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In recent decades, coral reef ecosystems have declined to the extent that reefs are now threatened globally. While many water quality parameters have been proposed to contribute to reef declines, little evidence exists conclusively linking specific water quality parameters with increased disease prevalence in situ. Here we report evidence from in situ coral health surveys confirming that chronic exposure to dredging-associated sediment plumes significantly increase the prevalence of white syndromes, a devastating group of globally important coral diseases. Coral health surveys were conducted along a dredging-associated sediment plume gradient to assess the relationship between sedimentation, turbidity and coral health. Reefs exposed to the highest number of days under the sediment plume (296 to 347 days) had two-fold higher levels of disease, largely driven by a 2.5-fold increase in white syndromes, and a six-fold increase in other signs of compromised coral health relative to reefs with little or no plume exposure (0 to 9 days). Multivariate modeling and ordination incorporating sediment exposure level, coral community composition and cover, predation and multiple thermal stress indices provided further confirmation that sediment plume exposure level was the main driver of elevated disease and other compromised coral health indicators. This study provides the first evidence linking dredging-associated sedimentation and turbidity with elevated coral disease prevalence in situ. Our results may help to explain observed increases in global coral disease prevalence in recent decades and suggest that minimizing sedimentation and turbidity associated with coastal development will provide an important management tool for controlling coral disease epizootics.  相似文献   

Many marine populations exhibit high variability in the recruitment of young into the population. While environmental cycles and oceanography explain some patterns of replenishment, the role of other growth-related processes in influencing settlement and recruitment is less clear. Examination of a 65-mo. time series of recruitment of a common coral reef fish, Stegastes partitus, to the reefs of the upper Florida Keys revealed that during peak recruitment months, settlement stage larvae arriving during dark lunar phases grew faster as larvae and were larger at settlement compared to those settling during the light lunar phases. However, the strength and direction of early trait-mediated selective mortality also varied by settlement lunar phase such that the early life history traits of 2–4 week old recruit survivors that settled across the lunar cycle converged to more similar values. Similarly, within peak settlement periods, early life history traits of settling larvae and selective mortality of recruits varied by the magnitude of the settlement event: larvae settling in larger events had longer PLDs and consequently were larger at settlement than those settling in smaller pulses. Traits also varied by recruitment habitat: recruits surviving in live coral habitat (vs rubble) or areas with higher densities of adult conspecifics were those that were larger at settlement. Reef habitats, especially those with high densities of territorial conspecifics, are more challenging habitats for young fish to occupy and small settlers (due to lower larval growth and/or shorter PLDs) to these habitats have a lower chance of survival than they do in rubble habitats. Settling reef fish are not all equal and the time and location of settlement influences the likelihood that individuals will survive to contribute to the population.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Nitrogen pollution increases the susceptibility of corals to heat-induced bleaching. However, different forms of nitrogen (nitrate vs. ammonium/urea) may have different impacts on...  相似文献   

城市绿地植物群落特征对亚微米颗粒物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物群落是构成城市绿地的基本单元之一,也是绿地发挥空气颗粒物调节功能的基础。亚微米级颗粒物,即PM1颗粒物对大气能见度、环境质量与人体健康等均存在严重的负面危害。为探究城市绿地植物群落对亚微米颗粒物水平的调节机制,本研究基于实地测量,针对不同类型植物群落内PM1颗粒物水平的差异,以及群落冠层结构对PM1浓度的影响开展定量研究。结果表明,植物群落对亚微米颗粒物具有一定的减滞效果。8种常见群落类型中,针阔-乔草型群落减滞PM1颗粒物的能力最优,阔叶-乔灌草群落次之,针叶-灌草型群落最弱,但不同类型植物群落内部的PM1浓度差异并不显著。植物群落的冠层结构同PM1颗粒物间存在明显的非线性响应关系,部分冠层指标存在关键的拐点阈值。当冠层郁闭度大于75%,疏透度小于55%左右时,植物群落减滞PM1颗粒物的效果最佳。  相似文献   

