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Mouse peritoneal macrophages were activated to become cytotoxic against B16-BL6 melanoma cells by the combination of subthreshold amounts of murine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma; 0.1 to 10 U/ml) and N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine (MDP; 0.001 to 10 micrograms/ml), but not by the combination of pH 2-treated IFN-gamma and MDP, heat-treated IFN-gamma and MDP, or IFN-gamma and the inactive stereoisomer of MDP, N-acetyl-muramyl-D-alanyl-D-isoglutamine (MDP-D). The encapsulation of intact IFN-gamma and MDP within the same liposome preparation was synergistic for macrophage activation. In contrast, the presentation of identical concentrations of IFN-gamma and MDP in separate liposome preparations did not activate macrophages. These data allow us to conclude that the encapsulation of genetically engineered IFN-gamma and synthetically produced MDP within the same liposome is highly efficient in producing synergistic activation of tumoricidal properties in mouse macrophages.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the ability of free or liposome-incorporated synthetic chemotactic peptide N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) to generate tumoricidal properties in mouse macrophages. As FMLP contains three hydrophobic amino acid residues, it can readily be incorporated into multilamellar vesicles (MLV) consisting of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylserine (PS). The incorporation of FMLP into MLV with a PC:PS ratio of 7:3 mol at FMLP concentrations of up to 10–4 M did not affect the phagocytosis of liposomes by mouse peritoneal macrophages. Studies with radioactive FMLP revealed that higher levels of FMLP can be delivered to macrophages by liposomes than in the free, nonencapsulated form. Treatment of mouse macrophages with liposome-encapsulated FMLP, but not with free FMLP, generated tumoricidal properties in the macrophages. The mechanism appears to involve an intracellular site since 100-fold concentrations of free FMLP or free N-acetyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, the FMLP agonist, failed to competitively inhibit the macrophage's tumoricidal properties generated by liposome-encapsulated FMLP.  相似文献   

Summary Human recombinant gamma interferon (INF-) activated human peripheral blood monocytes to a cytotoxic state capable of lysing adherent tumorigenic cells without harming normal cells. The efficiency of INF- activation of monocytes is enhanced by encapsulating INF- within liposomes: The minimum effective dose (MED) of free INF- for monocyte activation was found to be 1–10 U/ml, per 105 monocytes, whereas the minimum dose for INF- encapsulated in liposomes was less than 0.0025 U. Monocytes treated with liposome-encapsulated INF- retained their cytotoxic phenotype for much longer than do monocytes treated with free INF-. Since liposomes can be passively targeted to cells of the reticuloendothelial system following IV administration, these findings suggest that liposome-encapsulated INF- may have therapeutic potential that should be evaluated in vivo.  相似文献   

Conventional and specific pathogen-free rat resident peritoneal macrophages were lytic to tumor cells in the presence of endotoxins even when not elicited or not stimulated in vivo or in vitro. In contrast, conventional mouse resident peritoneal macrophages were not cytolytic in the presence of endotoxins. The induction by endotoxins of rat macrophage-mediated cytolysis was only obtained after the binding of tumor cells by macrophages. Rat resident peritoneal macrophages bound faster and stronger to tumor cells than mouse resident peritoneal macrophages. These differences in binding could explain the species differences in the tumoricidal response to endotoxins.  相似文献   

