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Swelling-induced human erythrocyte K-Cl cotransport is membrane potential independent and capable of uphill transport. However, a complete thermodynamic analysis of basal and stimulated K-Cl cotransport, at constant cell volume, is missing. This study was performed in low K sheep red blood cells before and after reducing cellular free Mg into the nanomolar range with the divalent cation ionophore A23187 and a chelator, an intervention known to stimulate K- Cl cotransport. The anion exchange inhibitor 4,4''diisothiocyanato- 2,2''disulfonic stilbene was used to clamp intracellular pH and Cl or NO3 concentrations. Cell volume was maintained constant as external and internal pH differed by more than two units. K-Cl cotransport was calculated from the K effluxes and Rb (as K congener) influxes measured in Cl and NO3, at constant internal K and external anions, and variable concentrations of extracellular Rb and internal anions, respectively. The external Rb concentration at which net K-Cl cotransport is zero was defined as flux reversal point which changed with internal pH and hence Cl. Plots of the ratio of external Rb concentrations corresponding to the flux reversal points and the internal K concentration versus the ratio of the internal and external Cl concentrations (i.e., the Donnan ratio of the transported ions) yielded slopes near unity for both control and low internal Mg cells. Thus, basal as well as low internal Mg-stimulated net K-Cl cotransport depends on the electrochemical potential gradient of KCl.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of osmotic cell swelling were studied on the kinetics of Cl-dependent K+ influx, K–Cl cotransport, in erythrocytes from sheep of the low K+ (LK) phenotype. Swelling 25% stimulated transport by increasing maximum velocity (J max) 1.5-fold and by increasing apparent affinity for external K (K o ) nearly twofold. Dithiothreitol (DTT) was shown to be a partial, reversible inhibitor of K–Cl cotransport. It inhibited in cells of normal volume by reducingJ max more than twofold: apparent affinity for K o was increased by DTT, suggesting that DTT stabilizes the transporter-K o complex. Cell swelling reduced the extent of inhibition by DTT:J max was inhibited by only about one-third in swollen cells, and apparent affinity was only slightly affected. This result suggested that DTT does not act directly on the transporter, but on a hypothetical regulator, an endogenous inhibitor. Swelling relieves inhibition by the regulator, and reduces the effect of DTT. Reducing intracellular Mg2+, Mg o , stimulated cotransport. Swelling of low-Mg2+ cells stimulated transport further, but only by raising apparent affinity for K o nearly threefold:J max was unaffected. Thus effects of swelling onJ max and apparent affinity are separable processes. The inhibitory effects of Mg o and DTT were shown to be additive, indicating separate modes of action. There appear to be two endogenous inhibitors: the hypothetical regulator, which holds affinity for K o , low; and Mg o , which affectsJ max perhaps by holding some transporters in an inactive form. Swelling stimulates transport by relieving both types of inhibition.  相似文献   

K-Cl cotransport in LK sheep erythrocytes is activated by osmotic swelling and inhibited by shrinkage. The mechanism by which changes in cell volume are transduced into changes in transport was investigated by measuring time courses of changes in transport after osmotic challenges in cells with normal and reduced Mg concentrations. When cells of normal volume and normal Mg are swollen, there is a delay of 10 min or more before the final steady-state flux is achieved, as there is for swelling activation of K-Cl cotransport in erythrocytes of other species. The delay was shown to be independent of the extent of swelling. There was also a delay after shrinkage inactivation of cotransport. Reducing cellular Mg concentration activates cotransport. Swelling of low-Mg cells activates cotransport further, but with no measurable delay. In contrast, there is a delay in shrinkage inactivation of cotransport in low-Mg cells. The results are interpreted in terms of a three-state model: [formula see text] in which A state, B state, and C state transporters have relatively slow, intermediate, and fast transport rates, respectively. Most transporters in shrunken cells with normal Mg are in the A state. Swelling converts transporters to the B state in the rate-limiting process, followed by rapid conversion to the C state. Reducing cell Mg also promotes the A-- >B conversion. Swelling of low-Mg cells activates transport rapidly because of the initial predominance of B state transporters. The results support the following conclusions about the rate constants of the three-state model: k21 is the rate constant for a Mg-promoted process that is inhibited by swelling; k12 is not volume sensitive. Both k23 and k32 are increased by swelling and reduced by shrinkage; they are rate constants for a single process, whereas k12 and k21 are rate constants for separate processes. Finally, the A-->B conversion entails an increase in Jmax of the transporters, and the B-->C conversion entails an increase in the affinity of the transporters for K.  相似文献   

