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The conformation of NAD bound to diphtheria toxin (DT), an ADP-ribosylating enzyme, has been compared to the conformations of NAD(P) bound to 23 distinct NAD(P)-binding oxidoreductase enzymes, whose structures are available in the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank. For the oxidoreductase enzymes, NAD(P) functions as a cofactor in electron transfer, whereas for DT, NAD is a labile substrate in which the N-glycosidic bond between the nicotinamide ring and the N-ribose is cleaved. All NAD(P) conformations were compared by (1) visual inspection of superimposed molecules, (2) RMSD of atomic positions, (3) principal component analysis, and (4) analysis of torsion angles and other conformational parameters. Whereas the majority of oxidoreductase-bound NAD(P) conformations are found to be similar, the conformation of NAD bound to DT is found to be unusual. Distinctive features of the conformation of NAD bound to DT that may be relevant to DT''s function as an ADP-ribosylating enzyme include (1) an unusually short distance between the PN and N1N atoms, reflecting a highly folded conformation for the nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) portion of NAD, and (2) a torsion angle chi N approximately 0 degree about the scissile N-glycosidic bond, placing the nicotinamide ring outside of the preferred anti and syn orientations. In NAD bound to DT, the highly folded NMN conformation and torsion angle chi N approximately 0 degree could contribute to catalysis, possibly by orienting the C1''N atom of NAD for nucleophilic attack, or by placing strain on the N-glycosidic bond, which is cleaved by DT. The unusual overall conformation of NAD bound to DT is likely to reflect the structure of DT, which is unusual among NAD(P)-binding enzymes. In DT, the NAD binding site is formed at the junction of two antiparallel beta-sheets. In contrast, although the 24 oxidoreductase enzymes belong to at least six different structural classes, almost all of them bind NAD(P) at the C-terminal end of a parallel beta-sheet. The structural alignments and principal component analysis show that enzymes of the same structural class bind to particularly similar conformations of NAD(P), with few exceptions. The conformation of NAD bound to DT superimposes closely with that of an NAD analogue bound to Pseudomonas exotoxin A, an ADP-ribosylating toxin that is structurally homologous to DT. This suggests that all of the ADP-ribosylating enzymes that are structurally homologous to DT and ETA will bind a highly similar conformation of NAD.  相似文献   

The first identified covalent flavoprotein, a component of mammalian succinate dehydrogenase, was reported 42 years ago. Since that time, more than 20 covalent flavoenzymes have been described, each possessing one of five modes of FAD or FMN linkage to protein. Despite the early identification of covalent flavoproteins, the mechanisms of covalent bond formation and the roles of the covalent links are only recently being appreciated. The main focus of this review is, therefore, one of mechanism and function, in addition to surveying the types of linkage observed and the methods employed for their identification. Case studies are presented for a variety of covalent flavoenzymes, from which general findings are beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

Biological reduction of carcinogenic chromate has been extensively studied in eukaryotic cells partly because the reduction produces stable chromium(III)-DNA adducts, which are mutagenic. Microbial reduction of chromate has been studied for bioremediation purposes, but little is known about the reduction mechanism. In eukaryotic cells chromate is mainly reduced non-enzymatically by ascorbate, which is usually absent in bacterial cells. We have characterized the reduction of chromate by a flavin reductase (Fre) from Escherichia coli with flavins. The Fre-flavin system rapidly reduced chromate, whereas chemical reduction by NADH and glutathione was very slow. Thus, enzymatic chromate reduction is likely the dominant mechanism in bacterial cells. Furthermore, the end-product was a soluble and stable Cr(III)-NAD(+) complex, instead of Cr(III) precipitate. Since intracellularly generated Cr(III) forms adducts with DNA, protein, glutathione, and ascorbate in eukaryotic cells, we suggest that the produced Cr(III) is primarily complexed to NAD(+), DNA, and other cellular components inside bacteria.  相似文献   

