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Myxosporean parasites Cystodiscus axonis and C. australis are pathogens of native and exotic Australian frog species. The pathology and ecological outcomes of infection with these parasites were investigated in this study. Gliosis was correlated to Cystodiscus axonis plasmodia in the brains of (9/60) tadpoles and (3/9) adult endangered Green and golden bell frogs using ordinal regression. Severe host reactions to C. axonis (haemorrhage, necrosis, and vasulitis) were observed in the brains of threatened Southern bell frogs (8/8), critically endangered Booroolong frogs (15/44) and Yellow spotted bell frogs (3/3). Severe brain lesions were associated with behavioural changes, neurological dysfunction, and spontaneous death. Both C. axonis and C. australis develop in the bile ducts of tadpoles, the plasmodia were significantly associated with biliary hyperplasia, inflammation and the loss of hepatocytes in (34/72) Green and golden bell frog tadpoles using ordinal regression. These lesions were so severe that in some cases 70% of the total liver was diseased. Normal liver function in tadpoles is necessary for metamorphosis, metabolism, and immune function. We postulate that this extensive liver damage would have significant host health impacts. Severe hepatic myxosporidiosis was more prevalent in tadpoles examined in autumn and winter (overwintered), suggestive of delayed metamorphosis in infected tadpoles, which would have serious flow-on effects in small populations. We compared the sensitivity of histopathology and species-specific PCR in the detection of C. australis and C. axonis. PCR was determined to be the most sensitive method (detection limit 1 myxospore equivalent of ribosomal DNA). Histology, however, had the advantage of assessing the impact of the parasite on the host. It was concluded that these parasites have the potential for significant ecological impacts, because of their high prevalence of infection and their ability to cause disease in some frogs. 相似文献
The capacity of restored plant populations to adapt to new environmental challenges depends on within‐population genetic variation. We examined how much genetic and environmentally based variation for fitness‐associated traits exists within populations of two native grasses commonly used for restoration in California. We were also interested in understanding how phenotypic expression of genetic variation for these traits varies with growth environment. Thirty maternal families of Elymus glaucus (Blue wild rye) and Nassella pulchra (Purple needlegrass) were sampled from both coastal and interior populations and reciprocally transplanted into three replicated common gardens with and without interspecific competition at each site. Reproductive output of families differed both among years and with competition treatments. Phenotypic expression of genetic variation in culm production differed among populations and was very low when families were grown with interspecific competition. Without interspecific competition, the degree of genetic determination peaked in year two in both species (8.4 and 15.1% in E. glaucus and N. pulchra, respectively). Significant genetic differences in reproduction and phenotypic plasticity were found among N. pulchra subpopulations sampled less than 3 km apart, further highlighting the importance of thoroughly sampling available genetic variation in populations used for restoration. The variable and generally low expression of genetic variation indicates that rates of adaptation in restored populations of these native grasses may vary temporally and may be especially slow within competitive environments. 相似文献
Mark C. Andersen 《人类与生态风险评估》2005,11(6):1083-1095
Population viability analysis, the use of ecological models to assess a population's risk of extinction, plays an important role in contemporary conservation biology. The premise of this review is that models, concepts, and data analyses that yield results on extinction risk of threatened and endangered species can also tell us about establishment risks of potentially invasive species. I briefly review important results for simple unstructured models, demographic models, and spatial models, giving examples of the application of each type of model to invasive species, and general conclusions about the applicability of each type of model to risk analysis for invasive species. The examples illustrate a portion of the range of potential applications of such models to invasive species, and some of the types of predictions that they can provide. They also highlight some of the limitations of such models. Finally, I present several conjectures and open research questions concerning the application of population viability analyses to risk analysis and control of invasive species. 相似文献
Ezer Miller Alon Warburg Ilya Novikov Asrat Hailu Petr Volf Veronika Seblova Amit Huppert 《PLoS neglected tropical diseases》2014,8(10)
An important factor influencing the transmission dynamics of vector-borne diseases is the contribution of hosts with different parasitemia (no. of parasites per ml of blood) to the infected vector population. Today, estimation of this contribution is often impractical since it relies exclusively on limited-scale xenodiagnostic or artificial feeding experiments (i.e., measuring the proportion of vectors that become infected after feeding on infected blood/host).Methodology
We developed a novel mechanistic model that facilitates the quantification of the contribution of hosts with different parasitemias to the infection of the vectors from data on the distribution of these parasitemias within the host population. We applied the model to an ample data set of Leishmania donovani carriers, the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis in Ethiopia.Results
Calculations facilitated by the model quantified the host parasitemias that are mostly responsible for the infection of vector, the sand fly Phlebotomus orientalis. Our findings indicate that a 3.2% of the most infected people were responsible for the infection of between 53% and 79% (mean – 62%) of the infected sand fly vector population.Significance
Our modeling framework can easily be extended to facilitate the calculation of the contribution of other host groups (such as different host species, hosts with different ages) to the infected vector population. Identifying the hosts that contribute most towards infection of the vectors is crucial for understanding the transmission dynamics, and planning targeted intervention policy of visceral leishmaniasis as well as other vector borne infectious diseases (e.g., West Nile Fever). 相似文献5.
喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb.)能成功入侵不同水陆生境,而其同属近缘种莲子草(A.sessilis(Linn.)DC.)适于生长在潮湿的陆地环境中。为揭示两物种生态幅差异的机理及与其入侵潜力的关系,我们在模拟不同水陆生境的同质园环境下,比较了喜旱莲子草和莲子草的形态特征、细胞渗透势变异状况和细胞内溶质物质合成相关基因(蛋氨酸合成酶基因)的表达水平。结果表明:喜旱莲子草对环境变异更敏感,表型变异幅度更大,具有更有效的渗透势调节能力;蛋氨酸合成酶基因在喜旱莲子草进入水生环境的早期阶段表现出短暂上调的特殊表达趋势。这说明有效的细胞渗透势调节机制与喜旱莲子草对不同水陆生境的广泛适应性和较强的表型可塑性能力可能有关,从而帮助其在不同生境中成功入侵。 相似文献
加拿大一枝黄花和一枝黄花化感作用比较研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
比较研究了入侵物种加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensisL.)与本地物种一枝黄花(S.decurrens Lour.)开花期水浸提溶液对6种受试植物的种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:两种一枝黄花的水浸提溶液对受试植物均有化感作用,但是加拿大一枝黄花地下部分的化感作用比其地上部分强,而本地一枝黄花则相反。两种植物相比较,加拿大一枝黄花地下部分的化感作用比一枝黄花强,而地上部分则相反。本研究表明,加拿大一枝黄花地下部分具有较强的化感作用,通过化感作用对本地植物产生较强的抑制作用,从而形成单一优势群落。化感作用是其成功入侵的重要机制之一。豆科植物对加拿大一枝黄花的化感作用不敏感,因此它们可以作为生物替代控制中优先选择的物种。 相似文献
Winning the war against invasive species requires early detection of invasions. Compared to terrestrial invaders, aquatic species often thrive undetected under water and do not garner notice until too late for early action. However, fortunately for managers, apple snails (Family Ampullariidae, Genus Pomacea) provide their own conspicuous sign of invasion in the form of vibrantly colored egg clutches. Managers can potentially use egg clutches laid in the riparian zone as a means of early detection and species identification. To facilitate such efforts, we quantified differences in characteristics (length, width, depth, mass, egg number) of field-laid clutches for the two most common invasive species of apple snail, P. canaliculata and P. maculata, in native and non-native populations. Pomacea canaliculata native and non-native populations differed noticeably only in width. Native P. maculata clutches possessed significantly greater width, mass and eggs numbers compared with native P. canaliculata. Non-native P. maculata clutches significantly exceeded all other populations in all measured characteristics. Consequently, these traits may successfully distinguish between species. Fecundity data also allowed us to develop models that accurately estimated the number of eggs per clutch for each species based on clutch dimensions. We tested one, two and three dimensional models of clutches, including rendering a clutch as either a complete ellipsoid or an ellipsoid intersected by a cylinder to represent the oviposition site. Model comparisons found the product of length and depth, with a different function for each population, best predicted egg number for both species. Comparisons of egg number to clutch volume and mass implied non-native P. canaliculata may be food limited, while non-native P. maculata appeared to produce such enormous clutches by having access to greater nutrients than the native population. With these new tools, researchers and managers can quickly identify, quantify and begin eradication of new non-native apple snail populations. 相似文献
Coexistence of a native and invasive species may be possible at certain conditions along an environmental gradient where the individual responses of each species are maximally apart. Water temperature may differentially affect the growth of a native cool-water species like the Barrens topminnow, Fundulus julisia, and an originally warm-water adapted western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, who is a recent invader in Barrens Plateau region of middle Tennessee. We measured the specific growth rate (SGR) of the two species separately in laboratory aquaria at 10, 15, 20 and 25 °C, representing a range of temperatures that occur in topminnow habitats throughout the year. Both species grew faster with increasing temperature and SGRs were highest at 25 °C. The interspecific difference in SGR was maximized at 15 °C. At this temperature, mean growth rate of topminnows was 0.78% per day, more than twice that of mosquitofish (0.38% per day). These results suggest that cool springhead habitats with a near-constant thermal environment of 15 °C throughout the year may provide a growth advantage to the Barrens topminnow over the mosquitofish. Other environmental, density-dependent, or behavioral factors not examined here may act along with temperature to mediate the coexistence of the topminnow and mosquitofish. 相似文献
To assess the genetic diversity of Japanese native horse populations, we examined seven such populations using mitochondrial
DNA (mtDNA) and microsatellite analyses. Four reference populations of Mongolian horses and European breeds were employed
as other equids. In the mtDNA analysis, the control region (D-loop) of 411 bp was sequenced, and 12 haplotypes with 33 variable
sites were identified in the Japanese native horses. The phylogenetic tree constructed by haplogrouping and using worldwide
geographic references indicated that the haplotypes of the Japanese native horses were derived from six equid clusters. Compared
with the foreign populations, the Japanese native populations showed lower within-population diversity and higher between-population
differentiation. Microsatellite analysis, using 27 markers, found an average number of alleles per locus of 9.6 in 318 native
and foreign horses. In most native populations, the within-population diversity was lower than that observed in foreign populations.
