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Mineralogical segregation of sand grains distinguishes the trace fossil Macaronichnus segregatis, which is composed of a felsic burrow infill with a mafic-and mica-rich burrow mantle. This study focuses on determining the mechanism by which M. segregatis trace-makers segregated mineral grains during deposit feeding. A modern opheliid polychaete, Euzonus mucronata, from Pachena Bay, Vancouver Island (Canada), was examined to explain the activities of their ancient counterparts. Microscopic videotaping of deposit feeding allowed for collection of data on ingestion and excretion through visual grain counts of felsic, mafic, and shell components. Normalization of these grain counts to the composition of the host sediment illustrates preferential ingestion of felsic grains over mafic. Shell fragments were generally avoided and visually mantled the burrows, obscuring the paucity of mafic grains in burrow infills. The avoidance of shell fragments is potentially a function of the large grain size, angular shape, surface texture, and/or associated low nutritive value. The preferential ingestion of felsic grains is attributed to en masse feeding in felsic-rich locales identified through sediment probing. This form of mineral segregation likely reflects the specific nature of the sediment and worm population. Accordingly, en mass deposit feeding in selected felsic-rich localities is one possible mechanism used in the construction of Macaronichnus segregatis and M. segregatis-like structures.  相似文献   

Deposit feeding polychaetes play an important role in the acceleration of the biogeochemical processes of the sediment through bioturbation. Feeding is one of the important factors of bioturbation. However, knowledge of the feeding biology of polychaetes, especially the subsurface deposit feeder, is limited. The objective of this study is to characterize the feeding selection of Perinereis aibuhitensis with different body weights. The animals were fed with natural sediment from their original habitat in the lab. The feed intake and particle size of sediment were measured to find any evidence of feeding selection. A two-way ANOVA showed that the particle size class significantly affected the particle size frequency of the ingested and the remaining sediment (P?P?>?0.05). Bivariate correlation analysis showed that the particle size frequency of sediment, ingested and remaining sediment in different size classes were linearly related (P?P?P?P. aibuhitensis preferred smaller particles in the sediment, which was limited by the particle size distribution of the sediment in which they live. The nitrogen and organic carbon contents in the faeces might be the thresholds when P. aibuhitensis selects sediment particles as food. These results demonstrated the particle selectivity of P. aibuhitensis, and may be applicable to other subsurface deposit feeding polychaetes.  相似文献   

Macoma balthica (L.), an abundant clam, ubiquitous in temperate estuaries across the North Atlantic, is known to practice both alternative basic modes of feeding available to seafloor invertebrates. It either holds its feeding organ, the siphon, at a fixed position just above the sediment surface to filter out food particles suspended in the overlying water or else extends and moves its siphon around to vacuum up deposited food particles on the sediment surface. Previous laboratory experiments have established an understanding of the role of current flow in dictating the choice of whether suspension or deposit feeding will be used by marine invertebrates with the facultative flexibility to choose. Faster flows imply greater fluxes of suspended particles so that the energetic rewards of suspension feeding are enhanced. Slower flows imply reduced renewal rates of suspended foods in the bottom boundary layers and enhanced deposition of food particles on the seafloor so that a switch to deposit feeding is favored. Like early optimal foraging theory, this understanding is based on energetic considerations alone without incorporation of broader implications of how population interactions such as predation and competition influence individual foraging behavior. Feeding behavior of Macoma balthica is influenced in the Neuse River estuary by both hydrodynamics and siphon-cropping by juvenile demersal fishes. Under conditions of identical concentrations of suspended particulates in the water column and organic contents of surface sediments, Macoma exhibited much higher levels of deposit feeding where currents were slower. In addition, exclosure and fish inclosure experiments demonstrated that juvenile demersal fishes influence feeding behavior of Macoma by cropping exposed siphons and inducing reduction in deposit-feeding activity. Effects of croppers were substantial in early to midsummer, when juvenile fish abundances were greatest in trawl samples from this estuarine nursery and before the growing fish exhibited ontogenetic changes in diet away from early concentration on bivalve siphons. Field experiments in which siphon-cropping fish were caged at varying distances off the bottom failed to detect any effective behavioral avoidance by Macoma of cropping in response to proximity of fish. One might have hypothesized that under high risk of cropping, Macoma would switch to suspension feeding and away from deposit feeding, the feeding method entailing more risk of losses to croppers because of greater siphon activity and greater extension of siphons on the sediment surface. Consequently, partial predation by siphon-cropping fishes greatly reduces deposit-feeding activity by Macoma balthica during summer as an apparent direct effect of disfigurement and reduction of siphons, the organ required for efficient deposit feeding. Information on current flows alone would not suffice to predict feeding behavior of this marine invertebrate: the influence of partial predation must also be included.  相似文献   

