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The structure of the C-terminal antifreeze-like (AFL) domain of human sialic acid synthase was determined by NMR spectroscopy. The structure comprises one alpha- and two single-turn 3(10)-helices and two beta-strands, and is similar to those of the type III antifreeze proteins. Evolutionary trace analyses of the type III antifreeze protein family suggested that the class-specific residues in the human and bacterial AFL domains are important for their substrate binding, while the class-specific residues of the fish antifreeze proteins are gathered on the ice-binding surface.  相似文献   

Human NeuNAc-9-P synthase is a two-domain protein with ability to synthesize both NeuNAc-9-P and KDN-9-P. Its mouse counterpart differs by only 20 out of 359 amino acids but does not produce KDN-9-P. By replacing the AFL domain of the human NeuNAc-9-P synthase which accommodates 12 of these differences, with the mouse AFL domain we examined its importance for the secondary KDN-9-P synthetic activity. The chimeric protein retained almost half of the ability of the human enzyme for KDN-9-P synthesis while the NeuNAc-9-P production was reduced to less than 10%. Data from the homology modeling and the effect of divalent ions and temperature on the enzyme activities suggest conformational differences between the human and mouse AFL domains that alter the shape of the cavity accommodating the substrates. Therefore, although the AFL domain itself does not define the ability of the human enzyme for KDN-9-P synthesis, it is important for both activities by aiding optimal positioning of the substrates.  相似文献   

Deep S  Walker KP  Shu Z  Hinck AP 《Biochemistry》2003,42(34):10126-10139
Isoforms of transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) are 25 kDa homodimeric polypeptides that signal by binding and bringing together two related, functionally distinct cell surface receptors designated as TbetaR1 and TbetaR2. Here, we report the solution structure of the 13.8 kDa extracellular domain of human TbetaR2 (ecTbetaR2) as calculated from N(N)-H(N), C(alpha)-H(alpha), and C(alpha)-C(O) residual dipolar coupling restraints in conjunction with NOE distance, dihedral angle, and scalar coupling restraints. Comparison of the free ecTbetaR2 solution structure with the TGFbeta3-bound ecTbetaR2 crystal structure reveals backbone conformations that superimpose with RMSDs of 1.0 A over the regions of regular secondary structure and 1.4 A overall. The differences in structure fall mainly in loop regions that are either poorly defined by the available NMR data or are involved in crystal contacts. The noted similarities between the NMR structure of the free form and the crystal structure of the TGFbeta-bound form are also consistent with the close correspondence, 0.16 A RMSD for regions of secondary structure and 0.51 A RMSD overall, for the crystal structure of free ecTbetaR2 as compared to the crystal structure of TGFbeta3-bound ecTbetaR2. Despite the apparent similarities between the free and the bound forms, there appears to be small but significant differences in structure involving the interfacial contact region of the receptor. Measurements of backbone (15)N relaxation times and interpretation of these by the model-free formalism with axial diffusional anisotropy further reveal significant ms to micros time scale motions centered about two of the conserved disulfide bonds and in several residues that comprise the TGFbeta binding surface. Together, these observations indicate that binding likely occurs through a mechanism with a small component of induced fit character, whereby flexibility within the receptor facilitates the transition to the TGFbeta-bound state.  相似文献   

Kim B  Ryu KS  Kim HJ  Cho SJ  Choi BS 《The FEBS journal》2005,272(10):2467-2476
Human cells contain two homologs of the yeast RAD23 protein, hHR23A and hHR23B, which participate in the DNA repair process. hHR23B houses a domain (residues 277-332, called XPCB) that binds specifically and directly to the xeroderma pigmentosum group C protein (XPC) to initiate nucleotide excision repair (NER). This domain shares sequence homology with a heat shock chaperonin-binding motif that is also found in the stress-inducible yeast phosphoprotein STI1. We determined the solution structure of a protein fragment containing amino acids 275-342 of hHR23B (termed XPCB-hHR23B) and compared it with the previously reported solution structures of the corresponding domain of hHR23A. The periodic positioning of proline residues in XPCB-hHR23B produced kinked alpha helices and assisted in the formation of a compact domain. Although the overall structure of the XPCB domain was similar in both XPCB-hHR23B and XPCB-hHR23A, the N-terminal part (residues 275-283) of XPCB-hHR23B was more flexible than the corresponding part of hHR23A. We tried to infer the characteristics of this flexibility through (15)N-relaxation studies. The hydrophobic surface of XPCB-hHR23B, which results from the diverse distribution of N-terminal region, might give rise to the functional pleiotropy observed in vivo for hHR23B, but not for hHR23A.  相似文献   

