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Microscopic methods were used to investigate the morphological characterization of two novel oligotrich ciliates, Spirostrombidium paraurceolare sp. nov. and Spirostrombidium faurefremieti sp. nov., isolated from a mangrove wetland in Zhanjiang and an intertidal sandy beach in Qingdao, respectively. Spirostrombidium paraurceolare sp. nov. is characterized by three thigmotactic and 8–10 buccal membranelles, the girdle kinety spiralling around cell with one and a half whorls, and located at right anterior third of dorsal side anteriorly. Spirostrombidium faurefremieti sp. nov. can be recognized by a prominently deep and broad buccal cavity, two thigmotactic and 15–19 buccal membranelles, and the girdle kinety spiralling around cell with two whorls. The small subunit ribosomal RNA genes of these two species were sequenced and compared with those of their congeners to reveal nucleotide differences. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the genus Spirostrombidium is non-monophyletic. Spirostrombidium faurefremieti sp. nov. falls into a clade comprising most congeners, but Spirostrombidium paraurceolare sp. nov. branches off and groups with Varistrombidium kielum with moderate support. A key to the identification of Spirostrombidium species is also provided.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:AB96BEE6-BE3A-4B95-B75A-3469B1C53ABB2  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the morphology of three oligotrich (s.l.) ciliates, Strombidium guangdongense sp. nov., Cyrtostrombidium paralongisomum Tsai et al., 2015 and Strombidinopsis sinicum sp. nov. Strombidium guangdongense sp. nov. is characterized by its elongate obconical to obovoidal body shape and widely spaced dikinetids in the girdle and ventral kineties. Another new species, Strombidinopsis sinicum sp. nov. is diagnosed by its small size and semi-globular body shape without mineral envelopes. Some additional morphological data of the recently described species Cyrtostrombidium paralongisomum Tsai et al., 2015, such as the endoral membrane, are supplied based on our population. We also analysed the molecular phylogeny of each species based on small subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequence data. The monophyly of Cyrtostrombidium is supported by our phylogenetic analyses, but the monophyly of Strombidinopsis and of the family Strombidinopsidae are both rejected by AU tests. In addition, Strombidium species have a tail branch separately from one another in phylogenetic trees, whereas strombidiids with a pigment spot group together, suggesting the latter character is a synapomorphy for this group of strombidiids.


http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:E9D4A497-DAD6-4AA0-A044-A5A1D2C1A057  相似文献   

Cyrtophorids are a specialized group of ciliated protozoa with multitudinous morphotypes. In the present work, the morphology and infraciliature of two new and three rarely known species, including two new genera of cyrtophorid ciliates, Heterohartmannula fangi gen. et sp. nov. , Aporthotrochilia pulex (Deroux, 1976) gen. et comb. nov. , Trochilia alveolata sp. nov. , Trochochilodon flavus Deroux, 1976, and Hypocoma acinetarum Collin, 1907, are described. Heterohartmannula gen. nov. is mainly characterized by a combination of features: two circumoral kineties obliquely arranged, podite not surrounded by somatic kineties, and no distinct gap between left and right ciliary field. Aporthotrochilia gen. nov. is diagnosed mainly by: podite present, oral ciliature reduced to two fragments, several kinety fragments positioned on the right posterior of frontoventral kineties and several terminal fragments. Phylogenetic analyses based on the small subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequences support the establishment of two new genera and indicate that Heterohartmannula is most closely related to Hartmannula, and Aporthotrochilia is basal to the Cyrtophoria‐Chonotrichia clade. Trochilia alveolata sp. nov. differs from its congeners mainly by having a conspicuous alveolar layer. In addition, detailed live and infraciliature data of Hypocoma acinetarum and Trochochilodon flavus are supplied. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 1–17.  相似文献   

