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The structure of the femoral muscle of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, was investigated by light and electron microscopy. The several hundred fibers of either the extensor or flexor muscle are 20 to 40 µ in diameter in transverse sections and are subdivided into closely packed myofibrils. In glutaraldehyde-fixed and epoxy resin-embedded material of stretched fibers, the A band is about 4.5 µ long, the thin filaments are about 2.3 µ in length, the H zone and I band vary with the amount of stretch, and the M band is absent. The transverse sections of the filaments reveal in the area of a single overlap of thick and thin filaments an array of 10 to 12 thin filaments encircling each thick filament; whereas, in the area of double overlap in which the thin filaments interdigitate from opposite ends of the A band, the thin filaments show a twofold increase in number. The thick filament is approximately 205 to 185 A in diameter along most of its length, but at about 0.2 µ from the end it tapers to a point. Furthermore, some well oriented, very thin transverse sections show these filaments to have electron-transparent cores. The diameter of the thin filament is about 70 A. Transverse sections exhibit the sarcolemma invaginating clearly at regular intervals into the lateral regions of the A band. Three distinct types of mitochondria are associated with the muscle: an oval, an elongate, and a type with three processes. It is evident, in this muscle, that the sliding filament hypothesis is valid, and that perhaps the function of the extra thin filaments is to increase the tensile strength of the fiber and to create additional reactive sites between the thick and thin filaments. These sites are probably required for the functioning of the long sarcomeres.  相似文献   

Increasing use of barnacle giant muscle fibers for physiological research has prompted this investigation of their fine structure. The fibers are invaginated by a multibranched system of clefts connecting to the exterior and filled with material similar to that of the basement material of the sarcolemmal complex. Tubules originate from the surface plasma membrane at irregular sites, and also from the clefts They run transversely, spirally, and longitudinally, making many diadic and some triadic contacts with cisternal sacs of the longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum. The contacts are not confined to any particular region of the sarcomere. The tubules are wider and their walls are thicker at points of contact with Z material. Some linking of the Z regions occurs across spaces within the fiber which contain large numbers of glycogen particles. A-band lengths are extremely variable, in the range 2.2 µm–20.3 µm (average 5.2 µm) Individual thick filaments have thin (110 Å) hollow regions alternating with thick (340 Å) solid ones. Bridges between thick filaments occur at random points and are not concentrated into an M band The thin:thick filament ratio is variable in different parts of a fiber, from 3:1 to 6:1. Z bands are basically perforated, but the number of perforations may increase during contraction.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the cardiac muscle of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, has been studied with respect to the organization of its contractile material, and the structure of its organelles and the cell junctions. Longitudinal sections show long sarcomeres (5.37 µ at Lmax), wide A bands (2.7 µ), irregular Z lines, no M line, and no apparent H zone. Transverse sections through the S zone of the A band show that each thick filament is ca. 180 A in diameter, is circular in profile with a center of low density, and is surrounded by an orbit of 9–12 thin filaments, each 60 A in diameter. Thick filaments are confined to the A band: thin filaments originate at the Z band, extend through the I band, and pass into the A band between the thick filaments. The sarcolemmal surface area is increased significantly by intercellular clefts. Extending into the fiber from these clefts and from the sarcolemma, T tubules pass into the fiber at the A-I level. Each fibril is enveloped by a profuse membranous covering of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Sacculations of the SR occur at the A-I boundary where they make diadic contact with longitudinal branches of the T system. These branches also extend toward the Z, enlarge at the Z line, and pass into the next sarcomere. Infrequently noted were intercalated discs possessing terminal insertion and desmosome modifications, but lacking close junctions (fasciae occludentes). These structural details are compared with those of mammalian cardiac and invertebrate muscles.  相似文献   

Basalar and tibial extensor muscle fibers of Achalarus lyciades were examined with light and electron microscopes. Basalar muscle fibers are 100–150 µ in diameter. T-system membranes and sarcoplasmic reticulum make triadic contacts midway between Z lines and the middle of each sarcomere. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is characterized by a transverse element situated among myofilaments halfway between Z lines in every sarcomere. The morphology of Z lines, hexagonal packing of thin and thick myofilaments, and thin/thick myofilament ratios are similar to those of fast-acting insect muscles. Tibial extensor muscle fibers are 50–100 µ in diameter. Except for a lack of the transverse element, the T system and sarcoplasmic reticulum are similar to those of basalar muscle. Wavy Z lines, lack of a hexagonal packing of myofilaments, and larger thin/thick myofilament ratios are similar to those of other postural muscles of insects. The morphology of basalar and tibial extensor muscle is compared to that of other insect muscle with known functions, and reference is made to the possible contribution of the transverse element of sarcoplasmic reticulum in basalar flight muscle to speed and synchrony in this muscle.  相似文献   

