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Naoki Mizusawa 《FEBS letters》2009,583(4):718-6684
The physiological role of digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) in photosynthesis was examined using a dgdA mutant of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 that is defective in the biosynthesis of DGDG. The dgdA mutant cells showed normal growth under low light (LL) conditions. However, their growth was retarded under high light (HL) conditions and under Ca2+- and/or Cl-limited conditions compared to wild-type cells. The retardation in growth of the mutant cells was recovered by exogenous supply of DGDG in the growth medium. The dgdA mutant showed increased sensitivity to photoinhibition. Although both photodamage and repair processes of photosynthesis were affected, the repair process was more severely affected than the photodamage process, suggesting that DGDG plays an important role in the photosynthetic repair cycle.  相似文献   

The interaction of divalent cations with biomembranes is important for a number of biological processes. In this study, the regulatory effect of Ca2+ on the interaction between plant spinach photosystem I (PSI) particles and negatively charged lipid phosphatidylglycerol (PG) was investigated by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. It was found that in the absence of CaCl2, PG causes an increase in alpha-helix and a decrease in disordered conformations of protein secondary structures of PSI, the beta-sheet and turns being almost unaffected. Meanwhile, the same effect also enhances the excitonic interactions relating to Chl a and Chl b from the PSI core complex and external antenna light-harvesting complex (LHCI). By contrast, in the presence of CaCl2, PG hardly interferes with the structure of the proteins' skeleton of PSI, but it can depress the excitonic interactions for Chl b of LHCI and for PSI core complex Chl a at (-) 433.5 nm of the CD signal which is accompanied by a blue shift of its peak. It is most likely that the neutralization of the phosphate groups in the PSI-PG complex and the negative surface charges of PSI, and partial dehydration in the vicinity of the ester CO region of the PG polar head group by the Ca-ions modify the interaction between PSI and PG, thereby inducing molecular reorganization of protein and pigments within both the external antenna LHCI and PSI core complex in proteoliposomes.  相似文献   

We generated Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 strains, designated F-His and J-His, which express histidine-tagged PsaF and PsaJ subunits, respectively, for simple purification of the photosystem I (PSI) complex. Six histidine residues were genetically added to the C-terminus of the PsaF subunit in F-His cells and the N-terminus of the PsaJ subunit in J-His cells. The histidine residues introduced had no apparent effect on photoautotrophic growth of the cells or the activity of PSI and PSII in thylakoid membranes. PSI complexes could be simply purified from the F-His and J-His cells by Ni2+-affinity column chromatography. When thylakoid membranes corresponding to 20 mg chlorophyll were used, PSI complexes corresponding to about 7 mg chlorophyll could be purified in both strains. The purified PSI complexes could be separated into monomers and trimers by ultracentrifugation in glycerol density gradient and high activity was recorded for trimers isolated from the F-His and J-His strains. Blue-Native PAGE and SDS-PAGE analysis of monomers and trimers indicated the existence of two distinct monomers with different subunit compositions and no contamination of PSI with other complexes, such as PSII and Cyt b6f. Further analysis of proteins and lipids in the purified PSI indicated the presence of novel proteins in the monomers and about six lipid molecules per monomer unit in the trimers. These results demonstrate that active PSI complexes can be simply purified from the constructed strains and the strains are very useful tools for analysis of PSI.  相似文献   

Comparative lipid analysis demonstrated reduced amount of PG (50%) and lower ratio of MGDG/DGDG in iron-stressed Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 cells compared to cells grown under iron sufficient conditions. In parallel, the monoenoic (C:1) fatty acids in MGDG, DGDG and PG increased from 46.8%, 43.7% and 45.6%, respectively in control cells to 51.6%, 48.8% and 48.7%, respectively in iron-stressed cells. This suggests increased membrane dynamics, which may facilitate the diffusion of PQ and keep the PQ pool in relatively more oxidized state in iron-stressed compared to control cells. This was confirmed by chlorophyll fluorescence and thermoluminescence measurements. Analysis of carotenoid composition demonstrated that the induction of isiA (CP43′) protein in response to iron stress is accompanied by significant increase of the relative abundance of all carotenoids. The quantity of carotenoids calculated on a Chl basis increased differentially with nostoxanthin, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and β-carotene showing 2.6-, 3.1-, 1.9- and 1.9-fold increases, respectively, while the relative amount of caloxanthin was increased only by 30%. HPLC analyses of the pigment composition of Chl-protein complexes separated by non-denaturating SDS-PAGE demonstrated even higher relative carotenoids content, especially of cryptoxanthin, in trimer and monomer PSI Chl-protein complexes co-migrating with CP43′ from iron-stressed cells than in PSI complexes from control cells where CP43′ is not present. This implies a carotenoid-binding role for the CP43′ protein which supports our previous suggestion for effective energy quenching and photoprotective role of CP43′ protein in cyanobacteria under iron stress.  相似文献   

