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Mathematical models of mimicry typically involve artificial prey species with fixed colorations or appearances; this enables a comparison of predation rates to demonstrate the level of protection a mimic might be afforded. Fruitful theoretical results have been produced using this method, but it is also useful to examine the possible evolutionary consequences of mimicry. To that end, we present individual-based evolutionary simulation models where prey colorations are free to evolve. We use the models to examine the effect of Batesian mimics on Müllerian mimics and mimicry rings. Results show that Batesian mimics can potentially incite Müllerian mimicry relationships and encourage mimicry ring convergence.  相似文献   

Plant defence signals and Batesian mimicry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a game theory context, we investigated conditions for an evolutionarily stable equilibrium of defended, signalling plants, and plants mimicking these signals – that is, conditions for a stable mimicry complex. We modelled this in three steps. First, we analysed conditions for selection for defended, signalling plants, in a population of undefended plants. Second, we analysed conditions for when mimicking plants can invade a population of defended, signalling plants, leading to a stable equilibrium between the two strategies. Third, we analysed how sampling of signalling plants by herbivores affects the equilibrium between the strategies. The predictions show that mimicry of plant defence signals may be common, and even imperfect mimics could invade a population of defended, signalling plants. Whether the latter prediction holds or not depends on how herbivores generalize over signals, and on the length of their avoidance sequence'. The length of the avoidance sequence is the number of signalling plants that a herbivore avoids to attack, after attacking a defended plant. If herbivores always sample signalling plants, then mimicry cannot evolve, whereas if herbivores have a long avoidance sequence, this may allow selection even for imperfect mimics.  相似文献   

Signal Detection Theory can be used to provide a mathematical model describing the choice of a predator trying to distinguish between a model and a Batesian mimic. The mathematical model yields a number of a deductions, in particular that it may or may not assist the mimic population if mimics more closely resemble their models. The assumptions underlying the analysis are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

A population dynamic model of Batesian mimicry, in which populations of both model and mimetic species were considered, was analyzed. The probability of a predator catching prey on each encouter was assumed to depend on the frequency of the mimic. The change in population size of each species was considered to have two components, growth at the intrinsic growth rate and carrying capacity, and reduction by predation. For simplicity in the analyses, three assumptions were made concerning the carrying capacities of each population: (1) with no density effects on the mimic population growth rate; (2) with no density effects on the model species; and (3) with density effects on both species. The first and second cases were solved analytically, whereas the last was, for the most part, investigated numerically. Under assumption (1), two stable equilibria are possible, in which both species either coexist or go to extinction. Under assumption (2), there are also two stable equilibria possible, in which either only the mimic persists or both go to extinction. These results explain the field records of butterflies (Pachliopta aristolochiae and its mimic Papilio polytes) in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.  相似文献   

Batesian and aggressive mimicry are united by deceit: Batesian mimics deceive predators and aggressive mimics deceive prey. This distinction is blurred by Myrmarachne melanotarsa, an ant-like jumping spider (Salticidae). Besides often preying on salticids, ants are well defended against most salticids that might target them as potential prey. Earlier studies have shown that salticids identify ants by their distinctive appearance and avoid them. They also avoid ant-like salticids from the genus Myrmarachne. Myrmarachne melanotarsa is an unusual species from this genus because it typically preys on the eggs and juveniles of ant-averse salticid species. The hypothesis considered here is that, for M. melanotarsa, the distinction between Batesian and aggressive mimicry is blurred. We tested this by placing female Menemerus sp. and their associated hatchling within visual range of M. melanotarsa, its model, and various non-ant-like arthropods. Menemerus is an ant-averse salticid species. When seeing ants or ant mimics, Menemerus females abandoned their broods more frequently than when seeing non-ant-like arthropods or in control tests (no arthropods visible), as predicted by our hypothesis that resembling ants functions as a predatory ploy.  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been set up to investigate the changes in frequency of a gene inducing Batesian mimicry, due to selective predation. The selective force acting on this gene is frequency dependent since the tendency of predators to eat the mimic varies with the abundance of the mimic itself relative to the appropriate distasteful model. Cases have been investigated both where the mimicry is limited to one sex only and where both sexes can be mimetic. This kind of selection can eventually lead to three different results: (a) fixation of the mimetic gene; (b) an interval of neutral equilibria; (c) a unique, nontrivial equilibrium. In the last case, both the trivial equilibria are unstable, both locally and globally, whereas the intermediate equilibrium can be stable or unstable. When this occurs, the gene frequency eventually undergoes stable oscillations. The results actually obtained depend mainly on the behavior of the predators and the abundance of the mimic relative to the model.  相似文献   

