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The genetic diversity of picoeukaryotes (0.2-5.0 μm) was investigated in 8 lakes differing in trophic status in Nanjing, China. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and cloning and sequencing of 18S rRNA genes were applied to analyze the picoeukaryotic communities. DGGE analysis showed that among the 8 lakes, the diversity of picoeukaryotes was greatest in the mesotrophic Lake Nan (24 bands) and least in the oligotrophic Lake Qian (12 bands). Cluster analysis of DGGE profiles revealed that the 8 lakes were grouped into 2 distinct clusters. Cluster 1 contained lakes Mochou, Zixia, Huashen, Nan, Pipa, and Qian, while cluster 2 contained lakes Xuanwu and Baijia. Clone libraries were constructed from the mesotrophic Lake Xuanwu and the oligotrophic Lake Zixia, and the 2 libraries were compared using the program LIBSHUFF. This analysis indicated that the picoeukaryotic community composition differed significantly between the 2 lakes (p = 0.001). A total of 25 operational taxonomic units were detected; 18 (62 clones) were related to known eukaryotic groups, while 7 (30 clones) were not affiliated with any known eukaryotic group. Alveolates and stramenopiles were the dominant groups in Lake Xuanwu, while alveolates and chlorophyta predominated in Lake Zixia. Multivariate statistical analysis indicated that the differences in the picoeukaryotic community composition of the 8 lakes might be related to trophic status and top-down regulation by metazooplankton. 相似文献
Small eukaryotes, cells with a diameter of less than 5 mum, are fundamental components of lacustrine planktonic systems. In this study, small-eukaryote diversity was determined by sequencing cloned 18S rRNA genes in three libraries from lakes of differing trophic status in the Massif Central, France: the oligotrophic Lake Godivelle, the oligomesotrophic Lake Pavin, and the eutrophic Lake Aydat. This analysis shows that the least diversified library was in the eutrophic lake (12 operational taxonomic units [OTUs]) and the most diversified was in the oligomesotrophic lake (26 OTUs). Certain groups were present in at least two ecosystems, while the others were specific to one lake on the sampling date. Cryptophyta, Chrysophyceae, and the strictly heterotrophic eukaryotes, Ciliophora and fungi, were identified in the three libraries. Among the small eukaryotes found only in two lakes, Choanoflagellida and environmental sequences (LKM11) were not detected in the eutrophic system whereas Cercozoa were confined to the oligomesotrophic and eutrophic lakes. Three OTUs, linked to the Perkinsozoa, were detected only in the Aydat library, where they represented 60% of the clones of the library. Chlorophyta and Haptophyta lineages were represented by a single clone and were present only in Godivelle and Pavin, respectively. Of the 127 clones studied, classical pigmented organisms (autotrophs and mixotrophs) represented only a low proportion regardless of the library's origin. This study shows that the small-eukaryote community composition may differ as a function of trophic status; certain lineages could be detected only in a single ecosystem. 相似文献
Ciliate and bacterial densities and their link with eutrophication were studied in fourteen shallow lakes in northwest Spain.
Total phosphorus (TP) in these lakes varied between 30 μg l −1 and 925 μg l −1 and chlorophyll a concentration (chla) between 0.5 μg l −1 and 107 μg l −1. Bacterial abundance ranged from 1 × 10 6 to 14 × 10 6 cells ml −1, while ciliate abundance ranged from 0.6 cells ml −1 to 229 cells ml −1. Lakes were classified into three trophic types from their TP and chla concentrations. Bacterial abundance was significantly
correlated with trophic type, as well as with TP and with chla separately, whereas ciliate abundance was only correlated with
chla. No significant relationship could be established between bacterial and ciliate abundance across the trophic gradient.
A general pattern was observed in the ratios of bacterial abundance to TP and chla concentrations, of decreasing ratios with
increases in the nutrient loading. This pattern was not found for ciliates. The dominant zooplankton group in 13 of the 14
lakes studied was Rotifera, which accounted for a mean of 71% of total zooplankton abundance (41% of zooplankton biomass).
