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The enzymatic activity of coagulation factor VIIa is controlled by its cellular cofactor tissue factor (TF). TF binds factor VIIa with high affinity and, in addition, participates in substrate interaction through its C-terminal fibronectin type III domain. We analyzed surface-exposed residues in the C-terminal TF domain to more fully determine the area on TF important for substrate activation. Soluble TF (sTF) mutants were expressed in E. coli, and their ability to support factor VIIa-dependent substrate activation was measured in the presence of phospholipid vesicles or SW-13 cell membranes. The results showed that factor IX and factor X interacted with the same TF region located proximal to the putative phospholipid surface. According to the degree of activity loss of the sTF mutants, this TF region can be divided into a main region (residues Tyr157, Lys159, Ser163, Gly164, Lys165, Lys166, Tyr185) forming a solvent-exposed patch of 488 A(2) and an extended region which comprises an additional 7-8 residues, including the distally positioned Asn199, Arg200, and Asp204. Some of the identified TF residues, such as Trp158 and those within the loop Lys159-Lys165, are near the factor VIIa gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) domain, suggesting that the factor VIIa Gla-domain may also participate in substrate interaction. Moreover, the surface identified as important for substrate interaction carries a net positive charge, suggesting that charge interactions may significantly contribute to TF-substrate binding. The calculated surface-exposed area of this substrate interaction region is about 1100 A(2), which is approximately half the size of the TF area that is in contact with factor VIIa. Therefore, a substantial portion of the TF surface (3000 A(2)) is engaged in protein-protein interactions during substrate catalysis.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is a bacterial pathogen that can enter the human lung and grow inside alveolar macrophages. To grow within phagocytic host cells, the bacteria must create a specialized organelle that restricts fusion with lysosomes. Biogenesis of this replicative organelle is controlled by 24 dot and icm genes, which encode a type IV-related transport apparatus. To understand how this transporter functions, isogenic L. pneumophila dot and icm mutants were characterized, and three distinct phenotypic categories were identified. Our data show that, in addition to genes that encode the core Dot/Icm transport apparatus, subsets of genes are required for pore formation and modulation of phagosome trafficking. To understand activities required for virulence at a molecular level, we investigated protein-protein interactions. Specific interactions between different Icm proteins were detected by yeast two-hybrid and gel overlay analysis. These data support a model in which the IcmQ-IcmR complex regulates the formation of a translocation channel that delivers proteins into host cells, and the IcmS-IcmW complex is required for export of virulence determinants that modulate phagosome trafficking.  相似文献   

NAADP participates in the response of starfish oocytes to sperm by triggering the fertilization potential (FP) through the activation of a Ca2+ current which depolarizes the membrane to the threshold of activation of the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. The aim of this study was to investigate whether this Ca2+ influx is linked to the onset of the concomitant InsP3-mediated Ca2+ wave by simultaneously employing Ca2+ imaging and single-electrode intracellular recording techniques. In control oocytes, the sperm-induced membrane depolarization always preceded by a few seconds the onset of the Ca2+ wave. Strikingly, the self-desensitization of NAADP receptors either abolished the Ca2+ response or resulted in abnormal oocyte activation, i.e., the membrane depolarization followed the Ca2+ wave and the oocyte was polyspermic. The inhibition of InsP3 signaling only impaired the propagation of the Ca2+ wave and shortened the FP. The duration of FP was also reduced in low-Na+ sea water. Finally, uncaged InsP3 produced a Ca2+ increase, which depolarized the membrane upon the activation of a Ca2+-sensitive cation current. These results support the hypothesis that Ca2+ entry during the NAADP-triggered FP is required for the onset of the Ca2+ wave at fertilization. The InsP3-mediated Ca2+ wave, in turn, may interact with the NAADP-evoked depolarization by activating a Ca2+-dependent Na+ entry.  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) are involved in many aspects of plant development, including shoot growth, flowering and wood formation. Increased levels of bioactive GAs are known to induce xylogenesis and xylem fiber elongation in aspen. However, there is currently little information on the response pathway(s) that mediate GA effects on wood formation. Here we characterize an important element of the GA pathway in hybrid aspen: the GA receptor, GID1. Four orthologs of GID1 were identified in Populus tremula  ×  P. tremuloides ( PttGID1.1–1.4 ). These were functional when expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana , and appear to present a degree of sub-functionalization in hybrid aspen. PttGID1.1 and PttGID1.3 were over-expressed in independent lines of hybrid aspen using either the 35S promoter or a xylem-specific promoter ( LMX5 ). The 35S : PttGID1 over-expressors shared several phenotypic traits previously described in 35S:AtGA20ox1 over-expressors, including rapid growth, increased elongation, and increased xylogenesis. However, their xylem fibers were not elongated, unlike those of 35S:AtGA20ox1 plants. Similar differences in the xylem fiber phenotype were observed when PttGID1.1 , PttGID1.3 or AtGA20ox1 were expressed under the control of the LMX5 promoter, suggesting either that PttGID1.1 and PttGID1.3 play no role in fiber elongation or that GA homeostasis is strongly controlled when GA signaling is altered. Our data suggest that GAs are required in two distinct wood-formation processes that have tissue-specific signaling pathways: xylogenesis, as mediated by GA signaling in the cambium, and fiber elongation in the developing xylem.  相似文献   

