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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is replicated by the DNA polymerase g in concert with accessory proteins such as the mtDNA helicase, single stranded DNA binding protein, topoisomerase, and initiating factors. Nucleotide precursors for mtDNA replication arise from the mitochondrial salvage pathway originating from transport of nucleosides, or alternatively from cytoplasmic reduction of ribonucleotides. Defects in mtDNA replication or nucleotide metabolism can cause mitochondrial genetic diseases due to mtDNA deletions, point mutations, or depletion which ultimately cause loss of oxidative phosphorylation. These genetic diseases include mtDNA depletion syndromes such as Alpers or early infantile hepatocerebral syndromes, and mtDNA deletion disorders, such as progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO), ataxia-neuropathy, or mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE). This review focuses on our current knowledge of genetic defects of mtDNA replication (POLG, POLG2, C10orf2) and nucleotide metabolism (TYMP, TK2, DGOUK, and RRM2B) that cause instability of mtDNA and mitochondrial disease.  相似文献   

To assess the role of oxidative stress on the replication of mitochondrial DNA, we examined the kinetics of incorporation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanosine (8-oxodG) triphosphate catalyzed by the human mitochondrial DNA polymerase. Using transient state kinetic methods, we quantified the kinetics of incorporation, excision, and extension beyond a base pair containing 8-oxodG. The 8-oxodGTP was incorporated opposite dC in the template with a specificity constant of 0.005 microM(-1) s(-1), a value approximately 10,000-fold lower than that for dGTP. Once incorporated, 96% of the time 8-oxodGMP was extended by continued polymerization rather than being excised by the proofreading exonuclease. The specificity constant for incorporation of 8-oxodGTP opposite a template dA was 0.2 microM(-1) s(-1), a value 13-fold higher than incorporation opposite a template dC. The 8-oxodG:dA mispair was extended rather than excised at least 70% of the time. Examination of the kinetics of polymerization with 8-oxodG in the template strand also revealed relatively low fidelity in that dCTP would be incorporated only 90% of the time. In nearly 10% of events, dATP would be incorporated, and once incorporated dA (opposite 8-oxodG) was extended rather than excised. The greatest fidelity was against a dTTP:8-oxodG mismatch affording a discrimination value of only 1800. These data reveal that 8-oxodGTP is a potent mutagen. Once it is incorporated into DNA, 8-oxodGMP codes for error prone DNA synthesis. These reactions are likely to play important roles in oxidative stress in mitochondria related to aging and as compounded by nucleoside analogs used to treat human immunodeficiency virus infections.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is replicated by the DNA polymerase g in concert with accessory proteins such as the mtDNA helicase, single stranded DNA binding protein, topoisomerase, and initiating factors. Nucleotide precursors for mtDNA replication arise from the mitochondrial salvage pathway originating from transport of nucleosides, or alternatively from cytoplasmic reduction of ribonucleotides. Defects in mtDNA replication or nucleotide metabolism can cause mitochondrial genetic diseases due to mtDNA deletions, point mutations, or depletion which ultimately cause loss of oxidative phosphorylation. These genetic diseases include mtDNA depletion syndromes such as Alpers or early infantile hepatocerebral syndromes, and mtDNA deletion disorders, such as progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO), ataxia-neuropathy, or mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE). This review focuses on our current knowledge of genetic defects of mtDNA replication (POLG, POLG2, C10orf2) and nucleotide metabolism (TYMP, TK2, DGOUK, and RRM2B) that cause instability of mtDNA and mitochondrial disease.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative changes in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been shown to be common causes of inherited neurodegenerative and muscular diseases, and have also been implicated in ageing. These diseases can be caused by primary mtDNA mutations, or by defects in nuclear‐encoded mtDNA maintenance proteins that cause secondary mtDNA mutagenesis or instability. Furthermore, it has been proposed that mtDNA copy number affects cellular tolerance to environmental stress. However, the mechanisms that regulate mtDNA copy number and the tissue‐specific consequences of mtDNA mutations are largely unknown. As post‐mitotic tissues differ greatly from proliferating cultured cells in their need for mtDNA maintenance, and as most mitochondrial diseases affect post‐mitotic cell types, the mouse is an important model in which to study mtDNA defects. Here, we review recently developed mouse models, and their contribution to our knowledge of mtDNA maintenance and its role in disease.  相似文献   