Thick filaments in vascular smooth muscle   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Two sets of myofilaments were demonstrated after incubation of strips of rabbit portal-anterior mesenteric vein under moderate stretch in a physiological salt solution. Thick filaments had a mean diameter of 18 nm and reached a maximum length of 1.4 µm with a mean length of 0.61 µm. In transverse sections, 2.5–5 nm particles were resolved as subunits of the thick filaments. Thin filaments had an average diameter of 8.4 nm and generally conformed to the structure believed to represent actin filaments in smooth and striated muscles. In the areas of maximum concentration there were 160–328 thick filaments/µm2 and the lowest ratio of thin to thick filaments was 12:1. Thick filaments were present in approximately equal numbers in vascular smooth muscle relaxed by theophylline, in Ca++-free solution, or contracted by norepinephrine. The same preparatory procedures used with vascular smooth muscle also enabled us to visualize thick filaments in guinea pig and rabbit taenia coli and vas deferens.  相似文献   

The tubular fibers of the claw-closer muscle of the scorpion have a central core containing nuclei and mitochondria. The myofibrils have the shape of thin lamellae (1 µ) extending radially from the core to the surface membrane (20 µ). The thick myofilaments are organized in a hexagonal array with orbits of 10–13 thin myofilaments. The ratio of thick-to-thin filaments is 1:5. Transverse tubular system (TS) openings are located between lamellated myofibrils. In each sarcomere two TS's are found, one on each side of the H band. The TS is composed of a transverse tubule and tubular pockets (TP). The TP's form diadic contact with the terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The TS can be traced from the cell membrane down to the cell core. The surface area of the TS was calculated to be six times that of the outer surface membrane.  相似文献   

Single fibers isolated from walking leg muscles of crayfish have 8- to 10-µ sarcomeres which are divided into A, I, and Z bands. The H zone is poorly defined and no M band is distinguishable. Changes in the width of the I band, accompanied by change in the overlap between thick and thin myofilaments, occur when the length of the sarcomere is changed by stretching or by shortening the fiber. The thick myofilaments (ca. 200 A in diameter) are confined to the A band. The thin myofilaments (ca. 50 A in diameter) are difficult to resolve except in swollen fibers, when they clearly lie between the thick filaments and run to the Z disc. The sarcolemma invaginates at 50 to 200 sites in each sarcomere. The sarcolemmal invaginations (SI) form tubes about 0.2 µ in diameter which run radially into the fiber and have longitudinal side branches. Tubules about 150 A in diameter arise from the SI and from the sarcolemma. The invaginations and tubules are all derived from and are continuous with the plasma membrane, forming the transverse tubular system (TTS), which is analogous with the T system of vertebrate muscle. In the A band region each myofibril is enveloped by a fenestrated membranous covering of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Sacculations of the SR extend over the A-I junctions of the myofibrils, where they make specialized contacts (diads) with the TTS. At the diads the opposing membranes of the TTS and SR are spaced 150 A apart, with a 35-A plate centrally located in the gap. It appears likely that the anion-permselective membrane of the TTS which was described previously is located at the diads, and that this property of the diadic structures therefore may function in excitation-contraction coupling.  相似文献   

The fine structure of fast and slow crustacean muscles   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Known phasic and tonic muscle fibers of the crab Cancer magister were studied by electron microscopy. Phasic fibers have sarcomeres about 4.5 µ long, small polygonal myofibrils, and a well-developed sarcoplasmic reticulum. The thick myofilaments, disposed in hexagonal array, are each surrounded by six thin filaments. The tonic fibers have a sarcomere length of about 12 µ, larger myofibrils, a poorly developed sarcoplasmic reticulum, and a disorderly array of myofilaments. Each thick myofilament is surrounded by 10–12 thin filaments. The same morphological type of slow muscle has been found in the crustaceans, Macrocyclops albidus, Cypridopsis vidua, and Balanus cariosus, in each case in an anatomical location consistent with tonic action. A search of the literature indicates that this type of muscle is found in all classes of arthropods and is confined to visceral and postural muscles or specializations of these.  相似文献   