In vivo administration of recombinant interferon-gamma (rIFN-gamma) was previously shown to result in activation of the microbicidal activities of peritoneal macrophages (PM phi). Because macrophages at different anatomical sites vary in their functional capacities, we considered it of interest to determine whether administration of murine rIFN-gamma, either in vitro or in vivo, can enhance the microbicidal activity of resident alveolar macrophages (AM phi) and to compare the effects of rIFN-gamma on AM phi and PM phi. After incubation in vitro with rIFN-gamma, the antimicrobial activities of both murine AM phi and PM phi were enhanced, as assessed by their ability to inhibit replication of the intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. This effect was dose dependent for AM phi over a range of 0.1 to 1 U/ml and for PM phi over a range of 0.5 to 1000 U/ml. In this assay, the minimum dosage required for in vitro activation of AM phi was one-half that required for activation of PM phi, suggesting a greater sensitivity of AM phi to the in vitro activity of rIFN-gamma. Macrophages from both anatomical sites were also activated when rIFN-gamma was administered in vivo. This effect was dose dependent over a range of 10(3) to 10(5) U/mouse. Freshly harvested AM phi and PM phi from mice injected 24 hr earlier with 10(4) U rIFN-gamma by either the i.v. or i.p. routes markedly inhibited intracellular multiplication of Toxoplasma. In contrast, AM phi and PM phi from control mice permitted fourfold to ninefold increases in numbers of intracellular Toxoplasma. The anti-toxoplasma activity of AM phi and PM phi gradually diminished over a period of 3 days when assayed at successive 24 hr periods after a single i.v. injection of rIFN-gamma. At 3 days after injection, a substantial loss of anti-toxoplasma activity was observed with PM phi as compared with controls; residual anti-toxoplasma activity was still demonstrable in AM phi at 3 days. These results demonstrate that in vitro as well as in vivo treatment with rIFN-gamma confers on AM phi an enhanced antimicrobial activity. These findings provide a rationale for evaluating rIFN-gamma in the treatment of pulmonary infections, especially those due to opportunistic pathogens against which AM phi play a major role in host defense.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the activation to the tumoricidal state of normal mouse peritoneal exudate macrophages, bone marrow macrophages, and human blood monocytes by liposomes containing either lipophilic muramyl tripeptide (CGP 19 835) or a new synthetic analogue of lipoprotein from gram-negative bacteria outer wall, CGP 31 362, or combinations of the two. The superiority of liposomes containing the synthetic lipopeptide over liposomes containing lipophilic muramyl tripeptide for in vitro activation of monocytes and macrophages was demonstrated in several experiments. First, liposome-CGP-19 835 activated monocytes only in the presence of interferon-, whereas activation with liposome-CGP 31 362 was interferon-independent. Second, activation of both mouse macrophages and human blood monocytes by liposome-CGP 31 362 occurred at a lower liposomal concentration than that by liposome-CGP 19 835. Third, monocytes incubated with liposome-CGP 31 362 released both tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-1 activities, whereas monocytes treated with liposome-CGP 19 835 (in the absence of interferon-) released only TNF activity. These data suggest that liposomes containing the synthetic lipopeptide CGP 31 362 are superior to liposomes containing CGP 19 835 for systemic activation of macrophages.  相似文献   

Summary Alveolar macrophages (AM) lavaged from lungs of normal F344 rats were rendered tumoricidal following their direct interaction with squalene-treated Nocardia rubra cell wall skeleton (N-CWS) present in the culture medium. Maximum tumoricidal activity was obtained by incubating AM with 1 g N-CWS/ml for a 24-h period. These AM were cytolytic to syngeneic, allogeneic, and xenogeneic tumorigenic cells. Tumoricidal activity following interaction with N-CWS decreased gradually and was lost completely by 96 h. A second in vitro exposure to N-CWS reactivated AM to their full tumoricidal potential. The present studies suggest that N-CWS can directly activate AM to render them tumoricidal.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of two recombinant human cytokines, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rHu-GM-CSF) and interferon-gamma (rHu-IFN-gamma) to activate antibacterial mechanisms in human pulmonary macrophages (PM) and peripheral blood monocytes (PBM). Growth of Legionella pneumophila (LP) was assessed in PM or PBM which had been exposed to either rHu-IFN-gamma (500-1000 u/ml) or rHu-GM-CSF (1 to 10,000 u/ml). In both PM and PBM exposed to 500 u/ml rHu-IFN-gamma, growth of LP was reduced compared to cells exposed to media alone. By comparison, exposure of these cell types to rHu-GM-CSF had no detectable effect on bacterial replication. In order to investigate potential mechanisms accounting for this observation, the effect of these cytokines on the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-releasing capacity of cells was studied. Exposure of PM and PBM to rHu-IFN-gamma (500 to 1000 u/ml) resulted in increased production of H2O2 triggered by phorbol myristate acetate; when subjected to the same experimental conditions, rHu-GM-CSF-exposed cells exhibited no increase in H2O2 production. To further clarify the role of rHu-IFN-gamma-induced augmentation of oxidative metabolism on cellular inhibition of bacterial growth, an amount of catalase capable of completely neutralizing extracellular H2O2 was added to cells before and during infection. This did not abrogate the antibacterial activity of rHu-IFN-gamma. These studies demonstrate that rHu-IFN-gamma but not rHu-GM-CSF is capable of augmenting the capacity of PM and PBM to restrict LP growth. These data suggest that the antibacterial activity of rHu-IFN-gamma in this system may involve oxidative as well as nonoxidative mechanisms.  相似文献   

