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I investigate the competition between two quasispecies residing on two disparate neutral networks. Under the assumption that the two neutral networks have different topologies and fitness levels, it is the mutation rate that determines which quasispecies will eventually be driven to extinction. For small mutation rates, I find that the quasispecies residing on the neutral network with the lower replication rate will disappear. For higher mutation rates, however, the faster replicating sequences may be outcompeted by the slower replicating ones if the connection density on the second neutral network is sufficiently high. The analytical results are in excellent agreement with flow-reactor simulations of replicating RNA sequences.  相似文献   

We study with extensive numerical simulation the genealogical process of 2N haploid genetic sequences. The sequences are under selective pressure, and fitness values are assigned at random, but with a tunable degree of correlation to the fitness values of closely related sequences. The genealogies that we observe can be classified into three different categories, corresponding to different regimes of the mutation rate. At low mutation rates, the sequences remain localized around a small number of central sequences, which leads to trees with short pairwise distances and slow turnover of the most recent common ancestor of the population. At high mutation rates, we observe trees similar (but not identical) to those of neutral evolution. In this regime, the population drifts rapidly, and selection does not influence the distribution of fitness values in the population. The third regime, for intermediate mutation rates, is only found in strongly correlated landscapes. It resembles the one for high mutation rates in that the population drifts rapidly, but nevertheless selection still shapes the distribution of fitness values.  相似文献   

A formula is obtained for the probability that two genes at a single locus, sampled at random from a population at time t, are of particular types. The model assumed is a diffusion approximation to a neutral Wright-Fisher model in which mutation is not necessarily symmetric and the population size is a function of time. It is shown that for symmetric mutation in a population undergoing a step-function type bottleneck, homozygosity increases with decreasing population size. A formula is given for the distribution of the number of segregating sites occurring in two randomly sampled sequences of completely linked sites, with general mutation at a site and identical mutation structure between sites.We give similar results for a population of fixed size but for which the mutation rate is a function of time, and not necessarily symmetric. We confirm the intuitively clear effect that increasing the mutation rate decreases homozygosity.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of population size on the key parameters of evolution is particularly important for populations nearing extinction. There are evolutionary pressures to evolve sequences that are both fit and robust. At high mutation rates, individuals with greater mutational robustness can outcompete those with higher fitness. This is survival-of-the-flattest, and has been observed in digital organisms, theoretically, in simulated RNA evolution, and in RNA viruses. We introduce an algorithmic method capable of determining the relationship between population size, the critical mutation rate at which individuals with greater robustness to mutation are favoured over individuals with greater fitness, and the error threshold. Verification for this method is provided against analytical models for the error threshold. We show that the critical mutation rate for increasing haploid population sizes can be approximated by an exponential function, with much lower mutation rates tolerated by small populations. This is in contrast to previous studies which identified that critical mutation rate was independent of population size. The algorithm is extended to diploid populations in a system modelled on the biological process of meiosis. The results confirm that the relationship remains exponential, but show that both the critical mutation rate and error threshold are lower for diploids, rather than higher as might have been expected. Analyzing the transition from critical mutation rate to error threshold provides an improved definition of critical mutation rate. Natural populations with their numbers in decline can be expected to lose genetic material in line with the exponential model, accelerating and potentially irreversibly advancing their decline, and this could potentially affect extinction, recovery and population management strategy. The effect of population size is particularly strong in small populations with 100 individuals or less; the exponential model has significant potential in aiding population management to prevent local (and global) extinction events.  相似文献   

Using a stochastic model of a finite population in which there is mutation to partially recessive detrimental alleles at many loci, we study the effects of population size and linkage between the loci on the population mean fitness and inbreeding depression values. Although linkage between the selected loci decreases the amount of inbreeding depression, neither population size nor recombination rate have strong effects on these quantities, unless extremely small values are assumed. We also investigate how partial linkage between the loci that determine fitness affects the invasion of populations by alleles at a modifier locus that controls the selfing rate. In most of the cases studied, the direction of selection on modifiers was consistent with that found in our previous deterministic calculations. However, there was some evidence that linkage between the modifier locus and the selected loci makes outcrossing less likely to evolve; more losses of alleles promoting outcrossing occurred in runs with linkage than in runs with free recombination. We also studied the fate of neutral alleles introduced into populations carrying detrimental mutations. The times to loss of neutral alleles introduced at low frequency were shorter than those predicted for alleles in the absence of selected loci, taking into account the reduction of the effective population size due to inbreeding. Previous studies have been confined to outbreeding populations, and to alleles at frequencies close to one-half, and have found an effect in the opposite direction. It therefore appears that associations between neutral and selected loci may produce effects that differ according to the initial frequencies of the neutral alleles.  相似文献   

