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We have successfully developed a system to produce full-length plant phytochrome assembled with phytochromobilin in Pichia pastoris by co-expressing apophytochromes and chromophore biosynthetic genes, heme oxygenase (HY1) and phytochromobilin synthase (HY2) from Arabidopsis. Affinity-purified phytochrome proteins from Pichia cells displayed zinc fluorescence indicating chromophore attachment. Spectroscopic analyses showed absorbance maximum peaks identical to in vitro reconstituted phytochromobilin-assembled phytochromes, suggesting that the co-expression system is effective to generate holo-phytochromes. Moreover, mitochondria localization of the phytochromobilin biosynthetic genes increased the efficiency of holophytochrome biosynthesis. Therefore, this system provides an excellent source of holophytochromes, including oat phytochrome A and Arabidopsis phytochrome B.  相似文献   

In the present study the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus was used to assess the effects of high salinity (high NaCl-concentration) on the structure and function of the photosynthetic apparatus and the possibility for alleviation by exogenous putrescine (Put). Chlorophyll fluorescence data revealed the range of the changes induced in the photosynthetic apparatus by different NaCl concentrations, which altogether pointed towards an increased excitation pressure. At the same time, changes in the levels of endogenous polyamine concentrations, both in cell and in isolated thylakoid preparations were also evidenced. Certain polyamine changes (Put reduction) were correlated with changes in the structure and function of the photosynthetic apparatus, such as the increase in the functional size of the antenna and the reduction in the density of active photosystem II reaction centers. Thus, exogenously added Put was used to compensate for this stress condition and to adjust the above mentioned changes, so that to confer some kind of tolerance to the photosynthetic apparatus against enhanced NaCl-salinity and permit cell growth even in NaCl concentrations that under natural conditions would be toxic.  相似文献   

K. Humbeck  B. Hoffmann  H. Senger 《Planta》1988,173(2):205-212
The photosynthetic apparatus of the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus obliquus adapts to different levels and qualities of light as documented by the fluence-rate curves of photosynthetic oxygen evolution. Cultures adapted to low fluence rates of white light (5W·m-2) have more chlorophyll (Chl) per cell mass, a higher chlorophyll to carotenoid ratio and a doubling of the chlorophyll to cytochrome f ratio compared with cells adapted to high fluence rates of white light (20W·m-2). Only small differences can be observed in the halfrise time of fluorescence induction, the electrophoretic profile of the pigment-protein complexes and the Chl a/Chl b-ratio. Scenedesmus cells adapted to blue light of high spectral purity demonstrate, in comparison with those adapted to red light, a higher chlorophyll content, a higher ratio of chlorophyll to carotenoid and a much higher ratio of chlorophyll to cytochrome f. Regarding these parameters and the fluence-rate curves of photosynthesis, the blue light causes the same effects as low levels of white light. In contrast, the action of red light resembles rather that of high levels of white light. Blue-light-adapted Scenedesmus cells have a smaller Chl a to Chl b ratio, a faster half-rise time of fluorescence induction and more chlorophyll in the light-harvesting system than red-light-adapted cells, as shown in the electrophoretic profile of the pigment-protein complexes. Based on these results we propose a model for the adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus of Scenedesmus to different levels and qualities of light. In this model low as compared with high levels of white light result in an increase in the number of photosystems per electron-transport chain, but not in an increase in the size of these photosystems. The same result is obtained by adaptation to blue light. The lack of sufficient Chl b formation in red-light-adapted cells results in a decrease in the light harvesting chlorophyll-protein complexes and a photosynthetic response like that found in cells adapted to high light levels. The findings reported here confirm our earlier results in comparing blue-and red-light adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus with adaptation to low and high levels of white light, respectively.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - CP chlorophyll-protein complex - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1 dimethyl-urea - LHCP light harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex - LiDS lithium dodecyl sulfate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PS photosystem  相似文献   

