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Barfod, A. 1988. Inflorescence morphology of some South American Anacardiaceae and the possible phylogenetic trends. - Nord. J. Bot. 8: 3–11. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
The inflorescences of 15 native and one introduced species of South American Anacardiaceae belonging to the genera Anacardium, Loxopterygium, Mangifera, Mauria, Mosquitoxylon, Schinus, Spondias, Tapirira and Toxicodendron are described according to the terminology of Troll and coworkers. The tribal divisions in the Anacardiaceae are supported by the inflorescence morphology. Tribe Spondia-deae has paniculate inflorescences whereas tribe Anacardieae and tribe Rhoeae both have thyrsoids. Toxicodendron is exceptional for the tribe Rhoeae having axillary panicles. Thyrosids are hypothesized derived from panicles by a two step process including neoteny and enriching by cymose branching.  相似文献   

We performed a transplant experiment to compare the life histories and morphologies of five geographically representative antlion Myrmeleon hyalinus populations along a sharp climatic gradient, from a Mediterranean climate in Israel's north to a desert climate in the south. Larvae were raised in two environmental chambers simulating Mediterranean and desert climates to investigate the extent to which the different populations exhibit phenotypic plasticity. Along the north-to-south climatic gradient, we observed a gradient in body mass prior to pupation and in pupation rate. Mediterranean populations suffered higher mortality rate when exposed to desert conditions, whereas the mortality rate of desert populations was consistent between Mediterranean and desert conditions. Our results regarding body mass, pupation rate and mortality rate suggest that Mediterranean populations had a more flexible response compared with desert populations. An analysis of digital photographs was used to measure population morphological differences, which were usually indicative of a decrease in trait size along the north-to-south gradient. We show how climatic gradients translate into phenotypic differences in an antlion population and provide a morphometric tool to distinguish between instar stages.  相似文献   

Caviomorph rodents represent an excellent model to explore morphological diversification on a macroevolutionary scale, as they are ecologically and morphologically diverse. We analysed cranial shape variation using geometric morphometrics and phylogenetic comparative methods. Most variation involved the shape of the rostrum, basicranium, and cranial vault, and clearly matched the phylogenetic structure. At the same time, a strong allometric pattern was associated with the length of the rostrum and cranial vault, size of the auditory bulla, and depth of the zygomatic arch. After accounting for size influence, and taking phylogenetic structure into account, shape variation was significantly associated with habitat. Our results highlight the presence of complex relationships between morphological, phylogenetic, and ecological dimensions in the diversification of the caviomorph cranium. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 898–913.  相似文献   

We analyzed mandible shape variation of 17 genera belonging to three superfamilies (Cavioidea, Chinchilloidea, and Octodontoidea) of South American caviomorph rodents using geometric morphometrics. The relative influence of phylogeny and ecology on this variation was assessed using phylogenetic comparative methods. Most morphological variation was concentrated in condylar, coronoid, and angular processes, as well as the diastema. Features potentially advantageous for digging (i.e. high coronoid and condylar processes, relatively short angular process, and diastema) were present only in octodontoids; cavioids showed opposing trends, which could represent a structural constraint for fossorial habits. Chinchilloids showed intermediate features. Genera were distributed in the morphospace according to their classification into superfamilial clades. The phylogenetic signal for shape components was significant along phylogeny, whereas the relationship between mandibular shape and ecology was nonsignificant when phylogenetic structure was taken into account. An early evolutionary divergence in the mandible shape among major caviomorph clades would explain the observed strong phylogenetic influence on the variation of this structure. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 828–837.  相似文献   

