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The pPT23A plasmid family of Pseudomonas syringae contains members that contribute to the ecological and pathogenic fitness of their P. syringae hosts. In an effort to understand the evolution of these plasmids and their hosts, we undertook a comparative analysis of the phylogeny of plasmid genes and that of conserved chromosomal genes from P. syringae. In total, comparative sequence and phylogenetic analyses were done utilizing 47 pPT23A family plasmids (PFPs) from 16 pathovars belonging to six genomospecies. Our results showed that the plasmid replication gene (repA), the only gene currently known to be distributed among all the PFPs, had a phylogeny that was distinct from that of the P. syringae hosts of these plasmids and from those of other individual genes on PFPs. The phylogenies of two housekeeping chromosomal genes, those for DNA gyrase B subunit (gyrB) and primary sigma factor (rpoD), however, were strongly associated with genomospecies of P. syringae. Based on the results from this study, we conclude that the pPT23A plasmid family represents a dynamic genome that is mobile among P. syringae pathovars.  相似文献   

The pPT23A plasmid family of Pseudomonas syringae contains members that contribute to the ecological and pathogenic fitness of their P. syringae hosts. In an effort to understand the evolution of these plasmids and their hosts, we undertook a comparative analysis of the phylogeny of plasmid genes and that of conserved chromosomal genes from P. syringae. In total, comparative sequence and phylogenetic analyses were done utilizing 47 pPT23A family plasmids (PFPs) from 16 pathovars belonging to six genomospecies. Our results showed that the plasmid replication gene (repA), the only gene currently known to be distributed among all the PFPs, had a phylogeny that was distinct from that of the P. syringae hosts of these plasmids and from those of other individual genes on PFPs. The phylogenies of two housekeeping chromosomal genes, those for DNA gyrase B subunit (gyrB) and primary sigma factor (rpoD), however, were strongly associated with genomospecies of P. syringae. Based on the results from this study, we conclude that the pPT23A plasmid family represents a dynamic genome that is mobile among P. syringae pathovars.  相似文献   

The chlorosis-inducing phytotoxin coronatine is produced by several Pseudomonas syringae pathovars, including glycinea, morsprunorum, atropurpurea, and the closely related tomato and maculicola. To date, all coronatine-producing pv. glycinea, morsprunorum, and atropurpurea strains that have been examined carry the gene cluster that controls toxin production on a large plasmid. In the present study the genomic location of the coronatine gene cluster was determined for coronatine-producing strains of the pv. tomato-maculicola group by subjecting their genomic DNA to pulsed-field electrophoresis and Southern blot analysis with a hybridization probe from the coronatine gene cluster. The cluster was chromosomally borne in 10 of the 22 strains screened. These 10 strains infected both crucifers and tomatoes but could not use sorbitol as a sole source of carbon. The remaining 12 coronatine-producing strains had plasmid-borne toxin gene clusters and used sorbitol as a carbon source. Only one of these strains was pathogenic on both crucifers and tomatoes; the remainder infected just tomatoes. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the pv. tomato-maculicola coronatine gene clusters was performed with probes from P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000, a tomato and crucifer pathogen. Although the coronatine cluster appeared, in general, to be highly conserved across the pv. tomato-maculicola group, there were significant differences between plasmid-borne and chromosomally borne genes. The extensively studied coronatine cluster of pv. glycinea 4180 closely resembled the plasmid-borne clusters of the pv. tomato-maculicola group.  相似文献   

A 35-kilobase plasmid was conserved among 12 copper-resistant strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Restriction patterns of this plasmid from each strain were identical, and a cloned copper resistance gene from 1 strain hybridized to the same location on the 35-kilobase plasmid of all 12 strains.  相似文献   