Photosystem I (PSI), the plastocyanin-ferredoxin oxidoreductase of the photosynthetic electron transport chain, is one of the largest bioenergetic complexes known. It is composed of subunits encoded in both the chloroplast genome and the nuclear genome and thus, its assembly requires an intricate coordination of gene expression and intensive communication between the two compartments. In this review, we first briefly describe PSI structure and then focus on recent findings on the role of the two small chloroplast genome-encoded subunits PsaI and PsaJ in the stability and function of PSI in higher plants. We then address the sequence of PSI biogenesis, discuss the role of auxiliary proteins involved in cofactor insertion into the PSI apoproteins and in the establishment of protein-protein interactions during subunit assembly. Finally, we consider potential limiting steps of PSI biogenesis, and how they may contribute to the control of PSI accumulation.  相似文献   

W.P. Williams  Z. Salamon 《BBA》1976,430(2):282-299
Studies of the variability of enhancement in Chlorella pyrenoidosa confirm the existence of two types of variability: a very slow diurnal variation linked to the growth cycle and a much more rapid adaptive response to the immediate incident light conditions (State I–State II transitions). Measurements of the wavelength dependencies and relative contributions of these two types of variability suggest that they may be linked.A close examination of the enhancement signals associated with the State I–State II transition reveals that the transitions can take place in any one of three ways: by a change in Photosystem II efficiency alone, by a change in Photosystem I efficiency alone or by a simultaneous change in the efficiencies of both photosystems.Measurements of the rates of transition between State I, State II and the dark adapted state, Dark, suggest that the behaviour of State II and Dark are normally, but not always, identical. The transitions between the three states were found to be first order. For those samples exhibiting the same behaviour in Dark and State II, the rate of the State I–State II transition was found to be independent of the wavelength of Light II, suggesting that the return from State I to State II is essentially a dark process and that the driving force for the adaptive transition is the over-stimulation of Photosystem I.Finally, a model is proposed, involving an antagonistic control of the quantum yields of photochemistry of the two photosystems, that is capable of explaining the links between the two types of variability, their wavelength dependencies and the shapes of the individual enhancement signals.  相似文献   

We characterized certain physiological functions of cyanobacterial monoglucosyldiacylglycerol using a Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 mutant in which the gene for monoglucosyldiacylglycerol synthase had been disrupted and its function complemented by inclusion of an Arabidopsis monogalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase gene. By using this method, we prepared the first viable monoglucosyldiacylglycerol-deficient mutant of cyanobacterium and found that monoglucosyldiacylglycerol is not essential for its growth and photosynthesis under a set of “normal growth conditions” when monogalactosyldiacylglycerol is adequately supplied by the Arabidopsis monogalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase. The mutant had healthy thylakoid membranes and normal pigment content. The membrane lipid composition of the mutant was similar with that of WT except lack of monoglucosyldiacylglycerol and a slight increase in the level of phosphatidylglycerol at both normal and low temperatures. However, the ratio of unsaturated fatty acids in monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and digalactosyldiacylglycerol was reduced in the mutant compared with WT. Although the growth of the mutant was indistinguishable with that of WT at normal growth temperature, it was markedly retarded at low temperature compared with that of WT. Our data indicated the possibility that cyanobacterial monogalactosyldiacylglycerol-synthesis pathway might be required for the adequate unsaturation level of fatty acids in galactolipids and affect the low-temperature sensitivity.  相似文献   

Amyloplasts were separated from other subcellular organelles by sedimentation through a discontinuous sucrose density gradient. Purified amyloplast envelope membranes were similar in most characteristics to those from other types of plastids. A substantial proportion of the carotenoid content of these membranes was present in the esterified form. In contrast to published work on chloroplasts of photosynthetic tissue, our results showed that the acylase (acyl-CoA:sn-glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferase) is firmly bound to the envelope membranes. Evidence was obtained to indicate that digalactosyldiacylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol and sulpholipid, but not monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, are exclusively found in the cell as amyloplast lipids.  相似文献   

