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Pre‐eclampsia is a devastating complication of pregnancy which is characterized by hypertension and proteinuria in pregnant women. Pre‐eclampsia is important as it is the leading cause of death. Moreover, untreated pre‐eclampsia might lead to other lethal complications, for both fetus and mother. Pre‐eclampsia can also affect the quality of life in affected women. Despite a large number of risk factors for pre‐eclampsia, these risk factors are able to detect just 30% of women who are susceptible to pre‐eclampsia. Heterogeneous manifestations of pre‐eclampsia necessitate the discovery of potential biomarkers required for its early detection. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a type of RNA which are more abundant, specific, and highly organized compared with other types of RNA. Accordingly, circRNAs have been suggested as one of the potential biomarkers for different diseases. Recently, researchers have shown interest in the effects of circRNAs in pre‐eclampsia, although the current evidence is limited. The majority of obstetricians are probably not aware of circRNAs as a useful biomarker. Here, we aimed to summarize recent supporting evidence and assess the mechanisms by which circRNAs are involved in pre‐eclampsia.  相似文献   

Most publications discussing Cenomanian–Turonian calcareous nannofossils focus on abundance fluctuations across the boundary interval. So far, there have been no studies that deal with the influence of palaeoenvironmental changes on the size of common Cenomanian–Turonian nannofossil taxa. The genera Biscutum, Broinsonia, Prediscosphaera, Retecapsa and Watznaueria have therefore been analysed from 19 samples of Cenomanian–Turonian age from the Goban Spur, northeast Atlantic. The genus Biscutum shows a slight decrease of mean length from 4.14 μm in the Cenomanian to 3.94 μm in the Turonian. Broinsonia is marked by a decrease from 6.07 μm in the Cenomanian to 5.64 μm in the Turonian. On the other hand, Prediscospheara increases in size from 4.98 μm in the Cenomanian to 5.61 μm in the Turonian. Two genera (Retecapsa, Watznaueria) show no significant changes in their mean length. The mean size of Biscutum is perhaps controlled by nutrients, where larger specimens may have preferred the more fertile palaeoenvironment of the Late Cenomanian. The size decrease of Biscutum in the Turonian is probably related to reduced nutrient availability. The genus Prediscosphaera spp., may have favoured low‐fertility conditions, as its mean size increases in the Turonian. A worldwide decline of the frequency of Broinsonia spp. during the Cenomanian–Turonian transition implies that this genus is not solely controlled by the nutrient content. The size of Broinsonia spp. may have been therefore influenced by the latest Cenomanian warming event. The increase in sea‐surface temperature may have been unfavourable for Broinsonia spp. as reflected by decreasing mean size and frequency. □Calcareous nannofossils, biometry, morphometry, Oceanic Anoxic Event 2.  相似文献   

Understanding the response of leaf respiration (R) to changes in irradiance and temperature is a prerequisite for predicting the impacts of climate change on plant function and future atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Little is known, however, about the interactive effects of irradiance and temperature on leaf R. We investigated whether growth irradiance affects the temperature response of leaf R in darkness (Rdark) and in light (Rlight) in seedlings of a broad-leaved evergreen species, Quercus ilex. Two hypotheses concerning Rdark were tested: (1) the Q10 (i.e. the proportional increase in R per 10 degrees C rise in temperature) of leaf Rdark is lower in shaded plants than in high-light-grown plants, and (2) shade-grown plants exhibit a lower degree of thermal acclimation of Rdark than plants exposed to higher growth irradiance. We also assessed whether light inhibition of Rlight differs between leaves exposed to contrasting temperatures and growth irradiances, and whether the degree of thermal acclimation of Rlight is dependent on growth irradiance. We showed that while growth irradiance did impact on photosynthesis, it had no effect on the Q10 of leaf Rdark. Growth irradiance had little impact on thermal acclimation when fully expanded, pre-existing leaves were exposed to contrasting temperatures for several weeks. When Rlight was measured at a common irradiance, Rlight/Rdark ratios were higher in shaded plants due to homeostasis of Rlight between growth irradiance treatments and to the lower Rdark in shaded leaves. We also showed that Rlight does not acclimate to the same degree as Rdark, and that Rlight/Rdark decreases with increasing measuring and growth temperatures, irrespective of the growth irradiance. Collectively, we raised the possibility that predictive carbon cycle models can assume that growth irradiance and photosynthesis do not affect the temperature sensitivity of leaf Rdark of long-lived evergreen leaves, thus simplifying incorporation of leaf R into such models.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of bacterial evolutionary relationships has proven to be a daunting task because variable mutation rates and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) among species can cause grave incongruities between phylogenetic trees based on single genes. Recently, a highly robust phylogenetic tree was constructed for 13 gamma-proteobacteria using the combined alignments of 205 conserved orthologous proteins.1 Only two proteins had incongruent tree topologies, which were attributed to HGT between Pseudomonas species and Vibrio cholerae or enterics. While the evolutionary relationships among these species appears to be resolved, further analysis suggests that HGT events with other bacterial partners likely occurred; this alters the implicit assumption of gamma-proteobacteria monophyly. Thus, any thorough reconstruction of bacterial evolution must not only choose a suitable set of molecular markers but also strive to reduce potential bias in the selection of species.  相似文献   

