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红藻凤梨的离体快速繁殖   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 植物名称 红藻凤梨 (Billbergiapyramidalis) ,又名水塔花。2 材料类别 吸芽茎尖。3 培养条件 诱导培养基 :(1) 1/ 3MS 6 BA 0 .2mg·L- 1(单位下同 ) IBA 0 .0 2。芽增殖培养基 :(2 )MS 6 BA 1.0 IBA 0 .2 ;(3)MS  相似文献   

凤梨科植物的离体培养(综述)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文主要从快速繁殖,育种探索和种质保存三个方面介绍凤梨离体培养研究的进展,并简要介绍其他凤梨科植物离体培养的研究概况,在此基础上对一些问题进行探讨并提出展望。  相似文献   

观赏凤梨高效离体快繁影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以侧芽为外植体材料,对其组织培养的各个阶段进行了研究。结果表明:品种对外植体的污染率、褐变率、芽诱导率及丛生芽增殖倍数均有显著影响;外源激素的种类和浓度在芽诱导分化、增殖、生根等各个阶段都是主要的影响因素;外植体在1/2MS+NAA0.2mg·L~(-1)+6-BA2mg·L~(-1)上,48d后芽开始分化,诱导率为40%,平均芽分化数为6个,诱导分化效果最好;芽增殖培养阶段,若培养基中仅含6-BA,且浓度在0~4mg·L~(-1)之间,芽增殖倍数随其浓度增大而增大;若培养基中仅含NAA,且其浓度为0.2mg·L-1时,增殖倍数最大;培养基中同时添加6-BA和NAA,比单独添加6-BA或NAA时,芽的增殖效果好,且在6-BA3mg·L~(-1)+NAA0.5mg·L~(-1)的MS培养基上,G.dissitisflora和G.‘Claret’增殖倍数最大,分别为5.24和3.84;在任何相同的培养基上,G.dissitisflora的增殖倍数显著高于G.‘Claret’;小苗在含有NAA0.5mg·L~(-1)+IBA0·5mg·L~(-1)的生根培养基上生长,生根率可达91.03%,平均根数为5.3条/株,生根效果较好。  相似文献   

小蔓长春花的离体快速繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
InvitroRapidPropagationofVincaminorWANGHuai-Zhi,GUYu-Yun,LUOShi-Wie(ShanghaiInstituteofPlangtPhysiology,TheChineseAcademyofSciences,Shanghai200032)ZHOUYun-Li(ShanghaiInstituteofmateriaMedica,TheChineseAcademyofSciences,Shanghai200031)1本工作曾获’93第三届中国花卉博览会铜奖。1植物名称小蔓长春花(Vincaminor),俗称爱神木,是木质藤本植物。2材料类别顶芽、腋芽。3培养条件(1)诱导芽萌发与芽增殖培养基:MS+SI~10mg·L-‘(单位下同)+ZIP0‘l~2+IAA0.l~回,蔗糖30s·L-‘…  相似文献   

普雅凤梨的离体培养与植株再生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1植物名称普雅凤梨(Puya raimondii Harms.)。 2材料类别种子。  相似文献   

1 植物名称 节瓜 (Benincasahispidavar.chieh qua)品种“四号江心节”。2 材料类别 种子萌发的无菌苗茎尖。3 培养条件  ( 1 )种子萌发培养基 :1 /2MS0 ;( 2 )芽诱导和增殖培养基 :MS + 6 BA 4.0mg·L- 1 (单位下同 ) +IAA 0 .2 ;( 3)伸长培养基 :MS + 6 BA1 .0 +IAA 0 .5 ;( 4 )生根培养基 :MS +IAA 0 .5。培养基 ( 2 )~ ( 4 )均附加 0 .7%琼脂和 3%蔗糖 ,pH5 .8~ 6.0 ,培养温度为 ( 2 5± 2 )℃ ,光照度为 2 0 0 0lx ,光照时间 1 2h·d- 1 。4 生长与分化情况4.1 无…  相似文献   

