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Recent protein design experiments have demonstrated that proteins can migrate between folds through the accumulation of substitution mutations without visiting disordered or nonfunctional points in sequence space. To explore the biophysical mechanism underlying such transitions we use a three-letter continuous protein model with seven atoms per amino acid to provide realistic sequence-structure and sequence-function mappings through explicit simulation of the folding and interaction of model sequences. We start from two 16-amino-acid sequences folding into an α-helix and a β-hairpin, respectively, each of which has a preferred binding partner with 35 amino acids. We identify a mutational pathway between the two folds, which features a sharp fold switch. By contrast, we find that the transition in function is smooth. Moreover, the switch in preferred binding partner does not coincide with the fold switch. Discovery of new folds in evolution might therefore be facilitated by following fitness slopes in sequence space underpinned by binding-induced conformational switching.  相似文献   

蛋白质空间结构研究是分子生物学、细胞生物学、生物化学以及药物设计等领域的重要课题.折叠类型反映了蛋白质核心结构的拓扑模式,对折叠类型的识别是蛋白质序列与结构关系研究的重要内容.选取LIFCA数据库中样本量较大的53种折叠类型,应用功能域组分方法进行折叠识别.将Astral 1.65中序列一致性小于95%的样本作为检验集,全库检验结果中平均敏感性为96.42%,特异性为99.91%,马修相关系数(MCC)为0.91,各项统计结果表明:功能域组分方法可以很好地应用在蛋白质折叠识别中,LIFCA相对简单的分类规则可以很好地集中蛋白质的大部分功能特性,反映了结构与功能的对应关系.  相似文献   

In contrast to molecular chaperones that couple protein folding to ATP hydrolysis, protein disulfide-isomerase (PDI) catalyzes protein folding coupled to formation of disulfide bonds (oxidative folding). However, we do not know how PDI distinguishes folded, partly-folded and unfolded protein substrates. As a model intermediate in an oxidative folding pathway, we prepared a two-disulfide mutant of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) and showed by NMR that it is partly-folded and highly dynamic. NMR studies show that it binds to PDI at the same site that binds peptide ligands, with rapid binding and dissociation kinetics; surface plasmon resonance shows its interaction with PDI has a Kd of ca. 10−5 M. For comparison, we characterized the interactions of PDI with native BPTI and fully-unfolded BPTI. Interestingly, PDI does bind native BPTI, but binding is quantitatively weaker than with partly-folded and unfolded BPTI. Hence PDI recognizes and binds substrates via permanently or transiently unfolded regions. This is the first study of PDI''s interaction with a partly-folded protein, and the first to analyze this folding catalyst''s changing interactions with substrates along an oxidative folding pathway. We have identified key features that make PDI an effective catalyst of oxidative protein folding – differential affinity, rapid ligand exchange and conformational flexibility.  相似文献   

Recent advances in experimental methods provide increasing evidence that proteins sample the conformational substates that are important for function in the absence of their ligands. An example is the receiver domain of nitrogen regulatory protein C, a member of the phosphorylation-mediated signaling family of “two-component systems.” The receiver domain of nitrogen regulatory protein C samples both inactive conformation and the active conformation before phosphorylation. Here we determine a possible pathway of interconversion between the active state and the inactive state by targeted molecular dynamics simulations and quasi-harmonic analysis; these methods are used because the experimental conversion rate is in the high microsecond range, longer than those that are easily accessible to atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. The calculated pathway is found to be composed of four consecutive stages described by different progress variables. The lowest quasi-harmonic principal components from unbiased molecular dynamics simulations on the active state correspond to the first stage, but not to the subsequent stages of the transition. The targeted molecular dynamics pathway suggests that several transient nonnative hydrogen bonds may facilitate the transition.  相似文献   

