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MAVID is a multiple alignment program suitable for many large genomic regions. The MAVID web server allows biomedical researchers to quickly obtain multiple alignments for genomic sequences and to subsequently analyse the alignments for conserved regions. MAVID has been successfully used for the alignment of closely related species such as primates and also for the alignment of more distant organisms such as human and fugu. The server is fast, capable of aligning hundreds of kilobases in less than a minute. The multiple alignment is used to build a phylogenetic tree for the sequences, which is subsequently used as a basis for identifying conserved regions in the alignment. The server can be accessed at http://baboon.math.berkeley.edu/mavid/.  相似文献   

We present a method, called BlockMatch, for aligning two blocks, where a block is an RNA multiple sequence alignment with the consensus secondary structure of the alignment in Stockholm format. The method employs a quadratic-time dynamic programming algorithm for aligning columns and column pairs of the multiple alignments in the blocks. Unlike many other tools that can perform pairwise alignment of either single sequences or structures only, BlockMatch takes into account the characteristics of all the sequences in the blocks along with their consensus structures during the alignment process, thus being able to achieve a high-quality alignment result. We apply BlockMatch to phylogeny reconstruction on a set of 5S rRNA sequences taken from fifteen bacteria species. Experimental results showed that the phylogenetic tree generated by our method is more accurate than the tree constructed based on the widely used ClustalW tool. The BlockMatch algorithm is implemented into a web server, accessible at http://bioinformatics.njit.edu/blockmatch. A jar file of the program is also available for download from the web server.  相似文献   

We describe FrameD, a program that predicts coding regions in prokaryotic and matured eukaryotic sequences. Initially targeted at gene prediction in bacterial GC rich genomes, the gene model used in FrameD also allows to predict genes in the presence of frameshifts and partially undetermined sequences which makes it also very suitable for gene prediction and frameshift correction in unfinished sequences such as EST and EST cluster sequences. Like recent eukaryotic gene prediction programs, FrameD also includes the ability to take into account protein similarity information both in its prediction and its graphical output. Its performances are evaluated on different bacterial genomes. The web site (http://genopole.toulouse.inra.fr/bioinfo/FrameD/FD) allows direct prediction, sequence correction and translation and the ability to learn new models for new organisms.  相似文献   

An interactive bovine in silico SNP (IBISS) database has been created through the clustering and aligning of bovine EST and mRNA sequences. Approximately 324,000 EST and mRNA sequences were clustered to produce 29,965 clusters (producing 48,679 consensus sequences) and 48,565 singletons. A SNP screening regime was placed on variations detected in the multiple sequence alignment files to determine which SNPs are more likely to be real rather than sequencing errors. A small subset of predicted SNPs was validated on a diverse set of bovine DNA samples using PCR amplification and sequencing. Fifty percent of the predicted SNPs in the putative >1 category were polymorphic in the population sampled. The IBISS database represents more than just a SNP database; it is also a genomic database containing uniformly annotated predicted gene mRNA and protein sequences, gene structure, and genomic organization information.  相似文献   

We have developed a fast heuristic algorithm for multiple sequence alignment which provides near-to-optimal results for sufficiently homologous sequences. The algorithm makes use of the standard dynamic programming procedure by applying it to all pairs of sequences. The resulting score matrices for pair-wise alignment give rise to secondary matrices containing the additional charges imposed by forcing the alignment path to run through a particular vertex. Such a constraint corresponds to slicing the sequences at the positions defining that vertex, and aligning the remaining pairs of prefix and suffix sequences separately. From these secondary matrices, one can compute - for any given family of sequences - suitable positions for cutting all of these sequences simultaneously, thus reducing the problem of aligning a family of n sequences of average length l in a Divide and Conquer fashion to aligning two families of n sequences of approximately half that length.In this paper, we explain the method for the case of 3 sequences in detail, and we demonstrate its potential and its limits by discussing its behaviour for several test families. A generalization for aligning more than 3 sequences is lined out, and some actual alignments constructed by our algorithm for various user-defined parameters are presented.  相似文献   

The simple fact that proteins are built from 20 amino acids while DNA only contains four different bases, means that the 'signal-to-noise ratio' in protein sequence alignments is much better than in alignments of DNA. Besides this information-theoretical advantage, protein alignments also benefit from the information that is implicit in empirical substitution matrices such as BLOSUM-62. Taken together with the generally higher rate of synonymous mutations over non-synonymous ones, this means that the phylogenetic signal disappears much more rapidly from DNA sequences than from the encoded proteins. It is therefore preferable to align coding DNA at the amino acid level and it is for this purpose we have constructed the program RevTrans. RevTrans constructs a multiple DNA alignment by: (i) translating the DNA; (ii) aligning the resulting peptide sequences; and (iii) building a multiple DNA alignment by 'reverse translation' of the aligned protein sequences. In the resulting DNA alignment, gaps occur in groups of three corresponding to entire codons, and analogous codon positions are therefore always lined up. These features are useful when constructing multiple DNA alignments for phylogenetic analysis. RevTrans also accepts user-provided protein alignments for greater control of the alignment process. The RevTrans web server is freely available at http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/RevTrans/.  相似文献   