Twinfilin is a ubiquitous and abundant actin monomer-binding protein that is composed of two ADF-H domains. To elucidate the role of twinfilin in actin dynamics, we examined the interactions of mouse twinfilin and its isolated ADF-H domains with G-actin. Wild-type twinfilin binds ADP-G-actin with higher affinity (K(D) = 0.05 microM) than ATP-G-actin (K(D) = 0.47 microM) under physiological ionic conditions and forms a relatively stable (k(off) = 1.8 s(-1)) complex with ADP-G-actin. Data from native PAGE and size exclusion chromatography coupled with light scattering suggest that twinfilin competes with ADF/cofilin for the high-affinity binding site on actin monomers, although at higher concentrations, twinfilin, cofilin, and actin may also form a ternary complex. By systematic deletion analysis, we show that the actin-binding activity is located entirely in the two ADF-H domains of twinfilin. Individually, these domains compete for the same binding site on actin, but the C-terminal ADF-H domain, which has >10-fold higher affinity for ADP-G-actin, is almost entirely responsible for the ability of twinfilin to increase the amount of monomeric actin in cosedimentation assays. Isolated ADF-H domains associate with ADP-G-actin with rapid second-order kinetics, whereas the association of wild-type twinfilin with G-actin exhibits kinetics consistent with a two-step binding process. These data suggest that the association with an actin monomer induces a first-order conformational change within the twinfilin molecule. On the basis of these results, we propose a kinetic model for the role of twinfilin in actin dynamics and its possible function in cells.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling pathways in vertebrates use the phosphoprotein Dishevelled (Dvl). The cellular responses to Wnt signaling may in part be modulated by Dvl-associated proteins, including Dapper (Dpr). We have cloned and characterized the zebrafish Dpr paralogs Dpr1 and Dpr2. Loss-of-function studies reveal that endogenous Dpr1 but not Dpr2 is required to enhance Wnt/beta-catenin activity in zebrafish embryos that are hypomorphic for Wnt8. Conversely, Dpr2 but not Dpr1 is required for normal convergence extension movements in embryos that are hypomorphic for Stbm or Wnt11, supporting a functional interaction of Dpr2 with Wnt/Ca2+-PCP signaling. In gain-of-function experiments, Dpr1 but not Dpr2 induces Wnt/beta-catenin target genes. Dpr1 synergizes with zebrafish Dvl2, and with the Dvl-interacting kinases CK1epsilon, Par1 and CK2, in activating target genes. We conclude that two Dvl-associated paralogs, Dpr1 and Dpr2, participate in distinct Wnt-dependent developmental processes.  相似文献   

The malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum has two nucleosome assembly proteins, PfNapS and PfNapL (Chandra, B. R., Olivieri, A., Silvestrini, F., Alano, P., and Sharma, A. (2005) Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 142, 237-247). We show that both PfNapS and PfNapL interact with histone oligomers but only PfNapS is able to deposit histones onto DNA. This property of PfNapS is divalent cation-dependent and ATP-independent. Deletion of the terminal subdomains of PfNapS abolishes its nucleosome assembly capabilities, but the truncated protein retains its ability to bind histones. Both PfNapS and PfNapL show binding to the linker histone H1 suggesting their probable role in extraction of H1 from chromatin fibers. Our data suggests distinct sites of interaction for H1 versus H3/H4 on PfNapS. We show that PfNapS and PfNapL are phosphorylated both in vivo and in vitro by casein kinase-II, and this modification is specifically inhibited by heparin. Circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, and chymotrypsin fingerprinting data together suggest that PfNapL may undergo very small and subtle structural changes upon phosphorylation. Specifically, phosphorylation of PfNapL increases its affinity 3-fold for core histones H3, H4, and for the linker histone H1. Finally, we demonstrate that PfNapS is able to extract histones from both phosphorylated and unphosphorylated PfNapL, potentially for histone deposition onto DNA. Based on these results, we suggest that the P. falciparum NapL is involved in the nucleocytoplasmic relay of histones, whereas PfNapS is likely to be an integral part of the chromatin assembly motors in the parasite nucleus.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,134(5):1197-1207
Filopodial motility is critical for many biological processes, particularly for axon guidance. This motility is based on altering the F-actin-based cytoskeleton, but the mechanisms of how this occurs and the actin-associated proteins that function in this process remain unclear. We investigated two of these proteins found in filopodia, talin and vinculin, by inactivating them in subregions of chick dorsal root ganglia neuronal growth cones and by observing subsequent behavior by video-enhanced microscopy and quantitative morphometry. Microscale chromophore-assisted laser inactivation of talin resulted in the temporary cessation of filopodial extension and retraction. Inactivation of vinculin caused an increased incidence of filopodial bending and buckling within the laser spot but had no effect on extension or retraction. These findings show that talin acts in filopodial motility and may couple both extension and retraction to actin dynamics. They also suggest that vinculin is not required for filopodial extension and retraction but plays a role in the structural integrity of filopodia.  相似文献   

PI3K involvement has been implicated in the TLR signal pathway. However, the precise roles of the different classes of PI3K in the pathway remain elusive. In this study, we have explored the functions of class I and class III PI3K in the TLR signal pathway using specific kinase mutants and PI3K lipid products. Our results reveal that class III PI3K specifically regulates CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN)-induced cytokine and NO production as well as NF-kappaB activation, whereas class I PI3K regulates both CpG ODN- and LPS-induced IL-12 production and NF-kappaB activation. Additional studies of CpG ODN uptake with flow cytometric analysis show that class III PI3K, but not class I, regulates cellular CpG ODN uptake. Furthermore, experiments with MyD88-overexpressing fibroblast cells transfected with dominant-negative mutants of PI3K demonstrate that class III PI3K regulates CpG ODN-mediated signaling upstream of MyD88, while class I PI3K regulation is downstream of MyD88. These results suggest that class I and class III PI3K play distinct roles in not only the uptake of CpG ODN, but also responses elicited by CpG ODN and LPS.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle contains two populations of mitochondria that appear to be differentially affected by disease and exercise training. It remains unclear how these mitochondrial subpopulations contribute to fiber type-related and/or training-induced changes in fatty acid oxidation and regulation of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 (CPT1), the enzyme that controls mitochondrial fatty acid uptake in skeletal muscle. To this end, we found that fatty acid oxidation rates were 8.9-fold higher in subsarcolemmal mitochondria (SS) and 5.3-fold higher in intermyofibrillar mitochondria (IMF) that were isolated from red gastrocnemius (RG) compared with white gastrocnemius (WG) muscle, respectively. Malonyl-CoA (10 µM), a potent inhibitor of CPT1, completely abolished fatty acid oxidation in SS and IMF mitochondria from WG, whereas oxidation rates in the corresponding fractions from RG were inhibited only 89% and 60%, respectively. Endurance training also elicited mitochondrial adaptations that resulted in enhanced fatty acid oxidation capacity. Ten weeks of treadmill running differentially increased palmitate oxidation rates 100% and 46% in SS and IMF mitochondria, respectively. In SS mitochondria, elevated fatty acid oxidation rates were accompanied by a 48% increase in citrate synthase activity but no change in CPT1 activity. Nonlinear regression analyses of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation rates in the presence of 0–100 µM malonyl-CoA indicated that IC50 values were neither dependent on mitochondrial subpopulation nor affected by exercise training. However, in IMF mitochondria, training reduced the Hill coefficient (P < 0.05), suggesting altered CPT1 kinetics. These results demonstrate that endurance exercise provokes subpopulation-specific changes in mitochondrial function that are characterized by enhanced fatty acid oxidation and modified CPT1-malonyl-CoA dynamics. endurance exercise training; CPT-1; fiber type; rat; mitochondrial subpopulations  相似文献   