The analysis of FDMR spectra, recorded at multiple emission wavelengths, by a global decomposition technique, has allowed us to characterise the triplet populations associated with Photosystem I and Photosystem II of thylakoids in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Three triplet populations are observed at fluorescence emissions characteristic of Photosystem II, and their zero field splitting parameters have been determined. These are similar to the zero field parameters for the three Photosystem II triplets previously reported for spinach thylakoids, suggesting that they have a widespread occurrence in nature. None of these triplets have the zero field splitting parameters characteristic of the Photosystem II recombination triplet observed only under reducing conditions. Because these triplets are generated under non-reducing redox conditions, when the recombination triplet is undetectable, it is suggested that they may be involved in the photoinhibition of Photosystem II. At emission wavelengths characteristic of Photosystem I, three triplet populations are observed, two of which are attributed to the P700 recombination triplet frozen in two different conformations, based on the microwave-induced fluorescence emission spectra and the triplet minus singlet difference spectra. The third triplet population detected at Photosystem I emission wavelengths, which was previously unresolved, is proposed to originate from the antenna chlorophyll of the core or the unusually blue-shifted outer antenna complexes of this organism.  相似文献   

Analysis of fatty acids from the cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. PCC 8801 revealed that this species contained high levels of myristic acid (14:0) and linoleic acid in its glycerolipids, with minor contributions from palmitic acid (16:0), stearic acid, and oleic acid. The level of 14:0 relative to total fatty acids reached nearly 50%. This 14:0 fatty acid was esterified primarily to the sn-2 position of the glycerol moiety of glycerolipids. This characteristic is unique because, in most of the cyanobacterial strains, the sn-2 position is esterified exclusively with C16 fatty acids, generally 16:0. Transformation of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 with the PCC8801_1274 gene for lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase (1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase) from Cyanothece sp. PCC 8801 increased the level of 14:0 from 2% to 17% in total lipids and the increase in the 14:0 content was observed in all lipid classes. These findings suggest that the high content of 14:0 in Cyanothece sp. PCC 8801 might be a result of the high specificity of this acyltransferase toward the 14:0-acyl-carrier protein.  相似文献   

Oxygenic photosynthesis is driven by two multi-subunit membrane protein complexes, Photosystem I and Photosystem II. In plants and green algae, both complexes are composed of two moieties: a reaction center (RC), where light-induced charge translocation occurs, and a peripheral antenna that absorbs light and funnels its energy to the reaction center. The peripheral antenna of PS I (LHC I) is composed of four gene products (Lhca 1-4) that are unique among the chlorophyll a/b binding proteins in their pronounced long-wavelength absorbance and in their assembly into dimers. The recently determined structure of plant Photosystem I provides the first relatively high-resolution structural model of a super-complex containing a reaction center and its peripheral antenna. We describe some of the structural features responsible for the unique properties of LHC I and discuss the advantages of the particular LHC I dimerization mode over monomeric or trimeric forms. In addition, we delineate some of the interactions between the peripheral antenna and the reaction center and discuss how they serve the purpose of dynamically altering the composition of LHC I in response to environmental pressure. Combining structural insight with spectroscopic data, we propose how altering LHC I composition may protect PS I from excessive light.  相似文献   

Action spectra for photosystem II (PSII)-driven oxygen evolution and of photosystem I (PSI)-mediated H2 photoproduction and photoinhibition of respiration were used to determine the participation of chlorophyll (Chl) a/b-binding Pcb proteins in the functions of pigment apparatus of Prochlorothrix hollandica. Comparison of the in situ action spectra with absorption spectra of PSII and PSI complexes isolated from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 revealed a shoulder at 650 nm that indicated presence of Chl b in the both photosystems of P. hollandica. Fitting of two action spectra to absorption spectrum of the cells showed a chlorophyll ratio of 4:1 in favor of PSI. Effective antenna sizes estimated from photochemical cross-sections of the relevant photoreactions were found to be 192 ± 28 and 139 ± 15 chlorophyll molecules for the competent PSI and PSII reaction centers, respectively. The value for PSI is in a quite good agreement with previous electron microscopy data for isolated Pcb-PSI supercomplexes from P. hollandica that show a trimeric PSI core surrounded by a ring of 18 Pcb subunits. The antenna size of PSII implies that the PSII core dimers are associated with ∼ 14 Pcb light-harvesting proteins, and form the largest known Pcb-PSII supercomplexes.  相似文献   

Diatoms show a special organisation of their plastid membranes, such that their thylakoids span the entire plastid in bands of three. While in higher plants the interaction of the light harvesting complex II and photosystem II with divalent cations (especially Mg2+) was found to take part in the interplay of electrostatic attraction and repulsion in grana membrane appression, for diatoms the key players in maintaining proper membrane distances were not identified so far. In this work, we investigated the changes in the thylakoid architecture of Thalassiosira pseudonana in reaction to different salts by using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy in combination with other techniques. We show that divalent cations have an important influence on optimal pigment organisation and thus also on maintaining membrane appression. Thereby, monovalent cations are far less effective. The concentration needed is in a physiological range and fits well with the values obtained for higher plant grana stacking, despite the fact that strict protein segregation as seen in higher plant grana is missing.  相似文献   