A recent study found that cutting shoots under water while xylem was under tension (which has been the standard protocol for the past few decades) could produce artefactual embolisms inside the xylem, overestimating hydraulic vulnerability relative to shoots cut under water after relaxing xylem tension (Wheeler et al. 2013). That study also raised the possibility that such a ‘Wheeler effect’ might occur in studies of leaf hydraulic vulnerability. We tested for such an effect for four species by applying a modified vacuum pump method to leaves with minor veins severed, to construct leaf xylem hydraulic vulnerability curves. We tested for an impact on leaf xylem hydraulic conductance (Kx) of cutting the petiole and minor veins under water for dehydrated leaves with xylem under tension compared with dehydrated leaves after previously relaxing xylem tension. Our results showed no significant ‘cutting artefact’ for leaf xylem. The lack of an effect for leaves could not be explained by narrower or shorter xylem conduits, and may be due to lesser mechanical stress imposed when cutting leaf petioles, and/or to rapid refilling of emboli in petioles. These findings provide the first validation of previous measurements of leaf hydraulic vulnerability against this potential artefact.  相似文献   

Steroid hormones are important mediators of prenatal maternal effects in animals. Despite a growing number of studies involving experimental manipulation of these hormones, little is known about the impact of methodological differences among experiments on the final results expressed as offspring traits. Using a meta‐analytical approach and a representative sample of experimental studies performed on birds, we tested the effect of two types of direct hormonal manipulations: manipulation of females (either by implantation of hormone pellets or injection of hormonal solutions) and manipulation of eggs by injection. In both types of manipulation we looked at the effects of two groups of hormones: corticosterone and androgens in the form of testosterone and androstenedione. We found that the average effect on offspring traits differed between the manipulation types, with a well‐supported positive effect of egg manipulation and lack of a significant effect of maternal manipulation. The observed average positive effect for egg manipulation was driven mainly by androgen manipulations, while corticosterone manipulations exerted no overall effect, regardless of manipulation type. Detailed analyses revealed effects of varying size and direction depending on the specific offspring traits; e.g., egg manipulation positively affected physiology and behaviour (androgens), and negatively affected future reproduction (corticosterone). Effect size was negatively related to the dose of androgen injected into the eggs, but unrelated to timing of manipulation, offspring developmental stage at the time of measuring their traits, solvent type, the site of egg injection and maternal hormone delivery method. Despite the generally acknowledged importance of maternal hormones for offspring development in birds, the overall effect of their experimental elevation is rather weak, significantly heterogeneous and dependent on the hormone and type of manipulation. We conclude by providing general recommendations as to how hormonal manipulations should be performed in order to standardize their impact and the results achieved. We also emphasize the need for research on free‐living birds with a focus on fitness‐related and other long‐term effects of maternal hormones.  相似文献   

