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When Ca2+ binds to troponin C (TnC), all 26 troponin-tropomyosin (Tn-Tm) complexes of a regulatory strand change in concert from the inactive to the active configuration. To see if the complexes respond similarly when they are activated by rigor crossbridges in the absence of Ca2+, we determined the slope (ns) of the bell-shaped pS/tension (pS = -log [MgATP], where S = MgATP2-) relationship between pS 5, where the tension is maximal, and pS 2.3, where fibers are fully relaxed. In control skinned rabbit psoas fibers the ns value is greater than 4; it progressively decreases with TnC extraction. This decrease in ns with TnC extraction is analogous to the decrease in the slope (Hill coefficient) of the pCa/tension (pCa = -log [Ca2+]) relationship with extraction. Complete TnC extraction reduces the maximum substrate-induced tension by only 25%; in contrast, it reduces the maximum Ca2+ induced tension to zero. The effects of TnC extraction on the slope of the pS/tension curve are explained by the assumptions that (1) extracted Tn-Tm complexes no longer change in concert with their neighbors but change independently of them, and (2) co-operative signals cannot cross extracted Tn-Tm complexes. The ns value, therefore, like the nH, is a direct function of the number of contiguous, intact, Tn-Tm complexes in a stretch of a regulatory strand. To describe qualitatively the bi-phasic pS/tension relationship, the mono-phasic pCa/tension relationship, and the effects of TnC extraction on them, we introduce a version of the concerted-transition formalism which includes two activating ligands, Ca2+ and rigor crossbridges.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional image of the "rigor" complex of actin and chymotryptic myosin subfragment-1 was reconstituted from electron micrographs of negatively stained specimens. Data went out to 20 A radially and 26 A axially. The reconstituted images allowed us to deduce the angle between the major axis of the main part of myosin subfragment-1 and the axis of the actin helix. The subfragment-1 molecules were attached to the actin filament in a configuration in which they were tilted by only about 15 degrees from the plane perpendicular to the axis of the actin helix. The implication of the smaller tilt angle than the commonly accepted value is discussed.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) with a molar excess of actin in vitro reveals the presence of an actin-S1-actin complex. It is absolutely essential that actin be present in molar excess over S1 so that the decoration of F-actin with S1 be incomplete. However, the excess of actin may not be available in the overlap zone of sarcomeres of skeletal muscle. We therefore found it necessary to test for the presence of the actin-S1-actin complex in vivo. Myofibrils from rabbit skeletal muscle were reacted with zero-length cross-linker, the products were resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and analyzed by Western blots using antibodies against actin and against heavy and light chains of myosin. The cross-linking produced the evidence of formation of actin-S1-actin complex.  相似文献   

X-ray patterns from frog skeletal muscles at rest show a series of relatively weak meridional reflections which may be indexed as the 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 orders of the repeat period of about 2 x 385 A. According to the model of the thin filaments structure, suggested by V. V. Lednev and G. M. Frank (1977), this period is specific for the activated or "switched on" state of the actin--containing filaments. At the same time, according to the generally accepted model (suggested in 1972), the axial repeat period of the thin filament structure is approximately equal to 385 A and does not depend on the functional state of the muscle. The existence of the repeat period of about 2 x 385 A in the thin filaments of a resting muscle suggests that even at rest the thin filaments of vertebrate skeletal muscle are not completely inhibited. It may be suggested that partial activation of the thin filaments in a resting muscle is the result of formation of long life rigorlike crossbridges, the existence of which was postulated by D. K. Hill in 1968 on the basis of his studies on resting tension in the frog skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

We have used actin labelled in Cys-374 with N-(1-pyrenyl)iodoacetamide to monitor the dynamics and equilibria of the interaction between myosin subfragment 1 and the actin-troponin-tropomyosin complex in the presence of calcium. These results are compared with those obtained for pure actin and myosin subfragment 1. The sensitivity of this fluorescent label allowed us to measure the binding affinity of myosin subfragment 1 for actin directly by fluorescence titration. The affinity of subfragment 1 for actin is increased sixfold by troponin-tropomyosin in the presence of calcium. Kinetic studies of the interaction of subfragment 1 and actin have revealed an isomerization of the actin-subfragment 1 complex from a state in which actin is weakly bound (Ka = 5.9 X 10(4) M-1) to a more tightly bound complex (Ka = 1.7 X 10(7) M-1) (Coates, Criddle & Geeves (1985) Biochem. J. 232, 351). Results in the presence of troponin-tropomyosin show the same isomerization. The sixfold increase in affinity of subfragment 1 for actin is shown to be due to a decrease in the rate of dissociation of actin from the weakly bound complex.  相似文献   

