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Question: In a southern temperate rain forest, we addressed three questions: (1) Does the abundance of climbing plants increase with light availability? (2) Do host tree species differ in their susceptibility to vine infestation? (3) How does the relationship between host tree trunk diameter and relative abundance of vines vary with their climbing mechanism? Location: Two sites in the temperate evergreen rain forest of southern Chile: Puyehue (40°39′S, 72°09′W; 350 m a.s.l.) and Pastahue (42°22′S, 73°49′W; 285 m a.s.l.). Methods: We sampled vines in 60 25‐m2 plots, with 20 plots in each of three light environments: mature forest, forest edges and canopy gaps. In each plot, for every tree ≥1.50‐m tall of any diameter we counted and identified all climbing plant individuals at a height of 1.30 m. We also counted, measured (trunk diameter at 1.30 m) and identified all these trees, and determined prevalence of vine infestation for each tree species. Results: Light availability in forest plots did not affect vine abundance when the number and size of host trees was taken into account. Overall, vine abundance increased with host tree trunk diameter. Tree species did not differ in the prevalence of vine infestation. The relative abundance of stem twiners and adhesive climbers decreased and increased with trunk diameter, respectively. The densities of stem twiners and adhesive climbers were negatively correlated across the forest. Conclusion: We provide further evidence that the pattern of vine abundance is independent of light availability in southern temperate rain forests, in contrast to results commonly reported for tropical rain forests. We also show that support suitability across the forest varies with the mechanism by which vines climb, probably due in part to biomechanical constraints and in part to vine interspecific competition, a virtually unexplored ecological factor.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that certain plants can identify their kin in competitive settings through root recognition, and react by decreasing root growth when competing with relatives. Although this may be a necessary step in kin selection, no clear associated improvement in individual or group fitness has been reported to qualify as such. We designed an experiment to address whether genetic relatedness between neighbouring plants affects individual or group fitness in artificial populations. Seeds of Lupinus angustifolius were sown in groups of siblings, groups of different genotypes from the same population and groups of genotypes from different populations. Both plants surrounded by siblings and by genotypes from the same population had lower individual fitness and produced fewer flowers and less vegetative biomass as a group. We conclude that genetic relatedness entails decreased individual and group fitness in L. angustifolius. This, together with earlier work, precludes the generalization that kin recognition may act as a widespread, major microevolutionary mechanism in plants.  相似文献   

Many plant species produce large fruit crops in some years and then produce few or no fruits in others. Synchronous, inter‐annual variation in plant reproduction is known as ‘masting’ and its adaptive significance has yet to be fully resolved. For 8 consecutive years, I quantified every fruit produced by 22 females of a New Zealand tree species (Dysoxylum spectabile), which has an unusual habit of taking a full calendar year to mature fruits after flowering. Fruit production varied strongly among years and was tightly synchronized among trees. Annual variability in fruit production declined with total reproductive output, indicating trees with lower fecundity exhibited a stronger tendency to mast. Although unrelated to temperature, annual fruit production was positively related to precipitation during annual periods of fruit development, and negatively related to fruit production in the previous year. Seedlings had higher rates of survivorship in a wet, high‐seed year than in a dry, low‐seed year, suggesting that seedlings might be drought sensitive. Therefore, D. spectabile produced large fruit crops during periods of high rainfall prior to fruit maturation, which may enhance survivorship of drought‐intolerant seeds. Results were inconsistent with several hypotheses that are widely believed to be the most likely explanations for masting. Instead, results were consistent with the environmental prediction hypothesis, suggesting that this hypothesis may be more important than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Aims Positive interactions are defined as non-trophic interactions where at least one of the interacting species is benefited in terms of fitness and the other remains unaffected. Nevertheless, the bidirectional feedbacks between species may be positive, neutral or negative. Thus, if facilitated species induce negative effects on their 'nurses', the assumed definition of positive interactions could be reconsidered.Methods We assessed if ecological interactions between cushions of Azorella madreporica and their facilitated species are positive. Specifically, we tested if cover of facilitated species has any costs for cushion plants from an ecophysiological perspective, and if these costs increase with the amount of cover of facilitated species. In addition, through pathway analysis and correlations, we assessed if cover and richness of facilitated species have a direct and/or indirect effect on the fitness of cushion plants.Important findings We found that facilitated plant species induced a significant cost for their nurses (cushion plants), and this cost increases with cover of the facilitated species. Additionally, the facilitated species exert a strong direct negative effect on the cushion's fitness and a moderate indirect negative cost evident through the nutrient status and physiological performance of cushion plants. We thus contribute evidence that positive interactions between high mountain cushion plants of central Chile and their 'facilitated' species may be an artifact more than a fact, especially when bidirectional effects are considered; contrasting with the majority of studies that document only one side of the interaction.  相似文献   

