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Signal peptide peptidase (SPP) is an atypical aspartic protease that hydrolyzes peptide bonds within the transmembrane domain of substrates and is implicated in several biological and pathological functions. Here, we analyzed the structure of human SPP by electron microscopy and reconstructed the three-dimensional structure at a resolution of 22 Å. Enzymatically active SPP forms a slender, bullet-shaped homotetramer with dimensions of 85 × 85 × 130 Å. The SPP complex has four concaves on the rhombus-like sides, connected to a large chamber inside the molecule. Intriguingly, the N-terminal region of SPP is sufficient for the tetrameric assembly. Moreover, overexpression of the N-terminal region inhibited the formation of the endogenous SPP tetramer and the proteolytic activity within cells. These data suggest that the homotetramer is the functional unit of SPP and that its N-terminal region, which works as the structural scaffold, has a novel modulatory function for the intramembrane-cleaving activity of SPP.  相似文献   

The γ-secretase membrane protein complex is responsible for proteolytic maturation of signaling precursors and catalyzes the final step in the production of the amyloid β-peptides implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. The incorporation of PEN-2 (presenilin enhancer 2) into a pre-activation intermediate, composed of the catalytic subunit presenilin and the accessory proteins APH-1 (anterior pharynx-defective 1) and nicastrin, triggers the endoproteolysis of presenilin and results in an active tetrameric γ-secretase. We have determined the three-dimensional reconstruction of a mature and catalytically active γ-secretase using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. γ-Secretase has a cup-like shape with a lateral belt of ∼40–50 Å in height that encloses a water-accessible internal chamber. Active site labeling with a gold-coupled transition state analog inhibitor suggested that the γ-secretase active site faces this chamber. Comparison with the structure of a trimeric pre-activation intermediate suggested that the incorporation of PEN-2 might contribute to the maturation of the active site architecture.  相似文献   

The in vitro degradation of respiratory chain polypeptide components by a proteinase associated with the intermembrane space fraction was studied in rat liver mitochondria. Differences in susceptibility to proteolysis were detected by gel analysis after electrophoretic separation of the degraded polypeptides. A 55 kDa subunit is protected from proteolysis by the ATP molecule.  相似文献   

Presenilin and signal peptide peptidase are multispanning intramembrane-cleaving proteases with a conserved catalytic GxGD motif. Presenilin comprises the catalytic subunit of γ-secretase, a protease responsible for the generation of amyloid-β peptides causative of Alzheimer disease. Signal peptide peptidase proteins are implicated in the regulation of the immune system. Both protease family proteins have been recognized as druggable targets for several human diseases, but their detailed structure still remains unknown. Recently, the x-ray structures of some archaeal GxGD proteases have been determined. We review the recent progress in biochemical and biophysical probing of the structure of these atypical proteases.  相似文献   

The permeability transition pore (PTP) is a mitochondrial inner membrane Ca 2+ -sensitive channel that plays a key role in different models of cell death. In a series of recent studies we have shown that the PTP is modulated by quinones, and we have identified three functional classes: (i) PTP inhibitors; (ii) PTP inducers; and (iii) PTP-inactive quinones that compete with both inhibitors and inducers. Here, we review our current understanding of pore regulation by quinones, and present the results obtained with a new series of structural variants. Based on the effects of the compounds studied so far, we confirm that minor structural changes profoundly modify the effects of quinones on the PTP. On the other hand, quinones with very different structural features may have qualitatively similar effects on the PTP. Taken together, these results support our original proposal that quinones affect the PTP through a common binding site whose occupancy modulates its open-closed transitions, possibly through secondary changes of the Ca 2+ -binding affinity.  相似文献   