Metronidazole is a critical ingredient for combination therapies of Helicobacter pylori infection, the major cause of peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. It has been recently reported that metronidazole resistance from H. pylori ATCC43504 is caused by the insertion of a mini-IS605 sequence and deletion of sequences in an oxygen insensitive NAD(P)H nitroreductase encoding gene (rdxA). We also found that an additional gene (frxA) encoding NAD(P)H flavin oxidoreductase in the same strain was truncated by frame-shift mutations. To assess whether the frxA truncation is also involved in metronidazole resistance, metronidazole sensitive H. pylori strains ATCC43629 and SS1 were transformed by the truncated frxA gene cloned from strain ATCC43504. All transformed cells grew on agar plates containing 16 microg ml(-1) of metronidazole. The involvement of the frxA gene in metronidazole resistance was also confirmed by insertion inactivation of frxA and/or rdxA genes from strain ATCC43629 and one metronidazole sensitive clinical isolate H. pylori 2600. In addition, the frxA gene cloned from the H. pylori 2600 showed metronidazole nitroreductase activity in Escherichia coli and rendered ordinary metronidazole resistant E. coli to metronidazole sensitive cell. These results indicate that the frxA gene may also be involved in metronidazole resistance among clinical H. pylori isolates.  相似文献   

Detailed kinetic studies were performed in order to determine the role of the single cysteine residue in the desulfonation reaction catalyzed by SsuD. Mutation of the conserved cysteine at position 54 in SsuD to either serine or alanine had little effect on FMNH2 binding. The kcat/Km value for the C54S SsuD variant increased 3-fold, whereas the kcat/Km value for C54A SsuD decreased 6-fold relative to wild-type SsuD. An initial fast phase was observed in kinetic traces obtained for the oxidation of flavin at 370 nm when FMNH2 was mixed against C54S SsuD (kobs, 111 s− 1) in oxygenated buffer that was 10-fold faster than wild-type SsuD (kobs, 12.9 s− 1). However, there was no initial fast phase observed in similar kinetic traces obtained for C54A SsuD. This initial fast phase was previously assigned to the formation of the C4a-(hydro)peroxyflavin in studies with wild-type SsuD. There was no evidence for the formation of the C4a-(hydro)peroxyflavin with either SsuD variant when octanesulfonate was included in rapid reaction kinetic studies, even at low octanesulfonate concentrations. The absence of any C4a-(hydro)peroxyflavin accumulation correlates with the increased catalytic activity of C54S SsuD. These results suggest that the conservative serine substitution is able to effectively take the place of cysteine in catalysis. Conversely, decreased accumulation of the C4a-(hydro)peroxyflavin intermediate with the C54A SsuD variant may be due to decreased activity. The data described suggest that Cys54 in SsuD may be either directly or indirectly involved in stabilizing the C4a-(hydro)peroxyflavin intermediate formed during catalysis through hydrogen bonding interactions.  相似文献   

We have analyzed structure-sequence relationships in 32 families of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-binding proteins, to prepare for genomic-scale analyses of this family. Four different FAD-family folds were identified, each containing at least two or more protein families. Three of these families, exemplified by glutathione reductase (GR), ferredoxin reductase (FR), and p-cresol methylhydroxylase (PCMH) were previously defined, and a family represented by pyruvate oxidase (PO) is newly defined. For each of the families, several conserved sequence motifs have been characterized. Several newly recognized sequence motifs are reported here for the PO, GR, and PCMH families. Each FAD fold can be uniquely identified by the presence of distinctive conserved sequence motifs. We also analyzed cofactor properties, some of which are conserved within a family fold while others display variability. Among the conserved properties is cofactor directionality: in some FAD-structural families, the adenine ring of the FAD points toward the FAD-binding domain, whereas in others the isoalloxazine ring points toward this domain. In contrast, the FAD conformation and orientation are conserved in some families while in others it displays some variability. Nevertheless, there are clear correlations among the FAD-family fold, the shape of the pocket, and the FAD conformation. Our general findings are as follows: (a) no single protein 'pharmacophore' exists for binding FAD; (b) in every FAD-binding family, the pyrophosphate moiety binds to the most strongly conserved sequence motif, suggesting that pyrophosphate binding is a significant component of molecular recognition; and (c) sequence motifs can identify proteins that bind phosphate-containing ligands.  相似文献   

An asasy for alkaline phosphatase is described which is based on the hydrolysis of riboflavin phosphates (5′FMN or 4′FMN) to produce riboflavin. This is converted to 5′FMN using riboflavin kinase, and then asayed using the bacterial bioluminescent system from Vibrio harveyi or V. Fischeri. The most sensitive assay is obtained using 4′FMN, which can measure less than 20 amol after a 1-hour incubation.  相似文献   