The genetic distance matrix based on allelic frequency indicated that several native populations had notably high between-population
differentiation. The molecular coancestry-based genetic distance matrix revealed that the European populations were differentiated
from the Japanese and Mongolian populations, and no clear groups could be identified among the Japanese native horse populations.
The genetic distance matrices had few correlations with the geographic distribution of the Japanese native populations. Based
on the results of both mtDNA and microsatellite analyses, it could be speculated that each native population was formed by
the founder populations derived from Mongolian horses. The genetic construction of each population appears to have been derived
from independent breeding in each local area since the time of population fission, and this was accompanied by drastic genetic
drift in recent times. This information will help to elucidate the ancestry of Japanese native horses.
An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
The threats, both real and perceived, surrounding the development of new and emerging infectious diseases of humans are of critical concern to public health and well-being. Among these risks is the potential for zoonotic transmission to humans of species of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium, that have been considered historically to infect exclusively non-human hosts. Recently observed shifts in the mode, transmission, and presentation of malaria among several species studied are evidenced by shared vectors, atypical symptoms, and novel host-seeking behavior. Collectively, these changes indicate the presence of environmental and ecological pressures that are likely to influence the dynamics of these parasite life cycles and physiological make-up. These may be further affected and amplified by such factors as increased urban development and accelerated rate of climate change. In particular, the extended host-seeking behavior of what were once considered non-human malaria species indicates the specialist niche of human malaria parasites is not a limiting factor that drives the success of blood-borne parasites. While zoonotic transmission of non-human malaria parasites is generally considered to not be possible for the vast majority of Plasmodium species, failure to consider the feasibility of its occurrence may lead to the emergence of a potentially life-threatening blood-borne disease of humans. Here, we argue that recent trends in behavior among what were hitherto considered to be non-human malaria parasites to infect humans call for a cross-disciplinary, ecologically-focused approach to understanding the complexities of the vertebrate host/mosquito vector/malaria parasite triangular relationship. This highlights a pressing need to conduct a multi-species investigation for which we recommend the construction of a database to determine ecological differences among all known Plasmodium species, vectors, and hosts. Closing this knowledge gap may help to inform alternative means of malaria prevention and control. 相似文献
Nand Narendra Drew Roderick A. Ashmore Sarah 《Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture》2004,77(2):193-201
Nodal explants from in vitro grown seedlings of Davidsonia pruriens and D. jerseyana, established on MS media were treated with various concentrations of three cytokinins. D. pruriens developed optimum shoot growth in terms of shoot height and number of leaves per shoot when 1.0 µM BA was added to basal MS medium while optimum shoot growth for D. jerseyana was obtained when 0.01 µM 2iP was added to the medium. Optimum root initiation and development was obtained when actively growing axillary shoots were cultured on 1/2MS medium plus 32.2 µM IBA for 3–5 days for D. pruriens and 2–3 days for D. jerseyana before transfer to PGR-free medium containing 10 µM riboflavin. Root initiation of more than 80% was achieved with multiple genotypes of D. pruriens and three genotypes of D. jerseyana using juvenile material. The plantlets were transferred to pots and grown in the greenhouse with a success rate of 60% for D. pruriens and 75% for D. jerseyana. Adult D. jerseyana stem explants produced 2–5 shoots per nodal explant upon treatment with 0.1 µM BA. Side shoots from adult D. jerseyana produced similar results for shoot multiplication as for juvenile material. Protocol for multiplication of adult D. pruriens was achieved with much greater difficulty by using material from the green house. Axillary shoots were initiated when 100 µM TDZ was applied to the stem of an adult pot plant and the resultant side shoots were cultured on MS medium containing 1.0 µM BA and 1.0 µM GA3. 相似文献
