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Stream bacteria play an important role in the utilization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached from leaves, and in transfer of this DOM to other trophic levels. Leaf leachate is a mixture of labile, recalcitrant, and inhibitory compounds, and bacterial communities vary in their ability to utilize leachate. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of DOM from sugar maple leaves on bacterial populations in biofilms on decomposing leaf surfaces. Populations of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Burkholderia cepacia, and Pseudomonas putida were enumerated on decomposing maple leaves in a northeast Ohio stream using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Additionally, artificial substrata consisting of PVC-end caps filled with agar supplemented with leaf leachate and covered with cellulose filters were used to determine bacterial response to leachate from leaves at different stages of decomposition. Population sizes of bacterial species exhibited different responses. Leachate did not affect A. calcoaceticus. B. cepacia was tolerant of phenolic compounds released from leaves and the population size increased when DOM concentrations were greatest. In contrast, P. putida was inhibited by phenolic components of leachate when total DOM concentrations were greatest. Differences in response of the bacterial species to components of leaf leachate indicate the complexity of microbial population dynamics and interactions with DOM. Differences among species in response to DOM have the potential to influence transport and retention of organic matter in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) and inorganic nutrients may affect microbial communities in streams, but little is known about the impact of these factors on specific taxa within bacterial assemblages in biofilms. In this study, nutrient diffusing artificial substrates were used to examine bacterial responses to DOM (i.e., glucose, leaf leachate, and algal exudates) and inorganic nutrients (nitrate and phosphate singly and in combination). Artificial substrates were deployed for five seasons, from summer 2002 to summer 2003, in a northeastern Ohio stream. Differences were observed in the responses of bacterial taxa examined to various DOM and inorganic nutrient treatments, and the response patterns varied seasonally, indicating that resources that limit the bacterial communities change over time. Overall, the greatest responses were to labile, low-molecular-weight DOM (i.e., glucose) at times when chlorophyll a concentrations were low due to scouring during significant storm events. Different types of DOM and inorganic nutrients induced various responses among bacterial taxa in the biofilms examined, and these responses would not have been apparent if they were examined at the community level or if seasonal changes were not taken into account.  相似文献   

Photochemical transformation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been studied for more than two decades. Usually, laboratory or “in-situ” experiments are used to determine photodegradation variables. A common problem with these experiments is that the photodegradation experiments are done at higher than ambient temperature. Five laboratory experiments were done to determine the effect of temperature on photochemical degradation of DOM. Experimental results showed strong dependence of photodegradation on temperature. Mathematical modeling of processes revealed that two different pathways engaged in photochemical transformation of DOM to dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) strongly depend on temperature. Direct oxidation of DOM to DIC dominated at low temperatures while conversion of DOM to intermediate particulate organic carbon (POC) prior to oxidation to DIC dominated at high temperatures. It is necessary to consider this strong dependence when the results of laboratory experiments are interpreted in regard to natural processes. Photodegradation experiments done at higher than ambient temperature will necessitate correction of rate constants.  相似文献   

The response of a deep-water benthic microbial community to organic matter (OM) enrichment was studied in the unexplored region of the SW Cretan margin (E. Mediterranean). A food pulse of 0.5 g C m?2 was simulated by adding 13C-labelled diatoms to sediment cores retrieved from 1079 m depth. The diatom addition resulted in a significant increase in the sediment community oxygen consumption (SCOC). After 6 days, ~50 mg C m?2 of the added material was processed by the microbial community. The major carbon sink was respiration, which accounted for ~96% of the total processed material. The carbon uptake rate (12 mg C m?2 d?1) was considerably lower than previously published values in the E. Mediterranean at similar depths. The microbial community in our study site is distinct, as revealed by the unusually high presence of branched phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA). Previous studies have revealed that the slope under investigation may act as a conduit of OM from the shallow shelf to the deep basins, resulting in the prevalence of relatively refractory OM at mid-slope depths. We postulate that sedimentary processes affect the amount of bioavailable sedimentary OM and consequently the structure and physiological state of bacterial community in our study site. The distinct microbial community composition at our station compared to more stable adjacent slopes could explain the limited response of the microbial community to the addition of labile OM. Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Geomicrobiology Journal to view the free supplemental file.  相似文献   