Abstract.— In small or repeatedly bottlenecked populations, mutations are expected to accumulate by genetic drift, causing fitness declines. In mutational meltdown models, such fitness declines further reduce population size, thus accelerating additional mutation accumulation and leading to extinction. Because the rate of mutation accumulation is determined partly by the mutation rate, the risk and rate of meltdown are predicted to increase with increasing mutation rate. We established 12 replicate populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from each of two isogenic strains whose genomewide mutation rates differ by approximately two orders of magnitude. Each population was transferred daily by a fixed dilution that resulted in an effective population size near 250. Fitness declines that reduce growth rates were expected to reduce the numbers of cells transferred after dilution, thus reducing population size and leading to mutational meltdown. Through 175 daily transfers and approximately 2900 generations, two extinctions occurred, both in populations with elevated mutation rates. For one of these populations there is direct evidence that extinction resulted from mutational meltdown: Extinction immediately followed a major fitness decline, and it recurred consistently in replicate populations reestablished from a sample frozen after this fitness decline, but not in populations founded from a predecline sample. Wild‐type populations showed no trend to decrease in size and, on average, they increased in fitness.  相似文献   

H. Araki  H. Tachida 《Genetics》1997,147(2):907-914
Variances of evolutionary rates among lineages in some proteins are larger than those expected from simple Poisson processes. This phenomenon is called overdispersion of the molecular clock. If population size N is constant, the overdispersion is observed only in a limited range of 2Nσ under the nearly neutral mutation model, where σ represents the standard deviation of selection coefficients of new mutants. In this paper, we investigated effects of changing population size on the evolutionary rate by computer simulations assuming the nearly neutral mutation model. The size was changed cyclically between two numbers, N(1) and N(2) (N(1) > N(2)), in the simulations. The overdispersion is observed if 2N(2)σ is less than two and the state of reduced size (bottleneck state) continues for more than ~0.1/u generations, where u is the mutation rate. The overdispersion results mainly because the average fitnesses of only a portion of populations go down when the population size is reduced and only in these populations subsequent advantageous substitutions occur after the population size becomes large. Since the fitness reduction after the bottleneck is stochastic, acceleration of the evolutionary rate does not necessarily occur uniformly among loci. From these results, we argue that the nearly neutral mutation model is a candidate mechanism to explain the overdispersed molecular clock.  相似文献   

M K Kuhner  J Yamato  J Felsenstein 《Genetics》1998,149(1):429-434
We describe a method for co-estimating 4Nemu (four times the product of effective population size and neutral mutation rate) and population growth rate from sequence samples using Metropolis-Hastings sampling. Population growth (or decline) is assumed to be exponential. The estimates of growth rate are biased upwards, especially when 4Nemu is low; there is also a slight upwards bias in the estimate of 4Nemu itself due to correlation between the parameters. This bias cannot be attributed solely to Metropolis-Hastings sampling but appears to be an inherent property of the estimator and is expected to appear in any approach which estimates growth rate from genealogy structure. Sampling additional unlinked loci is much more effective in reducing the bias than increasing the number or length of sequences from the same locus.  相似文献   

Gordo I  Navarro A  Charlesworth B 《Genetics》2002,161(2):835-848
The levels and patterns of variation at a neutral locus are analyzed in a haploid asexual population undergoing accumulation of deleterious mutations due to Muller's ratchet. We find that the movement of Muller's ratchet can be associated with a considerable reduction in genetic diversity below classical neutral expectation. The extent to which variability is reduced is a function of the deleterious mutation rate, the fitness effects of the mutations, and the population size. Approximate analytical expressions for the expected genetic diversity are compared with simulation results under two different models of deleterious mutations: a model where all deleterious mutations have equal effects and a model where there are two classes of deleterious mutations. We also find that Muller's ratchet can produce a considerable distortion in the neutral frequency spectrum toward an excess of rare variants.  相似文献   

