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In Alcaligenes eutrophus CH34, resistance to chromate is plasmid determined, inducible, and based on decreased net accumulation of the metal anion. Plasmid-encoded resistances to zinc, cadmium, cobalt, and nickel are resulting from inducible, energy-dependent cation efflux systems.  相似文献   

A 238-kilobase-pair plasmid, pMOL30, confers resistance to cadmium, zinc, and cobalt salts in Alcaligenes eutrophus CH34. After Tn5 mutagenesis, restriction nuclease analysis, and Southern DNA-DNA hybridization, a 9.1-kilobase-pair EcoRI fragment was found to harbor all of these resistance properties and was cloned into the broad-host-range hybrid plasmid pRK290. When transferred to a plasmid-free derivative of CH34, the hybrid plasmid conferred the same degree of resistance as the parent plasmid pMOL30. In two other Alcaligenes strains, the hybrid plasmid was expressed, but to a lower degree than in CH34 derivatives.  相似文献   

D H Nies 《Journal of bacteriology》1992,174(24):8102-8110
The czcR gene, one of the two control genes responsible for induction of resistance to Co2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ (czc system) in the Alcaligenes eutrophus plasmid pMOL30, was cloned and characterized. The 1,376-bp sequence upstream of the czcCBAD structural genes encodes a 41.4-kDa protein, the czcR gene product, transcribed in the opposite direction of that of the czcCBAD genes. The putative CzcR polypeptide (355 amino acid residues) contains 11 cysteine and 14 histidine residues which might form metal cation-binding sites. A czcC::lacZ reporter gene translational fusion was constructed, inserted into plasmid pMOL30 in A. eutrophus, and expressed under the control of CzcR. Zn2+, Co2+, and Cd2+, as well as Ni2+, Cu2+, Hg2+, and Mn2+ and even Al3+, served as inducers of beta-galactosidase activity. Besides the CzcR protein, the membrane-bound CzcD protein was essential for induction of czc. The CzcR and CzcD proteins display no sequence similarity to two-component regulatory systems of a sensor and a response activator type; however, CzcD has 34% identity with the ZRC-1 protein, which mediates zinc resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (A. Kamizomo, M. Nishizawa, Y. Teranishi, K. Murata, and A. Kimura, Mol. Gen. Genet. 219:161-167, 1989).  相似文献   

HoxN, an integral membrane protein with seven transmembrane helices and a molecular mass of 33.1 kDa, is involved in high-affinity nickel transport in Alcaligenes eutrophus H16. From genetic analyses, it has been concluded that HoxN is a single-component ion carrier. To investigate this assumption, hoxN was introduced into Escherichia coli. The recombinant strain showed significantly enhanced nickel uptake in a short-interval assay. Likewise, growth in the presence of 63NiCl2 yielded a more than 15-fold-increased cellular nickel content. The HoxN-based nickel transport activity could also be demonstrated in a physiological assay: an E. coli strain coexpressing hoxN and the urease operon of Klebsiella aerogenes exhibited urease activity 10-fold greater than that in the strain lacking a functional hoxN. These results strongly suggest that HoxN is sufficient to operate as a nickel permease. Multiple sequence alignment of HoxN and four other bacterial membrane proteins implicated in nickel metabolism revealed two conserved signatures which may play a role in the nickel translocation process.  相似文献   

We have characterized the minimal functioning unit of UhpT, the secondary carrier that mediates exchange of phosphate and glucose 6-phosphate in Escherichia coli. Membranes of a UhpT overproducing strain were solubilized with 1.25% octyl beta-D-glucopyranoside, in the presence of 0.1% E. coli phospholipid and with 20% glycerol as the osmolyte stabilant. That soluble UhpT could bind its natural substrates was indicated by the protections afforded by sugar phosphates against thermal inactivation or chemical modification with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. Moreover, the degree of protection correlated with the strength of interaction between UhpT and the test substrate (2-deoxyglucose 6-phosphate = glucose 6-phosphate greater than galactose 6-phosphate = glucose 1-phosphate much greater than glucose 6-sulfate). Other experiments demonstrated that soluble UhpT existed as a monomer. For example, during both high performance liquid chromatography and conventional gel permeation chromatography, the elution pattern of UhpT activity was measured directly by a rapid reconstitution technique. In both cases, and in the presence and absence of substrate, UhpT activity traveled as a single component of Mr 53,000, corresponding closely to the sequence prediction of 50,600. Finally, reconstitution was studied at protein to lipid ratios low enough to achieve between 0.075 and 1.5 UhpT monomers/proteoliposome. Specific activity was constant throughout this range, a finding consistent with the idea of a functional monomer. Mitochondria and chloroplasts provide the only other anion exchange carriers described at this level of biochemical resolution, and these organelle antiporters function as dimers. By contrast, work summarized here places their bacterial counterpart, UhpT, in the same class as the lactose carrier of E. coli and the glucose carrier of the human erythrocyte, both of which function as monomers. Consideration of this pattern in conjunction with the known hydropathy profiles of these proteins suggests a novel scheme for the classification of all secondary carriers, with implications for both the structure and origin of these transport proteins.  相似文献   

The poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) biosynthetic pathway from Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Initially, an A. eutrophus H16 genomic library was constructed by using cosmid pVK102, and cosmid clones that encoded the PHB biosynthetic pathway were sought by assaying for the first enzyme of the pathway, beta-ketothiolase. Six enzyme-positive clones were identified. Three of these clones manifested acetoacetyl coenzyme A reductase activity, the second enzyme of the biosynthetic pathway, and accumulated PHB. PHB was produced in the cosmid clones at approximately 50% of the level found in A. eutrophus. One cosmid clone was subjected to subcloning experiments, and the PHB biosynthetic pathway was isolated on a 5.2-kilobase KpnI-EcoRI fragment. This fragment, when cloned into small multicopy vectors, can direct the synthesis of PHB in E. coli to levels approaching 80% of the bacterial cell dry weight.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli pfkA gene has been cloned in the non-self-transmissible vector pVK101 from hybrid plasmids obtained from the Clarke and Carbon clone bank, resulting in the plasmids pAS300 and pAS100; the latter plasmid also encoded the E. coli tpi gene. These plasmids were transferred by conjugation to mutants of Alcaligenes eutrophus which are unable to grow on fructose and gluconate due to lack of 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase activity. These transconjugants recovered the ability to grow on fructose and harbored pAS100 or pAS300. After growth on fructose, the transconjugants contained phosphofructokinase at specific activities between 0.73 and 1.83 U/mg of protein, indicating that the E. coli pfkA gene is readily expressed in A. eutrophus and that the utilization of fructose occurs via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway instead of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway. In contrast, transconjugants of the wild type of A. eutrophus, which are potentially able to catabolize fructose via both pathways, grew at a decreased rate on fructose and during growth on fructose did not stably maintain pAS100 or pAS300. Indications for a glycolytic futile cycling of fructose 6-phosphate and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate are discussed. Plasmid pA 100 was also transferred to 14 different species of gram-negative bacteria. The pfkA gene was expressed in most of these species. In addition, most transconjugants of these strains and of A. eutrophus exhibited higher specific activities of triosephosphate isomerase than did the corresponding parent strains.  相似文献   

In the present study, we showed that yojI, an Escherichia coli open reading frame with an unknown function, mediates resistance to the peptide antibiotic microcin J25 when it is expressed from a multicopy vector. Disruption of the single chromosomal copy of yojI increased sensitivity of cells to microcin J25. The YojI protein was previously assumed to be an ATP-binding-cassette-type exporter on the basis of sequence similarities. We demonstrate that YojI is capable of pumping out microcin molecules. Thus, one obvious explanation for the protective effect against microcin J25 is that YojI action keeps the intracellular concentration of the peptide below a toxic level. The outer membrane protein TolC in addition to YojI is required for export of microcin J25 out of the cell. Microcin J25 is thus the first known substrate for YojI.  相似文献   

