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The ensemble modeling (EM) approach has shown promise in capturing kinetic and regulatory effects in the modeling of metabolic networks. Efficacy of the EM procedure relies on the identification of model parameterizations that adequately describe all observed metabolic phenotypes upon perturbation. In this study, we propose an optimization-based algorithm for the systematic identification of genetic/enzyme perturbations to maximally reduce the number of models retained in the ensemble after each round of model screening. The key premise here is to design perturbations that will maximally scatter the predicted steady-state fluxes over the ensemble parameterizations. We demonstrate the applicability of this procedure for an Escherichia coli metabolic model of central metabolism by successively identifying single, double, and triple enzyme perturbations that cause the maximum degree of flux separation between models in the ensemble. Results revealed that optimal perturbations are not always located close to reaction(s) whose fluxes are measured, especially when multiple perturbations are considered. In addition, there appears to be a maximum number of simultaneous perturbations beyond which no appreciable increase in the divergence of flux predictions is achieved. Overall, this study provides a systematic way of optimally designing genetic perturbations for populating the ensemble of models with relevant model parameterizations.  相似文献   

Elementary modes (EMs) are steady-state metabolic flux vectors with minimal set of active reactions. Each EM corresponds to a metabolic pathway. Therefore, studying EMs is helpful for analyzing the production of biotechnologically important metabolites. However, memory requirements for computing EMs may hamper their applicability as, in most genome-scale metabolic models, no EM can be computed due to running out of memory. In this study, we present a method for computing randomly sampled EMs. In this approach, a network reduction algorithm is used for EM computation, which is based on flux balance-based methods. We show that this approach can be used to recover the EMs in the medium- and genome-scale metabolic network models, while the EMs are sampled in an unbiased way. The applicability of such results is shown by computing “estimated” control-effective flux values in Escherichia coli metabolic network.  相似文献   

Albert PS 《Biometrics》2000,56(2):602-608
Binary longitudinal data are often collected in clinical trials when interest is on assessing the effect of a treatment over time. Our application is a recent study of opiate addiction that examined the effect of a new treatment on repeated urine tests to assess opiate use over an extended follow-up. Drug addiction is episodic, and a new treatment may affect various features of the opiate-use process such as the proportion of positive urine tests over follow-up and the time to the first occurrence of a positive test. Complications in this trial were the large amounts of dropout and intermittent missing data and the large number of observations on each subject. We develop a transitional model for longitudinal binary data subject to nonignorable missing data and propose an EM algorithm for parameter estimation. We use the transitional model to derive summary measures of the opiate-use process that can be compared across treatment groups to assess treatment effect. Through analyses and simulations, we show the importance of properly accounting for the missing data mechanism when assessing the treatment effect in our example.  相似文献   

We introduce a method of parameter estimation for a random effects cure rate model. We also propose a methodology that allows us to account for nonignorable missing covariates in this class of models. The proposed method corrects for possible bias introduced by complete case analysis when missing data are not missing completely at random and is motivated by data from a pair of melanoma studies conducted by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group in which clustering by cohort or time of study entry was suspected. In addition, these models allow estimation of cure rates, which is desirable when we do not wish to assume that all subjects remain at risk of death or relapse from disease after sufficient follow-up. We develop an EM algorithm for the model and provide an efficient Gibbs sampling scheme for carrying out the E-step of the algorithm.  相似文献   

Ibrahim JG  Chen MH  Lipsitz SR 《Biometrics》1999,55(2):591-596
We propose a method for estimating parameters for general parametric regression models with an arbitrary number of missing covariates. We allow any pattern of missing data and assume that the missing data mechanism is ignorable throughout. When the missing covariates are categorical, a useful technique for obtaining parameter estimates is the EM algorithm by the method of weights proposed in Ibrahim (1990, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85, 765-769). We extend this method to continuous or mixed categorical and continuous covariates, and for arbitrary parametric regression models, by adapting a Monte Carlo version of the EM algorithm as discussed by Wei and Tanner (1990, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85, 699-704). In addition, we discuss the Gibbs sampler for sampling from the conditional distribution of the missing covariates given the observed data and show that the appropriate complete conditionals are log-concave. The log-concavity property of the conditional distributions will facilitate a straightforward implementation of the Gibbs sampler via the adaptive rejection algorithm of Gilks and Wild (1992, Applied Statistics 41, 337-348). We assume the model for the response given the covariates is an arbitrary parametric regression model, such as a generalized linear model, a parametric survival model, or a nonlinear model. We model the marginal distribution of the covariates as a product of one-dimensional conditional distributions. This allows us a great deal of flexibility in modeling the distribution of the covariates and reduces the number of nuisance parameters that are introduced in the E-step. We present examples involving both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