Recently we have reported the characterization of a novel single subunit 62-kDa polypeptide with ddNTP-sensitive DNA polymerase activity from the developing seeds of mungbean (Vigna radiata). The protein showed higher expression and activity level during nuclear endoreduplication stages of mungbean seeds and similarity with mammalian DNA polymerase β in many physicochemical properties.1 The enzyme was found to specifically interact with PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen),2 and expressed in both meristematic and meiotic tissues. Functional assays have demonstrated binding of the enzyme to normal and mismatched DNA substrates and with fidelity DNA synthesis in moderately processive mode, suggesting probable involvement of the enzyme in both replication and recombination.3 Here we have discussed the position of mungbean DNA polymerase as a homologue of DNA Pol λ, one of the newly identified member of family-X DNA polymerase in plants and illustrated the functional relevance of this enzyme in maintaining the coordination between DNA replication and repair in plant genome.Key words: family X-DNA polymerase, DNA polymerase λ, mungbean DNA polymerase, BRCT module, DNA repair  相似文献   

Indirect experiments suggest that DNA polymerase gamma is involved in the mitochondrial DNA replication process. This report describes an in vitro mitochondrial DNA replication assay directed by the origin of replication of the Heavy strand mt DNA. The assay requires all four dNTP, rNTP and an ATP regenerating system. Nuclease digestion experiments show that specific events occur at the mt origin of replication. Antibodies raised against the purified DNA polymerase gamma inhibit the DNA replication reaction.  相似文献   

We have quantified the fidelity of polymerization of DNA by human mitochondrial DNA polymerase using synthetic DNA oligonucleotides and recombinant holoenzyme and examining each of the possible 16-base pair combinations. Although the kinetics of incorporation for all correct nucleotides are similar, with an average Kd of 0.8 microM and an average k(pol) of 37 s(-1), the kinetics of misincorporation vary widely. The ground state binding Kd of incorrect bases ranges from a low of 25 microM for a dATP:A mispair to a high of 360 microM for a dCTP:T mispair. Similarly, the rates of incorporation of incorrect bases vary from 0.0031 s(-1) for a dCTP:C mispair to 1.16 s(-1) for a dGTP:T mispair. Due to the variability in the kinetic parameters for misincorporation, the estimates of fidelity range from 1 error in 3563 nucleotides for dGTP:T to 1 error in 2.3 x 10(6) nucleotides for dCTP:C. Interestingly, the discrimination against a dGTP:T mismatch is 16.5 times lower than that of a dTTP:G mismatch due to a tighter Kd for ground state binding and a faster rate of incorporation of the dGTP:T mismatch relative to the dTTP:G mismatch. We calculate an average fidelity of 1 error in 440,000 nucleotides.  相似文献   

Progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO) is a mitochondrial disorder associated with mutations in the POLG gene encoding the mitochondrial DNA polymerase (pol gamma). Four autosomal dominant mutations that cause PEO encode the amino acid substitutions G923D, R943H, Y955C and A957S in the polymerase domain of pol gamma. A homology model of the pol gamma catalytic domain in complex with DNA was developed to investigate the effects of these mutations. Two mutations causing the most severe disease phenotype, Y955C and R943H, change residues that directly interact with the incoming dNTP. Polymerase mutants exhibit 0.03-30% wild-type polymerase activity and a 2- to 35-fold decrease in nucleotide selectivity in vitro. The reduced selectivity and catalytic efficiency of the autosomal dominant PEO mutants predict in vivo dysfunction, and the extent of biochemical defects correlates with the clinical severity of the disease.  相似文献   

We determined complete mitochondrial DNA sequences of the two yeast species, Candida orthopsilosis and Candida metapsilosis, and compared them with the linear mitochondrial genome of their close relative, C.parapsilosis. Mitochondria of all the three species harbor compact genomes encoding the same set of genes arranged in the identical order. Differences in the length of these genomes result mainly from the presence/absence of introns. Multiple alterations were identified also in the sequences of the ribosomal and transfer RNAs, and proteins. However, the most striking feature of C.orthopsilosis and C.metapsilosis is the existence of strains differing in the molecular form of the mitochondrial genome (circular-mapping versus linear). Their analysis opens a unique window for understanding the role of mitochondrial telomeres in the stability and evolution of molecular architecture of the genome. Our results indicate that the circular-mapping mitochondrial genome derived from the linear form by intramolecular end-to-end fusions. Moreover, we suggest that the linear mitochondrial genome evolved from a circular-mapping form present in a common ancestor of the three species and, at the same time, the emergence of mitochondrial telomeres enabled the formation of linear monomeric DNA forms. In addition, comparison of isogenic C.metapsilosis strains differing in the form of the organellar genome suggests a possibility that, under some circumstances, the linearity and/or the presence of telomeres provide a competitive advantage over a circular-mapping mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