Toxin-based identification procedures are useful for differentiating Pseudomonas syringae pathovars. A biological test on peptone-glucose-NaCl agar in which the yeast Rhodotorula pilimanae was used proved to be more reliable for detecting lipodepsipeptide-producing strains of P. syringae than the more usual test on potato dextrose agar in which Geotrichum candidum is used. A PCR test performed with primers designed to amplify a 1,040-bp fragment in the coding sequence of the syrD gene, which was assumed to be involved in syringomycin and syringopeptin secretion, efficiently detected the gene in pathovars that produce the lipodepsipeptides. Comparable results were obtained in both tests performed with strains of the syringomycin-producing organisms P. syringae pv. syringae, P. syringae pv. atrofaciens, and P. syringae pv. aptata, but the PCR test failed with a syringotoxin-producing Pseudomonas fuscovaginae strain. The specificity of the test was verified by obtaining negative PCR test results for related pathovars or species that do not produce the toxic lipodepsipeptides. P. syringae pv. syringae was detected repeatedly in liquid medium inoculated with diseased vegetative tissue and assayed by the PCR test. Our procedure was also adapted to detect P. syringae pv. morsprunorum with a cfl gene-based PCR test.  相似文献   

The stability of the ice nucleation activity (INA) and viability of INA Pseudomonas syringae 31a, used as an ice nucleator in the manufacture of synthetic snow, was determined in snow. The viability of P. syringae 1-2b, a rifampin-resistant mutant selected from strain 31a to improve recovery from test samples, was determined in laboratory tests of three alpine soil and water samples from three different sources. Snow samples were exposed to environmental conditions or held in darkness at −20°C. Samples of soil and water were maintained in darkness at 0, 7.5, or 15°C. Parent strain 31a INA decreased significantly (>99.0%) in snow exposed to sunlight and freeze-thaw, while the INA of the cell population in snow held in darkness at −20°C remained essentially unchanged. No viable strain 31a was detected in snow exposed to the environment after 7 days, while the viability of strain 31a in snow held in darkness at −20°C decreased to <3% of the original inoculation at the test conclusion. Mutant strain 1-2b viability was undetectable or had decreased significantly 19 days postinoculation in soil samples held at 0 or 15°C. In contrast, 1-2b viability remained detectable at low levels for the duration of the test in soils held at 7.5°C. The 1-2b population demonstrated a significantly longer half-life in peatlike soil than in the loam soils tested. The rate of decrease in 1-2b viability was essentially the same in the three alpine water samples tested with respect to water temperature and sample location.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa is a pathogen that causes leaf scorch and related diseases in over 100 plant species, including Pierce's disease in grapevines (PD), phony peach disease (PP), plum leaf scald (PLS), and leaf scorch in almond (ALS), oak (OAK), and oleander (OLS). We used a high-resolution DNA sequence approach to investigate the evolutionary relationships, geographic variation, and divergence times among the X. fastidiosa isolates causing these diseases in North America. Using a large data set of 10 coding loci and 26 isolates, the phylogeny of X. fastidiosa defined three major clades. Two of these clades correspond to the recently identified X. fastidiosa subspecies piercei (PD and some ALS isolates) and X. fastidiosa subsp. multiplex (OAK, PP, PLS, and some ALS isolates). The third clade grouped all of the OLS isolates into a genetically distinct group, named X. fastidiosa subsp. sandyi. These well-differentiated clades indicate that, historically, X. fastidiosa has been a clonal organism. Based on their synonymous-site divergence (~3%), these three clades probably originated more than 15,000 years ago, long before the introduction of the nonnative plants that characterize most infections. The sister clades of X. fastidiosa subsp. sandyi and X. fastidiosa subsp. piercei have synonymous-site evolutionary rates 2.9 times faster than X. fastidiosa subsp. multiplex, possibly due to generation time differences. Within X. fastidiosa subsp. multiplex, a low level (~0.1%) of genetic differentiation indicates the recent divergence of ALS isolates from the PP, PLS, and OAK isolates due to host plant adaptation and/or allopatry. The low level of variation within the X. fastidiosa subsp. piercei and X. fastidiosa subsp. sandyi clades, despite their antiquity, suggests strong selection, possibly driven by host plant adaptation.  相似文献   