The diving lifestyle of seals depends upon cardiovascular adjustments that result in frequent vasoconstriction of numerous organs. With the first post-dive breath, reperfusion allows for eliminating accumulated carbon dioxide (CO(2)) and reloading oxygen (O(2)) stores. Reintroduction of oxygenated blood raises the potential for production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the possibility that they may overwhelm the antioxidant defenses. This study addresses the question of possible adaptive responses that allow ringed seal (Phoca hispida) tissues to tolerate repeated cycles of ischemia and reperfusion, and thus protect them from oxidative insult. We obtained samples of ringed seal heart, muscle and kidney through the cooperation of native subsistence hunters at Barrow, Alaska. Samples were subjected to oxidative stress by addition of xanthine oxidase. Production of superoxide radical (O(2)(.-)), lipid peroxidation (as determined by the presence of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS) and antioxidant capacity (AOX) were quantified by spectrophotometric analysis. Similarly treated pig tissues were anticipated to be more susceptible to oxidative stress. Contrary to expectations, pig tissues revealed less O(2)(.-) and TBARS compared with ringed seal tissues. These results show that ringed seal muscle, heart and kidney can be induced in vitro to generate ROS, and suggest that the living seal's protective defenses may depend upon O(2)(.-) production, similar to the protective effect of experimental preconditioning, or on enhanced intermediate scavenging, as evidenced by the larger AOX found in ringed seal tissues.  相似文献   

In this study, we have compared photosynthetic performance of barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown under sun and shade light regimes during their entire growth period, under field conditions. Analyses were based on measurements of both slow and fast chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence kinetics, gas exchange, pigment composition; and of light incident on leaves during their growth. Both the shade and the sun barley leaves had similar Chl a/b and Chl/carotenoid ratios. The fluorescence induction analyses uncovered major functional differences between the sun and the shade leaves: lower connectivity among Photosystem II (PSII), decreased number of electron carriers, and limitations in electron transport between PSII and PSI in the shade leaves; but only low differences in the size of PSII antenna. We discuss the possible protective role of low connectivity between PSII units in shade leaves in keeping the excitation pressure at a lower, physiologically more acceptable level under high light conditions.  相似文献   

GABA in plants: just a metabolite?   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

We studied the influence of environmental heterogeneity and dispersalprocesses on mesoscale distribution patterns of understorey plants in a 330ha ancient, managed temperate forest area. Similarity matrixregression analysis showed that overall species similarity was affected bysite(the two disjunct halves of the forest area), spatial autocorrelation at the100m scale, edaphic conditions, stand type and stand structure, andthe occurrence of open areas, but not by stand age or topography. Usingautologistic regression we analysed the influence of clumping, site, edaphicconditions, stand composition, open areas, and stand structure on theindividualdistribution patterns of the 60 most abundant species. Only five species haddistributions that were not significantly related to any of the explanatoryvariables. A large number of species showed significant, and often differing,relationships to at least one of the environmental parameters. At least 20species exhibited clumping at the 100 m scale that was independentof the environmental parameters. Principal coordinate analysis and an analysisusing the Ellenberg ecological indicator values suggested that no importantgradients had been overlooked. Dispersal ability (estimated from dispersalmode)and clumping independent of environmental heterogeneity were related. Poordispersers exhibited stronger clumping at the 100 m scale thangooddispersers. Our results support the joint importance of environmentalheterogeneity and dispersal processes in shaping the mesoscale distributionpatterns of forest herbs. We conclude that the distribution of plant species,and species coexistence and species composition in plant communities, cannot beexplained without simultaneously considering environmental heterogeneity anddispersal.  相似文献   

The enemy release hypothesis (ERH) predicts that the lack of natural enemies, such as herbivores, contributes to the success of nonnative plants as colonizers. Larvae of the Neotropical specialist moth Utetheisa ornatrix (Erebidae: Arctiinae) can feed on unripe seeds and leaves of both native and nonnative Crotalaria species (Fabaceae). Despite some species being able to eat nonnative plants, such behavior can impair the herbivore, as they are not adapted to the alien plant, and still contribute to the success of the nonnative species via enemy release. We tested the performance of the moth from hatching to adulthood fed on two native (C. micans and C. paulina) and two nonnative (C. pallida, C. juncea) host plants. Utetheisa ornatrix performed better (lower development time, heavier pupae and more eggs) on the native host plants than in the nonnative. However, larva performance in nonnative C. pallida was similar to that in the native host plants. Using the larval weight 7 days after hatching from the eggs as a proxy for performance in twelve Crotalaria species (five Neotropical natives, four nonnatives from Afrotropical region, and three nonnatives from India), we found similar results. Crotalaria nutritional compounds, the defensive pyrrolizidine alkaloids and Crotalaria phylogeny did not explain moth performance. Our results give some support to the ERH. The good moth performance in nonnative C. pallida may be related to its high availability as host plant for U. ornatrix, and its longer time since their introduction in Neotropics which would provide opportunity for the moth to adapt.  相似文献   

