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C J Faust  G E Herman 《Genomics》1991,11(1):154-164
Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, a 3 million-bp physical map containing the X-linked loci Gabra3, DXPas8, CamL1, and Rsvp has been constructed for a segment of the mouse X chromosome homologous to human Xq28. Detailed mapping was performed using single and double digestions with rare-cutter restriction enzymes. Gabra3 and DXPas8 have been shown to be physically linked within a maximal distance of 1600 kb, DXPas8 and CamL1 within 750 kb, and CamL1 and Rsvp within 450 kb. In addition, several CpG islands have been detected in the region encompassing CamL1 and Rsvp. These studies confirm a gene order of cen-Gabra3-DXPas8-CamL1-Rsvp-tel determined by genetic mapping in interspecific backcrosses (A.S. Ryder-Cook et al., 1988, EMBO J. 7: 3017-3021; G.E. Herman et al., 1991, Genomics 9: 670-677). Physical distances for the loci studied agree with the calculated genetic distances. Assuming that there is conserved linkage between man and mouse in the region, the physical mapping data presented here may help to clarify the uncertain gene order for some human Xq28 loci.  相似文献   

The murine and human genes for the L1 neural adhesion molecule were shown to lie on conserved regions of the X chromosome to which genes responsible for several neuromuscular diseases have been mapped and which are adjacent to the fragile site (FRAXA) associated with mental retardation. By pulsed-field gel mapping we have demonstrated physical linkage between the L1 gene and other genes located in Xq28: L1 lies between the eye pigment RCP, GCP locus and the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) gene. This location is compatible with the implication of the L1 molecule in one of the X-linked neuromuscular diseases mapped to this region.  相似文献   

Genetic evidence indicates that cell adhesion molecules of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgCAMs) are critical for activity-dependent synapse formation at the neuromuscular junction in Drosophila and have also been implicated in synaptic remodelling during learning in Aplysia (see [1] for review). In mammals, a widely adopted model for the process of learning at the cellular level is long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampal formation. Studies in vitro have shown that antibodies to the IgCAMs L1 and NCAM reduce LTP in CA1 neurons of rat hippocampus, suggesting a role for these molecules in the modulation of synaptic efficacy, perhaps by regulating synaptic remodelling [2]. A role for NCAM in LTP has been confirmed in mice lacking NCAM [3] (but see [4]), but similar studies have not been reported for L1. Here we examine LTP in the hippocampus of mice lacking L1 [5,6], using different experimental protocols in three different laboratories. In tests of LTP in vitro and in vivo we found no significant differences between mutant animals and controls. Thus, contrary to expectation, our data suggest that L1 function is not necessary for the establishment or maintenance of LTP in the hippocampus. Impaired performance in spatial learning exhibited by L1 mutants may therefore not be due to hippocampal dysfunction [6].  相似文献   

Y S Oh  T Tomita 《Jikken dobutsu》1987,36(1):73-77
Linkage tests on the faded gene were carried out with some coat color and biochemical markers, It was shown that the faded locus was not closely linked to the following loci: Idh-1 (chromosome 1), a (2), Car 2 (3), Mup-1 (4), Pgm-1 (5), Hbb (7), Gpi-1 (7), Es-1 (8), Trf (9), Es-3 (11), s (14), Sod-1 (16) and Ce-2 (17). The mutant locus showed linkage with Ggc on chromosome 6.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are common birth defects, occurring in approximately 1/1,000 births; both genetic and environmental factors are implicated. To date, no major genetic risk factors have been identified. Throughout development, cell adhesion molecules are strongly implicated in cell–cell interactions, and may play a role in the formation and closure of the neural tube. To evaluate the role of neural cell adhesion molecule 1 (NCAM1) in risk of human NTDs, we screened for novel single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the gene. Eleven SNPs across NCAM1 were genotyped using TaqMan. We utilized a family-based approach to evaluate evidence for association and/or linkage disequilibrium. We evaluated American Caucasian simplex lumbosacral myelomeningocele families (n=132 families) using the family based association test (FBAT) and the pedigree disequilibrium test (PDT). Association analysis revealed a significant association between risk for NTDs and intronic SNP rs2298526 using both the FBAT test (P=0.0018) and the PDT (P=0.0025). Using the HBAT version of the FBAT to look for haplotype association, all pairwise comparisons with SNP rs2298526 were also significant. A replication study set, consisting of 72 additional families showed no significant association; however, the overall trend for overtransmission of the less common allele of SNP rs2298526 remained significant in the combined sample set. In addition, we analyzed the expression pattern of the NCAM1 protein in human embryos, and while NCAM1 is not expressed within the neural tube at the time of closure, it is expressed in the surrounding and later in differentiated neurons of the CNS. These results suggest variations in NCAM1 may influence risk for human NTDs.Other members of NTD Collaborative Group involved in this study are listed in the appendix  相似文献   