Photosystem I (PS I) is a large membrane protein complex that catalyzes the first step of solar conversion, the light-induced transmembrane electron transfer, and generates reductants for CO2 assimilation. It consists of 12 different proteins and 127 cofactors that perform light capturing and electron transfer. The function of PS I includes inter-protein electron transfer between PS I and smaller soluble electron transfer proteins. The structure of PS I is discussed with respect to the potential docking sites for the soluble electron acceptors, ferredoxin/flavodoxin, at the stromal side and the soluble electron donors, cytochrome c6/plastocyanin, at the luminal side of the PS I complex. Furthermore, the potential interaction sites with the peripheral antenna proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Phycobilisomes (PBS) are the major light-harvesting, protein-pigment complexes in cyanobacteria and red algae. PBS absorb and transfer light energy to photosystem (PS) II as well as PS I, and the distribution of light energy from PBS to the two photosystems is regulated by light conditions through a mechanism known as state transitions. In this study the quantum efficiency of excitation energy transfer from PBS to PS I in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 was determined, and the results showed that energy transfer from PBS to PS I is extremely efficient. The results further demonstrated that energy transfer from PBS to PS I occurred directly and that efficient energy transfer was dependent upon the allophycocyanin-B alpha subunit, ApcD. In the absence of ApcD, cells were unable to perform state transitions and were trapped in state 1. Action spectra showed that light energy transfer from PBS to PS I was severely impaired in the absence of ApcD. An apcD mutant grew more slowly than the wild type in light preferentially absorbed by phycobiliproteins and was more sensitive to high light intensity. On the other hand, a mutant lacking ApcF, which is required for efficient energy transfer from PBS to PS II, showed greater resistance to high light treatment. Therefore, state transitions in cyanobacteria have two roles: (1) they regulate light energy distribution between the two photosystems; and (2) they help to protect cells from the effects of light energy excess at high light intensities.  相似文献   

Changes in the protein secondary structure and electron transport activity of the Triton X-100-treated photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII) complexes after strong illumination treatment were studied using Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and an oxygen electrode. Short periods of photoinhibitory treatment led to obvious decreases in the rates of PSI-mediated electron transport activity and PSII-mediated oxygen evolution in the native or Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes. In the native PSI and PSII complexes, the protein secondary structures had little changes after the photoinhibitory treatment. However, in both Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes, short photoinhibition times caused significant loss of -helical content and increase of -sheet structure, similar to the conformational changes in samples of Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes after long periods of dark incubation. Our results demonstrate that strong-light treatment to the Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes accelerates destruction of the transmembrane structure of proteins in the two photosynthetic membranes.  相似文献   

Prasinophyceae are a broad class of early-branching eukaryotic green algae. These picophytoplankton are found ubiquitously throughout the ocean and contribute considerably to global carbon-fixation. Ostreococcus tauri, as the first sequenced prasinophyte, is a model species for studying the functional evolution of light-harvesting systems in photosynthetic eukaryotes. In this study we isolated and characterized O. tauri pigment-protein complexes. Two photosystem I (PSI) fractions were obtained by sucrose density gradient centrifugation in addition to free light-harvesting complex (LHC) fraction and photosystem II (PSII) core fractions. The smaller PSI fraction contains the PSI core proteins, LHCI, which are conserved in all green plants, Lhcp1, a prasinophyte-specific LHC protein, and the minor, monomeric LHCII proteins CP26 and CP29. The larger PSI fraction contained the same antenna proteins as the smaller, with the addition of Lhca6 and Lhcp2, and a 30% larger absorption cross-section. When O. tauri was grown under high-light conditions, only the smaller PSI fraction was present. The two PSI preparations were also found to be devoid of the far-red chlorophyll fluorescence (715-730 nm), a signature of PSI in oxygenic phototrophs. These unique features of O. tauri PSI may reflect primitive light-harvesting systems in green plants and their adaptation to marine ecosystems. Possible implications for the evolution of the LHC-superfamily in photosynthetic eukaryotes are discussed.  相似文献   

The production of hydroxyl radicals by adriamycin in red blood cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spin trapping of the free radicals formed from the interaction between adriamycin and red blood cells resulted in the formation of a hydroxyl spin adduct. The formation of hydroxyl radicals was found to be inhibited by mannitol. Hemoglobin was found not to be obligatory for the formation of hydroxyl radicals which probably result from the reduction of hydrogen peroxide by adriamycin semiquinone.  相似文献   

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