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Expression of thrS, the gene encoding Escherichia coli threonyl-tRNA synthetase, is negatively autoregulated at the translational level. Regulation is due to the binding of threonyl-tRNA synthetase to its own mRNA at a site called the operator, located immediately upstream of the initiation codon. The present work investigates the relationship between regulation and mRNA degradation. We show that two regulatory mutations, which increase thrS expression, cause an increase in the steady-state mRNA concentration. Unexpectedly, however, the half-life of thrS mRNA in the derepressed mutants is equal to that of the wild-type, indicating that mRNA stability is independent of the repression level. All our results can be explained if one assumes that thrS mRNA is either fully translated or immediately degraded. The immediately degraded RNAs are never detected due to their extremely short half-lives, while the fully translated messengers share the same half-lives, irrespective of the mutations. The increase in the steady-state level of thrS mRNA in the derepressed mutants is simply explained by an increase in the population of translated molecules, i.e. those never bound by the repressor, ThrRS. Despite this peculiarity, thrS mRNA degradation seems to follow the classical degradation pathway. Its stability is increased in a strain defective for RNase E, indicating that an endonucleolytic cleavage by this enzyme is the rate-limiting process in degradation. We also observe an accumulation of small fragments corresponding to the 5' end of the message in a strain defective for polynucleotide phosphorylase, indicating that, following the endonucleolytic cleavages, fragments are normally degraded by 3' to 5' exonucleolytic trimming. Although mRNA degradation was suspected to increase the efficiency of translational control based on several considerations, our results indicate that inhibition of mRNA degradation has no effect on the level of repression by ThrRS.  相似文献   

The expression of the gene for threonyl-tRNA synthetase (thrS) is negatively autoregulated at the translational level in Escherichia coli. The synthetase binds to a region of the thrS leader mRNA upstream from the ribosomal binding site inhibiting subsequent translation. The leader mRNA consists of four structural domains. The present work shows that mutations in these four domains affect expression and/or regulation in different ways. Domain 1, the 3' end of the leader, contains the ribosomal binding site, which appears not to be essential for synthetase binding. Mutations in this domain probably affect regulation by changing the competition between the ribosome and the synthetase for binding to the leader. Domain 2, 3' from the ribosomal binding site, is a stem and loop with structural similarities to the tRNA(Thr) anticodon arm. In tRNAs the anticodon loop is seven nucleotides long, mutations that increase or decrease the length of the anticodon-like loop of domain 2 from seven nucleotides abolish control. The nucleotides in the second and third positions of the anticodon-like sequence are essential for recognition and the nucleotide in the wobble position is not, again like tRNA(Thr). The effect of mutations in domain 3 indicate that it acts as an articulation between domains 2 and 4. Domain 4 is a stable arm that has similarities to the acceptor arm of tRNA(Thr) and is shown to be necessary for regulation. Based on this mutational analysis and previous footprinting experiments, it appears that domains 2 and 4, those analogous to tRNA(Thr), are involved in binding the synthetase which inhibits translation probably by interfering with ribosome loading at the nearby translation initiation site.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli threonyl-tRNA synthetase binds to the leader region of its own mRNA at two major sites: the first shares some analogy with the anticodon arm of several tRNA(Thr) isoacceptors and the second corresponds to a stable stem-loop structure upstream from the first one. The binding of the enzyme to its mRNA target site represses its translation by preventing the ribosome from binding to its attachment site. The enzyme is still able to bind to derepressed mRNA mutants resulting from single substitutions in the anticodon-like arm. This binding is restricted to the stem-loop structure of the second site. However, the interaction of the enzyme with this site fails to occlude ribosome binding. tRNA(Thr) is able to displace the wild-type mRNA from the enzyme at both sites and suppresses the inhibitory effect of the synthetase on the formation of the translational initiation complex. Our results show that tRNA(Thr) acts as an antirepressor on the synthesis of its cognate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. This repression/derepression double control allows precise adjustment of the rate of synthesis of threonyl-tRNA synthetase to the tRNA level in the cell.  相似文献   

