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Valeria Mesa  Daniel Perea 《Ichnos》2015,22(2):109-121
The record of dinosaur tracks and trackways from the Tacuarembó Formation (Late Jurassic-?Early Cretaceous) is described in detail: two trackways and four isolated tracks. Ichnites are preserved in sandstones of interdune facies of the Batoví (lower) Member. The interpretation herein presented indicates a sauropod affinity of the trackways, while the isolated prints are considered to have been made by an ornithopod and small theropods. The fossil record for this formation was primarily integrated by fresh-water organisms. The presence of new groups (sauropods and ornithopods) has specially contributed to the reconstruction of the terrestrial fauna, represented up until this time only by theropods.  相似文献   

J. J. Moratalla  J. Hernan  S. Jimenez 《Ichnos》2013,20(2-4):229-240
The Los Cayos dinosaur tracksite is located at the eastern sector of the Cameros Basin (Cornago Township, La Rioja province), NE Spain. The sediments consist of interbedded terrigenous siliciclastics and carbonates belonging to the Enciso Group (Early Cretaceous, Aptian in age). The sedimentological and faunal evidence suggests that these sediments were deposited in a low gradient lacustrine environment. Los Cayos constitutes a relatively wide area with at least 6 localities that have yielded dinosaur tracks. More than 2,000 dinosaur tracks have been discovered to date. Medium to large theropod dinosaurs constitute about 95% of the ichnofauna. Ornithopod dinosaur tracks have been reported from only one of the outcrops (Los Cayos D). Los Cayos S has yielded theropod and sauropod tracks. One sauropod trackway shows a narrow-gauge locomotion pattern and a manus print morphology suggesting that the trackmaker was a titanosaurid, or at least a titanosauriform sauropod. Some pterosaur manus impressions, avian-like footprints of small size and possible turtle tracks complete the assemblage of one of the most impressive and best-preserved dinosaur tracksites of the European Lower Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Two new dinosaur tracksites are reported from the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation in the Sichuan Basin, Qijiang District of Chongqing. These are the Gaoqing-Yongsheng and the Huibu tracksites, which represent the 13th and 14th reports from this formation. The Gaoqing-Yongsheng tracksite reveals the trackway of a large biped (ornithopod) in association with isolated sauropod tracks and large indeterminate undertracks with radial cracks. These features are preserved as natural casts with pebble infillings in a coarse, cross bedded and very thick bedded sandstone sequence. The Huibu tracksite reveals isolated theropod tracks and ornithopod tracks, the latter having a quadripartite, Caririchnium-like morphology, preserved in a thin bedded sandstone sequence with intercalated mudstone.  相似文献   

An increasing number of dinosaur tracksites have been reported from the Cretaceous Hekou Group deposits of the Lanzhou-Minhe Basin in the Gansu Province region. These include small sites such as the Huazhuang tracksite, from the Honggu District reported here, the Zhongpu tracksite with multiple track levels but few well-preserved tracks, other small tracksites currently under investigation, and the large and diverse Liujixia National Dinosaur Geopark site at Yanguoxia, where intensive study is ongoing. Collectively these sites reveal that ichnofaunas in the Hekou Group are widespread and diverse. The Huazhuang tracksite yields a small assemblage of moderately well-preserved theropod tracks assigned to Asianopodus. This is the first report of Asianopodus from the Hekou Group. Huazhuang Asianopodus belongs to the Eubrontes morphotype. The large theropod tracks from Lanzhou-Minhe Basin were left by large theropod trackmakers with the same general foot morphology. The specimens are described in detail and compared with other theropod track morphotypes from the Lower Cretaceous of China and elsewhere. In general, although the metatarsophalangeal pads of some Jurassic Eubrontes-type tracks are aligned with the axis of digit III, this feature appears most common in the Early Cretaceous theropod (Eubrontes-type) tracks.  相似文献   

The trackway of a quadrupedal dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous (Albian) Qingquan tracksite (Tancheng, Shandong Province) is redescribed, and the trackmaker is identified as a sauropod. The trackway makes a slight turn towards the northwest and is characterized by an extremely narrow gauge pattern and an unusual configuration, i.e., a conspicuous difference between the position of the left and right manus tracks with respect to the position of the preceding pes track. Left manus tracks are located on the inside of the trackway, very close (and sometimes even in connection) to the opposite right pes tracks. So far, the Qingquan trackway is possibly the only extremely narrow-gauge sauropod trackway known from China. However, it is not clear to what extent this extremely narrow gauge pattern is related to the turning or a special behavior, or even linked to an injury (“limping trackway”). We tentatively attribute the Qingquan trackway to cf. Parabrontopodus, even though it has a rather low heteropody that is significantly lower than in Parabrontopodus and not typical for narrow-gauge sauropod trackways, but occurs in the wide-gauge ichnotaxon Brontopodus. Because of this discrepancy, the Qingquan trackway cannot readily be attributed to a more basal sauropod, which is generally considered the producer of narrow-gauge trackways. Therefore, the identification of a distinct sauropod group is not possible presently. The only skeletal remains of sauropods from the Lower Cretaceous of Shandong Province belong to the large titanosauriform, Euhelopus zdanskyi.  相似文献   

