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Many species across taxa select habitat based on conspecific presence, known as conspecific attraction. Studies that document conspecific attraction typically provide social information (i.e., cues that indicate the presence of a given species) and then determine if a given species is more likely to settle at locations where the social information is provided compared to those locations that do not. Although the number of studies examining conspecific attraction has grown in recent years, a comprehensive review has not yet been undertaken. Here, we conducted a review of the literature and found 151 studies investigating conspecific attraction across eight taxa. We found that conspecific attraction is widespread with between 80% and 100% of studies, depending on taxa, documenting positive associations between habitat selection and the presence of conspecific cues. Conspecific attraction has been documented more frequently in bird and fish species with less attention given to invertebrate and mammal species. We use the patterns we found to (a) provide an overview of the current state of research on conspecific attraction and (b) discuss how important factors, such as cue characteristics and life history traits, may play a role in shaping conspecific attraction patterns within and across taxa.  相似文献   

Alternative models of conspecific attraction in flies and crabs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Animals are often attracted to one another when selecting habitats,but little is known about the rules governing conspecific attraction.We use Akaike Information Criterion to evaluate alternativemodels of the effects of conspecifics on individual choice inthe context of habitat selection. One set of models was testedusing data collected on virgin female flies, Drosophila melanogaster,selecting habitats in the laboratory; a second set of modelswas tested using data collected on crabs, Ocypode rotundata,selecting foraging patches in the field. Patterns of space usein the flies were most consistent with models indicating thatindividuals were attracted to other females that selected trapsduring the same hour, as well as to cues left by females thathad entered traps during the previous hour. Results for thecrabs were most consistent with a model which assumes that individualspreferred to join the patch with the most crabs but that theirability to assess the number of crabs in alternative patcheswas constrained by basic psychophysical principles (Weber'slaw). These results provide support for hypotheses about thefunctional significance of conspecific attraction in the fliesand the crabs and illustrate the richness of information aboutconspecific attraction that can be obtained when the same dataset is confronted with alternative models of the ways that animalsrespond to one another when selecting habitats.  相似文献   

Animals use a variety of proximate cues to assess habitat quality when resources vary spatiotemporally. Two nonmutually exclusive strategies to assess habitat quality involve either direct assessment of landscape features or observation of social cues from conspecifics as a form of information transfer about forage resources. The conspecific attraction hypothesis proposes that individual space use is dependent on the distribution of conspecifics rather than the location of resource patches, whereas the resource dispersion hypothesis proposes that individual space use and social association are driven by the abundance and distribution of resources. We tested the conspecific attraction and the resource dispersion hypotheses as two nonmutually exclusive hypotheses explaining social association and of adult female caribou (Rangifer tarandus). We used location data from GPS collars to estimate interannual site fidelity and networks representing home range overlap and social associations among individual caribou. We found that home range overlap and social associations were correlated with resource distribution in summer and conspecific attraction in winter. In summer, when resources were distributed relatively homogeneously, interannual site fidelity was high and home range overlap and social associations were low. Conversely, in winter when resources were distributed relatively heterogeneously, interannual site fidelity was low and home range overlap and social associations were high. As access to resources changes across seasons, caribou appear to alter social behavior and space use. In summer, caribou may use cues associated with the distribution of forage, and in winter caribou may use cues from conspecifics to access forage. Our results have broad implications for our understanding of caribou socioecology, suggesting that caribou use season‐specific strategies to locate forage. Caribou populations continue to decline globally, and our finding that conspecific attraction is likely related to access to forage suggests that further fragmentation of caribou habitat could limit social association among caribou, particularly in winter when access to resources may be limited.  相似文献   

The effect of conspecific attraction on metapopulation dynamics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Random dispersal direction is assumed in all current metapopulation models. This assumption is called into question by recent experiments demonstrating that some species disperse preferentially to sites occupied by conspecifies. We incorporate conspecific attraction into two metapopulation models which differ in type of dispersal, the Levins model and a two-dimensional stepping-stone model. In both models, conspecific attraction lowers the proportion of occupied habitat patches within a metapopulation at equilibrium.  相似文献   