We studied recovery of poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) (PHB) from Alcaligenes eutrophus and a recombinant Escherichia coli strain harboring the A. eutrophus poly(3-hydroxyalkanoic acid) biosynthesis genes. The amount of PHB degraded to a lower-molecular-weight compound in A. eutrophus during the recovery process was significant when sodium hypochlorite was used, but the amount degraded in the recombinant E. coli strain was negligible. However, there was no difference between the two microorganisms in the patterns of molecular weight change when PHB was recovered by using dispersions of a sodium hypochlorite solution and chloroform. To understand these findings, we examined purified PHB and lyophilized cells containing PHB by using a differential scanning calorimeter, a thermogravimetric analyzer, and nuclear magnetic resonance. The results of our analysis of lyophilized whole cells containing PHB with the differential scanning calorimeter suggested that the PHB granules in the recombinant E. coli strain were crystalline, while most of the PHB in A. eutrophus was in a mobile amorphous state. The stability of the native PHB in the recombinant E. coli strain during sodium hypochlorite treatment seemed to be due to its crystalline morphology. In addition, as determined by the thermogravimetric analyzer study, lyophilized cell powder of the recombinant E. coli strain containing PHB exhibited greater thermal stability than purified PHB obtained by chloroform extraction. The PHB preparations extracted from the two microorganisms had identical polymer properties.  相似文献   

EmrE is an Escherichia coli 12-kDa protein that confers resistance to toxic compounds, by actively removing them in exchange with protons. The protein includes eight charged residues. Seven of these residues are located in the hydrophilic loops and can be replaced with either Cys or another amino acid bearing the same charge, without impairing transport activity. Glu-14 is the only charged residue in the membrane domain and is conserved in all the proteins of the family. We show here that this residue is the site of action of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, a carbodiimide known to act in hydrophobic environments. When Glu-14 was replaced with either Cys or Asp, resistance was abolished. Whereas the E14C mutant displays no transport activity, the E14D protein shows efflux and exchange at rates about 30-50% that of the wild type. The maximal DeltapH-driven uptake rate of E14D is only 10% that of the wild type. The mutant shows a different pH profile in all the transport modes. Our results support the notion that Glu-14 is an essential part of a binding domain shared by substrates and protons but mutually exclusive in time. This notion provides the molecular basis for the obligatory exchange catalyzed by EmrE.  相似文献   

A Nies  D H Nies    S Silver 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(9):5065-5070
Resistances to chromate and cobalt were cloned on a 30-kilobase-pair (kb) DNA region from the large Alcaligenes eutrophus plasmid pMOL28 into the broad-host-range mobilizable cosmid vector pVK102. A restriction nuclease map of the 30-kb region was generated. The resistances expressed from the hybrid plasmids after transfer back into A. eutrophus were inducible and conferred the same degree of resistance as the parent plasmid pMOL28. Resistances were expressed in metal-sensitive Alcaligenes strains and related bacteria but not in Escherichia coli. Resistance to chromate was further localized on a 2.6-kb EcoRI fragment, and resistance to cobalt was localized on an adjoining 8.5-kb PstI-EcoRI fragment. When the 2.6-kb EcoRI fragment was expressed in E. coli under the control of a bacteriophage T7 promoter, three polypeptides with molecular masses of 31,500, 21,000, and 14,500 daltons were visible on autoradiograms. The 31,500- and 21,000-dalton polypeptides were membrane bound; the 14,500-dalton polypeptide was soluble.  相似文献   

The RecQ helicases belong to an important family of highly conserved DNA helicases that play a key role in chromosomal maintenance, and their defects have been shown to lead to several disorders and cancer in humans. In this work, the conformational and functional properties of the Escherichia coli RecQ helicase have been determined using a wide array of biochemical and biophysical techniques. The results obtained clearly indicate that E. coli RecQ helicase is monomeric in solution up to a concentration of 20 microM and in a temperature range between 4 and 37 degrees C. Furthermore, these properties are not affected by the presence of ATP, which is strictly required for the unwinding and translocating activity of the protein, or by its nonhydrolyzable analogue 5'-adenylyl-beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate. Consistent with the structural properties, functional analysis shows that both DNA unwinding activity and single-stranded DNA-stimulated ATPase specific activity were independent of RecQ concentration. The monomeric state was further confirmed by the ATPase-deficient mutants of RecQ protein. The rate of unwinding was unchanged when the wild type RecQ helicase was mixed with the ATPase-deficient mutants, indicating that nonprotein-protein interactions were involved in the unwinding processes. Taken together, these results indicate that RecQ helicase functions as a monomer and provide new data on the structural and functional properties of RecQ helicase that may help elucidate its mechanism action.  相似文献   

