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Actin filaments and myosin II are evolutionarily conserved force-generating components of the contractile ring during cytokinesis. Here we show that in budding yeast, actin filament depolymerization plays a major role in actomyosin ring constriction. Cofilin mutation or chemically stabilizing actin filaments attenuate actomyosin ring constriction. Deletion of myosin II motor domain or the myosin regulatory light chain reduced the contraction rate and also the rate of actin depolymerization in the ring. We constructed a quantitative microscopic model of actomyosin ring constriction via filament sliding driven by both actin depolymerization and myosin II motor activity. Model simulations based on experimental measurements support the notion that actin depolymerization is the predominant mechanism for ring constriction. The model predicts invariability of total contraction time regardless of the initial ring size, as originally reported for C. elegans embryonic cells. This prediction was validated in yeast cells of different sizes due to different ploidies.  相似文献   

During cytokinesis, animal and fungal cells form a membrane furrow via actomyosin ring constriction. Our understanding of actomyosin ring‐driven cytokinesis stems extensively from the fission yeast model system. However, unlike animal cells, actomyosin ring constriction occurs simultaneously with septum formation in fungi. While the formation of an actomyosin ring is essential for cytokinesis in fission yeast, proper furrow formation also requires septum deposition. The molecular mechanisms of spatiotemporal coordination of septum deposition with actomyosin ring constriction are poorly understood. Although the role of the actomyosin ring as a mechanical structure driving furrow formation is better understood, its role as a spatiotemporal landmark for septum deposition is not widely discussed. Here we review and discuss the recent advances describing how the actomyosin ring spatiotemporally regulates membrane traffic to promote septum‐driven cytokinesis in fission yeast. Finally, we explore emerging questions in cytokinesis, and discuss the role of extracellular matrix during cytokinesis in other organisms.  相似文献   

Rab11 is a small GTPase that regulates several aspects of vesicular trafficking. Here, we show that Rab11 accumulates at the cleavage furrow of Drosophila spermatocytes and that it is essential for cytokinesis. Mutant spermatocytes form regular actomyosin rings, but these rings fail to constrict to completion, leading to cytokinesis failures. rab11 spermatocytes also exhibit an abnormal accumulation of Golgi-derived vesicles at the telophase equator, suggesting a defect in membrane-vesicle fusion. These cytokinesis phenotypes are identical to those elicited by mutations in giotto (gio) and four wheel drive (fwd) that encode a phosphatidylinositol transfer protein and a phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, respectively. Double mutant analysis and immunostaining for Gio and Rab11 indicated that gio, fwd, and rab11 function in the same cytokinetic pathway, with Gio and Fwd acting upstream of Rab11. We propose that Gio and Fwd mediate Rab11 recruitment at the cleavage furrow and that Rab11 facilitates targeted membrane delivery to the advancing furrow.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in many eukaryotes is dependent on a contractile actomyosin ring (AMR), composed of F-actin, myosin II, and other actin and myosin II regulators. Through fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments, many components of the AMR have been shown to be mobile and to undergo constant exchange with the cytosolic pools. However, how the mobility of its components changes at distinct stages of mitosis and cytokinesis has not been addressed. Here, we describe the mobility of eight Schizosaccharomyces pombe AMR proteins at different stages of mitosis and cytokinesis using an approach we have developed. We identified three classes of proteins, which showed 1) high (Ain1, Myo2, Myo51), 2) low (Rng2, Mid1, Myp2, Cdc12), and 3) cell cycle–dependent (Cdc15) mobile fractions. We observed that the F-BAR protein Cdc15 undergoes a 20–30% reduction in its mobile fraction after spindle breakdown and initiation of AMR contraction. Moreover, our data indicate that this change in Cdc15 mobility is dependent on the septation initiation network (SIN). Our work offers a novel strategy for estimating cell cycle–dependent mobile protein fractions in cellular structures and provides a valuable dataset, that is of interest to researchers working on cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Vesicle trafficking during somatic cytokinesis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Membrane trafficking during plant cytokinesis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Plant morphogenesis is regulated by cell division and expansion. Cytokinesis, the final stage of cell division, culminates in the construction of the cell plate, a unique cytokinetic membranous organelle that is assembled across the inside of the dividing cell. Both during cell-plate formation and cell expansion, the secretory pathway is highly active and is polarized toward the plane of division or toward the plasma membrane, respectively. In this review, we discuss results from recent genetic and biochemical research directed toward understanding the molecular events occurring during cytokinesis and cell expansion, including data supporting the idea that during cytokinesis one or more exocytic pathways are polarized toward the division plane. We will also highlight recent evidence for the roles of secretory vesicle transport and cytoskeletal machinery in cell-plate membrane trafficking and fusion.  相似文献   