Mono-dominance by invasive species provides opportunities to explore determinants of plant distributions and abundance; however, linking mechanistic results from small scale experiments to patterns in nature is difficult. We used experimentally derived competitive effects of an invader in North America, Acroptilon repens, on species with which it co-occurs in its native range of Uzbekistan and on species with which it occurs in its non-native ranges in North America, in individual-based models. We found that competitive effects yielded relative abundances of Acroptilon and other species in models that were qualitatively similar to those observed in the field in the two ranges. In its non-native range, Acroptilon can occur in nearly pure monocultures at local scales, whereas such nearly pure stands of Acroptilon appear to be much less common in its native range. Experimentally derived competitive effects of Acroptilon on other species predicted Acroptilon to be 4–9 times more proportionally abundant than natives in the North American models, but proportionally equal to or less than the abundance of natives in the Eurasian models. Our results suggest a novel way to integrate complex combinations of interactions simultaneously, and that biogeographical differences in the competitive effects of an invader correspond well with biogeographical differences in abundance and impact. 相似文献
Parasites can play an important role in biological invasions. While introduced species often lose parasites from their native range, they can also accumulate novel parasites in their new range. The accumulation of parasites by introduced species likely varies spatially, and more parasites may shift to new hosts where parasite diversity is high. Considering that parasitism and disease are generally more prevalent at lower latitudes, the accumulation of parasites by introduced hosts may be greater in tropical regions. The Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans) has become widely distributed across the Western Atlantic. In this study, we compared parasitism across thirteen locations in four regions, spanning seventeen degrees of latitude in the lionfish''s introduced range to examine potential spatial variation in parasitism. In addition, as an initial step to explore how indirect effects of parasitism might influence interactions between lionfish and ecologically similar native hosts, we also compared parasitism in lionfish and two co-occurring native fish species, the graysby grouper, Cephalopholis cruentata, and the lizardfish, Synodus intermedius, in the southernmost region, Panama. Our results show that accumulation of native parasites on lionfish varies across broad spatial scales, and that colonization by ectoparasites was highest in Panama, relative to the other study sites. Endoparasite richness and abundance, on the other hand, were highest in Belize where lionfish were infected by twice as many endoparasite species as lionfish in other regions. The prevalence of all but two parasite species infecting lionfish was below 25%, and we did not detect an association between parasite abundance and host condition, suggesting a limited direct effect of parasites on lionfish, even where parasitism was highest. Further, parasite species richness and abundance were significantly higher in both native fishes compared to lionfish, and parasite abundance was negatively associated with the condition index of the native grouper but not that of the lionfish or lizardfish. While two co-occurring native fishes were more heavily parasitized compared to lionfish in Panama any indirect benefits of differential parasitism requires further investigation. Future parasitological surveys of lionfish across the eastern coast of North America and the Lesser Antilles would further resolve geographic patterns of parasitism in invasive lionfish. 相似文献
Evidence for Horizontal Transmission of the P Transposable Element between Drosophila Species 总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10 下载免费PDF全文
S. B. Daniels K. R. Peterson L. D. Strausbaugh M. G. Kidwell A. Chovnick 《Genetics》1990,124(2):339-355
Several studies have suggested that P elements have rapidly spread through natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster within the last four decades. This observation, together with the observation that P elements are absent in the other species of the melanogaster subgroup, has lead to the suggestion that P elements may have entered the D. melanogaster genome by horizontal transmission from some more distantly related species. In an effort to identify the potential donor in the horizontal transfer event, we have undertaken an extensive survey of the genus Drosophila using Southern blot analysis. The results showed that P-homologous sequences are essentially confined to the subgenus Sophophora. The strongest P hybridization occurs in species from the closely related willistoni group. A wild-derived strain of D. willistoni was subsequently selected for a more comprehensive molecular examination. As part of the analysis, a complete P element was cloned and sequenced from this line. Its nucleotide sequence was found to be identical to the D. melanogaster canonical P, with the exception of a single base substitution at position 32. When the cloned element was injected into D. melanogaster embryos, it was able to both promote transposition of a coinjected marked transposon and induce singed-weak mutability, thus demonstrating its ability to function as an autonomous element. The results of this study suggest that D. willistoni may have served as the donor species in the horizontal transfer of P elements to D. melanogaster. 相似文献