The positive correlation between bacteria and ciliates with this group, and the absence of any relationship with Cladocera
suggest that top down control by cladocerans was weaker in our lakes than previously shown in northern European shallow lakes.
Rotifers could be important predators of bacteria in the high-nutrient lakes of our study. Higher slopes of regressions on
bacterial abundance towards the hypertrophic range indicate that top-down control was weaker in our lakes than in northern
European shallow lakes. 相似文献
The role of pelagic cladoceran communities is discussed on the basis of a comparative study conducted in two Estonian lakes, the moderately eutrophic Lake Peipsi (N tot 700, P tot 40 μg l ?1 as average of ice-free period of 1997–2003) and in a strongly eutrophic Lake Võrtsjärv (N tot 1600, P tot 54 μg l ?1). The cladoceran community was found to reflect the differences in the trophic state of these lakes. In L. Peipsi, characteristic species of oligo-mesotrophic and eutrophic waters co-dominated (making up 20% or more of total zooplankton abundance or biomass), whereas in L. Võrtsjärv only species of eutrophic waters occurred. In L. Peipsi, the dominant cladocerans were Bosmina berolinensis and Daphnia galeata, while Chydorus sphaericus was the most abundant cladoceran in L. Võrtsjärv. The cladocerans of L. Peipsi (mean individual wet weight 25 μg) were significantly (threefold) larger than those of L. Võrtsjärv (8 μg). The mean wet biomass of cladocerans was higher and total cladoceran abundance was lower in L. Peipsi compared to L. Võrtsjärv (biomass varied from 0.133 to 1.570 g m ?3; mean value 0.800 g m ?3 in L. Peipsi and from 0.201 to 0.706 g m ?3, mean 0.400 g m ?3 in L. Võrtsjärv; the corresponding data for abundances were: 8,000–43,000 ind. m ?3, mean 30,000 ind. m ?3 for L. Peipsi, 50,000–100,000, mean 52,000 ind. m ?3 for L. Võrtsjärv). Based upon differences in body size, cladocerans were more effective transporters of energy in L. Peipsi than in L. Võrtsjärv. Cladocerans proved to be informative indicators of the trophic status and of the efficiency of the food web in studied lakes. 相似文献
Carbon stable isotope analysis was carried out on zooplankton from 24 United Kingdom lakes to examine the hypothesis that
zooplankton dependence on allochthonous sources of organic carbon declines with increasing lake trophy. Stable isotope analysis
was also carried out on particulate and dissolved organic matter (POM and DOM) and, in 11 of the lakes, of phytoplankton isolates.
In 21 of the 24 lakes, the zooplankton were depleted in 13C relative to bulk POM, consistent with previous reports. δ 13C for POM showed relatively little variation between lakes compared to high variation in values for DOM and phytoplankton.
δ 13C values for phytoplankton and POM converged with increasing lake trophy, consistent with the expected greater contribution
of autochthonous production to the total organic matter pool in eutrophic lakes. The difference between δ 13C for zooplankton and that for POM was also greatest in oligotrophic lakes and reduced in mesotrophic lakes, in accordance
with the hypothesis that increasing lake trophic state leads to greater dependence of zooplankton on phytoplankton production.
However, the difference increased again in hypertrophic lakes, where higher δ 13C values for POM may have been due to greater inputs of 13C-enriched organic matter from the littoral zone. The very wide variation in phytoplankton δ 13C between lakes of all trophic categories made it difficult to detect robust patterns in the variation in δ 13C for zooplankton.