To investigate a putatively primordial protein we have simplified the sequence of a 56-residue α/β fold (the immunoglobulin-binding domain of protein G) by replacing it with polyalanine, polythreonine, and diglycine segments at regions of the sequence that in the folded structure are α-helical, β-strand, and turns, respectively. Remarkably, multiple folding and unfolding events are observed in a 15-μs molecular dynamics simulation at 330 K. The most stable state (populated at ∼20%) of the simplified-sequence variant of protein G has the same α/β topology as the wild-type but shows the characteristics of a molten globule, i.e., loose contacts among side chains and lack of a specific hydrophobic core. The unfolded state is heterogeneous and includes a variety of α/β topologies but also fully α-helical and fully β-sheet structures. Transitions within the denatured state are very fast, and the molten-globule state is reached in <1 μs by a framework mechanism of folding with multiple pathways. The native structure of the wild-type is more rigid than the molten-globule conformation of the simplified-sequence variant. The difference in structural stability and the very fast folding of the simplified protein suggest that evolution has enriched the primordial alphabet of amino acids mainly to optimize protein function by stabilization of a unique structure with specific tertiary interactions.  相似文献   

Apoptotic caspases, such as caspase-7, are stored as inactive protease zymogens, and when activated, lead to a fate-determining switch to induce cell death. We previously discovered small molecule thiol-containing inhibitors that when tethered revealed an allosteric site and trapped a conformation similar to the zymogen form of the enzyme. We noted three structural transitions that the compounds induced: (i) breaking of an interaction between Tyr-223 and Arg-187 in the allosteric site, which prevents proper ordering of the catalytic cysteine; (ii) pinning the L2′ loop over the allosteric site, which blocks critical interactions for proper ordering of the substrate-binding groove; and (iii) a hinge-like rotation at Gly-188 positioned after the catalytic Cys-186 and Arg-187. Here we report a systematic mutational analysis of these regions to dissect their functional importance to mediate the allosteric transition induced by these compounds. Mutating the hinge Gly-188 to the restrictive proline causes a massive ∼6000-fold reduction in catalytic efficiency. Mutations in the Arg-187–Tyr-223 couple have a far less dramatic effect (3–20-fold reductions). Interestingly, although the allosteric couple mutants still allow binding and allosteric inhibition, they partially relieve the mutual exclusivity of binding between inhibitors at the active and allosteric sites. These data highlight a small set of residues critical for mediating the transition from active to inactive zymogen-like states.Caspases are a family of dimeric cysteine proteases whose members control the ultimate steps for apoptosis (programmed cell death) or innate inflammation among others (for reviews, see Refs. 1 and 2). During apoptosis, the upstream initiator caspases (caspase-8 and -9) activate the downstream executioner caspases (caspase-3, -6, and-7) via zymogen maturation (3). The activated executioner caspases then cleave upwards of 500 key proteins (46) and DNA, leading to cell death. Due to their pivotal role in apoptosis, the caspases are involved both in embryonic development and in dysfunction in diseases including cancer and stroke (7). The 11 human caspases share a common active site cysteine-histidine dyad (8), and derive their name, cysteine aspartate proteases, from their exquisite specificity for cleaving substrate proteins after specific aspartate residues (913). Thus, it has been difficult to develop active site-directed inhibitors with significant specificity for one caspase over the others (14). Despite difficulties in obtaining specificity, there has been a long-standing correlation between efficacy of caspase inhibitors in vitro and their ability to inhibit caspases and apoptosis in vivo (for review, see Ref. 31). Thus, a clear understanding of in vitro inhibitor function is central to the ability control caspase function in vivo.Caspase-7 has been a paradigm for understanding the structure and dynamics of the executioner caspases (1521). The substrate-binding site is composed of four loops; L2, L3, and L4 are contributed from one-half of the caspase dimer, and L2′ is contributed from the other half of the caspase dimer (Fig. 1). These loops appear highly dynamic as they are only observed in x-ray structures when bound to substrate or substrate analogs in the catalytically competent conformation (1719, 22) (Fig. 1B).