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《自然-医学》:发现预防致命输血并发症方法德国研究人员12月28日宣布他们查明了与输血相关的急性肺损伤的致病机理,并找到了预防这种致命输血并发症的方法。新研究成果已在最新一期的《自然-医学》(Nature Medicine)杂志上发表。  相似文献   

预防医学是现代医疗体系的重要组成部分,在提高公共卫生健康水平方面发挥着极其重要的作用。为了更好地开展预防医学工作,预防医学专业本科生不仅要牢固掌握预防医学专业知识,更要掌握一定的临床医学基础知识和技能。临床实习是医学生加深所学的临床理论知识并将其转化为实践操作的主要途径,在预防医学本科生的培养中具有重要意义。我校经过多年的探索与改革,在预防医学本科生的临床实习方面积累了大量经验,但现阶段仍然存在着一些问题。本文分析预防医学本科生在临床实习过程中存在的主要问题并提出改进建议,从而为进一步提高预防医学本科生的培养质量提供依据。  相似文献   

当今世界各国对“康复医学”十分重视,把它与“预防、医疗”,并列,称为“第三医学”,并在国内外得到了很大发展。现代康复医学,已经逐步形成了“专业学科体系”。本文简单谈谈康复医学的有关问题和在上海地区的进展情况。  相似文献   

张敏  卢青 《生物学杂志》2002,18(1):36-36,39
医学模式是指一定历史时期内医学发展的基本观点、概念框架、思维方式、发展规范的总和。它反映人们用什么观点和方法研究、处理健康与疾病问题 ,决定着人们对人的生命、生理、预防、治疗等问题的基本观点 ,指导人们的医疗实践活动。医学模式是由各个时期的医学发展水平、医学研究的主要方法和思维方式决定的 ,是与各个时期自然科学的总体状况和哲学思想紧密联系的 ,尤其是生物学的发展状况。生物学是研究生命现象的本质 ,探讨生物发生和发展规律、生物之间以及生物与环境之间相互关系的科学。人是生物的一种 ,也是生物学的研究对象。现代医…  相似文献   

预防医学与卫生学预防医学是医学的主要分支之一,是研究人群健康和疾病相互转化的规律,预防和控制人类疾病以及保护和增进人群身心健康、延长有效工作寿命的综合性学科。它是一门较为年轻的学科,但其研究范围愈来愈广泛,已经成为几乎囊括了医学中除基础医学和临床医学以外的所有学科的学科群。它与生物学、基础医学和临床医学以及其他学科甚至社会科学有着广泛的交叉和渗透。它不断吸收和利用生物学及其他学科的科学技术成果为本学科的发展服  相似文献   

随着医学模式的转变,预防医学已经成为现代医疗体系的重要组成部分,在提高公共卫生健康水平方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。为了更好地开展预防医学工作,预防医学专业学员不仅要掌握牢固的预防医学专业知识,更要具备丰富的临床医学知识。针对预防医学专业本科学员的临床课程教学,我校经过多年的探索与改革,已经积累了丰富经验,教学质量较高;但现阶段仍然存在着一些问题。本文分析我校预防医学专业本科学员临床课程的教学现状及存在的主要问题,并提出建议;从而为进一步提高预防医学专业本科学员的临床课程教学质量提供依据。  相似文献   

无菌猪是采用现有微生物检测技术,检测不出活的微生物(包括细菌、真菌、寄生虫和病毒等)的一种悉生物,在现代畜牧生产和医学生物学研究中具有重要的科学价值。无菌猪最早用于畜牧生产的疫病净化,研究肠道菌群、动物疫病之间的关系。无菌猪和人在解剖、生理及遗传上具相似性、无微生物背景干扰,目前在医学生物学研究肠道菌群与生长发育与疾病发生发展等方面发挥着重要作用,也作为以肠道菌群为靶点的预防、诊断及治疗新技术研究的特殊动物模型。本文主要综述无菌猪的特性、研究进展及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

医学分子生物学是现代生命科学中发展最快、最具活力的前沿学科,是临床医学专业学生一门重要的基础课程。五年制临床医学专业学生是未来临床医生的主力军,疾病预防、诊断和治疗技术的更新也要求他们必须与时俱进。我校在医学分子生物学理论课教学中开展PBL教学模式探索和实践,以此激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生语言表达和分析解决问题的能力、科研素养,希望其能对医学高校本科课程教学模式改革提供启示作用。  相似文献   

为了解预防医学学科资助项目的完成情况和学科研究进展,客观公正地做好结题项目的绩效评估,进一步加强基金项目的管理,本文从结题项目概况、结题情况分析、新理论和新技术在结题项目中的应用、连续性支持、国家需求型研究等几方面对2006年度预防医学学科结题情况作一总结和分析。  相似文献   

肿瘤的发生和发展是多个遗传因素和遗传环境共同作用的结果。从本质上说,肿瘤是一种"系统"病,它的预防、诊断、治疗等也需要以"系统"的观点和方法来研究。近年来,系统医学发展迅速,它是现代系统论,现代医学与系统生物学的有效结合,采用全新的、系统的、发展的以及相互联系的观点分析人体健康不同层次之间的关系。因此,在医学研究中得到了广泛的应用,在肿瘤的治疗中也发挥着越来越重要的作用。本综述将介绍系统医学的涵义、特征,以及系统医学对肿瘤治疗的必要性和意义,使其可以更好地服务于人类健康管理。  相似文献   