Metabolic rate is a key aspect of organismal biology and the identification of selective factors that have led to species differences is a major goal of evolutionary physiology. We tested whether environmental characteristics and/or diet were significant predictors of interspecific variation in rodent metabolic rates. Mass-specific basal metabolic rates (BMR) and maximum metabolic rates (MMR, measured during cold exposure in a He-O2 atmosphere) were compiled from the literature. Maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) annual mean temperatures, latitude, altitude, and precipitation were obtained from field stations close to the capture sites reported for each population (N = 57). Diet and all continuous-valued traits showed statistically significant phylogenetic signal, with the exception of mass-corrected MMR and altitude. Therefore, results of phylogenetic analyses are emphasized. Body mass was not correlated with absolute latitude, but was positively correlated with precipitation in analyses with phylogenetically independent contrasts. Conventional multiple regressions that included body mass indicated that Tmax (best), Tmin, latitude, and diet were significant additional predictors of BMR. However, phylogenetic analyses indicated that latitude was the only significant predictor of mass-adjusted BMR (positive partial regression coefficient, one-tailed P = 0.0465). Conventional analyses indicated that Tmax, Tmin (best), and altitude explained significant amounts of the variation in mass-adjusted MMR. With body mass and Tmin in the model, no additional variables were significant predictors. Phylogenetic contrasts yielded similar results. Both conventional and phylogenetic analyses indicated a highly significant positive correlation between residual BMR and MMR (as has also been reported for birds), which is consistent with a key assumption of the aerobic capacity model for the evolution of vertebrate energetics (assuming that MMR and exercise-induced maximal oxygen consumption are positively functionally related). Our results support the hypothesis that variation in environmental factors leads to variation in the selective regime for metabolic rates of rodents. However, the causes of a positive association between BMR and latitude remain obscure. Moreover, an important area for future research will be experiments in all taxa are raised under common conditions to allow definitive tests of climatic adaptation in endotherm metabolic rates and to elucidate the extent of adaptive phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Modifications on the cheek teeth and dentary bone (loss of dental tissues on the extra‐alveolar portion of the cheek teeth, and corrosion on the surface of the dentary bone) of fossil specimens of medium to giant South American rodents (mainly neoepiblemids) from the Neogene (Brazil and Argentina) are documented here. These features are similar to those observed in teeth and bones of small hypsodont rodents (recent and Quaternary fossils) that were subjected to digestive process by predators/scavengers. Based on comparisons, we tentatively hypothesize that acid‐etching resulting from digestive processes could have caused the modifications in the specimens, providing evidence of a palaeoecological interaction between neoepiblemids (and other rodents), and predators or scavengers.  相似文献   

The loss of a particular species from a community may have different effects on its functioning, depending on the presence or absence of functionally similar or phylogenetically close species in that community (redundancy). Redundancy is thus defined as the fraction of species diversity not expressed by functional or phylogenetic diversity. We assessed functional and phylogenetic alpha- and beta-redundancy in helminth and flea assemblages of two species of South African rodents, Rhabdomys dilectus and Rhabdomys pumilio, using community uniqueness as the inverse indicator of redundancy. We asked whether patterns of functional and phylogenetic alpha- and beta-uniqueness differed between (i) parasite groups (endo- versus ectoparasites), (ii) host species within parasite groups, and (iii) biomes within host species. We found differences between the two hosts in the functional and phylogenetic alpha-uniqueness (but not beta-uniqueness) of flea, but not helminth, assemblages. Significant correlations between the alpha-uniqueness of parasite assemblages and the total parasite prevalence were found only for phylogenetic uniqueness and only in helminths. Pairwise site-by-site dissimilarities in uniqueness (beta-uniqueness) and pairwise dissimilarity in prevalence were significantly associated (positively) in helminths but not in fleas. A between-biome difference in functional (but not phylogenetic) alpha-uniqueness was found in both helminth and flea assemblages harboured by R. pumilio. We conclude that the resilience of parasite assemblages in terms of the effect on hosts depends not only on their transmission strategy but also on traits of host species and environmental factors.  相似文献   

Mussels in the order Unionoida comprise ~75% of the world’s freshwater bivalve species and are free-living apart from a brief larval stage that parasitizes fish. We investigated the relationships among species of North American unionid mussels and their known host fishes from a macroevolutionary perspective to test whether and how ecological and evolutionary factors correlate with patterns of host use. A subset of 69 mussel species was chosen based on data availability regarding their fish host repertoires, phylogenetic relationships, and ecology. Despite the brevity of their parasitic life stages, the mussels conformed to the right-skewed distribution of host specificity typical of parasitic taxa, in which most species are specialists and a few are generalists. Phylogenetic least squares regression models identified affinity for low-gradient and riffle habitats, and colonization of post-glacial watersheds as the best predictors for the number of fish host species per mussel. However, the second-best model identified citation number as a predictor of the number of hosts, implying that many mussel–host interactions still remain to be identified. A Multiple Regression Mantel test was performed to identify factors associated with the proportion of hosts shared between pairs of mussel species. Range overlap, citations, genetic distance, and similarity in host infection strategy were significantly correlated with the proportion of hosts shared, yet total variation as explained by the best model was low (R2?=?0.14). There was evidence of a topological association between mussels and their hosts (P?=?0.001) and a significant phylogenetic signal of host specificity (λ?=?0.81, P?=?0.003), indicating closely related mussels that overlap in range are more likely to be competing for hosts. Our results provide an initial macroevolutionary framework for studying the evolution of host infection strategies in these mussels but also highlights gaps still remaining in our fundamental ecological knowledge of this endangered clade.  相似文献   

