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Partial DNA sequences of two mitochondrial genes [cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S rRNA] from 59 specimens of Iberus were used to test the validity of the described morphospecies of this genus, and examine genetic divergences within and between main phylogenetic groups. Both gene fragments showed phylogenetic concordance. The COI gene was found to be faster evolving than the 16S gene and was fully protein-coding with no insertions or deletions. 16S rRNA was more informative than COI for resolving basal nodes. Both individual and combined analyses of the two gene fragments revealed five main phylogroups. These five groups are genetically unique lineages that are allopatrically distributed and considered to have full species status. Further subdivisions were also considered. Shell morphology was suitable for delimiting species boundaries, but several incongruences between morphology and mtDNA phylogeny were observed. These incongruences were considered consequence of hybridization between Iberus cobosi and Iberus marmoratus , and the result of shell shape polymorphism in Iberus rositai . According to spatial patterns of sequence divergence, life habits and shell morphology may be concluded that the keeled-flat shelled snails independently originated several times within Iberus and they could represent cases of similar shell adaptation to a karstic arid environment.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to infer the phylogeny of the Greek endemic land-snail genus Codringtonia Kobelt 1898, estimate the time frame of the radiation of the genus, and propose a biogeographic scenario that could explain the contemporary distribution of Codringtonia lineages. The study took place in the districts of Peloponnese, Central Greece and Epirus of mainland Greece. Sequence data originating from three mtDNA genes (COI, COII, and 16S rDNA) were used to infer the phylogeny of the eight nominal Codringtonia species. Furthermore, the radiation time-frame of extant Codringtonia species was estimated using a relaxed molecular clock analysis and mtDNA substitution rates of land snails. The phylogenetic analysis supported the existence of six Codringtonia lineages in Greece and indicated that one nominal species (Codringtonia neocrassa) might belong to a separate genus distantly related to Codringtonia. The time frame of differentiation of Codringtonia species was placed in the Late Miocene-Pleistocene epoch. The dispersal-vicariance analysis performed indicated that most probably Codringtonia exhibited a north-to-south spread with the ancestral area being that of central Greek mainland, accompanied with duplication (speciation) and vicariance events.  相似文献   

The land snail genus Solatopupa consists of six species and has a peri-Tyrrhenian distribution; most of the species have a very narrow range and all of them except one (Solatopupa cianensis, which inhabits porphyritic rocks) are strictly bound to calcareous substrates. One species (Solatopupa guidoni) is limited to Sardinia, Corsica, and Elba Island. Because the potential for dispersal of these snails is low, the insular range of this species has been traditionally related to the Oligocenic detachment of the Sardinia-Corsica microplate from the Iberian plate and its subsequent rotation towards the Italian peninsula. In this study, we used sequences of three mitochondrial and one nuclear gene to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the genus. Our phylogenetic results are consistent with the genetic relationships found using allozymes, but contrast with the phylogenetic hypotheses based on karyology and morphology. Molecular clock estimates indicate that the main cladogenetic events in the genus occurred between the middle Miocene and the middle-late Pliocene. Patterns of phylogenetic relationships and geological considerations suggest that the cladogenesis of the genus can be explained by vicariant (tectonic) processes. Our datings do not support a causal relation between the split of S. guidoni from its continental sister taxon and the initial phases of the detachment of the Corsica-Sardinia microplate from the mainland. On the contrary, time estimates coincide with the very last phase of detachment of the microplate (from 5 to 3 Myrs ago). Overall, our molecular clock estimates are in good agreement with the latest geological views on the tectonic evolution of the peri-Tyrrhenian area.  相似文献   

The endemic Hawaiian Succineidae represent an important component of the exceptionally diverse land snail fauna of the Hawaiian Islands, yet they remain largely unstudied. We employed 663-bp fragments of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) mitochondrial gene to investigate the evolution and biogeography of 13 Hawaiian succineid land snail species, six succineid species from other Pacific islands and Japan, and various outgroup taxa. Results suggest that: (1) species from the island of Hawaii are paraphyletic with species from Tahiti, and this clade may have had a Japanese (or eastern Asian) origin; (2) species from five of the remaining main Hawaiian islands form a monophyletic group, and the progression rule, which states that species from older islands are basal to those from younger islands, is partially supported; no geographic origin could be inferred for this clade; (3) succineids from Samoa are basal to all other succineids sampled (maximum likelihood) or unresolved with respect to the other succineid clades (maximum parsimony); (4) the genera Succinea and Catinella are polyphyletic. These results, while preliminary, represent the first attempt to reconstruct the phylogenetic pattern for this important component of the endemic Hawaiian fauna.  相似文献   