The expression of the neural cell adhesion molecule L1 was analyzed in several non-neural tissues of the mouse using immunohistochemical and immunochemical techniques. In the adult mouse, L1 immunoreactivity was detectable in the basal and intermediate layers of epidermal and lingual epithelia, in the outer sheath of hair roots and in the single-layered endodermal epithelia of lung, small intestine, and colon. Epithelia of salivary glands also showed L1 immunoreactivity, while endothelial cells of blood vessels did not express detectable levels of L1. The epithelia of the kidney showed expression only in the collecting tubule system. In single-layered kidney epithelia and stratified epithelia, L1 expression was confined to lateral cell contacts and basal infoldings of the epithelial cells but was absent from apical and basal cell surface membranes. Also, in cultured keratinocytes L1 was confined to cell-cell contacts. During development of the epidermis, L1 immunoreactivity was first detectable at the onset of keratinization around embryonic day 16. At this age LI was detectable in the kidney on branching tubules of the ureter. Western blot analysis showed that L1 immunoreactivity in epidermis and kidney appeared as two bands of 190-210 and 210-230 kDa. Northern blot analysis of mRNA from the L1-immunopositive HEL-30 keratinocyte cell line revealed a single band with the expected size of 6 kb. The presence of L1 in epithelia indicates that this molecule may be involved in interactions between epithelial cells and thereby may affect differentiation and maintenance of epithelial tissues.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and membrane topography of the neural cell adhesion molecule L1 have been studied in cerebellar cell cultures by metabolic labeling and immunoprecipitation. Pulse and pulse-chase experiments with [35S]methionine show that L1 is synthesized in its high mol. wt. form, the 200 kd component. The lower mol. wt. components with 40, 80 and 140 K apparent mol. wts. can be generated by proteolysis in intact cellular membranes. Peptide maps generated by protease treatment of L1 isolated from adult mouse brain show that the 80 and 140 kd components are related to the 200 kd component, but not to each other. The 200, 80 and 40 kd components can be biosynthetically phosphorylated. The 140 kd component is not phosphorylated and not released from the surface membrane during tryspinization. The phosphorylated amino acid is serine. In the presence of tunicamycin the 200 kd component is synthesized as a 150 kd protein. Pulse-chase experiments in the presence of tunicamycin indicate that the carbohydrate moieties are predominantly N-glycosidically linked and that the contribution of O-glycosylation is minimal. The carbohydrate moieties are of the complex type as shown by treatment with endoglycosidase H. Since monensin inhibits processing of the carbohydrate moieties, the 200 kd component appears to be transported to the surface membrane via the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The recognition molecule L1 plays important functional roles in the nervous system and in non-neural tissues. Since antibodies to L1 are of prime importance to study its functional properties, we have generated affinity matured human single chain variable fragment (scFv) antibodies against mouse L1 by introducing random mutations in the complementarity determining regions (CDRs) of a previously isolated scFv antibody heavy chain (CDR1 and CDR2) and light chain (CDR3). After biopanning the mutant library, a clone (5F7) that gave the strongest ELISA signal was expressed, purified, and characterized. The dissociation constant of 5F7 (2.86 x 10(-8)M) was decreased 60-fold compared to the wild type clone G6 (1.72 x 10(-6)M). 5F7 detected L1 by Western blot analysis in mouse brain homogenates and recognized L1 in L1 transfected cells and cryosections from mouse retina and optic nerve by immunofluorescence. Bivalent 5F7 scFv antibody (5F7-Cys) was also generated and showed a dissociation constant of 5.22 x 10(-9)M that is 5.5-fold lower than that of monomeric 5F7 antibody. The bivalent affinity matured L1 scFv antibody thus showed stronger binding by a factor of 310 compared to the wild type clone. This antibody should be useful in various biological assays.  相似文献   