Abstract Molecular methods based on detection of specific DNA sequences are increasingly used to monitor microbial strains and communities in soils. Here, we report that desiccation of soil, a condition that frequently occurs in nature, may contribute considerably to dissimilarity between DNA levels and colony forming units of introduced bacteria. Three types of soil samples were supplemented with Escherichia coli or Alcaligenes eutrophus suspensions and incubated at 30°C in the presence or absence of dehydrating silica gel. Alternatively, seeded soil samples were desiccated by freeze-drying. At regular time points cells and total DNA were extracted and colony forming units and plasmid DNA were determined, respectively. These analyses showed that the decrease of the number of colony forming units was faster in desiccating than in control soil. Both in desiccating and in control soil, plasmid DNA levels were more stable than culturable counts. Long-term incubation experiments showed that in desiccating soil but not in control soil E. coli plasmid DNA remained intact and biologically active for at least 17 days after disappearance of E. coli culturable counts.  相似文献   

Resistance to cadmium, cobalt, zinc, and nickel in microbes.   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
D H Nies 《Plasmid》1992,27(1):17-28
The divalent cations of cobalt, zinc, and nickel are essential nutrients for bacteria, required as trace elements at nanomolar concentrations. However, at micro- or millimolar concentrations, Co2+, Zn2+, and Ni2+ (and "bad ions" without nutritional roles such as Cd2+) are toxic. These cations are transported into the cell by constitutively expressed divalent cation uptake systems of broad specificity, i.e., basically Mg2+ transport systems. Therefore, in case of a heavy metal stress, uptake of the toxic ions cannot be reduced by a simple down-regulation of the transport activity. As a response to the resulting metal toxicity, metal resistance determinants evolved which are mostly plasmid-encoded in bacteria. In contrast to that of the cation Hg2+, chemical reduction of Co2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, and Cd2+ by the cell is not possible or sensible. Therefore, other than mutations limiting the ion range of the uptake system, only two basic mechanisms of resistance to these ions are possible (and were developed by evolution): intracellular complexation of the toxic metal ion is mainly used in eucaryotes; the cadmium-binding components are phytochelatins in plant and yeast cells and metallothioneins in animals, plants, and yeasts. In contrast, reduced accumulation based on an active efflux of the cation is the primary mechanism developed in procaryotes and perhaps in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. All bacterial cation efflux systems characterized to date are plasmid-encoded and inducible but differ in energy-coupling and in the number and types of proteins involved in metal transport and in regulation. In the gram-positive multiple-metal-resistant bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, Cd2+ (and probably Zn2+) efflux is catalyzed by the membrane-bound CadA protein, a P-type ATPase. However, a second protein (CadC) is required for full resistance and a third one (CadR) is hypothesized for regulation of the resistance determinant. The czc determinant from the gram-negative multiple-metal-resistant bacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus encodes proteins required for Co2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ efflux (CzcA, CzcB, and CzcC) and regulation of the czc determinant (CzcD). In the current working model CzcA works as a cation-proton antiporter, CzcB as a cation-binding subunit, and CzcC as a modifier protein required to change the substrate specificity of the system from Zn2+ only to Co2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+.  相似文献   

