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This investigation examines the immunologic basis for specific antigen-induced tube leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) reactivity of draining lymph node cells (LNC) from dogs with canine transmissible venereal sarcoma (CTVS). CTVS regressor LNC, macrophage-depleted LNC, and enriched T lymphocyte fractions, but not enriched B lymphocyte fractions, were specifically reactive to CTVS antigen extract in direct tube LAI. In addition, regressor LNC amplified tube LAI responses by generating supernatants with leukocyte adherence inhibition factor (LAIF) activity for normal dog indicator LNC and enriched peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in an indirect tube LAI assay. However, macrophage-depleted LNC and enriched T lymphocyte fractions failed to generate supernatants with LAIF activity, suggesting that macrophage accessory cells play a central role in the amplification of tube LAI. Interestingly, CTVS regressor peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) and PBMC, which were specifically reactive in direct tube LAI, also failed to generate supernatants with LAIF activity. These findings demonstrate a distinction between LAIF-mediated amplification and direct tube LAI reactivity, and suggest that leukocyte populations with differing cellular proportions and from different immunologic compartments may participate in tube LAI via different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the regulation of leukocyte glass adherence and tube leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) reactivity by serum factors in dogs with regressing or progressing canine transmissible venereal sarcomas (CTVS). Both regressor and progressor peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL), draining and nondraining lymph node cells (LNC), and splenic leukocytes were significantly responsive to CTVS antigen extract in tube LAI. In contrast, a significant decrease in basal glass adherence of progressor PBL, draining and nondraining LNC, and splenic leukocytes was observed. Normal glass adherence was restored to progressor leukocytes by extensive washing with warm serum-free media, while significant tube LAI responsiveness to CTVS antigen extract was maintained. Preincubation of regressor PBL and LNC with progressor sera in two-stage tube LAI decreased the basal glass adherence of treated leukocytes. This effect of progressor sera was heat labile, a characteristic of CTVS antigen. Collectively, these findings suggest that progessor leukocytes and progressor sera treated regressor leukocytes were activated by interaction with serum CTVS antigen and thus behaved in tube LAI as stimulated cells, even in the absence of CTVS antigen. Regressor but not progressor sera were shown to contain anti-CTVS IgG with specific arming activity for normal dog PBL, but not LNC in two-stage tube LAI. The nonadherent response of peripheral blood neutrophils in two-stage tube LAI was proportional to the concentration of arming IgG, whereas no change was observed in glass adherence of PBL. The results of this study define the role of progressor and regressor serum factors in the mechanism of tube LAI and demonstrate a relationship between leukocyte glass adherence and the clinical course of CTVS. These findings show that tube LAI is a simple and reproducible measure of active factors in the immune response to a tumor.This investigation was supported in part by grant, CA-23469, from the National Cancer Institute, DHHS, and is submitted as Scientific Contribution No. 1051, Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 USA  相似文献   

The sensitization of lymphocytes from patients with different tumors was tested against a 3 M KCl-extract of fetal tissue (3.--6. month) by the leukocyte adherence inhibition assay (LAI) and by the leukocyte migration inhibition assay (LMI). Sensitization was compared with the reactivity of controls without any detectable tumor. In the LAI assay the leukocytes of 13/15 patients and 2/12 controls showed an inhibition of the adherence. In the LMI-assay 11/17 tumor-bearing patients and 6/18 controls reacted positive in the presence of the antigen preparation. The two methods demonstrated that patients bearing tumors of different histology are sensitized to fetal antigens.  相似文献   

The Fröhlich coherent vibrations may be a source of an electromagnetic field generated by living cells in the frequency range from 0·1 to 10 THz. The electromagnetic field may cause the time dependent orientation (i.e. rotation or rocking) of the polar molecules of the ambient liquid medium and may attract them. The attracted molecules move together with the cell and the friction coefficient of the cellular motion, therefore, may depend on the field. The cell-generated electromagnetic field may interact with the surface charge of various solid-state materials causing attractive forces. These interaction attractive forces may be significant in the process of the leukocyte adherence to the surfaces of various materials. The hypothesis presented in this paper assumes that the exposition of leukocytes from immune individuals to antigen causes changes of the Fröhlich coherent vibrations resulting in decrease of the leukocyte adherence observed in the leukocyte adherence inhibition test.  相似文献   

