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The phylogenetic relationships of spionid genera are estimated from parsimony analyses of morphological characters, with Trochochaetidae, Poecilochaetidae and Uncispionidae as outgroups. A first analysis of currendy recognised genera proved inconclusive and even exclusion of six of the most polymorphic genera resulted in 13 305 equally parsimonious trees and a fully collapsed consensus tree. A second analysis using only the type species of each genus, yielded four equally parsimonious trees; reduced to two after successive weighting. The topologies of these two trees indicated division of the family into four main groups: (1) Aonidella and Xandaros; (2) Prionospio (sensu fato)-complex, Laonice, Spiophanes and Aonides; (3) a large assemblage of genera, including Polydora-{senm late), Scolelepis, Malacoceros and Spio; (4) Atherospio, Pseudatherospio and Pygospiopsis. Earlier literature classifications of the group are evaluated and compared with die new results.  相似文献   

The Maldanidae annelid worms are reviewed and the phylogenetic relationships of their subgroups provided, based on Hennigian principles and maximum parsimony. Characters were coded as binary and multistate (transformation series). We used 33 terminal taxa (species), and 50 characters. Characters were treated as unordered and of equal weight, and analysis was run in TNT. Three equally most-parsimonious trees were obtained with heuristic searches, with lengths of 64 steps; CI = 0.95, and RI = 0.98. The monophyly of Maldanidae was supported with 100% of bootstrap and jackknife values. As a result of our analysis, Arenicolidae remains the sister-group of Maldanidae, and both should be referred to Maldanomorpha. Maldanidae was supported by the following synapomorphies: dorsal prostomium; prostomium keel-shaped and fused to peristomium; torus globose behind median chaetigers; median chaetigers greatly elongated; number of pre-anal segments reduced. The subfamily Bogueinae was not monophyletic; Boguea and Boguella were included within Rhodininae. Clymenura, previously included in the Clymenurinae, was included within Euclymeninae. The taxa Notoproctinae, Maldaninae, Nicomachinae and Euclymeninae were grouped in the Maldanoplaca, a new taxon. Eight further new clades have been found, but were not named.  相似文献   

Terebelliformia is a benthic group of marine annelid worms. The bioluminescence of several species has been reported in taxonomical and histological literature, but very little information is known about the biochemical aspects of this phenomenon. In this study, we examined the basic properties of the luminescence system using an extract of the Japanese terebelliform worm, Thelepus japonicus. The bioluminescence extract was soluble in water, and emitted blue‐green light at λmax 508 nm following the addition of divalent cations. This triggering action was highly specific to Fe2+ and addition of ATP, H2O2 or coelenterazine did not enhance activity. The bioluminescence was inactivated by heat treatment and organic solvents, indicating the involvement of a protein component. These results suggested that Thelepus worm produces light using a novel system that differs from that in other known luminescent annelids.  相似文献   

It has been proposed in recent years that the phyla Pogonophora and Vestimentifera are a derived clade of polychaete annelids. It has also been proposed that if this clade belongs among polychaetes, then the taxon name Pogonophora is misleading and should revert to a name first formulated for the group, Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914. This recommendation is adopted in this paper, and a cladistic study using terminals of 'generic' rank in the former Pogonophora (including Vestimentifera) is undertaken. The purpose of this is to assess which taxon names should now be used for clades within Siboglinidae, and to provide a revised taxonomy, based on phylogenetic principles. Another major aim is to assess the position of the vestimentiferan clade within Siboglinidae. The results show that Vestimentifera is the sister group to Sclerolinum, and this clade is then sister group to Frenulata, i.e. the remaining Siboglinidae. The results suggest that all taxa within Siboglinidae that are not genera or species are redundant, except for the following: Siboglinidae is defined as the first polychaete, and all its descendants, to have an gut occluded by expanded endoderm filled with chemoautotrophic bacteria, as seen in the holotype of Riftia pachyptila Jones, 1981. Monilifera can be defined based on apomorphy-based system such that it is the first siboglinid, and all its descendants, to have rings of chaetae (uncini) in the opisthosoma, as seen in the holotype of Sclerolinum magdalenae Southward, 1972. Vestimentifera can be denned as the first siboglinid and all its descendants to have a vestimentum as seen in the holotype of Riftia pachyptia. Frenulata is defined as the siboglinid, and all its descendants, to have a mid-trunk girdle, as seen in the holotype of Siboglinum weberi Caullery, 1914. The taxa of generic rank are not defined here since their monophyly was not investigated.  相似文献   