Bacterial strains of the genus Sphingomonas are often isolated from contaminated soils for their ability to use polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) as the sole source of carbon and energy. The direct detection of Sphingomonas strains in contaminated soils, either indigenous or inoculated, is, as such, of interest for bioremediation purposes. In this study, a culture-independent PCR-based detection method using specific primers targeting the Sphingomonas 16S rRNA gene combined with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was developed to assess Sphingomonas diversity in PAH-contaminated soils. PCR using the new primer pair on a set of template DNAs of different bacterial genera showed that the method was selective for bacteria belonging to the family Sphingomonadaceae. Single-band DGGE profiles were obtained for most Sphingomonas strains tested. Strains belonging to the same species had identical DGGE fingerprints, and in most cases, these fingerprints were typical for one species. Inoculated strains could be detected at a cell concentration of 104 CFU g of soil−1. The analysis of Sphingomonas population structures of several PAH-contaminated soils by the new PCR-DGGE method revealed that soils containing the highest phenanthrene concentrations showed the lowest Sphingomonas diversity. Sequence analysis of cloned PCR products amplified from soil DNA revealed new 16S rRNA gene Sphingomonas sequences significantly different from sequences from known cultivated isolates (i.e., sequences from environmental clones grouped phylogenetically with other environmental clone sequences available on the web and that possibly originated from several potential new species). In conclusion, the newly designed Sphingomonas-specific PCR-DGGE detection technique successfully analyzed the Sphingomonas communities from polluted soils at the species level and revealed different Sphingomonas members not previously detected by culture-dependent detection techniques.  相似文献   

A cosmid clone isolated from a genomic library of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 61 restored to all Tn5 mutants of this strain studied the ability to elicit the hypersensitive response (HR) in tobacco. Cosmid pHIR11 also enabled Escherichia coli TB1 to elicit an HR-like reaction when high levels of inoculum (10(9) cells per ml) were infiltrated into tobacco leaves. The cosmid, which contains a 31-kilobase DNA insert, was mobilized by triparental matings into Pseudomonas fluorescens 55 (a nonpathogen that normally causes no plant reactions), P. syringae pv. syringae 226 (a tomato pathogen that causes the HR in tobacco), and P. syringae pv. tabaci (a tobacco pathogen that causes the HR in tomato). The plant reaction phenotypes of all of the transconjugants were altered. P. fluorescens(pHIR11) caused the HR in tobacco and tomato leaves and stimulated an apparent proton influx in suspension-cultured tobacco cells that was indistinguishable from the proton influx caused by incompatible pathogenic pseudomonads. P. syringae pv. tabaci(pHIR11) and P. syringae pv. syringae 226(pHIR11) elicited the HR rather than disease symptoms on their respective hosts and were no longer pathogenic. pHIR11 was mutagenized with TnphoA (Tn5 IS50L::phoA). One randomly chosen mutant, pHIR11-18, no longer conferred the HR phenotype to P. fluorescens. The mutation was marker-exchanged into the genomes of P. syringae pv. syringae strains 61 and 226. The TnphoA insertions in the two pseudomonads abolished their ability to elicit any plant reactions in all plants tested. The results indicate that a relatively small portion of the P. syringae genome is sufficient for the elicitation of plant reactions.  相似文献   

Prospective experimental field evaluation of genetically engineered microorganisms, such as microbial pest control agents, raises issues of how to properly ascertain their fate and survival in the environment. Field trials with recombinant organisms must reflect requirements for sampling and monitoring. Field trials were conducted at Tulelake, Calif., to monitor the numbers of viable cells of a nonrecombinant strain of Pseudomonas syringae that entered the atmosphere and landed on plants and soil during and after an aerosol spray application. An exponential decrease in numbers of viable cells deposited at increasing distances from three sprayed plots was observed. The relative rate of survival of cells sprayed directly on plants was more than 10 times higher than that of cells dispersed through the air to similar adjacent plants. Results are being used to gain experience with the characteristics of a release site that influence containment or dispersal and to develop appropriate sampling methodologies for evaluating survival and dispersal characteristics of genetically engineered bacteria released into the environment. The ability to make predictions about microbial dispersal and survival will reduce the uncertainties associated with environmental releases of recombinant organisms.  相似文献   