Macoma balthica (L.) is a common clam of the estuarine seafloor, belonging to an important group of invertebrates possessing the capacity to choose between the two fundamental modes of feeding available, using its siphon to inhale either suspended food particles from the water or food particles deposited on the sediment surface. Field experiments demonstrate that intraspecific competition, effects of other competing benthic invertebrates, and complex interactions between competition and partial predation (siphon cropping by fishes) modify the foraging behavior of Macoma. When protected by caging from siphon nipping by fishes, Macoma demonstrated greater siphon regeneration at lower density, indicating the importance of competition for limited resources. In the absence of siphon croppers, these same clams also exhibited more deposit feeding at the lower density either because of improved ability to deposit-feed with longer siphons or because deposited foods become more rapidly depleted than suspended foods on local spatial scales. Addition of siphon-nipping fishes caused greater reductions in siphon size of clams at lower density, presumably because the intensity of nipping per clam was greater where clam targets were fewer and because deposit feeding, which was more intense at lower densities, confers a greater risk of cropping from greater siphon extension and activity than characterize suspension feeding. Deposit feeding by Macoma was reduced in the presence of siphon croppers at both high and low density of clams, but the intensity of deposit-feeding activity at low density was substantially higher than predicted by additive effects of clam density and cropping. This suggests operation of a balancing strategy in Macoma whereby it is accepting greater risks of partial predation when rewards of greater food harvest are larger. The surprising failure to adopt a risk-averse stratery may be explained by the non-lethal nature of partial predation, which renders siphon loss an energetic penalty replacable through regeneration. The presence of a bed of suspension-feeding Rangia cuneata also altered foraging behavior of Macoma by inducing a switch to more intense deposit feeding, in response either to the documented near-bottom depletion of suspended foods or to likely enhanced biodeposition from feces and pseudofeces. The induction of greater deposit feeding by the presence of this competing suspension feeder led to greater siphon losses during exposure to croppers because Macoma was practicing more risky feeding behavior. This enhanced loss of siphon tissues to croppers in the presence of the suspension-feeding Rangia induced an interaction between the effects of siphon croppers and Rangia, such that Macoma exhibited a larger switch away from deposit feeding in the presence of siphon croppers when Rangia were also present. Clearly, the foraging decisions made by individuals can only be understood in a broad holistic context of population, community, and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

The impact of benthic deposit feeders on marine dinoflagellate cysts was studied by adding a concentrated natural Swedish cyst assemblage to sediment with different deposit feeders in replicate 4-l aquaria. The deposit feeders used were the bivalve Abra nitida, the echinoderm Amphiura filiformis, and the polychaetes Melinna cristata and Nereis diversicolor. These species occur naturally near the Swedish west coast and were selected to represent different ways of feeding. The results showed a significant relative decrease of unfossilizable cyst species; whereas, the common fossilizable species Lingulodinium polyedrum significantly increased in the cyst assemblage after grazing. This work suggests that differences in dinoflagellate cyst compositions can in part be caused by different animal grazing behaviors.  相似文献   

Submarine canyon systems provide a heterogeneous habitat for deep-sea benthos in terms of topography, hydrography, and the quality and quantity of organic matter present. Enhanced meiofauna densities as found in organically enriched canyon sediments suggest that nematodes, as the dominant metazoan meiobenthic taxon, may play an important role in the benthic food web of these sediments. Very little is known about the natural diets and trophic biology of deep-sea nematodes, but enrichment experiments can shed light on nematode feeding selectivity and trophic position. An in-situ pulse-chase experiment (Feedex) was performed in the Nazaré Canyon on the Portuguese margin in summer 2007 to study nematode feeding behaviour. 13C-labelled diatoms and bacteria were added to sediment cores which were then sampled over a 14-day period. There was differential uptake by the nematode community of the food sources provided, indicating selective feeding processes. 13C isotope results revealed that selective feeding was less pronounced at the surface, compared to the sediment subsurface. This was supported by a higher trophic diversity in surface sediments (Θ−1 = 3.50 ± 0.2) compared to the subsurface (2.78 ± 0.6), implying that more food items may be used by the nematode community at the sediment surface. Predatory and scavenging nematodes contributed relatively more to biomass than other feeding types and can be seen as key contributors to the nematode food web at the canyon site. Non-selective deposit feeding nematodes were the dominant trophic group in terms of abundance and contributed substantially to total nematode biomass. The high levels of ‘fresh’ (bioavailable) organic matter input and moderate hydrodynamic disturbance of the canyon environment lead to a more complex trophic structure in canyon nematode communities than that found on the open continental slope, and favours predator/scavengers and non-selective deposit feeders.  相似文献   

