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Using ELISAs for B-50/GAP43 and neurofilament (NF), we tested ACTH(1–24), -MSH, ACTH(4–10), and an ACTH(4–9) analogue (ORG2766) for their ability to induce sprouting and neuritogenesis from spinal and sensory neurons. Dissociated fetal rat spinal cord neurons or neonatal rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells were cultured with peptide and assayed after 24, 48, or 96 h. In spinal neurons, -MSH and ACTH(1–24) induced the expression of B-50 dose dependently. After 24 h -MSH had a stimulatory effect (from 10 nM onwards), with a maximum at 100 μM (36% increase). After 96 h the maximal effect of 100 μM -MSH on B-50/GAP43 was lower (19%). ACTH(1–24) (100 μM) stimulated B-50/GAP43 by 19%. Neurofilament levels (96 h) were elevated maximally by 64% at 100 μM -MSH. In DRG neurons a bell-shaped dose-response curve was found for -MSH, the maximal effect being observed after 48 h at 100 nM: 54% for B-50/GAP43 and 22% for NF. In both culture systems neither ACTH(4–10) nor ORG2766 was effective. We conclude that -MSH stimulates the expression of B-50/GAP43 (sprouting) and the formation of NF (neurite elongation) and may therefore be considered a neurotrophic factor.  相似文献   

The epithelial cells of the choroid plexus are a continuation of the ventricular ependymal cells and are regarded as modified ependymal cells. The present study was carried out to determine the influence of choroid plexus ependymal cells (CPECs) on axonal growth in vitro. Choroid plexuses were dissected from the fourth ventricle of postnatal day-1–10 mice, mechanically dissociated, and plated in fibronectin-coated culture dishes. CPECs had spread into monolayers with few endothelial cells in 3-week cultures. Some macrophages were scattered on the monolayer of CPECs. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were excised from mouse fetuses of 14-day gestation, dissociated with trypsin and cocultured on the CPEC monolayers. For comparison, dissociated DRG neurons were cocultured on astrocyte monolayers or cultured on laminin-coated plates. After 4.5 h culturing, the cultures were fixed and immunohistochemically double-stained for neurites and CPECs using antibodies against β-tubulin III and S-100 β, respectively. It was demonstrated that neurons extended many long neurites with elaborate branching on the surface of S-100-stained CPECs. In contrast, DRG neurons cultured on the astrocytes and on the laminin-coated plates had much shorter primary neurites with fewer branches than those cultured on the CPECs. The total length of neurites including primary neurites and their branches, of a single DRG neuron was 285 ± 14, 395 ± 15 and 565 ± 12 μm on the laminin-coated plates, on astrocytes and on CPECs, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy revealed extension of neurites with well-developed growth cones on the ependymal cells. These results suggest that CPECs have a great capacity to promote neurite outgrowth from DRG neurons in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary Skin fibroblasts as well as 3T3 cells were cultured after entrapping freshly prepared cells in medium containing polymerizing fibrin. In contrast to cells grown on plastic substratum, fibrin-clot-cultured cells became highly elongated forming strands of cells. The strands interconnected by lateral cellular protrusions so that horizontal networks of cells were present throughout the clots. Cell growth as well as stretching were dependent upon the concentrations of fibrin. Highest growth rates were obtained with low fibrin concentrations (0.3 mg fibrinogen per ml). As shown by deprivation experiments nutritional limitations appear to be responsible for differences in growth rates observed in fibrin clots of higher density. In this system the fibrin meshwork serves as substratum for adhesion, elongation and multiplication of fibroblasts. The method makes it possible to study single cells in culture and the effects of persistent microenivronmental influences. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

J Pohl  E Christophers 《In vitro》1979,15(8):624-630
Skin fibroblasts as well as 3T3 cells were cultured after entrapping freshly prepared cells in medium containing polymerizing fibrin. In contrast to cells grown on plastic substratum, fibrin-clot-cultured cells became highly elongated forming strands of cells. The strands interconnected by lateral cellular protrusions so that horizontal networks of cells were present throughout the clots. Cell growth as well as stretching were dependent upon the concentrations of fibrin. Highest growth rates were obtained with low fibrin concentrations (0.3 mg fibrinogen per ml). As shown by deprivation experiments nutritional limitations appear to be responsible for differences in growth rates observed in fibrin clots of higher density. In this system the fibrin meshwork serves as substratum for adhesion, elongation and multiplication of fibroblasts. The method makes it possible to study single cells in culture and the effects of persistent microenvironmental influences.  相似文献   

