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Actin filaments are organised into sub-compartments of meshwork and bundles in lamellipodia. Localisation of fascin, the LIM and SH3 domain protein 1 (lasp-1), and lasp-2 to the bundles suggest their involvement in that organisation; however, their contributions remain unclear. We have compared the turnover of these proteins with actin at the bundle. After photobleaching, EGFP-actin recovered inwards from the bundle tip, consistent with the retrograde flow by treadmilling. In contrast, the recovery of EGFP-fascin, -lasp-1 and -lasp-2 occurred from the anterograde direction. These results suggest that these molecules would participate in the stabilisation of bundles but not in initiation.  相似文献   

Actin-crosslinking proteins organize actin filaments into dynamic and complex subcellular scaffolds that orchestrate important mechanical functions, including cell motility and adhesion. Recent mutation studies have shown that individual crosslinking proteins often play seemingly non-essential roles, leading to the hypothesis that they have considerable redundancy in function. We report live-cell, in vitro, and theoretical studies testing the mechanical role of the two ubiquitous actin-crosslinking proteins, alpha-actinin and fascin, which co-localize to stress fibers and the basis of filopodia. Using live-cell particle tracking microrheology, we show that the addition of alpha-actinin and fascin elicits a cell mechanical response that is significantly greater than that originated by alpha-actinin or fascin alone. These live-cell measurements are supported by quantitative rheological measurements with reconstituted actin filament networks containing pure proteins that show that alpha-actinin and fascin can work in concert to generate enhanced cell stiffness. Computational simulations using finite element modeling qualitatively reproduce and explain the functional synergy of alpha-actinin and fascin. These findings highlight the cooperative activity of fascin and alpha-actinin and provide a strong rationale that an evolutionary advantage might be conferred by the cooperative action of multiple actin-crosslinking proteins with overlapping but non-identical biochemical properties. Thus the combination of structural proteins with similar function can provide the cell with unique properties that are required for biologically optimal responses.  相似文献   

Formin proteins are actin assembly factors that accelerate filament nucleation then remain on the elongating barbed end and modulate filament elongation. The formin homology 2 (FH2) domain is central to these activities, but recent work has suggested that additional sequences enhance FH2 domain function. Here we show that the C-terminal 76 amino acids of the formin FMNL3 have a dramatic effect on the ability of the FH2 domain to accelerate actin assembly. This C-terminal region contains a WASp homology 2 (WH2)-like sequence that binds actin monomers in a manner that is competitive with other WH2 domains and with profilin. In addition, the C terminus binds filament barbed ends. As a monomer, the FMNL3 C terminus inhibits actin polymerization and slows barbed end elongation with moderate affinity. As a dimer, the C terminus accelerates actin polymerization from monomers and displays high affinity inhibition of barbed end elongation. These properties are not common to all formin C termini, as those of mDia1 and INF2 do not behave similarly. Interestingly, mutation of two aliphatic residues, which blocks high affinity actin binding by the WH2-like sequence, has no effect on the ability of the C terminus to enhance FH2-mediated polymerization. However, mutation of three successive basic residues at the C terminus of the WH2-like sequence compromises polymerization enhancement. These results illustrate that the C termini of formins are highly diverse in their interactions with actin.  相似文献   

The Arp2/3 (actin-related protein 2/3) complex nucleates branched actin filaments involved in multiple cellular functions, including endocytosis and cellular motility. Two subunits (Arp2 and Arp3) in this seven-subunit assembly are closely related to actin and upon activation of the complex form a “cryptic dimer” that stably mimics an actin dimer to nucleate a new filament. Both Arps contain a shared actin core structure, and each Arp contains multiple insertions of unknown function at conserved positions within the core. Here we characterize three key insertions within the actin core of Arp3 and show that each one plays a distinct role in modulating Arp2/3 function. The β4/β5 insert mediates interactions of Arp2/3 complex with actin filaments and “dampers” the nucleation activity of the complex. The Arp3 hydrophobic plug plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the complex but is not absolutely required for formation of the daughter filament nucleus. Deletion of the αK/β15 insert did not constitutively activate the complex, as previously hypothesized. Instead, it abolished in vitro nucleation activity and caused defects in endocytic actin patch assembly in fission yeast, indicating a role for the αK/β15 insert in the activated state of the complex. Biochemical characterization of each mutant revealed steps in the nucleation pathway influenced by each Arp3-specific insert to provide new insights into the structural basis of activation of the complex.  相似文献   