The living morphology, infraciliature and morphogenesis of a new marine cyrtophorid ciliate, Hartmannula sinica nov. spec., collected from Qingdao, north China, have been investigated. The new species is characterized by: size in vivo 90–130×40–50 μm, body long elliptical in outline, cilium-free field covered with a conspicuous alveolar layer; 24–31 ventral kineties, the rightmost 6–9 of which extend apically; 20–24 nematodesmal rods; about 15 sparsely distributed contractile vacuoles; a yellowish pigment spot is always present near the anterior tip of the cell. Morphogenetic events exhibit a pattern, which is homologous with that of related cyrtophorids. The main features are as follows: (1) preoral and circumoral kineties of opisthe develop from the oral primordium that forms in mid-body from sections of 3 postoral kineties, while parental preoral and circumoral kineties are retained; (2) parental cytostome and nematodesmal rods are resorbed in middle divisional stages and then replaced by newly formed structures; (3) the heteromerous macronucleus unifies in the late divisional stage.  相似文献   

The morphology and morphogenesis of a new marine hypotrichous ciliate Pseudoamphisiella elongata sp. nov. isolated from mussel‐farming waters near Qingdao, China, are described based on living and protargol‐impregnated specimens. Morphologically, the new species can be distinguished from its known congeners by its elongate body shape, narrow oral field, having fewer dorsal kineties and caudal cirri, more marginal cirri, and differentiated pretransverse cirri. The identification as a new species is firmly supported by the sequences of the small subunit ribosomal rRNA (SSU rRNA) gene, compared with other known Pseudoamphisiella species, and the phylogenetic analysis. The morphogenetic characteristics can be summarized as follows: (1) the parental adoral zone of membranelles and undulating membranes are entirely rebuilt by the oral primordium, which develops de novo in the outermost region of the cortex; (2) the oral primordium in the opisthe and the frontoventral–transverse (FVT) anlagen in both dividers are formed independently on the cell surface; (3) an ‘extra’ marginal anlage originates to the right of the right marginal anlage, and develops into two or three ‘extra’ marginal cirri; (4) the FVT anlagen develop in the primary mode, and the last FVT streak contributes two migratory cirri (frontoterminal cirri), which are probably resorbed; (5) the right marginal anlagen in both dividers occur close together, independent of the old structure. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 231–243.  相似文献   

Although it is widely recognized that oligotrich ciliates are the dominant constituent of microzooplankton communities and perform key functions in energy flow and material cycling in marine microbial food webs, knowledge of their diversity is scant. In the present study, we investigate the oligotrich genera, Cyrtostrombidium and Apostrombidium, with emphasis on their morphology and evolutionary relationships. Three isolates were collected from coastal waters of northern and southern China including two new species, viz., Cyrtostrombidium paraboreale sp. n., Apostrombidium orientale sp. n., and Apostrombidium pseudokielum Xu et al., 2009. Cyrtostrombidium paraboreale sp. n. is characterized by possessing 64–98 cytopharyngeal rods and two macronuclear nodules. Apostrombidium orientale sp. n. is characterized by its somatic kinety consisting of five fragments including a horizontally orientated subterminal fragment and possessing conspicuously long dorsal cilia. Apostrombidium pseudokielum is redescribed based on the new population and a re-examination of the type material. Phylogenetic analyses were performed for the subclass Oligotrichia, incorporating SSU rRNA gene sequences of the three species investigated here. The results indicate that the genus Cyrtostrombidium is monophyletic with C. paraboreale sp. n. occupying the basal position. The genus Apostrombidium is not monophyletic as Varistrombidium kielum is nested within it.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the morphology and molecular phylogeny of four marine or brackish spirotrichean ciliates found in China, namely: Caryotricha sinica sp. nov., Prodiscocephalus orientalis sp. nov., P. cf. borrori, and Certesia quadrinucleata. Caryotricha sinica is characterized by its small size, seven cirral rows extending posteriorly to about 65% of the cell length, and four transverse cirri. Prodiscocephalus orientalis differs from its congeners mainly by the number of cirri in the “head” region and on the ventral side. The SSU rDNA sequence of P. cf. borrori differs from that of other population of P. borrori by ca. 40 bp. Consequently, the nominal species P. borrori is considered to be a species-complex. New data are provided for Certesia quadrinucleata. The Chinese population of C. quadrinucleata, for example, has fewer left marginal cirri than the other populations for which such data are available. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequence data show that the genus Caryotricha is monophyletic. All typical “discocephalids” with a discoid “head” form a strongly supported clade that is sister to the unstable uronychiids + pseudoamphisiellids clade within the Euplotia. The genus Certesia forms a sister group to the Euplotes clade, also within the Euplotia assemblage.  相似文献   

