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Production of viral vectors using recombinase-mediated cassette exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA viruses are often used as vectors for foreign gene expression, but large DNA region from cloned or authentic viral genomes must usually be handled to generate viral vectors. Here, we present a unique system for generating adenoviral vectors by directly substituting a gene of interest in a small transfected plasmid with a replaced gene in a replicating viral genome in Cre-expressing 293 cells using the recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) reaction. In combination with a positive selection of the viral cis-acting packaging signal connected with the gene of interest, the purpose vector was enriched to 97.5 and 99.8% after three and four cycles of infection, respectively. Our results also showed that the mutant loxP V (previously called loxP 2272), a variant target of Cre used in the RMCE reaction, was useful as a non-compatible mutant to wild-type loxP. This method could be useful for generating not only a large number of adenovirus vectors simultaneously, but also other DNA virus vectors including helper-dependent adenovirus vector.  相似文献   

Recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE), when applied to mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, promises to increase the ease with which genetic alterations can be introduced into targeted genomic loci in the mouse. However, existing selection strategies for identifying ES cells in which replacement DNA cassettes from a carrier plasmid have been exchanged correctly into a defined locus are suboptimal. Here, we report the generation in mouse ES cells of a loxed cassette acceptor (LCA) allele within the glucokinase (gk) gene locus. Using the gkLCA as a test allele, we developed a staggered positive-negative selection strategy that facilitates efficient identification of ES cell clones in which a DNA replacement cassette from a carrier plasmid has been exchanged correctly into the gkLCA allele. This selection strategy, by facilitating more efficient production of ES cell clones with various replacement DNA cassettes, should accelerate targeted repetitive introduction of gene modifications into the mouse.  相似文献   

Site-specific integration is an attractive method for the improvement of current transformation technologies aimed at the production of stable transgenic plants. Here, we present a Cre-based targeting strategy in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) using recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) of transferred DNA (T-DNA) delivered by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The rationale for effective RMCE is the precise exchange of a genomic and a replacement cassette both flanked by two heterospecific lox sites that are incompatible with each other to prevent unwanted cassette deletion. We designed a strategy in which the coding region of a loxP/lox5171-flanked bialaphos resistance (bar) gene is exchanged for a loxP/lox5171-flanked T-DNA replacement cassette containing the neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) coding region via loxP/loxP and lox5171/lox5171 directed recombination. The bar gene is driven by the strong 35S promoter, which is located outside the target cassette. This placement ensures preferential selection of RMCE events and not random integration events by expression of nptII from this same promoter. Using root transformation, during which Cre was provided on a cotransformed T-DNA, 50 kanamycin-resistant calli were selected. Forty-four percent contained a correctly exchanged cassette based on PCR analysis, indicating the stringency of the selection system. This was confirmed for the offspring of five analyzed events by Southern-blot analysis. In four of the five analyzed RMCE events, there were no additional T-DNA insertions or they easily segregated, resulting in high-efficiency single-copy RMCE events. Our approach enables simple and efficient selection of targeting events using the advantages of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.  相似文献   

Genetic modification of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) will be an essential tool to allow full exploitation of these cells in regenerative medicine and in the study of hESC biology. Here we report multiple sequential modifications of an endogenous gene (hprt) in hESCs. A selectable marker flanked by heterospecific lox sites was first introduced by homologous recombination (HR) into the hprt gene. In a subsequent step, exchange of the selectable marker with another cassette was achieved by recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE). We show that 100% of the recovered clones were the result of RMCE using a promoter trap strategy at the hprt locus. hprt-targeted H1 cells maintained a diploid karyotype and expressed hESC surface markers before and after RMCE. Finally, we report a double replacement strategy using two sequential gene targeting steps resulting in the targeted correction of an hprt-mutated hESC line.  相似文献   

Bateman JR  Wu CT 《Genetics》2008,180(3):1763-1766
Here we describe a simple method for generating donor vectors suitable for targeted transgenesis via recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) using the ΦC31 integrase. This PCR-based strategy employs small attB “tails” on the primers used to amplify a sequence of interest, permitting the rapid creation of transgenes for in vivo analysis.  相似文献   