Pathways for membrane trafficking during cytokinesis   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The molecular mechanisms underlying targeted deposition of new membrane at the advancing furrow of a dividing cell have long been intriguing to cell biologists. Three recent studies have made use of Drosophila cellularization to explore current questions in this field. These findings indicate that both the secretory pathway and endosomal recycling contribute membrane to the advancing furrow. Furthermore, new work reveals that vesicles derived from the Rab11 recycling endosome (RE) promote actin remodeling at the furrow.  相似文献   

By rapidly depleting each of the essential budding yeast proteins of unknown function, we identified a novel factor that we call Inn1, which associates with the contractile actomyosin ring at the end of mitosis and is needed for cytokinesis. We show that Inn1 has a C2 domain at the amino terminus of the protein that is required for ingression of the plasma membrane, whereas the remainder of the protein recruits Inn1 to the actomyosin ring. The lethal effects of deleting the INN1 gene can be suppressed by artificial fusion of the C2 domain to other components of the actomyosin ring, restoring membrane ingression on contraction of the actomyosin ring. Our data indicate that recruitment of the C2 domain of Inn1 to the contractile actomyosin ring is crucial for ingression of the plasma membrane during cytokinesis in budding yeast.  相似文献   

Paxillins are a family of conserved LIM domain-containing proteins that play important roles in the function and integrity of the actin cytoskeleton. Although paxillins have been extensively characterized by cell biological and biochemical approaches, genetic studies are relatively scarce. Here, we identify and characterize a paxillin-related protein Pxl1p in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Pxl1p is a component of the fission yeast actomyosin ring, a structure that is essential for cytokinesis. Cells deleted for pxl1 display a novel phenotype characterized by a splitting of the actomyosin ring in late anaphase, leading to the formation of two rings of which only one undergoes constriction. In addition, the rate of actomyosin ring constriction is slower in the absence of Pxl1p. pxl1Delta mutants display strong genetic interactions with mutants defective in IQGAP-related protein Rng2p and mutants defective in components of the fission yeast type II myosin machinery. Collectively, these results suggest that Pxl1p might cooperate with type II myosin and Rng2p-IQGAP to regulate actomyosin ring constriction as well as to maintain its integrity during constriction.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide phosphatases play an essential but as yet not well-understood role in lipid-based signal transduction. Members of a subfamily of these enzymes share a specific domain that was first identified in the yeast Sac1 protein [1]. Sac1 homology domains were shown to exhibit 3- and 4-phosphatase activity in vitro [2, 3] and were also found, in addition to rat and yeast Sac1p, in yeast Inp/Sjl proteins [4, 5] and mammalian synaptojanins [6]. Despite the detailed in vitro characterization of the enzymatic properties of yeast Sac1p, the exact cellular function of this protein has remained obscure. We report here that Sac1p has a specific role in secretion and acts as an antagonist of the phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase Pik1p in Golgi trafficking. Elimination of Sac1p leads to excessive forward transport of chitin synthases and thus causes specific cell wall defects. Similar defects in membrane trafficking are caused by the overexpression of PIK1. Taken together, these findings provide strong evidence that the generation of PtdIns(4)P is sufficient to trigger forward transport from the Golgi to the plasma membrane and that Sac1p is critically required for the termination of this signal.