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Behavioral and/or developmental plasticity is crucial for resisting the impacts of environmental stressors. We investigated the plasticity of adult foraging behavior and chick development in an offshore foraging seabird, the black noddy (Anous minutus), during two breeding seasons. The first season had anomalously high sea-surface temperatures and ‘low’ prey availability, while the second was a season of below average sea-surface temperatures and ‘normal’ food availability. During the second season, supplementary feeding of chicks was used to manipulate offspring nutritional status in order to mimic conditions of high prey availability. When sea-surface temperatures were hotter than average, provisioning rates were significantly and negatively impacted at the day-to-day scale. Adults fed chicks during this low-food season smaller meals but at the same rate as chicks in the unfed treatment the following season. Supplementary feeding of chicks during the second season also resulted in delivery of smaller meals by adults, but did not influence feeding rate. Chick begging and parental responses to cessation of food supplementation suggested smaller meals fed to artificially supplemented chicks resulted from a decrease in chick demands associated with satiation, rather than adult behavioral responses to chick condition. During periods of low prey abundance, chicks maintained structural growth while sacrificing body condition and were unable to take advantage of periods of high prey abundance by increasing growth rates. These results suggest that this species expresses limited plasticity in provisioning behavior and offspring development. Consequently, responses to future changes in sea-surface temperature and other environmental variation may be limited.  相似文献   

In long-lived species, the balance between the benefits of reproduction and the costs from reduced survival or productivity is particularly challenging in dynamic environments like wetlands, where food levels vary greatly year to year. Some wetland species exhibit changes in reproductive strategies in response to food availability but whether physiological responses function in a similar manner is unclear. We compared the pre-breeding physiological responses (fecal corticosterone [FCORT], heat shock protein 60 [HSP60], and mass) of 2 species of wading birds with contrasting foraging strategies (great egret [Ardea alba], an exploiter, and white ibis [Eudocimus albus], a searcher) during years with contrasting levels of prey availability. Both species were in good physiological condition, with low levels of HSP60 and FCORT, during a year with high prey availability (2006). In a contrasting year with lesser prey availability (2007), HSP60 and FCORT concentrations indicated that ibis physiological condition was reduced, whereas egrets showed little change. Egrets and male ibis increased body mass, whereas female ibis decreased mass, in the year with low prey availability. Although poorly understood, we hypothesize that the differential response between female ibis and the others is associated with differential investment strategies based on long-term costs of reproduction. Model results identified prey availability and the 2-week water recession rate as the primary habitat variables that were associated with the physiological condition of white ibises, whereas great egret physiological condition was influenced mostly by 2-week water recession rate. Our results support the hypothesis that prey availability and hydrological factors play crucial roles in regulating populations of wading birds in the Florida Everglades. The results of this study show a more complete pathway by which hydrologic patterns affect wading birds, and it suggests that ibis are more sensitive to habitat conditions than are egrets. This information can be used to refine species models designed to evaluate water management scenarios and will improve our ability to manage and restore wetland ecosystems © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Self-feeding precocial development is associated with high energy requirements and potentially vulnerable to short-term reductions in food availability, yet few studies have investigated development of foraging in precocial chicks and its sensitivity to environmental conditions. We studied time budgets and foraging behaviour during the 25-d prefledging period in the insectivorous chicks of a grassland shorebird, the black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa . Until 8–10  d old, parental brooding was the main determinant of chicks' daily foraging time. Brooding decreased with age and temperature and increased during rainfall. Foraging time increased to 70–90% of the daylight period in chicks older than a week, during which distances of 3–12  km  d−1 were covered. Chicks took 98% of their arthropod prey from the grassland vegetation. Prey ingestion rates increased in the first week and slowly declined thereafter, modified by wind speed, temperature and time of day. Chicks in poor body condition were brooded more than chicks growing normally and hence had less feeding time, potentially leading to a negative condition spiral under adverse conditions. However, we found no effect of condition on prey ingestion rate that would preclude recovery when conditions improve. Combining behavioural observations with data on energy expenditure revealed that mean prey size was small (1–4.5  mg), necessitating a high feeding rate, but increased notably after 7–10  d of age. This coincided with a decrease in walking speed, suggesting that chicks fed more selectively. Prey of older chicks approached the upper limit of sizes available in exploitable densities in the grassland vegetation, and this enhances the chicks' sensitivity to variation in prey availability due to weather and agricultural practice.  相似文献   

