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Evolutionary psychology and the brain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The human brain is a set of computational machines, each of which was designed by natural selection to solve adaptive problems faced by our hunter-gatherer ancestors. These machines are adaptive specializations: systems equipped with design features that are organized such that they solve an ancestral problem reliably, economically and efficiently. The search for functionally specialized computational adaptations has now begun in earnest. A host of specialized systems have recently been found, including ones designed for sexual motivation, social inference, judgment under uncertainty and conditioning, as well as content-rich systems for visual recognition and knowledge acquisition.  相似文献   

Comparatively little is known about the inherited primate background underlying human cognition, the human cognitive "wild-type." Yet it is possible to trace the evolution of human cognitive abilities and tendencies by contrasting the skills of our nearest cousins, not just chimpanzees, but all the extant great apes, thus showing what we are likely to have inherited from the common ancestor. By looking at human infants early in cognitive development, we can also obtain insights into native cognitive biases in our species. Here, we focus on spatial memory, a central cognitive domain. We show, first, that all nonhuman great apes and 1-year-old human infants exhibit a preference for place over feature strategies for spatial memory. This suggests the common ancestor of all great apes had the same preference. We then examine 3-year-old human children and find that this preference reverses. Thus, the continuity between our species and the other great apes is masked early in human ontogeny. These findings, based on both phylogenetic and ontogenetic contrasts, open up the prospect of a systematic evolutionary psychology resting upon the cladistics of cognitive preferences.  相似文献   

Culture is the ongoing product of the evolved psyches of individual humans living in groups. Progress in our understanding of culture as a phenomenon depends on progress in uncovering the nature of the evolved mechanisms that comprise the human psyche, including but not limited to those responsible for learning. Actual attemps to specify information processing mechanisms that could, in fact, perform tasks humans routinely perform have demonstrated that the human psyche cannot, even in principle, be comprised only of a general purpose learning mechanism or any other general purpose mechanism, such as an inclusive fitness maximizer. Instead, the human psyche appears to consist of a large number of mechanisms, many or most of which are special purpose and domain-specific. The output of these mechanisms taken together constitutes the “private culture” of each individual, and the interactions of these private cultures lead to the cross-individual patterns of similarity that have led anthropologists to think typologically of social groups as having “a” culture. The construction of a scientific theory of culture requires as its building blocks specific models of these psychological mechanisms, and so evolutionary anthropology depends on the forging of an evolutionary psychology. The most productive application of evolutionary biology is, therefore, in the study of the psychological mechanisms that generate and shape culture, rather than in the attempt to impose on cultural change too close a parallel to population genetics and organic evolution.  相似文献   

Criminologists have drawn attention to the fact that crime peaks in the teens and early 20s and that this pattern shows invariance over culture, history, offense, and sex. Wilson and Daly (1985) have proposed that among young, disadvantaged males, the age-crime curve reflects risky tactics aimed at averting “reproductive death.” Though young women's rate of involvement in violent crime is much lower than men's, they also show a similar age-violence curve for assault. This paper proposes that this may be the result of aggressive mate selection among young women and that, under certain specified circumstances, women may engage in low-key intrasexual strategies in addition to epigamic strategies. This paper reviews material on sex differences in violent crime and in mate selection strategies, and offers predictions about the likely circumstances under which females will use intrasexual strategies. The scant available data on female adolescent fighting suggest that female-female assaults are more common than official statistical estimates and that they are frequently triggered by three key issues related to reproductive fitness: management of sexual reputation, competition over access to resource-rich young men, and protecting heterosexual relationships from takeover by rival women.  相似文献   

Models of the various adaptive specializations that have evolved in the human psyche could become the building blocks of a scientific theory of culture. The first step in creating such models is the derivation of a so-called “computational theory” of the adaptive problem each psychological specialization has evolved to solve. In Part II, as a case study, a sketch of a computational theory of social exchange (cooperation for mutual benefit) is developed. The dynamics of natural selection in Pleistocene ecological conditions define adaptive information processing problems that humans must be able to solve in order to participate in social exchange: individual recognition, memory for one's history of interaction, value communication, value modeling, and a shared grammar of social contracts that specifies representational structure and inferential procedures. The nature of these adaptive information processing problems places constraints on the class of cognitive programs capable of solving them; this allows one to make empirical predictions about how the cognitive processes involved in attention, communication, memory, learning, and reasoning are mobilized in situations of social exchange. Once the cognitive programs specialized for regulating social exchange are mapped, the variation and invariances in social exchange within and between cultures can be meaningfully discussed.  相似文献   

Men are more often victims of events like car accidents or (violent) crimes than women with the sole exception of sexual assault. Based on the theory of sexual selection, it has been argued that these sex differences in both perpetration and victimization rates can be attributed to sex differences in risk taking and short-term orientation. Men are expected to be more risk prone than women because throughout evolutionary history, men had to engage in a higher level of intrasexual competition. However, despite the theoretical plausibility and empirical evidence at the behavioral level, there is little direct evidence that risk attitudes and short-term orientation as a sexually dimorphic personality trait mediate rates of victimization. Measures of risk attitude and short-term orientation administered to a German student sample (N=275) showed that: (1) the likelihood of being victimized by different kinds of negative events did correlate with both the risk attitudes and short-term orientation of a (potential) victim, (2) men had a more positive attitude towards risks and were more short-term oriented than women, and (3) sex differences in victimization rates were mediated by sex differences in risk attitudes, implying a close link between risk attitude and short-term orientation. We also show that women's risk of being raped is related to their individual risk attitude scores.  相似文献   