For the purpose of determining net interactions between actin and myosin filaments in muscle cells, perhaps the single most informative view of the myofilament lattice is its averaged axial projection. We have studied frozen-hydrated transverse thin sections with the goal of obtaining axial projections that are not subject to the limitations of conventional thin sectioning (suspect preservation of native structure) or of equatorial x-ray diffraction analysis (lack of experimental phases). In principle, good preservation of native structure may be achieved with fast freezing, followed by low-dose electron imaging of unstained vitrified cryosections. In practice, however, cryosections undergo large-scale distortions, including irreversible compression; furthermore, phase contrast imaging results in a nonlinear relationship between the projected density of the specimen and the optical density of the micrograph. To overcome these limitations, we have devised methods of image restoration and generalized correlation averaging, and applied them to cryosections of rabbit psoas fibers in both the relaxed and rigor states. Thus visualized, myosin filaments appear thicker than actin filaments by a much smaller margin than in conventional thin sections, and particularly so for rigor muscle. This may result from a significant fraction of the myosin S1-cross-bridges averaging out in projection and thus contributing only to the baseline of projected density. Entering rigor incurs a loss of density from an annulus around the myosin filament, with a compensating accumulation of density around the actin filament. This redistribution of mass represents attachment of the fraction of cross-bridges that are visible above background. Myosin filaments in the "nonoverlap" zone appear to broaden on entering rigor, suggesting that on deprivation of ATP, cross-bridges in situ move outwards even without actin in their immediate proximity.  相似文献   

Calcium binding by rabbit skeletal myosin, thin filaments and myofibrils was measured in solutions with and without 2 mM MgATP and with ionic strengths adjusted with KCl to 0.05, 0.10 and 0.14 M. Free Mg2+ was held constant at 1 mM, pH at 7.0 and temperature at 25 °C. In the presence of MgATP, the relation between free Ca2+ and myofibrillar bound calcium shifted to the left as ionic strength was decreased from 0.14 to 0.05 M. In the absence of MgATP, myofibrillar calcium binding was enhanced over a wide range of free Ca2+ concentration, but calcium binding was no longer a function of ionic strength. Similarly, calcium binding by thin filaments and myosin was unaffected by changes in ionic strength from 0.05 to 0.14 M. In view of evidence that cross-bridge connections between thick and thin filaments increase as ionic strength decreases, our results suggest that these connections enhance myofibrillar calcium binding. These results thus confirm previous data of Bremel and Weber (Bremel, R. D. and Weber, A. (1972) Nature New Biol. 238, 97–101) who first showed that nucleotide-free cross-bridge connections enhance thin filament calcium binding.  相似文献   

Interaction of isolated bacterial flagellum filaments (BFF) and intact flagella from E. coli MS 1350 and B. brevis G.-B.p+ with rabbit skeletal myosin was studied. BFF were shown to coprecipitate with myosin (but not with isolated myosin rod) at low ionic strength, that is, under conditions of myosin aggregation. The data of electron microscopy indicate that filaments of intact bacterial flagella interact with isolated myosin heads (myosin subfragment 1, S1), and this interaction is fully prevented by addition of Mg2+ -ATP. Addition of BFF inhibited both K+ -EDTA- and Ca2+ -ATPase activity of skeletal muscle myosin, but had no effect on its Mg2+ -ATPase activity. Monomeric flagellin did not coprecipitate with myosin and had no effect on its ATPase activities. BFF were shown to compete with F-actin in myosin binding. It is concluded that BFF interact with myosin heads and affect their ATPase activity. Thus, BFF composed of a single protein flagellin are in many respects similar to actin filaments. Common origin of actin and flagellin may be a reason for this similarity.  相似文献   

T Tao  M Lamkin 《FEBS letters》1984,168(1):169-173
Rabbit skeletal tropomyosin was labeled with the bifunctional photoactivatable crosslinker N-succinimidyl-6- (4'-azido-2'-nitrophenylamino)hexanoate. After irradiating the rigor complex composed of myosin subfragment-1, crosslinker-labeled tropomyosin, and F-actin, a crosslinked product was formed. This product was identified as a 1:1 adduct of tropomyosin and subfragment-1. This finding is in support of recent structural studies which suggest that tropomyosin and subfragment-1 are in close proximity to each other, and may be relevant to the mechanism of thin filament regulation.  相似文献   