Members of only a few species of annelids are reported as being incapable of regeneration; of these, Myxicola infundibulum is the only example in the family Sabellidae. Interestingly, its congener Myxicola aesthetica exhibits noteworthy regenerative ability. Unambiguously identifying non‐regenerating species is critical to reconstructing how regenerative abilities evolved within the phylum. However, studies designed specifically to assess the regenerative potential of M. infundibulum have never been performed. In this study, we aimed to confirm the lack of regeneration ability of M. infundibulum, reported previously for Atlantic specimens, or to determine the extent to which regeneration occurs. Our results showed that individuals from the Mediterranean Sea (Adriatic Sea) do undergo regeneration of lost body parts, although to a lesser extent than do other sabellids. Therefore, M. infundibulum should no longer be considered a non‐regenerating species. At present, uncertainties regarding phylogenetic relationships of Sabellidae prevent inferences about the polarity of change in M. infundibulum. Since our findings are counter to those of previous studies which describe Atlantic specimens as non‐regenerating, more extensive analysis is required to ascertain if they could actually belong to a different species than Mediterranean M. infundibulum, accounting for these differences in reported regenerative capacity.  相似文献   

Members of the 12 known species of the family Telothelepodidae, plus individuals of three additional undescribed species, were examined to infer phylogenetic relationships within the family and evaluate the status of genera. The outgroups include members of three species of Polycirridae and three of Thelepodidae. Members of 21 species, including both in- and outgroups, were coded for 47 subjects (‘characters’) and 109 characters sensu stricto (subject-predicate relations or ‘states’). The results, based on 15 minimum-length trees, each 103 steps long, suggest that telothelepodids should be divided into four genera, according to the morphology of the lower lip, presence or absence of eyespots, and visibility of segment 1. By necessity two of these genera are monotypic and plesiomorphic to two monophyletic genera; the latter two genera with five and eight species, respectively. Telothelepus, Parathelepus and Rhinothelepus are redefined, and the new genus Mesopothelepus gen. nov. is erected, all to accommodate the phylogenetic hypotheses presented. The problem of properly defining monotypic supraspecific taxon names as representative of phylogenetic hypotheses is discussed in relation to the inherent limitations of Article 13.1.1 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8C05DBD2-8226-4738-BF4A-E623A97ACB75  相似文献   

The tribe Cercosaurini is one of the most poorly studied groups of the lizard family Gymnophthalmidae. Recent studies have suggested that two cercosauriine genera, Neusticurus and Proctoporus , are polyphyletic. The aim of the current study was to rectify the polyphyletic relationships and construct a phylogenetic taxonomy of the Cercosaurini that is congruent with evolutionary history. Neusticurus is divided into two genera, one of them new ( Potamites ), based on the clades recovered by molecular studies and previously discussed morphological data. Proctoporus is divided into three genera, one of which is new ( Petracola ), while an older name ( Riama ) is resurrected for another. All five genera are described and defined and taxonomic keys are presented. This study represents an important advance in rectifying the taxonomy of the Cercosaurini. Many other para- and polyphyletic genera remain in the Gymnophthalmidae and much future work on this group is warranted.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 405–416.  相似文献   

The heat‐ and odour‐producing genus Arum (Araceae) has interested scientists for centuries. This long‐term interest has allowed a deep knowledge of some complex processes, such as the physiology and dynamics of its characteristic lure‐and‐trap pollination system, to be built up. However, mainly because of its large distributional range and high degree of morphological variation, species' limits and relationships are still under discussion. Today, the genus comprises 28 species subdivided into two subgenera, two sections and six subsections. In this study, the phylogeny of the genus is inferred on the basis of four plastid regions, and the evolution of several morphological characters is investigated. Our phylogenetic hypothesis is not in agreement with the current infrageneric classification of the genus and challenges the monophyly of several species. This demonstrates the need for a new infrageneric classification based on characters reflecting the evolution of this enigmatic genus. To investigate the biogeography of Arum deeply, further spatiotemporal analyses were performed, addressing the importance of the Mediterranean basin in the diversification of Arum. Our results suggest that its centre of origin was the European–Aegean region, and that major diversification happened during the last 10 Myr. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 14–32.  相似文献   

任国栋  刘春林 《昆虫学报》2009,52(10):1146-1155
基于18个代表种的防御腺特征, 探讨了中国刺甲族(Platyscelidini)4个属的分类地位和系统发育关系。通过对防御腺的着生位置、形状及其长度和宽度、腺体间距及其表面花纹和皱褶等重要特征的分析, 归纳出属级和族级的防御腺特征。利用SPSS 13.0和Hennig 86(1.5)2个软件对所选定的防御腺特征分别进行聚类分析和进化分析, 两者结果均支持刺甲族现有分类体系的稳定性, 且后者提出刺甲族4属的系统发育关系为: (Myatis +Bioramix)+(Oodescelis + Platyscelis)  相似文献   