Beaconites capronus is a winding meniscate backfilled trace fossil differentiated from comparable ichnotaxa Taenidium and Ancorichnus on the basis of its distinct and unornamented burrow lining. Typically, horizontal to subhorizontal B. capronus also includes vertical pipes, which serve as a point of entry for endobenthic deposit feeding activity. The burrows do not self-cross but often display secondary successive branching potentially indicating coprophagous feeding strategies in lower nutrient sediment. Beaconites capronus material is examined and discussed from the Carboniferous offshore transition zone deposits near Howick, United Kingdom. Samples were collected and analyzed using high-resolution serial grinding and modeling techniques documenting fine detail in three dimensions. As the burrows are actively backfilled and do not maintain a connection to the sediment water interface the trace making organism must have a method of coping with the low oxygen porewater conditions. Four methods are considered herein, as follows: 1) revisiting the sediment-water interface; 2) creating periodic shafts; or 3) employing the use of obligate anaerobic metabolism. Based on the material presented herein, an emended ichnospecific diagnosis is provided.  相似文献   

A rich assemblage of exceptionally preserved marine and terrestrial fossils occurs in fine‐grained limestones in the upper part of the Late Tithonian (Middle Volgian) shallowing upward carbonate sequence in Central Poland. The richest horizon, a deposit known locally as the Corbulomima horizon, is named after the shallow burrowing suspension feeding bivalve Corbulomima obscura, moulds of which occur in densities of up to 500 per square metre on some bedding planes. The fauna in this bed also includes organic and phosphatic remains of a wide range of other creatures including the exuviae of limulids and decapods, disarticulated fish skeletons and rare isolated pterosaur bones and teeth. There are also perfectly preserved dragonfly wings and beetle exoskeletons. The average stable carbon and oxygen isotope values for ostracod shells and fine‐grained sediment from this horizon suggest precipitation of the calcium carbonate from warm seawater of normal marine salinity. The carbonate sediments overlying the fossiliferous horizon have been interpreted as nearshore to shoreface facies. These pass abruptly into coarse reworked intraclastic sediments interpreted as possible tsunami or storm surge over‐wash deposits. The clasts in this deposit have more positive oxygen isotope values than those in the underlying limestone, which may indicate that they were lithified in a slightly more evaporative, perhaps intertidal, setting. The succession terminates with silicified fine‐grained limestones likely to have formed in extremely shallow lagoonal environments. In contrast with the Solnhofen limestones of Lower Tithonian age in south‐central Germany the Corbulomima horizon is interpreted as a transitional deposit formed in a shallow marine setting by rapid burial with elements of both Konservat‐ and Konzentrat‐Lagerstätte preservation. □Konzentrat and Konservat‐Lagerstätte, Taphonomy, Palaeoenvironment, Paleogeography, Late Jurassic, Poland.  相似文献   

Wolfgang Horn 《Hydrobiologia》1991,225(1):115-120
Planktonic crustacean biomass as well as structure are important factors influencing water transparency. The significant dependence of the water quality (Secchi depth) on the concentration and the share of the Daphnia biovolume and not on the total Crustacea biovolume in the Saidenbach reservoir indicates that the density of the Crustacea is only a measure of the cleaning performance, if Daphnia dominates. Using the mean size, the influence of the crustacean structure on the Secchi depth can be recorded. If big size categories prevail (like Daphnia) the water transparency is high. The mainly occurrence of little species (Mesocyclops, Bosmina) results in lower Secchi depths. However, a well defined (significant) relationship is being prevented by the different feeding behaviour of the several species.  相似文献   