吉林省中部早白垩世泉头组-原始鸟脚类恐龙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了在松辽盆地白垩纪沉积中首次发现的原始鸟脚类恐龙化石,并根据其头部特征建立一新属新种——娇小长春龙(Changchunsaurus parvus gen.etsp.nov.)。化石产于吉林省公主岭市刘房子镇山前泉头组上部紫红色含砾泥质砂岩中,同一层位还产有兽脚类、鳄类、恐龙蛋、哺乳类等化石。娇小长春龙是一种混合了原始的和衍生性状的小型鸟脚类恐龙。它具有某些比多数鸟脚类和头饰龙类要原始的特征,例如,5颗前上颌齿、前上颌骨吻部只有很短一段齿缺、前上颌骨与上颌齿之间的间隙较小、颊齿两侧的釉质对称、前上颌骨腹侧边缘与上颌骨腹侧边缘基本处于同一水平线等。同时,娇小长春龙也具有一些与真鸟脚类类似的进步特征,比如眶前孔小、外下颌孔缺失。娇小长春龙具有颧骨突,这在鸟脚类恐龙中较为罕见,它的颧骨突表面具有鲕状构造,这一特征未见于其他已知鸟脚类。娇小长春龙的前齿骨形态与角龙类接近,腹支明显长于侧支,前齿骨与齿骨的愈合方式同角龙类相似。娇小长春龙的确切系统分类位置需要进一步的工作来确定。  相似文献   

The fossil record of vertebrate tracks in Mexico is taxonomically rich and geographically diverse, and ranges in age from Middle Jurassic to Pleistocene and possibly Holocene. Middle Jurassic saurischian dinosaur tracks from Oaxaca represent the oldest record of vertebrate tracks in Mexico. Tracks attributed to Late Jurassic theropods and ornithopods are known from Michoacán. Theropod tracks of supposed Jurassic age are known from Durango. Lower Cretaceous Saurischian and ornithopod tracks are known from southern Puebla. Central Mexico has yielded Late Cretaceous hadrosaurid and sauropod tracks (Puebla), and tracks belonging to Theropoda and Ornithopoda (El Aguaje, Michoacan). In Coahuila several tracksites occur within the Cerro del Pueblo Formation and include tracks of mesoreptiles, pterosaurs, small to large theropods, bipedal and quadrupedal ornithopods, birds and possibly a mammal. A tracksite in the Olmos Formation includes tracks of turtles, crocodilians, medium-sized theropods, small ornithopods, and birds. Bird tracks of supposed Eocene age are known from Sinaloa. Two important Pleistocene ichnofaunas occur in the states of Puebla (Tepexi de Rodríguez) and Jalisco (San Juan de los Lagos), and include tracks of camelids, artiodactyls, small ungulates, elephants, large felids and birds. Pleistocene human tracks occur in Coahuila and Jalisco. Mexico's track record provides important insights into vertebrate diversity, paleoecology, and paleoenvironments. Given the rate of new discoveries since 1998, there is no doubt that new sites await to be found.  相似文献   

Until recently fossil footprints were virtually unknown from the Cretaceous of the eastern United States. The discovery of about 300 footprints in iron-rich siliciclastic facies of the Patuxent Formation (Potomac Group) of Aptian age is undoubtedly one of the most significant Early Cretaceous track discoveries since the Paluxy track discoveries in Texas in the 1930s. The Patuxent tracks include theropod, sauropod, ankylosaur and ornithopod dinosaur footprints, pterosaur tracks, and miscellaneous mammal and other vertebrate ichnites that collectively suggest a diversity of about 14 morphotypes. This is about twice the previous maximum estimate for any known Early Cretaceous vertebrate ichnofauna. Among the more distinctive forms are excellent examples of hypsilophodontid tracks and a surprisingly large mammal footprint. A remarkable feature of the Patuxent track assemblage is the high proportion of small tracks indicative of hatchlings, independently verified by the discovery of a hatchling-sized dinosaur. Such evidence suggests the proximity of nest sites. The preservation of such small tracks is very rare in the Cretaceous track record, and indeed throughout most of the Mesozoic.