NADPH oxidase activity, in addition to NADH oxidase activity, has been shown to be present in the respiratory chain of Corynebacterium glutamicum. In this study, we tried to purify NADPH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase activities from the membranes of C. glutamicum. Both the enzyme activities were simultaneously purified in the same fraction, and the purified enzyme was shown to be a single polypeptide of 55 kDa. The N-terminal sequence of the enzyme was consistent with the sequence deduced from the NADH dehydrogenase gene of C. glutamicum, which has been sequenced and shown to be a homolog of NADH dehydrogenase II. In addition to high NADH-ubiquinone-1 oxidoreductase activity at neutral pH, the purified enzyme showed relatively high NADPH oxidase and NADPH-ubiquinone-1 oxidoreductase activities at acidic pH. Thus, NADH dehydrogenase of C. glutamicum was shown to be rather unique in having a relatively high reactivity toward NADPH.  相似文献   

Intracellular NAD(P)H oxidoreductases are a class of diverse enzymes that are the key players in a number of vital processes. The method we present and validate here is based on the ability of many NAD(P)H oxidoreductases to reduce the superoxide probe lucigenin, which is structurally similar to flavins, to its highly fluorescent water-insoluble derivative dimethylbiacridene. Two modifications of the method are proposed: (i) an express method for tissue homogenate and permeabilized cells in suspensions and (ii) a standard procedure for cells in culture and acute thin tissue slices. The method allows one to assess, visualize, and localize, using fluorescent markers of cellular compartments, multiple NADH and NADPH oxidoreductase activities. The application of selective inhibitors (e.g., VAS2870, a NOX2 inhibitor; plumbagin, a NOX4 inhibitor) allows one to distinguish and compare specific NAD(P)H oxidoreductase activities in cells and tissues and to attribute them to known enzymes. The method is simple, rapid, and flexible. It can be easily adapted to a variety of tasks. It will be useful for investigations of the role of various NAD(P)H oxidoreductases in a number of physiological and pathophysiological processes.  相似文献   

Mammalian NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductases such as human NQO1 act as inducers of apoptosis. Quinone reductases generated interest over the last decade due to their proposed function in the oxidative stress response. Furthermore, human NQO1 was reported to regulate p53 stability and p53-dependent apoptosis through regulation of cellular oxidation–reduction events. In this study, we have used low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (0.4 and 0.6 mM) to induce apoptosis-like cell death in wild type, an LOT6 overexpressing and a Δ lot6 yeast strain to monitor cell survival. Using this approach, we demonstrate that yeast quinone reductase Lot6p, an orthologue of mammalian quinone reductases, plays a pivotal role in apoptosis-like cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Overexpression of LOT6 results in enhanced cell death, as shown by an investigation of the morphological hallmarks of apoptosis-like fragmentation of DNA and externalization of phosphatidylserine, whereas the deletion strain displays a deficiency in apoptosis-like cell death as compared with the wild type. Thus, we propose that Lot6p is directly involved in the control of the apoptosis-like cell death in yeast.  相似文献   

It is supposed that the main cytotoxicity mechanism of antitumour aziridinyl-substituted benzoquinones is their two-electron reduction to alkylating products by NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1, DT-diaphorase, EC However, other possible cytotoxicity mechanisms, e.g., oxidative stress, are studied insufficiently. In the single-electron reduction of quinones including a novel compound RH1 (2,5-diaziridinyl- 3-(hydroxymethyl)-6-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone), by NADPH:cytochrome P-450 reductase (EC, P-450R), their reactivity increased with an increase in the redox potential of quinone/semiquinone couple (E(1)7), reaching a limiting value at E(1)7> or =-0.1V. The reactivity of quinones towards NQO1 did not depend on their E(1)7. The cytotoxicity of aziridinyl-unsubstituted quinones in bovine leukemia virus-transformed lamb kidney fibroblasts (line FLK) mimics their reactivity in P-450R-catalyzed reactions, exhibiting a parabolic dependence on their E(1)7. The toxicity of aziridinyl-benzoquinones, although being higher, also followed this trend and did not depend on their reactivity towards NQO1. The action of aziridinylbenzoquinones in FLK cells was accompanied by an increase in lipid peroxidation, their toxicity decreased by desferrioxamine and the antioxidant N,N'-diphenyl-p-phenylene diamine, and potentiated by 1,3-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea. The inhibitor of NQO1, dicumarol, protected against the toxicity of aziridinyl-benzoquinones except of 2,5-bis-(2'-hydroxyethylamino)-3,6-diaziridinyl-1,4-benzoquinone (BZQ), which was almost inactive as NQO1 substrate. The same events except the absence of pronounced effect of dicumarol were characteristic in the cytotoxicity of aziridinyl-unsubstituted quinones. These findings indicate that in addition to the activation by NQO1, the oxidative stress presumably initiated by single-electron transferring enzymes may be an important factor in the cytotoxicity of aziridinylbenzoquinones. The information obtained may contribute to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of aziridinylquinone cytotoxicity and may be useful in the design of future bioreductive drugs.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption in the presence of cyanide was utilized as a measure of plasma membrane electron transport in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and human cervical carcinoma (HeLa) cell lines. Both intact cells and isolated plasma membranes carry cyanide-insensitive NADH(P)H oxidases at their external membrane surfaces (designated ECTO-NOX proteins). Regular oscillatory patterns of oxygen consumption with period lengths characteristic of those observed for rates of NADH oxidation by ECTO-NOX proteins were observed to provide evidence for transfer of protons and electrons to reduce oxygen to water. The oscillations plus the resistance to inhibition by cyanide identify the bulk of the oxygen consumption as due to ECTO-NOX proteins. With intact CHO cells, oxygen consumption was enhanced by but not dependent upon external NAD(P)H addition. With intact HeLa cells, oxygen consumption was inhibited by both NADH and NAD+ as was growth. The results suggest that plasma membrane electron transport from internal donors to oxygen as an external acceptor is mediated through ECTO-NOX proteins and that electron transport to molecular oxygen may be differentially affected by external pyridine nucleotides depending on cell type.  相似文献   

