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Mutations in mitochondrial DNA have been associated with cardiovascular disease. We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of one three-generation Han Chinese family with maternally transmitted hypertension. All matrilineal relatives in this family exhibited the variable degree of hypertension at the age at onset of 36 to 56 years old. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial DNA in this pedigree revealed the presence of the known hypertension-associated tRNAIle A4295G mutation and 33 other variants, belonging to the Asian haplogroup D4j. The A4295G mutation, which is extraordinarily conserved from bacteria to human mitochondria, is located at immediately 3′ end to the anticodon, corresponding to conventional position 37 of tRNAIle. The occurrence of the A4295G mutation in several genetically unrelated pedigrees affected by cardiovascular disease but the absence of 242 Chinese controls strongly indicates that this mutation is involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Of other variants, the tRNAGlu A14693G and ND1 G11696A mutations were implicated to be associated with other mitochondrial disorders. The A14693G mutation, which is a highly conserved nucleoside at the TψC-loop of tRNAGlu, has been implicated to be important for tRNA structure and function. Furthermore, the ND4 G11696A mutation was associated with Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy. Therefore, the combination of the A4295G mutation in the tRNAIle gene with the ND4 G11696A mutation and tRNAGlu A14693G mutation may contribute to the high penetrance of hypertension in this Chinese family.  相似文献   

Mutations in mitochondrial DNA have been associated with hypertension. We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of one four-generation Han Chinese family with hypertension. Two matrilineal relatives in this family exhibited the variable degree of a secondary hypertension (renal hypertension) at the age-at-onset of 42 and 56 years old, respectively. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial DNA in this pedigree revealed the presence of the known hypertension-associated ND1 T3308C mutation and 42 other variants, belonging to the Asian haplogroup D4h. The T3308C mutation resulted in the replacement of the first amino acid, translation-initiating methionine with a threonine in ND1. Furthermore, the ND3 T3308C mutation also locates in two nucleotides adjacent to the 3′ end of mitochondrial tRNALeu(UUR). Thus, this T3308C mutation caused an alteration on the processing of the H-strand polycistronic RNA precursors or the destabilization of ND1 mRNA. The occurrence of the T3308C mutation in these genetically unrelated pedigrees affected by diseases but absence of 242 Chinese controls as well as the mitochondrial dysfunctions detected in cells carrying this mutation indicate that this mutation is involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension. However, the mild biochemical defects, the lower penetrance of hypertension in this Chinese family and the presence of some control populations suggested the involvement of other modifier factors in the pathogenesis of hypertension associated with this ND1 T3308C mutation.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the mitochondrial DNA mutations are involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension. Our previous study identified mitochondrial tRNAIle A4263G mutation in a large Chinese Han family with maternally-inherited hypertension. This mutation may contribute to mitochondrial Ca2+ cycling dysfuntion, but the mechanism is unclear. Lymphoblastoid cell lines were derived from hypertensive and normotensive individuals, either with or without tRNAIle A4263G mutation. The mitochondrial calcium ([Ca2+]m) in cells from hypertensive subjects with the tRNAIle A4263G mutation, was lower than in cells from normotension or hypertension without mutation, or normotension with mutation (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]c) in hypertensive with mutation cells was higher than another three groups. After exposure to caffeine, which could increase the [Ca2+]c by activating ryanodine receptor on endoplasmic reticulum, [Ca2+]c/[Ca2+]m increased higher than in hypertensive with mutation cells from another three groups. Moreover, MCU expression was decreased in hypertensive with mutation cells compared with in another three groups (P < 0.05). [Ca2+]c increased and [Ca2+]m decreased after treatment with Ru360 (an inhibitor of MCU) or an siRNA against MCU. In this study we found decreased MCU expression in hypertensive with mutation cells contributed to dysregulated Ca2+ uptake into the mitochondria, and cytoplasmic Ca2+ overload. This abnormality might be involved in the underlying mechanisms of maternally inherited hypertension in subjects carrying the mitochondrial tRNAIle A4263G mutation.  相似文献   