This unusual preservation not only provides us with a window into a diverse Early Cretaceous ecosystem, but it also suggests the potential of such facies to provide ichnological bonanzas. A remarkable feature of the assemblage is that it consists largely of reworked nodules and clasts that may have previously been reworked within the Patuxent Formation. Such unusual contexts of preservation should provide intriguing research opportunities for sedimentologists interested in the diagenesis and taphonomy of a unique track-bearing facies.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(5):287-292
The ichnological assemblage of the Phra Wihan Formation (early Early Cretaceous of northeastern Thailand) includes the first sauropod tracks ever found in Thailand. It is reminiscent of the fauna of the underlying Jurassic Phu Kradung Formation with theropods, small ornithischians of uncertain affinities (possibly Hypsilophodon-like ornithopods) and sauropods. It suggests that, in southeastern Asia, an important faunal change occurred in the Early Cretaceous among continental vertebrates, whereas little happened at the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary.  相似文献   

Mateus, O. & Milàn, J. 2009: A diverse Upper Jurassic dinosaur ichnofauna from central‐west Portugal. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 245–257. A newly discovered dinosaur track‐assemblage from the Upper Jurassic Lourinhã Formation (Lusitanian Basin, central‐west Portugal), comprises medium‐ to large‐sized sauropod tracks with well‐preserved impressions of soft tissue anatomy, stegosaur tracks and tracks from medium‐ to large‐sized theropods. The 400‐m‐thick Lourinhã Formation consists of mostly aluvial sediments, deposited during the early rifting of the Atlantic Ocean in the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian. The stratigraphic succession shows several shifts between flood‐plain mud and fluvial sands that favour preservation and fossilization of tracks. The studied track‐assemblage is found preserved as natural casts on the underside of a thin bivalve‐rich carbonate bed near the Tithonian–Kimmeridgian boundary. The diversity of the tracks from the new track assemblage is compared with similar faunas from the Upper Jurassic of Asturias, Spain and the Middle Jurassic Yorkshire Coast of England. The Portuguese record of Upper Jurassic dinosaur body fossils show close similarity to the track fauna from the Lourinhã Formation. □Dinosaur tracks, Lusitanian Basin, Portugal, skin impressions, Upper Jurassic.  相似文献   

Dinosaur tracks and swimming traces have been discovered at three localities in the latest Albian Sarten Member of the Mojado Formation, Bisbee Group (= “Anapra Sandstone”), at Cerro de Cristo Rey in Sunland Park, southernmost Dona Ana County, New Mexico. These localities preserve footprints of ornithopod (Caririchnium) and theropod (Magnoavipes) dinosaurs, ?reptilian swimming traces and possible tracks of an ankylosaurian dinosaur. The Sarten Member is of the latest Albian age, so the Cerro de Cristo Rey tracks are slightly younger than the well-known late Albian tracksites of northeastern New Mexico. At Cerro de Cristo Rey, the dominance of ornithopod tracks and absence of sauropod tracks fit regional patterns of late Albian-early Cenomanian track distribution consistent with North American extirpation of sauropods before the end of Albian time. The deltaic/coastal plain depositional setting of the Sarten Member is also remarkably similar to the track-bearing late Albian-Cenomanian sandstones of NE New Mexico, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and SE Colorado, which also have a tetrapod footprint ichnofacies dominated by ornithopod (Caririchnium) and theropod (Magnoavipes) tracks throughout the so-called “dinosaur freeway.”  相似文献   

Dinosaur track assemblages from the Houcheng Formation in the small continental Shangyi Basin of northern Hebei Province, China bridge a gap in the record of vertebrates from this unit and enrich our knowledge of ichnofaunas from the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary. Their stratigraphic position between the Middle Jurassic Yan-Liao Biota and the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Biota gives them a special importance. New discoveries allow a re-assessment of theropod and possible ornithopod tracks that are present with several trackways. Seventy-three footprints were examined and documented. Despite their smaller size, the tridactyl mesaxonic theropod tracks show morphological similarities with the ichnogenus Therangospodus known from the Upper Jurassic deposits of North America, Europe, and Central Asia. The possible ornithopod tracks lack an associated manus imprint, suggesting a bipedal trackmaker. These possible ornithopod tracks from the Houcheng Formation provide evidence for the presence of small basal ornithopods or basal Cerapoda in the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous in this region. The depositional environment was the margin of an extensive shallow lake with fluctuating water levels under seasonally dry climate.  相似文献   