The general theories of molecular evolution depend on relatively arbitrary assumptions about the relative distribution and rate of advantageous, deleterious, neutral, and nearly neutral mutations. The Fisher geometrical model (FGM) has been used to make distributions of mutations biologically interpretable. We explored an FGM-based molecular model to represent molecular evolutionary processes typically studied by nearly neutral and selection models, but in which distributions and relative rates of mutations with different selection coefficients are a consequence of biologically interpretable parameters, such as the average size of the phenotypic effect of mutations and the number of traits (complexity) of organisms. A variant of the FGM-based model that we called the static regime (SR) represents evolution as a nearly neutral process in which substitution rates are determined by a dynamic substitution process in which the population's phenotype remains around a suboptimum equilibrium fitness produced by a balance between slightly deleterious and slightly advantageous compensatory substitutions. As in previous nearly neutral models, the SR predicts a negative relationship between molecular evolutionary rate and population size; however, SR does not have the unrealistic properties of previous nearly neutral models such as the narrow window of selection strengths in which they work. In addition, the SR suggests that compensatory mutations cannot explain the high rate of fixations driven by positive selection currently found in DNA sequences, contrary to what has been previously suggested. We also developed a generalization of SR in which the optimum phenotype can change stochastically due to environmental or physiological shifts, which we called the variable regime (VR). VR models evolution as an interplay between adaptive processes and nearly neutral steady-state processes. When strong environmental fluctuations are incorporated, the process becomes a selection model in which evolutionary rate does not depend on population size, but is critically dependent on the complexity of organisms and mutation size. For SR as well as VR we found that key parameters of molecular evolution are linked by biological factors, and we showed that they cannot be fixed independently by arbitrary criteria, as has usually been assumed in previous molecular evolutionary models.  相似文献   

The probability distribution of the number of mutant cells in a growing single-cell population is presented in explicit form. We use a discrete model for mutation and population growth which in the limit of large cell numbers and small mutation rates reduces to certain classical models of the Luria-Delbrück distribution. Our results hold for arbitrarily large values of the mutation rate and for cell populations of arbitrary size. We discuss the influence of cell death on fluctuation experiments and investigate a version of our model that accounts for the possibility that both daughter cells of a non-mutant cell might be mutants. An algorithm is presented for the quick calculation of the distribution. Then, we focus on the derivation of two essentially different limit laws, the first of which applies if the population size tends to infinity while the mutation rate tends to zero such that the product of mutation rate times population size converges. The second limit law emerges after a suitable rescaling of the distribution of non-mutant cells in the population and applies if the product of mutation rate times population size tends to infinity. We discuss the distribution of mutation events for arbitrary values of the mutation rate and cell populations of arbitrary size, and, finally, consider limit laws for this distribution with respect to the behavior of the product of mutation rate times population size. Thus, the present paper substantially extends results due to Lea and Coulson (1949), Bartlett (1955), Stewart et al. (1990), and others.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between the average fitness decay due to single mutations and the strength of epistatic interactions in genetic sequences. We observe that epistatic interactions between mutations are correlated to the average fitness decay, both in RNA secondary structure prediction as well as in digital organisms replicating in silico. This correlation implies that, during adaptation, epistasis and average mutational effect cannot be optimized independently. In experiments with RNA sequences evolving on a neutral network, the selective pressure to decrease the mutational load then leads to a reduction in the amount of sequences with strong antagonistic interactions between deleterious mutations in the population.  相似文献   

Models of molecular evolution tend to be overly simplistic caricatures of biology that are prone to assigning high probabilities to biologically implausible DNA or protein sequences. Here, we explore how to construct time-reversible evolutionary models that yield stationary distributions of sequences that match given target distributions. By adopting comparatively realistic target distributions,evolutionary models can be improved. Instead of focusing on estimating parameters, we concentrate on the population genetic implications of these models. Specifically, we obtain estimates of the product of effective population size and relative fitness difference of alleles. The approach is illustrated with two applications to protein-coding DNA. In the first, a codon-based evolutionary model yields a stationary distribution of sequences, which, when the sequences are translated,matches a variable-length Markov model trained on human proteins. In the second, we introduce an insertion-deletion model that describes selectively neutral evolutionary changes to DNA. We then show how to modify the neutral model so that its stationary distribution at the amino acid level can match a profile hidden Markov model, such as the one associated with the Pfam database.  相似文献   