Amelogenins are hydrophobic, proline-rich proteins that are the primary biosynthetic products of ameloblasts. These cells are responsible for the formation of tooth enamel, and amelogenins play an important role in the process of biomineralization. A cDNA, corresponding to the mouse 26-kDa amelogenin, has been molecularly cloned and sequenced. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from the mouse using this cDNA as a probe indicates that there is only one mouse amelogenin (Amel) gene. This paper describes restriction site variation for the Amel gene that we have identified between C57BL/6 and M. spretus and the segregation of that variation as an X-chromosome gene. The position of the amelogenin locus (Amel) relative to the loci for alpha-galactosidase (Ags), proteolipoprotein (Plp), and the random genomic probe DXWas31 has been determined. Amel is established as: (1) the most distal locus in the genetic map of the mouse X chromosome, (2) lying proximal to the X:Y pairing region, and (3) being restricted to the mouse X chromosome.  相似文献   

On neural cells, the cell adhesion molecule L1 is generally found coexpressed with N-CAM. The two molecules have been suggested, but not directly shown, to affect each other's function. To investigate the possible functional relationship between the two molecules, we have characterized the adhesive interactions between the purified molecules and between cultured cells expressing them. Latex beads were coated with purified L1 and found to aggregate slowly. N-CAM-coated beads did not aggregate, but did so after addition of heparin. Beads coated with both L1 and N-CAM aggregated better than L1-coated beads. Strongest aggregation was achieved when L1-coated beads were incubated together with beads carrying both L1 and N-CAM. In a binding assay, the complex of L1 and N-CAM bound strongly to immobilized L1, but not to the cell adhesion molecules J1 or myelin-associated glycoprotein. N-CAM alone did not bind to these glycoproteins. Cerebellar neurones adhered to and sent out processes on L1 immobilized on nitrocellulose. N-CAM was less effective as substrate. Neurones interacted most efficiently with the immobilized complex of L1 and N-CAM. They adhered to this complex even when its concentration was at least 10 times lower than the lowest concentration of L1 found to promote adhesion. The complex became adhesive for cells only when the two glycoproteins were preincubated together for approximately 30 min before their immobilization on nitrocellulose. The adhesive properties between cells that express L1 only or both L1 and N-CAM were also studied. ESb-MP cells, which are L1-positive, but N-CAM negative, aggregated slowly under low Ca2+. Their aggregation could be completely inhibited by antibodies to L1 and enhanced by addition of soluble N-CAM to the cells before aggregation. N2A cells, which are L1 and N-CAM positive aggregated well under low Ca2+. Their aggregation was partially inhibited by either L1 or N-CAM antibodies and almost completely by the combination of both antibodies. N2A and ESb-MP cells coaggregated rapidly and their interaction was similarly inhibited by L1 and N-CAM antibodies. These results indicate that L1 is involved in two types of binding mechanisms. In one type, L1 serves as its own receptor with slow binding kinetics. In the other, L1 is modulated in the presence of N-CAM on one cell (cis-binding) to form a more potent receptor complex for L1 on another cell (trans-binding).  相似文献   

Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is an integral membrane protein, a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, and a ligand for LFA-1, a beta 2 leukocyte integrin. ICAM-1 has a tissue distribution similar to that of the major histocompatibility complex class II antigens and is likely to play a role in inflammatory responses. We have mapped this gene to proximal mouse chromosome 9 by using mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrids and an interspecies backcross. Since human ICAM-1 maps to chromosome 19, it joins the LDL receptor to establish a new conserved syntenic segment between human chromosome 19 and proximal mouse chromosome 9. Murine Icam-1 maps between Cbl-2 and the centromere in the same region as one of the susceptibility genes for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (Idd-2) that is postulated to play a role in immune function and inflammation leading to insulitis. The mapping of Icam-1 to the region known to contain the Idd-2 gene raises the question of whether the phenotypic differences attributed to the Idd-2 locus might be due to genetic variation in Icam-1.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of a neural cell adhesion molecule   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The phylogeny of adhesion among cells derived from neural tissue has been examined using a combination of functional and immunological analyses. The presence of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) was evaluated with respect to NCAM-specific antigenic determinants attached to a polypeptide chain with appropriate electrophoretic properties. By these criteria, NCAM-like molecules were detected in all embryonic and adult vertebrates tested, and an adult mollusc, but not in an adult insect, crustacean, or nematode. The functional assays measured adhesiveness by simple aggregation of neural membrane vesicles, as well as by NCAM-specific binding between membranes from different species. The presence of the NCAM antigen in vertebrate membranes correlated with binding activity in both the NCAM-specific and general adhesion assays, implying that the adhesiveness of these membranes largely reflects NCAM-mediated binding. The results also indicate that NCAM function has been conserved during the evolution of vertebrates, and supports the possibility that mechanisms of nerve-nerve, nerve-muscle, and nerve-glial interaction, which have been demonstrated previously to involve NCAM, may be similar for many chordates. Whereas NCAM was not detected in adult fly and worm, these species did express NCAM-like antigens transiently during early development. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that NCAM is required during several periods of development, and that the functions of this molecule in nematodes and insects may be distinct from or a subset of those that occur in vertebrates. The expanded role of the molecule represented by its expression during later stages of vertebrate development may thus have been an important contribution to the evolution of chordates.  相似文献   

L1-mediated axon growth involves intracellular signaling, but the precise mechanisms involved are not yet clear. We report a role for the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade in L1 signaling. L1 physically associates with the MAPK cascade components Raf-1, ERK2, and the previously identified p90(rsk) in brain. In vitro, ERK2 can phosphorylate L1 at Ser(1204) and Ser(1248) of the L1 cytoplasmic domain. These two serines are conserved in the L1 family of cell adhesion molecules, also being found in neurofascin and NrCAM. The ability of ERK2 to phosphorylate L1 suggests that L1 signaling could directly regulate L1 function by phosphorylation of the L1 cytoplasmic domain. In L1-expressing 3T3 cells, L1 cross-linking can activate ERK2. Remarkably, the activated ERK localizes with endocytosed vesicular L1 rather than cell surface L1, indicating that L1 internalization and signaling are coupled. Inhibition of L1 internalization with dominant-negative dynamin prevents activation of ERK. These results show that L1-generated signals activate the MAPK cascade in a manner most likely to be important in regulating L1 intracellular trafficking.  相似文献   

Ethanol may cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in part by inhibiting cell adhesion mediated by the L1 neural cell adhesion molecule. Azialcohols photolabel Glu-33 and Tyr-418, two residues that are predicted by homology modeling to lie within 2.8 Å of each other at the interface between the Ig1 and Ig4 domains of L1 (Arevalo, E., Shanmugasundararaj, S., Wilkemeyer, M. F., Dou, X., Chen, S., Charness, M. E., and Miller, K. W. (2008) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 371–375). Using transient transfection of NIH/3T3 cells with wild type (WT-L1) and mutated L1, we found that cysteine substitution of both residues (E33C/Y418C-L1) significantly increased L1 adhesion above levels observed for WT-L1 or the single cysteine substitutions E33C-L1 or Y418C-L1. The reducing agent β-mercaptoethanol (βME) reversibly decreased the adhesion of E33C/Y418C-L1, but had no effect on WT-L1, E33C-L1, or Y418C-L1. Thus, disulfide bond formation occurs between Cys-33 and Cys-418, confirming both the close proximity of these residues and the importance of Ig1-Ig4 interactions in L1 adhesion. Maximal ethanol inhibition of cell adhesion was significantly lower in cells expressing E33C/Y418C-L1 than in those expressing WT-L1, E33C-L1, or Y418C-L1. Moreover, the effects of βME and ethanol on E33C/Y418C-L1 adhesion were non-additive. The cutoff for alcohol inhibition of WT-L1 adhesion was between 1-butanol and 1-pentanol. Increasing the size of the alcohol binding pocket by mutating Glu-33 to Ala-33, increased the alcohol cutoff from 1-butanol to 1-decanol. These findings support the hypothesis that alcohol binding within a pocket bordered by Glu-33 and Tyr-418 inhibits L1 adhesion by disrupting the Ig1-Ig4 interaction.  相似文献   