Low K (LK) sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) serve as a model to study K-Cl cotransport which plays an important role in cellular dehydration in human erythrocytes homozygous for hemoglobin S. Cinchona bark derivatives, such as quinine (Q) and quinidine (QD), are effectively used in the treatment of malaria. In the present study, we investigated in LK SRBCs, the effect of various concentrations of Q and QD on Cl-dependent K efflux and Rb influx (K(Rb)-Cl flux), activated by either swelling in hyposmotic media, thiol alkylation with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), or by cellular Mg (Mg i ) removal through A23187 in the presence of external chelators. K efflux or Rb influx were determined in Cl and NO3 medium and K(Rb)-Cl flux was defined as the Cl-dependent (Cl minus NO3) component. K(Rb)-Cl flux stimulated by all three interventions was inhibited by both Q and QD in a dose-dependent manner. Maximum inhibition of K(Rb)-Cl flux occurred at Q and QD concentrations ?1 mm. The inhibitory effect of Q was manifested in Cl, but not in NO3, whereas QD reduced K and Rb fluxes both in Cl and NO3 media. The mean 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of Q and QD to inhibit K(Rb)-Cl flux varied between 0.23 and 2.24 mm. From determinations of the percentages of inhibition of the different components of K and Rb fluxes, we found that SRBCs possess a Cl-dependent QD-sensitive and a Cl-dependent QD-insensitive K efflux and Rb influx. These two components vary in magnitude depending on the manipulation and directional flux, but in average they are about 50% of the total Cl-dependent flux. This study raises the possibility that, in SRBCs, the Cl-dependent K(Rb) fluxes are heterogeneous. This work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH DK5RO1 37,160).  相似文献   

K-Cl cotransport plays a crucial role in regulatory volume decrease of erythrocytes. K-Cl cotransport activities in dog erythrocytes with an inherited high Na-K pump activity (HK) and normal erythrocytes (LK) were compared. Nitrite (NO(2)) stimulated K-Cl cotransport activity in HK cells around 14-fold at 2.4 mM, and it also increased the Km value of this cotransporter. Real-time PCR and western blot analysis revealed that K-Cl cotransporter 1 was dominant, and that the quantity of K-Cl cotransporter 1 protein was comparable between HK and LK erythrocytes. These results suggest that the difference in cotransport activity was not caused by the amount of K-Cl cotransport protein but by a difference in the regulation system, which is susceptible to oxidant.  相似文献   

K-Cl cotransport, theelectroneutral-coupled movement of K and Cl ions, plays an importantrole in regulatory volume decrease. We recently reported that nitrite,a nitric oxide derivative possessing potent vasodilation properties,stimulates K-Cl cotransport in low-K sheep red blood cells (LK SRBCs).We hypothesized that activation of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) K-Clcotransport by vasodilators decreases VSM tension. Here we tested thishypothesis by comparing the effects of commonly used vasodilators,hydralazine (HYZ), sodium nitroprusside, isosorbide mononitrate, andpentaerythritol, on K-Cl cotransport in LK SRBCs and in primarycultures of rat VSM cells (VSMCs) and of HYZ-induced K-Clcotransport activation on relaxation of isolated porcine coronaryrings. K-Cl cotransport was measured as the Cl-dependent K efflux or Rbinflux in the presence and absence of inhibitors for other K/Rbtransport pathways. All vasodilators activated K-Cl cotransport in LKSRBCs and HYZ in VSMCs, and this activation was inhibited by calyculinand genistein, two inhibitors of K-Cl cotransport. KT-5823, a specificinhibitor of protein kinase G, abolished the sodiumnitroprusside-stimulated K-Cl cotransport in LK SRBCs, suggestinginvolvement of the cGMP pathway in K-Cl cotransport activation.Hydralazine, in a dose-dependent manner, and sodium nitroprussiderelaxed (independently of the endothelium) precontractedarteries when only K-Cl cotransport was operating and other pathwaysfor K/Rb transport, including the Ca-activated K channel, wereinhibited. Our findings suggest that K-Cl cotransport may be involvedin vasodilation.