Using isolated chloroplasts or purified thylakoids from photoautotrophically grown cells of the chromophytic alga Pleurochloris meiringensis (Xanthophyceae) we were able to demonstrate a membrane bound NAD(P)H dehydrogenase activity. NAD(P)H oxidation was detectable with menadione, coenzyme Q0, decylplastoquinone and decylubiquinone as acceptors in an in vitro assay. K m-values for both pyridine nucleotides were in the molar range (K m[NADH]=9.8 M, K m[NADPH]=3.2 M calculated according to Lineweaver-Burk). NADH oxidation was optimal at pH 9 while pH dependence of NADPH oxidation showed a main peak at 9.8 and a smaller optimum at pH 7.5–8. NADH oxidation could be completely inhibited with rotenone, an inhibitor of mitochondrial complex I dehydrogenase, while NADPH oxidation revealed the typical inhibition pattern upon addition of oxidized pyridine nucleotides reported for ferredoxin: NADP+ reductase. Partly-denaturing gel electrophoresis followed by NAD(P)H dehydrogenase activity staining showed that NADPH and NADH oxidizing proteins had different electrophoretic mobilities. As revealed by denaturing electrophoresis, the NADH oxidizing enzyme had one main subunit of 22 kDa and two further polypeptides of 29 and 44 kDa, whereas separation of the NADPH depending protein yielded five bands of different molecular weight. Measurement of oxygen consumption due to PS I mediated methylviologen reduction upon complete inhibition of PS II showed that the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase is able to catalyze an input of electrons from NADH to the photosynthetic electron transport chain in case of an oxidized plastoquinone-pool. We suggest ferredoxin: NADP+ reductase to be the main NADPH oxidizing activity while a thylakoidal NAD(P)H: plastoquinone oxidoreductase involved in the chlororespiratory pathway in the dark acts mainly as an NADH oxidizing enzyme.Abbreviations Coenzyme Q0-2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone - FNR ferredoxin: NADP+ reductase - MD menadione - MV methylviologen - NDH NAD(P)H dehydrogenase - PQ plastoquinone - PQ10 decylplastoquinone - SDH succinate dehydrogenase - UQ10 decylubiquinone (2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decyl-1,4-benzoquinone)  相似文献   

A thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) has been identified in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (Ss). This enzyme is a homodimeric flavoprotein that was previously identified as NADH oxidase in the same micro-organism ('Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. 23 (1996) 47'). The primary structure of SsTrxR is made of 323 amino acid residues and contains two putative betaalphabeta regions for the binding of FAD, and a NADP(H) binding consensus sequence in the proximity of a CXXC motif. These findings indicate that SsTrxR is structurally related to the class II of the pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductases family. Moreover, the enzyme exhibits a NADP(H) dependent thioredoxin reductase activity requiring the presence of FAD. Surprisingly, the reductase activity of SsTrxR is reduced in the presence of a specific inhibitor of mammalian TrxR. This finding demonstrates that the archaeal enzyme, although structurally related to eubacterial TrxR, is functionally closer to eukaryal enzymes. Experimental evidences indicate that a disulphide bridge is required for the reductase but also for the NADH oxidase activity of the enzyme. These results are further supported by the significantly reduced activities exerted by the C147A mutant. The integrity of the CXXC motif is also involved in the stability of the enzyme.  相似文献   