Summary Sixty-three sediment samples collected from the modern fringing reefs off the Jordan coast (Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea) have been analysed in order to determine variations of composition and texture by using correspondence factor analysis. From the shore seawards, the following physiographic zones are recognized: beach; shallower backreef zone; reef flat zone; forereef zone including sandy or coral-built slopes. Eight sediment facies and subfacies can be recognized on the basis of total component composition and foraminiferal assemblages and four sediment facies can be recognized using grain-size data. Wellsorted, fine to medium, quartzofeldspathic sands (terrigenous facies) occur on beaches and outer sandy slopes close to wadi mouths. Backreef areas exhibit relatively well-sorted fine sands of terrigenous-coral and Miliolidae-Soritidae facies. Poorly sorted, coarse sands of coral-coral-line algal and Homotremid facies characterize reef flats and the upper parts of coral-built forereef areas, which respecitively display an Amphistegina-Spirolina subfacies and an Acervulina one. Poorly sorted, medium sands of coralmolluscan-foraminiferal (Amphistegina-Acervulina) facies are restricted to the lower parts of the forereef zone. Latcral limits of the various biofacies coincide with the distribution of the related organic communities.  相似文献   

Phymatoderma is a branching burrow system consisting of tunnels filled with faecal pellets, and it has been interpreted as a product of a surface deposit‐feeding animal. Elemental analyses of Phymatoderma were conducted to reveal the specific feeding mode of its tracemaker, using samples from the Lower Jurassic epicontinental shelf deposits in the Dotternhausen section, southern Germany and from the Upper Pliocene continental slope deposits in the Shioura section, central Japan. Elemental compositions of the pelletal infill of Phymatoderma and its overlying mudstone from the Dotternhausen section show no significant difference, suggesting that the tracemaker was a non‐selective deposit feeder. In contrast, elemental compositions of the tuffaceous pellets of Phymatoderma from the Shioura section and its overlying volcanic ash show a difference in trends: CaO is significantly concentrated in the pellets. Because microfossils such as foraminifera and coccoliths are occasionally found in the tuffaceous pellets, CaO accumulation in the pelletal infill indicates the Phymatoderma‐producer that lived in the Pliocene slope setting selectively ingested particles with higher biomass of such microorganisms (or ingested microorganisms themselves) when feeding the surface sediments. Although two types of feeding modes of the tracemaker were recognized in Phymatoderma between different bathymetrical settings, each feeding mode seems to be an effective strategy to intake nutrients from the surface sediments and to reflect an adaptation of the tracemaker to the food contents in the surrounding substrate. This study suggests that geochemical composition of faecal pellets of trace fossils can be a useful indicator of grain‐selective/non‐selective deposit‐feeding strategies of ancient animals.  相似文献   

The functional role of burrowing bivalves in freshwater ecosystems   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1. Freshwater systems are losing biodiversity at a rapid rate, yet we know little about the functional role of most of this biodiversity. The ecosystem roles of freshwater burrowing bivalves have been particularly understudied. Here we summarize what is known about the functional role of burrowing bivalves in the orders Unionoida and Veneroida in lakes and streams globally. 2. Bivalves filter phytoplankton, bacteria and particulate organic matter from the water column. Corbicula and sphaeriids also remove organic matter from the sediment by deposit feeding, as may some unionids. Filtration rate varies with bivalve species and size, temperature, particle size and concentration, and flow regime. 3. Bivalves affect nutrient dynamics in freshwater systems, through excretion as well as biodeposition of faeces and pseudofaeces. Excretion rates are both size and species dependent, are influenced by reproductive stage, and vary greatly with temperature and food availability. 4. Bioturbation of sediments through bivalve movements increases sediment water and oxygen content and releases nutrients from the sediment to the water column. The physical presence of bivalve shells creates habitat for epiphytic and epizoic organisms, and stabilizes sediment and provides refugia for benthic fauna. Biodeposition of faeces and pseudofaeces can alter the composition of benthic communities. 5. There is conflicting evidence concerning the role of resource limitation in structuring bivalve communities. Control by bivalves of primary production is most likely when their biomass is large relative to the water volume and where hydrologic residence time is long. Future studies should consider exactly what bivalves feed upon, whether feeding varies seasonally and with habitat, and whether significant overlap in diet occurs. In particular, we need a clearer picture of the importance of suspension versus deposit feeding and the potential advantages and tradeoffs between these two feeding modes. 6. In North America, native burrowing bivalves (Unionidae) are declining at a catastrophic rate. This significant loss of benthic biomass, coupled with the invasion of an exotic burrowing bivalve (Corbicula), may result in large alterations of ecosystem processes and functions.  相似文献   