To determine the influence that an appropriate target cell has on the axonal structure of a presynaptic neuron in vivo, we examined the morphologies of individual Aplysia sensory neurons in dissociated cell culture in the presence or absence of identified target motor neurons. We find that an appropriate target, the motor cell L7, regulates the morphological differentiation of the presynaptic sensory neurons in two ways: the target induces the axons of the sensory neurons to develop a more elaborate structure and to form active zones, and the target guides the outgrowth of the sensory neurons. The influence of the appropriate target, L7, on the morphological differentiation of sensory neurons appears to be related to the formation of chemical synaptic connections between the sensory neurons and L7, since sensory neurons co-cultured with an inappropriate target motor neuron do not exhibit a comparable elaboration of their axonal processes.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25 (OH)2 vit D3) on the 3H-thymidine uptake by Balb/c 3T3 cells and by human skin fibroblasts stimulated by normal human serum or by purified PDGF. We found an inhibitory effect of 1,25 (OH)2 vit D3 on the DNA synthesis of Balb/c 3T3 cells grown in the presence of human serum as well as in the presence of PDGF. At 5% human serum this effect is minimal at 10(-12) M 1,25 (OH)2 vit D3 and is maximal at 10(-9) M. On the DNA synthesis of human fibroblasts stimulated by human serum or by PDGF a modulatory effect of 1,25 (OH)2 vit D3 was shown. On these cells the vitamin had a stimulatory effect between 10(-11) and 10(-9) M and an inhibitory effect at very high concentrations (10(-7) M). Our results suggested that the effect of 1,25 (OH)2 vit D3 on fibroblast DNA synthesis could be mediated by interactions with its specific intracellular receptor. 1,25 (OH)2 vit D3 had no any action on the growth of human fibroblasts stimulated by fibroblast growth factor.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for obtaining mixed primary cultures of dissociated epidermis enriched in Merkel cells. Merkel cells obtained from embryonic rat buccal pads were grown in serum-free medium and identified in vitro using a variety of histological and immunohistochemical markers. Quinacrine, a fluorescent amine, which has been used to identify Merkel cells in situ, labeled a morphologically distinct population of cells in vitro. Cells labeled with quinacrine had a large, phase bright nucleus with prominent nucleoli, surrounded by a phase dark perinuclear ring. Antibodies directed against neuron-specific enolase, another marker for Merkel cells in situ, and antibodies against a well-characterized neuroendocrine vesicle antigen also labeled this population of quinacrine fluorescent cells. Electron microscopic examination of our cultures indicated that cells containing characteristic features of Merkel cells including cytoplasmic dense-cored granules were present. A small but significant increase in the number of Merkel cells was observed over time in culture. Merkel cells supported the survival and outgrowth of both trigeminal ganglion sensory neurons and sympathetic neurons from the superior cervical ganglion in serum-free medium in the absence of exogenous nerve growth factor (NGF). Immunoblots probed with antibodies directed against NGF demonstrated that NGF was present in the medium taken from these cultures. NGF-like immunoreactivity colocalized to cells containing quinacrine fluorescence in situ and in vitro. Addition of antibodies directed against NGF to cocultures of Merkel cells and neurons decreased survival of sympathetic neurons by 90% and decreased survival of sensory neurons by 60%. These results suggest that Merkel cells are capable of providing trophic support for their normal complement of sensory neurons by producing NGF. Selective recognition of these targets was studied in vitro by characterizing the interactions between Merkel cells and growth cones from sensory or sympathetic neurons using both time-lapse videomicroscopy and standard morphometry of fixed cocultures. The majority of trigeminal ganglion sensory neurons (approximately 60%) extended growth cones onto clusters of Merkel cells. Neurites which contacted clusters of Merkel cells were significantly more highly branched than those growing on collagen. In contrast, the majority of sympathetic neurons (greater than 90%) failed to grow onto Merkel cells. Growth cones of sympathetic neurons often "collapsed" and retracted when contact was made with a cluster of Merkel cells. Fixation of Merkel cells with paraformaldehyde prior to coculture did not affect this difference between sensory and sympathetic neurite extension onto the Merkel cells. However, prior fixation of Merkel cells eradicated the apparent Merkel ce-induced branching of sensory neurites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Targets in limb regions of the chick embryo are further removed from the dorsal root ganglia that innervate them compared with thoracic ganglion-to-target distances. It has been inferred that axons grow into the limb regions two to three times faster than into nonlimb regions. We tested whether the differences were due to intrinsic properties of the neurons located at different segmental levels. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were isolated from the forelimb, trunk, and hind limb regions of stage 25–30 embryos. Neurite outgrowth was measured in dissociated cell culture and in cultures of DRG explants. Although there was considerable variability in the amount of neurite outgrowth, there were no substantive differences in the amount or the rate of outgrowth comparing brachial, thoracic, or lumbosacral neurons. The amount of neurite outgrowth in dissociated cell cultures increased with the stage of development. Overall, our data suggest that DRG neurons express a basal amount of outgrowth, which is initially independent of target-derived neurotrophic influences; the magnitude of this intrinsic growth potential increases with stage of development; and the neurons of the DRG are not intrinsically specified to grow neurites at rates that are matched to the distance they are required to grow to make contact with their peripheral targets in vivo. We present a speculative model based on Poisson statistics, which attempts to account for the variability in the amount of neurite outgrowth from dissociated neurons. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We have previously designed in vitro model systems to characterize the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) genome during in vitro virus latency. Latency was established by treatment of infected human embryo lung fibroblast (HEL-F) cells or rat fetal neurons with (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine and human leukocyte interferon and was maintained by increasing the incubation temperature after inhibitor removal. Virus was reactivated by reducing the incubation temperature. We have now examined the HSV-1-specific DNA content of latently infected HEL-F cells and rat fetal neurons treated with (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine and human leukocyte interferon and increased temperature. The HEL-F cell population contained, on an average, between 0.25 and 0.5 copies of most, if not all, HSV-1 HindIII and XbaI DNA fragments per haploid cell genome equivalent. In contrast, the latently infected neurons contained, on an average, 8 to 10 copies per haploid cell genome equivalent of most HSV-1 BamHI DNA fragments. There was no detectable alteration in size or molarity of the HSV-1 terminal or junction DNA fragments obtained by HindIII, XbaI, or BamHI digestion of the latently infected neuron or HEL-F cell DNA, as compared with digestion of a reconstruction mixture of purified HSV-1 virion and HEL-F cell DNAs. These data suggest that the predominant form of the HSV-1 genome in either latently infected cell population is nonintegrated, linear, and nonconcatameric.  相似文献   