Received: 2 November 1998 / Accepted: 3 December 1999 相似文献
Global warming may intensify eutrophication of shallow lakes by affecting nutrient loading, evaporation rates, and water level and thus produce major changes in food webs. We investigated to what degree food webs in tropical humid lakes differed from those in more eutrophic semi-arid lakes of the same latitude. Our results indicate that the catchment area-to-lake area ratio, nutrients, chlorophyll a, suspended solids, abundances of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and omnivorous fish as well as total fish catch per unit effort were all higher in the semi-arid lakes, whereas inlet water-to-evaporation ratio (proxy for water balance), water transparency, percentage macrophytes cover, and the piscivores:omnivores ratio were higher in the humid lakes. Our results suggest that reduced inlet water-to-evaporation ratio will increase lake eutrophication, which, in turn, as in temperate regions, will alter trophic structure of the freshwater community. 相似文献
1. We used first‐order kinetic parameters of biological oxygen demand (BOD), the constant of aerobic decomposition ( k) and the asymptotic value of BOD (BOD ult), to characterise the lability of organic carbon pools in six lakes of different trophic state: L. Naroch, L. Miastro and L. Batorino (Belarus), L. Kinneret (Israel), L. Ladoga (Russia) and L. Mendota (U.S.A.). The relative contributions of labile and refractory organic carbon fractions to the pool of total organic carbon (TOC) in these lakes were quantified. We also determined the amounts of labile organic carbon within the dissolved and particulate TOC pools in the three Belarus lakes. 2. Mean annual chlorophyll concentrations (used as a proxy for lake trophic state) ranged from 2.3 to 50.6 μg L −1, labile organic carbon (OC L = 0.3BOD ult) from 0.75 to 2.95 mg C L −1 and k from 0.044 to 0.14 day −1. 3. Our data showed that there were greater concentrations of OC L but lower k values in more productive lakes. 4. In all cases, the DOC fraction dominated the TOC pool. OC L was a minor component of the TOC pool averaging about 20%, irrespective of lake trophic state. 5. In all the lakes, most ( c. 85%) of the DOC pool was refractory, corresponding with published data based on measurements of bacterial production and DOC depletion. In contrast, a larger fraction (27–55%) of the particulate organic carbon (POC) pool was labile. The relative amount of POC in the TOC pool tended to increase with increasing lake productivity. 6. Long‐term BOD incubations can be valuable in quantifying the rates of breakdown of the combined particulate and dissolved organic carbon pools and in characterising the relative proportions of the labile and recalcitrant fractions of these pools. If verified from a larger number of lakes our results could have important general implications. 相似文献
To explore whether trophic status is involved in identifying the denitrifier communities in shallow freshwater lakes, comparative studies regarding the variation of nirS-denitrifier communities were performed in water columns of six shallow freshwater lakes, ranging from mesotrophic to hypereutrophic status, in Jiangsu province of China. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and cloning, followed by sequence analysis of selected samples were performed to examine the nirS-denitrifier communities. Results showed that a same predominant nirS unique operational taxonomic unit (OTU) appeared in mesotrophic, light eutrophic and middle eutrophic lakes, while a different nirS OTU appeared in the hypereutrophic lake. The nirS dendrogram could be divided into four clusters, and suggested a habitat-specific observation. The nirS libraries from lakes having mesotrophic and light eutrophic statuses grouped together, while those from lakes having middle eutrophic and hypereutrophic statuses diverged. The hypereutrophic lake had the lowest richness and evenness of nirS. Thus, the observed variation of nirS distribution and diversity was mainly affected by the trophic status, via some environmental factors such as pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrite, nitrate and chlorophyll- a concentrations. 相似文献
The total nitrogen mass balance was studied over a two-year period in two reservoirs located in south-eastern Poland. Theobserved nitrogen retention (N ret) inthe reservoirs ranged from 0.18 to 2.12g m -2d -1 (mean 0.83g m -2d -1) in case of theRzeszów Reservoir and from -0.02 to0.41 g m -2d -1 (mean 0.13g m -2d -1) in case of the SolinaReservoir, while the percentage retention(N ret) ranged from 7 to 42% (mean22%) and -15 to 73% (mean 35%),respectively. A good relationship betweenN ret and nitrogen loads was observedfor the Solina Reservoir. The data obtainedby the author and collected from theresearches of 6 other reservoirs located insouthern Poland were used to develop anempirical model suitable to predict thenitrogen seasonal dynamics in a reservoir.The model allows for the determination ofboth the annual mean N ret value andits seasonal variation in a reservoir. 相似文献