Incubation experiments using filtered waters from Lake Kasumigaura were conducted to examine bacterial contribution to a dissolved organic carbon (DOC) pool. Bacterial abundance, bacterial production, concentrations of DOC, total dissolved amino acids (TDAA), and total dissolved neutral sugars (TDNS) were monitored during the experiments. Bacterial production during the first few days was very high (20 to 35 μg C liter−1 day−1), accounting for 40 to 70% of primary production. The total bacterial production accounted for 34 to 55% of the DOC loss during the experiment, indicating high bacterial activities in Lake Kasumigaura. The DOC degradation was only 12 to 15%, whereas the degradation of TDAA and TDNS ranged from 30 to 50%, suggesting the preferential usage of TDAA and TDNS. The contribution of bacterially derived carbon to a DOC pool in Lake Kasumigaura was estimated using d-amino acids as bacterial biomarkers and accounted for 30 to 50% of the lake DOC. These values were much higher than those estimated for the open ocean (20 to 30%). The ratio of bacterially derived carbon to bulk carbon increased slightly with time, suggesting that the bacterially derived carbon is more resistant to microbial degradation than bulk carbon. This is the first study to estimate the bacterial contribution to a DOC pool in freshwater environments. These results indicate that bacteria play even more important roles in carbon cycles in freshwater environments than in open oceans and also suggests that recent increases in recalcitrant DOC in various lakes could be attributed to bacterially derived carbon. The potential differences in bacterial contributions to dissolved organic matter (DOM) between freshwater and marine environments are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of phototransformation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on bacterial growth, production, respiration, growth efficiency, and diversity were investigated during summer in two lagoons and one oligotrophic coastal water samples from the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, differing widely in DOM and chromophoric DOM concentrations. Exposure of 0.2-μm filtered waters to full sun radiation for 1 d resulted in small changes in optical properties and concentrations of DOM, and no changes in nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate concentrations. After exposure to sunlight or dark (control) treatments, the water samples were inoculated with the original bacterial community. Phototransformation of DOM had contrasting effects on bacterial production and respiration, depending on the water’s origin, resulting in an increase of bacterial growth efficiency for the oligotrophic coastal water sample (120%) and a decrease for the lagoon waters (20 to 40%) relative to that observed in dark treatments. We also observed that bacterial growth on DOM irradiated by full sun resulted in changes in community structure of total and metabolically active bacterial cells for the three locations studied when compared to the bacteria growing on un-irradiated DOM, and that changes were mainly caused by phototransformation of DOM by UV radiation for the eutrophic lagoon and the oligotrophic coastal water and by photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) for the mesoeutrophic lagoon. These initial results indicate that phototransformation of DOM significantly alters both bacterial metabolism and community structure in surface water for a variety of coastal ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea. Further studies will be necessary to elucidate a more detailed appreciation of potential temporal and spatial variations of the effects measured.  相似文献   