Extraction of troponin C (TnC) from skinned muscle fibers reduces maximum Ca2+ and rigor cross-bridge (RXB)-activated tensions and reduces cooperativity between neighboring regulatory units (one troponin-tropomyosin complex and the seven associated actins) of thin filaments. This suggests that TnC has a determining role in RXB, as well as in Ca(2+)-dependent activation processes. To investigate this possibility further, we replaced fast TnC (fTnC) of rabbit psoas fibers with either CaM[3,4TnC] or cardiac TnC (cTnC) and compared the effects of these substitutions on Ca2+ and RXB activation of tension. CaM[3,4TnC] substitution has the same effect on Ca(2+)- and RXB-activated tensions; they are reduced 50%, and cooperativity between regulatory units is reduced 40%. cTnC substitution also reduces the maximum Ca(2+)-activated tension and cooperativity. But with RXB activation the effects on tension and cooperativity are opposite; cTnC substitution potentiates tension but reduces cooperativity. We considered whether tension potentiation could be explained by increased activation by cycling cross-bridges (CXBs), but the concerted transition formalism predicts fibers will fail to relax in high substrate and high pCa when CXBs are activator ligands. It predicts resting tension, which is not observed in either control or cTnC-substituted fibers. Rather, it appears that cTnC facilitates RXB activation of fast fibers more effectively than fTnC. The order of RXB-activated tension facilitation is cTnC > fTnC > CaM[3,4TnC] > empty TnC-binding sites. Comparison of the structures of fTnC, CaM[3,4TnC], and cTnC indicates that the critical region for this property lies in the central helix or N-terminal domain, including EF hand motifs 1 and 2.  相似文献   

All myosin heads form bonds with actin in rigor rabbit skeletal muscle   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
R Cooke  K Franks 《Biochemistry》1980,19(10):2265-2269

Summary The ultrastructural study of cross sections of normal skeletal muscle cells showed the existence of irregular patterns of actin filaments in connection with the hexagonal pattern of the myosin filaments. The actin filaments surrounding each myosin filament vary in number from 6 to 11. The most frequent relationship is 9 to 1, followed by 10 to 1 and 8 to 1. The hexagonal pattern of actin filaments was observed only in the 6 to 1 arrays; as the actin filaments increase in number, they tend to form different polygons or circles around the myosin filaments. All described patterns may occur in each sarcomere. The actin to myosin filament ratio varies from 3 to 4 within each individual myofibril. The described variability of the actin filaments arrays leads to several difficulties in an explanation of the mechanism of muscular contraction.Director, Chief of Section, Histology. Profesor Agregado de Embriología e HistologíaProfesor Adjunto de Embriología e HistologíaResidente de Anatomía Patol'ogica de la Ciudad Sanitaria La Paz  相似文献   

Striated muscle contraction is a highly cooperative process initiated by Ca2+ binding to the troponin complex, which leads to tropomyosin movement and myosin cross-bridge (XB) formation along thin filaments. Experimental and computational studies suggest skeletal muscle fiber activation is greatly augmented by cooperative interactions between neighboring thin filament regulatory units (RU-RU cooperativity; 1 RU = 7 actin monomers+1 troponin complex+1 tropomyosin molecule). XB binding can also amplify thin filament activation through interactions with RUs (XB-RU cooperativity). Because these interactions occur with a temporal order, they can be considered kinetic forms of cooperativity. Our previous spatially-explicit models illustrated that mechanical forms of cooperativity also exist, arising from XB-induced XB binding (XB-XB cooperativity). These mechanical and kinetic forms of cooperativity are likely coordinated during muscle contraction, but the relative contribution from each of these mechanisms is difficult to separate experimentally. To investigate these contributions we built a multi-filament model of the half sarcomere, allowing RU activation kinetics to vary with the state of neighboring RUs or XBs. Simulations suggest Ca2+ binding to troponin activates a thin filament distance spanning 9 to 11 actins and coupled RU-RU interactions dominate the cooperative force response in skeletal muscle, consistent with measurements from rabbit psoas fibers. XB binding was critical for stabilizing thin filament activation, particularly at submaximal Ca2+ levels, even though XB-RU cooperativity amplified force less than RU-RU cooperativity. Similar to previous studies, XB-XB cooperativity scaled inversely with lattice stiffness, leading to slower rates of force development as stiffness decreased. Including RU-RU and XB-RU cooperativity in this model resulted in the novel prediction that the force-[Ca2+] relationship can vary due to filament and XB compliance. Simulations also suggest kinetic forms of cooperativity occur rapidly and dominate early to get activation, while mechanical forms of cooperativity act more slowly, augmenting XB binding as force continues to develop.  相似文献   