Conspecific gamete precedence, the usage of conspecific sperm by a female that mates with both a conspecific and a heterospecific male, has been found in many taxa. We construct a population genetic model to examine the evolution of conspecific gamete precedence and its coevolution with premating isolation in the process of reinforcement. Our findings suggest that conspecific gamete precedence can evolve via a process very similar to reinforcement. We explore the nature of the selection against hybridization necessary to drive this evolution. Moreover, our results confirm the prediction of Marshall et al. (Trends Ecol. Evol. 2002;17:558-563) that conspecific gamete precedence will inhibit the evolution of reinforcement between two species. We further find that reinforcement will inhibit the evolution of conspecific gamete precedence. Both reinforcement and conspecific gamete precedence increase reproductive isolation and contribute to the process of speciation. We discuss factors that may affect which of these phenomena are likely to become predominant between incipient species.  相似文献   

Conspecific attraction during establishment of Least Flycatcher clusters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT.   Some birds exhibit clustered breeding in which all-purpose territories are densely packed, leaving intervening but apparently suitable habitat unoccupied. Clustering could be ecologically driven by material resource patterns or socially driven by social or sexual benefits. Least Flycatchers ( Empidonax minimus ) breed in clusters in forests over much of North America. In 2003, we mapped all Least Flycatcher clusters along 18.7 km of secondary roads in central Ontario. In May 2004, we broadcast recorded territorial song in five areas not used by Least Flycatchers in 2003, but in the same study area. During settlement, we found Least Flycatchers in the established clusters, in three of five treatment sites, and in one nontreatment site. However, no pairs were noted at the treatment sites, and no males ultimately remained. One male did, however, defend a territory at a treatment site for 6 d. Despite limited success at attracting Least Flycatchers to new locations, manipulating settlement using social cues could be a useful management tool for some species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Territorial songbirds generally use song to defend territories and attract mates, but conspecific song may also serve as a cue to attract other male songbirds to a breeding site. Although known to occur in some colonial and forest-associated species, only recently have investigators examined conspecific attraction in grassland species. We used a playback experiment to examine the possible role of conspecific attraction for males searching for potentially suitable breeding habitat in a grassland specialist, the Baird's Sparrow ( Ammodramus bairdii ). Experimental playback plots and control plots with similar landscape and vegetation characteristics were established at two sites in North Dakota. Baird's Sparrows colonized three of six experimental plots and none of six control plots. Males on experimental plots established territories adjacent to the playback stations and were sometimes observed counter-singing with the playback of conspecific songs. Vegetation characteristics were similar on all study plots, and did not explain differences in bird density on our treatment plots. Although we found that playback of conspecific songs attracted male Baird's Sparrows to previously unoccupied, potentially suitable habitat, further experiments are needed to examine the importance of conspecific attraction relative to other cues that birds may use, such as vegetation features. The conservation and management implications of conspecific attraction are not completely understood, but the presence of conspecifics should be considered as a potential cue in habitat selection by all species of birds.  相似文献   

Managing breeding forest songbirds with conspecific song playbacks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies confirm that several territorial songbird species use conspecific cues, including song, when selecting habitat. We conducted a controlled experiment with a population of black-throated blue warblers Dendroica caerulescens , a species of concern in boreal hardwood transition forests, to determine whether song playbacks influence settlement patterns. We tested whether conspecific song broadcast during spring arrival attracts black-throated blue warblers during territory establishment, and whether song playbacks shift territories from the previous year's breeding distributions. The results of our experiment demonstrate that song playbacks significantly increased territorial occupancy and shifted territories closer to the speakers. Loss of breeding habitat is implicated in population declines of many songbirds, and our results suggest that song playbacks should be further investigated as a tool for mitigating the effects of disruptive management actions. Additional work should consider the spatial arrangement of playback speakers to avoid attracting birds from safe areas. The demographic consequences of conspecific attraction must also be explored before this technique is widely implemented.  相似文献   