The geochemical partitioning of trace metals in sediments is of great importance in risk assessment and remedial investigation. Selected factors that may control the partitioning behavior of Cu, Pb and Zn in non-sulfidic, estuarine sediments were examined with the use of combined sorption curve—sequential extraction analysis. This approach, which has not been previously used to examine estuarine sediments, allowed determination of sorption parameters for Cu, Pb and Zn partitioning to individual geochemical fractions. Partitioning behavior in sulfidic sediments was also determined by sequentially extracting Cu, Pb, and Zn from synthetic sulfide minerals and from natural sediment and pure quartz sand after spiking with acid-volatile sulfide (AVS). Trace metal sorption to the “carbonate” fraction (pH 5, NaOAc extraction) increased with metal loading due to saturation of sorption sites associated with the “Fe-oxide” (NH2OH·HCl extraction) and “organic” (H2O2 extraction) fractions in non-sulfidic sediments. Freundlich parameters describing sorption to the “Fe-oxide” and “organic” fractions were controlled by the sediment Fe-oxide and organic carbon content, respectively. Sequential extraction of Cu from pure CuS, AVS-spiked sediment and AVS-spiked quartz sand showed that AVS-bound Cu was quantitatively recovered in association with the “organic” fraction. However, some AVS-bound Pb and Zn were recovered by the NH2OH·HCl step (which has been previously interpreted as “Fe-oxide” bound metals) in the sequential extraction procedure used in this study. This indicates that the sequential extraction of Pb and Zn in sulfidic sediments may lead to AVS-bound metals being mistaken as Fe-oxide bound species. Caution should therefore be exercised when interpreting sequential extraction results for Pb and Zn in anoxic sediments.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need to examine regional patterns of diversity in coral-reef systems since their biodiversity is declining globally. In this sense, additive partitioning might be useful since it quantifies the contribution of alpha and beta to total diversity across different scales. We applied this approach using an unbalanced design across four hierarchical scales (80 sites, 22 subregions, six ecoregions, and the Caribbean basin). Reef-fish species were compiled from the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) database and distributions were confirmed with published data. Permutation tests were used to compare observed values to those expected by chance. The primary objective was to identify patterns of reef-fish diversity across multiple spatial scales under different scenarios, examining factors such as fisheries and demographic connectivity. Total diversity at the Caribbean scale was attributed to β-diversity (nearly 62% of the species), with the highest β-diversity at the site scale. α¯-diversity was higher than expected by chance in all scenarios and at all studied scales. This suggests that fish assemblages are more homogenous than expected, particularly at the ecoregion scale. Within each ecoregion, diversity was mainly attributed to alpha, except for the Southern ecoregion where there was a greater difference in species among sites. β-components were lower than expected in all ecoregions, indicating that fishes within each ecoregion are a subsample of the same species pool. The scenario involving the effects of fisheries showed a shift in dominance for β-diversity from regions to subregions, with no major changes to the diversity patterns. In contrast, demographic connectivity partially explained the diversity pattern. β-components were low within connectivity regions and higher than expected by chance when comparing between them. Our results highlight the importance of ecoregions as a spatial scale to conserve local and regional coral reef-fish diversity.  相似文献   

The biological and economic values of coral reefs are highly vulnerable to increasing atmospheric and ocean carbon dioxide concentrations. We applied the COMBO simulation model (COral Mortality and Bleaching Output) to three major U.S. locations for shallow water reefs: South Florida, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii. We compared estimates of future coral cover from 2000 to 2100 for a “business as usual” (BAU) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions scenario with a GHG mitigation policy scenario involving full international participation in reducing GHG emissions. We also calculated the economic value of changes in coral cover using a benefit transfer approach based on published studies of consumers'' recreational values for snorkeling and diving on coral reefs as well as existence values for coral reefs. Our results suggest that a reduced emissions scenario would provide a large benefit to shallow water reefs in Hawaii by delaying or avoiding potential future bleaching events. For Hawaii, reducing emissions is projected to result in an estimated “avoided loss” from 2000 to 2100 of approximately $10.6 billion in recreational use values compared to a BAU scenario. However, reducing emissions is projected to provide only a minor economic benefit in Puerto Rico and South Florida, where sea-surface temperatures are already close to bleaching thresholds and coral cover is projected to drop well below 5% cover under both scenarios by 2050, and below 1% cover under both scenarios by 2100.  相似文献   