Could a loss of α‐synuclein function put dopaminergic neurons at risk?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The alpha-synuclein gene is implicated in Parkinson's disease, the symptoms of which occur after a marked loss of substantia nigra dopamine neurons. While the function of alpha-synuclein is not entirely elucidated, one function appears to be as a normal regulatory protein that can bind to and inhibit tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme in dopamine synthesis. Soluble alpha-synuclein levels may be diminished in Parkinson's disease substantia nigra dopamine neurons both by reduced expression and by alpha-synuclein aggregation as Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites form. The loss of functional alpha-synuclein may then result in dysregulation of tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine transport and dopamine storage, resulting in excess cytosolic dopamine. Because dopamine and its metabolites are reactive molecules capable of generating highly reactive quinones and reactive oxygen species, a failure to package dopamine into vesicles could cause irreversible damage to cellular macromolecules and contribute to resultant neurotoxicity. This review focuses on how a loss of normal alpha-synuclein function may contribute to the dopamine-related loss of substantia nigra neurons during Parkinson's disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Centenarians surpass the current human life expectancy with about 20–25 years. However, whether centenarians represent healthy aging still remains an open question. Previous studies have been hampered by a number of methodological shortcomings such as a cross-sectional design and lack of an appropriate control group. In a longitudinal population-based cohort, it was examined whether the centenarian phenotype may be a useful model for healthy aging. The study was based on a complete follow up of 39 945 individuals alive in the Danish 1905 birth cohort on January 1, 1977 identified through the Danish Civil Registration System (DCRS). Data from the Danish Demographic Database and The Danish National Patient Register (in existence since 1977) were used. The 1905 cohort was followed up from 1977 through 2004 with respect to hospitalizations and number of hospital days. Survival status was available until December 2006. Danish centenarians from the 1905 cohort were hospitalized substantially less than their shorter-lived contemporaries at the same point in time during the years 1977 through 2004. For example, at age 71–74, the proportion of nonhospitalized centenarians was 80.5% compared with 68.4% among individuals who died in their early 80s. This trend was evident in both sexes. As a result of their lower hospitalization rates and length of stay in hospital compared with their contemporaries, who died at younger ages, Danish centenarians represent healthy agers. Centenarians constitute a useful study population in the search for fixed traits associated with exceptional longevity, such as genotype.  相似文献   

So far, it has not been possible to identify a general sequence motif for O-glycosylation in bacteria. In this issue, Charbonneau et al. (2012) demonstrate why O-glycosylation is mediated by a 13-residue strand-loop-strand motif which is part of a 19-residue imperfect repeat in the passenger domain of bacterial autotransporters. This motif provides a convenient 'glycosylation cassette' and raises intriguing questions about the structural regulation of the glycosylation pathway.  相似文献   

Emissions of acetaldehyde from tree leaves were investigated by proton‐transfer‐reaction mass spectrometry (PTR‐MS), a technique that allows simultaneous monitoring of different leaf volatiles, and confirmed by derivatization and high‐performance liquid chromatography analysis. Bursts of acetaldehyde were released by sycamore, aspen, cottonwood and maple leaves following light–dark transitions; isoprene emission served as a measure of chloroplastic processes. Acetaldehyde bursts were not accompanied by ethanol, but exposure of leaves to inhibitors of pyruvate transport or respiration, or anoxia, led to much larger releases of acetaldehyde, accompanied by ethanol under anoxic conditions. These same leaves have an oxidative pathway for ethanol present in the transpiration stream, resulting in acetaldehyde emissions that are inhibited in vivo by 4‐methylpyrazole, an alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) inhibitor. Labelling of leaf volatiles with 13CO2 suggested that the pools of cytosolic pyruvate, the proposed precursor of acetaldehyde bursts, were derived from both recent photosynthesis and cytosolic carbon sources. We hypothesize that releases of acetaldehyde during light–dark transitions result from a pyruvate overflow mechanism controlled by cytosolic pyruvate levels and pyruvate decarboxylase activity. These results suggest that leaves of woody plants contribute reactive acetaldehyde to the atmosphere under different conditions: (1) metabolic states that promote the accumulation of cytosolic pyruvate, triggering the pyruvate decarboxylase reaction; and (2) leaf ethanol oxidation resulting from ethanol transported from anoxic tissues.  相似文献   