Yeast mitochondrial RNA polymerase was purified and resolved into 2 distinct fractions. Peak A was found to be nonspecific and exhibited characteristics of the core polymerase, whereas peak B exhibited characteristics of the holoenzyme.In vitro replication assays were carried out, using the peak B enzyme, the clonedori sequences and other DNA templates. It was found thatori 2 was the most efficient template for RNA polymerase primed DNA synthesis, as compared to all the other templates studied.  相似文献   

A large number of biochemical and genetic studies have demonstrated the involvement of DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta) in mammalian base excision repair (BER). Pol beta participates in BER sub-pathways by contributing gap filling DNA synthesis and lyase removal of the 5'-deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) group from the cleaved abasic site. To better understand the mechanism of the dRP lyase reaction at an atomic level, we determined a crystal structure of Pol beta complexed with 5'-phosphorylated abasic sugar analogs in nicked DNA. This DNA ligand represents a potential BER intermediate. The crystal structure reveals that the dRP group is bound in a non-catalytic binding site. The catalytic nucleophile in the dRP lyase reaction, Lys72, and all other potential secondary nucleophiles, are too far away to participate in nucleophilic attack on the C1' of the sugar. An approximate model of the dRP group in the expected catalytic binding site suggests that a rotation of 120 degrees about the dRP 3'-phosphate is required to position the epsilon-amino Lys72 close to the dRP C1'. This model also suggests that several other side chains are in position to facilitate the beta-elimination reaction. From results of mutational analysis of key residues in the dRP lyase active site, it appears that the substrate dRP can be stabilized in the observed non-catalytic binding conformation, hindering dRP lyase activity.  相似文献   

The incorporation of thymidine into the DNA of eukaryotic cells is markedly depressed, but not completely inhibited, by aphidicolin, a highly specific inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha. An electron microscope autoradiographic analysis of the synthesis of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in vivo in Concanavalin A stimulated rabbit spleen lymphocytes and in Hamster cell cultures, in the absence and in the presence of aphidicolin, revealed that aphidicolin inhibits the nuclear but not the mitochondrial DNA replication. We therefore conclude that DNA polymerase alpha performs the synchronous bidirectional replication of nuclear DNA and that DNA polymerase gamma, the only DNA polymerase present in the mitochondria, performs the "strand displacement" DNA synthesis of these organelles.  相似文献   

NRTI-based therapy used to treat AIDS can cause mitochondrial toxicity resulting from the incorporation of NRTIs into mitochondrial DNA by DNA polymerase gamma (pol gamma). Pol gamma has poor discrimination against many of the currently used NRTIs resulting in aborted DNA synthesis and subsequent depletion of mtDNA. Pol gamma readily incorporates ddCTP, ddITP and D4T-TP with an efficiency similar to the incorporation of normal nucleotides, whereas AZT-TP, CBV-TP, 3TC-TP and PMPApp act as moderate inhibitors to DNA synthesis. We have sought a structural explanation for the unique selection for NRTIs by the human pol gamma. A structural model of the human pol gamma was developed to ascertain the role of active site amino acids. One residue in particular, Y951 in motif B, is primarily responsible for the selection of dideoxynucleotides and D4T-TP. Our structural model of the human pol gamma should assist in rational design of antiviral nucleoside analogs with higher specificity for HIV-RT and minimal selection and incorporation into mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