The influence of kinetin during the development of primary leaves of Sinapis alba was investigated. Kinetin treatment (6 ppm) induced an increase of dry weight, of soluble reducing sugars, soluble protein, chlorophylls, carotenoids and cytochrome f; a higher ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b, higher rates of CO2 fixation per fresh weight and higher activity of nitrite reductase, were also found. These effects are comparable with strong and blue light adaptations. On the other hand, the Hill activity with ferricyanide as the electron acceptor, the rates of CO2 fixation per chlorophyll, the ratios of chlorophyll to cytochrome f and of protein to chlorophyll did not change. Therefore we assume that the kinetin induced and the light induced adaptations are brought about by different causal reaction chains.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Wirkung von Kinetin auf die Entwicklung von Primarblattern von Senfpflanzen untersucht. Die Behandlung mit Kinetin (6 ppm) bewirkte eine Erhöhung des Trochengewichtes, der Gehalte an löslichen, reduzierend wirkenden Zuckern, an löslichem Protein, Chlorophyllen, Karotinoiden und Cytochrom f, sowie eine Erhöhung des Quotienten von Chlorophyll a zu Chlorophyll b, eine verstärkten Einbau von CO2 pro Frischgewicht und eine Erhöhung der Nitritreduktase-Aktivität. Diese Auswirkungen sind den durch Starklicht und Blaulicht hervorgerufenen Anpassungsreaktionen vergleichbar. Andererseits zeigten die Hill-Reaktion (gemessen als Reduktion von Ferricyanid), die CO2 Fixierung pro Chlorophyll, der Quotient von Chlorophyll zu Cytochrom f und der Quotient von Protein zu Chlorophyll keire Veränderungen. Dies weist darauf hin, daß die durch Kinetin und durch Licht hervorgerufenen Anpassungsreaktionen durch verschiedene Kausalketten bedingt werden.

Here we examined the influence of high CO2 concentrations on the structure and functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus in the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus obliquus. Presented in this work are: chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence induction kinetics, measurements of photosynthetic and respiration rates, estimation of Chl a/Chl b ratios, isolation and quantitative assessment of the photosynthetic subcomplexes, quantitative analyses of thylakoid bound polyamines, and experiments with exogenously supplied polyamines with cultures grown in low- and high-CO2 concentrations. Together, they indicated that high-CO2 concentrations affect polyamines and, more specifically, increase the thylakoid bound putrescine (PUT) level that leads to an increase of the active reaction center density combined with a decrease in the LHCII-size and the ratio of LHCII-oligomeres/LHCII-monomeres. This reorganization of the photosynthetic apparatus leads to enhanced photosynthetic rates, which in combination with the high-CO2 concentrations, leads to an immense increase of biomass (800%). Further incubation for longer time periods under the same conditions produces, due to an increase in cell density, a self-shading effect and photoadaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus to low light conditions and therefore also results in reduction of the high-CO2 effect. The photoadaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus to high-light conditions (Kotzabasis et al. 1999) and the acclimation to high-CO2 concentrations (present work) lead to the same changes in the structure and function of the photosynthetic apparatus. These changes could be induced or inhibited through the manipulation of intracellular polyamines, especially through the putrescine/spermine ratio. The possibility that polyamines influence the photoadaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus and its acclimation to high-CO2 concentrations through a common mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

After transferring the dark-acclimated cyanobacteria to light, flavodiiron proteins Flv1/Flv3 serve as a main electron acceptor for PSI within the first seconds because Calvin cycle enzymes are inactive in the dark. Synechocystis PCC 6803 mutant Δflv1flv3 devoid of Flv1 and Flv3 retained the PSI chlorophyll P700 in the reduced state over 10?s (Helman et al., 2003; Allahverdiyeva et al., 2013). Study of P700 oxidoreduction transients in dark-acclimated Δflv1flv3 mutant under the action of successive white light pulses separated by dark intervals of various durations indicated that the delayed oxidation of P700 was determined by light activation of electron transport on the acceptor side of PSI. We show that the light-induced redox transients of chlorophyll P700 in dark-acclimated Δflv1flv3 proceed within 2?min, as opposed to 1–3?s in the wild type, and comprise a series of kinetic stages. The release of rate-limiting steps was eliminated by iodoacetamide, an inhibitor of Calvin cycle enzymes. Conversely, the creation with methyl viologen of a bypass electron flow to O2 accelerated P700 oxidation and made its extent comparable to that in the wild-type cells. The lack of major sinks for linear electron flow in iodoacetamide-treated Δflv1flv3 mutant, in which O2- and CO2-dependent electron flows were impaired, facilitated cyclic electron flow, which was evident from the decreased steady-state oxidation of P700 and from rapid dark reduction of P700 during and after illumination with far-red light. The results show that the photosynthetic induction in wild-type Synechocystis PCC 6803 is largely hidden due to the flavodiiron proteins whose operation circumvents the rate-limiting electron transport steps controlled by Calvin cycle reactions.  相似文献   