We combined sediment and faunal data to explore the role of the sedimentary regime in shaping the distribution of subtidal sandbank environments and the associated meiofaunal nematode communities at Broken Bank and Swarte Bank, in the southern North Sea. A variety of sediment transport processes occur in the area, differing in the frequency and magnitude of sediment mobility, and the continuum between erosion, translation and sediment accumulation. The seabed contained a variety of bedforms, including longitudinal furrows, and small to very large sandwaves. The bed sediments were dominated by fine and medium sands, with admixtures of silt and gravel. Based on sedimentary bedforms and grain size analysis, a total of 11 sedimentary facies were delineated, of which 8 were analysed in detail for their relationships with the meiofauna. The sedimentary facies fell clearly into groups of facies, respectively representing high, high-moderate and moderate, and episodic sediment mobility. For those sedimentary facies where daily movement of sediments and bedforms occurred (‘high’ sediment mobility), the resulting spatially homogeneous environments were dominated by an impoverished nematode community comprising small deposit feeders and large predators. Resistance to sediment movement and the ability to exploit alternative food sources were prominent functional features of the successful colonisers. Those facies characterised by relatively infrequent sediment mobility (‘episodic’ and ‘high-moderate and moderate’ sediment mobility) comprised a heterogeneous suite of benthic habitats, containing taxonomically and functionally diverse assemblages of nematodes of various sizes, feeding types and reproductive potential. Faunal distribution patterns here indicated trade-offs between the resistance to sediment movement, environmental tolerance and competitive abilities. Our focus on diverse assemblages of organisms with high turnover times, inhabiting highly dynamic sedimentary environments, has revealed new animal-sediment relationships of relevance to pure and applied science.  相似文献   

Species are often grouped according to their biological or functional traits to better understand their contribution to ecosystem functioning. However, it is becoming clear that a single species can perform different roles in different habitats. Austrohelice crassa, a burrow-building mud crab shifts its primary bioturbational role to that of a vertical mixer in non-cohesive sediments as frequent burrow collapse greatly enhances sediment reworking. We conducted in situ crab density manipulations in two sediment environments (a non-cohesive sand and a cohesive muddy-sand) to examine if the context-specific functional roles were linked to changes in solute fluxes across the sediment–water interface. Across both habitats, we show that A. crassa regulated nutrient cycling, creating strong density driven effects on solute exchanges. Increasing crab density increased sediment O2 demand and the flux of NH4 + from the sediment, indicating much of the response was physiologically driven. Clear interactions between A. crassa and microphytobenthos were also detected in both habitats. Despite lowering microphyte standing stock through deposit feeding, A. crassa increased benthic primary production per unit of chlorophyll a. Our experiment also revealed important context-specific differences, most notably for NH4 + fluxes, which were higher where burrows and their associated microbial communities were most stable (muddy-sand). This study highlights the need to integrate interactions between organism behavior and habitat type into functional group studies to broaden conceptual frameworks and avoid oversimplification of highly complex organism–sediment interactions.  相似文献   

Cleaning and corallivory are two prevalent feeding modes among coral reef fishes. Some fishes exhibit ontogenetic shifts between cleaning behaviour and corallivory, suggesting some common physiological or morphological adaptations suited to these highly contrasting feeding habits. This study investigated ontogenetic changes in feeding behaviour for three species of coral-feeding wrasses (F: Labridae). All three species (Labrichthys unilineatus, Labropsis alleni and Diproctacanthus xanthurus) exhibited substantial changes in feeding behaviour from juvenile to adult size classes. While L. unilineatus was corallivorous throughout its entire life, the coral taxa consumed varied greatly with ontogeny. Labropsis alleni and D. xanthurus exhibited pronounced changes, with juveniles cleaning before a switch to obligate corallivory at approximately 3.5–5 cm. The ability of L. alleni and D. xanthurus to adopt a cleaning strategy may be a consequence and their close relationship to the obligate cleaner wrasses (Genus: Labroides).  相似文献   