Li ZB  Liu YQ  Li YH  Chen R  Wang L  Zhu QL  Li Y  Wang SW 《遗传》2011,33(6):601-606
为探讨线粒体tRNAMet基因突变与中国汉族人原发性高血压发生发展之间的关系,文章收集990名原发性高血压患者一般资料(性别、年龄、发病年龄、体重指数、家族遗传史等)、血常规、血生化及心脏彩色超声检查结果;采集入选者的静脉血,分离并提取白细胞中的DNA,PCR扩增线粒体tRNAMet,纯化后测序。以发生tRNAMet突变的原发性高血压患者为指示病例,匹配8例未发生突变的原发性高血压患者为对照病例,统计分析指示病例和对照病例在血常规、血生化及心脏彩色超声检查等方面的异同。结果显示在990名原发性高血压患者中,有8名患者发生线粒体tRNAMet突变,突变分布在6个位点,分别为A4401G、C4410A、U4418C、A4435G、U4454C和C4456U。与对照病例相比,指示病例的平均发病时间显著提前,这种早发现象与体重指数无关。指示病例高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的平均值明显高于对照病例;血红蛋白平均值明显低于对照病例;舒张末期左室内径、每搏输出量、和心脏指数平均值等明显高于对照病例,射血分数平均值低于对照病例。在指示病例中,有5名患者有高血压母系遗传史,1名患者具有父系遗传史,2名患者否认有家族遗传史。以上研究结果提示线粒体tRNAMet突变可能会导致其结构和功能的变化,进而通过干扰血脂代谢、血细胞的稳态以及心脏的结构与功能,参与了原发性高血压的发生和发展。  相似文献   

Mutations in mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene are one of the most important causes of aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss. Here we report the characterization of one Han Chinese pedigree with aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss. This Chinese family carrying the 12S rRNA A1555G mutation exhibited high penetrance and expressivity of heating impairment. In particular, penetrances of hearing loss in this family pedigree were 43.8% and 25%, respectively, when aminoglycoside-induced heating loss was included or excluded. Mutational analysis of entire mitochondrial genomes in this family showed the homoplasmic A1555G mutation and a set of variants belonging to haplogroup Y2. Of these, the A14693G variant occurred at the extremely conserved nucleotide (conventional position 54) of the TψC-loop of tRNA^Clu and was absent in 156 Chinese controls. Nucleotides at position 54 of tRNAs are often modified, thereby contributing to the structural formation and stabilization of functional tRNAs. Thus, the structural alteration of tRNA by the A14693G variant may lead to a failure in tRNA metabolism and impair mitochondrial protein synthesis, thereby worsening mitochondrial dysfunctions altered by the A1555G mutation. Therefore, the tRNA^Glu A14693G variant may have a potential modifier role in increasing the penetrance and expressivity of the deafness-associated A1555G mutation in this Chinese pedigree.  相似文献   

Mutations in mitochondrial DNA are one of the important causes of hearing loss. We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of two Han Chinese pedigrees with maternally transmitted aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic bilateral hearing loss. Clinical evaluation revealed the wide range of severity, age-at-onset, and audiometric configuration of hearing impairment in matrilineal relatives in these families. The penetrances of hearing loss in these pedigrees were 20% and 18%, when aminoglycoside-induced deafness was included. When the effect of aminoglycosides was excluded, the penetrances of hearing loss in these seven pedigrees were 10% and 15%. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial genomes in these pedigrees showed the presence of the deafness-associated 12S rRNA C1494T and CO1/tRNA(Ser(UCN)) G7444A mutations. Their distinct sets of mtDNA polymorphism belonged to Eastern Asian haplogroup C4a1, while other previously identified six Chinese mitochondrial genomes harboring the C1494T mutation belong to haplogroups D5a2, D, R, and F1, respectively. This suggested that the C1494T or G7444A mutation occurred sporadically and multiplied through evolution of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The absence of functionally significant mutations in tRNA and rRNAs or secondary LHON mutations in their mtDNA suggest that these mtDNA haplogroup-specific variants may not play an important role in the phenotypic expression of the 12S rRNA C1494T and CO1/tRNA(Ser(UCN)) G7444A mutations in those Chinese families. However, aminoglycosides and other nuclear modifier genes play a modifying role in the phenotypic manifestation of the C1494T mutation in these Chinese families.  相似文献   