The developing sarcomeres in the lateral musculature of 60-somite trout embryos have been examined with special reference to the ultrastructure and sequence of events accompanying sarcomere formation. Myogenesis begins at the first somites in the head region and progresses towards the tail of the embryo. The tail somites are composed of undifferentiated presumptive myoblasts, myoblasts and mesenchyme cells. The very tip of the tail contains a mass of undifferentiated cells. Myofibrils with fully developed sarcomeres and well-organized sarcoplasmic reticulum are present in the midbody somites.
Microtubules are found in muscle cells throughout the period preceding the sarcomere assembly. They may represent a cytoskeletal network which contributes directly to the shape of myoblasts.
Thick and thin filaments appear mostly near the periphery of the cell. In successive stages of the sarcomere development "Z-bodies" appear, which then coalesce to form Z-bands. The assembly of the thick and thin filaments into sarcomeres seems to occur at that stage of myogenesis when the "Z-bodies" develop a certain amount of bonding sites for thin filaments, which interact with thick filaments to form A-bands and I-bands.  相似文献   

Rhodnius prolixus, a South American insect, molts five times in its development to an adult after emerging from the egg. Each molting cycle is triggered with a blood-meal. The ventral intersegmental abdominal muscles of Rhodnius develop during each molting cycle and are functional at molting. The fine structure of these fully developed muscles from fourth stage larval insects is studied. They have the characteristic structure of slow muscles. They have multiple motor nerve endings, and the myofibrils are poorly defined in cross-section. Longitudinal sections show long sarcomeres (8–10 µ), irregular Z-lines, and no apparent H zones. No M line is seen. Transverse sections through the A-band region show that each hexagonally arranged thick filament is surrounded by 12 thin filaments. Two thin filaments are shared by two neighboring thick filaments. The ratio of thin to thick filaments is 6:1. This structure is related to that found in vertebrate skeletal muscle and insect flight muscle.  相似文献   

Summary Cells isolated from ascidian smooth muscle were about 1.5–2 mm in length. Each contained 20–40 nucle in proportion to cell length. The cytoplasm was characterized by the presence of an enormous quantity of glycogen particles, tubular elements of sarcoplasmic reticulum coupled to the cell membrane, and conspicuous contractile elements. Thick and thin filaments had diameters of about 14–16 nm and 6–7 nm, respectively. The population density of the thick filaments was much higher (mean 270/m2 filament area) than in vertebrate smooth muscles. The ratio of thick to thin filaments was about 16. All the thick filaments were surrounded by a single row of 5–9 thin filaments forming a rosette, and cross-bridges with periodicities of 14.5 and 29 nm were found between them. The contractile apparatus consisted of numerous myofibrils which were arranged nearly along the cell axis and were separated from each other by a network of 10-nm filaments. The myofibrils further consisted of many irregularly arranged sarcomerelike structures, each of which was comprised of a small group of thick and thin filaments with attached dense bodies.  相似文献   

The musculature of the telson of Limulus polyphemus L. consists of three dorsal muscles: the medial and lateral telson levators and the telson abductor, and one large ventral muscle; the telson depressor, which has three major divisions: the dorsal, medioventral, and lateroventral heads. The telson muscles are composed of one type of striated muscle fiber, which has irregularly shaped myofibrils. The sarcomeres are long, with discrete A and I and discontinuous Z bands. M lines are not present. H zones can be identified easily, only in thick (1.0 µm) longitudinal sections or thin cross sections. In lengthened fibers, the Z bands are irregular and the A bands appear very long due to misalignment of constituent thick filaments. As the sarcomeres shorten, the Z lines straighten somewhat and the thick filaments become more aligned within the A band, leading to apparent decrease in A band length. Further A band shortening, seen at sarcomere lengths below 7.4 µm may be a function of conformational changes of the thick filaments, possibly brought about by alterations in the ordering of their paramyosin cores.  相似文献   

Segments of the lower small intestine of the toad Bufo marinus were excised and soaked for approximately 2 hr in Ringer's solution (pH 7.4 or 7.8) containing crystalline trypsin and then fixed for electron microscopy at approximately the same pH. Thin sections of the tunica muscularis of these specimens show smooth muscle cells ranging in appearance from severely damaged at one extreme to apparently unaffected at the other. Among these are cells at intermediate stages, including some which exhibit large and conspicuous populations of thick filaments closely resembling artificially prepared aggregates of smooth muscle myosin. The thick filaments have the form of tactoids ~ 250–300 A in diameter in their middle regions and are ~ 0.5–1.0 µ in length. In some preparations they also display an axial periodicity approximating 143 A. They are usually randomly oriented and segregated from the thin filaments, which tend to form closely packed, virtually crystalline bundles at the periphery of these cells. "Dense bodies" are absent from cells showing these changes. The simplest interpretation of these data is that smooth muscle myosin normally exists among the actin filaments in a relatively disaggregated state and that trypsin induces aggregation by altering the conformation of the myosin molecule. Alternatively, trypsin may act indirectly through an effect on some other smooth muscle protein which normally forms a stable complex with relatively disaggregated myosin.  相似文献   