基元模式分析是应用最广泛的代谢途径分析方法。基元模式分析的研究对象从代谢网络发展到信号传导网络;研究尺度从细胞到生物反应器,甚至生态系统;数学描述从稳态分解到动态解析;研究领域从微生物代谢到人类疾病。以下综述了基元模式分析的算法和软件开发现状,以及其在代谢途径与鲁棒性、代谢通量分解、稳态代谢通量分析、动态模型与生物过程模拟、网络结构与调控、菌株设计和信号传导网络等方面的应用。开发新的算法解决组合爆炸问题,探索基元模式与代谢调控的关系以及提高菌株设计算法效率是今后基元模式的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood methods for cure rate models with missing covariates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chen MH  Ibrahim JG 《Biometrics》2001,57(1):43-52
We propose maximum likelihood methods for parameter estimation for a novel class of semiparametric survival models with a cure fraction, in which the covariates are allowed to be missing. We allow the covariates to be either categorical or continuous and specify a parametric distribution for the covariates that is written as a sequence of one-dimensional conditional distributions. We propose a novel EM algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation and derive standard errors by using Louis's formula (Louis, 1982, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 44, 226-233). Computational techniques using the Monte Carlo EM algorithm are discussed and implemented. A real data set involving a melanoma cancer clinical trial is examined in detail to demonstrate the methodology.  相似文献   

We consider longitudinal studies in which the outcome observed over time is binary and the covariates of interest are categorical. With no missing responses or covariates, one specifies a multinomial model for the responses given the covariates and uses maximum likelihood to estimate the parameters. Unfortunately, incomplete data in the responses and covariates are a common occurrence in longitudinal studies. Here we assume the missing data are missing at random (Rubin, 1976, Biometrika 63, 581-592). Since all of the missing data (responses and covariates) are categorical, a useful technique for obtaining maximum likelihood parameter estimates is the EM algorithm by the method of weights proposed in Ibrahim (1990, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85, 765-769). In using the EM algorithm with missing responses and covariates, one specifies the joint distribution of the responses and covariates. Here we consider the parameters of the covariate distribution as a nuisance. In data sets where the percentage of missing data is high, the estimates of the nuisance parameters can lead to highly unstable estimates of the parameters of interest. We propose a conditional model for the covariate distribution that has several modeling advantages for the EM algorithm and provides a reduction in the number of nuisance parameters, thus providing more stable estimates in finite samples.  相似文献   

Dewanji A  Sengupta D 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):1063-1070
In competing risks data, missing failure types (causes) is a very common phenomenon. In this work, we consider a general missing pattern in which, if a failure type is not observed, one observes a set of possible types containing the true type, along with the failure time. We first consider maximum likelihood estimation with missing-at-random assumption via the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. We then propose a Nelson-Aalen type estimator for situations when certain information on the conditional probability of the true type given a set of possible failure types is available from the experimentalists. This is based on a least-squares type method using the relationships between hazards for different types and hazards for different combinations of missing types. We conduct a simulation study to investigate the performance of this method, which indicates that bias may be small, even for high proportion of missing data, for sufficiently large number of observations. The estimates are somewhat sensitive to misspecification of the conditional probabilities of the true types when the missing proportion is high. We also consider an example from an animal experiment to illustrate our methodology.  相似文献   

Identifying risk factors for transition rates among normal cognition, mildly cognitive impairment, dementia and death in an Alzheimer's disease study is very important. It is known that transition rates among these states are strongly time dependent. While Markov process models are often used to describe these disease progressions, the literature mainly focuses on time homogeneous processes, and limited tools are available for dealing with non-homogeneity. Further, patients may choose when they want to visit the clinics, which creates informative observations. In this paper, we develop methods to deal with non-homogeneous Markov processes through time scale transformation when observation times are pre-planned with some observations missing. Maximum likelihood estimation via the EM algorithm is derived for parameter estimation. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed method works well under a variety of situations. An application to the Alzheimer's disease study identifies that there is a significant increase in transition rates as a function of time. Furthermore, our models reveal that the non-ignorable missing mechanism is perhaps reasonable.  相似文献   

