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This study aimed to clarify the differences in electromyographic activity between the quadratus lumborum anterior (QL-a) and posterior layers (QL-p), and the relationship among trunk muscles and gluteus medius (GMed) activities during forward landing. Thirteen healthy men performed double-leg and single-leg (ipsilateral or contralateral sides as the electromyography measurement of trunk muscles) forward landings from a 30 cm-height-box. The onset of electromyographic activity in pre-landing and the electromyographic amplitude of the unilateral QL-a, QL-p, abdominal muscles, lumbar multifidus (LMF), erector spinae (LES), and bilateral GMed were recorded. Two-way ANOVA was used to compare the onset of electromyographic activity (3 landing leg conditions × 10 muscles) and electromyographic amplitude among (3 landing leg conditions × 2 phases). The onset of QL-p was significantly earlier in contralateral-leg landing than in the double-leg and ipsilateral-leg landings. The onset of LMF and LES was significantly earlier than that of the abdominal muscles in contralateral-leg landing. QL-p activity and GMed activity on the contralateral leg side in the pre-landing were significantly higher in contralateral-leg landing than in the other leg landings. To prepare for pelvic and trunk movements after ground contact, LMF, LES, QL-p on non-support leg side, and GMed on support leg side showed early or high feedforward activation before ground contact during single-leg forward landing.  相似文献   

This study aimed to clarify the difference in the onset of EMG activity between eight trunk muscles, including the anterior (QL-a) and posterior (QL-p) layers of the quadratus lumborum during rapid shoulder joint abduction. Thirteen healthy men participated in this study. Electromyography of the QL-a, QL-p, transversus abdominis (TrA), internal oblique (IO), external oblique (EO), rectus abdominis (RA), lumbar multifidus (LMF), lumbar erector spinae (LES) on non-movement side, and middle deltoid (MD) on the movement side were measured. Subjects who were standing in a relaxed position performed rapid shoulder abduction with the dominant hand after light stimulus with or without a 3 kg wrist weight. Two-way ANOVA (muscles × weight conditions) was used to compare the onset of trunk muscles relative to that of MD. There was a significant main effect of the muscles. The onset of the QL-a, QL-p, and TrA was significantly earlier than that of the IO, EO, LMF, and LES (P < 0.01). This result suggests that the activities of the QL-a, QL-p, and TrA have a crucial role in controlling the center of mass within the base of support and stabilizing the lumbar spine in the coronal plane during shoulder abduction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the force-velocity (F/) relationship for the erector spinae muscles in submaximal activation movements, with particular attention to their response during lengthening movements and at lower shortening contraction velocities. Dynamic models that predict lower back muscle forces require reasonable representations of the modulating effect of instantaneous velocity. Ten males were observed performing trunk flexion and extension in the sagittal plane under constant load. Contraction velocities were measured as the first derivative from a devise sensitive to changes in spine curvature, and controlled by a visual feedback system while a constant load was applied through a chest harness. The erector spinae exhibited a yielding phenomenon which causes an abrupt drop in force during constant velocity stretching under constant, submaximal, stimulation. The findings were consistent with previous isovelocity muscle lengthening experiments. Yielding appeared dependent on the level of load/activation supporting the theory of a state-variableF/ relationship. The eccentric behaviour of the lower erectors (L3) seemed independent of velocity and length, while that of the upper erectors (T9) showed a dependence on length. At lower concentric velocities, concavity in torque-velocity curves was noted after a threshold velocity. The findings of this study strongly reinforce the notion that theF/ length relationship is not a continuous hyperbolic relationship during muscle shortening and that the commonly modelled force augmentation effect of lengthening is incorrect, at least for submaximal activation of the extensors of the lower back.  相似文献   