We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular evaluations of four Han Chinese families with Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy. Thirty-one (20 males/11 females) of 83 matrilineal relatives in these families exhibited the variable severity and age-at-onset in visual impairment. The average age-of-onset of vision loss was 22 years old. Strikingly, these penetrances of visual impairment in these Chinese families were higher than those in other 11 Chinese pedigrees carrying the only ND4 G11778A mutation. Molecular analysis identified the known G11778A mutation and distinct sets of variants belonging to the Asian haplogroups M10a and M7c2. Of these, the T14502C mutation caused the substitution of a highly conserved isoleucine for valine at position 58 in ND6. This mutation has been associated with LHON in other Chinese families with very low penetrance of LHON. Thus, the deficient activities of complex I, caused by G11778A mutation, would be worsened by the T14502C mutation in these four Chinese families. As a result, mitochondrial dysfunctions would lead to the high penetrance and expressivity of visual loss in these Chinese families carrying both G11778A and T14502C mutations than other 11 Chinese families carrying only G11778A mutation. These data suggested that the T14502C variant may modulate the phenotypic manifestation of the G11778A mutation in these Chinese pedigrees.  相似文献   

We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of one Han Chinese family with maternally transmitted Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). Three of seven matrilineal relatives in this family exhibited the variable degree of central vision loss at the age of 12, 14, and 16 years old, respectively. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial DNA in this pedigree revealed the presence of the ND1 G3460A mutation and 47 other variants, belonging to the Asian haplogroup M7b2. The G3460A mutation is present at homoplasmy in matrilineal relatives of this Chinese family. Of other variants, the homoplasmic A14693G mutation is of special interest as it was implicated to be associated with other mitochondrial disorders. This mutation is located at the TpsiC-loop, at conventional position 54 of tRNA(Glu). The uridine at this position (U54), which is highly conserved from bacteria to human mitochondria, has been implicated to be important for tRNA structure and function. Thus, the A14693G mutation may alter the tertiary structure of this tRNA, cause a failure in this tRNA metabolism, thereby worsening the mitochondrial dysfunction associated with the primary G3460A mutation. Therefore, the tRNA(Glu) A14693G mutation may have a potential modifier role in the phenotypic manifestation of the primary LHON-associated G3460A mutation in this Chinese family.  相似文献   

We explored the clinical and molecular characterization of a Chinese family with non-syndromic hearing impairment. Clinical evaluations revealed a possible maternal inheritance pattern, and showed an extremely similar phenotype of hearing loss including the age of onset, severity, and audiometric configuration. Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and tRNA(Ser(UCN)) genes led to the identification of a homoplasmic A827G mutation in all maternal relatives, which was absent in other family members and 40 Chinese controls. This mutation has previously been reported sporadically in a few individuals with aminoglycoside-induced and non-syndromic hearing loss. The A827G mutation is located at the A-site of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene which is highly evolutionarily conserved in mammals. The occurrence of the A827G mutation in these genetically unrelated subjects strongly suggests that this mutation is involved in the pathogenesis of hearing impairment. However, incomplete penetrance of hearing loss indicates that the A827G mutation alone is not sufficient to produce clinical phenotype but requires the involvement of modifier factors for the phenotypic expression, even though aminoglycosides and GJB2 gene may not contribute to the penetrance of the A827G mutation in this Chinese family. In contrast with the variable phenotype of hearing loss associated with other mitochondrial mutations, all of the patients in our family exhibited strikingly similar clinical features. This discrepancy likely reflects the difference of genetic backgrounds between this pedigree and others.  相似文献   