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Allosteric site and dimeric structure in caspase-7. A, the surface of active site-bound caspase-7 shows a large open allosteric (yellow) site at the dimer interface. This cavity is distinct from the active sites, which are bound with the active site inhibitor DEVD (green sticks). B, large subunits of caspase-7 dimers (dark green and dark purple) contain the active site cysteine-histidine dyad. The small subunits (light green and light purple) contain the allosteric site cysteine 290. The conformation of the substrate-binding loops (L2, L2′, L3, and L4) in active caspase-7 (Protein Data Bank (PDB) number 1f1j) is depicted. The L2′ loop (spheres) from one-half of the dimer interacts with the L2 loop from the other half of the dimer. C, binding of allosteric inhibitors influences the conformation of the L2′ loop (spheres), which folds over the allosteric cavity (PDB number 1shj). Subunit rendering is as in panel A. Panels A, B, and C are in the same orientation.A potential alternative to active site inhibitors are allosteric inhibitors that have been seeded by the discovery of selective cysteine-tethered allosteric inhibitors for either apoptotic executioner caspase-3 or apoptotic executioner caspase-7 (23) as well as the inflammatory caspase-1 (24). These thiol-containing compounds bind to a putative allosteric site through disulfide bond formation with a thiol in the cavity at the dimer interface (Fig. 1A) (23, 24). X-ray structures of caspase-7 bound to allosteric inhibitors FICA3 and DICA (Fig. 2) show that these compounds trigger conformational rearrangements that stabilize the inactive zymogen-like conformation over the substrate-bound, active conformation. The ability of small molecules to hold mature caspase-7 in a conformation that mimics the naturally occurring, inactive zymogen state underscores the utility and biological relevance of the allosteric mechanism of inhibition. Several structural changes are evident between these allosterically inhibited and active states. (i) The allosteric inhibitors directly disrupt an interaction between Arg-187 (next to the catalytic Cys-186) and Tyr-223 that springs the Arg-187 into the active site (Fig. 3), (ii) this conformational change appears to be facilitated by a hinge-like movement about Gly-188, and (iii) the L2′ loop folds down to cover the allosteric inhibitor and assumes a zymogen-like conformation (Fig. 1C) (23).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 2.Structure of allosteric inhibitors DICA and FICA. DICA and FICA are hydrophobic small molecules that bind to an allosteric site at the dimer interface of caspase-7. Binding of DICA/FICA is mediated by a disulfide between the compound thiol and Cys-290 in caspase-7.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 3.Movement of L2′ blocking arm. The region of caspase-7 encompassing the allosteric couple Arg-187 and Tyr-223 is boxed. The inset shows the down orientation of Arg-187 and Tyr-223 in the active conformation with DEVD substrate mimic (orange spheres) in the active site. In the allosteric/zymogen conformation, Arg-187 and Tyr-223 are pushed up by DICA (blue spheres).Here, using mutational analysis and small molecule inhibitors, we assess the importance of these three structural units to modulate both the inhibition of the enzyme and the coupling between allosteric and active site labeling. Our data suggest that the hinge movement and pinning of the L2-L2′ are most critical for transitioning between the active and inactive forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 receptor (FLT3) internal tandem duplication (ITD) mutations result in constitutive activation of this receptor and have been shown to increase the risk of relapse in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML); however, substantial heterogeneity in clinical outcomes still exists within both the ITD mutated and unmutated AML subgroups, suggesting alternative mechanisms of disease relapse not accounted by FLT3 mutational status. Single cell network profiling (SCNP) is a multiparametric flow cytometry based assay that simultaneously measures, in a quantitative fashion and at the single cell level, both extracellular surface marker levels and changes in intracellular signaling proteins in response to extracellular modulators. We previously reported an initial characterization of FLT3 ITD-mediated signaling using SCNP. Herein SCNP was applied sequentially to two separate cohorts of samples collected from elderly AML patients at diagnosis. In the first (training) study, AML samples carrying unmutated, wild-type FLT3 (FLT3 WT) displayed a wide range of induced signaling, with a fraction having signaling profiles comparable to FLT3 ITD AML samples. Conversely, the FLT3 ITD AML samples displayed more homogeneous induced signaling, with the exception of patients with low (<40%) mutational load, which had profiles comparable to FLT3 WT AML samples. This observation was then confirmed in an independent (verification) cohort. Data from the second cohort were also used to assess the association between SCNP data and disease-free survival (DFS) in the context of FLT3 and nucleophosmin (NPM1) mutational status among patients who achieved complete remission (CR) to induction chemotherapy. The combination of SCNP read outs together with FLT3 and NPM1 molecular status improved the DFS prediction accuracy of the latter. Taken together, these results emphasize the value of comprehensive functional assessment of biologically relevant signaling pathways in AML as a basis for the development of highly predictive tests for guidance of post-remission therapy.  相似文献   