Joseph  Heller 《Journal of Zoology》1982,196(4):475-487
Theba pisana in southern Israel is a semelparous species with an annual life cycle. Young snails hatch in early winter, grow rapidly in spring and by summer they reach, first adult shell-size, then adult shell-weight. Shell-size is negatively related to density, suggesting that, as in some other landsnails, there may be a density-dependent inhibition of growth. Summer forces the snails into 3–4 months of aestivation.
After the first winter rains the snails, awakened perhaps by the sudden drop in barometric pressure, emerge from aestivation. Only now are most of the spermatozoa and mature oocytes formed (maturation of gametes actually starts some two weeks before the first rains), and the snails copulate. No evidence of precocious breeding was found. The snails sometimes dig a few "sham" holes, perhaps to discourage egg-eating predators, before finally depositing their eggs (mean clutch size: 80 eggs) in the last hole.
In mid-winter, the snails die. In a habitat where the sheltering conditions of the vegetation offer the snails more protection, the dying off process of the population is stretched over a few more months. This could, perhaps, be the first step towards the evolution of a bi-annual cycle, such as is typical of T. pisana in some other areas of its distribution.  相似文献   

Shell thickness in Theba pisana was measured in samples from Britain, northern France and the Mediterranean region. Mean adult thickness varied between about 0.08 mm and 0.20 mm. These values are much lower than previously published values. The considerable variation within samples was related to shell size, periods of growth, and resorption of shell material during breeding. Variation between samples was not great. This contrasts with previous work which linked shell thickness variation to large-scale climatic effects. Perhaps availability of calcium may be more important than climate in determining shell thickness in Theba Pisana .  相似文献   

The karyotype of Cepaea vindobonensis (Pfeiffer) (2 n = 50) is defined and compared with those of C. sylvatica (Draparnaud), C. nemoralis (L.) and C. hortensis (Müller). Cepaea vindobonesis shares its chromosome number with C. sylvatica. The genus Cepaea thus consists of two pairs of species, one with 2 n = 50 the other with 2 n = 44. The karyotype of C. vindobonensis is distinct from that of C. sylvatica as it lacks any discontinuity in its range of chromosome length and has all three of its longest chromosome pairs nearly identical. The two 2 n = 50 species both have an unusual meiotic bivalent showing a 'satellite-type' structure. It is apparent that the 2 n = 50 species are more closely related to each other than to the 2 n = 44 species. No precise definition of the evolutionary history can be given but a working hypothesis is suggested.  相似文献   

We have undertaken the first large-scale molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Stylommatophora. Sequences of the ribosomal RNA gene-cluster were examined in 104 species of snails and slugs from 50 families, encompassing all the currently recognized major groups. It allows an independent test of the present classification based on morphology. At the level of families our molecular phylogeny closely supports the current taxonomy, but the deep branches within the tree do not. Surprisingly, a single assemblage including the families Achatinidae, Subulinidae and Streptaxidae lies near the base of the tree, forming a sister group to all remaining stylommatophorans. This primary division into 'achatinoid' and 'non-achatinoid' taxa is unexpected, and demands a radical reinterpretation of early stylommatophoran evolution. In particular, the Orthurethra appear to be relatively advanced within the 'non-achatinoid clade', and broadly equivalent to other super-familial clusters. This indicates that supposedly primitive features such as the orthurethran kidney are derived. The molecular tree also suggests that the origin of the Stylommatophora is much earlier than the main period of their diversification.  相似文献   

The rock-dwelling landsnail Leuantinu is represented in Israel by two species, caesareana and hierosolyma . They are both found abundantly in Mediterranean, steppe, semi-arid and extremely arid habitats, and are probably ancient elements in the Israeli fauna. Their common borderline shows no association with altitude, rainfall, temperature, climatic zones, lithology, phytogeography, or the distribution of predators. The possiblity that one species is actively displacing the other, and that the position of the borderline is temporary, is rejected on grounds both of previous research and of fossil finds.
A narrow hybrid zone occurs in most places along the borderline. Laboratory experiments show that these hybrids are inferior to the parent species in viability and fecundity, and that assortative mating of the two parent species occurs in a mixed population. Hybridization may perhaps be maintained because selection favours the individual that will mate with its own species whenever it can tind one, but is capable of mating with other species when it cannot. In these conditions, hybridization is not a waste of reproductive energy.
Certain morphological changes occur in the vicinity of the hybrid zone. Far from the zone, caesareana resembles hierosolyma in shell-height, shell shape and genitalia; approaching the hybrid zone it diverges from hierosolyma in these characteristics and develops a distinct variant, caesareana var. werneri . This divergence may represent an accumulation of isolating mechanisms in the proximity of the hybrid zone, and thus be a case of reproductive character displacement. If indeed it is, then it differs from most described cases of character displacement in that the species are parapatric, not sympatric, and the displaced character is found not only at the common frontier but also from 2–12 km into the allopatric zone.  相似文献   