SCAB1 is a novel plant-specific actin-binding protein that binds, bundles, and stabilizes actin filaments and regulates stomatal movement. Here, we dissected the structure and function of SCAB1 by structural and biochemical approaches. We show that SCAB1 is composed of an actin-binding domain, two coiled-coil (CC) domains, and a fused immunoglobulin and pleckstrin homology (Ig-PH) domain. We determined crystal structures for the CC1 and Ig-PH domains at 1.9 and 1.7 Å resolution, respectively. The CC1 domain adopts an antiparallel helical hairpin that further dimerizes into a four-helix bundle. The CC2 domain also mediates dimerization. At least one of the coiled coils is required for actin binding, indicating that SCAB1 is a bivalent actin cross-linker. The key residues required for actin binding were identified. The PH domain lacks a canonical basic phosphoinositide-binding pocket but can bind weakly to inositol phosphates via a basic surface patch, implying the involvement of inositol signaling in SCAB1 regulation. Our results provide novel insights into the functional organization of SCAB1.  相似文献   

The mammalian verprolin family consists of three family members: WIP, WIRE and CR16. WIRE was recently found to bind to WASP and N-WASP and to have roles in regulating actin dynamics downstream of the platelet-derived growth factor β-receptor. In the current study, the WASP-binding domain of WIRE was identified, with the core of the binding motif encompassing amino acid residues 408–412. A stretch of aromatic amino acid residues close to the core motif also participates in WASP binding. Amino acid substitutions in each of these motifs abrogated WASP binding, suggesting that both motifs are involved in the binding of WIRE to WASP. Interestingly, WIRE mutants unable to bind WASP were still able to induce a reorganisation of the actin filament system, indicating that WASP did not participate in the signalling pathway that link WIRE to actin dynamics. In cells ectopically expressing WIRE, the endocytosis of the platelet-derived growth factor β-receptor was drastically reduced. However, in contrast to the effect on the actin filament system, the WIRE-induced ablation of the receptor endocytosis required an intact WASP-binding domain. Moreover, WIRE was more efficient than WIP in inhibiting the receptor endocytosis, implicating that these two mammalian verprolins have distinct roles in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: The purification of drebrin, an actin-binding protein that is specifically expressed in embryonic rat brain, was described previously. During the purification of drebrin, we found that an actin-binding protein of 54 kDa was also expressed at high levels in embryonic brain, and this protein was identified by immunoblotting as fascin. To explore the roles of fascin in brain development, we purified fascin from brains of infant rats and characterized it. We found that the actin-binding activity of fascin was strongly inhibited by drebrin. Fascin caused formation of actin bundles, a process that was inhibited in the presence of drebrin, as confirmed by electron microscopy and a low-speed centrifugation assay. In PC12 cells, fascin was localized in the filopodia of growth cones, whereas drebrin was localized in the basal region of growth cones. Our results suggest that fascin might play an important role in the organization of actin in filopodia and that this organization might be regulated by drebrin.  相似文献   