Flexion relaxation of erector spinae response to spinal shrinkage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of spinal shrinkage on the characteristic of flexion relaxation phenomenon in erector spinae muscle. Twelve male university students volunteered for this study. The spinal shrinkage was created with a load of 20% body weight on shoulder in 10 min. Each performed three trials of lumbar flexion-extension with the cycle of 5s flexion and 5s extension in standing before and after shrinkage. Surface electromyography from right erector spinae muscle as well as trunk flexion performance was recorded synchronously in video camera. A one-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to evaluate the effect of shrinkage. The results showed that there was a significant (p<0.001) stature change with mean magnitude of shrinkage 5.9 mm. The erector spinae was active through a significantly larger angle during flexion and began activity significantly earlier during extension after shrinkage. It was concluded that shrinkage caused by prolonged compressive loading will elicit the change of flexion relaxation characteristic, which may be closely related to low back disorder.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to obtain information (1) on surface electromyograms (SEMG) from the lumbar erector spinae muscles at different interelectrode distances and postures during short isometric contractions with constant force, (2) on the relationships between SEMG and extension force at different postures, and (3) on changes in SEMG during fatiguing isometric contractions at different postures and strengths. Six male subjects developed target forces in prone postures without gravity confounding the measurement of the extension torque. The angles between the constantly horizontal upper trunk and thighs were 90 degrees (P1), 135 degrees (P2), 170 degrees (P3), and 190 degrees (P4). Standard deviations of the distribution of SEMG amplitudes (RMS values), autoregressive (AR) time series models of the 15th order and spectral densities, including mean power frequency (MPF), were computed. Smaller interelectrode distances accompanied smaller RMS values and higher MPF. At a constant extension torque of about 110 Nm, RMS values and MPF increased from P1 to P4. Changes of interelectrode distance were of relatively minor importance, compared with the variation in the posture. With increasing torque, the increase in RMS values was steeper at P3 than at P2. The AR structure and MPF did not exhibit distinct effects of force. During sustained contractions at P2 and P3, only the highest force (mean = 140 Nm) at P3 caused a significant decrease of the MPF at the very beginning of the contraction. Endurance at P2 was greater than at P3. Higher forces and/or shorter muscles (P3) induced more pronounced and earlier relative decreases of the MPF and residual variance of AR models. Up to the "failure point", RMS values increased slightly, but without significant differences.  相似文献   

This study investigated back muscle fatigability of the erector spinae (ES) muscles during submaximal contractions with the use of surface electromyography (sEMG). It was important to confirm the reliability of measurements for characterizing neuromuscular alterations by establishing the difference between the Shannon (information) entropy and the power spectrum analysis in subjects with low back pain (LBP). The data was collected on two different days, one week apart, and the between-days reliability of these measures was examined. Thirty-two gender-matched subjects completed the modified Sorenson test; 16 of the subjects were female while 16 were male. The entropy of the sEMG signal was more reliable than either the median frequency (MF) or the slope of the MF. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was higher for the entropy than for the MF slope. The ICC values of entropy for between-day measurements were higher (0.82–0.85) than MF (0.54–0.64) and MF slope (0.26–0.30). The standard errors of measurement (SEM) values for entropy were lower (0.04–0.05) than MF (3.10–3.60) and MF slope (0.03–0.04). The Pearson correlation coefficients of the entropy were significantly higher (0.75–0.77) than those of the MF (0.38–0.47) and the MF slope (0.15–0.18). Therefore, the results of this study indicated that the entropy analysis could provide a reliable measure of muscle fatigability.  相似文献   

Configurations of the rectus abdominis in tadpoles of 60 anuran species in 13 families were examined. This muscle is present by Gosner stage 25 and does not change until late in metamorphosis. The anterior terminus of the r. abdominis usually is a straight, transverse front or fan-shaped array only loosely associated with the rectus cervicis. In some suspension feeders (Rhinophrynus, Xenopus, but not microhylids), macrophagous suction feeders (Lepidobatrachus) and bromeliad inhabitants (Hyla bromeliacia) the r. abdominis is contigous with the r. cervicis which continues anterolaterally and dorsally from the wall of the spiracular cavity. Suctorial forms (Scutiger), those that live in confined spaces (burrowers, Centrolenella; bromeliad inhabitants, Hyla bromeliacia), and the taxa that have the r. cervicis and r. abdominis contiguous all have closed myosepta; the myosepta of other taxa; except for ones with large tadpoles (e.g., Rana catesbeiana), have large gaps between at least anterior myotomes. These initial data suggest that the configurations of the r. abdominis have responded to selection based on ecomorphological function and convergence among lineages are noted. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to explore changes in the spatial distribution of erector spinae electromyography amplitude during static, sustained contractions and during contractions of increasing load. Surface electromyographic (EMG) signals were detected from nine healthy subjects using a grid of 13 × 5 electrodes placed unilaterally over the lumbar erector spinae musculature. Subjects stood in a 20° forward flexed position and performed: (1) six 20-s long contractions with loads ranging from 2.5 kg to 12.5 kg (2.5 kg increments) and (2) a 6 min sustained contraction with 7.5 kg load. Root mean square (RMS) and mean power spectral frequency (MNF) were computed from the recorded EMG signals. EMG RMS increased (P < 0.0001) and MNF remained constant during contractions of increased load. During the sustained contraction, MNF decreased (P < 0.0001) and RMS did not change over time. The centroid (center of activity) of the RMS map shifted caudally (P < 0.0001) with time during the sustained contraction but did not change with varying load. These results suggest a change in the distribution of erector spinae muscle activity with fatigue and a uniform distribution of muscle activation across loads.  相似文献   