A novel algorithm, GS-Aligner, that uses bit-level operations was developed for aligning genomic sequences. GS-Aligner is efficient in terms of both time and space for aligning two very long genomic sequences and for identifying genomic rearrangements such as translocations and inversions. It is suitable for aligning fairly divergent sequences such as human and mouse genomic sequences. It consists of several efficient components: bit-level coding, search for matching segments between the two sequences as alignment anchors, longest increasing subsequence (LIS), and optimal local alignment. Efforts have been made to reduce the execution time of the program to make it truly practical for aligning very long sequences. Empirical tests suggest that for relatively divergent sequences such as sequences from different mammalian orders or from a mammal and a nonmammalian vertebrate GS-Aligner performs better than existing methods. The program and data can be downloaded from http://pondside.uchicago.edu/~lilab/ and http://webcollab.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~biocom.  相似文献   

Conserved primers across multiple species and simultaneously specific for a certain isozyme can be rare and difficult to find. PrimerIdent was developed aiming to automate this primer design and selection process in a given nucleotide sequence alignment, providing an intuitive, easy to interpret graphical result, which offers a list of all possible primers that meet the user criteria, with a colour-code identity to each sequence in the alignment. The software here presented is a simple and intuitive web based tool that is suitable for distinguishing very similar nucleotide sequences, such as isozymes-coding sequences, to enable the conserved primer design across multiple species, necessary for approaches that rely on knowing if a primer is suitable for a certain set of pre-aligned sequences, to design a specific primer to a certain sequence variation, or a combination thereof. This extremely useful software can, therefore, be used as a tool for the specific amplification of individual members of multigenic families across related species and also to evaluate the differential expression of isogenes for a given species. AVAILABILITY: http://primerident.up.pt.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: TreeMos is a novel high-throughput graphical analysis application that allows the user to search for phylogenetic mosaicism among one or more DNA or protein sequence multiple alignments and additional unaligned sequences. TreeMos uses a sliding window and local alignment algorithm to identify the nearest neighbour of each sequence segment, and visualizes instances of sequence segments whose nearest neighbour is anomalous to that identified using the global alignment. Data sets can include whole genome sequences allowing phylogenomic analyses in which mosaicism may be attributed to recombination between any two points in the genome. TreeMos can be run from the command line, or within a web browser allowing the relationships between taxa to be explored by drill-through. AVAILABILITY: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/whri/research/archaeobotany.  相似文献   

Biomolecule sequences and structures of land, air and water species are determined rapidly and the data entries are unevenly distributed for different organisms. It frequently leads to the BLAST results of homologous search containing undesirable entries from organisms living in different environments. To reduce irrelevant searching results, a separate database for comparative genomics is urgently required. A comprehensive bioinformatics tool set and an integrated database, named Bioinformatics tools for Marine and Freshwater Genomics (BiMFG), are constructed for comparative analyses among model species and underwater species. Novel matching techniques based on conserved motifs and/or secondary structure elements are designed for efficiently and effectively retrieving and aligning remote sequences through cross-species comparisons. It is especially helpful when sequences under analysis possess low similarities and unresolved structural information. In addition, the system provides core techniques of multiple sequence alignment, multiple second structure profile alignment and iteratively refined multiple structural alignments for biodiversity analysis and verification in marine and freshwater biology. The BiMFG web server is freely available for use at http://bimfg.cs.ntou.edu.tw/.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: NdPASA is a web server specifically designed to optimize sequence alignment between distantly related proteins. The program integrates structure information of the template sequence into a global alignment algorithm by employing neighbor-dependent propensities of amino acids as a unique parameter for alignment. NdPASA optimizes alignment by evaluating the likelihood of a residue pair in the query sequence matching against a corresponding residue pair adopting a particular secondary structure in the template sequence. NdPASA is most effective in aligning homologous proteins sharing low percentage of sequence identity. The server is designed to aid homologous protein structure modeling. A PSI-BLAST search engine was implemented to help users identify template candidates that are most appropriate for modeling the query sequences.  相似文献   

TMpro is a transmembrane (TM) helix prediction algorithm that uses language processing methodology for TM segment identification. It is primarily based on the analysis of statistical distributions of properties of amino acids in transmembrane segments. This article describes the availability of TMpro on the internet via a web interface. The key features of the interface are: (i) output is generated in multiple formats including a user-interactive graphical chart which allows comparison of TMpro predicted segment locations with other labeled segments input by the user, such as predictions from other methods. (ii) Up to 5000 sequences can be submitted at a time for prediction. (iii) TMpro is available as a web server and is published as a web service so that the method can be accessed by users as well as other services depending on the need for data integration. Availability: http://linzer.blm.cs.cmu.edu/tmpro/ (web server and help), http://blm.sis.pitt.edu:8080/axis/services/TMProFetcherService (web service).  相似文献   