Our aim was to model the current and future potential global distribution of Chloris truncata (windmill grass) based on the plant's biology, soil requirements and colonisation success. The growth response of C. truncata to constant temperatures and soil moisture levels were measured and estimated respectively, to develop parameters for a CLIMEX bioclimatic model of potential distribution. The native distribution in eastern Australia and naturalised distribution in Western Australia was also used to inform the model. Associations with soil types were assessed within the suitable bioclimatic region in Australia. The global projection of the model was tested against the distribution of soil types and the known successful and failed global introductions. The verified model was then projected to future conditions due to climate change. Optimal temperature for plant development was 28°C and the plant required 970 degree-days above a threshold of 10°C. Early collection records indicate that the species is native to Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. The plant has been introduced elsewhere in Australia and throughout the world as a wool contaminant and as a potential pasture species, but some of the recorded establishments have failed to persist. The CLIMEX model projected to the world reflected effectively both the successful and failed distributions. The inclusion of soil associations improved the explanation of the observed distribution in Australia, but did not improve the ability to determine the potential distribution elsewhere, due to lack of similarity of soil types between continents. The addition of a climate change projection showed decreased suitability for this species in Australia, but increased suitability for other parts of the world, including regions where the plant previously failed to establish. 相似文献
Biodiversity loss is a global crisis, due primarily to habitat destruction and widespread nonnative invasions. Invasive grasses are particularly problematic in many tropical ecosystems, where they possess traits that promote their persistence and can drastically alter native plant communities. We explored the ecophysiological basis for restoring native Hawaiian dryland ecosystems currently dominated by the nonnative invasive grass Megathyrsus maximus (guinea grass) in a garden experiment. Three native species—Myoporum sandwicense (naio; canopy tree), Dodonaea viscosa (aalii; shrub), and Plumbago zeylanica (iliee; groundcover)—were grown with M. maximus at three levels of native functional diversity (one, two, or three species) while holding overall plant density constant. We tested which individual and functional combinations of native species were more productive and best suppressed M. maximus growth and reproduction. Megathyrsus maximus had 39–94% higher maximum photosynthetic rates (Amax) than native species and increasing native functional diversity did not affect M. maximus Amax. Aboveground, belowground, and total biomass of M. maximus varied with functional diversity, although intraspecific competition reduced growth as much as interspecific competition. Reproductive tiller production by M. maximus decreased significantly when planted with any of the native species and with increasing native functional diversity. These results indicate that high native functional diversity in an ecological restoration setting may aid in the control of a dominant invasive grass and the reintroduction of diverse native species. Recommendations for restoring degraded nonnative grasslands in Hawaii and throughout the tropics include selection of native species that are ecophysiologically competitive and have high functional diversity. 相似文献
Adaptation to environmental factors may influence the germination and establishment of focal species in ecological restoration. Reciprocal transplants remain one of the best methods to detect local adaptation, but long‐term studies are often not feasible. We conducted reciprocal transplants of the native California bunchgrasses Elymus glaucus and Bromus carinatus between two central California locations to seek evidence of adaptation to local environmental conditions in a single growing season. Experimental plots at one location included grazed and ungrazed sites. The combination of locations and grazing treatments allowed us to determine whether the ability to detect evidence for adaptation depended on grazing regime. In addition, we measured the direct effects of grazing on seedling growth and survival concurrent with our investigation of local adaptation. We detected a homesite advantage for seedling growth or survival in both species, but the factors contributing to adaptive differentiation were species specific. Evidence of local adaptation was detected for seedling biomass in Bromus and for survivorship in Elymus. The homesite advantage observed in both species was greatly reduced under grazed conditions and in Elymus was significant only in the ungrazed plots. Climate and soil analyses detected significant differences between locations in five soil attributes and two climate variables. In particular, differences in exchangeable magnesium indicated that one of the two transplant locations consisted of serpentine soil, which is widely known to drive adaptation in plant populations. Together, these results suggest that it is possible to investigate the scale and factors involved in local adaptation with short‐term transplant studies. 相似文献