樟的离体繁殖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1植物名称樟(G)ran7Th7Yollas,zzrx#zl),又名香榜、小叶樟。2材料类别项芽和胶芽。3培养条件所用培养基和激素为:(1)MS+BA3mg·I。-‘(单位下同)+NAA0.5+GAsO.l;(2)MS+BA3+NAA0.2~O5;(3)MS+BA5+NAA0.2~0.5;(4)ER+IBA05;(5)1/2MS(微量元素减半)。以上培养基除(4)、(5)蔗糖为2%外,其余均为3%;琼腊0.6%,州5.6~5.8。培养温度26土2”C,每天光照12h,光照度2000IX。4生长与分化情况4月间剪取八至十年生樟根茎联接处当年生幼态萌条的嫩芽,用自来水冲洗干净,7O%酒精浸…  相似文献   

苦瓜的离体繁殖   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
1植物名称苦瓜M&NlirutaJn哇地向),杂交一代(瓦),商品名称“高月”,高雄制种。2材料类别无菌种子苗茎尖和带芽茎段。3培养条件培养基:(1)1/2MS;(2)MS+ZTI~6rug·L‘(单位下同);(3)MS+6-BAI~6;Q)MS+ZT}05。培养基()、(《)中加蔗糖20g·L‘,(2)、(3)中加入30g·L‘;另外,培养基(1)中加入琼脂7g·L‘,(2)、(3)、(4)中加人sg·L’。培养基PH值均为58左右,高压灭菌。培养温度23士2℃,光照12h·d’,光照度2000IX左右。4生长与分化情况4.且无茵茵的获得种子用肥皂水漂洗,自来水…  相似文献   

风兰的离体繁殖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1植物名称风兰(M办加伽火红如)。2材料类别成熟的未开裂菊果中的种子。3培养条件基本培养基为MS。(1)种子萌发培养基:1/ZMS+NAAO.Zrng·L’(单位下同)十6BAO.5;(2)小球体增殖培养基:MS+NAA0.5+6-BAI.0;(3)壮苗和生根培养基:MS+NAAO.5+IBAO.5+10%椰乳。培养基中含3%蔗糖、0.7%琼脂,PH为5.8。培养温度25士ZC,光照度1800IX,照光10h·d-l。4生长与分化情况将葫果用肥皂水洗净,在70%酒精中浸泡30S后放入0.l%升汞溶液中消毒10[n,无菌水冲洗3~4次。呈十字状纵切果实,将种子轻轻抖落…  相似文献   

InvitroCultureandRapidPro阴切nonofCommonpetunianHua,WENChun-Xu(PbeedeyIfes~lrchIndddeofHdri,SAsfor050061)1植物名称矮牵牛(Petun。htwde),又名碧冬茄。2材料类别茎尖、带芽的茎段。3培养条件(回)诱导培养基:l/3MS+6-BAImg/L(单位下同)+IBA0.02+GellanGum(进口琼脂)2g/L;(2)增殖培养基:MS+6.BA0.5~1+IBA0.2;(3)生根培养基:l/2MS+IBA0.5。培养基含蔗糖25g/L,(2)和(3)附加普通琼脂55g/L。PH58,高压灭菌。培养温度22~25”C,光照度1500IX,照光10~12h/d。毛生…  相似文献   

濒危药用植物桃儿七的离体培养研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以桃儿七种子诱导的无菌苗为材料,研究了外源激素对芽诱导、增殖和生根的影响,建立了桃儿七离体培养再生体系。结果表明:芽诱导阶段,采用3.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.5 mg·L-1 GA3激素组合,出芽率最高可达85-71%,缩短出芽时间30~40 d,在添加3.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.2 mg·L-1 IAA的MS培养基上利于增殖,增殖速度快,增殖系数1.63。以WPM+1.5 mg·L-1 IAA+0.5 mg·L-1 NAA的培养基培养30 d 后,生根率可达60.1%。  相似文献   