Understanding the foraging patterns of reef fishes is crucial for determining patterns of resource use and the sensitivity of species to environmental change. While changes in prey availability and interspecific competition have been linked to patterns of prey selection, body condition, and survival in coral reef fishes, rarely has the influence of abiotic environmental conditions on foraging been considered. We used underwater digital video to explore how prey availability and wave exposure influence the behavioural time budgets and prey selectivity of four species of obligate coral-feeding butterflyfishes. All four species displayed high selectivity towards live hard corals, both in terms of time invested and frequency of searching and feeding events. However, our novel analysis revealed that such selectivity was sensitive to wave exposure in some species, despite there being no significant differences in the availability of each prey category across exposures. In most cases, these obligate corallivores increased their selectivity towards their most favoured prey types at sites of high wave exposure. This suggests there are costs to foraging under different wave environments that can shape the foraging patterns of butterflyfishes in concert with other conditions such as prey availability, interspecific competition, and territoriality. Given that energy acquisition is crucial to the survival and fitness of fishes, we highlight how such environmental forcing of foraging behaviour may influence the ecological response of species to the ubiquitous and highly variable wave climates of shallow coral reefs.  相似文献   

Mercury contamination of oceans is prevalent worldwide and methylmercury concentrations in the mesopelagic zone (200–1000 m) are increasing more rapidly than in surface waters. Yet mercury bioaccumulation in mesopelagic predators has been understudied. Northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) biannually travel thousands of kilometres to forage within coastal and open-ocean regions of the northeast Pacific Ocean. We coupled satellite telemetry, diving behaviour and stable isotopes (carbon and nitrogen) from 77 adult females, and showed that variability among individuals in foraging location, diving depth and δ13C values were correlated with mercury concentrations in blood and muscle. We identified three clusters of foraging strategies, and these resulted in substantially different mercury concentrations: (i) deeper-diving and offshore-foraging seals had the greatest mercury concentrations, (ii) shallower-diving and offshore-foraging seals had intermediate levels, and (iii) coastal and more northerly foraging seals had the lowest mercury concentrations. Additionally, mercury concentrations were lower at the end of the seven-month-long foraging trip (n = 31) than after the two-month- long post-breeding trip (n = 46). Our results indicate that foraging behaviour influences mercury exposure and mesopelagic predators foraging in the northeast Pacific Ocean may be at high risk for mercury bioaccumulation.  相似文献   

Due to their restricted foraging range, flightless seabirds are ideal models to study the short-term variability in foraging success in response to environmentally driven food availability. Wind can be a driver of upwelling and food abundance in marine ecosystems such as the Southern Ocean, where wind regime changes due to global warming may have important ecological consequences. Southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) have undergone a dramatic population decline in the past decades, potentially due to changing environmental conditions. We used a weighbridge system to record daily foraging mass gain (the difference in mean mass of adults leaving the colony in the morning and returning to the colony in the evening) of adult penguins during the chick rearing in two breeding seasons. We related the day-to-day variability in foraging mass gain to ocean wind conditions (wind direction and wind speed) and tested for a relationship between wind speed and sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA). Foraging mass gain was highly variable among days, but did not differ between breeding seasons, chick rearing stages (guard and crèche) and sexes. It was strongly correlated between males and females, indicating synchronous changes among days. There was a significant interaction of wind direction and wind speed on daily foraging mass gain. Foraging mass gain was highest under moderate to strong winds from westerly directions and under weak winds from easterly directions, while decreasing under stronger easterly winds and storm conditions. Ocean wind speed showed a negative correlation with daily SSTA, suggesting that winds particularly from westerly directions might enhance upwelling and consequently the prey availability in the penguins'' foraging areas. Our data emphasize the importance of small-scale, wind-induced patterns in prey availability on foraging success, a widely neglected aspect in seabird foraging studies, which might become more important with increasing changes in climatic variability.  相似文献   