The external morphology of frog larvae is predicted to vary among habitats, for a variety of functional reasons. I performed a phylogenetic comparative study to test whether correlations between habitat and the shape of the tadpole and its oral disc are adaptive in 82 species from south‐eastern Australia in the families Hylidae and Myobatrachidae. Habitat distributions and phylogenetic relationships were compiled from the literature and shape was quantified using geometric morphometric analysis of published drawings. Results indicate that shape evolved towards different optima in different habitats while also showing appreciable levels of phylogenetic inertia. Within myobatrachids, evolution of terrestrial tadpoles was associated with a short and shallow head/body and a shallow tail. In aquatic species, the use of benthic microhabitats was correlated with a long shallow tail, dorsal eye position, shallow head/body and ventral mouth with robust jaw sheaths. Even traits with evidence for adaptation evolved slowly in response to habitat shifts, usually requiring ≥10 million years to evolve half‐way to a new optimum. Although these findings support adaptive evolution of tadpole body form, they also highlight a strong influence of ancestral character states and indicate that phenotypes in extant species are partly maladaptive.  相似文献   

The HGL-50 locality, situated on the Glib Zegdou outlier in the Gour Lazib of Algeria (Hammada du Dra), is famous for having yielded several dental remains of primates dating from the late Early to the early Middle Eocene. These primates include Algeripithecus minutus, Azibius trerki and a new species of cf. Azibius (not described yet). Algeripithecus was widely acknowledged to be one of the oldest known anthropoids from Africa. However, very recent discoveries strongly suggest that Algeripithecus is closely related to Azibius and that both taxa are phylogenetically remote from the clade Anthropoidea. Algeripithecus and Azibius make up the family Azibiidae and appear as stem strepsirhines. Here we describe and analyse two ankle bones (tali) found in HGL-50. UM/HGL50-466 is a small left talus, which is appropriate in size to belong to A. trerki, while UM/HGL50-467 is a right talus, which is significantly larger and appropriate in size to belong to the new large species of cf. Azibius. Both tali exhibit a suite of features that resemble conditions primarily found in extinct and extant strepsirhine and adapiform primates; conditions that are consistent with the strepsirhine-like dentition characterizing azibiids. Functionally, these two tali indicate that Azibius species were engaged in a form of active arboreal quadrupedalism with some ability to climb and leap. Azibiids were rather small-bodied primates, approximating the size of some modern dwarf lemurs (Cheirogaleidae) and sportive lemurs (Lepilemuridae) from Madagascar. Given their small body-size and their talar morphology, living cheirogaleid lemurs, which are agile arboreal quadrupeds (with climbing, springing and branch running activities), might appear as good analogues for azibiids in terms of locomotor behaviour.  相似文献   