The diversity of hypotrichous ciliates has encouraged numerous researchers to use a combination of morphological, morphogenetic, and phylogenetic data to provide a better understanding of the evolutionary relationships within this complex group. In this study, we investigate the morphology and morphogenesis of Pseudourostyla subtropica sp. nov., isolated from mangrove wetland. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the huge body size, many more adoral membranelles and marginal cirral rows, and numerous macronuclear nodules. In addition, we provide a morphological characterization of a population of Pseudourostyla nova Wiackowski 1988 from an estuarine habitat. The main events during binary fission of P. subtropica sp. nov. and the Chinese population of P. nova are also revealed to be conservative. The morphological, ontogenetic, and phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU rDNA sequences corroborate the monophyly of Pseudourostyla Borror, 1972, which corresponds well with previous research. The phylogenetic analyses also show that Pseudourostyla and Hemicycliostyla Stokes, 1886, both of which are assigned to the family Pseudourostylidae based on morphological and morphogenetic data, in fact fall into separated clades. The approximately unbiased tests, however, do not reject the possibility that the family Pseudourostylidae is a monophyletic lineage.  相似文献   

The gene coding for the small subunit ribosomal RNA molecule was sequenced in three marine spirotrichs: Pseudoamphisiella lacazei, P. alveolata, and Parabirojimia similis, the systematic positions of which remain unclear in spite of recent progress. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by means of neighbor-joining (NJ), least-squares (LS), maximum parsimony (MP), and Bayesian inference (BI) methods in order to test previously inferred phylogenetic assignments of Pseudoamphisiella and Parabirojimia based on morphological and morphogenetic data. The main results are that: (1) all trees constructed have similar topologies in which the genus Parabirojimia derives at the base of the class Stichotrichia, which suggests that it might represent a unique taxon at about suborder or even-order level near urostylids; (2) the present study supports the conclusion reported by previous researchers that urostylids could be a paraphyletic assemblage and that Uroleptus and Paruroleptus should be removed from the order Urostylida; (3) Pseudoamphisiellidae/Pseudoamphisiella always clusters with Prodiscocephalus borrori rather than with urostylids, which indicates that they might represent an ancestral form for both discocephaline and urostylid species; (4) the monophyly of the traditional suborder Discocephalina and typical euplotids is consistently rejected. Based on both morphological/morphogenetical and molecular data obtained, a new suborder Parabirojimina n. subord. is suggested, which currently includes one family, Parabirojimidae n. fam., and the single genus Parabirojimia.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of peritrich ciliates from brackish biotopes is rarely investigated, especially members of the genus Pseudovorticella. Here, the morphology of three species of Pseudovorticella, i.e. P. cf. vestita (Stokes, 1883) Jankowski, 1976, P. spathulata sp. n., and P. qinghaiensis sp. n. isolated from brackish waters were studied. Pseudovorticella cf. vestita is characterized by inverted bell‐shaped cell; a J‐shaped macronucleus; a single contractile vacuole ventrally located; P3 three‐rowed; pellicle striated with highly developed pellicular vesicles; 18–22 transverse silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band, and 9–13 between aboral trochal band and scopula. Pseudovorticella spathulata sp. n. differs from its congeners by the following combination of characters: elongate‐elliptical cell; a single contractile vacuole near ventral wall of infundibulum; a J‐shaped macronucleus; P3 three‐rowed; 24–34 silverlines between oral area and aboral trochal band and 6–10 between aboral trochal band and scopula. Pseudovorticella qinghaiensis sp. n. is characterized by: cell with an oval outline; a single contractile vacuole near ventral wall of infundibulum; a C‐shaped macronucleus; P3 three‐rowed; 30–35 and 9–11 transverse silverlines above and below the trochal band, respectively. The SSU rDNA sequences of five Pseudovorticella species, namely P. annulata, P. monilata, P. parakenti, P. spathulata sp. n., and P. cf. vestita, plus that of Zoothamnium hartwigi, are reported for the first time and their evolutionary relationships are investigated. Five undefined Pseudovorticella forms are considered might be conspecific with P. monilata. Two congeners are conspecific with P. spathulata sp. n. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequences reveal that Pseudovorticella is not monophyletic and Z. hartwigi clusters with its congeners as expected.  相似文献   