The genes encoding apolipoproteins AI, CIII, and AIV, three plasma proteins involved in lipid metabolism, are clustered within a 15-kb DNA segment (apoAI-CIII-AIV gene cluster) located on human chromosome 11 at band q23. The gene encoding the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), a cell surface glycoprotein involved in cell-cell recognition during morphogenesis, is also located on chromosome 11, band q23. In this report, 12 previously described restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in the apoAI-CIII-AIV gene cluster were tested for cosegregation with a newly identified BamHI RFLP in the NCAM gene using 13 families. The results show that the apoAI-CIII-AIV gene cluster and the NCAM gene loci are linked with a maximum lod score of 15.9 at a recombination fraction of 0.028. In addition, an approach for the most efficient use of the apoAI-CIII-AIV gene cluster polymorphisms, based on the evaluation of their individual and cumulative heterozygosities, is presented.  相似文献   

Transmembrane forms of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM140, NCAM180(1)) are key regulators of neuronal development. The extracellular domain of NCAM can occur as a soluble protein in normal brain, and its levels are elevated in neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia; however the mechanism of ectodomain release is obscure. Ectodomain shedding of NCAM140, releasing a fragment of 115 kD, was found to be induced in NCAM-transfected L-fibroblasts by the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor pervanadate, but not phorbol esters. Pervanadate-induced shedding was mediated by a disintegrin metalloprotease (ADAM), regulated by ERK1/2 MAP kinase. In primary cortical neurons, NCAM was shed at high levels, and the metalloprotease inhibitor GM6001 significantly increased NCAM-dependent neurite branching and outgrowth. Moreover, NCAM-dependent neurite outgrowth and branching were inhibited in neurons isolated from a transgenic mouse model of NCAM shedding. These results suggest that regulated metalloprotease-induced ectodomain shedding of NCAM down-regulates neurite branching and neurite outgrowth. Thus, increased levels of soluble NCAM in schizophrenic brain have the potential to impair neuronal connectivity.  相似文献   

The N-glycosylation pattern of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), isolated from brains of newborn mice, has been analyzed. Following digestion with trypsin, generated glycopeptides were fractionated by serial immunoaffinity chromatography using immobilized monoclonal antibodies specifically recognizing polysialic acid (PSA) units or the HNK1-carbohydrate epitope. Subsequent analyses of the resulting (glyco)peptides by Edman degradation and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) revealed polysialylated glycans to be exclusively linked to glycosylation sites 5 (Asn(431)) and 6 (Asn(460)), whereas glycans carrying the HNK1-epitope could be assigned to sites 2 (Asn(297)), 5, 6, and, to a lesser extent, site 3 (Asn(329)). PSA-, HNK1-, and non-PSA/HNK1-glycan fractions were characterized by carbohydrate constituent and methylation analyses as well as MALDI-TOF-MS in conjunction with chromatographic fractionation techniques. The results revealed that the core structures of PSA-glycans represented predominantly fucosylated, partially sulfated 2,6-branched isomers of triantennary as well as tetraantennary complex-type glycans, whereas carbohydrate chains bearing the HNK1-epitope were dominated by diantennary species carrying in part bisecting GlcNAc residues. Non-PSA/HNK1-glycans exhibited a highly heterogeneous pattern of partially truncated, mostly diantennary structures being characterized by the presence of additional fucose, bisecting GlcNAc and/or sulfate residues. In conclusion, our results revealed that the glycosylation pattern of murine NCAM displays high structural and regional selectivity, which might play an important role in controlling the biological activities of this molecule.  相似文献   

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