Classic interpretations of the striated muscle length–tension curve focus on how force varies with overlap of thin (actin) and thick (myosin) filaments. New models of sarcomere geometry and experiments with skinned synchronous insect flight muscle suggest that changes in the radial distance between the actin and myosin filaments, the filament lattice spacing, are responsible for between 20% and 50% of the change in force seen between sarcomere lengths of 1.4 and 3.4 µm. Thus, lattice spacing is a significant force regulator, increasing the slope of muscle''s force–length dependence.  相似文献   

Myosin molecules in the relaxed thick filaments of striated muscle have a helical arrangement in which the heads of each molecule interact with each other, forming the interacting-heads motif (IHM). In relaxed mammalian skeletal muscle, this helical ordering occurs only at temperatures >20°C and is disrupted when temperature is decreased. Recent x-ray diffraction studies of live tarantula skeletal muscle have suggested that the two myosin heads of the IHM (blocked heads [BHs] and free heads [FHs]) have very different roles and dynamics during contraction. Here, we explore temperature-induced changes in the BHs and FHs in relaxed tarantula skeletal muscle. We find a change with decreasing temperature that is similar to that in mammals, while increasing temperature induces a different behavior in the heads. At 22.5°C, the BHs and FHs containing ADP.Pi are fully helically organized, but they become progressively disordered as temperature is lowered or raised. Our interpretation suggests that at low temperature, while the BHs remain ordered the FHs become disordered due to transition of the heads to a straight conformation containing Mg.ATP. Above 27.5°C, the nucleotide remains as ADP.Pi, but while BHs remain ordered, half of the FHs become progressively disordered, released semipermanently at a midway distance to the thin filaments while the remaining FHs are docked as swaying heads. We propose a thermosensing mechanism for tarantula skeletal muscle to explain these changes. Our results suggest that tarantula skeletal muscle thick filaments, in addition to having a superrelaxation–based ATP energy-saving mechanism in the range of 8.5–40°C, also exhibit energy saving at lower temperatures (<22.5°C), similar to the proposed refractory state in mammals.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of the volumes, surface areas, and dimensions of the ultrastructural components in the soleus muscle fibers of the guinea pig was made by using point counting methods of stereology. Muscle fibers have structural orientation (anisotropy) and have spatial gradients of the structures within the fiber; therefore the standard stereological methods were modified where necessary. The entire analysis was repeated at two section orientations to test the modifications and identical results obtained from both. The volume of lipid droplets was 0.20 ± 0.06% (mean ± standard error, n = 5 animals) and the nuclei volume was 0.86 ± 0.20% of the fiber volume. The total mitochondrial volume was 4.85 ± 0.66% of the fiber volume with about one-third being found in an annulus within 1 µm of the sarcolemma. The mitochondrial volume in the remaining core of the fiber was 3.6 ± 0.4%. The T system has a volume of 0.14 ± 0.01% and a surface area of 0.064 ± 0.005 µm2/µm3 of the fiber volume. The surface area of the sarcolemma is 0.116 ± 0.013 µm2/µm3 which is twice the T system surface area. The volume of the entire sarcoplasmic reticulum is 3.52 ± 0.33% and the surface area is 0.97 ± 0.09 µm2/µm3. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is composed of the terminal cisternae whose volume is 1.04 ± 0.19% and surface area is 0.24 ± 0.05 µm2/µm3. The tubules of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in the I band and A band have volumes of 1.97 ± 0.24% and 0.51 ± 0.08%, and the surface areas of the I and A band reticulum are 0.56 ± 0.07 µm2/µm3 and 0.16 ± 0.04 µm2/µm3, respectively. The Z line width, myofibril and fiber diameters were measured.  相似文献   

