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Invertebrate trace fossils are reported from the Late Triassic Chinle Formation at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, for the first time. They occur in beds higher in the section than the Coelophysis Quarry. Six ichnotaxa are recognized: Steinichnus milfordensis, Planolites montanus, Palaeophycus tubularis, Taenidium serpentium, ?Arenicolites sp. and Skolithos sp. This ichnofauna is consistent with the Scoyenia ichnofacies, considered typical of lake margins in semiarid to arid regions.  相似文献   

A palynological flora from Pre-Cretaceous deposits of western Ciscaucasia is studied. Although these deposits were previously referred to the Paleozoic, comparison with the palynological floras of other regions has dated them to the Late Triassic. A hypothesis is proposed that during the Late Triassic time western Ciscaucasia constituted an ecotone with a temperate warm climate.  相似文献   

A primitive 'ictidosaur' from lower Norian beds of southern Brazil, Riograndia guaibensis gen. et sp. nov., represented by a fragmentary skull and a lower jaw bearing a complete dentition, shows a more generalized morphology than Chaliminia from the Upper Triassic of Argentina and Pachygenelus Diarthrognathus from the Lower Jurassic of South Africa, Canada and Greenland. The frontal bone borders the orbit, and ventrally contacts the dorsal process of the palatine. The secondary bony palate extends back to the last postcanine. I1 and i2 are reduced, whereas I2-3 and i1 are hypertrophied. Both PC 1–7 and pc 1–7 have blade-like crowns without cingula and with 5–9 small sharp cuspules. The upper postcanine crowns are semicircular in labial view with the cuspules around their margins. The lower postcanine crowns are asymmetrical with most of the cuspules dorsodistally distributed. The possible origin of this peculiar dentition is interpreted as the retention of the juvenile dentition of ancestors. The hypothesis that Riograndia guaibensis and the so-called 'ictidosaurs' might have been derived from gomphodont cynodonts is presented.  相似文献   

An isolated, large recurved and finely serrated tooth found associated with the prosauropodEuskelosaurus from the Late Triassic part of the Elliot Formation is described here. It is compared to the Triassic thecodonts and carnivorous dinosaurs and its possible affinity is discussed. The tooth possibly belongs to a basal theropod and shows some features similar to the allosauroids. This tooth is of significance, as dinosaur remains except for some footprints and trackways, are poorly known in the Late Triassic horizons of southern Africa.  相似文献   

Walker Lake, a hydrologically closed, saline, and alkaline lake, is situated along the western margin of the Great Basin in Nevada of the western United States. Analyses of the magnetic susceptibility (χ), total inorganic carbon (TIC), and oxygen isotopic composition (δ18O) of carbonate sediments including ostracode shells (Limnocythere ceriotuberosa) from Walker Lake allow us to extend the sediment record of lake-level fluctuations back to 2700 years B.P. There are approximately five major stages over the course of the late Holocene hydrologic evolution in Walker Lake: an early lowstand (> 2400 years B.P.), a lake-filling period ( 2400 to  1000 years B.P.), a lake-level lowering period during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) ( 1000 to  600 years B.P.), a relatively wet period ( 600 to  100 years B.P.), and the anthropogenically induced lake-level lowering period (< 100 years B.P.). The most pronounced lowstand of Walker Lake occurred at  2400 years B.P., as indicated by the relatively high values of δ18O. This is generally in agreement with the previous lower resolution paleoclimate results from Walker Lake, but contrasts with the sediment records from adjacent Pyramid Lake and Siesta Lake. The pronounced lowstand suggests that the Walker River that fills Walker Lake may have partially diverted into the Carson Sink through the Adrian paleochannel between 2700 to 1400 years B.P.  相似文献   

Two new bryozoan species of the trepostome family Dyscritellidae,Dyscritellopsis thaynesianus n. sp. andDyscritellopsis montelloensis n. sp., are described from the Early Triassic (Smithian/Spathian) Thaynes Limestone, Nevada (USA). The bryozoan fauna documents the survival of Paleozoic lineages into the earliest Triassic on northern open shelves outside the tropics. The fauna holds paleobiogeo-graphic connections to the Early Triassic bryozoan faunas of Spitsbergen.   相似文献   