The solution structure of Escherichia coli tRNA(3Thr) (anticodon GGU) and the residues of this tRNA in contact with the alpha 2 dimeric threonyl-tRNA synthetase were studied by chemical and enzymatic footprinting experiments. Alkylation of phosphodiester bonds by ethylnitrosourea and of N-7 positions in guanosines and N-3 positions in cytidines by dimethyl sulphate as well as carbethoxylation of N-7 positions in adenosines by diethyl pyrocarbonate were conducted on different conformers of tRNA(3Thr). The enzymatic structural probes were nuclease S1 and the cobra venom ribonuclease. Results will be compared to those of three other tRNAs, tRNA(Asp), tRNA(Phe) and tRNA(Trp), already mapped with these probes. The reactivity of phosphates towards ethylnitrosourea of the unfolded tRNA was compared to that of the native molecule. The alkylation pattern of tRNA(3Thr) shows some similarities to that of yeast tRNA(Phe) and mammalian tRNA(Trp), especially in the D-arm (positions 19 and 24) and with tRNA(Trp), at position 50, the junction between the variable region and the T-stem. In the T-loop, tRNA(3Thr), similarly to the three other tRNAs, shows protections against alkylation at phosphates 59 and 60. However, tRNA(3Thr) is unique as far as very strong protections are also found for phosphates 55 to 58 in the T-loop. Compared with yeast tRNA(Asp), the main differences in reactivity concern phosphates 19, 24 and 50. Mapping of bases with dimethyl sulphate and diethyl pyrocarbonate reveal conformational similarities with yeast tRNA(Phe). A striking conformational feature of tRNA(3Thr) is found in the 3'-side of its anticodon stem, where G40, surrounded by two G residues, is alkylated under native conditions, in contrast to other G residues in stem regions of tRNAs which are unreactive when sandwiched between two purines. This data is indicative of a perturbed helical conformation in the anticodon stem at the level of the 30-40 base pairs. Footprinting experiments, with chemical and enzymatic probes, on the tRNA complexed with its cognate threonyl-tRNA synthetase indicate significant protections in the anticodon stem and loop region, in the extra-loop, and in the amino acid accepting region. The involvement of the anticodon of tRNA(3Thr) in the recognition process with threonyl-tRNA synthetase was demonstrated by nuclease S1 mapping and by the protection of G34 and G35 against alkylation by dimethyl sulphate. These data are discussed in the light of the tRNA/synthetase recognition problem and of the structural and functional properties of the tRNA-like structure present in the operator region of the thrS mRNA.  相似文献   

A highly conserved protein motif characteristic of Class II aminoacyl tRNA synthetases was found to align with a region of Escherichia coli asparagine synthetase A. The alignment was most striking for aspartyl tRNA synthetase, an enzyme with catalytic similarities to asparagine synthetase. To test whether this sequence reflects a conserved function, site-directed mutagenesis was used to replace the codon for Arg298 of asparagine synthetase A, which aligns with an invariant arginine in the Class II aminoacyl tRNA synthetases. The resulting genes were expressed in E. coli, and the gene products were assayed for asparagine synthetase activity in vitro. Every substitution of Arg298, even to a lysine, resulted in a loss of asparagine synthetase activity. Directed random mutagenesis was then used to create a variety of codon changes which resulted in amino acid substitutions within the conserved motif surrounding Arg298. Of the 15 mutant enzymes with amino acid substitutions yielding soluble enzyme, 13 with changes within the conserved region were found to have lost activity. These results are consistent with the possibility that asparagine synthetase A, one of the two unrelated asparagine synthetases in E. coli, evolved from an ancestral aminoacyl tRNA synthetase.  相似文献   

We previously showed that: (i) E.coli threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS) binds to the leader of its mRNA and represses translation by preventing ribosome binding to its loading site; (ii) the translational operator shares sequence and structure similarities with tRNA(Thr); (iii) it is possible to switch the specificity of the translational control from ThrRS to methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) by changing the CGU anticodon-like sequence to CAU, the tRNA(Met) anticodon. Here, we show that the wild type (CGU) and the mutated (CAU) operators act as competitive inhibitors of tRNA(Thr) and tRNA(fMet) for aminoacylation catalyzed by E.coli ThrRS and MetRS, respectively. The apparent Kd of the MetRS/CAU operator complex is one order magnitude higher than that of the ThrRS/CGU operator complex. Although ThrRS and MetRS shield the anticodon- and acceptor-like domains of their respective operators, the relative contribution of these two domains differs significantly. As in the threonine system, the interaction of MetRS with the CAU operator occludes ribosome binding to its loading site. The present data demonstrate that the anticodon-like sequence is one major determinant for the identity of the operator and the regulation specificity. It further shows that the tRNA-like operator obeys to tRNA identity rules.  相似文献   