The distribution of myosin heads on the surface of frog skeletal muscle thick filaments has been determined by computer processing of electron micrographs of isolated filaments stained with tannic acid and uranyl acetate. The heads are arranged in three strands but not in a strictly helical manner and so the structure has cylindrical symmetry. This accounts for the "forbidden" meridional reflections seen in diffraction patterns. Each layer-line therefore represents the sum of terms of Bessel orders 0, +/- 3, +/- 6, +/- 9 and so on. These terms interact so that, unlike a helical object without terms from overlapping Bessel orders, as the azimuth is changed, the amplitude on a layer-line at a particular radius varies substantially and its phase does not alter linearly. Consequently, a three-dimensional reconstruction cannot be produced from a single view. We have therefore used tilt series of three individual filaments to decompose the data on layer-lines 0 to 6 into terms of Bessel orders up to +/- 9 using a least-squares procedure. These data had a least-squares residual of 0.32 and enabled a three-dimensional reconstruction to be obtained at a nominal resolution of 6 nm. This showed, at a radius of about 10 nm, three strands of projecting morphological units with three units spaced along each strand every 42.9 nm axially. We have identified these units with pairs of myosin heads. Successive units along a strand are perturbed axially, azimuthally and radially from the positions expected if the structure was perfectly helical. This may simply be a consequence of steric restrictions in packing the heads on the thick filament surface, but could also reflect an underlying non-helical arrangement of myosin tails, which would be consistent with the thick filament shaft being constructed from three subfilaments in which the tails were arranged regularly. There was also material at a radius of about 6 nm spaced 42.9 nm axially, which we tentatively identified with accessory proteins. The filament shaft had a pronounced pattern of axial staining.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle myosin copurifies with myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) and calmodulin (CaM) as well as with variable amounts of myosin phosphatase. Therefore, myosin filaments formed in vitro also contain relatively high levels of these enzymes. Thus these filaments may be considered to be native-like because they are similar to those expected to exist in vivo. These endogenous enzymes are present at high concentrations relative to myosin, sufficient for rapid phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the filaments at rates comparable to those observed for contraction and relaxation in intact muscle strips. The phosphorylation by MLCK/CaM complex appears to exhibit some directionality and is not governed by a random diffusional process. For the mixtures of myosin filaments with and without the endogenous MLCK/CaM complex, the complex preferentially phosphorylates its own parent filament at a higher rate than the neighboring filaments. This selective or vectorial-like activation is lost or absent when myosin filaments are dissolved at high ionic strength. Similar vectorial-like activation is exhibited by the reconstituted filament suspensions, but the soluble systems composed of isolated regulatory light chain or soluble myosin head subfragments exhibit normal diffusional kinetic behavior. At physiological concentrations, kinase related protein (telokin) effectively modulates the activation process by reducing the phosphorylation rate of the filaments without affecting the overall phosphorylation level. This results from telokin-induced liberation of the active MLCK/CaM complex from the filaments, so that the latter can also activate the neighboring filaments via a slower diffusional process. When this complex is bound at insufficient levels, this actually results in acceleration of the initial phosphorylation rates. In short, I suggest that in smooth muscle, telokin plays a chaperone role for myosin and its filaments.  相似文献   

Muscle needs an elastic framework to maintain its mechanical stability. Removal of thin filaments in rabbit skeletal muscle with plasma gelsolin has revealed the essential features of elastic filaments. The selective removal of thin filaments was confirmed by staining with phalloidin-rhodamine for fluorescence microscopy, examination of arrowhead formation with myosin subfragment 1 by electron microscopy, and analysis by SDS-PAGE. Thin section electron microscopy revealed the elastic fine filaments (approximately 4 nm in diameter) connecting thick filaments and the Z line. After removal of thin filaments, both rigor stiffness and active tension generation were lost, but the resting tension remained. These observations indicate that the thin filament-free fibers maintain a framework composed of the serial connections of thick filaments, the elastic filaments, and the Z line, which gives passive elasticity to the contractile system of skeletal muscle. The resting tension that remained in the thin filament-free fibers was decreased by mild trypsin treatment. The only protein component that was digested in parallel with the decrease in the resting tension and the disappearance of the elastic filaments was alpha-connectin (also called titin 1), which was transformed from the alpha to the beta form (from titin 1 to 2, respectively). Thus, we conclude that the main protein component of the elastic filaments is alpha-connectin (titin 1).  相似文献   

