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We have purified HeLa histone mRNA from polysomes of S-phase cells which had been synchronized by hydroxyurea treatment. This mRNA was shown to direct the in vitro synthesis of all five histones which amount to at least 90-95% of its total translational activity. Polysomal histone mRNP was also purified and identified by cell-free translation and hybridization to a clone of histone DNA from E. esculentus. The protein moiety of this mRNP contained three prominent species of molecular weight 86,000, 73,000 and 53,000 daltons. The presence of the 73,000 species previously assessed to be bound to poly(A) is discussed in view of the fact that histone mRNA does not contain a pail. As globin mRNA, histone mRNA as well as histone mRNP were translated with equal efficiency in cell-free extracts from either S-phase or hydroxyurea blocked HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Chromatin-bound histone 1 kinase activity in synchronized HeLa S3 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chromatin-bound H1 kinase activity of HeLa S3 cells that had been synchronized with 2.7 mM thymidine for 24 h has been followed during their progression into mitosis. They were arrested at this stage of the cell cycle by adding 0.13 microM nocodazole 8 h after the removal of thymidine. The kinase was partially purified by extracting chromatin proteins with 0.4 M NaCl and fractionation with ammonium sulfate (17.5-35%), a procedure in which a significant amount of in vivo histone 1 phosphorylating activity was retained. H1 kinase activity increased as the cells entered mitosis, rising to a maximum level sevenfold higher than interphase as the mitotic index reached about 50%. A rapid decrease in activity followed this maximum approximately 2 h after cells started to accumulate in mitosis. At this time, the mitotic index was still increasing, although at a lower rate than during the increase of the kinase activity. Other protein kinase activities measured by using core histones, casein, and protamine as substrates remained fairly constant at a comparatively low level. HeLa H1 kinase activity was further distinguished from several known protein kinase activities by the lack of stimulation or inhibition with known modulators of protein phosphorylating activities.  相似文献   

The lifetime of histone mRNA of HeLa cells has been studied by its kinetic of approach to steady-state labeling. Cells preincubated with low concentrations of actinomycin d to inhibit rRNA synthesis, were incubated with (3H)uridine. Linear incorporation of uridine was observed for only two hours under the conditions chosen. Polyribosomes were isolated from cells incubated overnight with trace amounts of (14C)uridine and for 30 to 150 min with (3H)uridine. RNA was extracted from polyribosomes and fractionated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Histone mRNA was identified as a peak migrating in a characteristic position, which was absent in gels of RNA obtained from cells treated with the inhibitor of DNA synthesis cytosine arabinoside. The kinetic of labeling of histone mRNA was linear up to 150 min, which represents a minimum estimate of the lifetime of this mRNA.Abbreviations MPB 2,mercapto-1 (-pyridethyl)benzimidazole - EDTA ethylene diamino tetracetic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

Viral satellites are small RNAs that depend on the presence of the specific helper virus for replication and that can modulate viral disease expression. The in vivo subcellular location of the double-stranded (ds) form of different Cucumovirus-associated satellite RNAs, which accumulate in large quantities in infected tobacco plants, is reported here. Subcellular fractions were obtained by differential centrifugation and characterized by their specific nucleic acid content and by electron microscopy. Results indicate that the viral and satellite ds-RNAs copurify with a size-homogeneous vesicular fraction. A similar vesicular fraction was also isolated from healthy tobacco plants. The results suggest that the replication of satellite RNAs occurs in close association with these vesicles and are consistent with the hypothesis of the satellite dependence on the viral-coded replicase.  相似文献   