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the dynamic reorganization of actin and myosin ("conventional" myosin, or myosin-II) during cytokinesis in D. discoideum. This is the first study identifying the birefringence of the spindle microtubules as well as three sets of microfilamentous structure in Dictyostelium. The change of organization in these fibrillar structures was followed in real-time with video microscopy, using a Universal Polarizing Microscope equipped with polarized-light (POL) and differential interference contrast (DIC) optics combined with digital image processing. High-frequency mitotic cells were obtained by semi-synchronous culture, and high-resolution observations were made by utilizing the agar-overlay method (Yumura et al.: Journal of Cell Biology 99:894-899, 1984). The molecular identity of the birefringent structures was determined by fluorescence microscopy. Through-focus observations were performed with an axial resolution of 0.3 micron depth of field. The actomyosin fibrils show a dramatic reorganization throughout mitosis. The fibrils at the leading lamellipodia disappear, and there is a striking assembly of the cortical actomyosin in pro-metaphase, which is accompanied by a decrease in cell volume. The cortical actomyosin gradually increases through anaphase. After late anaphase, very active polar lamellipodia, with an average life of less than 1 minute, are formed. We confirmed that the polar lamellipodia include actin, but not myosin-II. At the cleavage furrow, the microfilaments form two distinctive structures: circular contractile ring at the equator, and a cortical filament array parallel to the polar axis. Myosin is localized in the contractile ring, but not associated with the axial array of F-actin. Actomyosin in the contractile ring gradually transforms into cortical network at the posterior region of daughter cells. The constriction of the furrow is accompanied by a drastic efflux of water as evidenced by highly active contractile vacuole formation and turbulent motion of minute vesicles connected to the furrow. This study demonstrates the presence of a new microfilament structure, as well as the dynamic property of the contractile ring, and sheds new light on the contractile mechanisms underlying cytokinesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Animal cell cytokinesis is characterized by a sequence of dramatic cortical rearrangements. How these are coordinated and coupled with mitosis is largely unknown. To explore the initiation of cytokinesis, we focused on the earliest cell shape change, cell elongation, which occurs during anaphase B and prior to cytokinetic furrowing. RESULTS: Using RNAi and live video microscopy in Drosophila S2 cells, we implicate Rho-kinase (Rok) and myosin II in anaphase cell elongation. rok RNAi decreased equatorial myosin II recruitment, prevented cell elongation, and caused a remarkable spindle defect where the spindle poles collided with an unyielding cell cortex and the interpolar microtubules buckled outward as they continued to extend. Disruption of the actin cytoskeleton with Latrunculin A, which abolishes cortical rigidity, suppressed the spindle defect. rok RNAi also affected furrowing, which was delayed and slowed, sometimes distorted, and in severe cases blocked altogether. Codepletion of the myosin binding subunit (Mbs) of myosin phosphatase, an antagonist of myosin II activation, only partially suppressed the cell-elongation defect and the furrowing delay, but prevented cytokinesis failures induced by prolonged rok RNAi. The marked sensitivity of cell elongation to Rok depletion was highlighted by RNAi to other genes in the Rho pathway, such as pebble, racGAP50C, and diaphanous, which had profound effects on furrowing but lesser effects on elongation. CONCLUSIONS: We show that cortical changes underlying cell elongation are more sensitive to depletion of Rok and myosin II, in comparison to other regulators of cytokinesis, and suggest that a distinct regulatory pathway promotes cell elongation.  相似文献   