Functions of phycobiliprotein (PBP) linkers are less well studied than other PBP polypeptides that are structural components or required for the synthesis of the light-harvesting phycobilisome (PBS) complexes. Linkers serve both structural and functional roles in PBSs. Here, we report the isolation of a phycoerythrin (PE) rod-linker mutant and a novel PE-deficient mutant in Fremyella diplosiphon. We describe their phenotypic characterization, including light-dependent photosynthetic pigment accumulation and photoregulation of cellular morphology. PE-linker protein CpeE and a novel protein impact PE accumulation, and thus PBS function, primarily under green light conditions.  相似文献   

Nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) is the photoprotective dissipation of energy in photosynthetic membranes. The hypothesis that the DeltapH-dependent component of NPQ (qE) component of non-photochemical quenching is controlled allosterically by the xanthophyll cycle has been tested using Arabidopsis mutants with different xanthophyll content and composition of Lhcb proteins. The titration curves of qE against DeltapH were different in chloroplasts containing zeaxanthin or violaxanthin, proving their roles as allosteric activator and inhibitor, respectively. The curves differed in mutants deficient in lutein and specific Lhcb proteins. The results show that qE is determined by xanthophyll occupancy and the structural interactions within the antenna that govern allostericity.  相似文献   

The unique photochromic absorption behavior of phytochromes (Phys) depends on numerous reversible interactions between the bilin chromophore and the associated polypeptide. To help define these dynamic interactions, we determined by NMR spectroscopy the first solution structure of the chromophore-binding cGMP phosphodiesterase/adenylcyclase/FhlA (GAF) domain from a cyanobacterial Phy assembled with phycocyanobilin (PCB). The three-dimensional NMR structure of Synechococcus OS-B′ cyanobacterial Phy 1 in the red-light-absorbing state of Phy (Pr) revealed that PCB is bound to Cys138 of the GAF domain via the A-ring ethylidene side chain and is buried within the GAF domain in a ZZZsyn,syn,anti configuration. The D ring of the chromophore sits within a hydrophobic pocket and is tilted by approximately 80° relative to the B/C rings by contacts with Lys52 and His169. The solution structure revealed remarkable flexibility for PCB and several adjacent amino acids, indicating that the Pr chromophore has more freedom in the binding pocket than anticipated. The propionic acid side chains of rings B and C and Arg101 and Arg133 nearby are especially mobile and can assume several distinct and energetically favorable conformations. Mutagenic studies on these arginines, which are conserved within the Phy superfamily, revealed that they have opposing roles, with Arg101 and Arg133 helping stabilize and destabilize the far-red-light-absorbing state of Phy (Pfr), respectively. Given the fact that the Synechococcus OS-B′ GAF domain can, by itself, complete the Pr → Pfr photocycle, it should now be possible to determine the solution structure of the Pfr chromophore and surrounding pocket using this Pr structure as a framework.  相似文献   

Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of chlorophyll fluorescence is the process by which excess light energy is harmlessly dissipated within the photosynthetic membrane. The fastest component of NPQ, known as energy-dependent quenching (qE), occurs within minutes, but the site and mechanism of qE remain of great debate. Here, the chlorophyll fluorescence of Arabidopsis thaliana wild type (WT) plants was compared to mutants lacking all minor antenna complexes (NoM). Upon illumination, NoM exhibits altered chlorophyll fluorescence quenching induction (i.e. from the dark-adapted state) characterised by three different stages: (i) a fast quenching component, (ii) transient fluorescence recovery and (iii) a second quenching component. The initial fast quenching component originates in light harvesting complex II (LHCII) trimers and is dependent upon PsbS and the formation of a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane (ΔpH). Transient fluorescence recovery is likely to occur in both WT and NoM plants, but it cannot be overcome in NoM due to impaired ΔpH formation and a reduced zeaxanthin synthesis rate. Moreover, an enhanced fluorescence emission peak at ~679?nm in NoM plants indicates detachment of LHCII trimers from the bulk antenna system, which could also contribute to the transient fluorescence recovery. Finally, the second quenching component is triggered by both ΔpH and PsbS and enhanced by zeaxanthin synthesis. This study indicates that minor antenna complexes are not essential for qE, but reveals their importance in electron stransport, ΔpH formation and zeaxanthin synthesis.  相似文献   

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