ERK influences a number of pathways in all cells, but how ERK activities are segregated between different pathways has not been entirely clear. Using immunoprecipitation and pulldown experiments with domain-specific recombinant fragments, we show that smooth muscle archvillin (SmAV) binds ERK and members of the ERK signaling cascade in a domain-specific, stimulus-dependent, and pathway-specific manner. MEK binds specifically to the first 445 residues of SmAV. B-Raf, an upstream regulator of MEK, constitutively interacts with residues 1–445 and 446–1250. Both ERK and 14-3-3 bind to both fragments, but in a stimulus-specific manner. Phosphorylated ERK is associated only with residues 1–445. An ERK phosphorylation site was determined by mass spectrometry to reside at Ser132. A phospho-antibody raised to this site shows that the site is phosphorylated during α-agonist-mediated ERK activation in smooth muscle tissue. Phosphorylation of SmAV by ERK decreases the association of phospho-ERK with SmAV. These results, combined with previous observations, indicate that SmAV serves as a new ERK scaffolding protein and provide a mechanism for regulation of ERK binding, activation, and release from the signaling complex.  相似文献   

The molecular switch for nucleotide-regulated assembly and disassembly of the main prokaryotic cell division protein FtsZ is unknown despite the numerous crystal structures that are available. We have characterized the functional motions in FtsZ with a computational consensus of essential dynamics, structural comparisons, sequence conservation, and networks of co-evolving residues. Employing this information, we have constructed 17 mutants, which alter the FtsZ functional cycle at different stages, to modify FtsZ flexibility. The mutant phenotypes ranged from benign to total inactivation and included increased GTPase, reduced assembly, and stabilized assembly. Six mutations clustering at the long cleft between the C-terminal β-sheet and core helix H7 deviated FtsZ assembly into curved filaments with inhibited GTPase, which still polymerize cooperatively. These mutations may perturb the predicted closure of the C-terminal domain onto H7 required for switching between curved and straight association modes and for GTPase activation. By mapping the FtsZ assembly switch, this work also gives insight into FtsZ druggability because the curved mutations delineate the putative binding site of the promising antibacterial FtsZ inhibitor PC190723.  相似文献   



The members of cupin superfamily exhibit large variations in their sequences, functions, organization of domains, quaternary associations and the nature of bound metal ion, despite having a conserved β-barrel structural scaffold. Here, an attempt has been made to understand structure-function relationships among the members of this diverse superfamily and identify the principles governing functional diversity. The cupin superfamily also contains proteins for which the structures are available through world-wide structural genomics initiatives but characterized as “hypothetical”. We have explored the feasibility of obtaining clues to functions of such proteins by means of comparative analysis with cupins of known structure and function.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A 3-D structure-based phylogenetic approach was undertaken. Interestingly, a dendrogram generated solely on the basis of structural dissimilarity measure at the level of domain folds was found to cluster functionally similar members. This clustering also reflects an independent evolution of the two domains in bicupins. Close examination of structural superposition of members across various functional clusters reveals structural variations in regions that not only form the active site pocket but are also involved in interaction with another domain in the same polypeptide or in the oligomer.