This study provides geochemical partitioning, potential bioavailability, and enrichment of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in bottom sediments collected from the Matanza-Riachuelo River and its main tributary streams. A modified Tessier sequential extraction procedure, complemented with acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and simultaneous extracted metals (SEM) measurements, was applied to determine the partitioning of metals into four fractions (metals bound to amorphous sulfide, carbonate, and exchangeable), bound to Fe/Mn oxides (reducible), bound to organic matter/sulfide (oxidizable) and residual. Spatial and vertical distributions of metals were studied. The core sediments show a decreasing concentration of metals with depth. In top sediments, non-residual Cu was mainly associated with oxidizable phase, whereas Pb, Cd, and Zn were mainly associated with amorphous sulfide. Pb exhibited the highest enrichment in all sites. The ratio AVS/SEM was greater than one at sediment sections close to the water column, indicating that metals extracted with hydrochloric acid were mainly associated with the amorphous sulfide. The strong influence of amorphous sulfide in the retention of Cd, Pb, and Zn in anoxic sediments of Matanza-Riachuelo river system suggests that dredging and aeration could lead to the remobilization of metals from sediments to the water column, hence making the metals more available to the biota.  相似文献   

A unique association between bacterial cells and small goethite particles (~0.2 by 2 μm) protected Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida from UV inactivation. The protection increased with the particle concentration in the turbidity range of 1 to 50 nephelometric turbidity units and with the bacterium-particle attachment time prior to UV irradiation. The lower degree of bacterial inactivation at longer attachment time was mostly attributed to the particle aggregation surrounding bacteria that provided shielding from UV radiation.  相似文献   

Microcosm experiments were conduced in which the surface of marine sediment was contaminated with naphthalene and subjected to either of three different bioremediation schemes, i.e., biostimulation (BS) by supplementing with slow-release nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, bioaugmentation (BA) by inoculating with Cycloclasticus sp. E2, an aromatics-degrading bacterium identified to play an important role for aromatic-hydrocarbon degradation in marine environments and combination (CB) of BS and BA. These three schemes were found to be similarly effective for removing naphthalene, while naphthalene disappearance in sediment without any treatment (WT) was slower than those in the treated sediments. Shifts in bacterial populations during and after bioremediation were analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments. It was found that the Cycloclasticus rRNA type occurred as the strongest bands in the course of naphthalene degradation. Clustering analysis of DGGE profiles showed that bacterial populations in the WT, BS and CB sediments differed consistently from those in the uncontaminated control, while the profile for the BA sediment was finally included in the cluster for uncontaminated control sediments after a 150-day treatment. The results suggest that bioaugmentation with ecologically competent pollutant-degrading bacteria is an ecologically promising bioremediation scheme.  相似文献   

The membrane environment, its composition, dynamics, and remodeling, have been shown to participate in the function and organization of a wide variety of transmembrane (TM) proteins, making it necessary to study the molecular mechanisms of such proteins in the context of their membrane settings. We review some recent conceptual advances enabling such studies, and corresponding computational models and tools designed to facilitate the concerted experimental and computational investigation of protein-membrane interactions. To connect productively with the high resolution achieved by cognate experimental approaches, the computational methods must offer quantitative data at an atomistically detailed level. We show how such a quantitative method illuminated the mechanistic importance of a structural characteristic of multihelical TM proteins, that is, the likely presence of adjacent polar and hydrophobic residues at the protein-membrane interface. Such adjacency can preclude the complete alleviation of the well-known hydrophobic mismatch between TM proteins and the surrounding membrane, giving rise to an energy cost of residual hydrophobic mismatch. The energy cost and biophysical formulation of hydrophobic mismatch and residual hydrophobic mismatch are reviewed in the context of their mechanistic role in the function of prototypical members of multihelical TM protein families: 1), LeuT, a bacterial homolog of mammalian neurotransmitter sodium symporters; and 2), rhodopsin and the β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors from the G-protein coupled receptor family. The type of computational analysis provided by these examples is poised to translate the rapidly growing structural data for the many TM protein families that are of great importance to cell function into ever more incisive insights into mechanisms driven by protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions in the membrane environment.  相似文献   