A sample of marine invertebrates from the Late Triassic Cassian Formation (north Italy) yielded one of the most diverse Early Mesozoic fossil assemblages ever reported (c. 170 species). The assemblage was found in basin clays, but was transported from nearby carbonate platforms as indicated by fragmentation, microbial encrustation and the presence of coated grains and ooids. Most of the specimens are small (< 1 cm) reflecting both, small adult sizes and size sorting during transport. Rarefaction analysis suggests that diversity of surface collection and bulk sampling is the same. However, rank abundance, species richness and taxonomic composition differ strongly according to sampling method. Low‐grade lithification of the sediments is the main reason that high diversity can be recognized, because it facilitates disaggregation and finding of small molluscs. Sample standardization shows that the studied assemblage is much more diverse than known Early Triassic assemblages. However, its diversity is similar to that of Anisian assemblages. This suggests that recovery from the end‐Permian mass‐extinction was quite advanced in the Middle Triassic and alpha‐diversity remained high until the Late Triassic. According to current models, Early Triassic and Anisian faunas match the niche overlap phase of recovery during which diversity is built up by increasing alpha‐diversity, whereas beta‐diversity rises slowly. Subsequently, habitat width of species contracts because of increasing competition, making beta‐diversity the principal drive of overall diversity increase. The diversity pattern of various Late Triassic Cassian associations meets the predictions for the transition from the niche overlap to the habitat contraction phase.: Triassic, Cassian Formation, palaeoecology, diversity, mollusc dominance.  相似文献   

The species taxonomy of the sauropodomorph dinosaurs from the Löwenstein Formation of Germany is examined. Previous work has classified these into two taxa: Sellosaurus gracilis from a number of localities and the widespread Plateosaurus engelhardti from a single monospecific accumulation in the Löwenstein Formation, near the town of Trossingen. The current hypodigm of Sellosaurus gracilis is found to contain a substantial amount of variation. This includes differences in the dentition, structure of the skull, composition of the sacrum and the structure of the caudal vertebrae and pelvis. This variation was analysed using a specimen–based parsimony analysis of the sauropodomorphs from the Löwenstein Formation. It was found that two discrete taxa comprise the current hypodigm of Sellosaurus . The more common of these two is a plesiomorphic form for which the correct name is Efraasia minor comb. nov. The less common form (which includes the holotype of Sellosaurus gracilis ) is found to share a number of synapomorphies with Plateosaurus engelhardti and is placed in this genus as Plateosaurus gracilis  相似文献   

The Late Triassic Tiki Formation has yielded five isolated nearly complete claws or ungual phalanges from a fossil locality, which are described in detail and compared with other Late Triassic tetrapods. Of these, four ungual phalanges are slender, asymmetric, ventrally recurved, transversely compressed, and contain deep collateral grooves on either side, a low median keel on the proximal articular surface and a prominent proximoventral flexor tubercle showing their high similarity to the theropod dinosaurs. The remaining claw is unlike that of any theropods in terms of high robusticity and near symmetry. However, as in dinosaurs it is ventrally recurved and contains deep lateral grooves, a small flexor tubercle, lateromedially extended proximal articular surface with a distinct median keel and is considered as belonging to an indeterminate dinosaur. Although it is not possible to ascertain whether the unguals belong to a single taxon or multiple taxa, this new find points towards the presence of small dinosaurs in the Late Triassic Tiki fauna.  相似文献   

Based on newly collected materials from the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation of Xiongwu section in Xingyi, Guizhou and the Ximatang Formation of Ximatang section in Qiubei, Yunnan, southern China, nine species belonging to seven genera are described. Two bivalve assemblages are recognized and regionally correlated in South China. The bivalve assemblage from the Feixianguan Formation of Xiongwu exhibits a higher diversity including seven species belonging to seven genera: Claraia griesbachi, Leptochondria virgalensis, Entolium (Entolium) microtis, Towapteria scythicum, Bakevillia exporrecta, Bositra sp., and Unionites? fassaensis. In contrast, the bivalve assemblage from the Ximatang Formation of Ximatang has a much lower diversity, consisting of only two species, i.e., Claraia griesbachi and Claraia radialis. Additionally, C. griesbachi and C. radialis, as the most common species of Claraia in the Early Triassic, are revised.  相似文献   