Subcellular localization of rice histone deacetylases in organelles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pil Joong Chung 《FEBS letters》2009,583(13):2249-271
Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are known to function in the nucleus. Here, we report on the organellar localization of three rice HDACs, OsSIR2b, OsHDAC6, and OsHDAC10. The 35S:OsSIR2b-GFP and 35S:OsHDAC10-GFP constructs were introduced into tobacco BY2 cells. Co-localization analysis of the green fluorescent protein and MitoTracker fluorescent signals in the transformed BY2 cells indicated that OsSIR2b and OsHDAC10 are localized in the mitochondria. Transgenic Arabidopsis lines harboring 35S:OsHDAC6-GFP and 35S:OsHDAC10-GFP constructs were similarly analyzed, revealing that OsHDAC6-GFP is localized exclusively in chloroplasts, whereas OsHDAC10-GFP is localized in both mitochondria and chloroplasts. The presence of OsHDAC6-GFP and OsHDAC10-GFP in chloroplasts was verified by immunodetection.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection induces disruption of the host cell's cytoskeleton (CSK). This disruption is accompanied by three transient phases of actin depolymerization that occur at 20 min, 5 to 10 h and 48 to 72 h post infection (pi). During the 20 min peak of actin depolymerization, the level of cellular polysomes associated with the CSK was reduced, due to release of ribosomes from CSK-associated polysomes. Cellular mRNAs previously existing in these polysomes, however, remained associated with the CSK. Also during this period, nuclear to cytoplasmic transport of host cellular mRNA as well as the association of newly synthesized mRNA with the CSK was temporarily delayed. By 60 min pi, ribosomes, preexisting host cellular mRNA, and newly synthesized mRNAs (host and viral) had reestablished a distribution in the infected cell comparable to that of uninfected cells. Sedimentation profiles of soluble and CSK fractions at various times throughout the viral infection indicated that, although the amount of polysomes associated with the CSK at 20 min pi was reduced, essentially all HCMV and all host cell polysomes present were associated with the CSK. The majority of HCMV DNA hybridizable poly(A)+ RNAs were associated with the CSK throughout the viral infection. These early events appear to correlate with a transient interruption of host cellular mRNA translation early in infection and may represent a process whereby HCMV gene expression becomes competitive with that of the host cell.  相似文献   

We have analyzed intracellular distributions of mRNAs for the cytoskeletal proteins actin, vimentin, and tubulin by in situ hybridization. Although polyadenylated RNA was homogeneously distributed throughout the cell, actin mRNA demonstrated a nonhomogeneous distribution in 95% of randomly selected chicken embryonic myoblasts and fibroblasts, as detected by isotopic and nonisotopic techniques. Actin mRNA concentrations were highest at cell extremities, generally in lamellipodia, where grain densities were up to 16-fold higher than in areas near the nucleus. Vimentin mRNA, unlike actin mRNA, was distributed near the nucleus. Tubulin mRNA appeared most concentrated in the peripheral cytoplasm. These results demonstrate that cytoplasmic mRNAs are localized in specific, nonrandom cellular patterns and that localized concentrations of specific proteins may result from corresponding localization of their respective mRNAs. Hence, actin mRNA distribution may result in increased concentration of actin filaments in lamellipodia of motile cells.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation in permeable HeLa S3 cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ADP-ribosylation in permeabilized metaphase and interphase cells using [32P]NAD at pH 8.0 have been compared. Incorporation into trichloroacetic acid insoluble material was 4-5-times greater in metaphase cells. 17-22% was in the soluble fraction which contained material released from the cells, 16-22% in the 0.2 M HCl extract (histones) of the cell ghosts and the remaining activity in the residual fraction. Fractions were analyzed using dodecylsulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 6.0. The soluble fractions from metaphase and interphase cells exhibited three common unidentified ADP-ribosylated proteins corresponding to 78 000, 54 000 and 36 000 Da. In addition metaphase cells contained several other ADP-ribosylated proteins not present in interphase cells. The 0.2 M HCl extracts gave from metaphase cells radioactivity in the 32 000-39 000-Da region suggesting ADP-ribosylation of histone H1 with up to 10 residues of ADP-ribose and in the 17 000-20 000-Da region indicating ADP-ribosylation of core histones. The pattern of ADP-ribosylation of core histone in metaphase and interphase cells was qualitatively similar whereas the number of ADP-ribose residues per H1 molecule was higher in metaphase cells. The residual fraction contained free poly(ADP-ribose) and oligo(ADP-ribose). The results do not lend support to a special function of ADP-ribosylated histones in the mitotic event while certain ADP-ribosylated non-histone proteins may be specific for metaphase cells.  相似文献   