Folding of RNA sequences into secondary structures is viewed as a map that assigns a uniquely defined base pairing pattern to every sequence. The mapping is non-invertible since many sequences fold into the same minimum free energy (secondary) structure or shape. The pre-images of this map, called neutral networks, are uniquely associated with the shapes and vice versa. Random graph theory is used to construct networks in sequence space which are suitable models for neutral networks. The theory of molecular quasispecies has been applied to replication and mutation on single-peak fitness landscapes. This concept is extended by considering evolution on degenerate multi-peak landscapes which originate from neutral networks by assuming that one particular shape is fitter than all the others. On such a single-shape landscape the superior fitness value is assigned to all sequences belonging to the master shape. All other shapes are lumped together and their fitness values are averaged in a way that is reminiscent of mean field theory. Replication and mutation on neutral networks are modeled by phenomenological rate equations as well as by a stochastic birth-and-death model. In analogy to the error threshold in sequence space the phenotypic error threshold separates two scenarios: (i) a stationary (fittest) master shape surrounded by closely related shapes and (ii) populations drifting through shape space by a diffusion-like process. The error classes of the quasispecies model are replaced by distance classes between the master shape and the other structures. Analytical results are derived for single-shape landscapes, in particular, simple expressions are obtained for the mean fraction of master shapes in a population and for phenotypic error thresholds. The analytical results are complemented by data obtained from computer simulation of the underlying stochastic processes. The predictions of the phenomenological approach on the single-shape landscape are very well reproduced by replication and mutation kinetics of tRNA(phe). Simulation of the stochastic process at a resolution of individual distance classes yields data which are in excellent agreement with the results derived from the birth-and-death model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the evolution of the mutation rate for simple organisms in dynamic environments. A model based on explicit population dynamics at the gene sequence level, with multiple fitness coding loci tracking a moving fitness peak in a random fitness background, is developed and an analytical expression for the optimal mutation rate is derived. The optimal mutation rate per genome is approximately independent of genome length, something that has been observed in nature. Furthermore, the optimal mutation rate is a function of the absolute, not relative, replication rate of the superior gene sequences. Simulations confirm the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Weissman DB  Feldman MW  Fisher DS 《Genetics》2010,186(4):1389-1410
Biological traits result in part from interactions between different genetic loci. This can lead to sign epistasis, in which a beneficial adaptation involves a combination of individually deleterious or neutral mutations; in this case, a population must cross a "fitness valley" to adapt. Recombination can assist this process by combining mutations from different individuals or retard it by breaking up the adaptive combination. Here, we analyze the simplest fitness valley, in which an adaptation requires one mutation at each of two loci to provide a fitness benefit. We present a theoretical analysis of the effect of recombination on the valley-crossing process across the full spectrum of possible parameter regimes. We find that low recombination rates can speed up valley crossing relative to the asexual case, while higher recombination rates slow down valley crossing, with the transition between the two regimes occurring when the recombination rate between the loci is approximately equal to the selective advantage provided by the adaptation. In large populations, if the recombination rate is high and selection against single mutants is substantial, the time to cross the valley grows exponentially with population size, effectively meaning that the population cannot acquire the adaptation. Recombination at the optimal (low) rate can reduce the valley-crossing time by up to several orders of magnitude relative to that in an asexual population.  相似文献   

Unraveling the factors that determine the rate of adaptation is a major question in evolutionary biology. One key parameter is the effect of a new mutation on fitness, which invariably depends on the environment and genetic background. The fate of a mutation also depends on population size, which determines the amount of drift it will experience. Here, we manipulate both population size and genotype composition and follow adaptation of 23 distinct Escherichia coli genotypes. These have previously accumulated mutations under intense genetic drift and encompass a substantial fitness variation. A simple rule is uncovered: the net fitness change is negatively correlated with the fitness of the genotype in which new mutations appear—a signature of epistasis. We find that Fisher's geometrical model can account for the observed patterns of fitness change and infer the parameters of this model that best fit the data, using Approximate Bayesian Computation. We estimate a genomic mutation rate of 0.01 per generation for fitness altering mutations, albeit with a large confidence interval, a mean fitness effect of mutations of ?0.01, and an effective number of traits nine in mutS? E. coli. This framework can be extended to confront a broader range of models with data and test different classes of fitness landscape models.  相似文献   

Recombination has the potential to facilitate adaptation. In spite of the substantial body of theory on the impact of recombination on the evolutionary dynamics of adapting populations, empirical evidence to test these theories is still scarce. We examined the effect of recombination on adaptation on a large-scale empirical fitness landscape in HIV-1 based on in vitro fitness measurements. Our results indicate that recombination substantially increases the rate of adaptation under a wide range of parameter values for population size, mutation rate and recombination rate. The accelerating effect of recombination is stronger for intermediate mutation rates but increases in a monotonic way with the recombination rates and population sizes that we examined. We also found that both fitness effects of individual mutations and epistatic fitness interactions cause recombination to accelerate adaptation. The estimated epistasis in the adapting populations is significantly negative. Our results highlight the importance of recombination in the evolution of HIV-I.  相似文献   

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