Cross sections through the middle segment of the anuran rectus abdominis muscle were analyzed morphometrically at nine stages of development, from early larval life through full maturity. The numbers, sizes, and relative distributions of twitch and slow muscle fibers, newly differentiated fibers, degenerating fibers, and satellite cells were determined at each stage. The data indicate that the muscle increases slowly in size and fiber content during early larval life. New fibers appear to form primarily along the medial margin of the muscle. During mid-larval stages, when thyroid hormone levels are rising, new fibers form throughout the medial portion of the muscle. At a slightly later stage, fibers in the lateral region of the muscle begin to degenerate. Structurally normal presynaptic elements are present on both degenerating fibers and the empty basal laminae of fibers that had been removed by phagocytes. Both fiber formation and fiber loss slow during midmetamorphic climax, at the time when thyroid hormone levels reach a peak in anurans and begin to decline. Degenerating fibers appear within the body of the muscle at the end of metamorphosis. By the end of the second postmetamorphic month, neither degenerating nor newly differentiated fibers are present. The muscle continues to grow through adult life primarily by fiber hypertrophy.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to assess the effect of the pelvic compression belt on the electromyographic (EMG) activities of gluteus medius (GM), quadratus lumborum (QL), and lumbar multifidus (LM) during side-lying hip abduction. Thirty-one volunteers (15 men and 16 women) with no history of pathology volunteered for this study. Subjects were instructed to perform hip abduction in side-lying position with and without applying the pelvic compression belt. The pelvic compression belt was adjusted just below the anterior superior iliac spines with the stabilizing pressure using elastic compression bands. Surface EMG data were collected from the GM, QL, and LM of the dominant limb. Significantly decreased EMG activity in the QL (without the pelvic compression belt, 60.19 ± 23.66% maximal voluntary isometric contraction [MVIC]; with the pelvic compression belt, 51.44 ± 23.00% MVIC) and significantly increased EMG activity in the GM (without the pelvic compression belt, 26.71 ± 12.88% MVIC; with the pelvic compression belt, 35.02 ± 18.28% MVIC) and in the LM (without the pelvic compression belt, 30.28 ± 14.60% MVIC; with the pelvic compression belt, 37.47 ± 18.94% MVIC) were found when the pelvic compression belt was applied (p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences of the EMG activity between male and female subjects. The findings suggest that the pelvic compression belt may be helpful to prevent unwanted substitution movement during side-lying hip abduction, through increasing the GM and LM and decreasing the QL.  相似文献   

The effect of backrest inclination, lumbar support and thoracic support on the erector spinae muscle when lifting while sitting has been investigated. It was found that the lowest values of the iEMG of the back muscle were obtained when: (1) the lumbar support was positioned +4 cm forward, the thoracic support inclined to +10 degrees and the backrest inclination at 110 degrees; (2) the lumbar support was positioned +4 cm forward, the thoracic support inclined to +10 degrees and the backrest inclined to 100 degrees; (3) the lumbar support was positioned +1 cm forward, the thoracic support inclined to +10 degrees and the backrest inclination 110 degrees; (4) the backrest was inclined to 100 degrees the thoracic support inclined to 10 degrees and the lumbar support 1 cm forward; (5) the backrest inclination and lumbar support were both increased; (6) the thoracic support and the backrest inclination were both increased.  相似文献   

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