Embryonic axes and seedling shoot tips of Juglans nitra L., Black walnut, were cultured in vitro. Significant variation existed among progeny from individual trees for growth of radicles and epicotyls and production of callus and axillary shoots from embryonic axes. The concentration of 6-benzyladenine influenced the growth of the radicle and epicotyl and production of callus and axillary shoots of axes. Axes generally initiated growth quicker on solidified woody plant medium than on Driver and Kuniyuki's walnut medium, but axillary shoot proliferation and elongation were eventually better on liquid Driver and Kuniyuki's walnut medium than on woody plant medium which required an etiolation treatment for microshoot elongation. The concentration of BA also influenced both callus growth and axillary shoot proliferation from seedling shoot tips. Axillary shoots which formed in Driver and Kuniyuki's walnut medium rooted best in sterile vermiculite following a 15 s dip in 10 mM indole-3-butyric acid. Micropropagated plants are growing in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

我国葫芦科植物离体培养研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
葫芦科植物包括多种瓜类蔬菜,对其进行离体培养研究具有重要的理论和实践意义.综述了国内在葫芦科植物器官培养、体细胞胚胎发生、花药培养、原生质体培养和体细胞杂交及离体遗传转化等方面取得的研究进展,并对葫芦科植物离体培养、遗传转化与育种的前景作了展望.  相似文献   

Elaeocarpus serratus is a fruit tree able to propagate through conventional vegetative means to a limited extent restricts its wide cultivation by the farmers. In the present report, we have developed an efficient in vitro propagation protocol using mature nodal explants from a 17-year-old tree for the first time with 6.6 shoots/culture. Explants cultured on agar (0.8%) gelled standard Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, ½ MS, ¾ MS, White’s, Gamborg’s B5 or woody plant medium (WPM) supplemented with 2.5 µM benzyl adenine (BA) and 0.1 µM α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) showed the superiority of ½ MS medium in terms of explant response and number shoots (6.6). Further optimization of ½ MS medium by altering nutrient elements (macros, micros, vitamins and Fe EDTA) were undertaken, and MS medium composed of half-strength major salts, original strength of minor salts and vitamins were supplemented with BA (2.5 µM) and NAA (0.1 µM), produced enhanced axillary bud proliferation (8.88/explant) and shoot elongation (3.83 cm). Reculturing of original explant on this medium after IV passages produced more than 16 healthy shoots per culture which attained a length of 4.13 cm. Microshoots raised through this way were rooted (86.11%) ex vitro by pulse treatment with 2 mM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for 5 min followed by planting in nursery pots containing a 1:1:1 (v/v/v) mix of sand, soil, and farmyard manure. The hardened plants were successfully planted in the fruit tree garden of the Department. Genetic fidelity of micropropagated and mother plants were tested using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers which showed a high degree of monomorphism thus supported morphological uniformity of micropropagated plants.  相似文献   

黄斑橡胶榕离体再生体系的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以黄斑橡胶榕(Ficus robusta“Yellow spot”)的顶芽为外植体进行离体培养与植株再生研究。结果表明,黄斑橡胶榕的诱导培养基以MS BA 2.0 mg L-1 NAA 0.1 mg L-1为宜;继代增殖以MS BA 1.0 mg L-1 NAA 0.05 mg L-1为宜,每个外植体可产生3个芽;生根培养基以MS IBA 0.1 mg L-1 AC 100 mg L-1为宜,生根率96.67%以上。试管苗移栽成活率达到98%以上。  相似文献   