The leaf beetle genus Cyrtonus Latreille, 1829 (Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae) is a species-rich genus subendemic to the Iberian Peninsula, with only a few species in the neighbouring France and Morocco. All the species are wingless and preferentially inhabiting mountainous areas. The taxonomic knowledge of this group is extremely poor and its systematics almost inexistent. Here, we analyse and characterize with a morphometric analysis one promising systematic trait, the adult body profile, distinguishing between elongated and rounded shapes. Although the monophyly of the genus is not contentious, we test for it using mitochondrial rrnl sequences and the chrysomeline homologous sequences available in GenBank. In addition, four genetic markers, two mitochondrial and two nuclear are used to produce a phylogenetic hypothesis for half the species within the genus and to analyse the evolution of shape, summarized as two continuous variables, length and width, and their ratio. These traits covary significantly with the phylogeny, showing a strong phylogenetic association: elongated species appear to constitute a clade within a paraphyletic assemblage of rounded species. In addition, the mitochondrial DNA tree is used to test for constant rate of evolution in this marker and is calibrated using both biogeographical evidence and the standard insect mitochondrial average substitution rate. This molecular clock hypothesis is used to date the age of speciation events on the phylogeny, reconstructing the origin of the genus in the Middle Miocene, with a relatively constant speciation rate until the end of the Pliocene and an apparent increase in this rate in the Pleistocene, possibly associated with the effect of dramatic climatic changes in this period. Finally, the high systematic value of shape profile in Cyrtonus is discussed, arguing the absence of evidence relating it to adaptation.  相似文献   

Six species from the species-rich taxon Tisbe (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) were selected that could be reared in the laboratory as mass cultures. Phylogenetic relationships among these species were assessed by morphological studies of adults and larvae, DNA restriction site polymorphisms, allozymic, immunological distance, and lipid composition. Limits of scope and practicability of these analyses became apparent, as well as their potential and importance for future work in zoological systematics.  相似文献   

The nuchal organs of annelid Laonice bahusiensis (Spionidae) from northern Europe have been studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. L. bahusiensis is the first spionid species in which extensively developed, continuous nuchal organs are described. The nuchal organs of this genus are the longest known among polychaete annelids. They consist of paired double bands extending from the prostomium on a mid‐dorsal caruncle for about 24–30 setigers. Their microanatomy corresponds to the general structural plan of nuchal organs: there are ciliated supporting cells and bipolar sensory cells with sensory cilia traversing an olfactory chamber. The organs are overlaid by a secondary paving‐stone‐like cover and innervated by one pair of longitudinally elongated nuchal nerves. These findings clearly favor the hypothesis that the paired, extensively developed ciliated structures found in some Spionidae are homologous with the prostomial nuchal organs characteristic of polychaete annelids. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of six species belonging to the branchiobdellidan family Branchiobdellidae (i.e. Xironogiton victoriensis, Cirrodrilus kawamurai, Ankyrodrilus legaeus, Xironodrilus formosus, Branchiobdella kobayashii, Branchiobdella orientalis) were studied and compared to the other sperma‐tozoa already described in the group. A parsimony analysis was performed on the spermatozoal data of the species examined, as well as on their somatic characters. The results of the two analyses were contrasted and a further parsimony analysis was run on the matrix comprising both sets of characters. The study of sperm ultrastructure confirmed the genera recognized with traditional somatic characters and the monophyly of the branchiobdellidans. Xironodrilus was proved to be the sister species of Ankyrodrilus and its inclusion into the family Branchiobdellidae was supported. Evolutionary hypotheses on intergeneric differences in the family consistent with its biogeography can be suggested by the cladograms: Xironogiton is an early offshoot of branchiobdellidan lineage migrating to North America and probably radiating only in recent times; Branchiobdella kobayashii has a spermatozoon completely different from that of the other species of the genus, thus suggesting a complex story for this widespread taxon with a disjunct distribution.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic diversity and phylogenetic placement of the butterflies in the genus Colotis and eight related pierid genera using sequence information from two mitochondrial and two nuclear genes. To establish the status of species, we initially barcoded 632 specimens representative of all genera and most species and subspecies in those genera. A subset was then selected for phylogenetic analysis where additional gene regions were sequenced: 16S rRNA (523 bp), EF‐1α (1126 bp) and wg (404 bp). DNA barcode results were largely congruent with the traditional classification of species in the Colotis group, but deep splits or lack of genetic divergence in some cases supported either species‐level differentiation or synonymy. Despite using information from four genes, the deeper nodes in our phylogeny were not strongly supported, and monophyly of the ‘Colotis group’ and the genera Colotis and Eronia could not be established. To preserve the monophyly of Colotis, we revive the genus Teracolus for three outlying species previously in Colotis (i.e. Colotis eris, Colotis subfasciatus and Colotis agoye), as well as the genus Afrodryas for Eronia leda. The position of Calopieris is unresolved although it appears to be well outside the molecular variation in Colotis (s.l.). A dispersal/vicariance analysis suggested that major diversification in Colotis (s.str.) occurred in Africa with subsequent dispersal to India and Madagascar.  相似文献   