Fennoscandian alpine tundra habitats support large numbers of breeding waders, but relatively little is known about their breeding ecology despite the fact that this habitat is threatened by climate change. We studied habitat selection, diet and prey availability of European (Eurasian) Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria chicks at the Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve, Ammarnäs, Sweden. Information from 22 chicks tracked using radio‐transmitters was analysed. By analysing 149 faecal samples, four main prey taxa were identified, Coleoptera (40%), Bibionidae (31%), Hymenoptera (13%) and Tipulidae (10%). We found that chicks switched from feeding on Tipulidae to feeding on Bibionidae as they grew, and that this switch coincided with a shift from the use of the habitat where Tipulidae were abundant (alpine meadow/heathland) to the use of the habitat were Bibionidae were abundant (Willow shrub). Although chicks track food availability to some extent, the link between prey availability and habitat use was not perfect, indicating that additional factors other than food abundance, such as shelter from predators, determine habitat selection. Bibionidae are an important prey for Golden Plover chicks as it is the only prey group that has a late summer flush in abundance, in contrast to the general decline of total arthropod biomass during the chick‐rearing period. However, Bibionidae imagoes only occurred in 2011 and were virtually absent in 2013, which relates to the species’ ecology with 2‐ to 5‐year cycles in mass occurrence. Extreme annual variation in an essential food source such as Bibionidae imagoes might have an important effect on the condition and survival of Golden Plover chicks, an important subject for future studies. The foraging conditions for Golden Plover chicks in Fennoscandia appear to be different to those in the UK, where the chicks rely mainly on a Tipulidae flush only.  相似文献   

Understanding how prey capture rates are influenced by feeding ecology and environmental conditions is fundamental to assessing anthropogenic impacts on marine higher predators. We compared how prey capture rates varied in relation to prey size, prey patch distribution and prey density for two species of alcid, common guillemot (Uria aalge) and razorbill (Alca torda) during the chick-rearing period. We developed a Monte Carlo approach parameterised with foraging behaviour from bird-borne data loggers, observations of prey fed to chicks, and adult diet from water-offloading, to construct a bio-energetics model. Our primary goal was to estimate prey capture rates, and a secondary aim was to test responses to a set of biologically plausible environmental scenarios. Estimated prey capture rates were 1.5±0.8 items per dive (0.8±0.4 and 1.1±0.6 items per minute foraging and underwater, respectively) for guillemots and 3.7±2.4 items per dive (4.9±3.1 and 7.3±4.0 items per minute foraging and underwater, respectively) for razorbills. Based on species'' ecology, diet and flight costs, we predicted that razorbills would be more sensitive to decreases in 0-group sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) length (prediction 1), but guillemots would be more sensitive to prey patches that were more widely spaced (prediction 2), and lower in prey density (prediction 3). Estimated prey capture rates increased non-linearly as 0-group sandeel length declined, with the slope being steeper in razorbills, supporting prediction 1. When prey patches were more dispersed, estimated daily energy expenditure increased by a factor of 3.0 for guillemots and 2.3 for razorbills, suggesting guillemots were more sensitive to patchier prey, supporting prediction 2. However, both species responded similarly to reduced prey density (guillemot expenditure increased by 1.7; razorbill by 1.6), thus not supporting prediction 3. This bio-energetics approach complements other foraging models in predicting likely impacts of environmental change on marine higher predators dependent on species-specific foraging ecologies.  相似文献   

Strategies employed by wide-ranging foraging animals involve consideration of habitat quality and predictability and should maximise net energy gain. Fidelity to foraging sites is common in areas of high resource availability or where predictable changes in resource availability occur. However, if resource availability is heterogeneous or unpredictable, as it often is in marine environments, then habitat familiarity may also present ecological benefits to individuals. We examined the winter foraging distribution of female Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazelle, over four years to assess the degree of foraging site fidelity at two scales; within and between years. On average, between-year fidelity was strong, with most individuals utilising more than half of their annual foraging home range over multiple years. However, fidelity was a bimodal strategy among individuals, with five out of eight animals recording between-year overlap values of greater than 50%, while three animals recorded values of less than 5%. High long-term variance in sea surface temperature, a potential proxy for elevated long-term productivity and prey availability, typified areas of overlap. Within-year foraging site fidelity was weak, indicating that successive trips over the winter target different geographic areas. We suggest that over a season, changes in prey availability are predictable enough for individuals to shift foraging area in response, with limited associated energetic costs. Conversely, over multiple years, the availability of prey resources is less spatially and temporally predictable, increasing the potential costs of shifting foraging area and favouring long-term site fidelity. In a dynamic and patchy environment, multi-year foraging site fidelity may confer a long-term energetic advantage to the individual. Such behaviours that operate at the individual level have evolutionary and ecological implications and are potential drivers of niche specialization and modifiers of intra-specific competition.  相似文献   