Fast, optimal alignment of three sequences using linear gap costs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Alignment algorithms can be used to infer a relationship between sequences when the true relationship is unknown. Simple alignment algorithms use a cost function that gives a fixed cost to each possible point mutation-mismatch, deletion, insertion. These algorithms tend to find optimal alignments that have many small gaps. It is more biologically plausible to have fewer longer gaps rather than many small gaps in an alignment. To address this issue, linear gap cost algorithms are in common use for aligning biological sequence data. More reliable inferences are obtained by aligning more than two sequences at a time. The obvious dynamic programming algorithm for optimally aligning k sequences of length n runs in O(n(k)) time. This is impractical if k>/=3 and n is of any reasonable length. Thus, for this problem there are many heuristics for aligning k sequences, however, they are not guaranteed to find an optimal alignment. In this paper, we present a new algorithm guaranteed to find the optimal alignment for three sequences using linear gap costs. This gives the same results as the dynamic programming algorithm for three sequences, but typically does so much more quickly. It is particularly fast when the (three-way) edit distance is small. Our algorithm uses a speed-up technique based on Ukkonen's greedy algorithm (Ukkonen, 1983) which he presented for two sequences and simple costs.  相似文献   

PCMA (profile consistency multiple sequence alignment) is a progressive multiple sequence alignment program that combines two different alignment strategies. Highly similar sequences are aligned in a fast way as in ClustalW, forming pre-aligned groups. The T-Coffee strategy is applied to align the relatively divergent groups based on profile-profile comparison and consistency. The scoring function for local alignments of pre-aligned groups is based on a novel profile-profile comparison method that is a generalization of the PSI-BLAST approach to profile-sequence comparison. PCMA balances speed and accuracy in a flexible way and is suitable for aligning large numbers of sequences. AVAILABILITY: PCMA is freely available for non-commercial use. Pre-compiled versions for several platforms can be downloaded from ftp://iole.swmed.edu/pub/PCMA/.  相似文献   

Spidermonkey is a new component of the Datamonkey suite of phylogenetic tools that provides methods for detecting coevolving sites from a multiple alignment of homologous nucleotide or amino acid sequences. It reconstructs the substitution history of the alignment by maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic methods, and then analyzes the joint distribution of substitution events using Bayesian graphical models to identify significant associations among sites. AVAILABILITY: Spidermonkey is publicly available both as a web application at http://www.data-monkey.org and as a stand-alone component of the phylogenetic software package HyPhy, which is freely distributed on the web (http://www.hyphy.org) as precompiled binaries and open source.  相似文献   

When aligning biological sequences, the choice of parameter values for the alignment scoring function is critical. Small changes in gap penalties, for example, can yield radically different alignments. A rigorous way to compute parameter values that are appropriate for aligning biological sequences is through inverse parametric sequence alignment. Given a collection of examples of biologically correct alignments, this is the problem of finding parameter values that make the scores of the example alignments close to those of optimal alignments for their sequences. We extend prior work on inverse parametric alignment to partial examples, which contain regions where the alignment is left unspecified, and to an improved formulation based on minimizing the average error between the score of an example and the score of an optimal alignment. Experiments on benchmark biological alignments show we can find parameters that generalize across protein families and that boost the accuracy of multiple sequence alignment by as much as 25%.  相似文献   

T-Coffee (Tree-based consistency objective function for alignment evaluation) is a versatile multiple sequence alignment (MSA) method suitable for aligning most types of biological sequences. The main strength of T-Coffee is its ability to combine third party aligners and to integrate structural (or homology) information when building MSAs. The series of protocols presented here show how the package can be used to multiply align proteins, RNA and DNA sequences. The protein section shows how users can select the most suitable T-Coffee mode for their data set. Detailed protocols include T-Coffee, the default mode, M-Coffee, a meta version able to combine several third party aligners into one, PSI (position-specific iterated)-Coffee, the homology extended mode suitable for remote homologs and Expresso, the structure-based multiple aligner. We then also show how the T-RMSD (tree based on root mean square deviation) option can be used to produce a functionally informative structure-based clustering. RNA alignment procedures are described for using R-Coffee, a mode able to use predicted RNA secondary structures when aligning RNA sequences. DNA alignments are illustrated with Pro-Coffee, a multiple aligner specific of promoter regions. We also present some of the many reformatting utilities bundled with T-Coffee. The package is an open-source freeware available from http://www.tcoffee.org/.  相似文献   

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