The ability of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae to use nitrate as a nitrogen source in culture and on leaves was assessed. Substantial amounts of leaf surface nitrate were detected directly and by use of a bioreporter of nitrate on bean plants grown with a variety of nitrogen sources. While a nitrate reductase mutant, P. syringae ΔnasB, exhibited greatly reduced growth in culture with nitrate as the sole nitrogen source, it exhibited population sizes similar to those of the wild-type strain on leaves. However, the growth of the ΔnasB mutant was much less than that of the wild-type strain when cultured in bean leaf washings supplemented with glucose, suggesting that P. syringae experiences primarily carbon-limited and only secondarily nitrogen-limited growth on bean leaves. Only a small proportion of the cells of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based P. syringae nitrate reductase bioreporter, LK2(pOTNas4), exhibited fluorescence on leaves. This suggests that only a subset of cells experience high nitrate levels or that nitrate assimilation is repressed by the presence of ammonium or other nitrogenous compounds in many leaf locations. While only a subpopulation of P. syringae consumes nitrate at a given time on the leaves, the ability of those cells to consume this resource would be strongly beneficial to those cells, especially in environments in which nitrate is the most abundant form of nitrogen.  相似文献   

Production of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (2,4-DAPG) in the rhizosphere by strains of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. results in the suppression of root diseases caused by certain fungal plant pathogens. In this study, fluorescent Pseudomonas strains containing phlD, which is directly involved in the biosynthesis of 2,4-DAPG, were isolated from the rhizosphere of wheat grown in soils from wheat-growing regions of the United States and The Netherlands. To assess the genotypic and phenotypic diversity present in this collection, 138 isolates were compared to 4 previously described 2,4-DAPG producers. Thirteen distinct genotypes, one of which represented over 30% of the isolates, were differentiated by whole-cell BOX-PCR. Representatives of this group were isolated from eight different soils taken from four different geographic locations. ERIC-PCR gave similar results overall, differentiating 15 distinct genotypes among all of the isolates. In most cases, a single genotype predominated among isolates obtained from each soil. Thirty isolates, representing all of the distinct genotypes and geographic locations, were further characterized. Restriction analysis of amplified 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed only three distinct phylogenetic groups, one of which accounted for 87% of the isolates. Phenotypic analyses based on carbon source utilization profiles revealed that all of the strains utilized 49 substrates and were unable to grow on 12 others. Individually, strains could utilize about two-thirds of the 95 substrates present in Biolog SF-N plates. Multivariate analyses of utilization profiles revealed phenotypic groupings consistent with those defined by the genotypic analyses.  相似文献   

微卫星DNA标记及其在鱼类遗传多样性研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微卫星DNA作为第二代分子遗传标记是高等真核生物基因组中种类多、分布广、具有高度的多态性和杂合度的分子标记,由于其具有多态性检出率高、信息含量大、共显性标记、实验操作简单、结果稳定可靠等优点,已经成为种群遗传学研究中被广泛应用的分子遗传标记。微卫星DNA标记技术在鱼类的群体遗传结构的分析、物种遗传多样性的鉴定以及遗传基因连锁图谱的构建等方面已初步得到应用。该文就微卫星技术的原理方法,在鱼类遗传多样性研究中的应用概况以及应用范围和注意事项等方面进行综述。为微卫星技术在鱼类遗传多样性研究中应用提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

Nonfluorescent highly virulent strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata isolated in different European countries and in Uruguay produce a nonfluorescent peptide siderophore, the production of which is iron repressed and specific to these strains. The amino acid composition of this siderophore is identical to that of the dominant fluorescent peptide siderophore produced by fluorescent P. syringae strains, and the molecular masses of the respective Fe(III) chelates are 1,177 and 1,175 atomic mass units. The unchelated nonfluorescent siderophore is converted into the fluorescent siderophore at pH 10, and colors and spectral characteristics of the unchelated siderophores and of the Fe(III)-chelates in acidic conditions are similar to those of dihydropyoverdins and pyoverdins, respectively. The nonfluorescent siderophore is used by fluorescent and nonfluorescent P. syringae strains. These results and additional mass spectrometry data strongly suggest the presence of a pyoverdin chromophore in the fluorescent siderophore and a dihydropyoverdin chromophore in the nonfluorescent siderophore, which are both ligated to a succinamide residue. When chelated, the siderophores behave differently from typical pyoverdins and dihydropyoverdins in neutral and alkaline conditions, apparently because of the ionization occurring around pH 4.5 of carboxylic acids present in β-hydroxyaspartic acid residues of the peptide chains. These differences can be detected visually by pH-dependent changes of the chelate colors and spectrophotochemically. These characteristics and the electrophoretic behavior of the unchelated and chelated siderophores offer new tools to discriminate between saprophytic fluorescent Pseudomonas species and fluorescent P. syringae and P. viridiflava strains and to distinguish between the two siderovars in P. syringae pv. aptata.  相似文献   