On six 400 m2 plots over 3 years, we excluded the sessile subduction and conveyer-belt feeding polychaete Arenicola marina which generates a pit-and-mound topography at the sediment surface from intertidal sands near the island of Sylt, Germany. This experiment was used to test whether other abundant deposit feeding polychaetes (the discretely motile and surface feeding ragworm Nereis diversicolor and the subsurface-feeding, motile orbiniid polychaete Scoloplos cf. armiger) benefit from competitive release. Ragworms took advantage from the absence of lugworms. Presumably they responded to a more stable and nutritious surface layer at lugworm exclusion plots (relief from inhibitive bioturbation). Contrary to this, S. cf. armiger was negatively affected by the exclusion of A. marina. It may have suffered from higher sulfide concentrations in the less irrigated and less permeable sediment where lugworms were absent. For adult worms of both species these results were consistent in 2 out of 3 years examined. Recruitment by N. diversicolor was highly variable between years and occurred either irrespective of experimental treatments or the response was inconsistent. Juveniles of S. cf. armiger benefited from the presence of A. marina and aggregated near lugworm tail shafts where inflow of oxygen rich water was high and sulfide concentrations were low. Biogenic habitat mediated effects of lugworms on both deposit feeders were in the same order of magnitude as abundance variation in space and time. Thus, A. marina was one of the key factors structuring the deposit feeding community. It is suggested that arenicolids modify the composition of the associated polychaete assemblage primarily through habitat transformation.  相似文献   

The day‐night vertical distribution, diel feeding activity and diet of fourth instar of Chaoborus larvae were analyzed in lacustrine zone of a neotropical reservoir which shows seasonally contrasting hypolimnetic oxygen conditions. Larvae stayed in sediment and water bottom during day and ascended to surface during night. Results indicate that feeding activity is limited mainly to the plankton population. Phytoplankton, rotifers or remains of Chaoborus larvae were not found in crops. With the exception of ostracods, all crustacean prey available in the zooplankton occurred in the guts. Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Moina micrura were the most frequent food items (about 75% of occurrence frequency) and were positively selected. The remainder crustacean zooplankton taxa were negatively selected by larvae. The most intense feeding activity in larvae occurred near midnight and sunrise, in dates when the hypolimnion was anoxic. When oxygen was available on the bottom, a higher and not changing diel feeding activity was detected. Our results indicate that vertical migration may promote a spatial separation between larvae and zooplankton, and feeding activity of larvae occurred only when both overlapped. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

1. The combined effects of deposit‐feeding, bioturbation and bioirrigation by benthic macrofauna on the enzymatic hydrolysis of organic matter were studied in microcosms. Chironomus riparius larvae (Insecta, Diptera) served as model macrofauna and stinging nettle leaves (Urtica dioica) were used as a detrital food source. 2. In the upper 10 mm of the sediment (the habitat of C. riparius larvae), the activities of several exoenzymes, the contents of several fractions of particulate organic matter (POM), and the concentrations of dissolved oxidants (O2, NO) were measured on a small scale. Fluorescent particles (luminophores) were used to quantify the vertical redistribution of particles within the same layer. 3. In control sediment, the addition of detrital food enhanced exoenzyme activities in the 0–2 mm layer only. In the presence of C. riparius larvae, exoenzyme activities increased to 10 mm depth. Further, the content of POM in the 0–2 mm layer was lower in the presence than in the absence of larvae, suggesting ingestion and subduction of the added detritus. After prolonged incubation without further food addition, exoenzyme activities returned close to background values in both treatments, whereas the vertical distribution of POM remained unchanged. 4. The overall penetration depth of O2 and NO into the sediment was greater in the presence than the absence of C. riparius, the differences being more pronounced after prolonged incubation. Locally high O2 and NO concentrations due to bioirrigation by C. riparius were measured deep in the sediment. Net downward transport of particles was observed only in the presence of C. riparius larvae and only at the beginning of the incubation. 5. I conclude that deposit‐feeding and bioturbation by macrofauna can quickly remove freshly deposited POM from the sediment surface and transfer it to less oxygenated sites (i.e. animal guts and deep sediment layers). Bioirrigation also increases the availability of oxidants deep in the sediment. The oscillation of oxidant supply to POM particles by ingestion–egestion, burial and re‐burial, and the intermittent bioirrigation of subsurface sediment, is probably the cause of the increased rate of organic matter hydrolysis, the rate‐limiting step in mineralization.  相似文献   

Significantly higher concentrations of suspended inorganic matter were observed in the outflows than the inflows of three impoundments along an urban stream in southern Ontario during baseflow conditions. This pattern was observed during two summers at two of the reservoirs. After carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were eliminated (490 kg ha–1) from the third reservoir, significantly less suspended sediment was found in the outflow. Burrowing benthic invertebrates (Chironomus sp. and Tubificidae) which dominated the benthic fauna were replaced by less tolerant, more lithophilic taxa after carp removal. Tubifids dominated the fauna again after carp recolonized the impoundment. These data suggest that carp removal can have a significant positive effect on water quality.  相似文献   

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