Although liverworts are widely distributed around the world with a large number of extant species, reliable fossil records are relatively rare. Here, we report a new species, Ricciopsis baojishanensis Han and Yan, n. sp. (Ricciaceae) and an unnamed species, Hepaticites sp. from the Late Triassic Nanying’er Formation in Baojishan Basin, Baiyin City, Gansu Province, Northwest China. The generic designation is based on detailed comparison of the gross morphology with related fossil and extant species. The new species is characterized by its rosette-forming thallus, dichotomous branching, ribbon-like segments and entire margins. The current fossils represent the first record of liverwort from the Late Triassic in Baojishan Basin, Gansu Province. Based on the different fossil records of the Ricciaceae, we suggest that these taxa were widely distributed during Late Triassic to Oligocene worldwide, mainly in warm temperate and tropical environments, similar with their current distribution. The discovery of the present fossils indicates that the climate of Baojishan Basin in Late Triassic is warmer and more humid than that of today.  相似文献   

A diverse Late Triassic (Late Norian) gastropod fauna is described from the Mission Creek Limestone of the Wallowa terrane (Idaho, USA). Sample standardization by rarefaction analysis indicates that the fauna is even more diverse than the Late Triassic gastropod fauna from the Pucara Formation (Peru) which represents the most diverse gastropod fauna from South America. The gastropod fauna consists of 66 species; several genera are reported for the first time from North America. A high percentage of the species are highly ornamented and several have distinct siphonal canals. This suggests that the appearance of truly Mesozoic elements among the gastropods began before the Mesozoic Marine Revolution in other clades. The fauna is dominated by high-spired strongly ornamented procerithiids, a group more characteristic for the Jurassic. Comparison of the present fauna and the Iranian Nayband Formation gastropod fauna show that the procerithiids underwent a first global radiation in the Late Triassic. The high number of new species in this fauna suggests that sampling of Late Triassic gastropod faunas is still incomplete and hinders palaeobiogeographic considerations. Previous suggesions that gastropod faunas from the Wallowa and Wrangellia terranes resemble each other and are distinct from those of Alexander, Chulitna, and Farewell terranes are basically corroborated. The gastropod fauna of the Mission Creek Limestone differs considerably from that of the western and central Tethys but shares several taxa with the Late Triassic gastropod fauna of the Pucara Formation in Peru. Thus, the Hispanic corridor was probably not present in the Norian but opened only in the Early Jurassic. The subfamily Andangulariinae is introduced and placed in the Zygopleuridae. The generaSpiniomphalus, Nodoconus, Gudrunella, Blodgettella, Idahospira, andSiphonilda and the subgenusCryptaulax (Wallowax) are introduced. 27 species are erected. A lectotype is designated forCryptaulax rhabdocolpoides Haas, 1953.   相似文献   

Xenoxylon ellipticum has been found in Hongweikeng Formation (probably Middle Keuper-Rhoetic), Gengkou Group of the Late Triassic from the North of Guangdong Province and is described in this paper. The species was first found in the Early Jurassic from West Germany in 1960. It is the fifth species of Xenoxylon Gothan ever found in China.  相似文献   

Summary Six gastropod species from the Late Triassic Nayband Formation are reported. The following taxa are introduced as new:Trochonodus iranicus n. gen., n. sp. andCryptaulax convexa n. sp. The following species are transferred toTrochonodus n. gen.:Riselloidea aliabadensis Nützel and Senowbari-Daryan 1999 (type species ofTrochonodus),Riselloidea biarmata (Münster),Riselloidea bitorquata (Hébert and Eudes-Deslongchamps),Scalaria limatula Ammon, andAmberleya trimonilis (Orbigny). The holotype ofChulitnacula jenningsi (Douglas) is newly illustrated and described. According to the current state of knowledge, the gastropod faunas of the Nayband Formation near Esfahan and near Tabas differ considerably from each other. They share onlyAnulifera binodosa. TheAnulifera species-cluster has representatives in the Norian/Rhaetian from the North Alps, Iran, Burma, and South China. Contribution to the Triassic Paleontology of Iran No. 10. For No. 9 see previous text in this volume.  相似文献   

Terebratuloid brachiopods from two localities in the eastern Great Basin, Nevada, USA, include the new taxa Cryptacanthia savagei sp. nov., Fletcherithyris infrequens sp. nov., Cryptonella simplex sp. nov., and Albelenina alvarezi gen. et sp. nov. The faunas are considered to be mid Desmoinesian (late Moscovian) in age. The brachiopods were found associated in clusters, and many of the specimens are well preserved. Records of Pennsylvanian terebratuloid brachiopods are uncommon, and these faunas have enabled an understanding of internal features previously unknown or poorly understood. Systematic analyses of the faunas have generated some new concepts on the ontogeny and evolution of the loop in Late Palaeozoic terebratuloids. From ontogenetic analyses, it is inferred that the stage of loop development may be the most important aspect in taxonomic classification. Analyses of loop evolution suggest the possibility of a transition from a teloform stage to long-flanged deltiform and deltiform stages. These transitions may be possible through reduction in length of the descending lamellae of the crura by resorption of calcium carbonate or posteroventral folding of flanges. Subsequently, these changes in loop morphology are retained by paedomorphosis within long-term evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