Gene flow at a fine scale is still poorly understood despite its recognized importance for plant population demographic and genetic processes. We tested the hypothesis that intensity of gene flow will be lower and strength of spatial genetic structure (SGS) will be higher in more peripheral populations because of lower population density. The study was performed on the predominantly selfing Avena sterilis and included: (1) direct measurement of dispersal in a controlled environment; and (2) analyses of SGS in three natural populations, sampled in linear transects at fixed increasing inter plant distances. We found that in A.sterilis major seed dispersal is by gravity in close (less than 2m) vicinity of the mother plant, with a minor additional effect of wind. Analysis of SGS with six nuclear SSRs revealed a significant autocorrelation for the distance class of 1m only in the most peripheral desert population, while in the two core populations with Mediterranean conditions, no genetic structure was found. Our results support the hypothesis that intensity of SGS increases from the species core to periphery as a result of decreased within population gene flow related to low plant density. Our findings also show that predominant self pollination and highly localized seed dispersal lead to SGS at a very fine scale, but only if plant density is not too high.  相似文献   

Gene flow at a fine scale is still poorly understood despite its recognized importance for plant population demographic and genetic processes.We tested the hypothesis that intensity of gene flow will be lower and strength of spatial genetic structure(SGS) will be higher in more peripheral populations because of lower population density.The study was performed on the predominantly selfing Avena sterilis and included:(1) direct measurement of dispersal in a controlled environment;and(2) analyses of SGS in three natural populations,sampled in linear transects at fixed increasing inter-plant distances.We found that in A.sterilis major seed dispersal is by gravity in close(less than 2 m) vicinity of the mother plant,with a minor additional effect of wind.Analysis of SGS with six nuclear SSRs revealed a significant autocorrelation for the distance class of 1 m only in the most peripheral desert population,while in the two core populations with Mediterranean conditions,no genetic structure was found.Our results support the hypothesis that intensity of SGS increases from the species core to periphery as a result of decreased within-population gene flow related to low plant density.Our findings also show that predominant self-pollination and highly localized seed dispersal lead to SGS at a very fine scale,but only if plant density is not too high.  相似文献   

European forests are populated with a variety of wind‐pollinated tree species. Their pollen productivity and spatio‐temporal pattern are largely unknown. Long‐term data (17 years) collected at 22 sites across Austria were presented and the pollen production of 12 tree genera was analysed. We ranked the tree genera according to their pollen productivity taking actual tree abundances of the Austrian Forestry Inventory into account. The productivity varied strongly among tree genera with a maximum for Betula. Pollen production in Larix, Abies and Picea amounted to approximately 1/20, while in increasing order Salix, Quercus, Alnus, Populus and Fraxinus produced approximately 1/3 to 1/4 of the respective Betula estimate. In general, pollen quantity in broadleaves was higher than in conifers. We analysed the temporal pollen production pattern by means of hierarchical cluster analysis and identified three major groups: [(Fagus, Larix, Picea, Abies), (Alnus, Betula, Fraxinus)], [Carpinus],[Populus, Salix, Pinus, Quercus]. Distance matrices based on life‐history traits as well as molecular phylogeny were also constructed; they correlated significantly with each other by means of Mantel‐tests. However, there was no significant relationship between the distances on temporal pollen production with the other matrices. Intermittent or idiosyncratic pollen production was studied by means of deviation from expected means, skewness and spindle diagrams. We proposed that Fagus, Carpinus, Larix, Picea and Abies belong to ‘masting pollen producers’, while the remaining genera idiosyncratically produced pollen over the monitored period. Moreover we correlated the distance matrix of pollen production for each tree genus at each sampling site with respective ‘ecological distance matrices’ based on aerial and altitudinal distance among sites. Significant correlations were detected for tree genera (Fagus, Larix, Picea) which were also prone to pollen masting, thus indicating a Moran effect.  相似文献   

Small-molecule ligands binding with partial disorder or enhanced residual mobility are usually assumed as unfavorable with respect to their binding properties. Considering thermodynamics, disorder or residual mobility is entropically favorable and contributes to the Gibbs energy of binding. In the present study, we analyzed a series of congeneric ligands inhibiting the tRNA-modifying enzyme TGT. Attached to the parent lin-benzoguanine scaffold, substituents in position 2 accommodate in a flat solvent-exposed pocket and exhibit varying degree of residual mobility. This is indicated in the crystal structures by enhanced B-factors, reduced occupancies, or distributions over split conformers. MD simulations of the complexes suggest an even larger scatter over several conformational families. Introduction of a terminal acidic group fixes the substituent by a salt-bridge to an Arg residue. Overall, all substituted derivatives show the same affinity underpinning that neither order nor disorder is a determinant factor for binding affinity. The additional salt bridge remains strongly solvent-exposed and thus does not contribute to affinity. MD suggests temporary fluctuation of this contact.  相似文献   