Some cold water marine fishes avoid cellular damage because of freezing by expressing antifreeze proteins (AFPs) that bind to ice and inhibit its growth; one such protein is the globular type III AFP from eel pout. Despite several studies, the mechanism of ice binding remains unclear because of the difficulty in modeling the AFP-ice interaction. To further explore the mechanism, we have determined the x-ray crystallographic structure of 10 type III AFP mutants and combined that information with 7 previously determined structures to mainly analyze specific AFP-ice interactions such as hydrogen bonds. Quantitative assessment of binding was performed using a neural network with properties of the structure as input and predicted antifreeze activity as output. Using the cross-validation method, a correlation coefficient of 0.60 was obtained between measured and predicted activity, indicating successful learning and good predictive power. A large loss in the predictive power of the neural network occurred after properties related to the hydrophobic surface were left out, suggesting that van der Waal's interactions make a significant contribution to ice binding. By combining the analysis of the neural network with antifreeze activity and x-ray crystallographic structures of the mutants, we extend the existing ice-binding model to a two-step process: 1) probing of the surface for the correct ice-binding plane by hydrogen-bonding side chains and 2) attractive van der Waal's interactions between the other residues of the ice-binding surface and the ice, which increases the strength of the protein-ice interaction.  相似文献   

Liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP), a cytosolic protein most abundant in liver, is associated with intracellular transport of fatty acids, nuclear signaling, and regulation of intracellular lipolysis. Among the members of the intracellular lipid binding protein family, L-FABP is of particular interest as it can i), bind two fatty acid molecules simultaneously and ii), accommodate a variety of bulkier physiological ligands such as bilirubin and fatty acyl CoA. To better understand the promiscuous binding and transport properties of L-FABP, we investigated structure and dynamics of human L-FABP with and without bound ligands by means of heteronuclear NMR. The overall conformation of human L-FABP shows the typical β-clam motif. Binding of two oleic acid (OA) molecules does not alter the protein conformation substantially, but perturbs the chemical shift of certain backbone and side-chain protons that are involved in OA binding according to the structure of the human L-FABP/OA complex. Comparison of the human apo and holo L-FABP structures revealed no evidence for an "open-cap" conformation or a "swivel-back" mechanism of the K90 side chain upon ligand binding, as proposed for rat L-FABP. Instead, we postulate that the lipid binding process in L-FABP is associated with backbone dynamics.  相似文献   

CaVP (calcium vector protein) is a Ca(2+) sensor of the EF-hand protein family which is highly abundant in the muscle of Amphioxus. Its three-dimensional structure is not known, but according to the sequence analysis, the protein is composed of two domains, each containing a pair of EF-hand motifs. We determined recently the solution structure of the C-terminal domain (Trp81-Ser161) and characterized the large conformational and dynamic changes induced by Ca(2+) binding. In contrast, the N-terminal domain (Ala1-Asp86) has lost the capacity to bind the metal ion due to critical mutations and insertions in the two calcium loops. In this paper, we report the solution structure of the N-terminal domain and its backbone dynamics based on NMR spectroscopy, nuclear relaxation, and molecular modeling. The well-resolved three-dimensional structure is typical of a pair of EF-hand motifs, joined together by a short antiparallel beta-sheet. The tertiary arrangement of the two EF-hands results in a closed-type conformation, with near-antiparallel alpha-helices, similar to other EF-hand pairs in the absence of calcium ions. To characterize the internal dynamics of the protein, we measured the (15)N nuclear relaxation rates and the heteronuclear NOE effect in (15)N-labeled N-CaVP at a magnetic field of 11.74 T and 298 K. The domain is mainly monomeric in solution and undergoes an isotropic Brownian rotational diffusion with a correlation time of 7.1 ns, in good agreement with the fluorescence anisotropy decay measurements. Data analysis using a model-free procedure showed that the amide backbone groups in the alpha-helices and beta-strands undergo highly restricted movements on a picosecond to nanosecond time scale. The amide groups in Ca(2+) binding loops and in the linker fragment also display rapid fluctuations with slightly increased amplitudes.  相似文献   