Many bacterial pathogens reorganize the host actin cytoskeleton during the course of infection, including enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), which utilizes the effector protein EspF(U) to assemble actin filaments within plasma membrane protrusions called pedestals. EspF(U) activates N-WASP, a host actin nucleation-promoting factor that is normally auto-inhibited and found in a complex with the actin-binding protein WIP. Under native conditions, this N-WASP/WIP complex is activated by the small GTPase Cdc42 in concert with several different SH3 (Src-homology-3) domain-containing proteins. In the current study, we tested whether SH3 domains from the F-BAR (FCH-Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs) subfamily of membrane-deforming proteins are involved in actin pedestal formation. We found that three F-BAR proteins: CIP4, FBP17, and TOCA1 (transducer of Cdc42-dependent actin assembly), play different roles during actin pedestal biogenesis. Whereas CIP4 and FBP17 inhibited actin pedestal assembly, TOCA1 stimulated this process. TOCA1 was recruited to pedestals by its SH3 domain, which bound directly to proline-rich sequences within EspF(U). Moreover, EspF(U) and TOCA1 activated the N-WASP/WIP complex in an additive fashion in vitro, suggesting that TOCA1 can augment actin assembly within pedestals. These results reveal that EspF(U) acts as a scaffold to recruit multiple actin assembly factors whose functions are normally regulated by Cdc42.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structures of NagZ of Bacillus subtilis, the first structures of a two-domain β-N-acetylglucosaminidase of family 3 of glycosidases, were determined with and without the transition state mimicking inhibitor PUGNAc bound to the active site, at 1.84- and 1.40-Å resolution, respectively. The structures together with kinetic analyses of mutants revealed an Asp-His dyad involved in catalysis: His234 of BsNagZ acts as general acid/base catalyst and is hydrogen bonded by Asp232 for proper function. Replacement of both His234 and Asp232 with glycine reduced the rate of hydrolysis of the fluorogenic substrate 4′-methylumbelliferyl N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminide 1900- and 4500-fold, respectively, and rendered activity pH-independent in the alkaline range consistent with a role of these residues in acid/base catalysis. N-Acetylglucosaminyl enzyme intermediate accumulated in the H234G mutant and β-azide product was formed in the presence of sodium azide in both mutants. The Asp-His dyad is conserved within β-N-acetylglucosaminidases but otherwise absent in β-glycosidases of family 3, which instead carry a “classical” glutamate acid/base catalyst. The acid/base glutamate of Hordeum vulgare exoglucanase (Exo1) superimposes with His234 of the dyad of BsNagZ and, in contrast to the latter, protrudes from a second domain of the enzyme into the active site. This is the first report of an Asp-His catalytic dyad involved in hydrolysis of glycosides resembling in function the Asp-His-Ser triad of serine proteases. Our findings will facilitate the development of mechanism-based inhibitors that selectively target family 3 β-N-acetylglucosaminidases, which are involved in bacterial cell wall turnover, spore germination, and induction of β-lactamase.  相似文献   

Formin-mediated elongation of actin filaments proceeds via association of Formin Homology 2 (FH2) domain dimers with the barbed end of the filament, allowing subunit addition while remaining processively attached to the end. The flexible Formin Homology 1 (FH1) domain, located directly N-terminal to the FH2 domain, contains one or more stretches of polyproline that bind the actin-binding protein profilin. Diffusion of FH1 domains brings associated profilin-actin complexes into contact with the FH2-bound barbed end of the filament, thereby enabling direct transfer of actin. We investigated how the organization of the FH1 domain of budding yeast formin Bni1p determines the rates of profilin-actin transfer onto the end of the filament. Each FH1 domain transfers actin to the barbed end independently of the other and structural evidence suggests a preference for actin delivery from each FH1 domain to the closest long-pitch helix of the filament. The transfer reaction is diffusion-limited and influenced by the affinities of the FH1 polyproline tracks for profilin. Position-specific sequence variations optimize the efficiency of FH1-stimulated polymerization by binding profilin weakly near the FH2 domain and binding profilin more strongly farther away. FH1 domains of many other formins follow this organizational trend. This particular sequence architecture may optimize the efficiency of FH1-stimulated elongation.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that zinc plays a major role in neurochemistry. Of the many zinc-binding proteins, metallothionein-3 (Mt3) is regarded as one of the major regulators of cellular zinc in the brain. However, biological functions of Mt3 are not yet well characterized. Recently, we found that lysosomal dysfunction in metallothionein-3 (Mt3)-null astrocytes involves down-regulation of c-Abl. In this study, we investigated the role of Mt3 in c-Abl activation and actin polymerization in cultured astrocytes following treatment with epidermal growth factor (EGF). Compared with wild-type (WT) astrocytes, Mt3-null cells exhibited a substantial reduction in the activation of c-Abl upon treatment with EGF. Consistent with previous studies, activation of c-Abl by EGF induced dissociation of c-Abl from F-actin. Mt3 added to astrocytic cell lysates bound F-actin, augmented F-actin polymerization, and promoted the dissociation of c-Abl from F-actin, suggesting a possible role for Mt3 in this process. Conversely, Mt3-deficient astrocytes showed significantly reduced dissociation of c-Abl from F-actin following EGF treatment. Experiments using various peptide fragments of Mt3 showed that a fragment containing the N-terminal TCPCP motif (peptide 1) is sufficient for this effect. Removal of zinc from Mt3 or pep1 with tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine abrogated the effect of Mt3 on the association of c-Abl and F-actin, indicating that zinc binding is necessary for this action. These results suggest that ZnMt3 in cultured astrocytes may be a normal component of c-Abl activation in EGF receptor signaling. Hence, modulation of Mt3 levels or distribution may prove to be a useful strategy for controlling cytoskeletal mobilization following EGF stimulation in brain cells.  相似文献   