The genus Philodendron (Araceae) is a large neotropical group whose classification remains unclear. Previous classifications are based on morphological characters, mainly from the inflorescence, flower and leaf shape. The classification by Krause, with few modifications, is still the most commonly used system. To examine phylogenetic relationships in the genus, two ribosomal DNA nuclear markers, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and external transcribed spacer (ETS), and the chloroplast intron rpl 16, were sequenced and analysed for more than 80 species of Philodendron and its close relative Homalomena . According to the resulting phylogeny, the genus Homalomena may be paraphyletic to the genus Philodendron . The inclusion of the American Homalomena species within the genus Philodendron might resolve this taxonomic problem. All three subgenera of Philodendron were revealed as monophyletic. Below the subgeneric level, the groups obtained in our phylogeny globally correspond to sections recognized in previous classifications. Among the morphological characters used by previous taxonomists to build their classifications, and which we optimized onto one of the most parsimonious trees, most characters were found to be homoplasious. However, leaf shape, characteristics of the sterile zone on the spadix and venation patterns are useful for delimiting subgenera and sections within the genus.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 13–27.  相似文献   

The genus Homonota was described by Gray (1845) and currently includes 10 species: Homonota andicola, H. borellii, H. darwinii, H. fasciata, H. rupicola, H. taragui, H. underwoodi, H. uruguayensis, H. williamsii & H. whitii and one subspecies of H. darwinii (H. darwinii macrocephala). It is distributed from 15° latitude south in southern Brazil, through much of Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina to 54° south in Patagonia and across multiple different habitats. Several morphological taxonomic studies on a subset of these species have been published, but no molecular phylogenetic hypotheses are available for the genus. The objective of this study is to present a molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for all the described species in the genus. We sequenced two mitochondrial genes (cyt‐b & 12S: 1745 bp), seven nuclear protein coding (RBMX, DMLX, NKTR, PLRL, SINCAIP, MXRA5, ACA4: 5804 bp) and two anonymous nuclear loci (30Hb, 19Hb: 1306 bp) and implemented traditional concatenated analyses (MP, ML, BI) as well as species‐tree (*beast ) approaches. All methods recovered almost the same topology. We recovered the genus Homonota as monophyletic with strong statistical support. Within Homonota, there are three strongly supported clades (whitii, borellii and fasciata), which differ from those previously proposed based on scale shape, osteology, myology and quantitative characters. Detailed morphological analyses based on this highly resolved and well‐supported phylogeny will provide a framework for understanding morphological evolution and historical biogeography of this phenotypically conservative genus. We hypothesize that extensive marine transgressions during Middle and Late Miocene most probably isolated the ancestors of the three main clades in eastern Uruguay (borellii group), north‐western Argentina‐southern Bolivia (fasciata group), and central‐western Argentina (whitii group). Phylogeographic and morphological/morphometric analyses coupled with paleo‐niche modelling are needed to better understand its biogeographical history.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Pteris (Pteridaceae), comprising over 250 species, had been thought to be a monophyletic genus until the three monotypic genera Neurocallis, Ochropteris and Platyzoma were included. However, the relationships between the type species of the genus Pteris, P. longifolia, and other species are still unknown. Furthermore, several infrageneric morphological classifications have been proposed, but are debated. To date, no worldwide phylogenetic hypothesis has been proposed for the genus, and no comprehensive biogeographical history of Pteris, crucial to understanding its cosmopolitan distribution, has been presented.


A molecular phylogeny of Pteris is presented for 135 species, based on cpDNA rbcL and matK and using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference approaches. The inferred phylogeny was used to assess the biogeographical history of Pteris and to reconstruct the evolution of one ecological and four morphological characters commonly used for infrageneric classifications.