Maps depicting cancer incidence rates have become useful tools in public health research, giving valuable information about the spatial variation in rates of disease. Typically, these maps are generated using count data aggregated over areas such as counties or census blocks. However, with the proliferation of geographic information systems and related databases, it is becoming easier to obtain exact spatial locations for the cancer cases and suitable control subjects. The use of such point data allows us to adjust for individual-level covariates, such as age and smoking status, when estimating the spatial variation in disease risk. Unfortunately, such covariate information is often subject to missingness. We propose a method for mapping cancer risk when covariates are not completely observed. We model these data using a logistic generalized additive model. Estimates of the linear and non-linear effects are obtained using a mixed effects model representation. We develop an EM algorithm to account for missing data and the random effects. Since the expectation step involves an intractable integral, we estimate the E-step with a Laplace approximation. This framework provides a general method for handling missing covariate values when fitting generalized additive models. We illustrate our method through an analysis of cancer incidence data from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. These analyses demonstrate that standard complete-case methods can yield biased estimates of the spatial variation of cancer risk.  相似文献   

Claeskens G  Consentino F 《Biometrics》2008,64(4):1062-1069
SUMMARY: Application of classical model selection methods such as Akaike's information criterion (AIC) becomes problematic when observations are missing. In this article we propose some variations on the AIC, which are applicable to missing covariate problems. The method is directly based on the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm and is readily available for EM-based estimation methods, without much additional computational efforts. The missing data AIC criteria are formally derived and shown to work in a simulation study and by application to data on diabetic retinopathy.  相似文献   

Microarray experiments generate data sets with information on the expression levels of thousands of genes in a set of biological samples. Unfortunately, such experiments often produce multiple missing expression values, normally due to various experimental problems. As many algorithms for gene expression analysis require a complete data matrix as input, the missing values have to be estimated in order to analyze the available data. Alternatively, genes and arrays can be removed until no missing values remain. However, for genes or arrays with only a small number of missing values, it is desirable to impute those values. For the subsequent analysis to be as informative as possible, it is essential that the estimates for the missing gene expression values are accurate. A small amount of badly estimated missing values in the data might be enough for clustering methods, such as hierachical clustering or K-means clustering, to produce misleading results. Thus, accurate methods for missing value estimation are needed. We present novel methods for estimation of missing values in microarray data sets that are based on the least squares principle, and that utilize correlations between both genes and arrays. For this set of methods, we use the common reference name LSimpute. We compare the estimation accuracy of our methods with the widely used KNNimpute on three complete data matrices from public data sets by randomly knocking out data (labeling as missing). From these tests, we conclude that our LSimpute methods produce estimates that consistently are more accurate than those obtained using KNNimpute. Additionally, we examine a more classic approach to missing value estimation based on expectation maximization (EM). We refer to our EM implementations as EMimpute, and the estimate errors using the EMimpute methods are compared with those our novel methods produce. The results indicate that on average, the estimates from our best performing LSimpute method are at least as accurate as those from the best EMimpute algorithm.  相似文献   

Albert PS  Follmann DA  Wang SA  Suh EB 《Biometrics》2002,58(3):631-642
Longitudinal clinical trials often collect long sequences of binary data. Our application is a recent clinical trial in opiate addicts that examined the effect of a new treatment on repeated binary urine tests to assess opiate use over an extended follow-up. The dataset had two sources of missingness: dropout and intermittent missing observations. The primary endpoint of the study was comparing the marginal probability of a positive urine test over follow-up across treatment arms. We present a latent autoregressive model for longitudinal binary data subject to informative missingness. In this model, a Gaussian autoregressive process is shared between the binary response and missing-data processes, thereby inducing informative missingness. Our approach extends the work of others who have developed models that link the various processes through a shared random effect but do not allow for autocorrelation. We discuss parameter estimation using Monte Carlo EM and demonstrate through simulations that incorporating within-subject autocorrelation through a latent autoregressive process can be very important when longitudinal binary data is subject to informative missingness. We illustrate our new methodology using the opiate clinical trial data.  相似文献   

非线性再生散度随机效应模型是指数族非线性随机效应模型和非线性再生散度模型的推广和发展.通过视模型中的随机效应为假想的缺失数据和应用Metropolis-Hastings(MH)算法,提出了模型参数极大似然估计的Monte-Carlo EM(MCEM)算法,并用模拟研究和实例分析说明了该算法的可行性.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Inferring networks of proteins from biological data is a central issue of computational biology. Most network inference methods, including Bayesian networks, take unsupervised approaches in which the network is totally unknown in the beginning, and all the edges have to be predicted. A more realistic supervised framework, proposed recently, assumes that a substantial part of the network is known. We propose a new kernel-based method for supervised graph inference based on multiple types of biological datasets such as gene expression, phylogenetic profiles and amino acid sequences. Notably, our method assigns a weight to each type of dataset and thereby selects informative ones. Data selection is useful for reducing data collection costs. For example, when a similar network inference problem must be solved for other organisms, the dataset excluded by our algorithm need not be collected. RESULTS: First, we formulate supervised network inference as a kernel matrix completion problem, where the inference of edges boils down to estimation of missing entries of a kernel matrix. Then, an expectation-maximization algorithm is proposed to simultaneously infer the missing entries of the kernel matrix and the weights of multiple datasets. By introducing the weights, we can integrate multiple datasets selectively and thereby exclude irrelevant and noisy datasets. Our approach is favorably tested in two biological networks: a metabolic network and a protein interaction network. AVAILABILITY: Software is available on request.  相似文献   