Sunlight reacts with dissolved organic matter (DOM) modifying its availability as bacterial substrate. We assessed the impact of DOM photoproducts and mineral nutrient supply on bacterial growth in seven inland waters from the South of Spain, where DOM is characterized by low chromophoric content and long residence time. Factorial experiments were performed with presence vs absence of DOM photoproducts and mineral nutrient supply. In six of the seven experiments, we found a significant and negative effect of DOM photoproducts on bacterial growth and a significant and positive effect of mineral nutrient supply. The interaction of these two factors leaded to a compensation of negative effects of photoproducts by availability of mineral nutrients. Dissolved organic matter diagenetic status and the ionic environment where organic carbon is dissolved can be influencing bacterial DOM processing.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Deep-sea sediments contain less particulate organicmatter and lower biomass than shallow-water sediments, but thedissolved organic matter in pore water varies less with depthand may provide a significant food source for deep-sea benthos.Pogonophora are a phylum of predominantly deep-sea animals,all without an internal digestive system. Experiments show thatone or two species ought to be able to live by uptake of dissolvedorganic matter from pore water in deep-sea deposits: some otherspecies may need local enrichment of the habitat for such uptaketo be useful. Less is known about nutrition of other deep-seaanimals, but dissolved organic matter may supplement a conventionaldiet in several groups. Chemoautotrophy, using endosymbioticbacteria, may be important for the large vestimentiferan Pogonophorain the high-sulfide conditions of the hydrothermal vents.  相似文献   

Monthly (or bi-weekly) water samples were collected from the Yukon River, one of the largest rivers in North America, at a station near the US Geological Survey Stevens Village hydrological station, Alaska from May to September 2002, to examine the quantity and quality of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its seasonal variations. DOM was further size fractionated into high molecular weight (HMW or colloidal, 1 kDa–0.45 μm) and low molecular weight (LMW, <1 kDa) fractions. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), colored dissolved organic matter (C-DOM) and total dissolved carbohydrate (TCHO) species were measured in the size fractionated DOM samples. Concentrations of DOC were as high as 2830 μmol-C l−1 during the spring breakup in May and decreased significantly to 508–558 μmol-C l−1 during open-water season (June–September). Within the DOC pool, up to 85% was in the colloidal fraction (1 kDa–0.45 μm) in early May. As DOC concentration decreased, this colloidal portion remained high (70–85% of the bulk DOC) throughout the sampling season. Concentrations of TCHO, including monosaccharides (MCHO) and polysaccharides (PCHO), varied from 722 μmol-C l−1 in May to 129 μmol-C l−1 in September, which comprised a fairly constant portion of bulk DOC (24±2%). Within the TCHO pool, the MCHO/TCHO ratio consistently increased from May to September. The C-DOM/DOM ratio and the size fractionated DOM increased from May to September, indicating that DOM draining into the Yukon River contained increased amounts of humified materials, likely related to a greater soil leaching efficiency in summer. The average composition of DOM was 76% pedogenic humic matter and 24% aquagenic CHO. Characteristics of soil-derived humic substances and low chlorophyll-a concentrations support a dominance of terrestrial DOM in Yukon River waters.  相似文献   

A preliminary study of tintinnid diversity in the NW Mediterranean Sea   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Tintinnid diversity in surface waters was investigated in the Bay of Villefranche in March, before the formation of the seasonal thermocline, and in May, following water column stratification. Tintinnid abundance was much greater in March (500 cells l-1), corresponding to a bloom of Stensomella nivalis compared to May (30 cells l-1). Nonetheless, high numbers of species were encountered on both dates: 32 in March and 39 in May, respectively. Diversity was higher (H2.5) for the May date with low tintinnid concentrations. We examined taxonomic diversity and morphological diversity. Variance of lorica length was correlated with taxonomic diversity, in contrast to variance of lorica diameter, which was nearly invariant. We suggest that either species with similar lorica diameters exploit different prey items or competition for prey items is not the dominant factor in structuring tintinnid communities.   相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) influences the physical, chemical, and biological properties of aquatic ecosystems. We hypothesized that controls over spatial variation in DOM quantity and composition (measured with DOM optical properties) differ based on the source of DOM to aquatic ecosystems. DOM quantity and composition should be better predicted by land cover in aquatic habitats with allochthonous DOM and related more strongly to nutrients in aquatic habitats with autochthonous DOM. Three habitat types [rivers (R), rivermouths (RM), and the nearshore zone (L)] associated with 23 tributaries of the Laurentian Great Lakes were sampled to test this prediction. Evidence from optical indices suggests that DOM in these habitats generally ranged from allochthonous (R sites) to a mix of allochthonous-like and autochthonous-like (L sites). Contrary to expectations, DOM properties such as the fluorescence index, humification index, and spectral slope ratio were only weakly related to land cover or nutrient data (Bayesian R 2 values were indistinguishable from zero). Strongly supported models in all habitat types linked DOM quantity (that is, dissolved organic carbon concentration [DOC]) to both land cover and nutrients (Bayesian R 2 values ranging from 0.55 to 0.72). Strongly supported models predicting DOC changed with habitat type: The most important predictor in R sites was wetlands whereas the most important predictor at L sites was croplands. These results suggest that as the DOM pool becomes more autochthonous-like, croplands become a more important driver of spatial variation in DOC and wetlands become less important.  相似文献   