Notch3 signaling is fundamental for arterial specification of systemic vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). However, the developmental role and signaling properties of the Notch3 receptor in the mouse pulmonary artery remain unknown. Here, we demonstrate that Notch3 is expressed selectively in pulmonary artery VSMCs, is activated from late fetal to early postnatal life, and is required to maintain the morphological characteristics and smooth muscle gene expression profile of the pulmonary artery after birth. Using a conditional knock-out mouse model, we show that Notch3 receptor activation in VSMCs is Jagged1-dependent. In vitro VSMC lentivirus-mediated Jagged1 knockdown, confocal localization analysis, and co-culture experiments revealed that Notch3 activation is cell-autonomous and occurs through the physical engagement of Notch3 and VSMC-derived Jagged1 in the interior of the same cell. Although the current models of mammalian Notch signaling involve a two-cell system composed of a signal-receiving cell that expresses a Notch receptor on its surface and a neighboring signal-sending cell that provides membrane-bound activating ligand, our data suggest that pulmonary artery VSMC Notch3 activation is cell-autonomous. This unique mechanism of Notch activation may play an important role in the maturation of the pulmonary artery during the transition to air breathing.  相似文献   

Regulated intramembrane proteolysis is a widely conserved mechanism for controlling diverse biological processes. Considering that proteolysis is irreversible, it must be precisely regulated in a context-dependent manner. Here, we show that phosphoglycerate mutase 5 (PGAM5), a mitochondrial Ser/Thr protein phosphatase, is cleaved in its N-terminal transmembrane domain in response to mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) loss. This ΔΨm loss-dependent cleavage of PGAM5 was mediated by presenilin-associated rhomboid-like (PARL). PARL is a mitochondrial resident rhomboid serine protease and has recently been reported to mediate the cleavage of PINK1, a mitochondrial Ser/Thr protein kinase, in healthy mitochondria with intact ΔΨm. Intriguingly, we found that PARL dissociated from PINK1 and reciprocally associated with PGAM5 in response to ΔΨm loss. These results suggest that PARL mediates differential cleavage of PINK1 and PGAM5 depending on the health status of mitochondria. Our data provide a prototypical example of stress-dependent regulation of PARL-mediated regulated intramembrane proteolysis.  相似文献   

The KIAA0319 gene has been associated with reading disability in several studies. It encodes a plasma membrane protein with a large, highly glycosylated, extracellular domain. This protein is proposed to function in adhesion and attachment and thought to play an important role during neuronal migration in the developing brain. We have previously proposed that endocytosis of this protein could constitute an important mechanism to regulate its function. Here we show that KIAA0319 undergoes ectodomain shedding and intramembrane cleavage. At least five different cleavage events occur, four in the extracellular domain and one within the transmembrane domain. The ectodomain shedding processing cleaves the extracellular domain, generating several small fragments, including the N-terminal region with the Cys-rich MANEC domain. It is possible that these fragments are released to the extracellular medium and trigger cellular responses. The intramembrane cleavage releases the intracellular domain from its membrane attachment. Our results suggest that this cleavage event is not carried out by γ-secretase, the enzyme complex involved in similar processing in many other type I proteins. The soluble cytoplasmic domain of KIAA0319 is able to translocate to the nucleus, accumulating in nucleoli after overexpression. This fragment has an unknown role, although it could be involved in regulation of gene expression. The absence of DNA-interacting motifs indicates that such a function would most probably be mediated through interaction with other proteins, not by direct DNA binding. These results suggest that KIAA0319 not only has a direct role in neuronal migration but may also have additional signaling functions.  相似文献   

The γ-secretase complex is a member of the family of intramembrane cleaving proteases, involved in the generation of the Aβ peptides in Alzheimer disease. One of the four subunits of the complex, presenilin, harbors the catalytic site, although the role of the other three subunits is less well understood. Here, we studied the role of the smallest subunit, Pen-2, in vivo and in vitro. We found a profound Notch-deficiency phenotype in Pen-2-/- embryos confirming the essential role of Pen-2 in the γ-secretase complex. We used Pen-2-/- fibroblasts to investigate the structure-function relation of Pen-2 by the scanning cysteine accessibility method. We showed that glycine 22 and proline 27 in hydrophobic domain 1 of Pen-2 are essential for complex formation and stability of γ-secretase. We also demonstrated that hydrophobic domain 1 and the loop domain of Pen-2 are located in a water-containing cavity and are in short proximity to the presenilin C-terminal fragment. We finally demonstrated the essential role of Pen-2 for the proteolytic activity of the complex. Our study supports the hypothesis that Pen-2 is more than a structural component of the γ-secretase complex and may contribute to the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   