Although trachelocercid ciliates are common in marine sandy intertidal zones, methodological difficulties mean that their biodiversity and evolutionary relationships have not been well documented. This paper investigates the morphology and infraciliature of two novel Trachelolophos and one rarely known form, Tracheloraphis similis Raikov and Kovaleva, 1968, collected from the coastal waters of southern and eastern China. The small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences of two of the species are presented, allowing the phylogenetic position of the genus Trachelolophos to be revealed for the first time. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rRNA gene sequences indicate that Trachelolophos branches with Kovalevaia and forms a sister clade with the group including Prototrachelocerca, Trachelocerca and Tracheloraphis. The monophyly of Trachelocerca is not rejected by the approximately unbiased (AU) test (P = 0.209, > 0.05) but that of Tracheloraphis is rejected (P = 3e‐033, < 0.05). The newly sequenced genus Trachelolophos, and recent studies on the morphology and phylogeny of the family Trachelocercidae, suggest two new hypotheses about the evolution of the seven genera within Trachelocercidae, based on either infraciliature or molecular evidence. Both hypotheses suppose the compound circumoral kineties in the oral apparatus is a plesiomorphic feature while the single circumoral kinety is synapomorphic. More evidence is still needed, however, as to whether the closed circumoral kinety with no brosse feature in Trachelocerca is ancestral or secondarily reduced. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

A new rhodymeniacean species, Chamaebotrys prolifera , is described from a shallow water habitat in Puerto Rico, representing the first occurrence of the genus in the Atlantic Ocean. Plants, to 5 cm across, are decumbent and comprised of compressed vesicles that are originally proliferously branched at the perimeter. Older vesicles become branched from their dorsal surfaces as well. Branches are septate at their origin and become irregularly shaped with age. Anastomoses between adjacent vesicles is common. Individual vesicles measure to 15 mm in broadest dimension. Vesicle walls consist of two layers of medullary cells and two layers of cortical cells. Tetrasporangia, which occur in diffuse nemathecia, are spherical, to 30 µm in diameter and are cut off terminally from an inner cortical cell. Cystocarps are hemispherical measuring to 800 µm in diameter and 350 µm in height. Spermatangia are apparently cut off randomly from outer cortical cells across the thallus surface. Molecular evidence confirms placement of Chamaebotrys within the Rhodymeniaceae.  相似文献   

In the present study, we provide morphological and molecular characterization of two Trichodina species, T. acuta Lom, 1970 and T. funduli Wellborn, 1967, isolated from koi (Cyprinus carpio) and loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus), respectively. Morphological characters of the two Trichodina species were mainly investigated on the basis of dry silver nitrate-impregnated specimens. Both species are medium-sized and possess well-developed denticles comprising strongly sickle-shaped blades, well-developed central parts, and straight rays. Trichodina acuta can be easily distinguished from the other Trichodina species that possess a clear central circle by the well-developed sharp blade apophysis, and the gap between ray tip and central circle. Trichodina funduli is a poorly known species that is easily confused with T. heterodentata Duncan, 1977, however the latter species has thinner denticles. The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences of Trichodina acuta and T. funduli were incorporated into phylogenetic analyses. Our findings suggest that the phylogenetic lineage of trichodinids might not correspond with their living environments, host species or even some morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

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