The ecological impacts of predation risk are influenced by how prey allocate foraging effort across periods of safety and danger. Foraging decisions depend on current danger, but also on the larger temporal, spatial or energetic context in which prey manage their risks of predation and starvation. Using a rocky intertidal food chain, we examined the responses of starved and fed prey (Nucella lapillus dogwhelks) to different temporal patterns of risk from predatory crabs (Carcinus maenas). Prey foraging activity declined during periods of danger, but as dangerous periods became longer, prey state altered the magnitude of risk effects on prey foraging and growth, with likely consequences for community structure (trait-mediated indirect effects on basal resources, Mytilus edulis mussels), prey fitness and trophic energy transfer. Because risk is inherently variable over time and space, our results suggest that non-consumptive predator effects may be most pronounced in productive systems where prey can build energy reserves during periods of safety and then burn these reserves as ‘trophic heat’ during extended periods of danger. Understanding the interaction between behavioural (energy gain) and physiological (energy use) responses to risk may illuminate the context dependency of trait-mediated trophic cascades and help explain variation in food chain length.  相似文献   

During reproduction, seabirds need to balance the demands of self- and offspring-provisioning within the constraints imposed by central place foraging. To assess behavioral adjustments and tolerances to these constraints, we studied the feeding tactics and reproductive success of common murres (also known as common guillemots) Uria aalge , at their largest and most offshore colony (Funk Island) where parents travel long distances to deliver a single capelin Mallotus villosus to their chicks. We assessed changes in the distance murres traveled from the colony, their proximate foraging locations and prey size choice during two successive years in which capelin exhibited an order of magnitude decrease in density and a shift from aggregated (2004) to dispersed (2005) distributions. When capelin availability was low (2005), parental murres increased their maximum foraging distances by 35% (60 to 81 km) and delivered significantly larger capelin to chicks, as predicted by central place foraging theory. Murres preferred large (>140 mm) relative to small capelin (100–140 mm) in both years, but unexpectedly this preference increased as the relative density of large capelin decreased. We conclude that single prey-loading murres target larger capelin during long foraging trips as parents are 'forced' to select the best prey for their offspring. Low fledgling masses suggest also that increased foraging time when capelin is scarce may come at a cost to the chicks (i.e. fewer meals per day). Murres at this colony may be functioning near physiological limits above which further or sustained adjustments in foraging effort could compromise the life-time reproductive success of this long-lived seabird.  相似文献   

Many bird species face seasonal and spatial variation in the availability of the specific food required to rear chicks. Caterpillar availability is often identified as the most important factor determining chick quality and breeding success in forest birds, such as tits Parus spp. It is assumed that parents play an important role in mediating the effect of environment on chick development. A reduction in prey availability should therefore result in increased foraging effort to maintain the amount of food required for optimal chick development. To investigate the capacity of adults to compensate for a reduction in food supply, we compared the foraging behaviour of Blue Tits Parus caeruleus breeding in rich and poor habitats in Corsica. We monitored the foraging effort of adults using radiotelemetry. We also identified and quantified prey items provided to nestlings by using a video camera mounted on the nest. We found that the mean travelling distance of adults was twice as great in the poor habitat as it was in the rich. Despite the marked difference in foraging distance, the proportion of optimal prey (caterpillars) in the diet of the chicks and the total biomass per hour per chick did not differ between the two habitats. We argue that relationships between habitat richness, offspring quality and breeding success cannot be understood adequately without quantifying parental effort.  相似文献   

Intertidal and shallow subtidal ecosystems experience steep environmental gradients over short distances. Individual foraging rate, predation risk, and physiologic stress vary along these gradients, resulting in growth-mortality trade-offs with depth. In the summer, Cancer borealis commonly forage in the shallow subtidal in the Gulf of Maine. C. borealis are the favored invertebrate prey of the Herring Gull and the Great Black-backed Gull, which consume 25%-50% of available C. borealis (those in < 1 m water) during each daytime low tide. We investigated three possible explanations for the presence of C. borealis in the risky gull-predation zone. First, we tested whether predation risk in the gull-predation zone was matched at deeper depths by subtidal predators; we found predation risk decreases with depth. Second, we tested whether water temperatures were warmer in the gull-predation zone and whether these warmer temperatures resulted in increased growth rates. We found that, while waters were warmer in the gull-predation zone, crabs grew at similar rates above and below the thermocline when fed similar diets. Finally, we tested for differences in food availability with depth and whether these differences influenced C. borealis growth rates. Our results suggest a growth-mortality trade-off, where increased food availability provides sufficient growth benefit to outweigh the risk of foraging at shallower depths.  相似文献   