Activation of K-Cl cotransport is associated with activation ofmembrane-bound serine/threonine protein phosphatases (S/T-PPases). Wecharacterize red blood cell S/T-PPases and K-Clcotransport activity regarding protein phosphatase inhibitors andresponse to changes in ionic strength and cell size. Proteinphosphatase type 1 (PP1) activity is highly sensitive to calyculin A(CalA) but not to okadaic acid (OA). PP2A activity is highly sensitive to CalA and OA. CalA completely inhibits K-Cl cotransport activity, whereas OA partially inhibits K-Cl cotransport. Membrane PP1 and membrane PP2A activities are elevated in cells suspended in hypotonic solutions, where K-Cl cotransport is elevated. Increases in membrane PP1 activity (62 ± 10% per 100 meq/l) result from decreases in intracellular ionic strength and correlate with increases in K-Cl cotransport activity (54 ± 10% per 100 meq/l). Increasesin membrane PP2A activity (270 ± 77% per 100 mosM) result fromvolume increases and also correlate with increases in K-Cl cotransportactivity (420 ± 47% per 100 mosM). The characteristics ofmembrane-associated PP1 and PP2A are consistent with a role for bothphosphatases in K-Cl cotransport activation in human erythrocytes.


The age/density-dependent decrease in K-Cl cotransport (KCC), PP1 and PP2A activities in normal and sickle human erythrocytes, and the effect of urea, a known KCC activator, were studied using discontinuous, isotonic gradients. In normal erythrocytes, the densest fraction (d 33.4 g/dl) has only about 5% of the KCC and 4% of the membrane (mb)-PP1 activities of the least-dense fraction (d 24.7 g/dl). In sickle and normal erythrocytes, density-dependent decreases for mb-PP1 activity were similar (d50% 28.1 ± 0.4 vs. 27.2 ± 0.2 g/dl, respectively), whereas those for KCC activity were not (d50% 31.4 ± 0.9 vs. 26.8 ± 0.3 g/dl, respectively, P = 0.004). Excluding the 10% least-dense cells, a very tight correlation exists between KCC and mb-PP1 activities in normal (r2 = 0.995) and sickle erythrocytes (r2 = 0.93), but at comparable mb-PP1 activities, KCC activity is higher in sickle erythrocytes, suggesting a defective, mb-PP1-independent KCC regulation. In normal, least-dense but not in densest cells, urea stimulates KCC (two- to fourfold) and moderately increases mb-PP1 (20–40%). Thus mb-PP1 appears to mediate part of urea-stimulated KCC activity. phosphorylation; protein phosphatase; urea; cell size; density  相似文献   

Mg is an importantdeterminant of erythrocyte cation transport system(s) activity. Weinvestigated cation transport in erythrocytes from mice bred for high(MGH) and low (MGL) Mg levels in erythrocytes and plasma. We found thatK-Cl cotransport activity was higher in MGL than in MGH erythrocytes,and this could explain their higher mean corpuscular hemoglobinconcentration, median density, and reduced cell K content. Althoughmouse KCC1 protein abundance was comparable in MGL and MGHerythrocytes, activities of Src family tyrosine kinases were higher inMGH than in MGL erythrocytes. In contrast, protein phosphatase (PP)isoform 1 (PP1) enzymatic activity, which has been suggested toplay a positive regulatory role in K-Cl cotransport, was lower in MGHthan in MGL erythrocytes. Additionally, we found that the Src familykinase c-Fgr tyrosine phosphorylates PP1 in vitro. These findingssuggest that in vivo downregulation of K-Cl cotransport activity by Mgis mediated by enhanced Src family kinase activity, leading toinhibition of the K-Cl cotransport stimulator PP1.


Na-K-2Cl cotransporter (NKCC) and K-Cl cotransporter (KCC) play key roles in cell volume regulation and epithelial Cl(-) transport. Reductions in either cell volume or cytosolic Cl(-) concentration ([Cl(-)](i)) stimulate a corrective uptake of KCl and water via NKCC, whereas cell swelling triggers KCl loss via KCC. The dependence of these transporters on volume and [Cl(-)](i) was evaluated in model duck red blood cells. Replacement of [Cl(-)](i) with methanesulfonate elevated the volume set point at which NKCC activates and KCC inactivates. The set point was insensitive to cytosolic ionic strength. Reducing [Cl(-)](i) at a constant driving force for inward NKCC and outward KCC caused the cells to adopt the new set point volume. Phosphopeptide maps of NKCC indicated that activation by cell shrinkage or low [Cl(-)](i) is associated with phosphorylation of a similar constellation of Ser/Thr sites. Like shrinkage, reduction of [Cl(-)](i) accelerated NKCC phosphorylation after abrupt inhibition of the deactivating phosphatase with calyculin A in vivo, whereas [Cl(-)] had no specific effect on dephosphorylation in vitro. Our results indicate that NKCC and KCC are reciprocally regulated by a negative feedback system dually modulated by cell volume and [Cl(-)]. The major effect of Cl(-) on NKCC is exerted through the volume-sensitive kinase that phosphorylates the transport protein.  相似文献   

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