Donahue MJ 《Oecologia》2006,149(1):33-43
Conspecific attraction is the preferential settlement into habitat patches with conspecifics. To be a good proximate strategy, fitness gains from settling with conspecifics must outweigh the costs of higher conspecific densities, such as intraspecific competition. Two types of benefits have been proposed to explain conspecific attraction: Allee effects (i.e., positive density dependence) and conspecific cueing (using conspecifics as an indicator of habitat quality). I present empirical evidence for conspecific attraction in the settlement of the porcelain crab, Petrolisthes cinctipes Randall (Anomura: Porcellanidae). Previous work demonstrated that P. cinctipes experiences strong intraspecific competition and that both Allee effects and conspecific cueing are present in P. cinctipes life-history. I developed an empirically-based fitness model of the costs and benefits of settling with conspecifics. Based on this model, I simulated optimal settlement to habitat patches that varied in conspecific density and habitat quality, where the correlation between density and habitat quality determined the level of conspecific cueing. I tested whether Allee effects alone, conspecific cueing alone, or Allee effects and conspecific cueing together could provide an ultimate explanation for the proximate settlement behavior of P. cinctipes. The settlement simulation was consistent with empirical settlement only when Allee effects and conspecific cueing were both included. Three life-history features are critical to this conclusion: (1) fitness is maximized at intermediate density, (2) fitness depends on the decisions of previous settlers, and (3) conspecific density provides good information about habitat quality. The quality of information garnered from conspecifics determines whether conspecific attraction is a good proximate strategy for settlement. I present a graphical illustration demonstrating how Allee effects and conspecific cueing work together to influence fitness, providing a conceptual framework for other systems.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Classical models of breeding habitat selection rarely deal with the question of information gathering for patch quality assessment. In this paper, we present two models comparing the fitness outcomes of behavioural strategies based on conspecific reproductive success as a cue to assess local environmental quality before selecting a new breeding habitat. The models deal with two phases of the life-cycle of a territorial migratory species: recruitment to a breeding population (model 1) and breeding site fidelity of subsequent breeding attempts (model 2). The first model shows that prospecting breeding patches before recruiting is the best strategy if the environment is predictable and contains a low proportion of good patches, even if it implies losing a breeding opportunity. The second model shows that dispersing after a breeding attempt according to the patch's breeding success rather than the individual's own success is the bests own success is the best strategy if the environment is patchy. These results underline the importance of studying the spatio-temporal variations of factors affecting reproductive success when considering the importance of habitat selection strategies based on conspecifics. Moreover, they allow the understanding of individual behaviour patterns observed in natural populations and their potential consequences at the metapopulation level.  相似文献   

Predators are a major influence on the breeding site selection decisions of anurans. Many species actively avoid breeding in habitat with predators when given the choice between predator and predator‐free sites. However, certain factors such as site fidelity or conflicting cues may preclude avoidance behavior. We conducted two experiments examining how western chorus frogs, Pseudacris triseriata, respond to predators, western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, using an array of artificial ponds located at two field sites. In one experiment, we added G. affinis to half of our experimental ponds and monitored subsequent colonization by frogs. We found that frogs laid significantly fewer eggs in ponds with fish compared to fishless ponds. In another experiment, we introduced an additional cue to complicate the decision‐making process and monitored colonization of ponds in response to treatments of conspecific breeding cues only (eggs), predators (G. affinis) only, and conspecific cues and predators. We found no significant differences in number of eggs deposited among these three treatments. Based on these results, P. triseriata does not always exhibit complete avoidance of fish predators, and avoidance may vary based on factors such as site fidelity or dispersal costs. This study represents a step toward understanding how multiple biotic factors at a breeding pond may influence anuran site selection behavior in the field.  相似文献   

A game theoretical approach to conspecific brood parasitism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We constructed a game theoretical model to predict optimal patternsof egg laying in systems where individuals lay in the nestsof others as well as in their own nests. We show that decreasingthe effect of position within an egg-laying sequence on theworth of an egg should lead to reduced parasitism. Indeed,parasitism can only flourish if the worth of an egg to its biological parent declines with the total number of eggs laid in that nest.Further, we found that increasing the intrinsic costs of eggproduction should lead to an increased propensity for conspecificbrood parasitism. The model also predicts that variation inhosts' ability to reject parasitic eggs has little effect on parasitism until this ability is well developed.  相似文献   