Saurischian (theropod and sauropod) tracks and trackways from the Jiaguan Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of the Sichuan Basin are exposed as natural casts with associated undertrack or transmitted print casts. The theropod tracks (cf. Eubrontes and Grallator) were left by differently sized trackmakers. This is a further example for the occurrence of characteristic Lower Jurassic ichnotaxa in the Cretaceous that obviously had a more extended stratigraphic range in East Asia. The sauropod trackway is tentatively assigned to cf. Brontopodus based on imprint morphology and (nearly wide) gauge. The tracks, however, allow a detailed study of their formation and the taphonomic processes under different substrate conditions. Differential preservation and erosion of primary sedimentary structures, and post-burial deformation structures, give insight into a complex preservational history during a low energy phase interrupting the deposition of a sequence of thick high energy sandstones. This is the sixth report of dinosaur tracks from the Jiaguan Formation and the fifteenth report from the Lower Cretaceous of Sichuan Province. Thus, the tetrapod ichnological record in this region is rapidly becoming of major importance for our knowledge of dinosaur faunas in south-western China.  相似文献   

A dinosaur tracksite at Hemenkou (Shuangbai County, Yunnan Province) in the ?Middle–Upper Jurassic Shedian Formation that consists mainly of gray-purple feldspathic quartz sandstones was previously reported incorrectly as being in the Lower Cretaceous Puchanghe Formation. The previous assignment is also inconsistent with two regional geological maps. Although mostly yielding poorly preserved tracks, the site nevertheless indicates a diversity of theropod and sauropod trackmakers partly consistent with the Late Jurassic body fossils from the region. Purported ornithopod are re-evaluated here as those of theropods. The theropod tracks and trackways show distinct similarities to those of the GrallatorEubrontes plexus and can be subdivided into three morphotypes that may reflect different pes anatomy and/or substrate conditions. Two sizes of tracks (small, large) indicate the presence of different size classes or species in this area in the Late Jurassic. Similarly, the sauropod trackways document three differently sized trackmakers (small–medium–large) showing a typical wide-gauge (Brontopodus) pattern. The track record is the first evidence of theropods in the ?Middle–Late Jurassic of central Yunnan, whereas the sauropod tracks suggest a relation to the coeval basal eusauropods known from this region by skeletal remains.  相似文献   

New reports of dinosaur tracksites in the Tuchengzi Formation in the newly established Yanqing Global Geopark, Beijing, China, support previous inferences that the track assemblages from this formation are saurischian-dominated. More specifically, the assemblages appear theropod-dominated, with the majority of well-preserved tracks conforming to the Grallator type (sensus lato), thus representing relatively small trackmakers. Such ichnofaunas supplement the skeletal record from this unit that lacks theropods thus far, proving a larger diversity of dinosaur faunas in that region. Sauropods are represented by medium to large sized and narrow and wide-gauge groups, respectively. The latter correspond with earlier discoveries of titanosauriform skeletons in the same unit. Previous records of ornithischian tracks cannot be positively confirmed. Purported occurrences are re-evaluated here, the trackways and imprints, except of a single possible specimen, re-assigned to theropods. Palecologically the Tuchengzi ichnofauna is characteristic of semi-arid fluvio-lacustrine inland basins with Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits in northern China that all show assemblages with abundant theropod and sauropod tracks and minor components of ornithopod, pterosaur and bird tracks.  相似文献   


Sauropod tracks from the Early Jurassic Maanshan Member of the Ziliujing Formation in the Dazhuanwan area of Guizhou represent the first Jurassic dinosaur track record for this province. The best preserved and longest trackway is narrow gauge (Brontopodus type), and indicates a relatively small trackmaker (footprint length ~35.0 cm). In conjunction with sauropodomorph skeletal remains these tracks suggest that basal sauropodomorphs and primitive sauropods coexisted in this region during the Early Jurassic. This pattern is same in the Lufeng and Sichuan basins. Thus, sauropod tracks from southwest China are diverse in the Early Jurassic, and include narrow gauge Parabrontopodus, wide gauge Brontopodus-type, and basal sauropodomorph tracks.  相似文献   