SecA protein, the protein translocation ATPase of Escherichia coli, autogenously regulates its translation during normal protein secretion by binding to a secretion-responsive element located near the 5' end of its gene on geneX-secA mRNA. In order to characterize this autoregulation further, RNA footprinting and primerextension inhibition (toeprinting) studies were carried out with a segment of geneX-secA RNA, 30S ribosomal subunits and tRNAfMet along with purified SecA protein. The results show that ribosome and SecA-binding sites overlap, indicating that a simple competition for binding of geneX-secA mRNA presumably governs the translation initiation step. Further analysis showed that SecA protein was able to specifically dissociate a preformed 30S-tRNAfMet-geneX-secA RNA ternary complex as indicated by the disappearance of its characteristic toeprint after SecA addition. These findings are consistent with secA autoregulation, and they suggest a novel mechanism for the autoregulatory behavior of this complex protein.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS) from Staphylococcus aureus, with ATP and an analogue of threonyl adenylate, are described. Together with the previously determined structures of Escherichia coli ThrRS with different substrates, they allow a comprehensive analysis of the effect of binding of all the substrates: threonine, ATP and tRNA. The tRNA, by inserting its acceptor arm between the N-terminal domain and the catalytic domain, causes a large rotation of the former. Within the catalytic domain, four regions surrounding the active site display significant conformational changes upon binding of the different substrates. The binding of threonine induces the movement of as much as 50 consecutive amino acid residues. The binding of ATP triggers a displacement, as large as 8A at some C(alpha) positions, of a strand-loop-strand region of the core beta-sheet. Two other regions move in a cooperative way upon binding of threonine or ATP: the motif 2 loop, which plays an essential role in the first step of the aminoacylation reaction, and the ordering loop, which closes on the active site cavity when the substrates are in place. The tRNA interacts with all four mobile regions, several residues initially bound to threonine or ATP switching to a position in which they can contact the tRNA. Three such conformational switches could be identified, each of them in a different mobile region. The structural analysis suggests that, while the small substrates can bind in any order, they must be in place before productive tRNA binding can occur.  相似文献   

Threonyl-tRNA synthetase of rabbit reticulocytes was purified to homogeneity. We have found that this enzyme can interact not only with cognate tRNA(Thr), but also with high-Mr RNAs. tRNA(Thr) removes rRNA from the complexes with threonyl-tRNA synthetase. On the other hand, rRNA is unable to dissociate tRNA(Thr) from the complexes with the enzyme. Despite its dimeric organization, threonyl-tRNA synthetase is unable to form stable ternary complexes with tRNA(Thr) and rRNA. In the extract of rabbit reticulocytes about one-third of the threonyl-tRNA synthetase molecules are in association with cognate tRNA(Thr) and thus are unable to interact with high-Mr RNAs.  相似文献   

The interaction between tRNA and the ribosome during translation, specifically during elongation, constitutes an example of the motion and adaptability of living molecules. Recent results obtained by cryoelectron microscopy of "naked" ribosomes and ribosomes in functional binding states shine some light on this fundamental life-sustaining process. Inspection of the surface contour of our reconstruction reveals a precise "lock-and-key" fit between the intersubunit space and the tRNA molecule.  相似文献   