Dispersing individuals can use conspecifics as indicators of habitat quality and aggregate at traditionally occupied sites, leaving other favourable patches unoccupied. Here we test the predictions of the conspecific-based habitat selection hypothesis on a Spanish great bustard (Otis tarda) metapopulation, currently fragmented due to recent human-induced habitat changes. The number of birds had increased by 23% between 1988 and 1998, but not consistently among leks. Leks that were large in 1988 increased, while those that were small decreased, which suggests that dispersing individuals used the numbers of conspecifics as cues for breeding-site selection. Moreover, leks with high productivity increased, while those with low productivity decreased. Finally, lek distribution was markedly stable throughout the decade, with no establishment of new leks, and suitable habitat patches remained unoccupied, as predicted by the conspecific attraction hypothesis. These results were corroborated by a simulation model which incorporated natal dispersal rates between leks as obtained through radio-tracking of 15 birds that survived throughout their 4-year dispersal period. In conclusion, in spite of the apparent increase in total numbers throughout the decade, both conspecific attraction and local differences in reproductive success contributed to a more aggregated distribution, increasing the species' vulnerability to local catastrophes, and the risks of reduced genetic diversity and extinction of small leks.  相似文献   

Agrilus biguttatus Fabricius, Agrilus sulcicollis Lacordaire, and Agrilus angustulus Illiger (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) are three beetle species associated with oak trees [Quercus spp. (Fagaceae)] in Europe. In Hungary, all three species were observed in the foliage near freshly cut oak log piles. Agrilus biguttatus was active later in the afternoon, whereas the other species were observed earlier in the day. Dead female models of these three native Agrilus species, as well as the native species Agrilus cyanescens Ratzeburg and the non‐native Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, were pinned onto adjacent leaves in direct sunlight to observe the visual mating approaches of the local male populations. Agrilus biguttatus and A. sulcicollis males flew toward and landed directly on the models from a distance of 1 m. Agrilus angustulus flew toward the models from a similar distance, but rather than landing directly on a model would alight on the leaf, 1–2 cm away, before walking closer to the model while antennating it. For all three species, there was substantial cross‐attraction to models of other species. Both A. biguttatus and A. sulcicollis males chose A. angustulus models less often than their respective conspecific models. Likewise, A. angustulus males approached A. sulcicollis models less often than their normal conspecific models. Agrilus biguttatus males attempted to copulate with both A. biguttatus and A. planipennis models, afterward remaining with them for several minutes. Agrilus biguttatus males spent more time on A. planipennis models than on conspecific models. Thus, there is substantial cross‐species attraction in visually mediated mating approaches and copulation behavior. These findings suggest a common behavioral template for visual mate‐finding among buprestids and a large degree of close‐range mating compatibility between A. biguttatus and A. planipennis.  相似文献   

In this study we examined long-term variation in the selection of nesting cliffs for the recovering population of the Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus inhabiting the Spanish Pyrenees. We focussed on variables indicating a high probability of cliff occupancy as determined by a previously published model. Although the breeding population increased from 53 to 93 territories between 1991 and 2002, the breeding range expanded only slightly. New and old nesting cliffs had similar habitat features in relation to topography, altitude and degree of human influence, but the distance between occupied cliffs was reduced (from 11.1 to 8.9 km). Thus the probabilities of occupation predicted by the model were lower for newly colonized locales. Our study shows that territory compression may occur without serious modification of nesting habitat quality. These results may arise from the lack of strong territorial behaviour by Bearded Vultures and the availability of high-quality cliffs. The relatively low quality of sites in adjacent mountains may prevent the expansion of the breeding range, but conspecific attraction may also play a role. Our study confirms that monitoring changes in key variables important to habitat selection is useful in determining long-term trends in settlement patterns in heterogeneous environments. The results also suggest that the available nest-site selection model may accurately predict cliff occupancy by Bearded Vultures in those areas where the distance to the nearest neighbour is not a limiting factor. In particular, the model may be useful in establishing priority areas for reintroduction.  相似文献   

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