio, plasma glucose, HDL, LDL, triglycerides and cholesterol levels were monitored. At 3, 6 and 8 months, renal function was determined by inulin clearance and measure of albuminuria. At sacrifice, kidneys and liver were collected. Metabolic syndrome in C57BL/6 mice fed a HFFD was observed as early 4 weeks with development of type 2 diabetes at 8 weeks after initiation of diet. However, detailed analysis of kidney structure and function showed only minimal renal injury after 8 months of HFFD. HFFD induced moderate glomerular hyperfiltration (436,4 µL/min vs 289,8 µL/min; p-value=0.0418) together with a 2-fold increase in albuminuria only after 8 months of HFFD. This was accompanied by a 2-fold increase in renal inflammation (p-value=0.0217) but without renal fibrosis or mesangial matrix expansion. In addition, electron microscopy did not show alterations in glomeruli such as basal membrane thickening and foot process effacement. Finally, comparison of the urinary peptidome of these mice with the urinary peptidome from humans with diabetic nephropathy also suggested absence of diabetic nephropathy in this model. This study provides evidence that the HFFD C57BL/6 model is not the optimal model to study the effects of metabolic syndrome on the development of diabetic kidney disease.  相似文献   

目的高脂饮食加低剂量链脲霉素(Streptozotocin,STZ)建立小鼠2型糖尿病模型。方法5周的雄性C57BL/6J小鼠,随机分为正常饲料组、正常饲料加STZ组、高脂饲料组和高脂饲料加STZ组。相应饲料喂养5周后,按照100 mg/Kg的剂量腹腔注射STZ,然后继续喂养4周。在第5周和第9周末测定小鼠的体重、收缩压、血糖、血胰岛素、血甘油三脂和胆固醇水平。结果STZ注射前各组小鼠的体重、血压、血糖、血胰岛素、血脂和血甘油三脂无明显差异(P〉0.05)。STZ注射后4周时,高脂饲料加STZ组小鼠的体重、血糖、血胰岛素、血压和血脂水平明显升高(P〈0.05);而其他三组的这些指标无明显改变或仅部分升高。结论高脂饮食加低剂量链脲霉素可建立小鼠2型糖尿病模型,该模型具有人2型糖尿病的主要表型特征和相似的发病过程。  相似文献   

为探讨运动对肥胖患者自噬活性和内脏脂肪组织炎症反应的影响,本研究将60只肥胖小鼠随机分为高脂饮食组(B)、正常饮食组(C)、正常饮食加耐力运动干预组(D)、正常饮食加耐力运动干预组(E)。D组和E组分别进行10周的耐力和抗阻运动,然后用RT-PCR检测自噬、炎症的基因和蛋白表达。结果显示,三个干预组的Lee指数和BFI均显著降低,2个运动组的Lee指数和BFI均显著降低,但差异无显著性;D组和E组Beclin 1表达较C组显著降低,p62表达明显升高;与C组相比,D组p62显著升高,E组无明显升高;与D组相比,E组Beclin 1基因表达增加,p62蛋白表达降低;与C组相比,D组和E组IL-6和IL-0蛋白表达均显著升高;10周不同运动干预对大鼠减脂效果无差异。运动后内脏脂肪组织的自噬活性受到抑制,尤其是无氧运动;肥胖患者运动干预前后内脏脂肪组织自噬和炎症的变化趋势一致,其中IL-10的变化最为明显。  相似文献   

为了探讨亚毒性剂量有机磷酸酯杀虫剂毒死蜱对高脂饮食诱导的动脉粥样硬化的影响及其机制,32只健康雄性新西兰兔随机分为对照组、毒死蜱组、高脂组、高脂+毒死蜱组.每天以20 mg/kg亚毒性剂量的毒死蜱灌胃处理6个月.动物处死后检测血脂水平和血清胆碱酯酶活性.收集腹腔巨噬细胞,测定其胆固醇流出率.苏丹Ⅳ染色观察胸主动脉粥样硬化斑块,定量分析动脉粥样硬化斑块占血管内表面积的百分比.颈总动脉石蜡切片,观察动脉粥样硬化斑块.采用实时定量PCR和蛋白质印迹检测,分别检测肝脏、血管和腹腔巨噬细胞中三磷酸腺苷结合盒转运体A1(ATP-binding cassette transporter A1,ABCA1)mRNA和蛋白质的表达.结果显示:与对照组相比,高脂饮食升高了血清总胆固醇和脂蛋白水平,主动脉和颈总动脉出现明显的动脉粥样硬化斑块,其肝脏、主动脉和腹腔巨噬细胞ABCA1的表达升高,腹腔巨噬细胞中胆固醇流出增加;与对照组相比,毒死蜱组血清胆碱酯酶活性降低,但没有出现明显的中毒症状和肝肾功能损伤,血清中高密度脂蛋白(HDL)水平降低,ABCA1的表达降低,腹腔巨噬细胞中胆固醇流出减少;高脂+毒死蜱组与高脂组相比,血清胆碱酯酶活性降低,也没有出现明显的中毒症状和肝肾功能损伤,ABCA1的表达降低,腹腔巨噬细胞中胆固醇流出减少,主动脉和颈总动脉粥样硬化斑块更加明显.结果提示长期暴露于亚毒性剂量的毒死蜱可加速高脂饮食的致动脉粥样硬化作用,其机制可能与毒死蜱降低体内ABCA1的表达和胆固醇流出有关.  相似文献   