Models of two simple genetic systems of two alleles segregating at two loci are used to study the evolution of dominance of a Batesian mimic maintained in a population by frequency-dependent selection. The alleles at one locus determine the mimetic patterns, and their dominance is modified by the alleles at the other locus. In the model, the modifiers of dominance may themselves be either fully dominant or have additive effects on the dominance of the mimics. When the modifier is fully dominant in its effect on the dominance of a new mimic, the mimic will evolve dominance irrespective of the initial frequency of the modifier. When the modifiers act additively on the dominance of the mimics, a new mimic will evolve either dominance or recessiveness depending on the initial frequency of the modifiers. Unless the modifier is initially at quite a high frequency dominance will not evolve. And dominance will not evolve fully unless the modifiers are more or less selectively neutral in their effects on all other characters except the mimicry. The significance of these results is discussed with reference to the different dominance relations of the mimics in different races of the butterfly Papilio dardanus.  相似文献   

Mimicry with warning colors includes Batesian and Müllerian mimicries. If we divide mimicry by sex, there are theoretically four types of mimicry: unimodal, female-limited, male-limited and dual mimicry. The latter three cases cause sexual dimorphism in body color and marking pattern but are rarely reported. In this study, we show that the tussock moth Numenes albofascia is possibly a dual mimic. The wing color and marking pattern of male and female N. albofascia are completely different, with the male's pattern resembling that of the smoky moth Pidorus atratus, while the female pattern resembles that of the tiger moth Arctia caja. Body size also differs greatly between the sexes of N. albofascia, matching the mimicry model species of each sex. These moths are distributed sympatrically in Japan, and their adult seasons overlap with each other. According to lizard feeding experiments, N. albofascia is palatable, while both male and female model species are unpalatable. Actograms in the laboratory and the light trapping in the field suggest that females of N. albofascia fly actively from sunset to midnight, while males fly during the twilight period around dawn. Therefore, male and female N. albofascia might be Batesian mimics of diurnally active P. atratus and nocturnally active A. caja, respectively, and the great sexual dimorphism of this moth could be caused by dual mimicry.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether Batesian mimicry promotes early‐stage reproductive isolation. Many Batesian mimics occur not only in sympatry with their model (as expected), but also in allopatry. As a consequence of local adaptation within both sympatry (where mimetic traits are favored) and allopatry (where nonmimetic traits are favored), divergent, predator‐mediated natural selection should disfavor immigrants between these selective environments as well as any between‐environment hybrids. This selection might form the basis for both pre‐ and postmating isolation, respectively. We tested for such selection in a snake mimicry complex by placing clay replicas of sympatric, allopatric, or hybrid phenotypes in both sympatry and allopatry and measuring predation attempts. As predicted, replicas with immigrant phenotypes were disfavored in both selective environments. Replicas with hybrid phenotypes were also disfavored, but only in a region of sympatry where previous studies have detected strong selection favoring precise mimicry. By fostering immigrant inviability and ecologically dependent selection against hybrids (at least in some habitats), Batesian mimicry might therefore promote reproductive isolation. Thus, although Batesian mimicry has long been viewed as a mechanism for convergent evolution, it might play an underappreciated role in fueling divergent evolution and possibly even the evolution of reproductive isolation and speciation.  相似文献   