NQO1酶及其被氧环境诱导表达的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
NAD(P)H:醌氧化还原酶1(NQO1)是真核细胞内普遍存在的一类黄素蛋白酶,它专性催化胞内双电子还原反应,能够解除醌类物质对细胞的毒害,从而起到保护细胞的作用。同时,它又能活化一些醌类抗肿瘤药物。本文综述了NQO1的基因结构、多态性、功能和活性调节,以有它在包内氧化还原环境和肿瘤治疗中的地位等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Mammalian NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1, DT-diaphorase, EC catalyzes the two-electron reduction of quinones and plays one of the main roles in the bioactivation of quinoidal drugs. In order to understand the enzyme substrate specificity, we have examined the reactions of rat NQO1 with a number of quinones with available potentials of single-electron (E(1)(7)) reduction and pK(a) of their semiquinones. The hydride transfer potentials (E(7)(H(-))) were calculated from the midpoint potentials of quinones and pK(a) of hydroquinones. Our findings imply that benzo- and naphthoquinones with a van der Waals volume (VdWvol) < or = 200 A(3) are much more reactive than glutathionyl-substituted naphthoquinones, polycyclic quinones, and FMN (VdWvol>200 A(3)) with the same reduction potentials. The entropies of activation (DeltaS(not equal)) in the reduction of "fast" oxidants are equal to -84 to -76 J mol(-1) K(-1), whereas in the reduction of "slow" oxidants Delta S(not equal)=-36 to -11 J mol(-1) K(-1). The large negative Delta S(not equal) in the reduction of fast oxidants may be explained by their better electronic coupling with reduced FAD or the formation of charge-transfer complexes, since fast oxidants bind at the dicumarol binding site, whereas the binding of some slow oxidants outside it has been demonstrated. The reactivity of quinones may be equally well described in terms of the three-step (e(-),H(+),e(-)) hydride transfer, using E(1)(7), pK(a)(QH*), and VdWvol as correlation parameters, or in terms of single-step (H(-)) hydride transfer, using E(7)(H(-)) and VdWvol in the correlation. The analysis of NQO1 reactions with single-electron acceptors and quinones using an "outer-sphere" electron transfer model points to the possibility of a three-step hydride transfer.  相似文献   

Type II NADH dehydrogenases (NDH-2) are monomeric flavoenzymes catalyzing electron transfer from NADH to quinones. While most NDH-2 preferentially oxidize NADH, some of these enzymes have been reported to efficiently oxidize NADPH. With the aim to modify the NADPH vs NADH specificity of the relatively NADH specific Agrobacterium tumefaciens NDH-2, two conserved residues (E and A) of the substrate binding domain were, respectively, mutated to Q and S. We show that when E was replaced by Q at position 203 the enzyme was able to oxidize NADPH as efficiently as NADH. Growth on a minimal medium of an Escherichia coli double mutant lacking both NDH-1 and NDH-2 was restored more efficiently when mutated proteins able to oxidize NADPH were expressed. The biotechnological interest of expressing such modified enzymes in photosynthetic organisms is discussed.  相似文献   

A direct involvement of the antioxidant enzyme NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) in neuroprotection has not yet been shown. The aim of this study was to examine changes, localization and role of NQO1 after different neuronal injury paradigms. In primary cultures of rat cortex the activity of NQO1 was measured after treatment with ethylcholine aziridinium (AF64A; 40 micro m), inducing mainly apoptotic cell death, or oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD; 120 min), which combines features of apoptotic and necrotic cell death. After treatment with AF64A a significant NQO1 activation started after 24 h. Sixty minutes after OGD a significant early induction of the enzyme was observed, followed by a second increase 24 h later. Enzyme activity was preferentially localized in glial cells in control and injured cultures, however, expression also occurred in injured neuronal cells. Inhibition of the NQO1 activity by dicoumarol, cibacron blue or chrysin (1-100 nM) protected the cells both after exposure to AF64A or OGD as assessed by the decreased release of lactate dehydrogenase. Comparable results were obtained in vivo using a mouse model of focal cerebral ischaemia. Dicoumarol treatment (30 nmol intracerebroventricular) reduced the infarct volume by 29% (p = 0.005) 48 h after the insult. After chemical induction of NQO1 activity by t-butylhydroquinone in vitro neuronal damage was exaggerated. Our data suggest that the activity of NQO1 is a deteriorating rather than a protective factor in neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

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