We have mapped a Jagged/Serrate-binding site to specific residues within the 12th EGF domain of human and Drosophila Notch. Two critical residues, involved in a hydrophobic interaction, provide a ligand-binding platform and are adjacent to a Fringe-sensitive residue that modulates Notch activity. Our data suggest that small variations within the binding site fine-tune ligand specificity, which may explain the observed sequence heterogeneity in mammalian Notch paralogues, and should allow the development of paralogue-specific ligand-blocking antibodies. As a proof of principle, we have generated a Notch-1-specific monoclonal antibody that blocks binding, thus paving the way for antibody tools for research and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Intracellular trafficking of Notch and Notch ligands modulates signaling, suggesting that choreography of ligand and receptor translocation is essential for optimal Notch activity. Indeed, a major model for Notch signaling posits that Notch trans-endocytosis into the ligand-expressing (signal sending) cell is a key driving force for Notch signal transduction. The extracellular protein thrombospondin-2 (TSP2) enhances Notch signaling and binds to both Jagged1 and Notch3 ectodomains, potentially bridging two essential extracellular components of Notch signaling. We investigated the role of low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP1), a TSP2 receptor, in the regulation of Notch3 signaling. TSP2 potentiation of Notch is blocked by the receptor-associated protein (an inhibitor of low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein function) and requires LRP1 expression in the signal-sending cell. TSP2 stimulates Notch3 endocytosis into wild type fibroblasts but not LRP1-deficient fibroblasts. Finally, recombinant Notch3 and Jagged1 interact with the LRP1 85-kDa B-chain, a subunit that lacks known ligand binding function. Our data suggest that LRP1 and TSP2 stimulate Notch activity by driving trans-endocytosis of the Notch ectodomain into the signal-sending cell and demonstrate a novel, non-cell autonomous function of LRP1 in cell-cell signaling.  相似文献   

Delta proteins function as cell surface ligands for Notch receptors in a highly conserved signal transduction mechanism. Delta activates Notch by "trans-endocytosis", whereby endocytosis of Delta that is in complex with Notch on a neighboring cell induces activating cleavages in Notch. Alternatively, proteolysis of Delta renders the ligand inactive by dissociating the extracellular and cytosolic domains. How proteolysis and trans-endocytosis cooperate in Delta function is not well understood. We now show that Drosophila Delta proteolysis occurs independent of and prior to endocytosis in neuroblasts and ganglion mother cells in vivo and cells in culture. Delta cleavage occurs at two novel sites that we identify in the juxtamembrane (JM) and transmembrane (TM) domains. In addition to the previously identified Kuzbanian ADAM protease, which acts on the JM domain, proteolysis in the TM domain is facilitated by a thiol-sensitive aspartyl protease that is distinct from Presenilin. Furthermore, cleavage in the TM domain is upregulated in the presence of Notch. Overall, Drosophila Delta proteolysis differs from the conventional regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) mechanism by two criteria: (1) TM-domain processing of Delta is not sensitive to Presenilin, and (2) TM and JM domain cleavages occur independently of each other. Altogether, these data support a model whereby proteolysis can modulate Delta ligand activity independently of endocytosis.  相似文献   

Notch1 is an evolutionarily conserved signaling molecule required for stem cell maintenance that is inappropriately reactivated in several cancers. We have previously shown that melanomas reactivate Notch1 and require its function for growth and survival. However, no Notch1-activating mutations have been observed in melanoma, suggesting the involvement of other activating mechanisms. Notch1 activation requires two cleavage steps: first by a protease and then by γ-secretase, which releases the active intracellular domain (Notch1NIC). Interestingly, although ADAM10 and -17 are generally accepted as the proteases responsible of Notch1 cleavage, here we show that MT1-MMP, a membrane-tethered matrix metalloproteinase involved in the pathogenesis of a number of tumors, is a novel protease required for the cleavage of Notch1 in melanoma cells. We find that active Notch1 and MT1-MMP expression correlate significantly in over 70% of melanoma tumors and 80% of melanoma cell lines, whereas such correlation does not exist between Notch1NIC and ADAM10 or -17. Modulation of MT1-MMP expression in melanoma cells affects Notch1 cleavage, whereas MT1-MMP expression in ADAM10/17 double knock-out fibroblasts restores the processing of Notch1, indicating that MT1-MMP is sufficient to promote Notch1 activation independently of the canonical proteases. Importantly, we find that MT1-MMP interacts with Notch1 at the cell membrane, supporting a potential direct cleavage mechanism of MT1-MMP on Notch1, and that MT1-MMP-dependent activation of Notch1 sustains melanoma cell growth. Together, the data highlight a novel mechanism of activation of Notch1 in melanoma cells and identify Notch1 as a new MT1-MMP substrate that plays important biological roles in melanoma.  相似文献   