Myofibrils within skeletal muscle are composed of sarcomeres that generate force by contraction when their myosin-rich thick filaments slide past actin-based thin filaments. Although mutations in components of the sarcomere are a major cause of human disease, the highly complex process of sarcomere assembly is not fully understood. Current models of thin filament assembly highlight a central role for filament capping proteins, which can be divided into three protein families, each ascribed with separate roles in thin filament assembly. CapZ proteins have been shown to bind the Z-disc protein α-actinin to form an anchoring complex for thin filaments and actin polymerisation. Subsequent thin filaments extension dynamics are thought to be facilitated by Leiomodins (Lmods) and thin filament assembly is concluded by Tropomodulins (Tmods) that specifically cap the pointed end of thin filaments. To study thin filament assembly in vivo, single and compound loss-of-function zebrafish mutants within distinct classes of capping proteins were analysed. The generated lmod3- and capza1b-deficient zebrafish exhibited aspects of the pathology caused by variations in their human orthologs. Although loss of the analysed main capping proteins of the skeletal muscle, capza1b, capza1a, lmod3 and tmod4, resulted in sarcomere defects, residual organised sarcomeres were formed within the assessed mutants, indicating that these proteins are not essential for the initial myofibril assembly. Furthermore, detected similarity and location of myofibril defects, apparent at the peripheral ends of myofibres of both Lmod3- and CapZα-deficient mutants, suggest a function in longitudinal myofibril growth for both proteins, which is molecularly distinct to the function of Tmod4.  相似文献   

Ordered arrays of thin filaments (65 A diameter) along with other apparently random arrangements of thin and thick filaments (100–200 A diameter) are observed in contracted guinea pig taenia coli rapidly fixed in glutaraldehyde. The thin-filament arrays vary from a few to more than 100 filaments in each array. The arrays are scattered among isolated thin and thick filaments. Some arrays are regular such as hexagonal; other arrays tend to be circular. However, few examples of rosettes with regular arrangements of thin filaments surrounding thick filaments are seen. Optical transforms of electron micrographs of thin-filament arrays give a nearest-neighbor spacing of the thin filaments in agreement with the "actin" filament spacing from x-ray diffraction experiments. Many thick filaments are closely associated with thin-filament arrays. Some thick filaments are hollow circles, although triangular shapes are also found. Thin-filament arrays and thick filaments extend into the cell for distances of at least a micron. Partially relaxed taenia coli shows thin-filament arrays but few thick filaments. The suggestion that thick filaments aggregate prior to contraction and disaggregate during relaxation is promoted by these observations. The results suggest that a sliding filament mechanism operates in smooth muscle as well as in striated muscle.  相似文献   

The somatic musculature of the nematode, Ascaris, is currently thought to consist of smooth muscle fibers, which contain intracellular supporting fibrils arranged in a regular pattern. Electron microscopic examination shows that the muscle fibers are, in fact, comparable to the striated muscles of vertebrates in that they contain interdigitating arrays of thick and thin myofilaments which form H, A, and I bands. In the A bands each thick filament is surrounded by about 10 to 12 thin filaments. The earlier confusion about the classification of this muscle probably arose from the fact that in one longitudinal plane the myofilaments are markedly staggered and, as a result, the striations in that plane of section are not transverse but oblique, forming an angle of only about 6° with the filament axis. The apparent direction of the striations changes with the plane of the section and may vary all the way from radial to longitudinal. A three-dimensional model is proposed which accounts for the appearance of this muscle in various planes. Z lines as such are absent but are replaced by smaller, less orderly, counterpart "Z bundles" to which thin filaments attach. These bundles are closely associated with fibrillar dense bodies and with deep infoldings of the plasma membrane. The invaginations of the plasma membrane together with intracellular, flattened, membranous cisternae form dyads and triads. It is suggested that these complexes, which also occur at the cell surface, may constitute strategically located, low-impedance patches through which local currents are channeled selectively.  相似文献   

Summary The aorta of Sympetrum danae possesses two dorsal diverticula: one in the mesothorax and one in the metathorax. They are very similar in form and position. Each diverticulum has a dorsal valve through which blood is pumped from the wings down into the aorta. The wall of the aortic diverticula consists of two simple cell layers: an outer epidermis-like layer and an inner muscle layer. The nuclei of the muscle cells are situated close to the lumen of the diverticula. The mitochondria are evenly dispersed between the myofibrils and are often paired up on either side of the Z-band. The Z-bands are thick and fragmented. The length of the sarcomeres varies from 3.3 to 6.1 . The A-band length is about 3 . The myofibrils consist of thick (250 Å) and thin (85 Å) filaments. Each thick filament is surrounded by 9–12 thin filaments. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is well developed and separates the myofibrils with one or two layers. The T-tubules are flattened and branch irregularly like a two-dimensional tree between the lamellar myofibrils. Intercalated discs are observed.The peculiarities of the muscle of aortic diverticula in S. danae are discussed in relation to various muscles of other insects and arthropods.  相似文献   

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