Watson AT  Garcia V  Bone N  Carr AM  Armstrong J 《Gene》2008,407(1-2):63-74
Cre/lox site-specific recombination systems provide important tools for genetic manipulation. Here we present an efficient method for gene tagging and gene replacement using Cre recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE). The cassette consists of the S. pombe ura4(+) selectable marker flanked by a wild-type loxP site at one end and by a modified heterospecific lox site (loxM3) at the other. The cassette is stable because the flanking lox sites cannot recombine with each other. Following integration of the cassette at the chosen chromosomal locus, exchange is achieved by introducing a Cre-expression plasmid containing an equivalent cassette containing the required tag or gene sequence. Recombinants are selected by uracil prototrophy using the reagent 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA). The cassette exchange system provides for repetitive integrations at the same locus, allowing different protein tags or gene sequences to be integrated quickly and efficiently. We have established a range of reagents and verified utility by C-terminally tagging the S. pombe rad4 and swi1 genes with yEGFP and the yEGFP derivatives yECFP and yECitrine and by transferring the coding sequence for both genes.  相似文献   

Transduction of human embryonic stem cells by ecotropic retroviral vectors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The steadily increasing availability of human embryonic stem (hES) cell lines has created strong interest in applying available tools for gene transfer in murine cells to human systems. Here we present a method for the transduction of hES cells with ecotropic retroviral vectors. hES cells were transiently transfected with a construct carrying the murine retrovirus receptor mCAT1. Subsequently, the cells were exposed to replication-deficient Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV) derivatives or pseudotyped lentiviral vectors. With oncoretroviral vectors, this procedure yields overall transduction efficiencies of up to 20% and permits selection of permanently transduced clones with high frequency. Selected clones maintained expression of pluripotency-associated markers and exhibited multi-germ layer differentiation both in vitro and in vivo. HES cell-derived somatic cells including neural progeny maintained high levels of transgene expression. Lentiviral vectors pseudotyped with the MoMuLV envelope could be introduced in the same manner with efficiencies of up to 33%. Transgene expression of lentivirally transduced hES cells remained permanent after differentiation even without selection pressure. Bypassing the regulatory issues associated with the use of amphotropic retroviral systems and exploiting the large pool of existing murine vectors, this method provides a safe and versatile tool for gene transfer and lineage analysis in hES cells and their progeny.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) hold great promise for cell-based therapies and drug screening applications. However, growing and processing large quantities of undifferentiated hESCs is a challenging task. Conventionally, hESCs are passaged as clusters, which can limit their growth efficiency and use in downstream applications. This study demonstrates that hESCs can be passaged as single cells using Accutase, a formulated mixture of digestive enzymes. In contrast to trypsin treatment, Accutase treatment does not significantly affect the viability and proliferation rate of hESC dissociation into single cells. Accutase-dissociated single cells can be separated by FACS and proliferate as fully pluripotent hESCs. An Oct4-eGFP reporter construct engineered into hESCs was used to monitor the pluripotency of hESCs passaged with Accutase. Compared to collagenase-passaged hESCs, Accutase-treated cultures contained a larger proportion of undifferentiated (Oct4-positive) cells. Additionally, Accutase-passaged undifferentiated hESCs could be grown as monolayers without the need for monitoring and/or selection for quality hESC colonies.  相似文献   