Tubulinosema ratisbonensis is a microsporidian pathogen of Drosophila melanogaster belonging to the family Tubulinosematidae. The microsporidia in this family mainly cause infections in invertebrate hosts, but two members of this family, Brachiola vesicularum and Brachiola algerae, have been found to cause infections in humans as well. Moreover, B. algerae can be transmitted to immunodeficient mice and grows in mammalian cell cultures. Thus, the examination of the opportunistic properties of other members of the family Tubulinosematidae is important. Spores of T. ratisbonensis, isolated from infected fruit flies, were used to inoculate mammalian and insect cell cultures. Parasite growth was only seen in human lung fibroblasts. No growth was seen in Vero cells or insect cell cultures. Comparison of growth kinetics at 31 degrees C and 37 degrees C showed that there were fewer and smaller parasitic foci in cultures incubated at 37 degrees C. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the typical ultrastructure of T. ratisbonensis, and scanning electron microscopy showed oval or slightly pyriform spores, with some spores having extruded their polar tubes. The PCR-amplified sequences of rDNA fragments from infected cell cultures were 100% identical to the original T. ratisbonensis rRNA sequence. As T. ratisbonensis is able to proliferate in mammalian cell cultures, it may have the opportunistic properties of other members of the family Tubulinosematidae.  相似文献   

桂花茎尖离体培养体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以桂花(Osmanthus fragrans Lour.)的休眠芽?萌动芽和嫩枝的茎尖为外殖体,进行离体培养研究,筛选其最适培养基。结果表明:3种外殖体的适宜初代培养基不同,其中:休眠芽为B5 7.0 mg.L-16-BA 0.05 mg.L-1NAA 3%蔗糖;萌动芽为B5 5.0 mg.L-16-BA 0.05 mg.L-1NAA 3%蔗糖;嫩枝为B5 3.0 mg.L-16-BA 0.05 mg.L-1NAA 3%蔗糖;但适宜的继代培养基(B5 2.0 mg.L-16-BA 0.05 mg.L-1NAA 3%蔗糖)和生根培养基(B5 2.0 mg.L-1NAA 3%蔗糖)相同。  相似文献   

Attempts to grow mycelium of Coelomomyces punctatus from Anopheles quadrimaculatus larvae were made using more than 50 combinations of known vertebrate and invertebrate tissue culture media and microbiological media. Growth and/or differentiation of mycelium into sporangia were observed in several media. Significant growth of hyphal fragments and differentiation into young resting sporangia occurred in conditioned Mitsuhashi-Maramorosch insect tissue culture medium. This medium was conditioned by growth for 3 weeks in it of Varma's Anopheles stephensi tissue culture cells and was supplemented with 20% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum and a synthetic tripeptide, glycyl-histidyl-lysine. Limited growth and elongation of lateral hyphal branches and subsequent development into resting sporangia with typical outer wall markings and pigmentation of mature forms were observed in a modified brain-heart infusion medium. Some media stimulated hyphae to develop into smooth-walled, spherical bodies of size and appearance typical of young sporangium initials but with no further maturity. In most media, no growth or development of mycelium occurred, but the fungus remained alive for 2–4 weeks. Mycelium of C. punctatus dissected from Cyclops vernalis did not grow and develop in any of the media utilized. However, in one case the mycelium differentiated into gametes shortly after dissection into modified brain-heart infusion medium.  相似文献   

With the objective to develop a practical and effective method of screening potato for drought tolerance, shoot and root growth in microtuber-derived plantlets was studied in vitro in three genotypes with known root mass production under field conditions. Different levels of water-stress were induced using five concentrations of either sorbitol or polyethylene glycol (PEG) in MS medium. Water potential of various media ranged from −0.80 MPa to −2.05 MPa. Water-stress in culture adversely affected plantlet growth, and genotypes differed for their responses. Genotype IWA-1 was less affected than IWA-3 and IWA-5. At the same level of water potential, sorbitol had lower adverse effect than PEG; the latter being sticky. Genotype × sorbitol and genotype × PEG interactions were significant. At 0.2 M sorbitol and 0.003 M PEG, IWA-1 had significantly more roots with higher total root length, root volume, as well as root-dry weight than those of IWA-3 and IWA-5, whereas the latter two genotypes were at par for all these characters. This pattern was similar to the reported pattern of these genotypes for root-dry weight under field conditions. It is concluded that in vitro screening of potato under specific and limited water-stress conditions may provide a system for effectively differentiating the genotypes for their expected root mass production under field conditions.  相似文献   

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