Although tropical wet forests play an important role in the global carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles, little is known about the origin, composition, and fate of dissolved organic C (DOC) and N (DON) in these ecosystems. We quantified and characterized fluxes of DOC, DON, and dissolved inorganic N (DIN) in throughfall, litter leachate, and soil solution of an old-growth tropical wet forest to assess their contribution to C stabilization (DOC) and to N export (DON and DIN) from this ecosystem. We found that the forest canopy was a major source of DOC (232 kg C ha–1 y–1). Dissolved organic C fluxes decreased with soil depth from 277 kg C ha–1 y–1 below the litter layer to around 50 kg C kg C ha–1 y–1 between 0.75 and 3.5m depth. Laboratory experiments to quantify biodegradable DOC and DON and to estimate the DOC sorption capacity of the soil, combined with chemical analyses of DOC, revealed that sorption was the dominant process controlling the observed DOC profiles in the soil. This sorption of DOC by the soil matrix has probably led to large soil organic C stores, especially below the rooting zone. Dissolved N fluxes in all strata were dominated by mineral N (mainly NO3). The dominance of NO3 relative to the total amount nitrate of N leaching from the soil shows that NO3 is dominant not only in forest ecosystems receiving large anthropogenic nitrogen inputs but also in this old-growth forest ecosystem, which is not N-limited.  相似文献   

The persistence of organic contaminants in plant-soil systems will be largely determined by the basic processes controlling bioavailability: desorption and biodegradation. Both processes can be affected by the presence of and variations in dissolved organic matter (DOM). To evaluate potential effects of DOM in surface soil remediation systems, the kinetics of naphthalene desorption from soil and mineralization in soil solution in the presence of DOM were studied in completely mixed batch reactors (CMBRs). Three different DOM solutions were studied. These were obtained from water extraction of two different soils (muck-highly organic and alfalfa field-agricultural) and a third prepared by reconstituting a fulvic acid reference standard purchased commercially. Neither the desorption rate nor equilibrium partitioning of naphthalene was affected by the presence of varying DOM solutions. The effect on mineralization was evaluated based on an evaluation of a first-order rate constant produced by nonlinear regression of data fitted to a 14CO2 production model. For the muck DOM solution, alfalfa DOM solution, and fulvic acid DOM solution, first-order rate constants were 0.0474, 0.0657, 0.0422 min?1, respectively. Using uncertainty analysis, these differences were found not to be significant at a 90% confidence level. Although not apparent in this data, the impact of DOM on the mechanisms of desorption and biodegradation in a plant -soil environment may be important for other contaminant/organism/soil combinations. With the increased interest in phytoremediation and land farming as means of treating organic contaminants, further investigation of such interactions may be warranted.  相似文献   