The purpose of these studies was to determine whether the oral administration of a lipophilic analog of muramyl dipeptide, MTP-PE, can produce in situ activation of tumoricidal properties in mouse macrophages. MTP-PE was dissolved in a phosphate-buffered saline to produce micelles. Single or multiple oral administrations of MTP-PE produced tumoricidal activation in both lung and peritoneal macrophages. This was in direct contrast to the i.v. or i.p. administrations of MTP-PE incorporated in liposomes, which produced activation in only lung or only peritoneal macrophages, respectively. The distribution and fate of [3H]-labeled MTP-PE subsequent to oral administration revealed that MTP-PE was found in various organs independent of reticuloendothelial activity. Finally, the repeated twice-weekly oral administrations of MTP-PE inhibited lung and lymph node metastasis in C57BL/6 mice by syngeneic B16 melanoma cells. The oral administration of MTP-PE, however, was not effective in eradicating well-established melanoma metastases. We conclude that the oral administration of a lipophilic muramyl dipeptide produces systemic activation of macrophages. The feasibility of enhancing host defense against infections and cancer by the oral administration of an immunomodulator has obvious clinical advantages.  相似文献   

Enhancement of human monocyte tumoricidal activity by recombinant M-CSF   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Activated monocytes are an important component of immunologic defense against neoplastic disease. A variety of agents capable of inducing tumoricidal activity have been described, including bacterial LPS, IFN-gamma, IL-1, IL-2, TNF, and GM-CSF. We now show that pretreatment of monocytes with recombinant human macrophage-specific colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) augments the tumoricidal activity of human peripheral blood monocytes induced by other activating agents. Monocytes were preincubated for three days with M-CSF at 10(3) U/ml, washed, and treated for an additional two days with secondary activators. Tumoricidal activity was measured in a 6-h 51Cr-release assay using NK-resistant WEHI 164 cells that had been treated with actinomycin D. Pretreatment of monocytes with M-CSF significantly increased tumoricidal activity induced by LPS, IFN gamma, LPS plus IFN gamma, and LPS plus PMA. Pretreatment with IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, or GM-CSF was not as effective as M-CSF in increasing tumoricidal activity. Enhanced tumoricidal activity was directly correlated to the increased TNF production resulting from M-CSF pretreatment. TNF antiserum completely blocked tumoricidal activity, demonstrating that TNF was responsible for the M-CSF-mediated increase in tumor cell lysis. M-CSF pretreatment also enhanced non-TNF mediated tumoricidal activity by monocytes, as seen by increased killing of the TNF-resistant target P815. This study demonstrated that in addition to the role of M-CSF in the proliferation and differentiation of monocyte/macrophage precursors, M-CSF also augments an effector function of mature blood monocytes.  相似文献   