The ascent of dinosaurs in the Triassic is an exemplary evolutionary radiation, but the earliest phase of dinosaur history remains poorly understood. Body fossils of close dinosaur relatives are rare, but indicate that the dinosaur stem lineage (Dinosauromorpha) originated by the latest Anisian (ca 242-244 Ma). Here, we report footprints from the Early-Middle Triassic of Poland, stratigraphically well constrained and identified using a conservative synapomorphy-based approach, which shifts the origin of the dinosaur stem lineage back to the Early Olenekian (ca 249-251 Ma), approximately 5-9 Myr earlier than indicated by body fossils, earlier than demonstrated by previous footprint records, and just a few million years after the Permian/Triassic mass extinction (252.3 Ma). Dinosauromorph tracks are rare in all Polish assemblages, suggesting that these animals were minor faunal components. The oldest tracks are quadrupedal, a morphology uncommon among the earliest dinosauromorph body fossils, but bipedality and moderately large body size had arisen by the Early Anisian (ca 246 Ma). Integrating trace fossils and body fossils demonstrates that the rise of dinosaurs was a drawn-out affair, perhaps initiated during recovery from the Permo-Triassic extinction.  相似文献   

The Lower Triassic Werfen Formation of northern Italy represents an important archive for Early Triassic ecosystems. Based on quantitative community analysis using species level identifications, we reconstruct the recovery of benthic ecosystems after the end‐Permian mass extinction throughout this unit. The analysis of benthic macrofossil communities shows that incipient recovery has taken place during the Griesbachian and the Griesbachian–Dienerian transition. A probable deterioration in environmental conditions is observed towards the end of the Dienerian. The Smithian part of the Werfen Formation is characterized by high siliciclastic input, which ceases around the Smithian‐Spathian boundary. The Spathian marks the definitive phase of recovery in the Werfen Formation. The comparison of this pattern with other palaoegeographical regions suggests that both the Griesbachian recovery and the Dienerian decline were of inter‐regional if not global extent, whereas the Smithian diversity low in the Werfen Formation is a local signal. In contrast to the recovery dynamics of ammonoids and conodonts, the Smithian–Spathian boundary interval was no caesura for benthic ecosystems. The Spathian recovery pulse is possibly also an inter‐regional event, at least in the palaeotropics. These results are in contrast with the previously proposed scenario of persistent hostile conditions during the Griesbachian time interval and highlight an initial recovery phase restricted to Griesbachian times. Instead, the apparently sluggish recovery of benthic ecosystems was at least partly shaped by set‐backs due to short‐term environmental perturbations during the Dienerian.  相似文献   

Fluorescence properties of Early Cambrian acritarchs were investigated using Leica das Mikroskop (DM) microscopy with a mercury lamp. Well-preserved autoflurescence properties show a correlation between acritarchs morphology and the intensity of emitted fluorescence. In accordance with the fluorescence intensity of organic cell walls, two groups of microfossils were distinguished. Results of observation in this study, which are consistent with those of the previous foreign studies, are in good agreement with regular difference in autofluorescence intensity among palynomorphs reported by McPhilemy (1998). Spores and algae, including Botryococcus, have very bright fluorescence while acritarchs often show less intense fluorescence. Dark brown microfossils have been reworked, and have little or no fluorescence. __________ Translated from Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 2006, 23(3): 309–312 [译自: 微体古生物学报]  相似文献   

Fluorescence properties of Early Cambrian acritarchs were investigated using Leica das Mikroskop (DM)microscopy with a mercury lamp.Well-preserved autoflurescence properties show a correlation between acritarchs morphology and the intensity of emitted fluorescence.In accordance with the fluorescence intensity of organic cell walls,two groups ofmicrofossils were distinguished.Results of observation in this study,which are consistent with those of the previous foreign studies,are in good agreement with regular difference in autofluorescence intensity among palynomorphs reported by McPhilemy (1998).Spores and algae,including Botryococcus,have very bright fluorescence while acritarchs often show less intense fluorescence.Dark brown microfossils have been reworked,and have little or no fluorescence.  相似文献   

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