To investigate the seasonal and interannual dynamics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the Yangtze Estuary, surface and bottom water samples in the Yangtze Estuary and its adjacent sea were collected and characterized using fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (EEMs) and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) in both dry and wet seasons in 2012 and 2013. Two protein-like components and three humic-like components were identified. Three humic-like components decreased linearly with increasing salinity (r>0.90, p<0.001), suggesting their distribution could primarily be controlled by physical mixing. By contrast, two protein-like components fell below the theoretical mixing line, largely due to microbial degradation and removal during mixing. Higher concentrations of humic-like components found in 2012 could be attributed to higher freshwater discharge relative to 2013. There was a lack of systematic patterns for three humic-like components between seasons and years, probably due to variations of other factors such as sources and characteristics. Highest concentrations of fluorescent components, observed in estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) region, could be attributed to sediment resuspension and subsequent release of DOM, supported by higher concentrations of fluorescent components in bottom water than in surface water at two stations where sediments probably resuspended. Meanwhile, photobleaching could be reflected from the changes in the ratios between fluorescence intensity (Fmax) of humic-like components and chromophoric DOM (CDOM) absorption coefficient (a355) along the salinity gradient. This study demonstrates the abundance and composition of DOM in estuaries are controlled not only by hydrological conditions, but also by its sources, characteristics and related estuarine biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and dissolved organic matter (DOM) character were investigated in soil water (15 and 40 cm) and streams at eleven sites in Olympic National Park. In addition, the effect of added nitrogen on soil water DOM concentration and composition was tested. Forested plots covering a gradient of precipitation, climate, slope, and aspect in Olympic National Park were fertilized with the addition of 20, 10 and zero (control) kg urea-N ha–1 y–1. Seven sites had the two different fertilizer treatments and control plots, while the additional four sites had no fertilizer treatments. Soil water DOC concentrations ranged from 0.5 mg C/L to 54.1 mg C/L, with an average value of 14.1 mg C/L. Streams had low DOC concentrations ranging from 0.2 mg C/L to 4.4 mg C/L, with an average value of 1.2 mg C/L. DOM composition was examined with regard to molar ratios, H:C, O:C and N:C, index of unsaturation, average carbon oxidation state, and specific absorbance. Fertilizer had no consistent effect on either DOM concentration or composition across the study sites. Soil depth influenced both DOM concentration and composition. Shallow soil water DOM had greater concentrations, higher specific absorbance, a higher degree of unsaturation, and had lower molar ratios compared to deep soil water samples. Overall, changes in DOM stoichiometry and specific absorbance as a function of soil depth were consistent despite the diversity of the forested study sites sampled.  相似文献   

The biodegradability of terrigenous dissolved organic matter (tDOM) exported to the sea has a major impact on the global carbon cycle, but our understanding of tDOM bioavailability is fragmentary. In this study, the effects of preparative tDOM isolation on microbial decomposition were investigated in incubation experiments consisting of mesocosms containing mesohaline water from the Baltic Sea. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) consumption, molecular DOM composition, bacterial activities, and shifts in bacterial community structure were compared between mesocosms supplemented with riverine tDOM, either as filtered, particle-free river water or as a concentrate obtained by lyophilization/tangential ultrafiltration, and those containing only Baltic Sea water or river water. As shown using ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry (15 Tesla Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, FT-ICR-MS) covering approximately 4600 different DOM compounds, the three DOM preparation protocols resulted in distinct patterns of molecular DOM composition. However, despite DOC losses of 4–16% and considerable bacterial production, there was no significant change in DOM composition during the 28-day experiment. Moreover, tDOM addition affected neither DOC degradation nor bacterial dynamics significantly, regardless of the tDOM preparation. This result suggested that the introduced tDOM was largely not bioavailable, at least on the temporal scale of our experiment, and that the observed bacterial activity and DOC decomposition mainly reflected the degradation of unknown, labile, colloidal and low-molecular weight DOM, both of which escape the analytical window of FT-ICR-MS. In contrast to the different tDOM preparations, the initial bacterial inoculum and batch culture conditions determined bacterial community succession and superseded the effects of tDOM addition. The uncoupling of tDOM and bacterial dynamics suggests that mesohaline bacterial communities cannot efficiently utilize tDOM and that in subarctic estuaries other factors are responsible for the removal of imported tDOM.  相似文献   