Conjugal transfer from Escherichia coli to Alcaligenes eutrophus of the A. eutrophus genes coding for plasmid-borne resistance to cadmium, cobalt, and zinc (czc genes) was investigated on agar plates and in soil samples. This czc fragment is not expressed in the donor strain, E. coli, but it is expressed in the recipient strain, A. eutrophus. Hence, expression of heavy metal resistance by cells plated on a medium containing heavy metals represents escape of the czc genes. The two plasmids into which this DNA fragment has been cloned previously and which were used in these experiments are the nonconjugative, mobilizable plasmid pDN705 and the nonconjugative, nonmobilizable plasmid pMOL149. In plate matings at 28 to 30 degrees C, the direct mobilization of pDN705 occurred at a frequency of 2.4 x 10(-2) per recipient, and the mobilization of the same plasmid by means of the IncP1 conjugative plasmids RP4 or pULB113 (present either in a third cell [triparental cross] or in the recipient strain itself [retromobilization]) occurred at average frequencies of 8 x 10(-4) and 2 x 10(-5) per recipient, respectively. The czc genes cloned into the Tra- Mob- plasmid pMOL149 were transferred at a frequency of 10(-7) to 10(-8) and only by means of plasmid pULB113. The direct mobilization of pDN705 was further investigated in sandy, sandy-loam, and clay soils. In sterile soils, transfer frequencies at 20 degrees C were highest in the sandy-loam soil (10(-5) per recipient) and were enhanced in all soils by the addition of easily metabolizable nutrients.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Organoautotrophic growth of Alcaligenes eutrophus on formate was dependent on the presence of molybdate in the medium. Supplementation of the medium with tungstate lead to growth cessation. Corresponding effects of these anions were observed for the activity of the soluble, NAD(+)-linked formate dehydrogenase (S-FDH; EC of the organism. Lack of molybdate or presence of tungstate resulted in an almost complete loss of S-FDH activity. S-FDH was purified to near homogeneity in the presence of nitrate as a stabilizing agent. The native enzyme exhibited an M(r) of 197,000 and a heterotetrameric quaternary structure with nonidentical subunits of M(r) 110,000 (alpha), 57,000 (beta), 19,400 (gamma), and 11,600 (delta). It contained 0.64 g-atom of molybdenum, 25 g-atom of nonheme iron, 20 g-atom of acid-labile sulfur, and 0.9 mol of flavin mononucleotide per mol. The fluorescence spectrum of iodine-oxidized S-FDH was nearly identical to the form A spectrum of milk xanthine oxidase, proving the presence of a pterin cofactor. The molybdenum-complexing cofactor was identified as molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide in an amount of 0.71 mol/mol of S-FDH. Apparent Km values of 3.3 mM for formate and 0.09 mM for NAD+ were determined. The enzyme coupled the oxidation of formate to a number of artificial electron acceptors and was strongly inactivated by formate in the absence of NAD+. It was inhibited by cyanide, azide, nitrate, and Hg2+ ions. Thus, the enzyme belongs to a new group of complex molybdo-flavo Fe-S FDH that so far has been detected in only one other aerobic bacterium.  相似文献   

From pMOL28, one of the two heavy metal resistance plasmids of Alcaligenes eutrophus strain CH34, we cloned an EcoRI-PstI fragment into plasmid pVDZ'2. This hybrid plasmid conferred inducible nickel and cobalt resistance (cnr) in two distinct plasmid-free A. eutrophus hosts, strains AE104 and H16. Resistances were not expressed in Escherichia coli. The nucleotide sequence of the 8.5-kb EcoRI-PstI fragment (8,528 bp) revealed seven open reading frames; two of these, cnrB and cnrA, were assigned with respect to size and location to polypeptides expressed in E. coli under the control of the bacteriophage T7 promoter. The genes cnrC (44 kDa), cnrB (40 kDa), and cnrA (115.5 kDa) are probably structural genes; the gene loci cnrH (11.6 kDa), cnrR (tentatively assigned to open reading frame 1 [ORF]; 15.5 kDa), and cnrY (tentatively assigned to ORF0ab; ORF0a, 11.0 kDa; ORF0b, 10.3 kDa) are probably involved in the regulation of expression. ORF0ab and ORF1 exhibit a codon usage that is not typical for A. eutrophus. The 8.5-kb EcoRI-PstI fragment was mapped by Tn5 transposon insertion mutagenesis. Among 72 insertion mutants, the majority were nickel sensitive. The mutations located upstream of cnrC resulted in various phenotypic changes: (i) each mutation in one of the gene loci cnrYRH caused constitutivity, (ii) a mutation in cnrH resulted in different expression of cobalt and nickel resistance in the hosts H16 and AE104, and (iii) mutations in cnrY resulted in two- to fivefold-increased nickel resistance in both hosts. These genes are considered to be involved in the regulation of cnr. Comparison of cnr of pMOL28 with czc of pMOL30, the other large plasmid of CH34, revealed that the structural genes are arranged in the same order and determine proteins of similar molecular weights. The largest protein CnrA shares 46% amino acid similarity with CzcA (the largest protein of the czc operon). The other putative gene products, CnrB and CnrC, share 28 and 30% similarity, respectively, with the corresponding proteins of czc.  相似文献   

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