The bauxite mine at Cornet near Oradea in northwestern Romania produced thousands of bones in an excavation in 1978, mainly from ornithopod dinosaurs and rarer pterosaurs. Bird specimens reported previously from this fauna are equivocal. The fossils are disarticulated bones in good condition which occur highly concentrated in lenses within bauxite clays, which are dated as Berriasian (earliest Cretaceous). The bauxite represents detrital material washed into deep fissures and caves formed within a karst of uplifted Tithonian (latest Jurassic) marine limestones. The bones are generally uniform in size and shape, and they are abraded, evidence for considerable transport and for winnowing of the deposit. The area was one of several islands on the northern shore of Tethys, and it was inundated by the sea later in the Early Cretaceous. There is evidence for insular adaptations in the dinosaur faunas. The ornithopod dinosaurs may include several taxa, but they are smaller on average than an assemblage of typical Wealden ornithopods, perhaps because of dwarfing on the island. In addition, sauropods are absent and theropods are barely represented in the fauna. The fauna is geographically significant since it shows relationships with western Europe and with Asia.  相似文献   

A dinosaur footprint assemblage from the Lower Jurassic Ziliujing Formation of Zigong City, Sichuan, China, comprises about 300 tracks of small tridactyl theropods and large sauropods preserved as concave epireliefs (natural molds). The theropod footprints show similarities with both the ichnogenera Grallator and Jialingpus. Three different morphotypes are present, probably related to different substrate conditions and extramorphological variation. A peculiar preservational feature in a morphotype that reflects a gracile trackmaker with extremely slender digits, is the presence of a convex epirelief that occurs at the bottom of the concave digit impressions. It is possibly the result of sediment compaction underweight load when the pes penetrated the substrate, being a resistant residue during exhumation and weathering. The sauropod tracks belong to a trackway with eight imprints consisting of poorly preserved pes and manus tracks and a better preserved set, probably all undertracks. The narrow-gauge trackway pattern resembles the ichnogenus Parabrontopodus well known from the Jurassic but other features such as the minor heteropody are different. The assemblage enriches the dinosaur record from the famous Zigong locality and the evidence from the Lower Jurassic in this area that was restricted to a few skeletal remains and footprints. Furthermore it proves the presence of small theropods, whereas skeletons of the group, well- known from the Middle-Upper Jurassic of Zigong, are of medium to large size only. Remarkable is the dominance of saurischians in these assemblages, which is characteristic of Jurassic dinosaur communities whereas the Cretaceous record shows an increase of ornithopod groups. An overview of the dinosaur trace and body fossil record of the Sichuan Basin supports this view. The paleoenvironment can be designated as a low-latitude tropical freshwater lake as it is indicated by bivalve shells.  相似文献   



The evolutionary history of Mesozoic terrestrial vertebrates from the Arabian Peninsula is virtually unknown. Despite vast exposures of rocky outcrops, only a handful of fossils have yet been described from the region. Here we report a multi-taxon dinosaur track assemblage near Madar village, 47 km north of Sana''a, Republic of Yemen. This represents the first dinosaur tracksite from the Arabian Peninsula, and the only multi-taxon dinosaur ichnosite in the Middle East.


Measurements were taken directly from trackway impressions, following standard ichnological conventions. The presence of bipedal trackmakers is evidenced by a long series of pes imprints preserving smoothly rounded posterior margins, no evidence of a hallux, bluntly rounded digit tips and digital divarication angles characteristic of ornithopod dinosaurs. Nearby, eleven parallel quadrupedal trackways document a sauropod herd that included large and small individuals traveling together. Based on the morphology of manus impressions along with a narrow-gauged stance, the quadrupedal trackways were made by non-titanosauriform neosauropods. Additional isolated tracks and trackways of sauropod and ornithopod dinosaurs are preserved nearby.


Taken together, these discoveries present the most evocative window to date into the evolutionary history of dinosaurs of the Arabian Peninsula. Given the limited Mesozoic terrestrial record from the region, this discovery is of both temporal and geographic significance, and massive exposures of similarly-aged outcrops nearby offer great promise for future discoveries.  相似文献   

Galve (Teruel, Spain) is a town in the interior of a synclinal fold with Upper Jurassic marine limestones along its flanks, and, in its core, Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous continental and shoreline sediments crop out. The core sediments cover an area about 8 km2, and contain a concentration of sites with footprints, bones, and eggshells of dinosaurs. The footprints are both shafts and natural casts. Some casts are attributed to stegosaurs (Deltapodus). The Deltapodus casts are characterized by features that allow us to make direct observations on the skin formed by polygonal scales, and ellipsoidal “hooves,” as well as deductions on the movement of the limbs during walking. According to the opinion of some authors, dinosaur footprints are indicators of the motion of their limbs and sometimes of the whole body. So far, results have been deduced from theropod, ornithopod, and sauropod footprints. This article shows the results obtained from analis of the aforementioned Deltapodus casts, i.e., forelimb movement similar to that of the forelimbs of sauropods, and the rigid structure of the autopodial part of the hind limb.  相似文献   

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