The random network model of water quantitatively describes the different hydration heat capacities of polar and apolar solutes in terms of differential distortions of the water-water hydrogen bonding angle in the first hydration shell. This method of hydration analysis is applied here to study the hydration of the wild type III thermal hysteresis protein from eel pout and three mutations at residue 16. Wild type and one mutant have full activity, the other two mutants have little or no anti-freeze (thermal hysteresis) activity. The analysis reveals significant differences in the hydration structure of the ice-binding site (centered on residue 16) among four proteins. For the A16T and A16Y mutants with reduced activity, polar groups have a typical polar-like hydration. For the wild type and mutant A16C with 100% of the wild type activity, polar groups have unusual, very apolar-like hydration. In the latter case, hydrating water molecules form a more ice-like pattern of hydrogen bonding on the ice-binding face, while in the former case water-water H-bonds are more distorted and more heterogenous. Overall, the binding surface of active protein strongly enhances the water tetrahedral structure, i.e. promotes ice-like hydration. It is concluded that the specific shape, residue size and clustering of both polar/apolar groups are essential for the binding surface to recognize, and preferentially interact with nascent ice crystals forming in liquid water.  相似文献   

N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuNAc), the most naturally abundant sialic acid, is incorporated as the terminal residue of mammalian cell surface glycoconjugates and acts as a key facilitator of cellular recognition, adhesion and signalling. Several pathogenic bacteria similarly express NeuNAc on their cell surfaces, allowing evasion of their host's immune system. Prokaryotic NeuNAc biosynthesis proceeds via condensation of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) with N-acetylmannosamine (ManNAc), a reaction catalysed by the domain-swapped homodimeric enzyme, N-acetylneuraminic acid synthase (NeuNAcS). Conversely, the mammalian orthologue, N-acetylneuraminic acid 9-phosphate synthase (NeuNAc 9-PS) utilises the phosphorylated substrate N-acetylmannosamine 6-phosphate (ManNAc 6-P) in catalysis. Here we report an investigation into the determinants of substrate specificity of human NeuNAc 9-PS, using model-guided mutagenesis to delineate binding interactions with ManNAc 6-P. Modelling predicts the formation of a domain-swapped homodimer as observed for bacterial variants, which was supported by experimental small angle X-ray scattering. A number of conserved residues which may play key roles in the selection of ManNAc 6-P were identified and substituted for alanine to assess their function. Lys290 and Thr80 were identified as a putative phosphate binding pair, with the cationic lysine residue extending into the active site from the adjacent chain of the dimeric enzyme. Substitution of these residues results in a significant loss of activity and reduced affinity for ManNAc 6-P. These residues, along with the electropositive β2α2 loop, are likely to facilitate the PEP dependent binding and stabilisation of ManNAc 6-P. By utilising a phosphorylated sugar-substrate, the mammalian enzyme gains considerable catalytic affinity advantage over its bacterial counterpart.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate whether AFPs protect the heart from freezing and improve survival and viability in subzero cryopreservation. Hearts were subject to 5 preservation protocols; University of Wisconsin solution (UW) at 4 degrees C, UW at -1.3 degrees C without nucleation, UW at -1.3 degrees C with nucleation, UW AFP I (15 mg/cm(3)) at -1.3 degrees C with nucleation, and in UW AFP III (15 mg/cm(3)) at -1.3 degrees C with nucleation. Hearts were preserved for 24, 28, and 32 h, rewarmed and connected to the working isolated perfusion system. Data [heart rate (HR), coronary flow (CF), and developed pressure (dP)] was collected 30 and 60 min after reperfusion. Hearts preserved at -1.3 degrees C without AFPs froze, while hearts preserved with AFP did not freeze when nucleation was initiated and survived. Survival and dP of hearts preserved for 24h at -1.3 degrees C using AFP III was better than those preserved at 4 degrees C, (dP; 1.4 vs. 0.8, p<0.05). Four of six hearts and six of six hearts died when preserved at 4 degrees C for 28 and 32 h, respectively, all of the hearts that were preserved at -1.3 degrees C with or without AFPs survived after 28 h (n=18) and 32 h (n=18). CF was higher in UW -1.3 degrees C group without attempted nucleation than in AFP I and AFP III groups after 28 and 32 h (3.4 vs. 1.7, p<0.05, and 3.4 vs. 1.7, p<0.05, respectively). In conclusion, AFPs were found to protect the heart from freezing and improve survival and dP (AFP III) in prolonged subzero preservation.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of antifreeze protein (AFP) III supplementation on the cryopreservation of rabbit sperm cells and embryos. Ejaculated semen was collected from male Japanese white (JW) rabbits and divided into four AFP-supplemented groups (0.1 μg/ml, 1 μg/ml, 10 μg/ml, 100 μg/ml) and one control group with no AFP-supplementation. The semen samples were treated with egg-yolk HEPES extender containing 6% acetamide before the sperm was cooled from room temperature to 5 °C, then packed into sperm straws. The straws were frozen in steam of liquid nitrogen (LN2) and then preserved in the LN2. The motility of the sperm after thawing in 37 °C water was analyzed. The percentage of rapidly motile sperm in the 1 μg/ml AFP group was significantly higher than in the control group. Morulae were collected from female JW rabbits and divided into three AFP-supplemented groups (100 ng/ml, 500 ng/ml, 1000 ng/ml) and one control group. The morulae, immersed in an embryo-freezing solution (M199-HEPES containing 20% ethylene glycol, 20% dimethylsulfoxide, 10% fetal bovine serum and 0.25 M sucrose), were packed into open pulled embryo straws and vitrified in LN2. The frozen embryos were thawed in the embryo-freezing solution, and the rates of embryo survival and development to blastocyte stage were analyzed after incubation for 72 h. The development rate of the embryos in the 500 ng/ml AFP group was significantly higher than in the control group, but that in the 1000 ng/ml AFP group was significantly lower. In conclusion, the appropriate dose of AFP III increased the number of rapidly motile sperm and embryo survival following freezing and thawing. The results suggest that supplementation with AFP III can increase the efficiency of cryopreservation of rabbit sperm cells and embryos.  相似文献   

The tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) is a 34-amino acid helix-turn-helix motif that occurs in tandem arrays in numerous proteins. Here we compare the backbone dynamics of a natural 3-repeat TPR domain, from the protein UBP, with the behavior of a designed protein CTPR3, which consists of three identical consensus TPR units. Although the three tandem TPR repeats in both CTPR3 and UBP behave as a single unit, with no evidence of independent repeat motions, the data indicate that certain positions in UBP are significantly more flexible than are the corresponding positions in CTPR3. Most of the dynamical changes occur at or adjacent to positions that are involved in intra-repeat packing interactions. These observations lead us to suggest that the three-TPR domain of UBP does not incorporate optimized packing, compared to that seen in the idealized CTPR. The natural TPR domain is not only less stable overall than CTPR3, but also presents increased local flexibility at the positions where the sequences differs from the conserved consensus.  相似文献   

BRCT (BRCA1 carboxyl terminus) domains are found in a number of DNA repair enzymes and cell cycle regulators and are believed to mediate important protein-protein interactions. The DNA ligase IIIalpha BRCT domain partners with the distal BRCT domain of the DNA repair protein XRCC1 (X1BRCTb) in the DNA base excision repair (BER) pathway. To elucidate the mechanisms by which these two domains can interact, we have determined the solution structure of human ligase IIIalpha BRCT (L3[86], residues 837-922). The structure of L3[86] consists of a beta2beta1beta3beta4 parallel sheet with a two-alpha-helix bundle packed against one face of the sheet. This fold is conserved in several proteins having a wide range of activities, including X1BRCTb [Zhang, X. D., et al. (1998) EMBO J. 17, 6404-6411]. L3[86] exists as a dimer in solution, but an insufficient number of NOE restraints precluded the determination of the homodimer structure. However, 13C isotope-filtered and hydrogen-deuterium exchange experiments indicate that the N-terminus, alpha1, the alpha1-beta2 loop, and the three residues following alpha2 are involved in forming the dimer interface, as similarly observed in the structure of X1BRCTb. NOE and dynamic data indicate that several residues (837-844) in the N-terminal region appear to interconvert between helix and random coil conformations. Further studies of other BRCT domains and of their complexes are needed to address how these proteins interact with one another, and to shed light on how mutations can lead to disruption of function and ultimately disease.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of the capsular polysaccharide (CPS) from group B Streptococcus serotype III (GBS III) are derived from 50 ns explicitly solvated molecular dynamics simulations of a 25-residue fragment of the CPS. The results from the simulations are shown to be consistent with experimental NMR homo- and heteronuclear J-coupling and NOE data for both the sialylated native CPS and for the chemically desialylated polysaccharide. A helical structure is predicted with a diameter of 29.3 A and a pitch 89.5 A, in which the sialylated side chains are arrayed on the exterior surface of the helix. The results provide an explanation for the observation that CPS antigenicity varies with carbohydrate chain length up to approximately 4 pentasaccharide repeat units. The conformation of the immunodominant region is established and shown to be independent of the presence of sialic acid. The data provide an explanation for the observation that the specificity of the determinant, associated with the major population of antibodies raised upon immunization of rabbits with GBS III, is dependent on the presence of sialic acid. In the sialylated native CPS, the antibody response is largely directed against the immunodominant core of the helix. From simulations of the desialylated CPS, a model emerges which suggests that the minor population of antibodies, whose determinant is not sialic acid dependent, recognizes the same immunodominant region, but that in the disordered CPS this region is not presented in a regular repeating motif.  相似文献   