We report on the extension of the direct leukocyte migration inhibition (LMI) test as an assay for antigen-specific activity in human leukocyte dialysates (DLE) containing transfer factor to an evaluation of antigen-specific activity in DLE prepared from inbred mice. Murine DLE was observed to cause antigen-dependent and antigen-specific effects on the inhibition of migration of nonimmune human leukocyte populations. Pulsing of nonimmune human leukocyte with DLE preparations from BALB/c and SJL mice immunized with Candida, diphtheria toxoid, and SK-SD resulted in their inhibition of migration in the presence of the respective antigens. The antigen-specific activity in murine DLE was found to be present in lymph node cell preparations and to be absent from spleen cell preparations of the same donors. The activity of DLE in lymph node cells was found to be present in the theta-cell enriched subpopulation of nonadherent lymphocytes after passage through nylon wool columns. The antigen-specific activity of murine DLE, as we have reported for human DLE, was found to reside in the < 3500 dalton dialysis fraction and not in the < 3500 dalton fraction. We conclude that nonimmune human leukocytes in the LMI test provide a suitable assay for the detection of antigen-specific activity in murine DLE as well as that in human DLE. Additionally, murine DLE is active across species barriers and appears to share properties with human DLE.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bovine dialyzable leukocyte extract (bDLE) is a dialyzate of a heterogeneous mixture of low molecular weight substances released from disintegrated blood leukocytes or lymphoid tissue obtained from homogenized bovine spleen. The purpose of this study was to determine if bDLE had cytotoxic effects and modulated apoptosis gene expression in breast cancer cells. METHODS: The MCF-7, BT-474, MDA-MB-453, A-427, Calu-1, U937 and L5178Y cancer cell lines and PBMC human cells were treated with bDLE (0-0.66 U/mL) for 72 h. The bDLE effect on cell growth proliferation was evaluated by MTT assay, and the MCF-7 was evaluated by ethidium bromide-acridine orange staining; total DNA was evaluated for DNA fragmentation, and total RNA was isolated for p53, bag-1, c-myc, bim, bax, bcl-2 and bad mRNA expression. RESULTS: The bDLE had dose-dependent cytotoxic effects and demonstrated an IC50 at a dosage of 0.06 U/mL (P<0.05). The bDLE did not affect the viability of normal human PBMC. The bDLE induced DNA fragmentation at doses of 0.06 and 0.13 U/mL in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. The bDLE induced cytotoxic effects and suppressed the p53, bag-1, c-myc, bax, bcl-2, and bad mRNA expression that influences apoptosis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Bim mRNA expression was not detected. DISCUSSION: This may open up interesting prospects for the treatment of human breast cancer.  相似文献   

A new, simple, and rapid in vitro assay has been developed for identification of adherent and nonadherent leukocytes. The assay is based on adherence of latex (polystyrene) particles to the cell surface. Using the latex particle adherence (LPA) assay, the percentage of adhesive leukocytes has been determined in human peripheral blood mononuclear preparations and in the lymph nodes, thymus, bursa of Fabricius, spleen, and bone marrow of mouse, chicken, and rat origin. The highest proportion of LPA-positive cells was found in peritoneal exudate, bone marrow, and spleen, the lowest proportion, in thymus and bursa of Fabricius. LPA-Positive cells in human peripheral blood mononuclear preparations were identified as surface immunoglobulin-positive lymphocytes nonrosetting with sheep red blood cells. LPA-Positive cells in peritoneal exudate were identified as macrophages. Incubation of leukocyte suspensions on polystyrene petri dishes or nylon wool columns reduces substantially the percentage of LPA-positive cells in the nonadherent fraction. The LPA assay seems to be a method of choice for establishing the relationship between adhesiveness of the cell surface and other cell membrane markers on a single-cell level.  相似文献   