Summary The amount of energy invested in reproduction and in defense was examined in a Batesian mimicry complex consisting of the modelEleodes obscura and the mimicStenomorpha marginata (both Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Models live up to 4 y as adults while mimic adults live only 3 mo. The energy content of the eggs of the model and mimic was determined by microbomb calorimetry. The energy content of the defensive secretions produced by the model was determined by computational chemistry and MNDO computer programming. Contrary to the predictions of some life-history theory, the long-lived model annually produces many small eggs each of low energetic content, while the short-lived mimic annually produces fewer, larger eggs each of high energetic content. However, in terms of total energy, the long-lived model has an annual investment in reproduction equal to that of the short-lived mimic. During the 3 mo of co-ocurrence of models and mimics within a year, an average individual model's cost in using defensive secretions against potential predators is 12% of the amount of energy tied up in the eggs that it produces within the year. The annual cost of defense for the model is 18% of the energy contained in the mean number of eggs produced. When the energy allocated to eggs is added to that allocated to defense, the model has an annual investiment that is greater than the annual investment in reproduction by the mimic. Although the energy invested in defense by the model is small relative to the energy invested in egg production, it buys the model considerable protection from predation. Nevertheless, the cost of defense does not explain the deviations from the predictions of life-history theory.  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry evolution involves an initial major mutation that produces a rough resemblance to the model, followed by smaller improving changes. To examine the learning psychology of this process, we applied established ideas about mimicry in Papilio polyxenes asterius of the model Battus philenor. We performed experiments with wild birds as predators and butterfly wings as semiartificial prey. Wings of hybrids of P. p. asterius and Papilio machaon were used to approximate the first mutant, with melanism as the hypothesized first mimetic trait. Based on previous results about learning psychology and imperfect mimicry, we predicted that: melanism should have high salience (i.e., being noticeable and prominent), meaning that predators readily discriminate a melanistic mutant from appearances similar to P. machaon; the difference between the first mutant and the model should have intermediate salience to allow further improvement of mimicry; and the final difference in appearance between P. p. asterius and B. philenor should have very low salience, causing improvement to level off. Our results supported both the traditional hypothesis and all our predictions about relative salience. We conclude that there is good agreement between long‐held ideas about how Batesian mimicry evolves and recent insights from learning psychology about the role of salience in mimicry evolution.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is a major component of morphological variation across the tree of life, but the mechanisms underlying phenotypic differences between sexes of a single species are poorly understood. We examined the population genomics and biogeography of the common palmfly Elymnias hypermnestra, a dual mimic in which female wing colour patterns are either dark brown (melanic) or bright orange, mimicking toxic Euploea and Danaus species, respectively. As males always have a melanic wing colour pattern, this makes E. hypermnestra a fascinating model organism in which populations vary in sexual dimorphism. Population structure analysis revealed that there were three genetically distinct E. hypermnestra populations, which we further validated by creating a phylogenomic species tree and inferring historical barriers to gene flow. This species tree demonstrated that multiple lineages with orange females do not form a monophyletic group, and the same is true of clades with melanic females. We identified two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) near the colour patterning gene WntA that were significantly associated with the female colour pattern polymorphism, suggesting that this gene affects sexual dimorphism. Given WntA''s role in colour patterning across Nymphalidae, E. hypermnestra females demonstrate the repeatability of the evolution of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

We analyse a mathematical model of the population dynamics among a mimic, a corresponding model, and their common predator populations. Predator changes its search-and-attack probability by forming and losing its search image. It cannot distinguish the mimic from the model. Once a predator eats a model individual, it comes to omit both the model and the mimic species from its diet menu. If a predator eats a mimic individual, it comes to increase the search-and-attack probability for both model and mimic. The predator may lose the repulsive/attractive search image with a probability per day. By analysing our model, we can derive the mathematical condition for the persistence of model and mimic populations, and then get the result that the condition for the persistence of model population does not depend on the mimic population size, while the condition for the persistence of mimic population does depend the predator's memory of search image.  相似文献   