Given the importance of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) for the structure and function of lake ecosystems, a method that could estimate the amount of CDOM in lake waters over large geographic areas would be highly desirable. Satellite remote sensing has the potential to resolve this problem. We carried out model simulations to evaluate the suitability of different satellite sensors (Landsat, IKONOS, and the Advanced land Imager [ALI]) to map the amount of CDOM in concentration ranges that occur in boreal lakes of the Nordic countries. The results showed that the 8-bit radiometric resolution of Landsat 7 is not adequate when absorption by CDOM at 420 nm is higher than 3 m−1. On the other hand, the 16-bit radiometric resolution of ALI, a prototype of the next generation of Landsat, is suitable for mapping CDOM in a wider range of concentrations. An ALI image of southern Finland was acquired on 14, July 2002 and in situ measurements were carried out in 15 lakes (18 stations). The results showed that there is a high correlation (R2 = 0.84) between the 565 nm/660 nm ALI band ratio and the CDOM absorption coefficient in lakes. Analysis of 245 lakes in the acquired satellite image showed a normal distribution of CDOM concentration among the lakes. However, the size distribution of lakes was highly skewed toward small lakes, resulting in the CDOM concentration per unit lake area being skewed toward high values. We showed that remote sensing enables synoptic monitoring of the CDOM concentration in a large number of lakes and thus enables scaling up to the level of large ecosystems and biomes.  相似文献   

The importance of resource limitation in controlling bacterial growth in the high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) region of the Southern Ocean was experimentally determined during February and March 1998. Organic- and inorganic-nutrient enrichment experiments were performed between 42°S and 55°S along 141°E. Bacterial abundance, mean cell volume, and [3H]thymidine and [3H]leucine incorporation were measured during 4- to 5-day incubations. Bacterial biomass, production, and rates of growth all responded to organic enrichments in three of the four experiments. These results indicate that bacterial growth was constrained primarily by the availability of dissolved organic matter. Bacterial growth in the subtropical front, subantarctic zone, and subantarctic front responded most favorably to additions of dissolved free amino acids or glucose plus ammonium. Bacterial growth in these regions may be limited by input of both organic matter and reduced nitrogen. Unlike similar experimental results in other HNLC regions (subarctic and equatorial Pacific), growth stimulation of bacteria in the Southern Ocean resulted in significant biomass accumulation, apparently by stimulating bacterial growth in excess of removal processes. Bacterial growth was relatively unchanged by additions of iron alone; however, additions of glucose plus iron resulted in substantial increases in rates of bacterial growth and biomass accumulation. These results imply that bacterial growth efficiency and nitrogen utilization may be partly constrained by iron availability in the HNLC Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Batch equilibration experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from wheat straw (DOMw) and swine manure (DOMs) on copper (Cu) adsorption and behavior in Haplic Phaeozems, Haplic Acrisol, and Eutric Fluvisol in China. Results showed that the Cu adsorption isotherms were well fitted with both Langmuir and Freundlich equations. The Cu maximum potential adsorption capacity of the three soils followed the order of Eutric Fluvisol > Haplic Phaeozems > Haplic Acrisol. DOMw and DOMs increased the Cu adsorption capacity in Haplic Phaeozems and Haplic Acrisol, and the promoting role of DOMs on Cu adsorption was obviously higher than that of DOMw. Increasing DOM concentration of DOMw and DOMs promoted the Cu adsorption in Haplic Phaeozems and Haplic Acrisol. However, this promoting effect weakened with increasing DOM concentration. Moreover, DOMw and DOMs inhibited the Cu adsorption in Eutric Fluvisol, and this inhibitory effect significantly increased with increasing DOM concentration. The results may be used to assess the potential environmental contamination of the studied soils and to control the application of organic fertilizers.  相似文献   

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