One foundational question in contemporarybiology is how to `rejoin evolution anddevelopment. The emerging research program(evolutionary developmental biology or`evo-devo) requires a meshing of disciplines,concepts, and explanations that have beendeveloped largely in independence over the pastcentury. In the attempt to comprehend thepresent separation between evolution anddevelopment much attention has been paid to thesplit between genetics and embryology in theearly part of the 20th century with itscodification in the exclusion of embryologyfrom the Modern Synthesis. This encourages acharacterization of evolutionary developmentalbiology as the marriage of evolutionary theoryand embryology via developmental genetics. Butthere remains a largely untold story about thesignificance of morphology and comparativeanatomy (also minimized in the ModernSynthesis). Functional and evolutionarymorphology are critical for understanding thedevelopment of a concept central toevolutionary developmental biology,evolutionary innovation. Highlighting thediscipline of morphology and the concepts ofinnovation and novelty provides an alternativeway of conceptualizing the `evo and the `devoto be synthesized.  相似文献   



The question of how organisms adapt is among the most fundamental in evolutionary biology. Two recent studies investigated the evolution of Escherichia coli in response to challenge with the antibiotic cefotaxime. Studying five mutations in the β-lactamase gene that together confer significant antibiotic resistance, the authors showed a complex fitness landscape that greatly constrained the identity and order of intermediates leading from the initial wildtype genotype to the final resistant genotype. Out of 18 billion possible orders of single mutations leading from non-resistant to fully-resistant form, they found that only 27 (1.5×10−7%) pathways were characterized by consistently increasing resistance, thus only a tiny fraction of possible paths are accessible by positive selection. I further explore these data in several ways.

Principal Findings

Allowing neutral changes (those that do not affect resistance) increases the number of accessible pathways considerably, from 27 to 629. Allowing multiple simultaneous mutations also greatly increases the number of accessible pathways. Allowing a single case of double mutation to occur along a pathway increases the number of pathways from 27 to 259, and allowing arbitrarily many pairs of simultaneous changes increases the number of possible pathways by more than 100 fold, to 4800. I introduce the metric ‘repeatability,’ the probability that two random trials will proceed via the exact same pathway. In general, I find that while the total number of accessible pathways is dramatically affected by allowing neutral or double mutations, the overall evolutionary repeatability is generally much less affected.


These results probe the conceivable pathways available to evolution. Even when many of the assumptions of the analysis of Weinreich et al. (2006) are relaxed, I find that evolution to more highly cefotaxime resistant β-lactamase proteins is still highly repeatable.  相似文献   

Summary The neutral theory of molecular evolution postulates that nucleotide substitutions inherently take place in DNA as a result of point mutations followed by random genetic drift. In the absence of selective constraints, the substitution rate reaches the maximum value set by the mutation rate. The rate in globin pseudogenes is about 5 × 10–9 substitutions per site per year in mammals. Rates slower than this indicate the presence of constraints imposed by negative (natural) selection, which rejects and discards deleterious mutations.We wish to dedicate this paper to the memory of Professor Jack Lester King  相似文献   

A literal reading of the fossil record indicates that the early Cambrian (c. 545 million years ago) and early Tertiary (c. 65 million years ago) were characterized by enormously accelerated periods of morphological evolution marking the appearance of the animal phyla, and modern bird and placental mammal orders, respectively. Recently, the evidence for these evolutionary `explosions' has been questioned by cladistic and biogeographic studies which reveal that periods of diversification before these events are missing from the fossil record. Furthermore, molecular evidence indicates that prolonged periods of evolutionary innovation and cladogenesis lit the fuse long before the `explosions' apparent in the fossil record.  相似文献   

The evolution of animal communication is a complex issue and one that attracts much research and debate. 'Receiver psychology' has been highlighted as a potential selective force, and we review how avian psychological processes and biases can influence the evolution and design of signals as well as the progress that has been made in testing these ideas in behavioural studies. Interestingly, although birds are a focal group for experimental psychologists and behavioural ecologists alike, the integration of theoretical ideas from psychology into studies of communication has been relatively slow. However, recent operant experiments are starting to address how birds perceive and respond to complex natural signals in an attempt to answer evolutionary problems in communication. This review outlines how a psychological approach to understanding communication is useful, and we hope that it stimulates further research addressing the role of psychological mechanisms in signal evolution.  相似文献   