Notch signaling makes critical contributions to cell fate determination in all metazoan organisms, yet remarkably little is known about the binding affinity of the four mammalian Notch receptors for their three Delta-like and two Jagged family ligands. Here, we utilized signaling assays and biochemical studies of purified recombinant ligand and receptor molecules to investigate the differences in signaling behavior and intrinsic affinity between Notch1-Dll1 and Notch1-Dll4 complexes. Systematic deletion mutagenesis of the human Notch1 ectodomain revealed that epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats 6–15 are sufficient to maintain signaling in a reporter assay at levels comparable with the full-length receptor, and identified important contributions from EGF repeats 8–10 in conveying an activating signal in response to either Dll1 or Dll4. Truncation studies of the Dll1 and Dll4 ectodomains showed that the MNNL-EGF3 region was both necessary and sufficient for full activation. Plate-based and cell binding assays revealed a specific, calcium-dependent interaction between cell-surface and recombinant Notch receptors and ligand molecules. Finally, direct measurement of the binding affinity of Notch1 EGF repeats 6–15 for Dll1 and Dll4 revealed that Dll4 binds with at least an order of magnitude higher affinity than Dll1. Together, these studies give new insights into the features of ligand recognition by Notch1, and highlight how intrinsic differences in the biochemical behavior of receptor-ligand complexes can influence receptor-mediated responses of developmental signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that there are two signaling pathways leading from ligation of the Fas receptor to induction of apoptosis. Type I signaling involves Fas ligand-induced recruitment of large amounts of FADD (FAS-associated death domain protein) and procaspase 8, leading to direct activation of caspase 3, whereas type II signaling involves Bid-mediated mitochondrial perturbation to amplify a more modest death receptor-initiated signal. The biochemical basis for this dichotomy has previously been unclear. Here we show that type I cells have a longer half-life for Fas message and express higher amounts of cell surface Fas, explaining the increased recruitment of FADD and subsequent signaling. Moreover, we demonstrate that cells with type II Fas signaling (Jurkat or HCT-15) can signal through a type I pathway upon forced receptor overexpression and that shRNA-mediated Fas down-regulation converts cells with type I signaling (A498) to type II signaling. Importantly, the same cells can exhibit type I signaling for Fas and type II signaling for TRAIL (TNF-α-related apoptosis-inducing ligand), indicating that the choice of signaling pathway is related to the specific receptor, not some other cellular feature. Additional experiments revealed that up-regulation of cell surface death receptor 5 levels by treatment with 7-ethyl-10-hydroxy-camptothecin converted TRAIL signaling in HCT116 cells from type II to type I. Collectively, these results suggest that the type I/type II dichotomy reflects differences in cell surface death receptor expression.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial quality control is a new target for myocardial protection. Notch signaling plays an important role in heart development, maturation, and repair. However, the role of Notch in the myocardial mitochondrial quality control remains elusive. In this study, we isolated myocardial cells from rats and established myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) model. We modulated Notch1 expression level in myocardial cells via infection with recombinant adenoviruses Ad-N1ICD and Ad-shN1ICD. We found that IR reduced myocardial cells viability, but Notch1 overexpression increased the viability of myocardial cells exposed to IRI. In addition, Notch1 overexpression improved ATP production, increased mitochondrial fusion and decreased mitochondrial fission, and inhibited mitophagy in myocardial cells exposed to IRI. However, N1ICD knockdown led to opposite effects. The myocardial protection role of Notch1 was related to the inhibition of Pink1 expression and Mfn2 and Parkin phosphorylation. In conclusion, Notch1 exerts myocardial protection and this is correlated with the maintenance of mitochondrial quality control and the inhibition of Pink1/Mfn2/Parkin signaling.  相似文献   

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