The ability of cells recovered from lung lavages to phagocytose liposomes has been investigated.Inulin (14C-labelled), entrapped in multilamellar immunoglobulin-G coated liposomes with 3H-labelled cholesterol as the lipid phase marker, was fed to the recovered cells. Fifteen patients with diffuse interstitial pulmonary disease (DIPD), prior to steroid treatment, and eight normal controls were lavaged for the study. Uptake was found for both groups and it was concluded that the liposomes enter the cells predominantly via endocytosis. Follow-up lavage, three months after the initial lavage, was repeated on three patients receiving 60 mg prednisone per day. A decrease in the uptake of liposomes was observed after steroid treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Liposomes composed of chemically synthesized glyceroglycolipids, such as 1,2-dipalmityl-[-cellobiosyl-(1 3)]-glycerol (Cel-DAG), 1,2-dipalmityl-[-lactosyl-(1 3)]-glycerol, or 1,2-dipalmityl-[-maltosyl-(1 3)]-glycerol, were found to enhance protective immunity against transplantable tumor cells (sarcoma 180) in ICR mice. Peritoneal exudate cells prepared from mice treated in vivo with Cel-DAG showed cytostatic activity in vitro against the mouse leukemia cell line, EL-4. Adherent cells separated from this preparation showed similar activity. Peritoneal cells from polypeptone-injected mice acquired appreciable cytostatic activity when incubated in vitro in the presence of glyceroglycolipid liposomes. The adherent cell fraction alone showed rather weak cytostatic activity when pretreated with the glyceroglycolipids, and full activity was restored by supplementing with the nonadherent cell fraction. The ability of glycolipids to induce tumoricidal effects was affected by cholesterol content: with increasing cholesterol content, the activities decreased. Cholesterol-free glycolipid liposomes were taken more efficiently by macrophages than cholesterol-containing liposomes. Cholersterol modifies the surface property of glyceroglycolipid liposomes. Activation of macrophages is responsible for enhancement of protective immunity against tumor cells by injection of these glycolipids in vivo.This work was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid (Nos. 58010010, and 59870076) for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the mechanism by which muramyl dipeptide (MDP) activates antitumor cytotoxic properties in normal and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-primed human peripheral blood monocytes. The structurally and functionally active MDP analog, nor-muramyl dipeptide (nor-MDP), and [3H]nor-MDP were used as reference glycopeptides. Direct activation of normal, noncytotoxic monocytes by nor-MDP was enhanced by its encapsulation within multilamellar vesicles (MLV). Studies with [3H]nor-MDP revealed that the activation of monocytes by nor-MDP was not attributable to its interaction with a specific cell surface receptor, nor did it result merely from the internalization by monocytes of glycopeptide. Subthreshold concentrations of nor-MDP could activate tumor cytotoxic properties in IFN-gamma-primed monocytes. The intracellular interaction of [3H]nor-MDP with IFN-gamma-primed monocytes was specific in that intracellular levels of radiolabeled material could be displaced and recovered as intact molecules by unlabeled nor-MDP, but not by a biologically inactive MDP stereoisomer. Collectively, these results suggest that the activation of tumoricidal properties in human blood monocytes by MDP occurs subsequent to intracellular interaction with specific MDP receptors.  相似文献   

To determine the role of IFN-gamma in the activation of resident mouse peritoneal macrophages, crude macrophage-activating lymphokines were incubated with a monoclonal anti-murine IFN-gamma antibody. This treatment abolished the capacity of mitogen-induced lymphokines to enhance either H2O2 release or activity against the intracellular protozoa Toxoplasma gondii and Leishmania donovani. All macrophage-activating factor detected by these assays was also removed by passing the lymphokines over a Sepharose column to which the monoclonal anti-IFN-gamma antibody had been coupled. Therefore, pure murine rIFN-gamma was tested both in vitro and in vivo as a single activating agent. After 48 hr of pretreatment in vitro with 0.01 to 1 antiviral U/ml, macrophage H2O2-releasing capacity was enhanced an average of 6.4-fold; half-maximal stimulation was induced by 0.03 U/ml. Resident macrophages infected with T. gondii half-maximally inhibited parasite replication after 24 hr of preincubation with 0.14 U/ml of rIFN-gamma, and near complete inhibition was achieved by pretreatment with 100 U/ml. Half-maximal leishmanicidal activity was induced by 0.08 U/ml of rIFN-gamma, and 67 to 75% of intracellular L. donovani amastigotes were killed after macrophages were preincubated with 10 to 100 U/ml. Eighteen hours after parenteral injection of rIFN-gamma, peritoneal macrophages displayed a dose-dependent enhancement of H2O2-releasing capacity and antiprotozoal activity. Half-maximal enhancement required 85 to 250 U or rIFN-gamma given i.p. Peritoneal macrophages were also activated by rIFN-gamma injected i.v. and intramuscularly. These results suggest that, in the mouse model, IFN-gamma is likely to be a primary factor within mitogen-induced lymphokines responsible for activating macrophage oxidative metabolism and antiprotozoal activity, and indicate that rIFN-gamma is a potent activator of these effector functions both in vitro and in vivo. These findings provide a rationale for evaluating rIFN-gamma in the treatment of systemic intracellular infections, and indicate that murine models are appropriate for such studies.  相似文献   