Mental retardation - more commonly known nowadays as intellectual disability - is a severe neurological condition affecting 3% of the general population. As a result of analysis of familial cases and recent advances in clinical genetic testing great strides have been made in our understanding of the genetic etiologies of mental retardation. Nonetheless, no treatment is currently clinically available to patients suffering from intellectual disability. Several animal models have been used in the study of memory and cognition. Established paradigms in Drosophila have recently captured cognitive defects in fly mutants for orthologs of genes involved in human intellectual disability. We review here three protocols designed to understand the molecular genetic basis of learning and memory in Drosophila and the genes identified so far with relation to mental retardation. In addition, we explore the mental retardation genes for which evidence of neuronal dysfunction other than memory has been established in Drosophila. Finally, we summarize the findings in Drosophila for mental retardation genes for which no neuronal information is yet available. All in all, this review illustrates the impressive overlap between genes identified in human mental retardation and genes involved in physiological learning and memory.  相似文献   

In the past two years, archaeal genomics has achieved several breakthroughs. On the evolutionary front the most exciting development was the sequencing and analysis of the genome of Nanoarchaeum equitans, a tiny parasitic organism that has only approximately 540 genes. The genome of Nanoarchaeum shows signs of extreme rearrangement including the virtual absence of conserved operons and the presence of several split genes. Nanoarchaeum is distantly related to other archaea, and it has been proposed to represent a deep archaeal branch that is distinct from Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota. This would imply that many features of its gene repertoire and genome organization might be ancestral. However, additional genome analysis has provided a more conservative suggestion - that Nanoarchaeum is a highly derived euryarchaeon. Also there have been substantial developments in functional genomics, including the discovery of the elusive aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase that is involved in both the biosynthesis of cysteine and its incorporation into proteins in methanogens, and the first experimental validation of the predicted archaeal exosome.  相似文献   

Florence has a tradition of Natural Philosophy, and since as early as the sixteenth century fossils were collected by the Granduke. The Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence houses today collections that belonged to Nicolas Steno, when fossils were for the first time used as documents to reconstruct Earth history. Natural philosophers and geologists, both Italian and foreigners, continued to study fossils collected in Tertiary strata of Tuscany until the nineteenth century, when the first speculations on the origin of species were proposed. Charles Darwin himself mentions fossil vertebrates that are today on show in our museum. In the last years, this part of the history of science has been proposed to the public. The aim was to foster an understanding of the centrality of fossils in two cultural revolutions, the discovery of deep time and the birth of evolutionary theory–connected among themselves and with the emergence of geology. Dedicated volumes, public conferences, guided visits to the collections, and field trips to paleontological sites have attracted an attentive and responsive public, showing that the history of science can help deliver modern evolutionary thinking. Other activities aimed at students of all ages have also shown that the interaction between schools, university teachers, and museum personnel is vital to form the mind of future generations on the reality of the evolution of natural systems.  相似文献   

Studies on evolving interactions among species and the coevolutionary process have suggested that the conservation of biodiversity requires a broad geographic perspective, if the `interaction biodiversity' of the earth is to be conserved with its species diversity. Continued maintenance of the geographic mosaic of specialization, defense and population structure appears to be crucial to the coevolutionary process and the long-term persistence of some interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

Although phylogenetic studies of neurohypophysial principlesare well advanced, studies of their development are rare. Fetalmammals have been shown to have unusually high vasopressor/oxytocicratios in their pituitaries. Paper chromatography of extractsfrom pituitaries of fetal sheep and fetal seals (Callorhinusursinus) indicated the presence of AVT, in addition to AVP andoxytocin. This was confirmed by the pharmacological and chemicalanalysis of AVT, purified from fetal seal pituitaries. The presenceof AVT suggested a "recapitulation" of a principle previouslyknown only in sub-mammalian vertebrates. Studies of ammocoetelarvae and adult lampreys (Lampetra nchardsoni) showed the presenceof AVT, but there was no evidence for any "recapitulation" ofan "early" neutral principle. It seemed possible that an apparentrecapitulation might occur only when the principle had a usein fetal life. Therefore the possible actions of AVT (and AVP)in the mammalian fetus (guinea pig) were studied. AVT and AVPwere shown to act on the isolated amnion to slow, and even reversefetal-maternal water movement. AVP acted on the yolk sac, thefetal skin and the fetal bladder to increase water flow inwards,towards the fetus. These actions suggested an extraplacentalmechanism for supplying water to the fetus and its environment,through the extraembryonic membranes. These actions were reminiscentof those known in the anurans. The apparent success of the conceptof recapitulation, in both the molecular and functional fields,may have been fortuitous. However, the results suggest thatphylogenetic considerations may well be useful in understandingthe physiology of the mammal during fetal life.  相似文献   

The provision of intergenerational care, via the Grandmother Hypothesis, has been implicated in the evolution of postfertile longevity, particularly in humans. However, if grandmothering does provide fitness benefits, a key question is why has it evolved so infrequently? We investigate this question with a combination of life‐history and evolutionary game theory. We derive simple eligibility and stability thresholds, both of which must be satisfied if intergenerational care is first to evolve and then to persist in a population. As one threshold becomes easier to fulfill, the other becomes more difficult, revealing a conflict between the two. As such, we suggest that, in fact, we should expect the evolution of grandmothering to be rare.  相似文献   

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