Two novel insertion sequence elements, ISLhe1 and ISLhe15, were located upstream of the genes encoding the β-galactosidase enzyme in Lactobacillus helveticus commercial starter strains. Strains with the IS982 family element, ISLhe1, demonstrated reduced β-galactosidase activity compared to the L. helveticus type strain, whereas strains with the ISLhe15 element expressed β-galactosidase in the absence of lactose.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae are differentiated into approximately 50 pathovars with different plant pathogenicities and host specificities. To understand its pathogenicity differentiation and the evolutionary mechanisms of pathogenicity-related genes, phylogenetic analyses were conducted using 56 strains belonging to 19 pathovars. gyrB and rpoD were adopted as the index genes to determine the course of bacterial genome evolution, and hrpL and hrpS were selected as the representatives of the pathogenicity-related genes located on the genome (chromosome). Based on these data, NJ, MP, and ML phylogenetic trees were constructed, and thus 3 trees for each gene and 12 gene trees in total were obtained, all of which showed three distinct monophyletic groups: Groups 1, 2 and 3. The observation that the same set of OTUs constitute each group in all four genes suggests that these genes had not experienced any intergroup horizontal gene transfer within P. syringae but have been stable on and evolved along with the P. syringae genome. These four index genes were then compared with another pathogenicity-related gene, argK (the phaseolotoxin-resistant ornithine carbamoyltransferase gene, which exists within the argK–tox gene cluster). All 13 strains of pv. phaseolicola and pv. actinidiae used had been confirmed to produce phaseolotoxin and to have argK, whose sequences were completely identical, without a single synonymous substitution among the strains used (Sawada et al. 1997a). On the other hand, argK were not present on the genomes of the other 43 strains used other than pv. actinidiae and pv. phaseolicola. Thus, the productivity of phaseolotoxin and the possession of the argK gene were shown at only two points on the phylogenetic tree: Group 1 (pv. actinidiae) and Group 3 (pv. phaseolicola). A t test between these two pathovars for the synonymous distances of argK and the tandemly combined sequence of the four index genes showed a high significance, suggesting that the argK gene (or argK–tox gene cluster) experienced horizontal gene transfer and expanded its distribution over two pathovars after the pathovars had separated, thus showing a base substitution pattern extremely different from that of the noncluster region of the genome. Received: 18 January 1999 / Accepted: 25 May 1999  相似文献   

The Type III secretion system (TTSS) is a protein secretion machinery used by certain gram-negative bacterial pathogens of plants and animals to deliver effector molecules to the host and is at the core of the ability to cause disease. Extensive molecular and biochemical study has revealed the components and their interactions within this system but reductive approaches do not consider the dynamical properties of the system as a whole. In order to gain a better understanding of these dynamical behaviours and to create a basis for the refinement of the experimentally derived knowledge we created a Boolean model of the regulatory interactions within the hrp regulon of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato strain DC3000 Pseudomonas syringae. We compared simulations of the model with experimental data and found them to be largely in accordance, though the hrpV node shows some differences in state changes to that expected. Our simulations also revealed interesting dynamical properties not previously predicted. The model predicts that the hrp regulon is a biologically stable two-state system, with each of the stable states being strongly attractive, a feature indicative of selection for a tightly regulated and responsive system. The model predicts that the state of the GacS/GacA node confers control, a prediction that is consistent with experimental observations that the protein has a role as master regulator. Simulated gene “knock out” experiments with the model predict that HrpL is a central information processing point within the network.  相似文献   

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