Key Results

The monophyly of Pteris remains uncertain, especially regarding the relationship of Pteris with Actiniopteris + Onychium and Platyzoma. Pteris comprises 11 clades supported by combinations of ecological and morphological character states, but none of the characters used in previous classifications were found to be exclusive synapomorphies. The results indicate that Pteris diversified around 47 million years ago, and when species colonized new geographical areas they generated new lineages, which are associated with morphological character transitions.


This first phylogeny of Pteris on a global scale and including more than half of the diversity of the genus should contribute to a new, more reliable infrageneric classification of Pteris, based not only on a few morphological characters but also on ecological traits and geographical distribution. The inferred biogeographical history highlights long-distance dispersal as a major process shaping the worldwide distribution of the species. Colonization of different niches was followed by subsequent morphological diversification. Dispersal events followed by allopatric and parapatric speciation contribute to the species diversity of Pteris.  相似文献   

Xiaofeng  Chen 《Journal of Zoology》1994,232(3):465-471
The simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail Arianta arbustorum (L.) (Pulmonata: Helicidae) was long believed to be self-incompatible. In the present study, however, uniparental reproduction was observed under laboratory conditions. Snails from two natural populations and from laboratory culture reared in isolation from the subadult stage produced fertile eggs. Over a period of three years after maturation, 38.5% of the unmated snails produced fertile eggs, mostly in the second and third years instead of the first year. Egg production and hatching success (the proportion of eggs that hatched) were lower in unmated snails than in mated snails. The number of hatchlings produced by unmated snails was 1–2% of that produced by mated snails. Hatchlings from unmated snails survived as well as those from mated snails under laboratory conditions. The result indicate that A. arbustorum can self-fertilize but with a great fitness reduction.  相似文献   

Land snails have long been recognized as suitable organisms for studying phenotypic differentiation and phylogeny in relation to geographical distribution. Morphological data (shell and anatomy biometry on different geographical scales) and partial sequences from mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase subunit I , 16S rDNA) were used to test whether morphological patterns match phylogeny in a diversified group of Sicilian rock-dwelling land snails belonging to the genus Marmorana . The taxonomic implications of the three character sets (shell and anatomical biometry and molecular data) were also considered. The inferred phylogenetic relationships do not match morphological (shell and genitalia) patterns. This result may significantly modify the current taxonomy. Mitochondrial based reconstructions define several supported clades well correlated with geographic distribution and populations were found to be distributed parapatrically. The progressive decline in mitochondrial DNA sequence similarity over a distance of 250 km is consistent with a model of isolation by distance, a pattern previously recognized for other groups of land snails. For one clade of Marmorana , colonization along Mediterranean trade routes appears to be a possibility.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 809–823.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a molecular phylogeny for the west Palaearctic Helicidae sensu lato based on sequence data from two mitochondrial (COI, 16S rDNA) and two nuclear (ITS-1, 18S rDNA) genes. Maximum likelihood analysis and Bayesian inference revealed well supported monophyletic clades partly conflicting traditional classifications. Based on these results, we propose the following system. The Western Palaearctic Helicidae s.l. consist of two families, Helicidae and Hygromiidae. Within the Helicidae, three well supported subfamilies can be recognised: the Helicinae, Ariantinae, and Helicodontinae. The Hygromiidae consist of three clades: the Hygromiinae, the Helicellinae, and a yet unnamed clade comprising the genera Sphincterochila and Cochlicella. We then used the phylogeny to study the evolution of anatomical, and ecological characters traditionally used for systematic classification. In the Helicidae s.l., two independent evolutionary transitions to life in xeric environments occurred, which allowed the occupation of new niches with a subsequent radiation of the Helicellinae-Cochlicella/Sphincterochila clade and the Helicinae. Whereas, the multiplication of the Glandulae mucosae is a synapomorphy of the Hygromiidae, the lovedart sac apparatus is present in all groups and thus, the trait cannot provide a synapomorphy for either families or subfamilies. Additionally, we evaluated the use of structural molecular genetic characters for taxonomic assessment. The presence of an unique loop region of the 16S rDNA gene and a short tandem repeat in the ITS-1 region provide independent evidence for the monophyly of these major two groups, and can be used for preliminary classification.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of Capoeta genus distributed in Anatolia were carried out by analysing mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) sequences from 332 samples representing 59 populations of 15 species across their geographical distribution. Haplotype network and phylogenetic analysis (neighbor-joining, maximum-likelihood, maximum parsimony, and bayesian inference) of the 103 cytochrome b haplotypes detected in Capoeta species resulted in similar tree topologies including four distinct clades, in congruent with taxonomic classification of Capoeta based on morphological characteristics such as scale size, mouth shape, and body spotting. Based on cyt b nucleotide sequences, the present study suggests that four undescribed Capoeta species may exist in Anatolia freshwater; one species in the Kizilirmak River, the second species in the Dirgine River, the third species B. Menderes River, and the fourth species in the some Yesilirmak tributaries that run into the Black Sea Basin. Capoeta taxa distributed in the rivers of Anatolian freshwater basins are isolated from each other during middle Miocene (Serravallian)-late Pleistocene (Ionian) (about 13.75–0.41 million years). This suggests that distribution and presence of Capoeta species were shaped under paleogeographic conditions such as Pleistocene climate changes in Quarternary period as well as tectonic uplift and faulting, which probably has not changed up to now.  相似文献   