The human gene C10orf2 encodes the mitochondrial replicative DNA helicase Twinkle, mutations of which are responsible for a significant fraction of cases of autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia (adPEO), a human mitochondrial disease caused by defects in intergenomic communication. We report the analysis of orthologous mutations in the Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) helicase gene, d-mtDNA helicase. Increased expression of wild type d-mtDNA helicase using the UAS-GAL4 system leads to an increase in mtDNA copy number throughout adult life without any noteworthy phenotype, whereas overexpression of d-mtDNA helicase containing the K388A mutation in the helicase active site results in a severe depletion of mtDNA and a lethal phenotype. Overexpression of two d-mtDNA helicase variants equivalent to two human adPEO mutations shows differential effects. The A442P mutation exhibits a dominant negative effect similar to that of the active site mutant. In contrast, overexpression of d-mtDNA helicase containing the W441C mutation results in a slight decrease in mtDNA copy number during the third instar larval stage, and a moderate decrease in life span in the adult population. Overexpression of d-mtDNA helicase containing either the K388A or A442P mutations causes a mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) defect that significantly reduces cell proliferation. The mitochondrial impairment caused by these mutations promotes apoptosis, arguing that mitochondria regulate programmed cell death in Drosophila. Our study of d-mtDNA helicase overexpression provides a tractable Drosophila model for understanding the cellular and molecular effects of human adPEO mutations.  相似文献   

To examine the role of the mitochondrial polymerase (Pol gamma) in clinically observed toxicity of nucleoside analogs used to treat AIDS, we examined the kinetics of incorporation catalyzed by Pol gamma for each Food and Drug Administration-approved analog plus 1-(2-deoxy-2-fluoro-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl)-5-iodouracil (FIAU), beta-L-(-)-2',3'-dideoxy-3'-thiacytidine (-)3TC, and (R)-9-(2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)adenine (PMPA). We used recombinant exonuclease-deficient (E200A), reconstituted human Pol gamma holoenzyme in single turnover kinetic studies to measure K(d) (K(m)) and k(pol) (k(cat)) to estimate the specificity constant (k(cat)/K(m)) for each nucleoside analog triphosphate. The specificity constants vary more than 500,000-fold for the series ddC > ddA (ddI) > 2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxythymidine (d4T) > (+)3TC > (-)3TC > PMPA > azidothymidine (AZT) > Carbovir (CBV). Abacavir (prodrug of CBV) and PMPA are two new drugs that are expected to be least toxic. Notably, the higher toxicities of d4T, ddC, and ddA arose from their 13-36-fold tighter binding relative to the normal dNTP even though their rates of incorporation were comparable with PMPA and AZT. We also examined the rate of exonuclease removal of each analog after incorporation. The rates varied from 0.06 to 0.0004 s(-1) for the series FIAU > (+)3TC approximately equal to (-)3TC > CBV > AZT > PMPA approximately equal to d4T > ddA (ddI) > ddC. Removal of ddC was too slow to measure (<0.00002 s(-1)). The high toxicity of dideoxy compounds, ddC and ddI (metabolized to ddA), may be a combination of high rates of incorporation and ineffective exonuclease removal. Conversely, the more effective excision of (-)3TC, CBV, and AZT may contribute to lower toxicity. FIAU is readily extended by the next correct base pair (0.13 s(-1)) faster than it is removed (0.06 s(-1)) and, therefore, is stably incorporated and highly mutagenic. We define a toxicity index for chain terminators to account for relative rates of incorporation versus removal. These results provide a method to rapidly screen new analogs for potential toxicity.  相似文献   

Aminoacylation of transfer RNAs (tRNAs) is essential for protein synthesis. A growing number of human diseases correlate with point mutations in tRNA genes within the mitochondrial genome. These tRNAs have unique sequences that suggest they have fragile structures. However, the structural significance of pathology-related tRNA mutations and their effects on molecular function have not been explored. Here, opthalmoplegia related mutants of a human mitochondrial tRNA have been investigated. Each mutation replaces either an A-U or G-C pair in the predicted secondary structure with an A-C pair. Aminoacylation of each mutant tRNA was severely attenuated. Moreover, each strongly inhibited aminoacylation of the wild type substrate, suggesting that the effects of these mutations might not be bypassed in the potentially heteroplasmic environment of mitochondria. The function of mutant tRNAs was rescued by single compensatory mutations that restored Watson-Crick base pairing and reintroduced stability into regions of predicted secondary structure, even though the pairs introduced were different from those found in the wild type tRNA. Thus, functional defects caused by a subset of pathogenic mutations may result from the inherent structural fragility of human mitochondrial tRNAs.  相似文献   

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