We analyse a mathematical model of the population dynamics among a mimic, a corresponding model, and their common predator populations. Predator changes its search-and-attack probability by forming and losing its search image. It cannot distinguish the mimic from the model. Once a predator eats a model individual, it comes to omit both the model and the mimic species from its diet menu. If a predator eats a mimic individual, it comes to increase the search-and-attack probability for both model and mimic. The predator may lose the repulsive/attractive search image with a probability per day. By analysing our model, we can derive the mathematical condition for the persistence of model and mimic populations, and then get the result that the condition for the persistence of model population does not depend on the mimic population size, while the condition for the persistence of mimic population does depend the predator's memory of search image.  相似文献   

The swallowtail butterfly Papilio polytes is known for its striking resemblance in wing pattern to the toxic butterfly Pachliopta aristolochiae and is a focal system for the study of mimicry evolution. Papilio polytes females are polymorphic in wing pattern, with mimetic and nonmimetic forms, while males are monomorphic and nonmimetic. Past work invokes selection for mimicry as the driving force behind wing pattern evolution in P. polytes. However, the mimetic relationship between P. polytes and P. aristolochiae is not well understood. In order to test the mimicry hypothesis, we constructed paper replicas of mimetic and nonmimetic P. polytes and P. aristolochiae, placed them in their natural habitat, and measured bird predation on replicas. In initial trials with stationary replicas and plasticine bodies, overall predation was low and we found no differences in predation between replica types. In later trials with replicas mounted on springs and with live mealworms standing in for the butterfly's body, we found less predation on mimetic P. polytes replicas compared to nonmimetic P. polytes replicas, consistent with the predator avoidance benefits of mimicry. While our results are mixed, they generally lend support to the mimicry hypothesis as well as the idea that behavioral differences between the sexes contributed to the evolution of sexually dimorphic mimicry.  相似文献   

Conspicuousness, or having high contrast relative to the surrounding background, is a common feature of unpalatable species. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the occurrence of conspicuousness, and while most involve the role of conspicuousness as a direct signal of unpalatability to potential predators, one hypothesis suggests that exaggerated conspicuousness may evolve in unpalatable species to reduce predator confusion with palatable species (potential Batesian mimics). This hypothesis of antagonistic coevolution between palatable and unpalatable species hinges on the ‘cost of conspicuousness’, in which conspicuousness increases the likelihood of predation more in palatable species than in unpalatable species. Under this mimicry scenario, four patterns are expected: (i) mimics will more closely resemble local models than models from other localities, (ii) there will be a positive relationship between mimic and model conspicuousness, (iii) models will be more conspicuous in the presence of mimics, and (iv) when models and mimics differ in conspicuousness, mimics will be less conspicuous than models. We tested these predictions in the salamander mimicry system involving Notophthalmus viridescens (model) and one colour morph of Plethodon cinereus (mimic). All predictions were supported, indicating that selection for Batesian mimicry not only influences the evolution of mimics, but also the evolution of the models they resemble. These findings indicate that mimicry plays a large role in the evolution of model warning signals, particularly influencing the evolution of conspicuousness.  相似文献   

Both male and female peafowl grow crests on top of their head – iridescent blue in males, dull iridescent green and brown in females – but the potential signal function of this plumage ornament is unknown. In this study, peafowl crests were measured in three feral populations, and morphological variation in this ornament was studied in relation to body condition (body mass in relation to tarsus length) and health (white blood cell concentration and ectoparasite load). Prior to the start of the breeding season, male crests are wider with greater pennaceous area, and are more likely to have all feathers grown out compared with female crests. Only crest length changed with measurement date, increasing over time; in males, crest measurements were not related to the extent of train feather development. Crest morphology is a potential signal of individual health and condition in both sexes, but in different ways. In females, the amount of crest plumage grown out to its full extent was related to body condition at the start of the breeding season, whereas in males, the size and pennaceous area of the ornament were related to ectoparasite load. Observations of within‐sex agonistic behaviour suggest a possible role for the crest ornament in status signaling in males, because males that engage in more aggressive interactions tend to have wider crests. There was no evidence for a relation between crest morphology and agonistic behaviour in females.  相似文献   

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