We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of two Chinese families with aminoglycoside induced and non-syndromic hearing impairment. Clinical and genetic evaluations revealed the variable severity and age-of-onset in hearing impairment in these families. Strikingly, there were extremely low penetrances of hearing impairment in these Chinese families. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial genomes in these pedigrees showed the distinct sets of mtDNA polymorphism, in addition to the identical G7444A mutation associated with hearing loss. Indeed, the G7444A mutation in the CO1 gene and the precursor of tRNASer(UCN) gene is present in homoplasmy only in the maternal lineage of those pedigrees but not other members of these families and 164 Chinese controls. Their mitochondrial genomes belong to the Eastern Asian haplogroups C5a and D4a, respectively. In fact, the occurrence of the G7444A mutation in these several genetically unrelated subjects affected by hearing impairment strongly indicates that this mutation is involved in the pathogenesis of hearing impairment. However, there was the absence of other functionally significant mtDNA mutations in two Chinese pedigrees carrying the G7444A mutation. Therefore, nuclear modifier gene(s) or aminoglycoside(s) may play a role in the phenotypic expression of the deafness-associated G7444A mutation in these Chinese pedigrees.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the clinical and molecular characterization of a Chinese family with aminoglycoside-induced and non-syndromic hearing impairment. Clinical evaluations revealed that only those family members who had a history of exposure to aminoglycoside antibiotics subsequently developed hearing loss, suggesting mitochondrial genome involvement. Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and tRNA(Ser(UCN)) genes led to the identification of a homoplasmic A827G mutation in all maternal relatives, a mutation that was identified previously in a few sporadic patients and in another Chinese family with non-syndromic deafness. The pathogenicity of the A827G mutation is strongly supported by the occurrence of the same mutation in two independent families and several genetically unrelated subjects. The A827G mutation is located at the A-site of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene which is highly conserved in mammals. It is possible that the alteration of the tertiary or quaternary structure of this rRNA by the A827G mutation may lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, thereby playing a role in the pathogenesis of hearing loss and aminoglycoside hypersensitivity. However, incomplete penetrance of hearing impairment indicates that the A827G mutation itself is not sufficient to produce clinical phenotype but requires the involvement of modifier factors for the phenotypic expression. Indeed, aminoglycosides may contribute to the phenotypic manifestation of the A827G mutation in this family. In contrast with the congenital or early-onset hearing impairment in another Chinese family carrying the A827G mutation, three patients in this pedigree developed hearing loss only after use of aminoglycosides. This discrepancy likely reflects the difference of genetic backgrounds, either mitochondrial haplotypes or nuclear modifier genes, between two families.  相似文献   

The mtDNA 1555A>G mutation was considered to be one of the most common causes of aminoglycoside-induced and non-syndromic hearing loss. However, this mutation was always found in homoplasmy with high phenotypic heterogeneity. Recently this mutation in heteroplasmy has been reported in several studies. In the present study, we have collected a large Chinese family harboring heteroplasmic mtDNA 1555A>G mutation with diverse clinical phenotypes. To investigate the relationship between the mutation load and the severity of hearing loss under Eastern Asian background, we performed clinical, molecular, genetic and phylogenic analysis. This pedigree was characterized by coexistence of eight subjects with homoplasmic mutation and ten subjects with various degrees of heteroplasmy, and the results suggested that there was a strong correlation between the mutation load and the severity/age-onset of hearing loss (r=0.758, p<0.001). We noticed that the mutation level of offspring was associated with their mothers' in this pedigree, which indicated that maybe exist a regular pattern during the process of the heteroplasmic transmission. In addition, analysis of the complete mtDNA genome of this family revealed that it belonged to Eastern Asian haplogroup B4C1. In addition, a rare homoplasmic mtDNA 9128T>C variant was identified, it located at a strictly conserved site of mtDNA ATP6 gene.  相似文献   