Structure-based phylogeny of cupins can influence identification of functions of proteins of yet unknown function with cupin fold. This approach can be extended to other proteins with a common fold that show high evolutionary divergence. This approach is expected to have an influence on the function annotation in structural genomics initiatives.  相似文献   

Aim To describe patterns of tree cover in savannas over a climatic gradient and a range of spatial scales and test if there are identifiable climate‐related mean structures, if tree cover always increases with water availability and if there is a continuous trend or a stepwise trend in tree cover. Location Central Tropical Africa. Methods We compared a new analysis of satellite tree cover data with botanical, phytogeographical and environmental data. Results Along the climatic transect, six vegetation structures were distinguished according to their average tree cover, which can co‐occur as mosaics. The resulting abrupt shifts in tree cover were not correlated to any shifts in either environmental variables or in tree species distributions. Main conclusions A strong contrast appears between fine‐scale variability in tree cover and coarse‐scale structural states that are stable over several degrees of latitude. While climate parameters and species pools display a continuous evolution along the climatic gradient, these stable structural states have discontinuous transitions, resulting in regions containing mosaics of alternative stable states. Soils appear to have little effect inside the climatic stable state domains but a strong action on the location of the transitions. This indicates that savannas are patch dynamics systems, prone to feedbacks stabilizing their coarse‐scale structure over wide ranges of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

细菌细胞中,三分之一的蛋白质是在合成后被转运到细胞质外才发挥功能的.其中大多数蛋白是通过Sec途径(即分泌途径secretion pathway)进行跨膜运动的.Sec转运酶是一个多组分的蛋白质复合体,膜蛋白三聚体SecYEG及水解ATP的动力蛋白SecA构成了Sec转运酶的核心.整合膜蛋白SecD,SecF和vajC形成了一个复合体亚单位,可与SecYEG相连并稳定SecA蛋白的膜结合形式.SecB是蛋白质转运中的伴侣分子,可以和很多蛋白质前体结合.SecM是由位于secA基因上游的secM基因编码的,可调节SecA蛋白的合成量,维持细胞在不同环境条件下的正常生长.新生肽链的信号肽被高度保守的SRP特异性识别.伴侣分子SecB通过与细胞膜上的SecA二聚体特异性结合将蛋白质前体引导至Sec转运途径,起始转运过程.结合蛋白质前体的SecA与组成转运通道的SecYEG复合体具有较高的亲和性.SecA经历插入和脱离细胞内膜SecYEG通道的循环,为转运提供所需的能量,每一次循环可推动20多个氨基酸的连续跨膜运动.  相似文献   

The twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway is well known for its ability to export fully folded substrate proteins out of the cytoplasm of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Studies of this mechanism in Escherichia coli have identified numerous transient protein-protein interactions that guide export-competent proteins through the Tat pathway. To visualize these interactions, we have adapted bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) to detect protein-protein interactions along the Tat pathway of living cells. Fragments of the yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) were fused to soluble and transmembrane factors that participate in the translocation process including Tat substrates, Tat-specific proofreading chaperones and the integral membrane proteins TatABC that form the translocase. Fluorescence analysis of these YFP chimeras revealed a wide range of interactions such as the one between the Tat substrate dimethyl sulfoxide reductase (DmsA) and its dedicated proofreading chaperone DmsD. In addition, BiFC analysis illuminated homo- and hetero-oligomeric complexes of the TatA, TatB and TatC integral membrane proteins that were consistent with the current model of translocase assembly. In the case of TatBC assemblies, we provide the first evidence that these complexes are co-localized at the cell poles. Finally, we used this BiFC approach to capture interactions between the putative Tat receptor complex formed by TatBC and the DmsA substrate or its dedicated chaperone DmsD. Our results demonstrate that BiFC is a powerful approach for studying cytoplasmic and inner membrane interactions underlying bacterial secretory pathways.  相似文献   

Staurosporine is a potent inhibitor of protein kinase C. To identify the genes that functionally interact with the Pkc1 pathway of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we screened for the genes that cause induced staurosporine sensitivity when overexpressed from a galactose-inducible promoter. The novel gene ISR1 encodes a predicted protein kinase with the highest sequence similarity to mammalian Raf in the kinase domain. Drug sensitivity induced by ISR1 overexpression is specific to staurosporine. Although ISR1 disruption causes no obvious phenotype, it does exacerbate the phenotypes of a temperature-sensitive allele (stt1-1) of PKC1, but not of the mpk1 and bck1 mutants of the Mpk1 MAP kinase pathway. These results suggest that Isr1 functions in an event important for growth in a manner redundant with a Mpk1-independent branch of the Pkc1 signalling pathways.  相似文献   

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