Summary Soluble extracts prepared from 24 renal carcinomas were tested for their ability to induce inhibition of migration of leukocytes from 27 patients with nonmetastatic hypernephroma using the capillary tube leukocyte migration technique. No correlations were found between the histopathology of the carcinomas tested and this ability. However, highly significant correlations were demonstrated between the existence of nonmetastatic tumor and tumor-directed, cell-mediated hypersensitivity in the tumor donors and the ability of tumor tissue extracts from such patients to induce leukocyte migration inhibition in allogeneic tests.The capacity of renal carcinoma tissue extracts to induce leukocyte migration inhibition in renal carcinoma patients seems in allogeneic combinations to be an in vitro correlate of in vivo tumor antigenicity.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - C. vespertiliomis extracts were evaluated for antiproliferative and apoptosis effect on breast cancer (MCF7) cells. The leaves extracts were analysed for its...  相似文献   

Summary Tumor antigen (TA) associated with the canine transmissible venereal sarcoma (CTVS) was detected in the sera of dogs bearing the tumor. Rabbit antisera specific for tumor antigen and 3 M KCl extracts of CTVS cells were used in both a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and antigen-capture ELISA to quantify levels of circulating TA. In a study of 29 dogs bearing the transplanted CTVS, levels of circulating TA correlated positively with tumor volume. In a longitudinal study of four dogs receiving a transplant of 108 viable CTVS cells, circulating CTVS antigen was detected transiently 2 days after transplantation, while persistent levels of TA associated with increasing tumor volume were demonstrable 19–34 days after transplantation. In three of four tumor-bearing dogs, levels of serum TA correlated inversely with values obtained with peripheral blood leukocytes in the leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) assay; elevated levels of circulating TA found in dogs with large (>7 cm3) tumors were associated with decreased LAI reactivity of peripheral blood leukocytes. TA could not be detected in sera 48–72 h after surgical removal of CTVS whereas LAI reactivity of peripheral blood leukocytes to CTVS antigen rebounded 1–3 weeks following tumor excision. Results of this study support the use of the competitive ELISA and LAI techniques in assessing levels of circulating tumor antigen, tumor burden and tumor-specific immunity.Supported by grants from the American Kennel Club, National Institutes of Health (CA23 469) and Funds for Research on Canine Diseases provided by the 1963 Connecticut Legislature  相似文献   

Three proteinases from the azurophilic granules of horse leucocytes are typical elastases degrading elastin at neutral pH. Both proteinases: 1 and 2A exhibit similar elastinolytic activity, comparable with human leucocyte elastase (HLE). In relation to human enzyme, elastase 2B shows several-fold higher activity, which is comparable to the porcine pancreatic elastase activity (PPE). Similarly to HLE elastinolytic activity of the horse proteinases increases at higher ionic strength: twofold in case of 1 or 2A and fivefold for 2B. Significant activity observed during degradation of homologous lung elastin, implies the possible role of these enzymes during pathological injury of connective tissue in the lower respiratory tract and suggests similar pathogenesis of horse and human pulmonary emphysema.  相似文献   

Carboxymethyl-glucan (CM-G) is a soluble derivative from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1 → 3)(1 → 6)-β-D-glucan. The protective efficiency of CM-G against DNA damage in cells from patients with advanced prostate cancer (PCa), and undergoing Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT), was evaluated. DNA damage scores were obtained by the comet assay, both before and after treatment with CM-G. The reduction in DNA damage, ranging from 18% to 87%, with an average of 59%, was not related to the increased number of leukocytes in peripheral blood. The results demonstrate for the first time the protective effect of CM-G against DNA damage in patients with advanced PCa. Among smokers, three presented the highest reduction in DNA damage after treatment with CM-G. There was no observable relationship between DNA damage scores before and after treatment, and age, alcoholism and radiotherapy.  相似文献   

ImuVert, a new biological response modifier, was evaluated for toxicity and potential efficacy in patients with advanced cancer. This agent consists of sized, labile, natural membrane vesicles associated with ribosomes derived from Serratia marcescens. ImuVert induces enhanced in vitro macrophage and natural-killer-cell-mediated cytotoxicity, and has demonstrated antitumor activity in palpable animal tumor systems. A group of 39 patients with a variety of tumors, 25 men, 14 women, with a mean performance status (Karnofsky) of 80% and median age of 57 years were entered into this trial. ImuVert was administered subcutaneously weekly for a minimum of 3 weeks. A total of 183 treatments were evaluated. Flu-like systemic toxicities, including fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and hypotension were observed. Erythema, induration and tenderness developed at the injection sites. Myelosuppression, thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, rental and hepatic toxicities did not occur. All symptoms resolved within 24 h. Two patients with nodular lymphoma achieved a partial response and two minor responses were seen in patients with glioblastoma and melanoma. On the basis of ImuVert's biological activity, and tolerable toxicity it warrants further clinical investigation.  相似文献   