The sedimentation properties of pulse-labeled and long-term labeled mRNA from highly purified HeLa cell free-polysomes, selected for poly(A) content by two successive passages through poly(T)-cellulose columns, were analyzed under native and denatured conditions. The sedimentation profile of the mRNA on both sodium dodecyl SO4-sucrose gradients and formaldehyde-sucrose gradients showed a broad distribution of components with estimated molecular weights ranging from 2 × 105 to 5.5 × 106 daltons and a weight-average molecular weight of 8.5 × 105 daltons.  相似文献   

There is an increased synthesis of proteins in the molecular weight region of 100,000 72,000-74,000 and 37,000 two hours after treatment of HeLa cells for 10 min at 45 degrees C. In vitro translation, using a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free protein synthesising system, of HeLa cell cytoplasmic RNA shows that the prominent 72,000-74,000 Mr heat shock protein band comprises seven polypeptide species (namely alpha d beta gamma delta epsilon zeta) and these polypeptides are directly encoded by both polyadenylated and nonpolyadenylated mRNA.  相似文献   

Subcellular localization of Toll-like receptor 3 in human dendritic cells   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Toll-like receptor (TLR)3 recognizes dsRNA and transduces signals to activate NF-kappaB and IFN-beta promoter. Type I IFNs (IFN-alpha/beta) function as key cytokines in anti-viral host defense. Human fibroblasts express TLR3 on the cell surface, and anti-TLR3 mAb inhibits dsRNA-induced IFN-beta secretion by fibroblasts, suggesting that TLR3 acts on the cell surface to sense viral infection. In this study, we examined the expression and localization of human TLR3 in various DC subsets using anti-TLR3 mAb. In monocyte-derived immature dendritic cells (iDCs), TLR3 predominantly resided inside the cells but not on the cell surface. iDCs produced IL-12p70 and IFN-alpha and -beta in response to poly(I:C). Similar response was observed in iDCs treated with rotavirus-derived dsRNA. These responses could not be blocked by pretreatment of the cells with anti-TLR3 mAb. In CD11c(+) blood DCs, cytoplasmic retention of TLR3 was also observed as in monocyte-derived iDCs, again endorsing a different TLR3 distribution profile from fibroblasts. In precursor DC2, however, TLR3 could not be detected inside or outside the cells. Of note, there was a putative centrosomal protein that shared an epitope with TLR3 in myeloid DCs and precursor DC2, but not peripheral blood monocytes. Immunoelectron microscopic analysis revealed that TLR3, when stably expressed in the murine B cell line Ba/F3, was specifically accumulated in multivesicular bodies, a subcellular compartment situated in endocytic trafficking pathways. Thus, regulation and localization of TLR3 are different in each cell type, which may reflect participation of cell type-specific multiple pathways in antiviral IFN induction via TLR3.  相似文献   

Sub-cellular localization of vesicular stomatitis virus messenger RNAs.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) messenger RNAs (mRNAs) appear to be compartmentalized within the infected HeLa cells. Analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in formamide of the RNA associated with the membrane bound polyribosomes from VSV-infected cytoplasmic extracts shows predominantly one size class of VSV mRNA, which is absent from the remaining cytoplasm. These results are consistent with the mRNA for the viral glycoprotein being exclusively associated with membrane bound polysomes since the latter have been shown to synthesize mainly the virion glycoprotein in an in vitro translation system.  相似文献   

We have previously reported [López-Rodas et al. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 19028-19033] that the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains four histone acetyltransferases, which can be resolved by ion-exchange chromatography, and their specificity toward yeast free histones was studied. In the present contribution we show that three of the enzymes are nuclear, type A histone acetyltransferases and they are able to acetylate nucleosome-bound histones. They differ in their histone specificity. Enzyme A1 acetylates H2A in chicken nucleosomes, although it is specific for yeast free H2B; histone acetyltransferase A2 is highly specific for H3, and histone acetyltransferase A3 preparations acetylate both H3 and H4 in nucleosomes. The fourth enzyme, which is located in the cytoplasm, does not accept nucleosomes as substrate, and it represents a canonical type B, H4-specific histone acetyltransferase. Finally, histone deacetylase activity is preferentially found in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Control of histone synthesis in HeLa cells   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  

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