Freshwater invasive or alien species (IAS) can have a major impact on benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage structure and diversity. This has implications for accurate biological monitoring, the assessment of the ecological quality status of rivers and achievement of Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives. Although IAS constitutes a major biological pressure to WFD objectives, current approaches to ecological status assessment tend to ignore their presence. This problem is compounded as biotic indices such as the Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) score do not distinguish between native and IAS, when IAS tend to be more tolerant of organic pollution than the natives they replace. Biocontamination is the presence of an IAS in a system, and we tested a new method of biocontamination assessment, designed to be used alongside current routine water quality monitoring techniques, by applying it to biological monitoring data from the river monitoring programme of a small Island, The Isle of Man. Although 54% of monitoring sites exhibited no biocontamination, 19% showed low or moderate biocontamination and 27% high or severe biocontamination. Richness contamination was low (only two contaminated families being recorded), but abundance contamination was high in some sites (87% of individuals being IAS). Sites with a greater relative abundance of IAS individuals exhibited lower BMWP water quality. Within invaded sites BMWP monitoring was not responsive to changing chemical water quality, whereas within uninvaded sites it was. In invaded sites, the relative abundance of IAS increased as ammonia and BOD5 increased. Our study shows current monitoring approaches mask the presence of AIS within assemblages, with some highly biocontaminated sites registering high BMWP biological quality. This new index represents a simple way to integrate the IAS biological pressure into established WFD monitoring programmes, to produce more comprehensive estimates of ecological quality status than are currently being realised.  相似文献   

Receptor‐subtype selectivity is an important issue in medicinal chemistry and can become very difficult to achieve if the actual binding pockets of the respective receptors are highly conserved. For such cases, known unselective ligands could be equipped with a spacer that sticks outside the actual orthosteric binding pocket towards the extracellular loops. The end of the spacer bears certain functional groups to enable specific or unspecific interactions with the receptor residues outside the binding cavity. Our experiments indicated that it is possible to achieve selectivity within the dopamine D1 family with such ‘loop‐hooks’.  相似文献   

Parenterally administered lipopolysaccharide (LPS) increases the concentration of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) in the rat hippocampus and evidence suggests that this effect plays a significant role in inhibiting long-term potentiation (LTP). The anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, antagonizes certain effects of IL-1beta, so if the effects of LPS are mediated through an increase in IL-1beta, it might be predicted that IL-10 would also abrogate the effect of LPS. Here, we report that IL-10 reversed the inhibitory effect of LPS on LTP and the data couple this with an inhibitory effect on the LPS-induced increase in IL-1beta. LPS treatment increased hippocampal expression of IL-1 receptor Type I protein. Consistent with the LPS-induced increases in IL-1beta concentration and receptor expression, were downstream changes which included enhanced phosphorylation of IRAK and the stress-activated kinases, JNK and p38; these LPS-induced changes were reversed by IL-10, which concurs with the idea that these events are triggered by increased activation of IL-1RI by IL-1beta. We provide evidence which indicates that LPS treatment leads to evidence of cell death and this was reversed in hippocampus prepared from LPS-treated rats which received IL-10. The evidence is therefore consistent with the idea that IL-10 acts to protect neuronal tissue from the detrimental effects induced by LPS.  相似文献   

The inversion of configuration of L‐alanine can be carried out by combining its selective oxidation in the presence of NAD+ and L‐alanine dehydrogenase, electrochemical regeneration of the NAD+ at a carbon felt anode, and reductive amination of pyruvate, i.e., reduction of its imino derivative at a mercury cathode, the reaction mixture being buffered with concentrated ammonium/ammonia (1.28M / 1.28M). The dehydrogenase exhibits astonishing activity and stability under such extreme conditions of pH and ionic strength. The main drawback of the process is its slowness. At best, the complete inversion of a 10 mM solution of L‐alanine requires 140 h. A careful and detailed quantitative analysis of each of the key steps involved shows that the enzyme catalyzed oxidation is so thermodynamically uphill that it can be driven efficiently to completion only when both the coenzyme regeneration and the pyruvate reduction are very effective. The first condition is easily fulfilled. Under the best conditions, it is the rate of the chemical reaction producing the imine which controls the whole process kinetically. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 64: 101–107, 1999.  相似文献   

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