Gene mapping and genetic epidemiology require large-scale computation of likelihoods based on human pedigree data. Although computation of such likelihoods has become increasingly sophisticated, fast calculations are still impeded by complex pedigree structures, by models with many underlying loci and by missing observations on key family members. The current paper 'introduces' a new method of array factorization that substantially accelerates linkage calculations with large numbers of markers. This method is not limited to nuclear families or to families with complete phenotyping. Vectorization and parallelization are two general-purpose hardware techniques for accelerating computations. These techniques can assist in the rapid calculation of genetic likelihoods. We describe our experience using both of these methods with the existing program MENDEL. A vectorized version of MENDEL was run on an IBM 3090 supercomputer. A parallelized version of MENDEL was run on parallel machines of different architectures and on a network of workstations. Applying these revised versions of MENDEL to two challenging linkage problems yields substantial improvements in computational speed.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Network-centered studies in systems biology attempt to integrate the topological properties of biological networks with experimental data in order to make predictions and posit hypotheses. For any topology-based prediction, it is necessary to first assess the significance of the analyzed property in a biologically meaningful context. Therefore, devising network null models, carefully tailored to the topological and biochemical constraints imposed on the network, remains an important computational problem. RESULTS: We first review the shortcomings of the existing generic sampling scheme-switch randomization-and explain its unsuitability for application to metabolic networks. We then devise a novel polynomial-time algorithm for randomizing metabolic networks under the (bio)chemical constraint of mass balance. The tractability of our method follows from the concept of mass equivalence classes, defined on the representation of compounds in the vector space over chemical elements. We finally demonstrate the uniformity of the proposed method on seven genome-scale metabolic networks, and empirically validate the theoretical findings. The proposed method allows a biologically meaningful estimation of significance for metabolic network properties.  相似文献   

A Boolean network is a graphical model for representing and analyzing the behavior of gene regulatory networks (GRN). In this context, the accurate and efficient reconstruction of a Boolean network is essential for understanding the gene regulation mechanism and the complex relations that exist therein. In this paper we introduce an elegant and efficient algorithm for the reverse engineering of Boolean networks from a time series of multivariate binary data corresponding to gene expression data. We call our method ReBMM, i.e., reverse engineering based on Bernoulli mixture models. The time complexity of most of the existing reverse engineering techniques is quite high and depends upon the indegree of a node in the network. Due to the high complexity of these methods, they can only be applied to sparsely connected networks of small sizes. ReBMM has a time complexity factor, which is independent of the indegree of a node and is quadratic in the number of nodes in the network, a big improvement over other techniques and yet there is little or no compromise in accuracy. We have tested ReBMM on a number of artificial datasets along with simulated data derived from a plant signaling network. We also used this method to reconstruct a network from real experimental observations of microarray data of the yeast cell cycle. Our method provides a natural framework for generating rules from a probabilistic model. It is simple, intuitive and illustrates excellent empirical results.  相似文献   

Estimating haplotype frequencies becomes increasingly important in the mapping of complex disease genes, as millions of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are being identified and genotyped. When genotypes at multiple SNP loci are gathered from unrelated individuals, haplotype frequencies can be accurately estimated using expectation-maximization (EM) algorithms (Excoffier and Slatkin, 1995; Hawley and Kidd, 1995; Long et al., 1995), with standard errors estimated using bootstraps. However, because the number of possible haplotypes increases exponentially with the number of SNPs, handling data with a large number of SNPs poses a computational challenge for the EM methods and for other haplotype inference methods. To solve this problem, Niu and colleagues, in their Bayesian haplotype inference paper (Niu et al., 2002), introduced a computational algorithm called progressive ligation (PL). But their Bayesian method has a limitation on the number of subjects (no more than 100 subjects in the current implementation of the method). In this paper, we propose a new method in which we use the same likelihood formulation as in Excoffier and Slatkin's EM algorithm and apply the estimating equation idea and the PL computational algorithm with some modifications. Our proposed method can handle data sets with large number of SNPs as well as large numbers of subjects. Simultaneously, our method estimates standard errors efficiently, using the sandwich-estimate from the estimating equation, rather than the bootstrap method. Additionally, our method admits missing data and produces valid estimates of parameters and their standard errors under the assumption that the missing genotypes are missing at random in the sense defined by Rubin (1976).  相似文献   

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