The structure and location of the diaphragm (gular membrane) was studied in five families of Terebelliformia: Terebellidae, Trichobranchidae, Pectinariidae, Ampharetidae and Alvinellidae, using dissections, histology, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Position, shape, and structure of the diaphragm differ in these taxa. In Terebellidae and Pectinariidae the diaphragm is straight. In Trichobranchidae, Ampharetidae and Alvinellidae it is funnel-shaped. Diaphragm possesses two contractile sacs in Terebellidae and Pectinariidae, one in Alvinellidae and none at all in Trichobranchidae. The relative size and form of the sacs varied. Representatives of the family Ampharetidae have one or two sacs or none at all. Four kinds of the diaphragm can be distinguished: strait with two sacs, funnel-shaped with two sacs, funnel-shaped with one sac, funnel-shaped without sacs. In some Alvinellidae, the diaphragm is fenestrated, while in all other taxa it is continuous. The wall of the sacs is more muscular than the wall of the remaining diaphragm. The diaphragm is attached to the body wall at different levels: between the third and fourth segments in pectinariids or between the fourth and fifth in terebellids, ampharetids, alvinellids and trichobranchids. In most cases, the diaphragm contains two coelothelial layers with a well-developed extra-cellular matrix in between, and one or two muscle layers. The maximum development of the muscle fibres occurs in Terebellidae; probably related to the length of buccal tentacles. Significance of morphological and ultrastructural peculiarities of the diaphragm is discussed.  相似文献   

In the past, the two species of Courtoisina were placed either in Cyperus L., Mariscus Vahl, or in Courtoisia Nees (now Courtoisina Sojak). While these species show undoubted external similarities to both Cypm and Muriscus , they differ by their widely winged glumes and the arrangement of the veins of the glumes. They also differ profoundly from Mariscus and most species of Cypm in anatomical characteristics, and it is concluded that these differences warrant separate generic status.  相似文献   

David G.  Cook 《Journal of Zoology》1968,156(3):273-289
Stephenson (1930) recognized 15 genera, and Hrabě (1936 to 1963) has distinguished 17 genera of Lumbriculidae, a family of freshwater Oligochaeta. On the basis of the form and arrangements of the parts of the genital system, a scheme is suggested in which 12 genera of Lumbriculidae are recognized. These genera are defined and a key erected for their identification. Reasons for removing Dorydrilus Piguet, 1913 from the Lumbriculidae are presented and the family Dorydrilidae fam. n. is defined to accommodate the genus.  相似文献   

A group of genera, e.g., Chamaesaracha, Leucophysalis, Physaliastrum, Margaranthus, and Withania, in the subfamily Solanoideae (Solanaceae) is centered around the genus Physalis and has been named the physaloid group. It comprises a number of small and often poorly known genera, sometimes seen as united with Physalis and/or each other. A hypothesis of the phylogenetic relationships within this group, based on parsimony analyses of morphological data, is here presented for the first time. The result is discussed in relation to prevailing generic circumsciptions and taxonomic consequences. It is also compared with hypotheses of relationships based on cpDNA data.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the fungus gnat tribe Exechiini (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) is reconstructed based on the combined analysis of five nuclear (18S, two parts of 28S, CAD, EF1α) and two mitochondrial (12S, COI) gene markers. According to known fossil record, and recent higher‐level phylogenies, the tribe constitutes the most apomorphic, distinctly monophyletic clade of the family Mycetophilidae. The tribe originated in the Paleogene and apparently quickly diversified in the Neogene with an unusual rapid radiation of complex male terminalia. Earlier attempts to reconstruct the phylogeny of the tribe, based on both morphology and molecular methods, have not yielded reliable hypotheses, neither in terms of resolution nor in terms of support for major clades. Increased taxon sampling and wider gene sampling have been suggested to achieve better phylogenetic resolution. Aiming at this, we present new phylogenies, for the first time with all known genera and subgenera of Exechiini represented. While many terminal intergeneric relationships are well supported, both in maximum likelihood and in Bayesian analyses, most of the major, deeper clades remain poorly supported. We suggest that a rapid radiation event close to the root may be causing the low resolution at this level in the phylogeny. This contrasts parallel phylogenies of the older subfamilies and tribes of the family Mycetophilidae, where traditional clades have usually been recovered with high support. Further in‐depth studies into the evolutionary history of the tribe are needed to enlighten and coalesce the specific phenomena driving their unique morphological, genetic and phylogeographic histories.  相似文献   

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