Lamellipodium extension is crucial for cell migration and spreading. The rate of lamellipodium extension is determined by the balance between the rate of actin polymerization and the rate of actin retrograde flow. LIM kinase 1 (LIMK1) regulates actin dynamics by phosphorylating and inactivating cofilin, an actin-depolymerizing protein. We examined the role of LIMK1 in lamellipodium extension by measuring the rates of actin polymerization, actin retrograde flow, and lamellipodium extension using time-lapse imaging of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. In the non-extending lamellipodia of active Rac-expressing N1E-115 cells, LIMK1 expression decelerated and LIMK1 knockdown accelerated actin retrograde flow. In the extending lamellipodia of neuregulin-stimulated MCF-7 cells, LIMK1 knockdown accelerated both the rate of actin polymerization and the rate of actin retrograde flow, but the accelerating effect on retrograde flow was greater than the effect on polymerization, thus resulting in a decreased rate of lamellipodium extension. These results indicate that LIMK1 has a dual role in regulating lamellipodium extension by decelerating actin retrograde flow and polymerization, and in MCF-7 cells endogenous LIMK1 contributes to lamellipodium extension by decelerating actin retrograde flow more effectively than decelerating actin polymerization.  相似文献   

Apicomplexan parasites, such as the malaria-causing Plasmodium, utilize an actin-based motor for motility and host cell invasion. The actin filaments of these parasites are unusually short, and actin polymerization is under strict control of a small set of regulatory proteins, which are poorly conserved with their mammalian orthologs. Actin depolymerization factors (ADFs) are among the most important actin regulators, affecting the rates of filament turnover in a multifaceted manner. Plasmodium has two ADFs that display low sequence homology with each other and with the higher eukaryotic family members. Here, we show that ADF2, like canonical ADF proteins but unlike ADF1, binds to both globular and filamentous actin, severing filaments and inducing nucleotide exchange on the actin monomer. The crystal structure of Plasmodium ADF1 shows major differences from the ADF consensus, explaining the lack of F-actin binding. Plasmodium ADF2 structurally resembles the canonical members of the ADF/cofilin family.  相似文献   

The barrel-shaped caseinolytic protease P (ClpP) is a main virulence regulator in the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus (SaClpP). It consists of two heptameric rings forming a homotetradecamer with an inner chamber that houses the 14 active sites. We recently showed that SaClpP is able to adopt a compressed, inactive conformation. We present here the 2.3 Å resolution structure of SaClpP in its closed, active conformation as well as the structure of the S98A mutant. Comprehensive mutational analysis aiming at destabilizing one or the other or both conformations was able to pinpoint key residues involved in this catalytic switch and in the heptamer-heptamer interaction. By probing the active site serine with a covalently modifying β-lactone probe, we could show that the tetradecameric organization is essential for a proper formation of the active site. Structural data suggest that a highly conserved hydrogen-bonding network links oligomerization to activity. A comparison of ClpP structures from different organisms provides suggestive evidence for the presence of a universal mechanism regulating ClpP activity in which binding of one subunit to the corresponding subunit on the other ring interface is necessary for the functional assembly of the catalytic triad and thus for protease function. This mechanism ensures controlled access to the active sites of a highly unspecific protease.  相似文献   

Arp2/3 complex is a key actin filament nucleator that assembles branched actin networks in response to cellular signals. The activity of Arp2/3 complex is regulated by both activating and inhibitory proteins. Coronins make up a large class of actin-binding proteins previously shown to inhibit Arp2/3 complex. Although coronins are known to play a role in controlling actin dynamics in diverse processes, including endocytosis and cell motility, the precise mechanism by which they regulate Arp2/3 complex is unclear. We conducted a detailed biochemical analysis of budding yeast coronin, Crn1, and found that it not only inhibits Arp2/3 complex but also activates it. We mapped regions required for activation and found that Crn1 contains a sequence called CA, which is conserved in WASp/Scar proteins, the prototypical activators of Arp2/3 complex. Point mutations in CA abolished activation of Arp2/3 complex by Crn1 in vitro. Confocal microscopy and quantitative actin patch tracking showed that these mutants had defective endocytic actin patch dynamics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, indicating that activation of Arp2/3 complex by coronin is required for normal actin dynamics in vivo. The switch between the dual modes of regulation by Crn1 is controlled by concentration, and low concentrations of Crn1 enhance filament binding by Arp2/3 complex, whereas high concentrations block binding. Our data support a direct tethering recruitment model for activation of Arp2/3 complex by Crn1 and suggest that Crn1 indirectly inhibits Arp2/3 complex by blocking it from binding actin filaments.  相似文献   