Echimyidae is a species-rich clade of Neotropical rodents, which diversified in association with forested biomes. Since the late Miocene, a few lineages from southern South America have been adapted to open environments. Eumysops is one of these southern echimyids, and its peculiar craniomandibular morphology has been assumed to be a result of adaptation to open environments. We performed a geometric morphometric analysis of craniomandibular shape variation to explore whether, as suspected, Eumysops is divergent from other echimyids and octodontoids. In addition, we explored whether deterministic factors driven by different ecological dimensions can explain the diversification of shape among octodontoids. We found that craniomandibular shape variation in octodontoids was related to ecological variables. Comparing competing evolutionary models suggested that the input of selective factors play a key role in octodontoid craniomandibular shape diversification; habitat and habits were found to be the most influential factors. In the analysed morphospaces, Eumysops was located distant from other echimyids due to its distinctive traits, especially wide and posteriorly displaced orbits, and related low craniomandibular joint. Divergent orbits and resulting wider panoramic vision support the interpretation of Eumysops as an open-habitat specialist echimyid. But what is more relevant, is that Eumysops occupied a sector of the octodontoid cranial morphospace not filled by living representatives; this highlights the contribution of fossils in providing key information on the specialization boundaries explored by a clade throughout its history.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this work is to update the distribution data of Galaxiidae in South America, relating extant distribution to physiological and reproductive characteristics of the species, latitude, temperature, and post-glacial opportunities for colonization. Location Lakes and rivers of Patagonia. Methods We compared, and eventually reconsidered, general data about distribution based on the original literature about capture sites, incorporating several published and unpublished data to the analysis of the biological traits and distribution of Galaxiidae. Results The more consistent issue in the comprehension of galaxiid biogeography in South America is the ability to establish landlocked populations. Different founding events in landlocked populations of Galaxias maculatus suggest the possible existence of older and younger landlocked populations. This difference in the time since the establishment of lacustrine populations could have been expressed in their ability for colonization of post-glacial areas. Galaxias maculatus, Aplochiton and Brachygalaxias are more clearly excluded from the post-glacial area than G. platei. For all the species we could note a more abundant record of lake populations at the area of glacial refuges. It could be noted that the most successful species, Galaxias platei, is a specialized deep bottom dweller. Deep bottom dwelling helps to endure winter constraints and it appears to be an alternative to the colonization of the littoral and limnetic zones of post-glacial lakes, the prefered habitat of the other Patagonian fish species. Main conclusions At the end of this process of post-glacial colonization, in the beginning of twentieth century, man introduced several salmonid species in Patagonia. In addition, antropogenic actions had its more recent consequences in global warming. Nowadays we were able to observe new localities for Brazilian fishes into the Austral Subregion and expect some changes in the distribution of Galaxiidae. Northern limits for all species and southern limits for landlocked G. maculatus, Brachigalaxias bullocki and Aplochiton zebra, could be displaced southward. Probably, the species less affected by the changes will be G. platei. These predictions could be accurately formulated using the model of B.J. Shuter & J.R. Post (1990) Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119 , 314–336, when biological database on these species are completed.  相似文献   

We sampled the lizard fauna of twenty-two small islets fringing the Pacific island of Guam and used these data to shed light on the processes responsible for present-day diversity. Habitat diversity, measured by islet area and vegetation complexity, was significantly correlated with the number of species found on an islet. However, islet distance and elevation were not significant predictors of diversity. Distribution patterns were slightly different for the two major families in our sample, Scincidae and Gekkonidae: skinks needed larger islets to maintain a population than did geckos. Presence/absence patterns were highly and significantly nested, and population density was correlated with the number of islets on which a species was found. An area cladogram was poorly supported and showed no faunal similarity between nearby islands. These patterns indicate that extinctions on most islets were due mostly to non-catastrophic, long-acting biological causes. The presence on the islets of species extirpated on Guam and the lack of significant nestedness on islands with greater maximum elevation highlight the impact that predators (primarily brown treesnakes) can have. Our findings also show that small reserves will not suffice to protect endangered lizard faunas, and that the islets may serve as a short-term repository of such species until snake-free areas can be established on Guam  相似文献   

We used a recent passerine phylogeny and comparative method to evaluate the macroevolution of body and egg mass, incubation and fledging periods, time to independence and time with parents of the main passerine lineages. We hypothesised that passerine reproductive traits are affected by adaptation to both past and present environmental factors and phenotypic attributes such as body mass. Our results suggest that the evolution of body and egg mass, time to independence, incubation and fledging times are affected by strong phylogenetic inertia and that these breeding traits are all affected by body mass. Time with parents, where major lineages exhibit their own fixed optima and body mass does not have an effect, and clutch size which is affected by body mass and additionally by climate regimes, do not exhibit any phylogenetic inertia.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地荒漠植物的叶片水分吸收策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在干旱地区, 经常出现只能湿润植物地上部分和表层土壤的小量级降雨和凝结水输入, 此量级的水分输入无法通过入渗进入根区土壤而被植物根系吸收利用。最近研究发现, 叶片吸收水分是利用小量级降水和凝结水的主要方式。该研究通过鉴定和观测准噶尔盆地东南部5个自然植物群落中夏季地上部分仍存活的所有51种荒漠植物叶片的单位面积吸水量(LWUC)、叶片含水量增加率(Rw)以及其他7种植物功能性状, 探讨了这些植物功能性状与植物叶片吸收水分能力的关系。研究结果表明: (1)与Rw相比, LWUC是更加适合评价植物叶片吸收水分能力的指标; (2)植物生活型是相对合理的评价荒漠植物叶片吸收水分能力的植物性状; (3)荒漠植物地上(叶片)和地下(根系)部分吸收水分策略存在着权衡; (4)荒漠植物叶片耗水和吸水存在着权衡。总之, 叶片吸收水分策略对于荒漠植物, 特别是一年生草本植物最大限度地利用有限的水资源渡过持续的干旱并完成生活史具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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