We performed a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the ground beetles Apatrobus (Carabidae), endemic to Japan, using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear 28S rRNA (28S) genes. We focused on the species divergence in Kyushu, Shikoku and western Honshu and used 15 of 19 species and three populations with undetermined species in the DNA analysis. The gene trees showed that, of the Apatrobus species studied, A. hayachinensis Nakane from northern Honshu was not included in the monophyletic group of the other Apatrobus species and likely to be of a different genus. Divergence time estimation suggested that Apatrobus species excluding A. hayachinensis diverged 5.2 million years ago and the subsequent divergence of species occurred during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. In each of the main islands, Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu, two or more distinct lineages occurred and all species had restricted distribution areas, suggesting that ancient dispersal and vicariance among the three main islands resulted in the nested biogeographical pattern of species distribution.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny of the genus Vitis (Vitaceae) based on plastid markers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
? Premise of the study: This work represents the first molecular phylogeny of the economically important genus Vitis, an important genetic resource for breeding in grapevine, Vitis vinifera. ? Methods: A molecular phylogeny of Vitis using a combined data set of three noncoding regions of the plastid DNA genome was constructed from 47 accessions covering 30 species of Vitis. The data for the trnL-F marker were combined with previously published data across the Vitaceae. ? Key results: The molecular phylogeny demonstrated monophyly of the genus Vitis. Based on the combined analysis of three genes, Vitis is split into three clades that mirror the continental distribution of these accessions. The diversity is highest in the Asian clade, but the general genetic distances across taxa from different continents are relatively small. ? Conclusions: The findings support a relatively recent and intense gene flow between East Asia and North America and the possible impact of hybridization on the evolution of the genus Vitis. Taxon identity in important stock collections should be screened carefully because roughly 10% of the accessions analyzed in the present study had been misidentified.  相似文献   

The extracts from ocular tentacles of Helix aspersa hare a heterochronic inhibitive action on the development of albumen gland. In view of elucidating the origin of this heterochrony, we make an electrophoretic study of the different extracts from juveniles, adults in activity, in natural sleep and awakning. This study has allowed us to spot 19 proteic fractions common to the four extracts of the tentacles under study, but these fractions show only differences in concentration. Particularly, the proteinic fractions 7 and 8 are more concentrated in the extract of juveniles snails tentacles than in the extract of adults snails. This difference in proteic concentration could explain the heterochronic inhibitive action of ocular tentacles extracts on the development of albumen gland of this snail.  相似文献   

Helix is a genus of large Western Palaearctic land snails, particularly diverse in the Mediterranean region. Despite the large size and attractiveness of its members, it has an unsettled taxonomy, and no data are available on its intrageneric phylogenetic relationships. One of the problematic Helix taxa is the widely distributed, economically important, and conchologically very variable H. lucorum. Two distinct forms may be encountered under this name in the Apennine Peninsula: a typical one in the north, and a form originally described as Helix straminea in central and southern Italy. To evaluate the status of H. straminea and its relationships to Italian and Balkan Helix fauna, we combined shell morphology, geometric morphometrics, and phylogenetic analysis based on two mitochondrial genes. Distribution data were improved by drawing information from unambiguously identifiable photographs posted online. Based on our results, Helix straminea is redescribed as a separate species, and we find it to have a disjunctive trans‐Adriatic range with closest relatives in the western Balkans. We provide insight into relationships and intraspecific variability within Helix, a first step towards a comprehensive revision of the genus. On the example of Italian Helix fauna, we demonstrate how understanding of snail zoogeography may change with improving taxonomy. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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