Conformational changes that occur upon substrate binding are known to play crucial roles in the recognition and specific aminoacylation of cognate tRNA by glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase. In a previous study we had shown that glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase labeled selectively in a nonessential sulfhydryl residue by an environment sensitive probe, acrylodan, monitors many of the conformational changes that occur upon substrate binding. In this article we have shown that the conformational change that occurs upon tRNA(Gln) binding to glnRS/ATP complex is absent in a noncognate tRNA tRNA(Glu)-glnRS/ATP complex. CD spectroscopy indicates that this cognate tRNA(Gln)-induced conformational change may involve only a small change in secondary structure. The Van't Hoff plot of cognate and noncognate tRNA binding in the presence of ATP is similar, suggesting similar modes of interaction. It was concluded that the cognate tRNA induces a local conformational change in the synthetase that may be one of the critical elements that causes enhanced aminoacylation of the cognate tRNA over the noncognate ones.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana lysyl tRNA synthetase (AtKRS) structurally and functionally resembles the well-characterized prokaryotic class IIb KRS, including the propensity to aminoacylate tRNA(Lys) with suboptimal identity elements, as well as non-cognate tRNAs. Transient expression of AtKRS in carrot cells promotes aminoacylation of such tRNAs in vivo and translational recoding of lysine at nonsense codons. Stable expression of AtKRS in Zea mays causes translational recoding of lysine into zeins, significantly enriching the lysine content of grain.  相似文献   

The active form of the leucyl-tRNA synthetase from an extreme thermophile Aquifex aeolicus has a heterodimeric (alpha/beta type) quaternary structure that is unique among class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. In an attempt to clarify the individual roles of each subunit in the function of leucyl-tRNA synthetase, several elementary activities were separately measured using each of the subunits alone or the reconstructed alpha/beta complex. It was found that the beta subunit alone is capable of recognizing its cognate tRNA, while the leucyl-adenylate formation and the overall leucyl-tRNA formation are detected only when both of the subunit proteins coexisted.  相似文献   

The specificity of transfer RNA aminoacylation by cognate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase is a crucial step for synthesis of functional proteins. It is established that the aminoacylation identity of a single tRNA or of a family of tRNA isoacceptors is linked to the presence of positive signals (determinants) allowing recognition by cognate synthetases and negative signals (antideterminants) leading to rejection by the noncognate ones. The completion of identity sets was generally tested by transplantation of the corresponding nucleotides into one or several host tRNAs which acquire as a consequence the new aminoacylation specificities. Such transplantation experiments were also useful to detect peculiar structural refinements required for optimal expression of a given aminoacylation identity set within a host tRNA. This study explores expression of the defined yeast aspartate identity set into different tRNA scaffolds of a same specificity, namely the four yeast tRNA(Arg) isoacceptors. The goal was to investigate whether expression of the new identity is similar due to the unique specificity of the host tRNAs or whether it is differently expressed due to their peculiar sequences and structural features. In vitro transcribed native tRNA(Arg) isoacceptors and variants bearing the aspartate identity elements were prepared and their aminoacylation properties established. The four wild-type isoacceptors are active in arginylation with catalytic efficiencies in a 20-fold range and are inactive in aspartylation. While transplanted tRNA(1)(Arg) and tRNA(4)(Arg) are converted into highly efficient substrates for yeast aspartyl-tRNA synthetase, transplanted tRNA(2)(Arg) and tRNA(3)(Arg) remain poorly aspartylated. Search for antideterminants in these two tRNAs reveals idiosyncratic features. Conversion of the single base-pair C6-G67 into G6-C67, the pair present in tRNA(Asp), allows full expression of the aspartate identity in the transplanted tRNA(2)(Arg), but not in tRNA(3)(Arg). It is concluded that the different isoacceptor tRNAs protect themselves from misaminoacylation by idiosyncratic pathways of antidetermination.  相似文献   

Genetic studies have shown that expression of theE. coli threonyl-tRNA synthetase (thrS) gene is negatively auto-regulated at the translational level. A region called the operator, located 110 nucleotides downstream of the 5 end of the mRNA and between 10 and 50bp upstream of the translational initiation codon in thethrS gene, is directly involved in that control. The conformation of anin vitro RNA fragment extending over thethrS regulatory region has been investigated with chemical and enzymatic probes. The operator locus displays structural similarities to the anti-codon arm of threonyl tRNA. The conformation of 3 constitutent mutants containing single base changes in the operator region shows that replacement of a base in the anti-codon-like loop does not induce any conformational change, suggesting that the residue concerned is directly involved in regulation. However mutation in or close to the anti-codon-like stem results in a partial or complete rearrangement of the structure of the operator region. Further experiments indicate that there is a clear correlation between the way the synthetase recognises each operator, causing translational repression, and threonyl-tRNA.  相似文献   

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