Mutations in mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene are one of the most important causes of aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss. Here we report the characterization of one Han Chinese pedigree with aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss.This Chinese family carrying the 12S rRNA A1555G mutation exhibited high penetrance and expressivity of hearing impairment. In particular, penetrances of hearing loss in this family pedigree were 43.8% and 25%, respectively, when aminoglycoside-induced heating loss was included or excluded. Mutational analysis of entire mitochondrial genomes in this family showed the homoplasmic A1555G mutation and a set of variants belonging to haplogroup Y2. Of these, the A14693G variant occurred at the extremely conserved nucleotide (conventional position 54) of the TψC-loop of tRNAGlu and was absent in 156 Chinese controls. Nucleotides at position 54 of tRNAs are often modified, thereby contributing to the structural formation and stabilization of functional tRNAs. Thus, the structural alteration of tRNA by the A14693G variant may lead to a failure in tRNA metabolism and impair mitochondrial protein synthesis, thereby worsening mitochondrial dysfunctions altered by the A1555G mutation. Therefore, the tRNAalu A14693G variant may have a potential modifier role in increasing the penetrance and expressivity of the deafness-associated AI555G mutation in this Chinese pedigree.  相似文献   

We report here the characterization of a four-generation Han Chinese family with maternally transmitted diabetes mellitus. Six (two males/four females) of eight matrilineal relatives in this family exhibited diabetes. The age of onset in diabetes varies from 15 years to 33 years, with an average of 26 years. Two of affected matrilineal relatives also exhibited hearing impairment. Molecular analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) showed the presence of heteroplasmic tRNA(Lue(UUR)) A3243G mutation, ranging from 35% to 58% of mutations in blood cells of matrilineal relatives. The levels of heteroplasmic A3243G mutation seem to be correlated with the severity and age-at-onset of diabetes in this family. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome in this pedigree revealed the presence of the A3243G mutation and 38 other variants belonging to the Eastern Asian haplogroup M7C. However, none of other mtDNA variants are evolutionarily conserved and implicated to have significantly functional consequence. Thus, the A3243G mutation is the sole pathogenic mtDNA mutation associated with diabetes in this Chinese family.  相似文献   

We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of a large Han Chinese family with aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss. Two and 13 of 66 matrilineal relatives suffered from aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss, respectively. These matrilineal relatives exhibited a wide range of severity of hearing loss, varying from profound to normal hearing. In the absence of aminoglycosides, the age-at-onset of hearing impairment in these matrilineal relatives ranged from 13 to 50years. Furthermore, these affected matrilineal relatives shared some common features: bilateral hearing loss of high frequencies and symmetries. Sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the pedigree identified the homoplasmic 12S rRNA C1494T mutation and other 34 variants belonging to Eastern Asian haplogroup F1. Of these, the variant T5628C occurs at an extremely conserved nucleotide (A31) of tRNA(Ala). This variant converted a very conservative A-U to a G-U base-pairing at AC-stem of this tRNA. The disruption of this base-pairing in tRNAs by mtDNA mutations has been associated with several clinical abnormalities. The alteration of structure of the tRNA(Ala) by the T5628C mutation may lead to a failure in tRNA metabolism and lead to impairment of mitochondrial translation, thereby worsening mitochondrial dysfunctions, caused by the C1494T mutation. Therefore, this mtDNA mutation may influence the phenotypic manifestation of the 12S rRNA C1494T mutation in this Chinese pedigree.  相似文献   