From each of 46 watersheds in glaciated northwestern Pennsylvania we estimated phosphorus export (kg P/ha/yr) from weekly or twice-weekly measured stream phosphorus concentrations and measured stream discharges, and determined land covers using GIS. Simple and step-down multiple regression analyses yielded models that explained 24% of the variation in P export using land cover within whole watersheds, and 64% of the variation using land cover within 200 m riparian buffers. We used these models to predict P loading to seven lakes and found that predicted lake [P] was consistent with measured lake [P]. To estimate pre-settlement lake [P] we reapplied the P export models with the assumption that human-impacted land covers were originally forests. Predicted (hindcast) pre-settlement lake [P] indicated that six of the seven lakes were edaphically mesotrophic (10 < [P] < 20 μg/l). Lake remediation targets set on the assumption that area lakes were historically oligotrophic ([P] < 10 μg/l) will be unattainable. 相似文献
The structure of planktic trophic chains was studied in eight lakes of European Russia and five lakes in Central Asia. The lakes differed in the level of productivity, morphometric parameters, and the type of agitation and mineralization. It is found that the microbial loop of picophototrophic organisms, bacteria, heterotrophic flagellates, infusoria, and viruses constitutes 12.3-64.7% of the total plankton biomass. Positive correlation between the biomass of microbial community and the primary production of phytoplankton is observed, whereas no relation is revealed between the share of microorganisms in the plankton biomass and the trophic status of the water body. The presence of a great number of cladocerans decreased the role of the microbial loop in the structural organization of the planktic community. Heterotrophic flagellates consuming 3-81% of daily bacterial production were the principal cause of bacteria elimination only in some of the studied water bodies. 相似文献
Hydrobiologia - Lakes of western Victoria are typically shallow (2–3 m), slightly saline (3–8 ppt) and eutrophic (total phosphorus 0.1–5 mg l?1 and total nitrogen... 相似文献
Spring and summer vertical distributions of attached algae were studied on artificial substrates (glass cover slips) in shallow
fishponds of different trophic status. Differences were found in colonization process between two fishponds, two seasons and
between two sites at each fishpond (central part, fishpond shore). Oligotrophic fishpond U třech krátkych can be characterized
by better light conditions and lower temperatures. While equal vertical distribution of periphytic algae was observed at oligotrophic
site, their relative cover decreased continuously in spring and strongly in summer with the increasing depth at eutrophic
site. Oligotrophic fishpond can be characterized by very slow colonization rate and increasing abundance of Chrysophyceae.
On the other hand Cyanobacteria were more frequent in eutrophic fishpond where periphyton displayed high colonization rate.
Diatom species richness was the highest at oligotrophic site during spring experiments. The sites near the fishpond shore
compared to sites in the central part of the fishpond can be characterized by higher rate of colonization, higher periphyton
relative cover, lower proportion of Chrysophyceae and higher proportions of diatoms and cyanophytes indicating probably higher
trophic level. 相似文献
Shallow lakes have been affected by a variety of human activities profoundly altering their ecological structure and function. Cladocerans have been used to track change resulting from a variety of drivers at a number of time scales. Aquatic macrophytes are well recognised as reflecting the ecological condition of a lake. Here, we compare the plant macrofossils with the sub-fossil cladoceran assemblages from 20 dated sediment cores. Co-correspondence analysis was used to determine the degree of commonality of change in community composition of the two biological groups through time. This analysis revealed very high levels of agreement in the nature and timing of change at all the sites examined with very high correlation coefficients between the axis 1 scores for macrofossils and cladocerans. Furthermore, at all sites a high proportion of the variance (min 20%, max 54%) in the macrofossil data was explained by the change in the cladoceran assemblage. Sub-fossil macrofossil and cladoceran assemblages, from at least from 1700 AD onwards, were examined in more detail at three sites: Ormesby Great Broad, Felbrigg Lake and Lake Søbygaard. There was very good accord in the main shifts of the cladoceran and macrofossil assemblages at all three sites. This may reflect the long-term shift in the principal focus of primary production from the benthic to the pelagic habitat. We suggest that the combination of their central position in the food-web and the presence of both pelagic and benthic taxa make cladocerans a strong candidate as the single best indicator of (palaeo) ecological condition related to changing trophic status and alteration in food-web structure in shallow lakes. 相似文献