Prolactine was found to promote neurite extension in chick embryo dorsal root ganglia in vitro. This hormone was active at the concentration 10-50 ng/ml provided extensive neurite outgrowth in the bioassay, compared to the control. The liquor from patients with prolactinoma was also found to promote neurite extension. This fact may be used for prolactinoma diagnostics.  相似文献   

Terrilytin (a protease) was found to promote neurite extension in chick embryo dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord in vitro. This protease was active at the concentration 10-50 ng/ml, which provided extensive neurite outgrowth in the bioassay, compared to the control. Terrilytin may be used for stimulating regenerating processes in nervous tissue.  相似文献   

We used compartmented cultures to study the regulation of adult sensory neurite growth by neurotrophins. We examined the effects of the neurotrophins nerve growth factor (NGF), neurotrophin-3 (NT3), and BDNF on distal neurite elongation from adult rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Neurons were plated in the center compartments of three-chambered dishes in the absence of neurotrophin, and neurite extension into the distal (side) compartments containing NGF, BDNF, or NT3 was quantitated. Initial proximal neurite growth did not require any of the neurotrophins, while subsequent elongation into distal compartments required NGF. After neurites had extended into NGF-containing distal compartments, removal of NGF by treatment with anti-NGF resulted in the cessation of growth with minimal neurite retraction. In contrast to the effects of NGF, no distal neurite elongation was observed into compartments with BDNF or NT3. To examine possible additive influences, neurite extension into compartments containing BDNF plus NGF or NT3 plus NGF was quantitated. There was no increased neurite extension into NGF plus NT3 compartments, while the combination of BDNF plus NGF resulted in an inhibition of neurite extension compared with NGF alone. We then investigated whether the regrowth of neurites that had originally grown into NGF subsequent to in vitro axotomy still required NGF. The results demonstrated that unlike adult sensory nerve regeneration in vivo, the in vitro regrowth did require NGF, and neither BDNF nor NT3 was able to substitute for NGF. Since the initial growth from neurons after dissociation (which is also a regenerative response) did not require NGF, it would appear that neuritic growth and regrowth of adult DRG neurons in vitro includes both NGF-independent and NGF-dependent components. The compartmented culture system provides a unique model to further study aspects of this differential regulation of neurite growth. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 395–410, 1997  相似文献   