The membrane environment, its composition, dynamics, and remodeling, have been shown to participate in the function and organization of a wide variety of transmembrane (TM) proteins, making it necessary to study the molecular mechanisms of such proteins in the context of their membrane settings. We review some recent conceptual advances enabling such studies, and corresponding computational models and tools designed to facilitate the concerted experimental and computational investigation of protein-membrane interactions. To connect productively with the high resolution achieved by cognate experimental approaches, the computational methods must offer quantitative data at an atomistically detailed level. We show how such a quantitative method illuminated the mechanistic importance of a structural characteristic of multihelical TM proteins, that is, the likely presence of adjacent polar and hydrophobic residues at the protein-membrane interface. Such adjacency can preclude the complete alleviation of the well-known hydrophobic mismatch between TM proteins and the surrounding membrane, giving rise to an energy cost of residual hydrophobic mismatch. The energy cost and biophysical formulation of hydrophobic mismatch and residual hydrophobic mismatch are reviewed in the context of their mechanistic role in the function of prototypical members of multihelical TM protein families: 1), LeuT, a bacterial homolog of mammalian neurotransmitter sodium symporters; and 2), rhodopsin and the β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors from the G-protein coupled receptor family. The type of computational analysis provided by these examples is poised to translate the rapidly growing structural data for the many TM protein families that are of great importance to cell function into ever more incisive insights into mechanisms driven by protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions in the membrane environment.  相似文献   

The impact of Dreissena polymorpha settlement on recruitment of juvenile mussels and density of other macroinvertebrates was studied in field experiments using blank concrete blocks and tiles (control), blocks and tiles with attached empty zebra mussel shells, and blocks and tiles with attached living mussels. On blocks, dominant invertebrate taxa showed colonization patterns coinciding with increased habitat complexity owing to zebra mussel settlement or the biodeposition of faeces and pseudofaeces. Adult and especially juvenile zebra mussels preferred blocks with empty shells to blank blocks and blocks with living mussels; this might possibly be caused by a chemical cue that induces gregarious settlement. Lower recruitment on blocks with attached living mussels compared to blocks with only shells could be the consequence of ingestion of larvae by adult mussels and of competition for food. On tiles, the sediments deposited and the organic content of the sediment were investigated. Sedimentation was significantly higher on shell‐only and live‐mussel tiles compared to blank tiles. Organic matter differed significantly between blank and live‐mussel tiles.  相似文献   

Increasing photosynthetic capacity by extending canopy longevity during grain filling using slow senescing stay-green genotypes is a possible means to improve yield in wheat.Ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS...  相似文献   

Caribbean reefs have steadily declined during the past 30 years. Thermal disturbances that elicit coral bleaching have been identified as a major driver of such coral degradation. It has been suggested that either the evolution of more tolerant symbionts, or shifts in the distribution of existing, tolerant symbionts could ameliorate the effect of rising sea temperatures on Caribbean reefs. Using a spatial ecosystem model we describe the characteristics that new tolerant symbionts, ‘super-symbionts’, and their coral hosts, require for coral cover to be maintained. We also quantify the time necessary for such symbionts to become dominant before their potential beneficial effect is lost. Running scenarios under two levels of greenhouse gas emissions, we find that aggressive action to reduce emissions could almost triple the time available for new super-symbionts to become dominant and potentially mitigate the effect of thermal disturbances. The benefits of thermally tolerant super-symbionts depend on the life-history traits of the host, the number of coral species infected and the present coral assemblage. Corals that are strong competitors with macroalgae are likely to become dominant on future reefs if a super-symbiont appears in the next 25–60 years. In principle, super-symbionts could have ecosystem-level benefits in the Caribbean providing that they become dominant in multiple coral hosts with specific life-history traits within the next 60 years. This potential benefit would only be realized if the appearance of the super-symbiont is combined with drastic reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and maintenance of ecosystem processes such as herbivory.  相似文献   