Comparative gene identification-58 (CGI-58), also designated as α/β-hydrolase domain containing-5 (ABHD-5), is a lipid droplet-associated protein that activates adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and acylates lysophosphatidic acid. Activation of ATGL initiates the hydrolytic catabolism of cellular triacylglycerol (TG) stores to glycerol and nonesterified fatty acids. Mutations in both ATGL and CGI-58 cause “neutral lipid storage disease” characterized by massive accumulation of TG in various tissues. The analysis of CGI-58-deficient (Cgi-58−/−) mice, presented in this study, reveals a dual function of CGI-58 in lipid metabolism. First, systemic TG accumulation and severe hepatic steatosis in newborn Cgi-58−/− mice establish a limiting role for CGI-58 in ATGL-mediated TG hydrolysis and supply of nonesterified fatty acids as energy substrate. Second, a severe skin permeability barrier defect uncovers an essential ATGL-independent role of CGI-58 in skin lipid metabolism. The neonatal lethal skin barrier defect is linked to an impaired hydrolysis of epidermal TG. As a consequence, sequestration of fatty acids in TG prevents the synthesis of acylceramides, which are essential lipid precursors for the formation of a functional skin permeability barrier. This mechanism may also underlie the pathogenesis of ichthyosis in neutral lipid storage disease patients lacking functional CGI-58.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA depletion caused by thymidine kinase 2 (TK2) deficiency can be compensated by a nucleoside kinase from Drosophila melanogaster (Dm-dNK) in mice. We show that transgene expression of Dm-dNK in Tk2 knock-out (Tk2−/−) mice extended the life span of Tk2−/− mice from 3 weeks to at least 20 months. The Dm-dNK+/−Tk2−/− mice maintained normal mitochondrial DNA levels throughout the observation time. A significant difference in total body weight due to the reduction of subcutaneous and visceral fat in the Dm-dNK+/−Tk2−/− mice was the only visible difference compared with control mice. This indicates an effect on fat metabolism mediated through residual Tk2 deficiency because Dm-dNK expression was low in both liver and fat tissues. Dm-dNK expression led to increased dNTP pools and an increase in the catabolism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides but these alterations did not apparently affect the mice during the 20 months of observation. In conclusion, Dm-dNK expression in the cell nucleus expanded the total dNTP pools to levels required for efficient mitochondrial DNA synthesis, thereby compensated the Tk2 deficiency, during a normal life span of the mice. The Dm-dNK+/− mouse serves as a model for nucleoside gene or enzyme substitutions, nucleotide imbalances, and dNTP alterations in different tissues.  相似文献   

This study investigated the regulation of thermogenic capacity in classical brown adipose tissue (BAT) and subcutaneous inguinal (SC Ing) white adipose tissue (WAT) and how it affects whole-body energy expenditure in sedentary and endurance-trained rats fed ad libitum either low fat or high fat (HF) diets. Analysis of tissue mass, PGC-1α and UCP-1 content, the presence of multilocular adipocytes, and palmitate oxidation revealed that a HF diet increased the thermogenic capacity of the interscapular and aortic brown adipose tissues, whereas exercise markedly suppressed it. Conversely, exercise induced browning of the SC Ing WAT. This effect was attenuated by a HF diet. Endurance training neither affected skeletal muscle FNDC5 content nor circulating irisin, but it increased FNDC5 content in SC Ing WAT. This suggests that locally produced FNDC5 rather than circulating irisin mediated the exercise-induced browning effect on this fat tissue. Importantly, despite reducing the thermogenic capacity of classical BAT, exercise increased whole-body energy expenditure during the dark cycle. Therefore, browning of subcutaneous WAT likely exerted a compensatory effect and raised whole-body energy expenditure in endurance-trained rats. Based on these novel findings, we propose that exercise-induced browning of the subcutaneous WAT provides an alternative mechanism that reduces thermogenic capacity in core areas and increases it in peripheral body regions. This could allow the organism to adjust its metabolic rate to accommodate diet-induced thermogenesis while simultaneously coping with the stress of chronically increased heat production through exercise.  相似文献   

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