Neurotrophin receptors of the Trk family play a vital role in the survival of developing neurons and the process of axonogenesis. The Trk family are receptor protein tyrosine kinases (RTKs) and their signalling in response to neurotrophins is critically dependent upon their ability to transphosphorylate and act as signalling centres for multiple adaptor proteins and distinct, downstream pathways. Such phosphotyrosine signalling also depends upon the appropriate counter-regulation by phosphatases. A large family of receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are also expressed in developing neurons and in this study we have examined the ability of the phosphatase PTPsigma to interact with and regulate Trk proteins in transfected HEK 293T cells. PTPsigma can bind differentially to Trk proteins, binding stably in complexes with TrkA and TrkC, but not TrkB. The transmembrane domains of PTPsigma and TrkA appear to be sufficient for the direct or indirect interaction between these two receptors. Furthermore, PTPsigma is shown to dephosphorylate all three Trk receptors and suppress their phosphorylation in the presence of neurotrophins. In addition, overexpression of PTPsigma in primary sensory neurons in culture inhibits neurite outgrowth without affecting the short-term survival of these neurons. PTPsigma can thus show differential complex formation with different Trk family members and in neurons can selectively target the neurite-forming signalling pathway driven by TrkA.  相似文献   

Substances released from immunoglobin (Ig) E-stimulated mast cells are likely to be among the chemical mediators responsible for changes in the vagal component of airway reactivity. We have attempted to identify a direct role for mast cell mediators in the control of visceral afferent excitability by examining intracellular electrophysiological changes in vagal neurons after application of extracts prepared from purified and IgE-stimulated human lung mast cells (HLMC). HLMC's, applied by superfusion or by focal pressure ejection from micropipettes, reversibly enhanced the excitability of a subpopulation of rabbit visceral sensory C-fiber neurons by 1) abolishing the slow Ca2+-dependent post-spike after hyperpolarization that uniquely resides in these neurons and controls their spike frequency, 2) depolarizing the cell membrane potential, and 3) increasing membrane input resistance. Control HLMC prepared by subjecting purified human lung mast cells to normal goat serum had no measurable affects on neuronal excitability. The immunologically released constituents responsible for these excitability changes are likely to be lipid mediators, because essentially all biological activity is extractable into an organic phase after methanol-chloroform solvent extraction of the HLMC preparations. These results provide the first unambiguous evidence that products released from immunologically challenged HLMC's directly affect visceral afferent nerve cell function.  相似文献   

Background information. Multipotent mesenchymal stem cells can participate in the formation of a microenvironment stimulating the aggressive behaviour of cancer cells. Moreover, cells exhibiting pluripotent ESC (embryonic stem cell) markers (Nanog and Oct4) have been observed in many tumours. Here, we investigate the role of cancer‐associated fibroblasts in the formation of stem cell supporting properties of tumour stroma. We test the influence of fibroblasts isolated from basal cell carcinoma on mouse 3T3 fibroblasts, focusing on the expression of stem cell markers and plasticity in vitro by means of microarrays, qRT‐PCR (quantitative real‐time PCR) and immunohistochemistry. Results. We demonstrate the biological activity of the cancer stromal fibroblasts by influencing the 3T3 fibroblasts to express markers such as Oct4, Nanog and Sox2 and to show differentiation potential similar to mesenchymal stem cells. The role of growth factors such as IGF2 (insulin‐like growth factor 2), FGF7 (fibroblast growth factor 7), LEP (leptin), NGF (nerve growth factor) and TGFβ (transforming growth factor β), produced by the stromal fibroblasts, is established to participate in their bioactivity. Uninduced 3T3 do not express the stem cell markers and show minimal differentiation potential. Conclusions. Our observations indicate the pro‐stem cell activity of cancer‐associated fibroblasts and underline the role of epithelial—mesenchymal interaction in tumour biology.  相似文献   

Swiss albino mouse 3T3 cells in various states were inoculated onto one side of Millipore filters. The other side of the filter was then coated with type I collagen and inoculated with newborn rat skin epidermal cells. On coculture of these cells, the attachment, growth and keratin synthesis of epidermal cells were found to depend on the state of the 3T3 cells: 3T3 cells in the stationary phase of growth were the most effective, followed by those in the logarithmic growth phase, those in the lag phase and plasmolyzed fibroblasts being only slightly effective. The effects of 3T3 cells in different states correlated well with their abilities to synthesize type IV collagen, but not type I collagen: with an increase in type IV collagen synthesis by the 3T3 cells, attachment of epidermal cells to the cell support, and their growth and synthesis of keratins increased. This culture system is concluded to mimic conditions in skin in vivo, and therefore to be suitable for studies on the effects of fibroblasts on the growth of epidermal cells.  相似文献   

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