线粒体12S rRNA A1555G突变是引起氨基糖甙类药物诱导的非综合征型耳聋的重要原因之一。文章对收集的25个携带A1555G突变的中国汉族非综合征型耳聋家系进行了临床和分子遗传学评估。结果表明,这25个家系的母系成员在耳聋外显率、听力损失严重程度和发病年龄上存在较大差异。当包括和不包括氨基糖甙类药物使用史时,耳聋的平均外显率分别为28.1%和21.5%,排除氨基糖甙类药物时,耳聋的平均发病年龄从1~15岁不等。线粒体全序列分析发现了16个新变异,不同的线粒体DNA多态性位点显示这25个家系分别属于东亚人群A、B、D、F、G、M、N和R单倍型,其中线粒体单倍型B的家系耳聋外显率和表现度较其他单倍型高。此外,7个继发突变位点和21个高保守性位点突变可能增加了这些家系的耳聋外显率。GJB2基因上未检测到与耳聋相关的突变,表明在本研究的耳聋家系中,GJB2基因可能没有参与A1555G突变的表型表达。以上各方面提示,线粒体单倍型和其他因素可能参与了这25个家系耳聋患者的表型修饰。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction associated with mutant mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been suggested in bipolar disorder, and comorbidity with neurodegenerative diseases was often noted. We examined the entire sequence of mtDNA in six subjects with bipolar disorder having comorbid somatic symptoms suggestive of mitochondrial disorders and found several uncharacterized homoplasmic nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions of mtDNA. Of these, 3644C was found in 5 of 199 patients with bipolar disorder but in none of 258 controls (p = 0.015). The association was significant in the extended samples [bipolar disorder, 9/630 (1.43%); controls, 1/734 (0.14%); p = 0.007]. On the other hand, only 5 of 25 family members with this mutation developed bipolar disorder, of which 4 patients with 3644C had comorbid physical symptoms. The 3644T-->C mutation converts amino acid 113, valine, to alanine in the NADH-ubiquinone dehydrogenase subunit I, a subunit of complex I, and 113 valine is well conserved from Drosophila to 61 mammalian species. Using transmitochondrial cybrids, 3644T-->C was shown to decrease mitochondrial membrane potential and complex I activity compared with haplogroup-matched controls. According to human mitochondrial genome polymorphism databases, 3644C was not found in centenarians but was found in 3% of patients with Alzheimer disease and 2% with Parkinson disease. The result of modest functional impairment caused by 3644T-->C suggests that this mutation could increase the risk for bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of a four-generation Chinese family with aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss. Five of nine matrilineal relatives had aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss. These matrilineal relatives exhibited variable severity and audiometric configuration of hearing impairment, despite sharing some common features: being bilateral and having sensorineural hearing impairment. Sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the pedigree identified 16 variants and the homoplasmic 12S rRNA C1494T mutation, which was associated with hearing loss in the other large Chinese family. In fact, the occurrence of the C1494T mutation in these genetically unrelated pedigrees affected by hearing impairment strongly indicated that this mutation is involved in the pathogenesis of aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing loss. However, incomplete penetrance of hearing loss indicated that the C1494T mutation itself is not sufficient to produce a clinical phenotype but requires the involvement of modifier factors for the phenotypic expression. Those mtDNA variants, showing no evolutional conservation, may not have a potential modifying role in the pathogenesis of the C1494T mutation. However, nuclear background seems to contribute to the phenotypic variability of matrilineal relatives in this family. Furthermore, aminoglycosides modulate the expressivity and penetrance of deafness associated with the C1494T mutation in this family.  相似文献   

目的:探讨葡萄糖转运体9(GLUT9)基因启动子区的rs13124007(C/G)及rs6850166(A/G)位点的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)与中国汉族女性人群痛风易感性之间的相关性.方法:选取185例痛风患者和300例正常对照者,提取基因组DNA,采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR技术),特异性扩增GLUT9基因所需要的目的片段,对扩增的目的片段进行测序后,比较痛风组和正常对照组的基因型频率及等位基因频率分布情况.结果:女性痛风组中GLUT9基因的启动子区rs13124007和rs6805116两个位点的基因型频率分布与正常对照组相比,统计学上无明显的差异(X2=0.906,P=0.636;X2=3.335,P=0.189),rs13124007 SNP位点的C等位基因频率和rs6850166SNP位点的A的等位基因频率与正常对照组相比也无明显的统计学差异(X2=0.506,P=0.477;X=3.268,P=0.071).结论:葡萄糖转运体9(GLUT9)基因启动子区的rs 13124007(C/G)及rs6850166(A/G)位点的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)与中国汉族女性人群痛风易感性无明显的相关性.  相似文献   

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