Food acquisition is an important modulator of animal behavior and habitat selection that can affect fitness. Optimal foraging theory predicts that predators should select habitat patches to maximize their foraging success and net energy gain, likely achieved by targeting areas with high prey availability. However, it is debated whether prey availability drives fine‐scale habitat selection for predators. We assessed whether an ambush predator, the timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), exhibits optimal foraging site selection based on the spatial distribution and availability of prey. We used passive infrared camera trap detections of potential small mammal prey (Peromyscus spp., Tamias striatus, and Sciurus spp.) to generate variables of prey availability across the study area and used whether a snake was observed in a foraging location or not to model optimal foraging in timber rattlesnakes. Our models of small mammal spatial distributions broadly predicted that prey availability was greatest in mature deciduous forests, but T. striatus and Sciurus spp. exhibited greater spatial heterogeneity compared with Peromyscus spp. We found the spatial distribution of cumulative small mammal encounters (i.e., overall prey availability), rather than the distribution of any one species, to be highly predictive of snake foraging. Timber rattlesnakes appear to forage where the probability of encountering prey is greatest. Our study provides evidence for fine‐scale optimal foraging in a low‐energy, ambush predator and offers new insights into drivers of snake foraging and habitat selection.  相似文献   

During January and February of 2002 and 2003, we studied the diet of the Antarctic Tern Sterna vittata gaini at two colonies in Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands, by identifying the prey fed to chicks by breeders. The fish Notothenia coriiceps was the main prey in both seasons, followed by the myctophid Electrona antarctica, Antarctic krill Euphausia superba and gammarid amphipods. The contribution of fish to the diet increased as chicks grew older. Fish and amphipods were brought to chicks during the day, whereas adults brought Antarctic krill at sunrise and sunset. Both the duration of the feeding trips and the number of trips per foraging bout varied according to the type of prey caught. Preliminary information suggests that, among other causes, the foraging strategy is strongly influenced by the predation pressure of skuas on chicks. Results are compared with the only two previous study on the diet of the Antarctic Tern at the South Shetland Islands.  相似文献   

Substantial variation in foraging strategies can exist within populations, even those typically regarded as generalists. Specializations arise from the consistent exploitation of a narrow behavioral, spatial or dietary niche over time, which may reduce intraspecific competition and influence adaptability to environmental change. However, few studies have investigated whether behavioral consistency confers benefits at the individual and/or population level. While still recovering from commercial sealing overexploitation, Australian fur seals (AUFS; Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) represent the largest marine predator biomass in south‐eastern Australia. During lactation, female AUFS adopt a central‐place foraging strategy and are, thus, vulnerable to changes in prey availability. The present study investigated the population‐level repeatability and individual consistency in foraging behavior of 34 lactating female AUFS at a south‐east Australian breeding colony between 2006 and 2019. Additionally, the influence of individual‐level behavioral consistency on indices of foraging success and efficiency during benthic diving was determined. Low to moderate population‐level repeatability was observed across foraging behaviors, with the greatest repeatability in the mean bearing and modal dive depth. Individual‐level consistency was greatest for the proportion of benthic diving, total distance travelled, and trip duration. Indices of benthic foraging success and efficiency were positively influenced by consistency in the proportion of benthic diving, trip duration and dive rate but not influenced by consistency in bearing to most distal point, dive depth or foraging site fidelity. The results of the present study provide evidence of the benefits of consistency for individuals, which may have flow‐on effects at the population level.  相似文献   