Type III antifreeze protein (AFP) is a 7-kDa globular protein with a flat ice-binding face centered on Ala 16. Neighboring hydrophilic residues Gln 9, Asn 14, Thr 15, Thr 18 and Gln 44 have been implicated by site-directed mutagenesis in binding to ice. These residues have the potential to form hydrogen bonds with ice, but the tight packing of side chains on the ice-binding face limits the number and strength of possible hydrogen bond interactions. Recent work with alpha-helical AFPs has emphasized the hydrophobicity of their ice-binding sites and suggests that hydrophobic interactions are important for antifreeze activity. To investigate the contribution of hydrophobic interactions between type III AFP and ice, Leu, Ile and Val residues on the rim of the ice-binding face were changed to alanine. Mutant AFPs with single alanine substitutions, L19A, V20A, and V41A, showed a 20% loss in activity. Doubly substituted mutants, L19A/V41A and L10A/I13A, had less than 50% of the activity of the wild type. Thus, side chain substitutions that leave a cavity or undercut the contact surface are almost as deleterious to antifreeze activity as those that lengthen the side chain. These mutations emphasize the importance of maintaining a specific surface contour on the ice-binding face for docking to ice.  相似文献   

Structure and dynamics of a beta-helical antifreeze protein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) protect many types of organisms from damage caused by freezing. They do this by binding to the ice surface, which causes inhibition of ice crystal growth. However, the molecular mechanism of ice binding leading to growth inhibition is not well understood. In this paper, we present the solution structure and backbone NMR relaxation data of the antifreeze protein from the yellow mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor (TmAFP) to study the dynamics in the context of structure. The full (15)N relaxation analysis was completed at two magnetic field strengths, 500 and 600 MHz, as well as at two temperatures, 30 and 5 degrees C, to measure the dynamic changes that occur in the protein backbone at different temperatures. TmAFP is a small, highly disulfide-bonded, right-handed parallel beta-helix consisting of seven tandemly repeated 12-amino acid loops. The backbone relaxation data displays a periodic pattern, which reflects both the 12-amino acid structural repeat and the highly anisotropic nature of the protein. Analysis of the (15)N relaxation parameters shows that TmAFP is a well-defined, rigid structure, and the extracted parameters show that there is similar restricted internal mobility throughout the protein backbone at both temperatures studied. We conclude that the hydrophobic, rigid binding site may reduce the entropic penalty for the binding of the protein to ice. The beta-helical fold of the protein provides this rigidity, as it does not appear to be a consequence of cooling toward a physiologically relevant temperature.  相似文献   

Mutation of residues at the ice-binding site of type III antifreeze protein (AFP) not only reduced antifreeze activity as indicated by the failure to halt ice crystal growth, but also altered ice crystal morphology to produce elongated hexagonal bipyramids. In general, the c axis to a axis ratio of the ice crystal increased from approximately 2 to over 10 with the severity of the mutation. It also increased during ice crystal growth upon serial dilution of the wild-type AFP. This is in marked contrast to the behavior of the alpha-helical type I AFPs, where neither dilution nor mutation of ice-binding residues increases the c:a axial ratio of the ice crystal above the standard 3.3. We suggest that the ice crystal morphology produced by type III AFP and its mutants can be accounted for by the protein binding to the prism faces of ice and operating by step growth inhibition. In this model a decrease in the affinity of the AFP for ice leads to filling in of individual steps at the prism surfaces, causing the ice crystals to grow with a longer c:a axial ratio.  相似文献   

G Chen  Z Jia 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(3):1602-1608
We employed computational techniques, including molecular docking, energy minimization, and molecular dynamics simulation, to investigate the ice-binding surface of fish type III antifreeze protein (AFP). The putative ice-binding site was previously identified by mutagenesis, structural analysis, and flatness evaluation. Using a high-resolution x-ray structure of fish type III AFP as a model, we calculated the ice-binding interaction energy of 11 surface patches chosen to cover the entire surface of the protein. These various surface patches exhibit small but significantly different ice-binding interaction energies. For both the prism ice plane and an "ice" plane in which water O atoms are randomly positioned, our calculations show that a surface patch containing 14 residues (L19, V20, T18, S42, V41, Q9, P12, A16, M21, T15, Q44, I13, N14, K61) has the most favorable interaction energy and corresponds to the previously identified ice-binding site of type III AFP. Although in general agreement with the earlier studies, our results also suggest that the ice-binding site may be larger than the previously identified "core" cluster that includes mostly hydrophilic residues. The enlargement mainly results from the inclusion of peripheral hydrophobic residues and K61.  相似文献   

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