A five-year zooplankton study (1982–86) on three shallow and highly eutrophic lakes in the Loosdrecht area (The Netherlands) did not reveal any significant changes following the considerable reduction in external P-loading (from about 1.0 g to 0.3 g P m –2 year –1) since mid-1984.The recent annual fluctuations in the rotifer and crustacean densities are within the range of those found before the restoration measure became operative. A decrease in the average size of the crustaceans and an absence of large-bodied forms reflects an increased fish predation rather than a change in the quality or quantity of their sestonic food ( < 150 µm) which continues to be dominated by filamentous cyanobacteria and Prochlorothrix hollandica, a prochlorophyte discovered in these lakes recently. 相似文献
The turbidity of lakes is generally considered to be a smooth function of their nutrient status. However, recent results suggest that over a range of nutrient concentrations, shallow lakes can have two alternative equilibria: a clear state dominated by aquatic vegetation, and a turbid state characterized by high algal biomass. This bi-stability has important implications for the possibilities of restoring eutrophied shallow lakes. Nutrient reduction alone may have little impact on water clarity, but an ecosystem disturbance like foodweb manipulation can bring the lake back to a stable clear state. We discuss the reasons why alternative equilibria are theoretically expected in shallow lakes, review evidence from the field and evaluate recent applications of this insight in lake management. 相似文献
Ecology of Shallow Lakes by Marten Scheffer Chapman and Hall (Population and Community Biology Series 22), 1998. £45.00/$79.65 hbk (xx+357 pages) ISBN 0 412 74920 3. 相似文献
1. We studied driving forces shaping phytoplankton assemblages in two subtropical plateau lakes with contrasting trophic status, the oligotrophic deep Lake Fuxian and the eutrophic shallow Lake Xingyun. 2. Phytoplankton samples were taken monthly for a year and phytoplankton species were sorted into the main taxonomic groups and associations proposed by Reynolds. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to test the occurrence of these classification schemes and to determine their discriminatory power. 3. The results suggest that the major driving forces in Lake Fuxian were physical variables, and particularly the underwater light climate, whereas, nutrients were the important driving force in Lake Xingyun. 4. Top–down control through zooplankton grazing in Lake Fuxian was hardly ever a significant determinant itself, because of the scarcity of zooplankton and their low grazing efficiency of predation while a dominance of inedible cyanobacteria throughout the year rendered top–down controls ineffective failing in Lake Xingyun. Hence phytoplankton communities in both lakes appear to be regulated primarily by bottom–up controls. 相似文献
High frequency (200kHz) echosounding was used to determine vertical structuring and seasonal changes in the depth distributions of limnetic fish in three New Zealand lakes. Juvenile (f.l. 30–50 mm) and large-sized (f.l. 50–80 mm) smelt Retropinna retropinna were segregated into discrete layers by depth in all three lakes throughout the year. Larval and post-larval bullies Gobiomorphus cotidianus (f.l. 8–20 mm) formed a further layer between the layers of small and iarge-sized smelt. Although the depths of the large-sized smelt and bully layers changed on a seasonal basis, vertical segregation between the three layers of fish persisted throughout the year, even when the lakes were homothermal. Seasonal movements of fish were disrupted by the autumnal deoxygenation of the hypolimnion in Lake Rotoiti. The schools of large-sized smelt were forced to ascend towards the layer of bullies, but segregation between these smelt and the bullies was maintained as the smelt occupied a much reduced depth range above the hypolimnion, and just below the bullies. The winter descent of bullies, which precedes their transition to a benthic existence failed to occur in Lake Rotoiti, even though the lake was fully mixed at this time. 相似文献