Rabbit psoas muscle filaments, isolated in relaxing buffer from non-glycerinated muscle, have been applied to hydrophilic carbon films and stained with uranyl acetate. Electron micrographs were obtained under low-dose conditions to minimize specimen damage. Surrounding the filament backbone, except in the bare zone, is a fringe of clearly identifiable myosin heads. Frequently, both heads of individual myosin molecules are seen, and sometimes a section of the tail can be seen connecting the heads to the backbone. About half the expected number of heads can be counted, and they are uniformly distributed along the filament. The majority of heads appear curved. The remainder could be curved heads viewed from another aspect. Three times as many heads curve in a clockwise sense than in an anticlockwise sense, suggesting a preferential binding of one side of the head to the carbon film. The two heads of myosin molecules exhibit all the possible combinations of clockwise, anticlockwise and straight heads, and analysis of their relative frequencies suggests that the heads rotate freely and independently. The heads also adopt a wide range of angles of attachment to the tail. The lengths of heads cover a range of 14 to 26 nm, with a peak at 19 nm. The average maximum width is 6.5 nm. Both measurements are in excellent agreement with values for shadowed molecules. Since our data are from heads adsorbed to the film in relaxing conditions and the shadowed molecules were free of nucleotide, gross shape changes are not likely to be produced by nucleotide binding. The length of the link between the heads and the backbone was found to vary between 10 nm and 52 nm, with a broad peak at about 25 nm. Thus, the hinge point detected in the tail of isolated molecules was not usually the point from which the crossbridges swung out from the filament surface. The angle made by the link to the filament axis was between 20 degrees and 80 degrees, with a broad maximum around 45 degrees. These lengths and angles concur with our observation of an average limit of the crossbridges from the filament surface of 30 nm. This is sufficient to enable heads in the myofibril lattice to reach out beyond the nearest thin filament and should allow considerable flexibility for stereospecific binding to actin in active muscle.  相似文献   

Rapid freezing followed by freeze-substitution has been used to study the ultrastructure of the myosin filaments of live and demembranated frog sartorius muscle in the states of relaxation and rigor. Electron microscopy of longitudinal sections of relaxed specimens showed greatly improved preservation of thick filament ultrastructure compared with conventional fixation. This was revealed by the appearance of a clear helical arrangement of myosin crossbridges along the filament surface and by a series of layer line reflections in computed Fourier transforms of sections, corresponding to the layer lines indexing on a 43 nm repeat in X-ray diffraction patterns of whole, living muscles. Filtered images of single myosin filaments were similar to those of negatively stained, isolated vertebrate filaments and consistent with a three-start helix. M-line and other non-myosin proteins were also very well preserved. Rigor specimens showed, in the region of overlapping myosin and actin filaments, periodicities corresponding to the 36, 24, 14.4 and 5.9 nm repeats detected in X-ray patterns of whole muscle in rigor; in the H-zone they showed a disordered array of crossbridges. Transverse sections, whose Fourier transforms extend to the (3, 0) reflection, supported the view, based on X-ray diffraction and conventional electron microscopy, that in the overlap zone of relaxed muscle most of the crossbridges are detached from the thin filaments while in rigor they are attached. We conclude that the rapid freezing technique preserves the molecular structure of the myofilaments closer to the in vivo state (as monitored by X-ray diffraction) than does normal fixation.  相似文献   

The mechanical compliance (reciprocal of stiffness) of thin filaments was estimated from the relative compliance of single, skinned muscle fibers in rigor at sarcomere lengths between 1.8 and 2.4 micron. The compliance of the fibers was calculated as the ratio of sarcomere length change to tension change during imposition of repetitive cycles of small stretches and releases. Fiber compliance decreased as the sarcomere length was decreased below 2.4 micron. The compliance of the thin filaments could be estimated from this decrement because in this range of lengths overlap between the thick and thin filaments is complete and all of the myosin heads bind to the thin filament in rigor. Thus, the compliance of the overlap region of the sarcomere is constant as length is changed and the decrease in fiber compliance is due to decrease of the nonoverlap length of the thin filaments (the I band). The compliance value obtained for the thin filaments implies that at 2.4-microns sarcomere length, the thin filaments contribute approximately 55% of the total sarcomere compliance. Considering that the sarcomeres are approximately 1.25-fold more compliant in active isometric contractions than in rigor, the thin filaments contribute approximately 44% to sarcomere compliance during isometric contraction.  相似文献   

The term nemaline myopathy (NM) encompasses a heterogeneous group of disorders of primary skeletal muscle weakness characterized by the presence of nemaline rods in muscles of affected individuals. Disease severity is variable and unpredictable, with prognosis ranging from neonatal death to almost normal motor function. Recent advances in the identification of NM disease genes demonstrate that NM is a disease of the skeletal muscle sarcomere and, in particular, of the thin filaments. These findings are starting to alter the approach that neurologists and geneticists take to diagnosing and counseling patients with NM, and could lead to insights into specific directed therapies in the future.  相似文献   

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