Engineering vascularized tissue constructs remains a major problem in regenerative medicine. The formation of such a microvasculature—like the vasculogenesis in early embryogenesis that it closely resembles—is guided by biochemical and biophysical cues, such as growth factors, extracellular matrix proteins, hypoxia, and hydrodynamic shear. As they undergo spontaneous and directed vascular differentiation, human embryonic stem cells can be used as a model system to explore central issues in engineering vascularized tissue constructs and, potentially, to elucidate vasculogenic and angiogenic mechanisms involved in such vascular diseases as limb and cardiac ischemia. Because the conventional spontaneous differentiation approach can only isolate small quantities of vascular cells, recent efforts have sought to develop controlled approaches, including the development of three‐dimensional scaffolds to reengineer the microenvironments of early embryogenesis. This review focuses on emerging approaches to deriving and directing vasculatures from human embryonic stem cells and efforts to engineer 3D vasculatures from such derivatives. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Human and mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells have the capacity to differentiate into derivatives of all three germ layers, suggesting novel therapies for degenerative, metabolic, and traumatic disorders. ES-based regenerative medicine will be further advanced by the development of reliable methods for transgene introduction and expression. Here, we show infection of human and mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with two of the most popular vectors in gene transfer, adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) and adeno-associated virus (AAV; serotypes 2, 4, and 5). All vectors express the nuclear-localized marker gene beta-galactosidase expressed from the Rous Sarcoma Virus long terminal repeat (RSV-LTR). Both Ad5 and AAV2 infected human and mouse ES cells and gave rise to beta-galactosidase expression. AAV4 and 5 did not yield detectable levels of beta-galactosidase expression. Quantitative PCR analysis of virally infected human and mouse ES cells revealed that only Ad5 and AAV2 are capable of transducing both cell-types. No viral DNA was detected in cells infected with either AAV4 or AAV5. Infection and subsequent differentiation of mouse and human ES cells with Ad5 showed that beta-galactosidase-expressing cells were restricted to cells in the interior of the embryoid body mass. No beta-galactosidase expression was observed in AAV-infected cells following differentiation. There was no difference in morphology or differentiation patterns between infected and noninfected differentiating mouse and human ES cells. Differentiation of hES cells prior to infection led to transduction of neuronally differentiated cells with good efficiency using all vectors. These data show that Ad5- and AAV2-based vectors are capable of infecting both human and mouse ES cells, in both their undifferentiated and differentiated states, whereas AAV4 and AAV5 can infect human and mouse ES cells only following differentiation.  相似文献   

The derivation of human embryonic stem (hES) cells has opened new avenues for studies on human development and provided a potential source of cells for replacement therapy. To reveal the full potential of hES cells, it would be advantageous to be able to genetically alter them as is routinely done with mouse ES cells through homologous recombination. The mouse Rosa26 locus is particularly useful for genetic modification as it can be targeted with high efficiency and is expressed in most cell types tested. Here we report the identification of the human homolog of the mouse Rosa26 locus. We demonstrate targeting of a red-fluorescent protein (tdRFP) cDNA to this locus through homologous recombination and expression of this targeted reporter in multiple hES cell-derived lineages. Through recombinase-mediated cassette exchange, we show replacement of the tdRFP cDNA with other cDNAs, providing a cell line in which transgenes can be readily introduced into a broadly expressed locus.  相似文献   

Efficient differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to definitive endoderm   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The potential of human embryonic stem (hES) cells to differentiate into cell types of a variety of organs has generated much excitement over the possible use of hES cells in therapeutic applications. Of great interest are organs derived from definitive endoderm, such as the pancreas. We have focused on directing hES cells to the definitive endoderm lineage as this step is a prerequisite for efficient differentiation to mature endoderm derivatives. Differentiation of hES cells in the presence of activin A and low serum produced cultures consisting of up to 80% definitive endoderm cells. This population was further enriched to near homogeneity using the cell-surface receptor CXCR4. The process of definitive endoderm formation in differentiating hES cell cultures includes an apparent epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and a dynamic gene expression profile that are reminiscent of vertebrate gastrulation. These findings may facilitate the use of hES cells for therapeutic purposes and as in vitro models of development.  相似文献   

The ability to rapidly and efficiently generate reliable Cre/loxP conditional transgenic mice would greatly complement global high-throughput gene targeting initiatives aimed at identifying gene function in the mouse. We report here the generation of Cre/loxP conditional ROSA26-targeted ES cells within 3–4 weeks by using Gateway® cloning to build the target vectors. The cDNA of the gene of interest can be expressed either directly by the ROSA26 promoter providing a moderate level of expression or by a CAGG promoter placed in the ROSA26 locus providing higher transgene expression. Utilization of F1 hybrid ES cells with exceptional developmental potential allows the production of germ line transmitting, fully or highly ES cell-derived mice by aggregation of cells with diploid embryos. The presented streamlined procedures accelerate the examination of phenotypical consequences of transgene expression. It also provides a unique tool for comparing the biological activity of polymorphic or splice variants of a gene, or products of different genes functioning in the same or parallel pathways in an overlapping manner.  相似文献   

Mutations were targeted to the Hprt locus in murine embryonic stem cells by using sequence replacement vectors. When the vector was designed such that the mutated sequences were flanked on both sides by several kilobases of DNA homologous to the target locus, replacement of chromosomal sequences with the exogenous DNA occurred with precision. If, on the other hand, the target-homologous DNA on one arm of the vector was reduced to below 1 kb in length, the fidelity of recombination was diminished.  相似文献   

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