Habitat use, diet and food supply of European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria chicks were studied on blanket bog in the South Pennines, UK. The home ranges occupied by chicks until fledging averaged 40 ha; they contained relatively more cotton grass and bare peat than was available generally, but less heather and grassland. Use of Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus and Crowberry Empetrum nigrum increased with age, whereas that of cotton grass Eriophorum spp. declined. Dietary composition, as assessed by faecal analysis, was similar to that obtained from the crops of dead birds. The diet of younger chicks, assessed by dry weight of prey, consisted of about 30% each of adult and larval tipulids, whereas for chicks older than 16 days, about 70% was tipulid larvae. Beetles, spiders and caterpillars each comprised 5–20% of the diet, depending on age. Older chicks took larger prey. The exploitation of larval tipulids was correlated positively with the chicks' use of cotton grass and bare peat areas, whereas caterpillars, beetles and spiders were more often taken from dwarf shrubs, reflecting variation in prey abundance. Bare peat was an important foraging habitat, whose exploitation was associated positively with the growth rate of young chicks, and with mean prey size. Both weight gain and survival of young chicks were positively correlated with the abundance of tipulid adults, confirming the hypothesis that the flush of tipulid hatching is an important determinant of breeding success. Golden Plover chicks are capable of considerable movements to track variation in prey availability. This behaviour is likely to be an important survival strategy facilitating the utilization of a mosaic of cotton grass and dwarf shrub habitats. Appropriate rotational strip-burning or grazing management could be used to create and maintain such habitats.  相似文献   

Predators exert considerable top‐down pressure on ecosystems by directly consuming prey or indirectly influencing their foraging behaviors and habitat use. Prey is, therefore, forced to balance predation risk with resource reward. A growing list of anthropogenic stressors such as rising temperatures and ocean acidification has been shown to influence prey risk behaviors and subsequently alter important ecosystem processes. Yet, limited attention has been paid to the effects of chronic pharmaceutical exposure on risk behavior or as an ecological stressor, despite widespread detection and persistence of these contaminants in aquatic environments. In the laboratory, we simulated estuarine conditions of the shore crab, Hemigrapsus oregonensis, and investigated whether chronic exposure (60 days) to field‐detected concentrations (0, 3, and 30 ng/L) of the antidepressant fluoxetine affected diurnal and nocturnal risk behaviors in the presence of a predator, Cancer productus. We found that exposure to fluoxetine influenced both diurnal and nocturnal prey risk behaviors by increasing foraging and locomotor activity in the presence of predators, particularly during the day when these crabs normally stay hidden. Crabs exposed to fluoxetine were also more aggressive, with a higher frequency of agonistic interactions and increased mortality due to conflicts with conspecifics. These results suggest that exposure to field‐detected concentrations of fluoxetine may alter the trade‐off between resource acquisition and predation risk among crabs in estuaries. This fills an important data gap, highlighting how intra‐ and interspecific behaviors are altered by exposure to field concentrations of pharmaceuticals; such data more explicitly identify potential ecological impacts of emerging contaminants on aquatic ecosystems and can aid water quality management.  相似文献   

Body insulation is critically important for diving marine endotherms. However,cormorants have a wettable plumage, which leads to poor insulation. Despitethis, these birds are apparently highly successful predatorsin most aquatic ecosystems. We studied the theoretical influenceof water temperature, dive depth, foraging techniques, and preyavailability on the energetic costs of diving, prey search time,daily food intake, and survival in foraging, nonbreeding greatcormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo). Our model was based on fieldmeasurements and on data taken from the literature. Water temperatureand dive depth influenced diving costs drastically, with predicted increasesof up to 250% and 258% in males and females, respectively. Changes inwater temperature and depth conditions may lead to an increaseof daily food intake of 500-800 g in males and 440-780 g infemales. However, the model predicts that cormorant foragingparameters are most strongly influenced by prey availability,so that even limited reduction in prey density makes birds unableto balance energy needs and may thus limit their influence onprey stocks. We discuss the ramifications of these results withregard to foraging strategies, dispersal, population dynamics,and intraspecific competition in this avian predator and pointout the importance of this model species for our understandingof foraging energetics in diving endotherms.  相似文献   

Trading-off food and safety is considered a predominant component of foraging behavior. We examined whether predators' response to potential prey is state-dependent, and suggest that risk of injury while pursuing the prey affects the predators' foraging behavior in a similar manner as predation risk affects prey foraging behavior. We examined how the daring of steppe buzzards Buteo buteo vulpinus in pursuing their prey varied with body condition. We measured the time it took juvenile buzzards to attack a mouse placed in a Bal-Chatri cage trap and related it to their body condition. We found that buzzards in poorer body condition tended to hesitate less before pursuing their prey than did buzzards in better body condition. We suggest that behavioral decisions of buzzards are state-dependant and are influenced by the risk of injury involved in pursuing their prey.  相似文献   

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