Cell polarization during monopolar cytokinesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The biogenesis of mitochondrial intermembrane space proteins depends on specific machinery that transfers disulfide bonds to precursor proteins. The machinery shares features with protein relays for disulfide bond formation in the bacterial periplasm and endoplasmic reticulum. A disulfide-generating enzyme/sulfhydryl oxidase oxidizes a disulfide carrier protein, which in turn transfers a disulfide to the substrate protein. Current views suggest that the disulfide carrier alternates between binding to the oxidase and the substrate. We have analyzed the cooperation of the disulfide relay components during import of precursors into mitochondria and identified a ternary complex of all three components. The ternary complex represents a transient and intermediate step in the oxidation of intermembrane space precursors, where the oxidase Erv1 promotes disulfide transfer to the precursor while both oxidase and precursor are associated with the disulfide carrier Mia40.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(24):5415-5428.e10
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How cell cycle machinery regulates extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling during cytokinesis remains poorly understood. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the primary septum (PS), a functional equivalent of animal ECM, is synthesized during cytokinesis by the chitin synthase Chs2. Here, we report that Dbf2, a conserved mitotic exit kinase, localizes to the division site after Chs2 and directly phosphorylates Chs2 on several residues, including Ser-217. Both phosphodeficient (chs2-S217A) and phosphomimic (chs2-S217D) mutations cause defects in cytokinesis, suggesting that dynamic phosphorylation-dephosphorylation of Ser-217 is critical for Chs2 function. It is striking that Chs2-S217A constricts asymmetrically with the actomyosin ring (AMR), whereas Chs2-S217D displays little or no constriction and remains highly mobile at the division site. These data suggest that Chs2 phosphorylation by Dbf2 triggers its dissociation from the AMR during the late stage of cytokinesis. Of interest, both chs2-S217A and chs2-S217D mutants are robustly suppressed by increased dosage of Cyk3, a cytokinesis protein that displays Dbf2-dependent localization and also stimulates Chs2-mediated chitin synthesis. Thus Dbf2 regulates PS formation through at least two independent pathways: direct phosphorylation and Cyk3-mediated activation of Chs2. Our study establishes a mechanism for direct cell cycle control of ECM remodeling during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in yeast can be achieved by plasma membrane ingression, which is dependent on actomyosin ring constriction. Inn1 presumably couples these processes by interaction with both the plasma membrane and the temporary actomyosin ring component Hof1. In addition, an actomyosin ring independent cytokinesis pathway exists in yeast. We here identified Cyk3, a key component of the alternative pathway, as a novel interaction partner of Inn1. The carboxy-terminal proline rich part of Inn1 binds the SH3 domains of either Cyk3 or Hof1. Strains with truncated proteins lacking either of these SH3 domains do not display any severe phenotypes, but are synthetically lethal, demonstrating their crucial role in cytokinesis. Overexpression of CYK3 leads to an actomyosin ring independent recruitment of Inn1 to the bud neck, further supporting the significance of this interaction in vivo. Moreover, overexpression of CYK3 in a myo1 or an iqg1 deletion not only restores viability, but also the recruitment of Inn1 to the bud neck. We propose that Cyk3 is part of an actomyosin ring independent cytokinesis pathway, which acts as a rescue mechanism to recruit Inn1 to the bud neck.  相似文献   

The apicoplast is a relict plastid essential for viability of the apicomplexan parasites Toxoplasma and Plasmodium. It is surrounded by multiple membranes that proteins, substrates and metabolites must traverse. Little is known about apicoplast membrane proteins, much less their sorting mechanisms. We have identified two sets of apicomplexan proteins that are homologous to plastid membrane proteins that transport phosphosugars or their derivatives. Members of the first set bear N-terminal extensions similar to those that target proteins to the apicoplast lumen. While Toxoplasma gondii lacks this type of translocator, the N-terminal extension from the Plasmodium falciparum sequence was shown to be functional in T. gondii. The second set of translocators lacks an N-terminal targeting sequence. This translocator, TgAPT1, when tagged with HA, localized to multiple apicoplast membranes in T. gondii. Contrasting with the constitutive targeting of luminal proteins, the localization of the translocator varied during the cell cycle. Early-stage parasites showed circumplastid distribution, but as the plastid elongated in preparation for division, vesicles bearing TgAPT1 appeared adjacent to the plastid. After plastid division, the protein resumes a circumplastid colocalization. These studies demonstrate for the first time that vesicular trafficking likely plays a role in the apicoplast biogenesis.  相似文献   

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