A routine visit to a physician''s office generally is composed of the reason for the visit; attention to ongoing medical problems; and preventive medicine considerations. A separate visit for preventive medicine activities can be helpful. A computer-generated annual birthday greeting to patients that suggests specific preventive medicine studies would result in a more problem-focused office visit and greater precision in the execution of preventive medicine activities.  相似文献   

Lycium barbarum (Gouqizi, Fructus Lycii, Wolfberry) is well known for nourishing the liver, and in turn, improving the eyesight. However, many people have forgotten its anti-aging properties. Valuable components of L. barbarum are not limited to its colored components containing zeaxanthin and carotene, but include the polysaccharides and small molecules such as betaine, cerebroside, beta-sitosterol, p-coumaric, and various vitamins. Despite the fact that L. barbarum has been used for centuries, its beneficial effects to our bodies have not been comprehensively studied with modern technology to unravel its therapeutic effects at the biochemical level. Recently, our laboratory has demonstrated its neuroprotective effects to counter neuronal loss in neurodegenerative diseases. Polysaccharides extracted from L. barbarum can protect neurons against beta-amyloid peptide toxicity in neuronal cell cultures, and retinal ganglion cells in an experimental model of glaucoma. We have even isolated the active component of polysaccharide which can attenuate stress kinases and pro-apoptotic signaling pathways. We have accumulated scientific evidence for its anti-aging effects that should be highlighted for modern preventive medicine. This review is to provide background information and a new direction of study for the anti-aging properties of L. barbarum. We hope that new findings for L. barbarum will pave a new avenue for the use of Chinese medicine in modern evidence-based medicine.  相似文献   

Plants used in traditional medicine have stood up to the test of time and contributed many novel compounds for preventive and curative medicine to modern science. India is sitting on a gold mine of well recorded and traditionally well practiced knowledge of herbal medicine. Specially, plants growing at high altitude in Himalayan pastures are time-honored sources of health and general well being of local inhabitants. As of today, Himalayan plants are a major contributor to the herbal pharmaceutical industry both of India and other countries. Plants growing at higher altitudes are subjected to an assault of diverse testing situations including higher doses of mutagenic UV-radiation, physiological drought, desiccation and strong winds. Plants interact with stressful environments by physiological adaptation and altering the biochemical profile of plant tissues and producing a spectrum of secondary metabolites. Secondary metabolites are of special interest to scientists because of their unique pharmacophores and medicinal properties. Secondary metabolites like polyphenols, terpenes and alkaloids have been reported to possess antimutagenic and anticancer properties in many studies. The fundamental aspiration of the current review is to divulge the antimutagenic/anticancer potential of five alpine plants used as food or medicine by the populations living at high altitudes.  相似文献   

The techniques and principles of epidemiology, so successfully utilized in the study and control of communicable diseases, should be applied to other mass phenomena in the community.The local health officer should apply them in his “diagnosis” of the sicknesses of his organized community.Epidemiological methods have been used to study mental diseases as well as chronic diseases, and an experiment in using epidemiological methods on the county level to study psychosocial disorders has been carried out.The impact of psychosocial episodes on somatic diseases is now generally accepted and well documented. Individual practitioners of medicine are becoming more interested in the significance of social tensions on the health of their patients.Public health physicians, specialists in preventive medicine, are the best equipped by training and experience to take the leadership in the application of epidemiological methods to sociomedical problems and are in a unique position to assist their colleagues in the private practice of medicine in providing modern helpful and meaningful health protection to their patients.Organized medicine might well become more cognizant of the sociological changes taking place in the nation as they relate to health and assume the responsibility for aggressive leadership in the anticipation of and the solution of these problems.  相似文献   

The episodes of cowpox inoculation (1798) and rabies preventive treatment (1885) are celebrated as the landmark of modern medicine. Paradoxically, these two advances have been accomplished without any theoretical breakthrough in the understanding of immunity. Going further, they were made possible by a long past of empirical procedures among which smallpox inoculation played an outstanding role. The paper explores the paradox of 'Immunization without Immunology' and Pasteur's reconstruction of the past, through his successful use of a metaphor. 'Vaccine', originally linked to the jennerian method, was meant by Pasteur to designate a general program of virus attenuation. The paper investigates the scientific factors accounting for why viruses played such a leading role in immunization. The longlasting immunity, the easy transmission from man to man characteristic of smallpox allowing in vivo experimentation, may explain how crude procedures of early immunizers shaped scientific ideologies and strategies of public health and family initiated modern 'vaccinology'.  相似文献   

Translational medicine is a class of medicalresearch that proposes a two-way interaction betweenlaboratory and clinical research[1].Elias A.Zerhouni,the director of the National Institutes of Health(NIH),  相似文献   

发酵是中药炮制一个重要的方面,近年来关于运用现代生物技术来发酵中药的研究越来越多。本文阐述了现代中药发酵的意义、区别传统发酵的优势以及现阶段的发展概况。  相似文献   

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