Actin is a highly ubiquitous protein in eukaryotic cells that plays a crucial role in cell mechanics and motility. Cell motility is driven by assembling actin as polymerizing actin drives cell protrusions in a process closely involving a host of other actin-binding proteins, notably the actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3) complex, which nucleates actin and forms branched filamentous structures. The Arp2/3 complex preferentially binds specific actin networks at the cell leading edge and forms branched filamentous structures, which drive cell protrusions, but the exact regulatory mechanism behind this process is not well understood. Here we show using in vitro imaging and binding assays that a fragment of the actin-binding protein caldesmon added to polymerizing actin increases the Arp2/3-mediated branching activity, whereas it has no effect on branch formation when binding to aged actin filaments. Because this caldesmon effect is shown to be independent of nucleotide hydrolysis and phosphate release from actin, our results suggest a mechanism by which caldesmon maintains newly polymerized actin in a distinct state that has a higher affinity for the Arp2/3 complex. Our data show that this new state does not affect the level of cooperativity of binding by Arp2/3 complex or its distribution on actin. This presents a novel regulatory mechanism by which caldesmon, and potentially other actin-binding proteins, regulates the interactions of actin with its binding partners.  相似文献   

A Schizosaccharomyces pombe cps8 mutant, of which the gene encodes a mutant actin with an amino acid substitution of Asp for Gly(273) [J. Ishiguro and W. Kobayashi (1996) FEBS Lett. 392, 237-241], was used to determine the role of the actin cytoskeleton in cell wall formation. In the cps8 mutant cells, atomic force microscopic and scanning electron microscopic images showed abnormal depolarized and branched morphology. Fibrous material covered a part of the surface of growing cps8 cells. Transmission electron microscopic images showed variable thickness of the cell wall due to multilayering of cell wall materials, and aberrant multisepta due to diagonal growth of the primary septum, whereas the normal primary septum grows at a right angle from the cortex. This abnormal septum formation may induce abnormality of the cell with multinuclei and/or multisepta, caused by non-separation of daughter cells. These results indicate that actin plays an important role in cell wall and septum formation.  相似文献   

During epithelial cell migration, membrane ruffles can be visualized by phase contrast microscopy as dark waves arising at the leading edge of lamellipodia that move centripetally toward the main cell body. Despite the common use of the term membrane ruffles, their structure, molecular composition, and the mechanisms leading to their formation remained largely unknown. We show here that membrane ruffles differ from the underlying cell lamella by more densely packed bundles of actin filaments that are enriched in the actin cross-linkers filamin and ezrin, pointing to a specific bundling process based on these cross-linkers. The accumulation of phosphorylated, that is, inactivated, cofilin in membrane ruffles suggests that they are compartments of inhibited actin filament turnover. High Rac1 and low RhoA activities were found under conditions of suboptimal integrin-ligand interaction correlating with low lamellipodia persistence, inefficient migration, and high ruffling rates. Based on these findings, we define membrane ruffles as distinct compartments of specific composition that form as a consequence of inefficient lamellipodia adhesion.  相似文献   

Heparinase II (HepII) is an 85-kDa dimeric enzyme that depolymerizes both heparin and heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans through a β-elimination mechanism. Recently, we determined the crystal structure of HepII from Pedobacter heparinus (previously known as Flavobacterium heparinum) in complex with a heparin disaccharide product, and identified the location of its active site. Here we present the structure of HepII complexed with a heparan sulfate disaccharide product, proving that the same binding/active site is responsible for the degradation of both uronic acid epimers containing substrates. The key enzymatic step involves removal of a proton from the C5 carbon (a chiral center) of the uronic acid, posing a topological challenge to abstract the proton from either side of the ring in a single active site. We have identified three potential active site residues equidistant from C5 and located on both sides of the uronate product and determined their role in catalysis using a set of defined tetrasaccharide substrates. HepII H202A/Y257A mutant lost activity for both substrates and we determined its crystal structure complexed with a heparan sulfate-derived tetrasaccharide. Based on kinetic characterization of various mutants and the structure of the enzyme-substrate complex we propose residues participating in catalysis and their specific roles.  相似文献   

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