We have isolated two adenylyl cyclase genes, designated ACA and ACG, from Dictyostelium. The proposed structure for ACA resembles that proposed for mammalian adenylyl cyclases: two large hydrophilic domains and two sets of six transmembrane spans. ACG has a novel structure, reminiscent of the membrane-bound guanylyl cyclases. An aca- mutant, created by gene disruption, has little detectable adenylyl cyclase activity and fails to aggregate, demonstrating that cAMP is required for cell-cell communication. cAMP is not required for motility, chemotaxis, growth, and cell division, which are unaffected. Constitutive expression in aca- cells of either ACA or ACG, which is normally expressed only during germination, restores aggregation and the ability to complete the developmental program. ACA expression restores receptor and guanine nucleotide-regulated adenylyl cyclase activity, while activity in cells expressing ACG is insensitive to these regulators. Although they lack ACA, which has a transporter-like structure, the cells expressing ACG secrete cAMP constitutively.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that the glucose PTS (phosphotransferase system) permease enzyme II of Spiroplasma citri is split into two distinct polypeptides, which are encoded by two separate genes, crr and ptsG. A S. citri mutant was obtained by disruption of ptsG through homologous recombination and was proved unable to import glucose. The ptsG mutant (GII3-glc1) was transmitted to periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) plants through injection to the leaf-hopper vector. In contrast to the previously characterized fructose operon mutant GMT 553, which was found virtually nonpathogenic, the ptsG mutant GII3-glc1 induced severe symptoms similar to those induced by the wild-type strain GII-3. These results, indicating that fructose and glucose utilization were not equally involved in pathogenicity, were consistent with biochemical data showing that, in the presence of both sugars, S. citri used fructose preferentially. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance analyses of carbohydrates in plant extracts revealed the accumulation of soluble sugars, particularly glucose, in plants infected by S. citri GII-3 or GII3-glc1 but not in those infected by GMT 553. From these data, a hypothetical model was proposed to establish the relationship between fructose utilization by the spiroplasmas present in the phloem sieve tubes and glucose accumulation in the leaves of S. citri infected plants.  相似文献   

Meiosis is a specialized cell division essential for sexual reproduction. During meiosis the chromosomes are highly organized, and correct chromosome architecture is required for faithful segregation of chromosomes at anaphase I and II. Condensin is involved in chromosome organization during meiotic and mitotic cell divisions. Three condensin subunits, AtSMC4 and the condensin I and II specific subunits AtCAP‐D2 and AtCAP‐D3, respectively, have been studied for their role in meiosis. This has revealed that both the condensin I and condensin II complexes are required to maintain normal structural integrity of the meiotic chromosomes during the two nuclear divisions. Their roles appear functionally distinct in that condensin I is required to maintain normal compaction of the centromeric repeats and 45S rDNA, whereas loss of condensin II was associated with extensive interchromosome connections at metaphase I. Depletion of condensin is also associated with a slight reduction in crossover formation, suggesting a role during meiotic prophase I.  相似文献   

We have identified Talpid3/KIAA0586 as a component of a CP110-containing protein complex important for centrosome and cilia function. Talpid3 assembles a ring-like structure at the extreme distal end of centrioles. Ablation of Talpid3 resulted in an aberrant distribution of centriolar satellites involved in protein trafficking to centrosomes as well as cilia assembly defects, reminiscent of loss of Cep290, another CP110-associated protein. Talpid3 depletion also led to mislocalization of Rab8a, a small GTPase thought to be essential for ciliary vesicle formation. Expression of activated Rab8a suppressed cilia assembly defects provoked by Talpid3 depletion, suggesting that Talpid3 affects cilia formation through Rab8a recruitment and/or activation. Remarkably, ultrastructural analyses showed that Talpid3 is required for centriolar satellite dispersal, which precedes the formation of mature ciliary vesicles, a process requiring Cep290. These studies suggest that Talpid3 and Cep290 play overlapping and distinct roles in ciliary vesicle formation through regulation of centriolar satellite accretion and Rab8a.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome degrades polyubiquitinated proteins by an energy-dependent mechanism. Here we define multiple roles for ATP in 26S proteasome function. ATP binding is necessary and sufficient for assembly of 26S proteasome from 20S proteasome and PA700/19S subcomplexes and for proteasome activation. Proteasome assembly and activation may require distinct ATP binding events. The 26S proteasome degrades nonubiquitylated, unstructured proteins without ATP hydrolysis, indicating that substrate translocation per se does not require the energy of hydrolysis. Nonubiquitylated folded proteins and certain polyubiquitylated folded proteins were refractory to proteolysis. The latter were deubiquitylated by an ATP-independent mechanism. Other folded as well as unstructured polyubiquitylated proteins required ATP hydrolysis for proteolysis and deubiquitylation. Thus, ATP hydrolysis is not used solely for substrate unfolding. These results indicate that 26S proteasome-catalyzed degradation of polyubiquitylated proteins involves mechanistic coupling of several processes and that such coupling imposes an energy requirement not apparent for any isolated process.  相似文献   

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