Abstract The objective of this study was to identify attributes of the understorey vegetation, soil root biomass, soil chemistry and microbial community that may be associated with tree decline in high altitude eucalypt forests in Tasmania. The sites studied were in healthy eucalypt forest, forest in decline and forest containing dead eucalypts dominated by rainforest, in north‐east (Eucalyptus delegatensis forest) and in north‐west (Eucalyptus coccifera forest) Tasmania. In both regions bare ground, rock and shrubby species were associated with healthy sites whereas decline sites were associated with moss and a tall understorey with a high percentage cover of rainforest species. Healthy sites had low root biomass in the top 10 cm of the soil profile relative to decline and rainforest sites. Seedlings of high altitude species were grown in rainforest soil (0.314% N and 0.060% P) and healthy eucalypt soil (0.253% N and 0.018% P). The four eucalypt species studied had similar root to shoot ratio in the two soils, but the rainforest species, Nothofagus cunninghamii and Leptospermum lanigerum, had higher root to shoot ratio in the healthy eucalypt than in the rainforest soil. We produced three soil filtrates: (i) fungi and bacteria present; (ii) bacteria only present and; and (iii) sterile, from healthy, decline and rainforest sites in north‐east and in north‐west Tasmania and used linseed as a germination bioassay. Filtrates from the north‐east decline and rainforest sites induced a significantly greater dysplastic germination response than healthy sites in (i) and (ii) filtrates, but this was not found in filtrates from sites in the north‐west. We conclude that while the development of a rainforest understorey and elevated soil root biomass in the long absence of fire is generally associated with high altitude eucalypt decline, altered bacterial and/or chemical attributes of soil are not always associated with high altitude eucalypt decline.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Anthocyanins are water-soluble pigments in plants known for their photoprotective role against photoinhibitory and photooxidative damage under high light (HL). However, it...  相似文献   

1. A tritrophic perspective is fundamental for understanding the drivers of insect–plant interactions. While host plant traits can directly affect insect herbivore performance by either inhibiting or altering the nutritional benefits of consumption, they can also have an indirect effect on herbivores by influencing rates of predation or parasitism. 2. Enhancing soil nutrients available to trees of the genus Eucalyptus consistently modifies plant traits, typically improving the nutritional quality of the foliage for insect herbivores. We hypothesised that resulting increases in volatile essential oils could have an indirect negative effect on eucalypt‐feeding herbivores by providing their natural enemies with stronger host/prey location cues. 3. Eucalyptus tereticornis Smith seedlings were grown under low‐ and high‐nutrient conditions and the consequences for the release of volatile cues from damaged plants were examined. The influence of 1,8‐cineole (the major volatile terpene in many Eucalyptus species) on rates of predation on model caterpillars in the field was then examined. 4. It was found that the emission of cineole increased significantly after damage (artificial or herbivore), but continued only when damage was sustained by herbivore feeding. Importantly, more cineole was emitted from high‐ than low‐nutrient seedlings given an equivalent amount of damage. In the field, predation was significantly greater on model caterpillars baited with cineole than on unbaited models. 5. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that any performance benefits insect herbivores derive from feeding on high‐nutrient eucalypt foliage could be at least partially offset by an increased risk of predation or parasitism via increased emission of attractive volatiles.  相似文献   

In the present study, we analysed the habitat association of tree species in an old‐growth temperate forest across all life stages to test theories on the coexistence of tree species in forest communities. An inventory for trees was implemented at a 6‐ha plot in Ogawa Forest Reserve for adults, juveniles, saplings and seedlings. Volumetric soil water content (SMC) and light levels were measured in 10‐m grids. Relationships between the actual number of stems and environmental variables were determined for 35 major tree species, and the spatial correlations within and among species were analysed. The light level had no statistically significant effect on distribution of saplings and seedlings of any species. In contrast, most species had specific optimal values along the SMC gradient. The optimal values were almost identical in earlier life stages, but were more variable in later life stages among species. However, no effective niche partitioning among the species was apparent even at the adult stage. Furthermore, results of spatial analyses suggest that dispersal limitation was not sufficient to mitigate competition between species. This might result from well‐scattered seed distribution via wind and bird dispersal, as well as conspecific density‐dependent mortality of seeds and seedlings. Thus, both niche partitioning and dispersal limitation appeared less important for facilitating coexistence of species within this forest than expected in tropical forests. The tree species assembly in this temperate forest might be controlled through a neutral process at the spatial scale tested in this study.  相似文献   

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