Murine alveolar and peritoneal macrophages harvested after injection of lymphokines encapsulated within multilamellar phospholipid vesicles (liposomes) were tumoricidal in vitro. The state and degree of activation depended on the route of liposome administration. Activation of peritoneal macrophages was achieved by intraperitoneal injection of liposomes and alveolar macrophages were activated by injecting liposomes intravenously but not intraperitoneally. The in vivo rendering of macrophages with tumoricidal properties might be useful toward destruction of tumor cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Macrophages treated with lymphokine (LK)-rich culture fluids from antigen- or mitogen-stimulated spleen cells or the hybridoma T cell 24/G1, or murine recombinant interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) from either transfected monkey kidney cells (cos rIFN-gamma) or bacterial (E. coli) DNA (rIFN-gamma) developed the capacity to kill intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania major. Removal of IFN activity from LK by neutralizing fluid phase monoclonal anti-rIFN-gamma antibody, or by solid phase immunoadsorption, left residual macrophage activation factors that induced approximately 50% of the macrophage anti-leishmanial activity of untreated LK. In contrast, rIFN-gamma subjected to the same antibody treatments lost all capacity to induce this macrophage effector function. These results suggest that the intracellular destruction of amastigotes is regulated by several different factors. One of these factors is clearly IFN-gamma, which is pleiotropic in its effects on macrophage functions. The other non-IFN LK factors are immunochemically unrelated to IFN-gamma, and may regulate macrophage microbicidal activities in a more selective manner.  相似文献   

Sites of phosphorylation in recombinant human interferon-gamma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recombinant human interferon-gamma was phosphorylated with ATP and c-AMP-dependent protein kinase. After phosphorylation, interferon-gamma was separated from the adenosine phosphates and the kinase and analyzed by SDS-PAGE, reverse phase HPLC, and HPLC peptide mapping. Comparison of the S. aureus V8 protease maps of intact and phosphorylated interferon-gamma showed that the maps were identical except that one peptide fragment elutes earlier in the map of the phosphorylated sample. This peptide was identified as the C-terminal fragment containing two serinyl phosphorylation sites at positions 132 and 142. This phosphorylated interferon-gamma exhibited a slightly higher specific antiviral activity than the intact protein.  相似文献   

Treatment of mouse peritoneal macrophages with IFN-gamma augmented the intracellular content of S-adenosylmethionine, as measured by quantitative high-performance liquid chromatography. Accumulation of S-adenosylhomocysteine, a competitive product of S-adenosylmethionine, was not detectable, either by direct measurement of absorbance or by radioisotopic techniques in IFN-gamma-treated macrophages. However, accumulation of S-adenosylhomocysteine was observed after treatment of macrophages with known inhibitors of S-adenosylhomocysteine catabolism. No inhibition of phospholipid methylation was observed upon IFN-gamma treatment, indicating that no reduction of the S-adenosylmethionine to S-adenosylhomocysteine ratio is induced by IFN-gamma in murine macrophages. The increased content of S-adenosylmethionine was associated with the acquisition of tumoricidal activity by macrophages upon IFN-gamma treatment. LPS also augmented the cellular content of S-adenosylmethionine and activated macrophages to become cytotoxic, suggesting a common mechanism of action for IFN-gamma and LPS in macrophage activation. Treatment of macrophages with cycloleucine, an agent that induces depletion of cellular S-adenosylmethionine, made the macrophages refractory to induction of cytolytic activity by IFN-gamma, suggesting a critical role for S-adenosylmethionine in macrophage activation.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C in tumoricidal activation of mouse macrophage cell lines   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A potential role of protein kinase C (PKC) in lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) induced tumoricidal activation of macrophages was investigated by using two mouse macrophage cell lines (P388D1 and J774). J774 cells are stimulated by LPS to kill target P815 mastocytoma cells, whereas P388D1 cells fail to develop such an ability. Pretreatment of J774 cells with H-7 or phorbol myristate acetate resulted in a significant inhibition of LPS-induced cytotoxicity, whereas pretreatment with H-8, ML-7, HA1004, or W-7 did not. Since these results suggested a critical role of PKC in the activation process, the properties of PKC in the two cell lines were compared. Western blotting with rabbit antiserum specific for the PKC beta regulatory domain allowed detection of a protein of 79 kilodaltons (kDa) in the detergent lysates of both cell lines that were not stimulated by LPS. However, LPS treatment resulted in the appearance of a second protein of 40 kDa only in J774 cells and not in P388D1 cells. Furthermore, two forms of protein kinase (one basic and the other acidic) were identified in the cytosol of J774 cells by HPLC on DEAE-5PW, whereas only the basic form was found in P388D1 cells. On the basis of the response of the basic and acidic form protein kinases to phosphatidylserine (PS), diolein, and Ca2+, the basic form was found to contain both regulatory and catalytic domains of PKC, whereas the acidic form was suggested to represent the PKC catalytic domain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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