Distinct partitioning has been observed in the composition and diversity of bacterial communities inhabiting the surface and overlying seawater of three coral species infected with black band disease (BBD) on the southern Caribbean island of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. PCR amplification and sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes (rDNA) with universally conserved primers have identified over 524 unique bacterial sequences affiliated with 12 bacterial divisions. The molecular sequences exhibited less than 5% similarity in bacterial community composition between seawater and the healthy, black band diseased, and dead coral surfaces. The BBD bacterial mat rapidly migrates across and kills the coral tissue. Clone libraries constructed from the BBD mat were comprised of eight bacterial divisions and 13% unknowns. Several sequences representing bacteria previously found in other marine and terrestrial organisms (including humans) were isolated from the infected coral surfaces, including Clostridium spp., Arcobacter spp., Campylobacter spp., Cytophaga fermentans, Cytophaga columnaris, and Trichodesmium tenue.  相似文献   

Accelerated human development in coastal areas is causing declines in coral reefs worldwide, but the mechanisms by which development leads to reef degradation are often difficult to identify. Here, we use Akaike information criterion model averaging in combination with path analysis to test for the direct and indirect effects of potential environmental stressors on two coral diseases on the west coast of Hawai'i. We quantified human‐altered land cover and human population density at two spatial scales: inland area of 1‐km radius and watershed. We then tested for the effects of these land cover variables, as well as seawater chlorophyll α concentrations, depth, host coral cover, and proximity to surface water discharge on the density of growth anomalies (GA) and prevalence of trematodiasis (TRE) affecting Porites lobata, the locally dominant reef‐building coral species. Our analyses showed that human‐altered land cover measured at 1‐km scale was a strong indirect predictor of GA. Specifically, we found that human interference adjacent to the coast predicted higher chlorophyll α concentrations, which in turn predicted higher GA density. We also found that chlorophyll α and depth were strong negative predictors of TRE, and host coral cover a positive predictor. Our results indicated that GA are likely regulated by indirect land‐based anthropogenic impacts, whereas TRE is mostly affected by host density‐dependent forces. Path analysis can serve as a useful tool to rapidly identify the scale and indirect effects of anthropogenic stressors related to coral diseases, allowing for accurate conservation planning in the face of limited resources for tropical conservation.  相似文献   

Worldwide, coral reefs are challenged by multiple stressors due to growing urbanization, industrialization and coastal development. Coral reefs along the Thousand Islands off Jakarta, one of the largest megacities worldwide, have degraded dramatically over recent decades. The shift and decline in coral cover and composition has been extensively studied with a focus on large-scale gradients (i.e. regional drivers), however special focus on local drivers in shaping spatial community composition is still lacking. Here, the spatial impact of anthropogenic stressors on local and regional scales on coral reefs north of Jakarta was investigated. Results indicate that the direct impact of Jakarta is mainly restricted to inshore reefs, separating reefs in Jakarta Bay from reefs along the Thousand Islands further north. A spatial patchwork of differentially degraded reefs is present along the islands as a result of localized anthropogenic effects rather than regional gradients. Pollution is the main anthropogenic stressor, with over 80% of variation in benthic community composition driven by sedimentation rate, NO2, PO4 and Chlorophyll a. Thus, the spatial structure of reefs is directly related to intense anthropogenic pressure from local as well as regional sources. Therefore, improved spatial management that accounts for both local and regional stressors is needed for effective marine conservation.  相似文献   

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