Monitoring human populations for specific DNA modifications has been made possible by developing highly sensitive immunoassays employing antibodies specific for carcinogen-DNA adducts. While these techniques have been used to follow occupationally and environmentally exposed populations, results have been limited by the lack of exposure data with which to correlate adduct formation. Cancer patients treated with precisely known doses of anticancer drugs can be studied to examine the association between drug dose and adduct formation. This study examined acrolein-modified DNA in patients treated with the anticancer drug cyclophosphamide (CP) and in newly diagnosed patients prior to treatment. Employing 2 different detection methods, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immuno-dot blot (IDB), acrolein-modified DNA was identified in a total of 6 of 12 (50%) treated patients and in 0 of 15 untreated patients. Formation of acrolein-modified DNA was examined as a function of lifetime CP dose, recent CP dose, time since last treatment, regime of treatment, and smoking history; however no clear trends were observed.  相似文献   

Summary Ascitic fluid from women with advanced ovarian carcinomas was shown to contain factor(s) which inhibit(s) T lymphocyte mitogenesis. The factor(s) was (were) demonstrated to be associated with the infiltrating macrophages. The inhibition was reversible and inhibited mitogenesis at some late event in the cell cycle. The inhibitory substance(s) was (were) noncytotoxic, dialyzable, heat-stable at 70° C for 10 min (but unstable at 100° C for 15 min), and partially resistant to protease treatment (55%–70%). Further experiments demonstrated that macrophages isolated from the ascitic fluid of patients with cirrhosis of the liver also released factor(s) which inhibit(s) T lymphocyte mitogenesis. On the basis of our data and data from other investigators, we propose that in advanced human ovarian cancer of epithelial origin, macrophages which infiltrate the ascitic fluid elaborate nonspecific inhibitors of T lymphocyte blastogenesis within the proximal environment, resulting in localized immunosuppression and the subsequent enhancement of metastasis within the peritoneal cavity, the tumor cells themselves being resistant to the cytocidal action of the macrophages due to genetic selection and/or their inherent biochemical ability to circumvent normal immunosurveillance mechanisms. This may account, at least in part, for the rapid metastasis and poor prognosis of human ovarian adenocarcinomas.  相似文献   

Immune dysfunction is prevalent in metastatic cancer. Few patients with colorectal cancer metastases are cured, and among the strategies aimed at improving the therapeutic results in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, immunotherapy is being increasingly investigated. We evaluated retrospectively the prognostic significance of peripheral blood leukocytes in 59 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. The relative numbers of CD3+, CD3+CD4+, CD3+CD8+, NK (CD3-CD16+CD56+), CD3+DR+, CD3+CD25+, CD3+CD69+, CD19+, CD19+CD23+, CD8+CD28+, CD8-CD28+, CD8+CD57+, CD14+DR+ and CD14+CD16+ leukocytes were analyzed by two-color flow cytometry. A three-step approach was adopted to identify predictors of prognosis using regression analysis. Based on the results of univariate survival analysis, the absolute number of white blood cells, NK/CD3+CD69+ and NK/white cell count ratios were significant indicators of prognosis. In the multivariate regression analysis a model was obtained using a single parameter, the NK/CD3+CD69+ ratio, predicting the survival with 10-15% power of regression. The present results indicate that the NK/CD3+CD69+ ratio in peripheral blood may be an independent variable in a regression model predicting the overall survival of patients with colorectal cancer metastases to be tested in prospective studies.  相似文献   

A method of canine lymphocytes isolation and storage in liquid azote with DMSO is described. It was possible to use these lymphocytes in the immunocytoadherence and leucocytes migration inhibition tests in dogs infected with Leishmania donovani. The sensitisation was made with a soluble antigen from promastigotes of L. donovani braid by ultrasounds. The dogs with Leishmaniasis gave positive results. The controls without Leishmaniasis were negative. The tests with conserved lymphocytes were as satisfactory as the same tests with fresh lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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